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  • Incremental Learning and Generalization Ability of Artificial Neural Network Trained by Fahlman and Lebiere's Learning Algorithm

    Masanori HAMAMOTO  Joarder KAMRUZZAMAN  Yukio KUMAGAI  Hiromitsu HIKITA  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:2

    We apply Fahlman and Lebiere's (FL) algorithm to network synthesis and incremental learning by making use of already-trained networks, each performing a specified task, to design a system that performs a global or extended task without destroying the information gained by the previously trained nets. Investigation shows that the synthesized or expanded FL networks have generalization ability superior to Back propagation (BP) networks in which the number of newly added hidden units must be pre-specified.

  • Reflection Induced Degradations in Optical Fiber Feeder for Microcellular Mobile Radio Systems

    Makoto SHIBUTANI  Wataru DOMON  Katsumi EMURA  

    PAPER-Fiber Optic Radio Links

    E76-C No:2

    This paper reports the influence of optical reflection induced noise and distortion for optical fiber feeder systems for microcellular mobile communication systems. Since the optical feeder requires very wide dynamic range, noise and distortion must be suppressed to an extremely low level. From optical transmission experiments and theoretical analysis, the basic characteristics of the reflection induced noise and distortion were investigated. By using these results, it was estimated that, for currently used analog mobile telephone systems, the number of connectors with 35 dB reflectance must be limited to less than 17, in order to suppress the noise caused by the connector reflections. Moreover, it was confirmed that the reflection induced distortion drastically decreases according to the increase of the length between reflectors. Therefore, the distortion can be suppressed by expanding the connector spacing to more than 7 meters.

  • High-Speed Ti:LiNbO3 and Semiconductor Optical Modulators

    Kenji KAWANO  


    E76-C No:2

    This paper reviews Ti:LiNbO3 and semiconductor optical waveguide modulators. The operating principle of the Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguide modulator is based on the Pockels effect. On the other hand, semiconductor optical modulators can be operated based on the Pockels effect, the Franz-Keldysh effect, or the quantum confined stark effect (QCSE) by employing multiple quantum wells (MQWs). Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguide modulators are discussed with emphasis on the velocity-matching and optical waveguides. MQW optical waveguide modulators are discussed in view-point of design of a MQW structure, waveguide and modulation bandwidth.

  • Optical Sampling of Electrical Signals in Poled Polymeric Media

    Makoto YAITA  Tadao NAGATSUMA  

    PAPER-Optical/Microwave Devices

    E76-C No:2

    This paper theoretically evaluates the external electro-optic (EO) sampling of high-speed electrical signals using poled polymers as materials for a proximity electric-field sensor. Based on the derivation of the half-wave voltage and the analysis of a static electric field coupled to the polymeric media placed over IC interconnections, invasiveness, voltage sensitivity, and spatial resolution have been discussed. The polymeric sensors have shown to be used in contact with the IC interconnections with negligibly small invasiveness, thus making polymeric sensors provide higher sensitivity and spatial resolution than inorganic crystals such as GaAs and KD*P.

  • Performance of Decision Feedback Equalizers in Simulated Urban and Indoor Radio Channels

    Theodore S. RAPPAPORT  Weifeng HUANG  Martin J. FEUERSTEIN  


    E76-B No:2

    A Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) structure with a varying number of tap lengths was used with a recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm to determine tradeoffs between equalizer size and performance in mobile and portable digital radio systems. A mobile channel simulator, SMRCIM, was used to demonstrate how much an equalizer can improve the BER in real world urban channels. The results show that at 850MHz, the DFE is unable to improve the BER when the mobile terminal exceeds speeds of 115km/h for U.S. Digital Cellular systems. The performance of adaptive equalization for indoor high data rate systems was evaluated using the indoor channel simulator SIRCIM, and we found that DFEs have excellent performance for indoor radio channels. For simple structures, the BER is less than 10-3 at 15dB Eb/NO using coherent QPSK modulation. Finally, an equalizer structure for non-coherent π/4 DQPSK modulation was developed and simulation results are presented.

  • Some Properties of Kleene-Stone Logic Functions and Their Canonical Disjunctive Form

    Noboru TAKAGI  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E76-D No:2

    In this paper, we will define Kleene-Stone logic functions which are functions F: [0, 1]n[0, 1] including the intuitionistic negation into fuzzy logic functions, and they can easily represent the concepts of necessity and possibility which are important concepts of many-valued logic systems. A set of Kleene-Stone logic functions is one of the models of Kleene-Stone algebra, which is both Kleene algebra and Stone algebra, as same as a set of fuzzy logic functions is one of the models of Kleene algebra. This paper, especially, describes some algebraic properties and representation of Kleene-Stone logic functions.

  • Graph Rewriting Systems and Their Application to Network Reliability Analysis

    Yasuyoshi OKADA  Masahiro HAYASHI  

    PAPER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E76-D No:2

    We propose a new type of Graph Rewriting Systems (GRS) that provide a theoretical foundation for using the reduction method which plays an important role on analyze network reliability. By introducing this GRS, several facts were obtained as follows: (1) We clarified the reduction methods of network reliability analysis in the theoretical framework of GRS. (2) In the framework of GRS, we clarified the significance of the completeness in the reduction methods. (3) A procedure of recognizing complete systems from only given rewriting rules was shown. Specially the procedure (3) is given by introducing a boundary graph (B-Graph). Finally an application of GRS to network reliability analysis is shown.

  • A Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Co-Hitting Set Problem

    Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Satoru MIYANO  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:2

    Let C{c1, , cm} be a family of subsets of a finite set S{1, , n}, a subset S of S is a co-hitting set if S contains no element of C as a subset. By using an O((log n)2) time EREW PRAM algorithm for a maximal independent set problem (MIS), we show that a maximal co-hitting set for S can be computed on an EREW PRAN in time O(αβ(log(nm))2) using O(n2 m) processors, where αmax{|cii1, , n} and βmax{|djj1, , n} with dj{ci|jci}. This implies that if αβO((log(nm))k) then the problem is solvable in NC.

  • Adaptive Equalization with Dual Diversity-Combining

    Kouei MISAIZU  Takashi MATSUOKA  Hiroshi OHNISHI  Ryuji KOHNO  Hideki IMAI  


    E76-B No:2

    This paper proposes and investigates an adaptive equalizer with diversity-combining over a multipath fading channel. It consists of two space-diversity antennas and a Ts/2-spaced decision-feedback-equalizer (DFE). Received signals from the two antennas are alternatively switched and fed into the feed forward-filter of DFE. We call this structure a Switched Input Combining Equalizer with diversity-combining (SICE). By using an SICE, the receiver structure for combining diversity equalization can be simplified, because it needs only two receiver sections up to IF BPF. The bit error rate (BER) performance of SICE was evaluated by both computer simulation and experiment over a multipath fading channel. We experimentally confirmed the excellent BER performance, around 1% of BER over a multipath fading channel at 160Hz of maximum doppler fading frequency. Therefore, the proposed SICE is applicable to highly reliable transmission in the 1.5-GHz-band mobile radio.

  • Fiber Optic Microwave Links Using Balanced/Image Canceling Photodiode Mixing

    Hideki KAMITSUNA  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-Optical-Microwave Mixers

    E76-C No:2

    This paper proposes fiber optic link configurations for use in microwave and millimeter-wave transmission Higher frequencies,such as millimeter-waves, are well suited to transmission of broadband signals. Photodiodes can operate simultaneously as optical detectors and microwave frequency mixers thanks to their inherent nonlinearities. This allows us to increase the output radio frequncy. But, this also generates undesired spurious frequencies, necessitating the use of microwave filters. We discuss here two fiber optic link configurations, i.e., balanced/image canceling photodiode mixing links utilizing the combination of microwave functional components and optical devices to suppress the local/image frequency without filters. These configurations are experimentally investigated at microwave frequencies and local/image frequency suppression is successfully demonstrated.

  • Associated Information Retrieval System (AIRS)--Its Performance and User Experience--

    Haruo KIMOTO  Toshiaki IWADERA  


    E76-D No:2

    An information retrieval system based on a dynamic thesaurus was developed utilizing the connectionist approach. The dynamic thesaurus consists of nodes, which represent each term of a thesaurus, and links, which represent the connections between nodes. Term information that is automatically extracted from user's relevant documents is used to change node weights and generate links. Thus, node weights and links reflect a user's interest. A document retrieval experiment using the dynamic thesaurus was conducted in which both a high recall rate and a high precision rate were achieved.

  • Optical Waveguide Phase Controller for Microwave Signals Generated by Heterodyne Photodetection

    Yoshiaki KAMIYA  Wataru CHUJO  Masayuki FUJISE  

    LETTER-Fiber Optic Radio Links

    E76-C No:2

    This paper presents the successful performance of an optical waveguide phase controller for microwave signals generated by heterodyne photodetection. A 22 optical waveguide structure with four optical phase shifters was fabricated on a LiNbO3 substrate. As a result of heterodyne photodetection of two optical signals from wavelength-tunable laser diodes, two microwave signals at 585 MHz were generated and phase shifted in the manner of electro-optical phase retardation. The monolithic waveguide structure allowed linear phase shifting more than 1800 degrees. Similar phase shifting performances were also confirmed over a wide microwave frequency range from 300 MHz to 1.3 GHz. The optical waveguide structure demonstrated here will be applicable to fiber-optic fed microwave systems such as a phased array antenna.

  • Performance Evaluation of Signature-Based Access Mechanisms for Efficient Information Retrieval

    Jae Soo YOO  Jae Woo CHANG  Yoon Joon LEE  Myoung Ho KIM  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E76-D No:2

    With rapid increase of information requirements from various application areas, there has been much research on the efficient information retrieval. A signature is an abstraction of information, and has been applied in many proposals of information retrieval systems. In this paper we evaluate the performance of various signature-based information retrieval methods and provide guidelines for the most effective usage to a given operational environment. We derive analytic performance evaluation models of these access methods based on retrieval time, storage overhead and insertion time. The relationships between various performance parameters are thoroughly investigated. We also perform simulation experiments by using wide range of parameter values and show that the performance experiments agree with those analytic models.

  • Fiber-Optic Microcell Radio System with a Spectrum Delivery Switch

    Hirofumi ICHIKAWA  Hiroyuki OHTSUKA  Takehiro MURASE  

    PAPER-Fiber Optic Radio Links

    E76-C No:2

    This paper describes a fiber-optic microcell radio system with a spectral delivery switch to meet traffic demands. Optical link performance is discussed from the view points of link loss and noise figure aimed at system design. The theoretical carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) performance is shown as a function of the input electrical power of the laser and the received optical power. Improvement of dynamic range defined by both CNR and intermodulation distortion is proposed by using the frequency modulation (FM) technique. The experimental results using the proposed technique indicate that the performance is much better than that of conventional methods. Moreover, economical diversity planning delivery methods over fibers are presented. This strategy will provide more cost effective and flexible networks.

  • Reflection Characteristics of Optically-Controlled Microwave through an Open-Ended Microstrip Line

    Hitoshi SHIMASAKI  Makoto TSUTSUMI  

    LETTER-Fiber Optic Radio Links

    E76-C No:2

    This letter discusses a microstrip line with an open-end termination in which the reflected microwaves can be optically controlled by a laser illumination. The frequency characteristics are emphasized rather than the time domain ones. The reflection characteristics have been demonstrated experimentally and theoretically for the frequency range of 24 GHz. In the theoretical treatment both the conductance and the capacitance are considered in the equivalent circuit model of the open end of the strip.

  • The Effects of Laser Phase Noise on Optical Coherent Coded Subcarrier Multiplexing System with Distributing Local Oscillator in Local Loop

    Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Fiber Optic Radio Links

    E76-C No:2

    In coherent optical subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) systems, the performance degradation of the system due to the phase noise of lasers restricts the maximum number of stations and channels that the system can serve. However, the effects of phase noise on the performance of the coherent SCM system with distributing Local Oscillator (LO) in local loop have not been analyzed. On the other hand, a limit on both the number of channels and stations can be effectively alleviated by using coding technique. In this paper, the effects of phase noise of lasers on the performance of frequency shift keying (FSK) SCM system with distributing LO in local loop are analyzed in terms of carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) penalty. Second, the effects of Reed-Solomon (RS) coding on FSK SCM system with distributing LO in local loop are analyzed. It is shown that both the number of channels and stations can be increased by using coding technique.

  • Performance Analysis of Optical Fiber Link for Microcellular Mobile Communication Systems

    Hironori MIZUGUTI  Toshiaki OKUNO  Shozo KOMAKI  Norihiko MORINAGA  

    PAPER-Fiber Optic Radio Links

    E76-C No:2

    Recently, making good use of the advantages of optical fibers such as wide bandwidth and low loss, it has been investigated to apply optical fiber link to microcellular mobile communication systems. This system allows complex equipment to be located at microcell control station, and can simplify the equipment of microcell base stations compared with the conventional systems. In this paper, we analyze the performance of optical fiber link for microcellular mobile communication systems, taking radio link fading and optical link nonlinear distortions into consideration. From the calculated results, it is disclosed that the effect of both items does not generate the significant excess CNR degradation, and the correct CNR can be approximately calculated by using CNR of non-faded case. And it is also disclosed that the degradation of CNR due to optical link nonlinearity is slightly improved by taking adjacent channel signal fade into consideration.

  • A Characterization of Kleene-Stone Logic Functions

    Noboru TAKAGI  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E76-D No:2

    Kleene-Stone algebra is both Kleene algebra and Stone algebra. The set of Kleene-Stone logic functions discussed in this paper is one of the models of Kleene-Stone algebra, and they can easily represent the concepts of necessity and possibility which are important concepts for many-valued logic systems. Main results of this paper are that the followings are clarified: a necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be a Kleene-Stone logic function and a formula representing the number of n-variable Kleene-Stone logic functions.

  • Orientable Closed Surface Construction from Volume Data

    Takanori NAGAE  Takeshi AGUI  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:2

    Surface construction is known as a way to visualize volume data. Although currently used algorithms such as marching cubes have good enough quality for volume visualization, they do not ensure adequate surface topology. These algorithms work well when the surface is rather simple. While when complicated, the surface does not separate the internal and external spaces, that is, there exist some holes on the surface, or exist redundant overlaps or self-intersection. Actually, adequate surface topology is important not only for visualization but for laser stereolithography, which creates real 3D plastic objects. In the present paper, we propose a new method that produces a set of triangular patches from a given volume data. The fact that the set of patches has no holes, no redundancy, no self-intersection, and has orientable closed surface topology is shown.

  • A New Method for Smooth Interpolation without Twist Constraints

    Caiming ZHANG  Takeshi AGUI  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  Tomoharu NAGAO  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:2

    A new method for interpolating boundary function values and first derivatives of a triangle is presented. This method has a relatively simple construction and involves no compatibility constraints. The polynomial precision set of the interpolation function constructed includes all the cubic polynomial and less. The testing results show that the surface produced by the proposed method is better than the ones by weighted combination schemes in both of the fairness and preciseness.
