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  • An Automatic Adjustment Method of Backpropagation Learning Parameters, Using Fuzzy Inference

    Fumio UENO  Takahiro INOUE  Kenichi SUGITANI  Badur-ul-Haque BALOCH  Takayoshi YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:4

    In this work, we introduce a fuzzy inference in conventional backpropagation learning algorithm, for networks of neuron like units. This procedure repeatedly adjusts the learning parameters and leads the system to converge at the earliest possible time. This technique is appropriate in a sense that optimum learning parameters are being applied in every learning cycle automatically, whereas the conventional backpropagation doesn't contain any well-defined rule regarding the proper determination of the value of learning parameters.

  • The Effect of Sampling Interval on Motion Estimation

    Jung-Hee LEE  Seong-Dae KIM  

    LETTER-Digital Image Processing

    E76-A No:4

    In formulating the motion constraint equation, we implicitly take it for granted that the spatial and temporal sampling intervals are very small. In real situations, since the intervals cannot be considered sufficiently small, an error will be introduced into the constraint equation and consequently the velocity estimate will be subject to an error due to inaccuracy of the constraint equation. We perform some experiments to analyze the effect of sampling interval on motion estimation. The understanding of experimental results will provide an insight into necessity and amount of image filtering prior to the application of motion estimation.

  • Space Partitioning Image Processing Technique for Parallel Recursive Half Toning

    Yoshinori TAKEUCHI  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E76-A No:4

    This paper studies a method for a parallel implementation of digital half toning technique, which converts continuous tone images into monotone one without losing fidelity of images. A new modified algorithm for half toning is proposed, which is able to be implemented on a rectangular or one dimensional parallel multi-processor array as a part of extensions of space partitioning image processings. The purpose of this paper is primarily to apply space partitioning local image processing technique to nonlinear recursive algorithms. The target is to achieve a fast half toning with high quality. For that propose, local directional error diffusion techniques will be introduced, which enable original recursive error diffusion half toning to be converted into a local processing algorithm without losing its original advantages of producing high quality images. The characteristics of proposed methods will be analyzed and the advantages of our algorithm of high speed processing and high quality will be demonstrated by showing the results of simulations for typical examples.

  • Image Region Correspondence by Color and Structural Similarity

    Yi-Long CHEN  Hiromasa NAKATANI  


    E76-D No:4

    Correspondence based on regions rather than lines seems to be effective, as regions are usually fewer than other image features and provide global information such as size, color, adjacency, etc. In this paper, we present a region matching approach for solving the correspondence problem. Images are segmented into regions and are individually described by classification tables using region adjacencies. From the structural description of the two images, the region matching process based on color and structural similarity is carried out. First, a small number of significant regions are selected and matched by using color, and then they are used as handles for constraint propagation to match the remaining regions by using structures. Our technique was implemented by using an efficient selection and propagation algorithm and was tested with a variety of scenes.

  • Error-Correction Learning of Three Layer Neural Networks Based on Linear-Homogeneous Expressions

    Ryuzo TAKIYAMA  Kimitoshi FUKUDOME  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:4

    The three layer neural network (TLNN) is treated, where the nonlinearity of a neuron is of signum. First we propose an expression of the discriminant function of the TLNN, which is called a linear-homogeneous expression. This expression allows the differentiation in spite of the signum property of the neuron. Subsequently a learning algorithm is proposed based on the linear-homogeneous form. The algorithm is an error-correction procedure, which gives a mathematical foundation to heuristic error-correction learnings described in various literatures.

  • High Speed Sub-Half Micron SATURN Transistor Using Epitaxial Base Technology

    Hirokazu FUJIMAKI  Kenichi SUZUKI  Yoshio UMEMURA  Koji AKAHANE  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    Selective epitaxial growth technology has been extended to the base formation of a transistor on the basis of the SATURN (Self-Alignment Technology Utilizing Reserved Nitride) process, a high-speed bipolar LSI processing technology. The formation of a self-aligned base contact, coupled with SIC (Selective Ion-implanted Collector) fabricated by lowenergy ion implantation, has not only narrowed the transistor active regions but has drastically reduced the base width. A final base width of 800 and a maximum cut-off frequency of 31 GHz were achieved.

  • Efficient and Secure Multiparty Generation of Digital Signatures Based on Discrete Logarithms

    Manuel CERECEDO  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  Hideki IMAI  


    E76-A No:4

    In this paper, we discuss secure protocols for shared computation of algorithms associated with digital signature schemes based on discrete logarithms. Generic solutions to the problem of cooperatively computing arbitraty functions, though formally provable according to strict security notions, are inefficient in terms of communication--bits and rounds of interaction--; practical protocols for shared computation of particular functions, on the other hand, are often shown secure according to weaker notions of security. We propose efficient secure protocols to share the generation of keys and signatures in the digital signature schemes introduced by Schnorr (1989) and ElGamal (1985). The protocols are built on a protocol for non-interactive verifiable secret sharing (Feldman, 1987) and a novel construction for non-interactively multiplying secretly shared values. Together with the non-interactive protocols for shared generation of RSA signatures introduced by Desmedt and Frankel (1991), the results presented here show that practical signature schemes can be efficiently shared.

  • Relationship of Mechanical Characteristics of Dual Coated Single Mode Optical Fibers and Microbending Loss

    John BALDAUF  Naoki OKADA  Matsuhiro MIYAMOTO  


    E76-B No:4

    This report will present an expression for the mechanical behavior of a drum-wound dual coated fiber and an analytical expression for the microbending loss in single mode dual coated fibers. These analytical expressions are then compared with experimental drumwinding microbending loss results to determine their validity.

  • High Density Cable Structure for Optical Fiber Ribbons

    Shigeru TOMITA  Michito MATSUMOTO  Tadatoshi TANIFUJI  


    E76-B No:4

    To construct a Fiber-To-The-Home network, high count optical fiber cables are needed. The requirements for these cables are small diameter, light weight, and high capacity. We studied the cable structures for ribbon fiber, which are useful for quick splicing. We calculated the diameter of three types of cables: a slotted rod cable, a loose tube cable and a newly developed U-groove cable. When the same ribbons are cabled with the same clearance, the cross sectional area of the U-groove cablet is about 27% less than that of the other two cables. No problems with the manufactured 1500-fiber U-groove unit cable are detected by the conventional cable testing.

  • A Kalman Filtering with a Gaze-Holding Algorithm for Intentionally Controlling a Displayed Object by the Line-of-Gaze

    Hidetomo SAKAINO  Akira TOMONO  Fumio KISHINO  

    PAPER-Control and Computing

    E76-A No:3

    In a display system with a line-of-gaze (LOG) controller, it is difficult to make the directions and motions of a LOG-controlled object coincide as closely as possible in the display with the user's intended LOG-directions and motions. This is because LOG behavior is not only smooth, but also saccadic due to the problem of involuntary eye movement. This article introduces a flexible on-line LOG-control scheme to realize nearly perfect LOG operation. Using a mesh-wise cursor pattern, the first visual experiment elucidates subjectively that a Kalman Filter (KF) for smoothing and predicting is effective in filtering out macro-saccadic changes of the LOG and in predicting sudden changes of the saccade while movement is in progress. It must be assumed that the LOG trajectory can be described by a linear position-velocity-acceleration approximation of Sklansky Model (SM). Furthermore, the second experiment uses a four-point pattern and simulations to scrutinize the two physical properties of velocity and direction-changes of the LOG in order to quantitatively and efficiently resolve "moving" and "gazing". In order to greatly reduce the number of LOG-small-position changes while gazing, the proposed Gaze-Holding algorithm (GH) with a gaze-potential function is combined with the KF. This algorithm allows the occurrence frequency of the micro-saccade to be reduced from approximately 25 Hz to 1 or 2 Hz. This great reduction in the frequency of the LOG-controlled object moves is necessary to achieve the user's desired LOG-response while gazing. Almost perfect LOG control is accomplished by the on-line SM+KF+GH scheme while either gazing or moving. A menu-selection task was conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed on-line LOG-control method.

  • Neuron MOS Voltage-Mode Circuit Technology for Multiple-Valued Logic

    Tadashi SHIBATA  Tadahiro OHMI  


    E76-C No:3

    We have developed a new functional MOS transistor called Neuron MOSFET (abbreviated as neuMOS or νMOS) which simulates the function of biological neurons. The new transistor is capable of executing a weighted sum calculation of multiple input signals and threshold operation based on the result of weighted summation, all in the voltage mode at a single transistor level. By utilizing its neuron-like very powerful functional capability, various circuits essential for multiple-valued logic operation have been designed using quite simple circuit configurations. The circuit designs for data conversion between the multivalued and binary logic systems and for generating universal literal functions are described and their experimental verifications are presented. One of the most important features of νMOS multivalued lagic circuit is that the circuit operates basically in the voltage mode, thus greatly reducing the power dissipation as compared to the conventional current mode circuitry. This is indeed most essential in implementing multivalued logic systems in ultra large scale integration. Another important feature of νMOS design is in its flexibility of implementing logic functions. The functional form of a universal literal function, for instance, can be arbitrarily altered by external signals without any modifications in its hardware configuration. A circuit representing multiple-valued multithreshold functions is also proposed.

  • On the Performance of Multivalued Integrated Circuits: Past, Present and Future

    Daniel ETIEMBLE  


    E76-C No:3

    We examine the characteristics of the past successful m-valued I2L and ROMs that have been designed and we discuss the reasons of their success and withdraw. We look at the problems associated with scaling of m-valued CMOS current mode circuits. Then we discuss the tolerance issue, the respective propagation delays of binary and m-valued ICs and the interconnection issue. We conclude with the challenges for m-valued circuits in the competition with the exponential performance increase of binary circuits.

  • Geometric Algorithms for Linear Programming

    Hiroshi IMAI  


    E76-A No:3

    Two computational-geometric approaches to linear programming are surveyed. One is based on the prune-and-search paradigm and the other utilizes randomization. These two techniques are quite useful to solve geometric problems efficiently, and have many other applications, some of which are also mentioned.

  • Unsupervised Learning Algorithm for Fuzzy Clustering

    Kiichi URAHAMA  


    E76-D No:3

    An adaptive algorithm is presented for fuzzy clustering of data. Partitioning is fuzzified by addition of an entropy term to objective functions. The proposed method produces more convex membership functions than those given by the fuzzy c-means algorithm.

  • Some EXPTIME Complete Problems on Context-Free Languages

    Takumi KASAI  Shigeki IWATA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:3

    Some problems in formal language theory are considered and are shown to be deterministic exponential time complete. They include the problems for a given context-free grammar G, a nondeterministic finite automaton M, a deterministic pushdown automaton MD, of determining whether L(G)L(M), and whether L(MD)L(M). Polynomial time reductions are presented from the pebble game problem, known to be deterministic exponential time complete, to each of these problems.

  • Parallel Processing Architecture Design for Two-Dimensional Image Processing Using Spatial Expansion of the Signal Flow Graph

    Tsuyoshi ISSHIKI  Yoshinori TAKEUCHI  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E76-A No:3

    In this paper, a methodology for designing the architecture of the processor array for wide class of image processing algorithms is proposed. A concept of spatially expanding the SFG description which enables us to handle the problem as merely one-dimensional signal processing is used in constructing the methodology. Problem of I/O interface which is critical in real-time processing is also considered.

  • Multimedia "Paper" Services/Human Interfaces and Multimedia Communication Workstation for Broadband ISDN Environments

    Tsuneo KATSUYAMA  Hajime KAMATA  Satoshi OKUYAMA  Toshimitsu SUZUKI  You MINAKUCHI  Katsutoshi YANO  


    E76-B No:3

    Broadband multimedia information environments are part of the next big advance in communications and computer technology. The use of multimedia infrastructures in offices is becoming very important. This paper deals with a service concept and human interfaces based on a paper metaphor. The proposed service offers the advantages of paper and eliminates the disadvantages. The power of multimedia's expressiveness, user interaction, and hypermedia technology are key points of our solution. We propose a system configuration for implementing the service/human interface.

  • New Electronically Tunable Integrators and Differentiators


    LETTER-Analog Circuits and Signal Processing

    E76-A No:3

    Some new circuit configurations for dual-input integrators and differentiators are proposed. The use of a multiplier device around the Operational Amplifier (OA) yields electronic tunability of their time-constant (To) by a Control Voltage (Vx). Experimental results in support of theoretical design and analysis are included.

  • Chaotic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits with Time-Varying Resistors

    Yoshifumi NISHIO  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Phenomena and Analysis

    E76-A No:3

    In this paper, four simple nonlinear circuits with time-varying resistors are analyzed. These circuits consist of only four elements; a inductor, a capacitor, a diode and a time-varying resistor and are a kind of parametric excitation circuits whose dissipation factors vary with time. In order to analyze chaotic phenomena observed from these circuits a degeneration technique is used, that is, diodes in the circuits are assumed to operate as ideal switches. Thereby the Poincar maps are derived as one-dimensional maps and chaotic phenomena are well explained. Moreover, validity of the analyzing method is confirmed theoretically and experimentally.

  • Architecture and Mechanism of the Control and OAM Information Transport Network Using a Distributed Directory System

    Laurence DEMOUNEM  Hideaki ARAI  Masatoshi KAWARASAKI  


    E76-B No:3

    The current telecommunication network is structured in two layers: The intelligent layer that includes Intelligent Network (IN) nodes and Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) nodes, and the transport layer that includes Network Elements (NEs). The transport layer carries user Information (Iu) from end-users as well as control and OAM Information (Ic&o) from IN/OAM nodes. The quick deployment of new IN services and OAM capabilities that will need (a) flexibility and easy management, and (b) an effective handling method for searching the huge amount of data among distributed databases, will be two requirements to be satisfied. Integrating various types of Ic&o into a unique Ic&o transport network and using ATM technique as a transport technique satisfies partly the requirement (a). To completely meet both requirements, this paper proposes the following solutions:(a) Intelligent layer connections and transport layer connections should be managed independently: The necessary mapping between the Logical Destination Address (LDA) that represents the logical address of the physical entity where data are routed, combined with the Quality Of Service (QOS) type, and the ATM connection IDentifier (ID), that is to say the Virtual Channel Identifier/ Virtual Path Identifier (VCI/VPI), is provided by specific nodes (the Ic&o network Management Nodes (Ic&o MNs)) belonging to an intermediate layer, i.e., the Ic&o network management layer.(b) The widely distributed aspect of the databases also needs a very effective data handling method. This paper proposes to implement a Distributed Directory System (DDS) into both intelligent nodes and Ic&o MNs.In order to apply the DDS function to 2 functional levels, the following items are studied: First, the possible mapping of DDS functions into the intelligent node functions is proposed. Second, this paper gives an interaction scenario between intelligent nodes and Ic&o MNs, to translate the LDA/QOS type into VPI/VCI. Finally, the analysis of the mapping of LDA/QOS type into VCI/VPI at the ATM level shows that the Ic&o network based on VP backbone offers the best compromise between flexibility, complexity and cost.
