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  • Paraphrase Lattice for Statistical Machine Translation

    Takashi ONISHI  Masao UTIYAMA  Eiichiro SUMITA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E94-D No:6

    Lattice decoding in statistical machine translation (SMT) is useful in speech translation and in the translation of German because it can handle input ambiguities such as speech recognition ambiguities and German word segmentation ambiguities. In this paper, we show that lattice decoding is also useful for handling input variations. “Input variations” refers to the differences in input texts with the same meaning. Given an input sentence, we build a lattice which represents paraphrases of the input sentence. We call this a paraphrase lattice. Then, we give the paraphrase lattice as an input to a lattice decoder. The lattice decoder searches for the best path of the paraphrase lattice and outputs the best translation. Experimental results using the IWSLT dataset and the Europarl dataset show that our proposed method obtains significant gains in BLEU scores.

  • Eigenmode Analysis of Propagation Constant for a Microstrip Line with Dummy Fills on a Si CMOS Substrate

    Yuya ONO  Takuichi HIRANO  Kenichi OKADA  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  


    E94-C No:6

    In this paper we present eigenmode analysis of the propagation constant for a microstrip line with dummy fills on a Si CMOS substrate. The effect of dummy fills is not negligible, particularly in the millimeter-wave band, although it has been ignored below frequencies of a few GHz. The propagation constant of a microstrip line with a periodic structure on a Si CMOS substrate is analyzed by eigenmode analysis for one period of the line. The calculated propagation constant and characteristic impedance were compared with measured values for a chip fabricated by the 0.18 µm CMOS process. The agreement between the analysis and measurement was very good. The dependence of loss on the arrangement of dummy fills was also investigated by eigenmode analysis. It was found that the transmission loss becomes large when dummy fills are arranged at places where the electromagnetic field is strong.

  • Connectivity Modeling Analysis in Flight-Path Based Aviation Ad Hoc Networks

    Thi Xuan My NGUYEN  Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  Chaiyachet SAIVICHIT  


    E94-B No:6

    In this paper, we propose a framework of connectivity analysis for aviation ad hoc networks on flight paths. First, a general analytical connectivity model for the common one-dimensional ad hoc network is newly developed. Then it is applied for modeling the connectivity of ad hoc networks among aircraft along flight paths where aircraft arrival process follows a Poisson distribution. Connectivity is expressed in terms of connectedness probability of two nodes in the network, connected distance, and network coverage extension factor. An exact closed form derivation of connectedness probability is proposed. The radical effect of mobility on the network connectedness of aircraft over a single flight path is analyzed. The network connectedness probability depends on node density and node distribution, which are derived from node arrival rate and node velocity. Based on these results, the proposed model is extended to the practical case of paths with multi-velocity air traffic classes. Using this model, the critical values of system parameters for the network of aircraft with certain connectivity requirements can be derived. It helps to evaluate network extension capability under the constraints of various system parameters.

  • Discrimination between Upstairs and Downstairs Based on Accelerometer

    Yang XUE  Lianwen JIN  


    E94-D No:6

    An algorithm for the discrimination between human upstairs and downstairs using a tri-axial accelerometer is presented in this paper, which consists of vertical acceleration calibration, extraction of two kinds of features (Interquartile Range and Wavelet Energy), effective feature subset selection with the wrapper approach, and SVM classification. The proposed algorithm can recognize upstairs and downstairs with 95.64% average accuracy for different sensor locations, i.e. located on the subject's waist belt, in the trousers pocket, and in the shirt pocket. Even for the mixed data from all sensor locations, the average recognition accuracy can reach 94.84%. Experimental results have successfully validated the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Efficient Beam Pruning for Speech Recognition with a Reward Considering the Potential to Reach Various Words on a Lexical Tree

    Tsuneo KATO  Kengo FUJITA  Nobuyuki NISHIZAWA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E94-D No:6

    This paper presents efficient frame-synchronous beam pruning for HMM-based automatic speech recognition. In the conventional beam pruning, a few hypotheses that have greater potential to reach various words on a lexical tree are likely to be pruned out by a number of hypotheses that have limited potential, since all hypotheses are treated equally without considering this potential. To make the beam pruning less restrictive for hypotheses with greater potential and vice versa, the proposed method adds to the likelihood of each hypothesis a tentative reward as a monotonically increasing function of the number of reachable words from the HMM state where the hypothesis stays in a lexical tree. The reward is designed not to collapse the ASR probabilistic framework. The proposed method reduced 84% of the processing time for a grammar-based 10k-word short sentence recognition task. For a language-model-based dictation task, it also resulted in an additional 23% reduction in processing time from the beam pruning with the language model look-ahead technique.

  • Performance Improvement of Multi-Stage Threshold Decoding with Difference Register

    Muhammad Ahsan ULLAH  Haruo OGIWARA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E94-A No:6

    This paper presents an improved version of multi-stage threshold decoding with a difference register (MTD-DR) for self-orthogonal convolutional codes (SOCCs). An approximate lower bound on the bit error rate (BER) with the maximum likelihood (ML) decoding is also given. MTD-DR is shown to achieve an approximate lower bound of ML decoding performance at the higher Eb/N0. The code with larger minimum Hamming distance reduces the BER in error floor, but the BER in waterfall shifts to the higher Eb/N0. This paper gives a decoding scheme that improves the BER in both directions, waterfall and error floor. In the waterfall region, a 2-step decoding (2SD) improves the coding gain of 0.40 dB for shorter codes (code length 4200) and of 0.55 dB for longer codes (code length 80000) compared to the conventional MTD-DR. The 2-step decoding that serially concatenates the parity check (PC) decoding improves the BER in the error floor region. This paper gives an effective use of PC decoding, that further makes the BER 1/8 times compared to the ordinary use of PC decoding in the error floor region. Therefore, the 2SD with effective use of parity check decoding improves the BER in the waterfall and the error floor regions simultaneously.

  • Design and Implementation of Pedestrian Dead Reckoning System on a Mobile Phone

    Daisuke KAMISAKA  Shigeki MURAMATSU  Takeshi IWAMOTO  Hiroyuki YOKOYAMA  


    E94-D No:6

    Pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) based on human gait locomotion is a promising solution for indoor location services, which independently determine the relative position of the user using multiple sensors. Most existing PDR methods assume that all sensors are mounted in a fixed position on the user's body while walking. However, it is inconvenient for a user to mount his/her mobile phone or additional sensor modules in a specific position on his/her body such as the torso. In this paper, we propose a new PDR method and a prototype system suitable for indoor navigation systems on a mobile phone. Our method determines the user's relative position even if the sensors' orientation relative to the user is not given and changes from moment to moment. Therefore, the user does not have to mount the mobile phone containing sensors on the body and can carry it in a natural way while walking, e.g., while swinging the arms. Detailed algorithms, implementation and experimental evaluation results are presented.

  • Performance Analysis of the Improved Droptail Router

    Pengxuan MAO  Yang XIAO  Kiseon KIM  


    E94-B No:6

    In this letter, we propose an improved Droptail algorithm that introduces the random packet drop strategy. Our theoretical analysis and experiments prove that the improved Droptail can match the most performance of AQM algorithms in stabilizing the TCP system and solving the global synchronization problem, while significantly reducing the complexity of the router control. This fact shows that our algorithm is superior to the most popular AQM algorithms such as RED, PI, etc.

  • Adaptive Resource Allocation for a Two-Way OFDM Relay Network with Fairness Constraints

    Yookeun KANG  Dongwoo LEE  Jae Hong LEE  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:6

    In this letter, we propose a new resource allocation scheme for a two-way OFDM relay network with fairness constraints. To maximize sum capacity, subcarriers and their power are successively allocated to the relays based on channel conditions. Also, the power constraint is imposed on each relay to achieve fairness for the relays. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves sum capacity and fairness significantly.

  • An Informative Feature Selection Method for Music Genre Classification

    Jin Soo SEO  

    LETTER-Music Information Processing

    E94-D No:6

    This letter presents a new automatic musical genre classification method based on an informative song-level representation, in which the mutual information between the feature and the genre label is maximized. By efficiently combining distance-based indexing with informative features, the proposed method represents a song as one vector instead of complex statistical models. Experiments on an audio genre DB show that the proposed method can achieve the classification accuracy comparable or superior to the state-of-the-art results.

  • Doppler Velocity Measurement of Portable X-Band Weather Radar Equipped with Magnetron Transmitter and IF Digital Receiver

    Masayuki K. YAMAMOTO  Tomoaki MEGA  Nobuyuki IKENO  Toyoshi SHIMOMAI  Hiroyuki HASHIGUCHI  Mamoru YAMAMOTO  Masahisa NAKAZATO  Takuya TAJIRI  Takashi ICHIYAMA  


    E94-B No:6

    This study demonstrates the ability of a portable X-band Doppler weather radar (XDR) to measure Doppler velocity (Vd). Existing portable X-band weather radars are housed in a container and hence have to be carried by a truck. Therefore they have limitations in their installation places. For installations at small areas where the existing X-band weather radars cannot be installed (e.g., rooftop area of small building), XDR is designed to be carried by a cart. Components of the outdoor unit (a parabolic antenna with a diameter of 1.2 m, magnetron transmitter, and radio frequency (RF) and intermediate frequency (IF) analog components) are housed in a compact body with a weight less than 300 kg. The radar operation, IF digital processing, and data storage are carried out by a desktop computer having a commercial IF digital receiver. In order to attain the required portability and reduced purchase and running costs, XDR uses a magnetron transmitter. Because XDR is the first that utilizes an IF digital receiver for the signal processing specific to magnetron transmitters (i.e., the phase correction of received signals due to the randomness of the transmitted pulse phase), Vd measured by XDR (hereafter VdXDR) was assessed. Using the dataset collected from 25 to 26 October 2009 at the Shigaraki MU Observatory (3451'N, 13606'E), the equivalent radar reflectivity factor (Ze) and VdXDR were assessed using Ze and Vd measured by a Micro Rain Radar and a L-band Doppler radar named LQ-7. The results using correlation coefficients and regression lines demonstrate that XDR measured Ze and Vd accurately. The results also show that IF digital receivers are useful for providing magnetron weather radars with the function of Vd measurement, and further suggest that a combination of IF digital receiver and magnetron transmitter contributes to future development of Doppler weather radars, because high cost performance is strongly required for a precipitation monitoring radar network.

  • Solving Generalized Small Inverse Problems

    Noboru KUNIHIRO  


    E94-A No:6

    We introduce a “generalized small inverse problem (GSIP)” and present an algorithm for solving this problem. GSIP is formulated as finding small solutions of f(x0, x1, ..., xn)=x0 h(x1, ..., xn)+C=0 (mod ; M) for an n-variate polynomial h, non-zero integers C and M. Our algorithm is based on lattice-based Coppersmith technique. We provide a strategy for construction of a lattice basis for solving f=0, which is systematically transformed from a lattice basis for solving h=0. Then, we derive an upper bound such that the target problem can be solved in polynomial time in log M in an explicit form. Since GSIPs include some RSA-related problems, our algorithm is applicable to them. For example, the small key attacks by Boneh and Durfee are re-found automatically.

  • A Timed-Based Approach for Genetic Algorithm: Theory and Applications


    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E94-D No:6

    In this paper, a new algorithm called TGA is introduced which defines the concept of time more naturally for the first time. A parameter called TimeToLive is considered for each chromosome, which is a time duration in which it could participate in the process of the algorithm. This will lead to keeping the dynamism of algorithm in addition to maintaining its convergence sufficiently and stably. Thus, the TGA guarantees not to result in premature convergence or stagnation providing necessary convergence to achieve optimal answer. Moreover, the mutation operator is used more meaningfully in the TGA. Mutation probability has direct relation with parent similarity. This kind of mutation will decrease ineffective mating percent which does not make any improvement in offspring individuals and also it is more natural. Simulation results show that one run of the TGA is enough to reach the optimum answer and the TGA outperforms the standard genetic algorithm.

  • Compact Planar Bandpass Filters with Arbitrarily-Shaped Conductor Patches and Slots

    Tadashi KIDO  Hiroyuki DEGUCHI  Mikio TSUJI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E94-C No:6

    This paper develops planar circuit filters consisting of arbitrarily-shaped conductor patches and slots on a conductor-backed dielectric substrate, which are designed by an optimization technique based on the genetic algorithm. The developed filter has multiple resonators and their mutual couplings in the limited space by using both sides of the substrate, so that its compactness is realized. We first demonstrate the effectiveness of the present filter structure from some design samples numerically and experimentally. Then as a practical application, we design compact UWB filters, and their filter characteristics are verified from the measurements.

  • Secure Broadcast System with Simultaneous Individual Messaging

    Arisa FUJII  Go OHTAKE  Goichiro HANAOKA  Nuttapong ATTRAPADUNG  Hajime WATANABE  Kazuto OGAWA  Hideki IMAI  


    E94-A No:6

    Broadcasters transmit TV programs and often need to transmit an individual message, e.g. an individual contract, to each user. The programs have to be encrypted in order to protect the copyright and the individual messages have to be encrypted to preserve the privacy of users. For these purposes, broadcasters transmit not only encrypted content but also encrypted personalized messages to individual users. Current broadcasting services employ an inefficient encryption scheme based on a symmetric key. Recently, several broadcast encryption schemes using a public key have been proposed in which the broadcaster encrypts a message for some subset S of users with a public key and any user in S can decrypt the broadcast with his/her private key. However, it is difficult to encrypt a personalized message and transmit it to every user efficiently. In this paper, we propose a broadcast encryption scheme that has a personalized message encryption function. We show that our scheme is efficient in terms of the ciphertext size.

  • Modeling of the Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Generator and the Standard Injection Clamp

    Xiaoshe ZHAI  Yingsan GENG  Jianhua WANG  Guogang ZHANG  Yan WANG  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E94-C No:6

    This paper presents an accurate and systematic method to simulate the interference imposed on the input/output (I/O) ports of electronic equipment under the electrical fast transients/burst (EFT/B) test. The equivalent circuit of the EFT/B generator and the coupling clamp are modeled respectively. Firstly, a transfer function (TF) of the EFT pulse-forming network is constructed with the latent parameters based on circuit theory. In the TF, two negative real parameters characterize the non-oscillation process of the network while one complex conjugate pair characterizes the damping-oscillation process. The TF of the pulse-forming network is therefore synthesized in the equivalent circuit of the EFT/B generator. Secondly, the standard coupling clamp is modeled based on the scatter (S) parameter obtained by using a vector network analyzer. By applying the vector fitting method during the rational function approximation, a macromodel of the coupling clamp can be obtained and converted to a Spice compatible equivalent circuit. Based on the aforementioned procedures, the interference imposed on the I/O ports can be simulated. The modeling methods are validated experimentally, where the interference in differential mode and common mode is evaluated respectively.

  • Channel Estimation Improvement with Frequency Domain MMSE Equalization for PCP-SC System

    Yafei HOU  Tomohiro HASE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:6

    In this paper, we propose a simple but effective way of improving the performance of channel estimation (CE) for pilot cyclic prefixed single carrier (PCP-SC) system. The proposed method utilizes the property that the shifting signal of the PCP pilot signal can also be utilized to estimate the channel information. The receiver can continuously estimate the channel information by just shifting the received pilot signal. Regardless of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the pilot type, the proposed method can achieve about a 1.72 dB performance gain in terms of the mean squared error (MSE) of channel estimation with a slight increase in computational complexity. The BER performance with the proposed CE improvement are evaluated in a multipath fading channel using a zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer and an minmum mean squared error (MMSE) equalizer by computer simulation. It is shown that the proposed CE improvment method using an MMSE equalizer which has an unbiased vlaue of noise variance (NV) estimator gives a promising BER performance. The proposed method also benefits the estimation of the SNR for the single carrier system.

  • Performance Analysis of Optical Packet Switches with Reconfiguration Overhead

    Kuan-Hung CHOU  Woei LIN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E94-B No:6

    In optical packet switches, the overhead of reconfiguring a switch fabric is not negligible with respect to the packet transmission time and can adversely affect switch performance. The overhead increases the average waiting time of packets and worsens throughput performance. Therefore, scheduling packets requires additional considerations on the reconfiguration frequency. This work intends to analytically find the optimal reconfiguration frequency that minimizes the average waiting time of packets. It proposes an analytical model to facilitate our analysis on reconfiguration optimization for input-buffered optical packet switches with the reconfiguration overhead. The analytical model is based on a Markovian analysis and is used to study the effects of various network parameters on the average waiting time of packets. Of particular interest is the derivation of closed-form equations that quantify the effects of the reconfiguration frequency on the average waiting time of packets. Quantitative examples are given to show that properly balancing the reconfiguration frequency can significantly reduce the average waiting time of packets. In the case of heavy traffic, the basic round-robin scheduling scheme with the optimal reconfiguration frequency can achieve as much as 30% reduction in the average waiting time of packets, when compared with the basic round-robin scheduling scheme with a fixed reconfiguration frequency.

  • A Differential Input/Output Linear MOS Transconductor

    Pravit TONGPOON  Fujihiko MATSUMOTO  Takeshi OHBUCHI  Hitoshi TAKEUCHI  


    E94-C No:6

    In this paper, a differential input/output linear MOS transconductor using an adaptively biasing technique is proposed. The proposed transconductor based on a differential pair is linearized by employing an adaptively biasing circuit. The linear characteristic of the individual differential output currents are obtained by introducing the adaptively biased currents to terminate the differential output terminals. Using the proposed technique, the common-mode rejection ration (CMRR) becomes high. Simulation results show that the proposed technique is effective for improvement of the linearity and other performances.

  • An Electrically Adjustable 3-Terminal Regulator for Post-Fabrication Level-Trimming with a Reliable 1-Wire Serial I/O

    Hiroyuki MORIMOTO  Hiroki KOIKE  Kazuyuki NAKAMURA  


    E94-C No:6

    This paper describes a new technique for the design of 3-terminal regulators in which the output voltage level can be adjusted without additional terminals or extra off-chip components. This circuit restricts the increase in the number of terminal pins by using a pin as both a voltage supply output and a voltage setup input. The voltage setup information is introduced using a serial control signal from outside the chip. Using the intermediate voltage level between the supply voltage and the regulator output, the adjustment data in the internal nonvolatile memory are safely updated without noise disturbance. To input the setup information into the chip in a stable manner, we developed a new 1-wire serial interface which combines key pattern matching and burst signal detection. To ensure high reliability, we suggested a quantitative method for evaluating the influence of noise in our new interface using a simple model with superimposed random noise. Circuits additional to those for a conventional 3-terminal regulator, include a 1-wire serial communication circuit, a low-capacity non-volatile memory, and a digital to analog (D/A) converter. A test chip was developed using 0.35 µm standard CMOS process, and there was almost no overhead to the conventional 3-terminal regulator in both chip area and power dissipation. In an on-board test with the test chip, we confirmed successful output voltage adjustment from 1.0 V to 2.7 V with approximately 6.5 mV precision.
