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  • Design Methods for Utility Max-Min Fair Share Networks

    Hiroyuki YOKOYAMA  Hajime NAKAMURA  Shinichi NOMOTO  


    E87-B No:10

    This paper proposes a bandwidth allocation algorithm and a demand accommodation algorithm guaranteeing utility max-min fairness under bandwidth constraints. We prove that the proposed algorithms can fairly split network resources among connections and achieve call admission control considering the fairness among different types of applications. We then formulate three different network design problems to maximize the total utility of all customers, the number of users accommodated in the network, and the average utility of the customers accommodated in the network. To solve the problems, we extend the conventional network design algorithms considering utility max-min fair share, and numerically evaluate and compare their performance. Finally, we summarize the best algorithms to design the utility max-min fair share networks considering the operation policy of network providers.

  • A Parameter Estimation Method for K-Distribution

    Mohammad H. MARHABAN  


    E87-B No:10

    Estimating the parameters of a statistical distribution from measured sample values forms an essential part of many signal processing tasks. K-distribution has been proven to be an appropriate model for characterising the amplitude of sea clutter. In this paper, a new method for estimating the parameters of K-Distribution is proposed. The method greatly lowers the computational requirement and variance of parameter estimates when compared with the existing non-maximum likelihood methods.

  • On the Code Synchronization of PPM/OPPM Fiber-Optic CDMA Systems

    Anh T. PHAM  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  


    E87-A No:10

    This paper proposes and theoretically evaluates two different schemes of code acquisition for pulse-position modulation (PPM) and overlapping PPM (OPPM) fiber-optic code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems, namely threshold-based and demodulator-based code acquisition. Single-dwell detector and serial-search algorithm are employed for both schemes. Theoretical analysis is carried out for shot-noise-limited photon-counting receiver. Discussions upon effects of various parameter settings on the performance of code acquisition for PPM/OPPM fiber-optic CDMA systems, such as index of overlap, PPM/OPPM multiplicity, average photon counts per information nat, and darkcurrents, are presented. It is shown that when the threshold is properly selected, the threshold-based code acquisition system offers better performance, in terms of mean number of training frames, than the demodulator-based one.

  • Stochastic Competitive Hopfield Network and Its Application to Maximum Clique Problem

    Jiahai WANG  Zheng TANG  Qiping CAO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E87-A No:10

    In this paper, introducing a stochastic hill-climbing dynamics into an optimal competitive Hopfield network model (OCHOM), we propose a new algorithm that permits temporary energy increases, which helps the OCHOM escape from local minima. In graph theory, a clique is a completely connected subgraph and the maximum clique problem (MCP) is to find a clique of maximum size of a graph. The MCP is a classic optimization problem in computer science and in graph theory with many real-world applications, and is also known to be NP-complete. Recently, Galan-Marin et al. proposed the OCHOM for the MCP. It can guarantee convergence to a global/local minimum of energy function, and performs better than other competitive neural approaches. However, the OCHOM has no mechanism to escape from local minima. The proposed algorithm introduces stochastic hill-climbing dynamics which helps the OCHOM escape from local minima, and it is applied to the MCP. A number of instances have been simulated to verify the proposed algorithm.

  • Complex Refractive Index of Soda-Lime Glass: Measurement at 30-GHz and Empirical Formula in Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Regions

    Toshio IHARA  Tomohiro OGUCHI  Tamio TAZAKI  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E87-B No:10

    In this paper, an experimental result of complex refractive index of soda-lime glass at 30-GHz obtained by transmission method is presented at first. Secondly, a simple empirical formula of complex refractive index of soda-lime glass over frequency range from 0.1-GHz to 1000-GHz is derived using the present experimental result together with data previously reported in literatures by various researchers.

  • Study of Orthogonal SSB Modulation Method

    Gen-ichiro OHTA  Mitsuru UESUGI  Takuro SATO  Hideyoshi TOMINAGA  


    E87-A No:10

    This paper proposes a new SSB-QPSK modulation/demodulation method. The present method multiplexes the USB (Upper Side Band) and LSB (Lower Side Band) of a QPSK-modulated SSB (Single Side Band) on the same SSB complex frequency band. The present method thus achieves 2 bit/s/Hz. This method is an orthogonal SSB-QPSK method, because the multiplex signals are orthogonal to each other. The demodulator consists of two SSB demodulators. A simulation result in AWGN conditions, shows that the proposed method has better BER (Bit Error Rate) performance than 16 QAM. The degradation of BER in comparison with QPSK is less than 0.2 dB on Eb/No (bit-energy-to-noise-power ratio). In a fading/Doppler environment, the BER performance of the orthogonal SSB-QPSK is the same as that of QPSK.

  • New Results on Optimistic Source Coding

    Naoki SATO  Hiroki KOGA  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E87-A No:10

    Optimistic coding is a coding in which we require the existence of reliable codes for infinitely many block length. In this letter we consider the optimistic source coding theorems for a general source Z from the information-spectrum approach. We first formulate the problem to be considered clearly. We obtain the optimistic infimum achievable source coding rate Tε (Z) for the case where decoding error probability εn is asymptotically less than or equal to an arbitrarily given ε [0,1). In fact, Tε (Z) turns out to be expressed in a form similar to the ordinary infimum achievable source coding rate. A new expression for Tε (Z) is also given. In addition, we investigate the case where εn = 0 for infinitely many n and obtain the infimum achievable coding rate.

  • Personal Entropy from Graphical Passwords: Methods for Quantification and Practical Key Generation

    Masato AKAO  Shinji YAMANAKA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E87-A No:10

    In many cryptosystems incorporating human beings, the users' limited memories and their indifference to keeping the systems secure may cause some severe vulnerability of the whole systems. Thus we need more studies on personal entropy, from an information theoretical point of view, to capture the characteristics of human beings as special information sources for cryptosystems. In this paper, we discuss and analyze the use of personal entropy for generating cryptographic keys. In such a case, it is crucially important to precisely evaluate the amount of personal entropy that indicates the actual key length. We propose an advanced key generation scheme based on the conventional graphical passwords proposed in [12]. We improve them to make the most of the secret information extracted in one drawing, i.e., we incorporate the on-line pen pressure and pen inclination information in addition to utilize more secret information. We call the scheme dynamic graphical passwords, and propose a practical construction of them. We also show a precise way of quantifying their entropy, and finally, as an experimental result, we can generate a key of over 110-bit long, using the data of a single drawing. When quantifying their entropy, we need to precisely evaluate the entropy of graphical passwords as well as that of the on-line information of pen movements. We need to precisely evaluate the entropy of graphical passwords by considering the users' biased choices of their graphical passwords. It is expected that they tend to choose their passwords that are memorable as easily as possible, thus we quantify the burden of memorizing each graphical password by the length of its description using a special language based on [12]. We improve the approach in [12] by more directly reflecting how easily each graphical password can be memorized.

  • CSK/SSMA ALOHA System with Nonorthogonal Sequences

    Nobuyoshi KOMURO  Hiromasa HABUCHI  Masaru KAMADA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Thchnologies and Applications

    E87-A No:10

    In this paper, the CSK/SSMA ALOHA system with nonorthogonal sequences which combines the ALOHA system with Code Shift Keying (CSK) using nonorthogonal sequences is proposed. The throughput performance was evaluated by theoretical analysis. Moreover, the throughput performance of the system is compared with those of the DS/SSMA ALOHA and M-ary/SSMA ALOHA systems. It is found that the throughput performance of our system to be better than those of the other two systems.

  • Information and Signal Processing for Sensor Networks

    Akira OGAWA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  


    E87-A No:10

    Sensor networks, in which a large number of sensor nodes are connected with each other through communication networks, are potential to provide extensive new applications with various research and technical challenges and attracting much attention all over the world. In this paper we describe information and signal processing for sensor networks with emphasis on the concepts of collaboration and fusion as one of the most important issues for the sensor networks. We also review some basic aspects of sensor networks in terms of their features and the network architecture.

  • A Simple Learning Algorithm for Network Formation Based on Growing Self-Organizing Maps

    Hiroki SASAMURA  Toshimichi SAITO  Ryuji OHTA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E87-A No:10

    This paper presents a simple learning algorithm for network formation. The algorithm is based on self-organizing maps with growing cell structures and can adapt input data which correspond to nodes of the network. In basic numerical experiments, as a parameter is selected suitably, our algorithm can generate network having small-world-like structure. Such network structure appears in some natural networks and has advantages in practical systems.

  • Information-Theoretically Secure Key Insulated Encryption: Models, Bounds and Constructions

    Yumiko HANAOKA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Junji SHIKATA  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E87-A No:10

    Computer systems are constantly under attack and illegal access is a constant threat which makes security even more critical. A system can be broken into and secret information, e.g. decryption key, may be exposed, resulting in a total break of the system. Recently, a new framework for the protection against such key exposure problem was suggested and was called, Key-Insulated Encryption (KIE). In our paper, we introduce a novel approach to key insulated cryptosystems that offers provable security without computational assumptions. For the model of Information-Theoretically Secure Key-Insulated Encryption (ISKIE), we show lower bounds on required memory sizes of user, trusted device and sender. Our bounds are all tight as our concrete construction of ISKIE achieves all the bounds. We also extend this concept further by adding an extra property so that any pair of users in the system is able to communicate with each other and still have the same security benefits as the existing KIE based on intractability assumptions. We called this, Dynamic and Mutual Key-Insulated Encryption (DMKIE), and concrete implementations of DMKIE will be shown as well. In the end, we discuss the relationship of DMKIE against Key Predistribution Schemes (KPS) and Broadcast Encryption Schemes (BES), that is, we show that DMKIE can be constructed from either KPS or BES.

  • Large Deviation for Chaotic Binary Sequences Generated by Nonlinear Maps and Threshold Functions

    Yasutada OOHAMA  Tohru KOHDA  

    PAPER-Stochastic Process

    E87-A No:10

    In this paper we study the large deviation property for chaotic binary sequences generated by one-dimensional maps displaying chaos and thresholds functions. We deal with the case when nonlinear maps are the r-adic maps. The large deviation theory for dynamical systems is useful for investigating this problem.

  • Sealed-Bid Auctions with Efficient Bids Using Secure Bit-Slicing Conversion


    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E87-A No:10

    Efficient general secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols were previously proposed, and the combination with the efficient auction circuits achieves the efficient sealed-bid auctions with the full privacy and correctness. However, the combination requires that each bidder submits ciphertexts of bits representing his bid, and their zero-knowledge proofs. This cost amounts to about 80 multi-exponentiations in usual case that the bid size is 20 bits (i.e. about 1,000,000 bid prices). This paper proposes sealed-bid auction protocols based on the efficient MPC protocols, where a bidder can submit only a single ciphertext. The bidder's cost is a few multi-exponentiations, and thus the proposed protocols are suitable for mobile bidders. A novel technique for the realization is a bit-slicing conversion by multiple servers, where a single ciphertext for a bid is securely converted into ciphertexts of bits representing the bid.

  • Blind Channel Equalization Using Fourth-Order Cumulants

    Soowhan HAN  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E87-B No:10

    In this study, a fourth-order cumulants based iterative algorithm for blind channel equalization is introduced, which is robust with respect to the existence of heavy Gaussian noise in a channel and does not require the minimum phase characteristic of the channel. The transmitted signals at the receiver are over-sampled to ensure the channel described by a full-column rank matrix. It changes a single-input/single-output (SISO) finite-impulse response (FIR) channel to a single-input/multi-output (SIMO) channel. Based on the properties of the fourth-order cumulants of the over-sampled channel inputs, the iterative algorithm is derived to estimate the deconvolution matrix which makes the overall transfer matrix transparent, i.e., it can be reduced to the identity matrix by simple reordering and scaling. In simulation studies, both a closed-form and a stochastic version of the proposed algorithm are tested with three-ray multi-path channels, and their performances are compared with the methods based on conventional second-order statistics and higher-order statistics (HOS) as well. Relatively good results with fast convergence speed are achieved, even when the transmitted symbols are significantly corrupted with Gaussian noise.

  • Integrated Dissonant Frequency Filtering and Noise Reduction for Improving Perceptual Quality of Noisy Speech and Husky Voice

    Sangki KANG  Seong-Joon BAEK  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E87-A No:10

    There have been numerous studies on the enhancement of the noisy speech signal. In this paper, We propose a new speech enhancement method, that is, a DFF (Dissonant Frequency Filtering) scheme combined with NR (noise reduction) algorithm. The simulation results indicate that the proposed method provides a significant gain in perceptual quality compared with the conventional method. Therefore if the proposed enhancement scheme is used as a pre-filter, the output speech quality would be enhanced perceptually.

  • A Novel Signal Enhancement Scheme for Adaptive Antenna Arrays in Multirate DS/CDMA Systems

    Kyungseok KIM  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E87-A No:10

    A novel signal enhancement scheme using the rotation of signal subspace (RSS) and Toeplitz matrix approximation (TMA) methods to enhance the performance of an adaptive antenna array in multirate DS/CDMA systems is proposed. The basis of RSS is to find a transformation matrix in order to recover the desired complex array covariance matrix from a sampled complex array covariance matrix which is contaminated by an interference-plus-noise component, which is the total noise. Also, the objective of TMA is to change the output matrix of RSS into a matrix having the theoretical properties of a total noise-free signal. Consequently, the proposed signal enhancement scheme using RSS and TMA methods can greatly improve the performance of an adaptive antenna array by reducing the undesired total noise effect from the sampled complex array covariance matrix of the pre-correlation received signal vector that is used to calculate a weight vector of an adaptive antenna array. It is shown through various simulation results that the system performance using the proposed signal enhancement scheme is much superior to that of the conventional method.

  • A 0.24 µm PRAM Cell Technology Using N-Doped GeSbTe Films

    Hideki HORII  Jeong Hee PARK  Ji Hye YI  Bong Jin KUH  Yong Ho HA  

    PAPER-Phase Change RAM

    E87-C No:10

    We have integrated a phase change random access memory (PRAM), completely based on 0.24 µm-CMOS technologies using nitrogen doped GeSbTe films. The Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) thin films are well known to play a critical role in writing current of PRAM. Through device simulation, we found that high-resistive GST is indispensable to minimize the writing current of PRAM. For the first time, we found the resistivity of GST film can be controlled with nitrogen doping. Doping nitrogen to GST film successfully reduced writing current. A 0.24 µm PRAM using N-doped GST films were demonstrated with writing pulse of 0.8 mA-50 ns for RESET and 0.4 mA-100 ns for SET. Also, the cell endurance has been enhanced with grain growth suppression effect of dopant nitrogen. Endurance performance of fully integrated PRAM using N-doped GST shows no fail bit up to 2E9 cycles. Allowing 1% failures, extrapolation to 85 indicates retention time of 2 years. All the results show that PRAM is one of the most promising candidates in the market for the next generation memories.

  • Circular Polarization Correlation Coefficient for Detection of Non-natural Targets Aligned Not Parallel to SAR Flight Path in the X-band POLSAR Image Analysis

    Koji KIMURA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Toshifumi MORIYAMA  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  


    E87-B No:10

    This paper proposes a method to detect buildings and houses whose walls are not parallel to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) flight path. Experimental observations show that it is difficult to detect these targets because of small backscattering characteristics. The detection method is based on the correlation coefficient in the circular polarization basis, taking full advantage of Polarimetric SAR (POLSAR) data. Since the correlation coefficient is real-valued for natural distributed targets with reflection symmetry and for non-natural targets orthogonal to illumination direction, and it becomes a complex number for non-natural targets aligned not orthogonal to radar Line-Of-Sight (LOS), the value seems to be an effective index for detection of obliquely aligned non-natural targets. The detection results are shown using the X-band Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR (Pi-SAR) single-path data set in conjunction with other polarimetric indices.

  • Balanced Bowtie Decomposition of Symmetric Complete Multi-digraphs

    Kazuhiko USHIO  Hideaki FUJIMOTO  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E87-A No:10

    We show that the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a balanced bowtie decomposition of the symmetric complete multi-digraph is n 5 and λ(n-1) 0 (mod 6). Decomposition algorithms are also given.
