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  • Speculative Selection Routing in 2D Torus Network

    Tran CONG SO  Shigeru OYANAGI  Katsuhiro YAMAZAKI  

    PAPER-Networking and System Architectures

    E87-D No:7

    We have proposed a speculative selection function for adaptive routing, which uses idle cycles of the network physical links to exchange network information between nodes, thus helps to decide the best selection. Previous study on the mesh network showed that SSR gives message selection flexibility that improves network performance by balancing the network traffic in both global and local scopes. This paper evaluates the speculative selection function on 2D torus network with simulation. The simulation compares the network throughput and latency with various traffic patterns. The visualization graphs show how the speculative selection eliminates hotspots and disperses traffic in the global scope. The simulation results demonstrate that by using speculative selection, the network performance is increased by around 7%. Compared to the mesh network, the torus's version has smaller gain due to the high performance nature of the torus network.

  • Address Computation in Configurable Parallel Memory Architecture


    PAPER-Networking and System Architectures

    E87-D No:7

    Parallel memories increase memory bandwidth with several memory modules working in parallel and can be used to feed a processor with only necessary data. The Configurable Parallel Memory Architecture (CPMA) enables a multitude of access formats and module assignment functions to be used within a single hardware implementation, which has not been possible in prior embedded parallel memory systems. This paper focuses on address computation in CPMA, which is implemented using several configurable computation units in parallel. One unit is dedicated for each type of access formats and module assignment functions that the implementation supports. Timing and area estimates are given for a 0.25-micron CMOS process. The utilized resources are shown to be linearly proportional to the number of memory modules.

  • Ultrafast All-Optical 3R-Regeneration

    Shigeki WATANABE  Reinhold LUDWIG  Fumio FUTAMI  Colja SCHUBERT  Sebastian FERBER  Christof BOERNER  Carsten SCHMIDT-LANGHORST  Joern BERGER  Hans-Georg WEBER  


    E87-C No:7

    The configuration and operation of an all-optical 3R-regenerator for high-speed data transmission are described. An all-optical 3R-regenerator using a fiber-based optical switch is proposed and successfully demonstrated in a 160 Gbit/s 3R-regenerating transmission experiment.

  • Power and Spreading Gain Allocation in CDMA Data Networks for Prioritized Services

    Kwang-Seop JUNG  Sun-Mog HONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E87-B No:7

    A power and spreading gain allocation strategy is considered to effectively provide data services for mobile users with different levels of priorities in a DS-CDMA system. The priority level of a user is specified by a factor that is a weighting on the data throughput of the user. Our strategy implements a relative prioritization that affords a trade-off between spectral efficiency and strict prioritization.

  • QoS Differentiation Resource Allocation for Assured Forwarding Service in Differentiated Services Networks

    Duc-Long PHAM  Shinji SUGAWARA  Tetsuya MIKI  


    E87-B No:7

    Differentiated Services architecture provides a framework that enables relative differentiation of Assured Forwarding (AF) service. The differentiation is quantified by QoS parameters in terms of loss probability and maximum delay. We develop herein an efficient model to compute resource allocation in terms of buffer and service rate that satisfies the QoS differentiation between classes of service. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, we conducted extensive simulation on both single-node and multi-node cases. The simulation studies show that the model can provide an efficient method to allocate network resources for aggregated traffic.

  • A Statistical Method of Evaluating Pronunciation Proficiency for English Words Spoken by Japanese

    Seiichi NAKAGAWA  Naoki NAKAMURA  Kazumasa MORI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E87-D No:7

    In this paper, we propose a statistical method of evaluating the pronunciation proficiency of English words spoken by Japanese. We analyzed statistically the utterances to note a combination that has a high correlation between an English teacher's score and certain acoustic features. We obserbed that the phoneme recognition rates (correct rate and accuracy) were the best measure of pronunciation proficiency, and the likelihood ratio of English phoneme acoustic models to phoneme acoustic models adapted by Japanese was the second best measure. The effective measure which was highly correlated with the English teacher's score was the combination of the likelihood for American native models, likelihood for English models adapted by Japanese, the best likelihood for arbitrary sequences of acoustic models, phoneme recognition rate and the rate of speech. We obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.81 with an open data for vocabulary and 0.69 with open data for speaker at the five words set level, respectively. The coefficient was higher than the correlation between humans' scores, 0.65. In the 15 words set level which corresponds to one or two sentences, we obtained the correlation coefficient of 0.86 with open data for the speaker.

  • Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Texture Classification Using Multichannel Approaches

    Jing-Wein WANG  


    E87-A No:7

    This paper proposes the use of the ratio of wavelet extrema numbers taken from the horizontal and vertical counts respectively as a texture feature, which is called aspect ratio of extrema number (AREN). We formulate the classification problem upon natural and synthesized texture images as an optimization problem and develop a coevolving approach to select both scalar wavelet and multiwavelet feature spaces of greater discriminatory power. Sequential searches and genetic algorithms (GAs) are comparatively investigated. The experiments using wavelet packet decompositions with the innovative packet-tree selection scheme ascertain that the classification accuracy of coevolutionary genetic algorithms (CGAs) is acceptable enough.

  • Multi-Modal Neural Networks for Symbolic Sequence Pattern Classification

    Hanxi ZHU  Ikuo YOSHIHARA  Kunihito YAMAMORI  Moritoshi YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E87-D No:7

    We have developed Multi-modal Neural Networks (MNN) to improve the accuracy of symbolic sequence pattern classification. The basic structure of the MNN is composed of several sub-classifiers using neural networks and a decision unit. Two types of the MNN are proposed: a primary MNN and a twofold MNN. In the primary MNN, the sub-classifier is composed of a conventional three-layer neural network. The decision unit uses the majority decision to produce the final decisions from the outputs of the sub-classifiers. In the twofold MNN, the sub-classifier is composed of the primary MNN for partial classification. The decision unit uses a three-layer neural network to produce the final decisions. In the latter type of the MNN, since the structure of the primary MNN is folded into the sub-classifier, the basic structure of the MNN is used twice, which is the reason why we call the method twofold MNN. The MNN is validated with two benchmark tests: EPR (English Pronunciation Reasoning) and prediction of protein secondary structure. The reasoning accuracy of EPR is improved from 85.4% by using a three-layer neural network to 87.7% by using the primary MNN. In the prediction of protein secondary structure, the average accuracy is improved from 69.1% of a three-layer neural network to 74.6% by the primary MNN and 75.6% by the twofold MNN. The prediction test is based on a database of 126 non-homologous protein sequences.

  • Measurement of Optical Propagation Characteristics for Free-Space Optical Communications during Rainfall

    Makoto AKIBA  Kazuhiko WAKAMORI  Shigeo ITO  

    LETTER-Optical Wireless Communications

    E87-B No:7

    We measured the optical propagation characteristics during rainfall over a 72-m propagation distance at the wavelengths of 0.78, 1.55, and 2.0 µm. In addition to the common attenuations, we observed sudden drops (dips) in the received optical power, which affect communication errors. The temporal interval of most dips is approximately 1 ms.

  • Visual Customer Relationship Management System that Supports Broadband Network E-Commerce

    Tetsushi MORITA  Tetsuo HIDAKA  Tomohiko NAKAMURA  Morihide OINUMA  Yutaka HIRAKAWA  

    PAPER-Network Application

    E87-B No:7

    Recently, broadband access is widely spreading, and many broadband network E-commerce services are planned and developed. This article proposes a broadband online shop where a videoconferencing system is used to enable direct, face-to-face communication. It is important for a broadband online shop to understand what preference their customers want in order to provide them with more appropriate information. By using customer preferences, a salesclerk can have a serviceable conversation with few questions to his online customers. So, we are developing a visual Customer Relationship Management system (v-CRM system) that offers customer preferences to broadband network service such as broadband online shop. In this paper, we classify customer preferences, and describe three visualization methods that enable customer preferences to be intuitively understood quickly. We outline the v-CRM evaluation system and describe an experiment where we evaluated how accurately customer preferences can be recognized using these methods. The results show that v-CRM system is effective for understanding customer preferences.

  • Multi-Stage Unsupervised Learning for Multi-Body Motion Segmentation

    Yasuyuki SUGAYA  Kenichi KANATANI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E87-D No:7

    Many techniques have been proposed for segmenting feature point trajectories tracked through a video sequence into independent motions, but objects in the scene are usually assumed to undergo general 3-D motions. As a result, the segmentation accuracy considerably deteriorates in realistic video sequences in which object motions are nearly degenerate. In this paper, we propose a multi-stage unsupervised learning scheme first assuming degenerate motions and then assuming general 3-D motions and show by simulated and real video experiments that the segmentation accuracy significantly improves without compromising the accuracy for general 3-D motions.

  • Robust VQ-Based Digital Watermarking for the Memoryless Binary Symmetric Channel

    Jeng-Shyang PAN  Min-Tsang SUNG  Hsiang-Cheh HUANG  Bin-Yih LIAO  


    E87-A No:7

    A new scheme for watermarking based on vector quantization (VQ) over a binary symmetric channel is proposed. By optimizing VQ indices with genetic algorithm, simulation results not only demonstrate effective transmission of watermarked image, but also reveal the robustness of the extracted watermark.

  • Simulation of Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Conversion in GaN/AlN Intersubband Optical Amplifiers

    Nobuo SUZUKI  


    E87-C No:7

    Simultaneous wavelength conversion utilizing four-wave mixing in optically-pumped GaN/AlN intersubband optical amplifiers has been investigated by means of a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) model. The conversion efficiencies at a pump power of +7-+10 dBm were predicted to be -9-+6 dB depending on the frequency detuning (0.3-10.9 THz). The difference in efficiency among 18 channels of WDM signals with 100-GHz spacing was within about 3 dB.

  • Ultrafast All Optical Switching Using Pulse Trapping by Ultrashort Soliton Pulse

    Norihiko NISHIZAWA  Toshio GOTO  


    E87-C No:7

    Ultrafast all optical switching using pulse trapping by 100 fs ultrashort soliton pulse across zero dispersion wavelength is investigated. The characteristics of pulse trapping are analyzed both experimentally and numerically. Using the pulse trapping, 1 THz ultrafast all optical switching is demonstrated experimentally. Arbitral one pulse is picked off from pulse train. Pulse trapping for CW signal is also demonstrated and ultrashort pulse is generated by pulse trapping. From these investigation, it is shown that ultrafast all optical switching up to 2 THz can be demonstrated using pulse trapping.

  • Optical Sampling System Using Compact and Stable External-Cavity Mode-Locked Laser-Diode Modules

    Masayuki SHIRANE  Yoichi HASHIMOTO  Hirohito YAMADA  Hiroyuki YOKOYAMA  


    E87-C No:7

    A compact and stable optical sampling measurement system with a temporal resolution of 2 ps has been developed. External-cavity mode-locked laser-diode (EC-MLLD) modules, which directly generate coherent 2-ps optical pulses, were used as the optical sampling pulse sources. Real-time measurement of the recovery dynamics in semiconductor saturable absorber devices has been achieved by optical sampling combined with the pump-probe method. An EC-MLLD module was also utilized for simple sub-harmonic all-optical clock recovery based on the synchronization of the mode-locking operation by optical-pulse injection. Optical sampling measurement of 160-Gbit/s return-to-zero signals incorporating all-optical clock recovery has been demonstrated.

  • Dynamic Code Repositioning for Java

    Shinji TANAKA  Tetsuyasu YAMADA  Satoshi SHIRAISHI  

    PAPER-Software Support and Optimization Techniques

    E87-D No:7

    The sizes of recent Java-based server-side applications, like J2EE containers, have been increasing continuously. Past techniques for improving the performance of Java applications have targeted relatively small applications. Moreover, when the methods of these small target applications are invoked, they are not usually distributed over the entire memory space. As a result, these techniques cannot be applied efficiently to improve the performance of current large applications. We propose a dynamic code repositioning approach to improve the hit rates of instruction caches and translation look-aside buffers. Profiles of method invocations are collected when the application performs with its heaviest processor load, and the code is repositioned based on these profiles. We also discuss a method-splitting technique to significantly reduce the sizes of methods. Our evaluation of a prototype implementing these techniques indicated 5% improvement in the throughput of the application.

  • Evaluation of Selective Rake Receiver in Direct Sequence Ultra Wideband Communications

    Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN  Shigenobu SASAKI  Jie ZHOU  Shogo MURAMATSU  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  

    LETTER-Mobile Communication

    E87-A No:7

    Performance of selective Rake (SRake) receiver is evaluated for direct sequence ultra wideband (DS-UWB) communications considering an independent Rayleigh channel having exponentially decaying power delay profile (PDP). BEP performances are shown. The results obtained are compared with similar results in a channel having flat PDP. Assumption of a flat PDP is found to predict the optimum spreading bandwidth to be lower and sub-optimum operating performance beyond optimum spreading bandwidth to be severely worse than that is achievable in a channel having exponentially decaying PDP by employing an SRake receiver having fixed number of combined paths. Optimum spreading bandwidth for SRake in a channel having exponentially decaying PDP is shown to be much larger than the one in a channel having flat PDP; that is specifically a good-news for UWB communications. Effects of partial band interference are also investigated. Interference is found to be less effective in exponentially decaying PDP.

  • A Study of Aspect Ratio of the Aperture and the Effect on Antenna Efficiency in Oversized Rectangular Slotted Waveguide Arrays

    Hisahiro KAI  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E87-B No:6

    A post-wall waveguide-fed parallel plate slotted array is an attractive candidate for high efficiency and mass producible planar array antennas for millimeter wave applications. For the slot design of this large sized array, a periodic boundary wall model based on the assumption of infinite array size and a parallel waveguide is used. In fact, the aperture is large but still finite (10-40 wavelength) and the TEM-like wave is perturbed due to the narrow walls at the periphery of the aperture as well as the slot coupling; antenna efficiency is affected by the size and the aspect ratio of the aperture. All these observations imply the unique defects of oversized waveguide arrays. In this paper, the aperture efficiency of post-wall waveguide arrays is assessed as a function of size and aspect ratio of the aperture for the first time, both in theory and measurement. An effective field analysis for an electrically large oversized waveguide array, developed by the author, is utilized for determining the slot excitation coefficients and aperture illumination. It is predicted that the oversized waveguide array has a potential efficiency of 80-90% if the aperture is larger than 18 wavelength on a side and the gain is more than 30 dBi. A transversely wide aperture generally provides higher efficiency than a longitudinally long aperture, provided a perfectly uniform TEM wave would be launched from the feed waveguide.

  • A Rate Control Scheme Using Multi Block Size BMA for DWT-Based Video Compression with Constant Quality

    Sang Ju PARK  Hyoung-Jin KIM  Min Chul PARK  


    E87-A No:6

    Modern video compression usually consists of ME/MC (Motion Estimation/Motion Compensation), transform, and quantization of the transform coefficients. Efficient bit allocation technique to distribute available bits to motion parameters and quantized coefficients is an important part of the whole system. A method that is very complex and/or needs buffering of many future frames is not suitable for real time application. We develop an efficient bit allocation technique that utilizes the estimated effect of allocated bits to motion parameter and quantization on the overall quality. We also propose an hierarchical block based ME/MC technique that requires less computations than classical BMA (Block Matching Algorithm) while offering better motion estimation.

  • New Cycling Environments Using Multimodal Knowledge and Ad-hoc Network

    Sachiyo YOSHITAKI  Yutaka SAKANE  Yoichi TAKEBAYASHI  


    E87-D No:6

    We have been developing new cycling environments by using knowledge sharing and speech communication. We have offered multimodal knowledge contents to share knowledge on safe and exciting cycling. We accumulated 140 contents, focused on issues such as riding techniques, trouble shootings, and preparations on cycling. We have also offered a new way of speech communication using an ad-hoc wireless LAN technology for safe cycling. Group cycling requires frequent communication to lead the group safely. Speech communication achieves spontaneous communication between group members without looking around or speaking loudly. Experimental result through actual cycling has shown the effectiveness of sharing multimodal knowledge contents and speech communication. Our new developed environment has an advantage of increasing multimodal knowledge through the accumulation of personal experiences of actual cycling.
