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  • Evaluation of PARAdeg of Acyclic SWITCH-Less Program Nets

    Qi-Wei GE  Kenji ONAGA  


    E83-A No:6

    PARAdeg has been defined to try to measure parallelism inherent in a program net. Studies on computation of PARAdeg have been done, but the quantitative evaluation, on how much PARAdeg fits parallelism of program nets, has not been studied. In this paper, we do the evaluation by applying genetic algorithm to measure firing completion times when PARAdeg processors, and less and more processors are provided for 400 program nets. Our experimental results show that the firing completion times decrease rapidly with increase of processors till PARAdeg and slowly when processors are increased to more than PARAdeg, which implies PARAdeg is a reasonable standard to measure parallelism of program nets.

  • Estimates of Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA) of a Base Station in CDMA Cellular Network

    Min-kon KWAG  


    E83-A No:6

    The call processing capacity of a base station in CDMA cellular network can be changeable due to the additive loads from handoff, paging and location registration as well as call setup/release. In general, the load box test is widely used for measuring the call processing capacity of a exchange in the fixed network. But, it is difficult to estimate the processing capacity accurately because system load includes hand-off, paging in a mobile network. In this paper, we propose a new methodology for the calculation of call processing capacity to investigate the effect of traffic parameters on the system capacity, through the traffic modeling of call flow in base station. This result shows that the traffic load of hand-off limits the system capacity largely and is more severe than has been expected. Regression analysis will be also derived for the investigation of unit load and linear relation between CPU load and traffic load. This analysis using the field data from an operating site indicates that the call processing capacity in the wireless network must be specified with the rates of hand-off, paging and location registration, in contrast with the fixed network.

  • Large Third Order Nonlinear Optical Response of Exciton by Controlling the Thickness of GaAs Thin Films

    Koichi AKIYAMA  Nobuyuki TOMITA  Yoshinori NOMURA  Toshiro ISU  Hajime ISHIHARA  Kikuo CHO  

    LETTER-Switches and Novel Devices

    E83-C No:6

    We demonstrate a large nonlinear optical response of GaAs thin films using degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) with picosecond pulses. The obtained DFWM signal is thickness-dependent and peaks at around 110 nm. The nonlocal theory fully explains these results.

  • Realization of Admissibility for Supervised Learning

    Akira HIRABAYASHI  Hidemitsu OGAWA  Akiko NAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E83-D No:5

    In supervised learning, one of the major learning methods is memorization learning (ML). Since it reduces only the training error, ML does not guarantee good generalization capability in general. When ML is used, however, acquiring good generalization capability is expected. This usage of ML was interpreted by one of the present authors, H. Ogawa, as a means of realizing 'true objective learning' which directly takes generalization capability into account, and introduced the concept of admissibility. If a learning method can provide the same generalization capability as a true objective learning, it is said that the objective learning admits the learning method. Hence, if admissibility does not hold, making it hold becomes important. In this paper, we introduce the concept of realization of admissibility, and devise a realization method of admissibility of ML with respect to projection learning which directly takes generalization capability into account.

  • Simple Design of a Discrete-Time Chaos Circuit Realizing a Tent Map

    Kei EGUCHI  Fumio UENO  Toru TABATA  Hongbing ZHU  Takahiro INOUE  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E83-C No:5

    In this letter, a simple design of a discrete-time chaos circuit realizing a tent map is proposed. The proposed circuit can be constructed with 13 MOSFET's and 2 capacitors. Concerning the proposed circuit synthesized using switched-current (SI) techniques, the validity of the circuit design is analyzed by SPICE simulations. Furthermore, the proposed circuit is built with commercially-available IC's. The proposed circuit is integrable by a standard CMOS technology.

  • Evaluation of Mental Workload by Variability of Pupil Area

    Atsuo MURATA  Hirokazu IWASE  

    LETTER-Medical Engineering

    E83-D No:5

    It is generally known that the autonomic nervous system regulates the pupil. In this study, we attempted to assess mental workload on the basis of the fluctuation rhythm in the pupil area. Controlling the respiration interval, we measured the pupil area during mental tasking for one minute. We simultaneously measured the respiration curve to monitor the respiration interval. We required the subject to perform two mental tasks. One was a mathematical division task, the difficulty of which was set to two, three, four, and five dividends. The other was a Sternberg memory search task, which had four work levels defined by the number of memory sets. In the Sternberg memory search, the number of memory set changed from five to eight. In such a way, we changed the mental workload induced by mental loading. As a result of calculating an autoregressive (AR) power spectrum, we could observe two peaks which corresponded to the blood pressure variation and respiratory sinus arrhythmia under a low workload. With an increased workload, the spectral peak related to the respiratory sinus arrhythmia disappeared. The ratio of the power at the low frequency band, from 0.05-0.15Hz, to the power at the respiration frequency band, from 0.35-0.4Hz, increased with the work level. In conclusion, the fluctuation of the pupil area is a promising means for the evaluation of mental workload or autonomic nervous function.

  • Integrating Hard and Soft Real-Time Communication in Autonomous Robot Systems

    Michael MOCK  Edgar NETT  

    PAPER-Novel Applications

    E83-B No:5

    Designing control and robotic systems as autonomous decentralized systems introduces a new degree of flexibility in the manufacturing and in the application of such systems. This flexibility is required for the systems to work in environments that are not totally predictable and that can change dynamically. In this paper, we present a new concept for real-time communication that supports this flexibility while still preserving real-time guarantees for hard real-time communication. The concept is designed to work on multiple-access busses. In particular, we consider its application on wireless local area networks and field-busses. The concept addresses requirements of hard-real time, soft real-time and non real-time communication. For this, we extend the TDMA (time- division multiple-access) approach for time-triggered hard-real time communication by the concept of shared channels that support event-triggered communication and coexist with hard real-time channels. A first implementation of concept has been carried out in the context of the CAN-bus.

  • Guided Waves on 2D Periodic Structures and Their Relation to Planar Photonic Band Gap Structures

    Ruey Bing HWANG  Song Tsuen PENG  


    E83-C No:5

    We present here a study on the propagation characteristics of two-dimensional periodic structures. The method of mode matching is employed to formulate the boundary-value problem in an exact fashion, and a perturbation analysis is carried out to explain the wave phenomena associated with photonic band gap structures. The dispersion curves of 2D periodic medium and 2D periodic impedance surface are investigated in detail.

  • Failure Diagnosis Utilizing the Series/Parallel Structure of Systems

    Masato TAKAHASHI  Kenji TANAKA  


    E83-A No:5

    We deal here with diagnosis for failures of series/parallel structure system. The conventionals have assumed that the system failure is caused by a single minimal cut set (MCS). The purposes of this paper are to propose a new diagnosis method to identify all MCSs by utilizing the series/parallel structure and repair information without requiring an excessive number of inspections. Moreover, by applying our method to several types of series/parallel structure system, and to system having some kinds of probability distributions, desirable system for our method are persuaded. We evaluate not just the number of inspections but also the cost of diagnosis, and show the condition under which our method is effective.

  • Mode Waves in an Off-Diagonally Disordered Waveguide System

    Akira KOMIYAMA  


    E83-C No:5

    Localization properties of mode waves in an off-diagonally disordered waveguide system are presented. The disorder is introduced by taking spacings between cores to be random variables. Coupled mode equations are transformed into a matrix eigenvalue problem and eigenvalues and eigenvectors are numerically obtained. Correspondences between the natures of modes and the modal density of states are discussed. The system is divided into several sections which behave effectively as isolated systems. Modes in the entire system are a superposition of modes associated with the sections. A section is divided into several elements, which do not only behave apparently as isolated systems but also couple with each other. When an element includes two cores coupled strongly with each other due to a narrow spacing, modes are strongly localized there. The extent of the modes is almost independent of the disorder of the system. In a system with small disorder strongly localized modes can exist. The modes appear outside the propagation constant band of the ordered system composed of identical cores of equal spacing. Modes near the center of the band are extended over a number of elements and have the relatively large extent. Many modes appear near the center of the band and the modal density of states has a sharp peak there.

  • An Automatic Signature Scheme Using a Compiler in Distributed Systems

    Whe-Dar LIN  Jinn-Ke JAN  

    PAPER-Communication and Computer Architecture/Assurance Systems

    E83-B No:5

    A novel protocol scheme is proposed here to compile a program or run a software package. It is a modification where a file can be detected by checking the consistency of the original file with its accompanying digital signature. When an executable program is created it may get infected with some viruses before the signature is attached to it. The infection cannot be detected by signature verification and the origin of the infection cannot be specified either. We propose a signature scheme that let one can sign right in atomic step after the creation of an executable program. Our security-related and cryptographic protocol is used to establish secure communication over insecure open networks and distributed systems. When a server compiles a source program, the compiler automatically creates both the executable program and its signature. Thus no virus can infect the executable programs without being detected. In our proposed signature scheme, the server signature is created a set of proxy secret integers, which is calculated from a compiler maker's secret key. Each server compiler is possessed by its corresponding client user and it is used only when a server secret value is fed into it. The infections of files can be detected by the ordinary server digital signatures. The proposed signature scheme together with the digital signature against infection in the preprocessing step enables us to specify the origin of the infection. Besides that, we also provide the message recovery capability to recover the original file to save the infected files. The most natural extension of this novel protocol scheme is a server-based signature that integrated together with application packages will allow client and the server to commit themselves to one another.

  • Dynamic Multicast Routing Algorithm Using Predetermined Path Search

    Takuya ASAKA  Takumi MIYOSHI  Yoshiaki TANAKA  


    E83-B No:5

    With conventional dynamic routing algorithms, many query messages are required in a distributed environment for efficient multicast routing of any traffic volume. We have developed a dynamic routing algorithm that uses a predetermined path search in which an appropriate multicast path is dynamically constructed by searching only a few nodes. This algorithm can construct an efficient multicast tree for any traffic volume. Simulation has shown that the proposed algorithm is advantageous compared with conventional dynamic routing algorithms when nodes are added to or removed from the multicast group during steady-state simulation.

  • Fault Diagnosis Technique for Yield Enhancement of Logic LSI Using IDDQ

    Masaru SANADA  Hiromu FUJIOKA  


    E83-A No:5

    Abnormal IDDQ (Quiescent VDD supply current) indicates the existence of physical damage in a circuit. Using this phenomenon, a CAD-based fault diagnosis technology has been developed to analyze the manufacturing yield of logic LSI. This method to detect the fatal defect fragments in several abnormalities identified with wafer inspection apparatus includes a way to separate various leakage faults, and to define the diagnosis area encircling the abnormal portions. The proposed technique progressively narrows the faulty area by using logic simulation to extract the logic states of the diagnosis area, and by locating test vectors related to abnormal IDDQ. The fundamental diagnosis way employs the comparative operation of each circuit element to determine whether the same logic state with abnormal IDDQ exists in normal logic state or not.

  • Mode Extinction Effect on Microstrip Lines when the Thickness of a Conductor with Loss is Decreased

    Mikio TSUJI  Hiroshi SHIGESAWA  


    E83-C No:5

    Printed transmission lines have been extensively examined so far, but results obtained there are all concerned with the waveguiding conductors with no loss and zero thickness, except very few results. We have recently studied the transmission characteristics of printed transmission lines in detail, when the waveguiding conductors have finite conductivity and thickness, and we have found an unexpected effect that we call a "mode extinction effect. " This effect results in significant changes in the dispersion behavior of the printed-transmission-line fundamental mode. For a critical thickness, it may turn out that such transmission line can not use in open structural configuration, but must always be used by putting into a packaging box. In this paper, we discuss thoroughly this important effect and related results from the standpoints of both the dispersion behavior and the vector field plots. We also show the measured results of the attenuation constant.

  • On the Necessity of Estimating the Transfer Level in an Allpass-FIR ADF by the Use of Lyapunov Criteria

    James OKELLO  Shin'ichi ARITA  Yoshio ITOH  Yutaka FUKUI  Masaki KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E83-A No:5

    In this paper we present an analysis based on the indirect Lyapunov criteria, that is used to study the convergence of an infinite impulse response (IIR) adaptive digital filter (ADF) based on estimation of the allpass system. The analysis is then extended to investigate the necessity of directly estimating the transfer level of the unknown system. We consider two cases of modeling the ADF. In the first system, the allpass section of the ADF estimates only the real poles of the unknown system while in the second system, both real and complex poles the allpass section are estimated. From the analysis and computer simulation, we realize that the poles of the ADF converge selectively to the poles of the unknown system, depending on the sign of the step size of adaptation. Using these results we proposed a new method to control the convergence of the poles the IIR ADF based on estimation of the allpass system.

  • Parallelizing SDP (Sum of Disjoint Products) Algorithms for Fast Reliability Analysis

    Tatsuhiro TSUCHIYA  Tomoya KAJIKAWA  Tohru KIKUNO  

    LETTER-Fault Tolerance

    E83-D No:5

    The SDP (Sum of Disjoint Products) approach is a well-known technique for computing network reliability measures. So far several algorithms have been developed based on this approach. In this letter, we present a general framework for parallelization of these SDP algorithms. Based on the framework, we implemented a parallel version of an SDP algorithm called CAREL on a network of workstations. Experimental results show that it works fairly well with almost linear speedups.

  • Safety Integrity Levels Model for IEC 61508 -- Examination of Modes of Operation --

    Eiichi KATO  Yoshinobu SATO  


    E83-A No:5

    The present paper modifies the algorithm to estimate harmful event frequencies and examines the definition of modes of operation in IEC 61508. As far as the continuous mode concerns, the calculated results coincide with those obtained based on the standard. However, for the intermediate region of medium demand frequencies and/or medium demand durations, the standard gives much higher harmful event frequencies than the real values. In order to avoid this difficulty, a new definition of modes of operation and a shortcut method for allocation of SILs are presented.

  • The Influence of Stud Bumping above the MOSFETs on Device Reliability

    Nobuhiro SHIMOYAMA  Katsuyuki MACHIDA  Masakazu SHIMAYA  Hideo AKIYA  Hakaru KYURAGI  


    E83-A No:5

    This paper presents the effect of stress on device degradation in metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) due to stud bumping. Stud bumping above the MOSFET region generates interface traps at the Si/SiO2 interface and results in the degradation of transconductance in N-channel MOSFETs. The interface traps are apparently eliminated by both nitrogen and hydrogen annealing. However, the hot-carrier immunity after hydrogen annealing is one order of magnitude stronger than that after nitrogen annealing. This effect is explained by the termination of dangling bonds with hydrogen atoms.

  • A Two-Phased Weighted Fair Queueing Scheme for Improving CDV and CLP in ATM Networks

    Jaesun CHA  Changhwan OH  Kiseon KIM  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories

    E83-B No:5

    This paper proposes a new scheduling algorithm named TWFQ (Two-phased Weighted Fair Queueing) not only to maintain the fair utilization of available bandwidth but also to improve the performance of CDV and cell loss probability. The TWFQ algorithm makes use of the cell inter-arrival time of each connection for determining the cell service order among connections, which contributes to get a small CDV. To achieve low cell loss probability, the TWFQ allows connections, which suffer from the more bursty input traffic, to send the cell with more opportunities by using two scheduling phases. Through simulations, we show that the proposed algorithm achieves good performance in terms of CDV and cell loss probability, while other performance criteria are preserved in an acceptable level.

  • Performance Analysis of Local Communication by Cooperating Mobile Robots

    Eiichi YOSHIDA  Tamio ARAI  

    PAPER-Real Time Control

    E83-B No:5

    This paper presents a novel technique for analyzing and designing local communication systems for distributed mobile robotic systems (DMRS). Our goal is to provide an analysis-base guideline for designing local communication systems to efficiently transmit task information to the appropriate robots. In this paper, we propose a layered methodology, i. e. , design from spatial and temporal aspects based on analysis of information diffusion by local communication between robots. The task environment is classified so that each analysis and design is applied in a systematic way. The spatial design gives the optimal communication area for minimizing transmission time for various cooperative tasks. In the temporal design, we derive the information announcing time to avoid excessive information diffusion. The designed local communication is evaluated in comparison with global communication. Finally, we performed simulations and experiments to demonstrate that the analysis and design technique is effective for constructing an efficient local communication system.
