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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • Compression Functions Suitable for the Multi-Property-Preserving Transform

    Hidenori KUWAKADO  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E91-A No:10

    Since Bellare and Ristenpart showed a multi-property preserving domain extension transform, the problem of the construction for multi-property hash functions has been reduced to that of the construction for multi-property compression functions. However, the Davies-Meyer compression function that is commonly used for standard hash functions is not a multi-property compression function. That is, in the ideal cipher model, the Davies-Meyer compression function is collision resistant, but it is not indifferentiable from a random oracle. In this paper, we show that the compression function proposed by Lai and Massey is a multi-property compression function. In addition, we show that the simplified version of the Lai-Massey compression function is also a multi-property compression function. The use of these compression functions enables us to construct multi-property hash functions by the multi-property preserving domain extension transform.

  • Electronically Tunable High Input Impedance Voltage-Mode Multifunction Filter

    Hua-Pin CHEN  Wan-Shing YANG  

    LETTER-Circuit Theory

    E91-A No:10

    A novel electronically tunable high input impedance voltage-mode multifunction filter with single inputs and three outputs employing two single-output-operational transconductance amplifiers, one differential difference current conveyor and two capacitors is proposed. The presented filter can be realized the highpass, bandpass and lowpass functions, simultaneously. The input of the filter exhibits high input impedance so that the synthesized filter can be cascaded without additional buffers. The circuit needs no any external resistors and employs two grounded capacitors, which is suitable for integrated circuit implementation.

  • A Two-Stage Point Pattern Matching Algorithm Using Ellipse Fitting and Dual Hilbert Scans

    Li TIAN  Sei-ichiro KAMATA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E91-D No:10

    Point Pattern Matching (PPM) is an essential problem in many image analysis and computer vision tasks. This paper presents a two-stage algorithm for PPM problem using ellipse fitting and dual Hilbert scans. In the first matching stage, transformation parameters are coarsely estimated by using four node points of ellipses which are fitted by Weighted Least Square Fitting (WLSF). Then, Hilbert scans are used in two aspects of the second matching stage: it is applied to the similarity measure and it is also used for search space reduction. The similarity measure named Hilbert Scanning Distance (HSD) can be computed fast by converting the 2-D coordinates of 2-D points into 1-D space information using Hilbert scan. On the other hand, the N-D search space can be converted to a 1-D search space sequence by N-D Hilbert Scan and an efficient search strategy is proposed on the 1-D search space sequence. In the experiments, we use both simulated point set data and real fingerprint images to evaluate the performance of our algorithm, and our algorithm gives satisfying results both in accuracy and efficiency.

  • Automated Fast and Accurate Display Calibration Using ADT Compensated LCD for Mobile Phone

    Chan-Ho HAN  Kil-Houm PARK  


    E91-C No:10

    Gamma correction is an essential function and is time consuming task in every display device such as CRT and LCD. And gray scale CCT reproduction in most LCD are quite different from those of standard CRT. An automated fast and accurate display adjusment method and system for gamma correction and for constant gray scale CCT calibration of mobile phone LCD is presented in this paper. We develop the test pattern disply and register control program in mobile phone and devleop automatic measure program in computer using spectroradimeter. The proposed system is maintain given gamma values and CCT values accuratly. In addition, This system is possible to fast mobile phone LCD adjusment within one hour.

  • High-Rate Oblique Deposition of SiO2 Films Using Two Sputtering Sources

    Yoichi HOSHI  Kensuke YAGI  Eisuke SUZUKI  Hao LEI  Akira SAKAI  


    E91-C No:10

    In this paper, we proposed a new high-rate oblique deposition method using two sputtering sources to obtain SiO2 films for a liquid crystal alignment layer. One sputtering source that operates in a metal mode supplies Si atoms to a substrate, and the other source that operates in an oxide mode supplies oxygen radicals to a substrate. To reduce the gas pressure of a deposition chamber and make the two sputtering sources operate in different modes, the sputtering sources were separated from the deposition chamber with stainless meshes, and Ar and oxygen gases were introduced separately through the two sputtering sources, i.e., Ar gas was introduced through the Si supply source and oxygen gas was introduced through the oxygen radical source. When Ar gas of 30 sccm and oxygen gas of 4 sccm were introduced into the system, the gas pressure of the deposition chamber was maintained below 1.7 mTorr and the films deposited at an incidence angle of more than 70 showed an elongated inclined columnar structure. Under this condition, a deposition rate of 30 nm/min was realized even at an incidence angle above 70, where most of the Si atoms incident to the substrate were supplied by the Si supply source and the oxygen radical source supplied oxygen radicals and promoted the oxidation of the film.

  • Accurate Sensor Position Estimation for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Neighborhood Relationship

    Yong-Qian CHEN  Young-Kyoung KIM  Sang-Jo YOO  


    E91-B No:9

    Sensor node localization is an important issue in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) due to the dynamic nature of sensor deployment. Generally, in wireless sensor network localization, the absolute positions of certain anchor nodes are required based on the use of global positioning systems, then all the other nodes are approximately localized using various algorithms based on a coordinate system of the anchors. This paper proposes a neighbor position-based localization algorithm (NPLA) that can greatly enhance the positioning accuracy when compared with current overlapping connectivity localization algorithms that attempt to use the observation of connectivity to a set of anchors to determine a node's position. The proposed method localizes the sensor nodes using both the anchors' positions and neighbor node information. However, unlike existing overlapping-based methods, the proposed NPLA does not assume the same radio transmission range. A simulation study is used to demonstrate the positioning accuracy of the proposed method with different anchor and sensor node densities.

  • Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation for an Outdoor RCS Range

    Yoshio INASAWA  Shinji KURODA  Ken-ichi KAKIZAKI  Hitoshi NISHIKAWA  Naofumi YONEDA  Shigeru MAKINO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E91-C No:9

    This paper presents the near-field to far-field transformation for an outdoor radar cross section (RCS) range. Direct measurement of the large actual target requires quite a long measurement range. The near-field to far-field RCS transformation method achieves the reduction of measurement range. However the non-uniformity of the incident electric field distribution on the target causes some errors in RCS prediction. We propose a novel near-field to far-field RCS transformation method that can be applied to an outdoor RCS measurement. The non-uniformity of the incident electric field distribution is successfully resolved by introducing the correction term of the ground bounce. We investigate the validity of the proposed method by the simulation and measurement.

  • Finding Major Patterns of Aging Process by Data Synchronization

    Takaya MIYANO  Takako TSUTSUI  

    PAPER-Soft Computing

    E91-A No:9

    We developed a method for extracting feature patterns from multivariate data using a network of coupled phase oscillators subject to an analogue of the Kuramoto model for collective synchronization. Our method may be called data synchronization. We applied data synchronization to the care-needs-certification data, provided by Otsu City as a historical old city near Kyoto City, in the Japanese public long-term care insurance program to find the trend of the major patterns of the aging process for elderly people needing nursing care.

  • A Theoretical Analysis of On-Line Learning Using Correlated Examples

    Chihiro SEKI  Shingo SAKURAI  Masafumi MATSUNO  Seiji MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E91-A No:9

    In this paper we analytically investigate the generalization performance of learning using correlated inputs in the framework of on-line learning with a statistical mechanical method. We consider a model composed of linear perceptrons with Gaussian noise. First, we analyze the case of the gradient method. We analytically clarify that the larger the correlation among inputs is or the larger the number of inputs is, the stricter the condition the learning rate should satisfy is, and the slower the learning speed is. Second, we treat the block orthogonal projection learning as an alternative learning rule and derive the theory. In a noiseless case, the learning speed does not depend on the correlation and is proportional to the number of inputs used in an update. The learning speed is identical to that of the gradient method with uncorrelated inputs. On the other hand, when there is noise, the larger the correlation among inputs is, the slower the learning speed is and the larger the residual generalization error is.

  • Secure Multiparty Computation for Comparator Networks

    Gembu MOROHASHI  Koji CHIDA  Keiichi HIROTA  Hiroaki KIKUCHI  


    E91-A No:9

    We propose a multiparty protocol for comparator networks which are used to compute various functions in statistical analysis, such as the maximum, minimum, median, and quartiles, for example, through sorting and searching. In the protocol, all values which are inputted to a comparator network and all intermediate outputs are kept secret assuming the presence of an honest majority. We also introduce an application of the protocol for a secure (M+1)-st price auction.

  • A Simple Mechanism for Collapsing Instructions under Timing Speculation

    Toshinori SATO  


    E91-C No:9

    The deep submicron semiconductor technologies will make the worst-case design impossible, since they can not provide design margins that it requires. We are investigating a typical-case design methodology, which we call the Constructive Timing Violation (CTV). This paper extends the CTV concept to collapse dependent instructions, resulting in performance improvement. Based on detailed simulations, we find the proposed mechanism effectively collapses dependent instructions.

  • Maximizing the Effective Lifetime of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    M. Julius HOSSAIN  M. Ali Akber DEWAN  Oksam CHAE  

    PAPER-Ad Hoc Networks

    E91-B No:9

    This paper presents a new routing approach to extend the effective lifetime of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) considering both residual battery energy of the participating nodes and routing cost. As the nodes in ad hoc networks are limited in power, a power failure occurs if a node has insufficient remaining energy to send, receive or forward a message. So, it is important to minimize the energy expenditure as well as to balance the remaining battery power among the nodes. Cost effective routing algorithms attempt to minimize the total power needed to transmit a packet which causes a large number of nodes to loose energy quickly and die. On the other hand, lifetime prediction based routing algorithms try to balance the remaining energies among the nodes in the networks and ignore the transmission cost. These approaches extend the lifetime of first few individual nodes. But as nodes spend more energy for packet transfer, power failures occurs within short interval resulting more number of total dead node earlier. This reduces the effective lifetime of the network, as at this stage successful communication is not possible due to the lack of forwarding node. The proposed method keeps the transmission power in modest range and at the same time tries to reduce the variance of the residual energy of the nodes more effectively to obtain the highest useful lifetime of the networks in the long run. Nonetheless, movement of nodes frequently creates network topology changes via link breaks and link creation and thus effects on the stability of the network. So, the pattern of the node movement is also incorporated in our route selection procedure.

  • Derivation of Excess Mean-Square Error for Affine Projection Algorithms Using the Condition Number

    Chang Woo LEE  Hyeonwoo CHO  Sang Woo KIM  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E91-A No:9

    This letter presents a new mathematical expression for the excess mean-square error (EMSE) of the affine projection (AP) algorithm. The proposed expression explicitly shows the proportional relationship between the EMSE and the condition number of the input signals.

  • Sparse and Passive Reduced-Order Interconnect Modeling by Eigenspace Method

    Yuichi TANJI  

    PAPER-Analysis, Modelng and Simulation

    E91-A No:9

    The passive and sparse reduced-order modeling of a RLC network is presented, where eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the original network are used, and thus the obtained macromodel is more accurate than that provided by the Krylov subspace methods or TBR procedures for a class of circuits. Furthermore, the proposed method is applied to low pass filtering of a reduced-order model produced by these methods without breaking the passivity condition. Therefore, the proposed eigenspace method is not only a reduced-order macromodeling method, but also is embedded in other methods enhancing their performances.

  • Replicator Dynamics with Dynamic Payoff Reallocation Based on the Government's Payoff

    Takafumi KANAZAWA  Hayato GOTO  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear System Theory

    E91-A No:9

    In a population which consists of a large number of players interacting with each other, the payoff of each player often conflicts with the total payoff of the population which he/she belongs to. In such a situation, a "government" which has the comprehensive perspective is needed to govern the population. Recently, to discuss the population with the government, the authors have proposed replicator dynamics with reallocation of payoffs to analyze an effect of the government. In this model, the government is willing to lead the population to a desirable target state by collecting a part of players' payoffs and reallocating them depending on the target state. The government's action is the rate of collecting payoffs from players and the rate is assumed to be constant and independent of the population state. Thus, in this paper, we suppose that the government change their intervention strategy depending on the current population state. We consider the government as a game player and define the government's payoff as a sum of a benefit and a cost of intervention. We propose a model which describes the evolution of the government's reallocation strategy and investigate stability of its equilibrium points.

  • Fuzzy c-Means Algorithms for Data with Tolerance Using Kernel Functions

    Yuchi KANZAWA  Yasunori ENDO  Sadaaki MIYAMOTO  

    PAPER-Soft Computing

    E91-A No:9

    In this paper, two new clustering algorithms based on fuzzy c-means for data with tolerance using kernel functions are proposed. Kernel functions which map the data from the original space into higher dimensional feature space are introduced into the proposed algorithms. Nonlinear boundary of clusters can be easily found by using the kernel functions. First, two clustering algorithms for data with tolerance are introduced. One is based on standard method and the other is on entropy-based one. Second, the tolerance in feature space is discussed taking account into soft margin algorithm in Support Vector Machine. Third, two objective functions in feature space are shown corresponding to two methods, respectively. Fourth, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of two objective functions are considered, respectively, and these conditions are re-expressed with kernel functions as the representation of an inner product for mapping from the original pattern space into a higher dimensional feature space. Fifth, two iterative algorithms are proposed for the objective functions, respectively. Through some numerical experiments, the proposed algorithms are discussed.

  • Sampling Rate Selection for Fractional Sampling in OFDM

    Haruki NISHIMURA  Mamiko INAMORI  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E91-B No:9

    Through fractional sampling, it is possible to separate multipath components and achieve diversity gain. However, power consumption grows as the sampling rate increases. This paper proposes a novel scheme for OFDM systems that selects the sampling rate according to the channel's frequency response. Numerical results through computer simulation show that the proposed sampling rate selection scheme reduces power consumption by reducing oversampling ratio when delay spread is small.

  • Pulse Wave Propagation in a Large Number of Coupled Bistable Oscillators

    Kuniyasu SHIMIZU  Tetsuro ENDO  Daishin UEYAMA  


    E91-A No:9

    A simple model of inductor-coupled bistable oscillators is shown to exhibit pulse wave propagation. We demonstrate numerically that there exists a pulse wave which propagates with a constant speed in comparatively wide parameter region. In particular, the propagating pulse wave can be observed in non-uniform lattice with noise. The propagating pulse wave can be observed for comparatively strong coupling case, and for weak coupling case no propagating pulse wave can be observed (propagation failure). We also demonstrate various interaction phenomena between two pulses.

  • A New Model for the Error Detection Delay of Finite Precision Binary Arithmetic Codes with a Forbidden Symbol

    Yuye PANG  Jun SUN  Jia WANG  Peng WANG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E91-B No:9

    In this paper, the statistical characteristic of the Error Detection Delay (EDD) of Finite Precision Binary Arithmetic Codes (FPBAC) is discussed. It is observed that, apart from the probability of the Forbidden Symbol (FS) inserted into the list of the source symbols, the probability of the source sequence and the operation precision as well as the position of the FS in the coding interval can affect the statistical characteristic of the EDD. Experiments demonstrate that the actual distribution of the EDD of FPBAC is quite different from the geometric distribution of infinite precision arithmetic codes. This phenomenon is researched deeply, and a new statistical model (gamma distribution) of the actual distribution of the EDD is proposed, which can make a more precise prediction of the EDD. Finally, the relation expressions between the parameters of gamma distribution and the related factors affecting the distribution are given.

  • Reduction Optimal Trinomials for Efficient Software Implementation of the ηT Pairing

    Toshiya NAKAJIMA  Tetsuya IZU  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E91-A No:9

    The ηT pairing for supersingular elliptic curves over GF(3m) has been paid attention because of its computational efficiency. Since most computation parts of the ηT pairing are GF(3m) multiplications, it is important to improve the speed of the multiplication when implementing the ηT pairing. In this paper we investigate software implementation of GF(3m) multiplication and propose using irreducible trinomials xm+axk+b over GF(3) such that k is a multiple of w, where w is the bit length of the word of targeted CPU. We call the trinomials "reduction optimal trinomials (ROTs)." ROTs actually exist for several m's and for typical values of w = 16 and 32. We list them for extension degrees m = 97, 167, 193, 239, 317, and 487. These m's are derived from security considerations. Using ROTs, we are able to implement efficient modulo operations (reductions) for GF(3m) multiplication compared with cases in which other types of irreducible trinomials are used (e.g., trinomials with a minimum k for each m). The reason for this is that for cases using ROTs, the number of shift operations on multiple precision data is reduced to less than half compared with cases using other trinomials. Our implementation results show that programs of reduction specialized for ROTs are 20-30% faster on 32-bit CPU and approximately 40% faster on 16-bit CPU compared with programs using irreducible trinomials with general k.
