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  • Plug-and-Play Optical Interconnection Using Digital Coherent Technology for Resilient Network Based on Movable and Deployable ICT Resource Unit

    Tetsuro KOMUKAI  Hirokazu KUBOTA  Toshikazu SAKANO  Toshihiko HIROOKA  Masataka NAKAZAWA  


    E97-B No:7

    Triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, the authors have been studying a resilient network whose key element is a movable and deployable ICT resource unit. The resilient network needs a function of robust and immediate connection to a wide area network active outside the damaged area. This paper proposes an application of digital coherent technology for establishing optical interconnection between the movable ICT resource unit and existing network nodes through a photonic network, rapidly, easily and with the minimum in manual work. We develop a prototype of a 100Gbit/s digital coherent transponder which is installable to our movable and deployable ICT resource unit and experimentally confirm the robust and immediate connection by virtue of the plug and play function.

  • Throughput and Power Efficiency Evaluation of Block Ciphers on Kepler and GCN GPUs Using Micro-Benchmark Analysis

    Naoki NISHIKAWA  Keisuke IWAI  Hidema TANAKA  Takakazu KUROKAWA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E97-D No:6

    Computer systems with GPUs are expected to become a strong methodology for high-speed encryption processing. Moreover, power consumption has remained a primary deterrent for such processing on devices of all sizes. However, GPU vendors are currently announcing their future roadmaps of GPU architecture development: Nvidia Corp. promotes the Kepler architecture and AMD Corp. emphasizes the GCN architecture. Therefore, we evaluated throughput and power efficiency of three 128-bit block ciphers on GPUs with recent Nvidia Kepler and AMD GCN architectures. From our experiments, whereas the throughput and per-watt throughput of AES-128 on Radeon HD 7970 (2048 cores) with GCN architecture are 205.0Gbps and 1.3Gbps/Watt respectively, those on Geforce GTX 680 (1536 cores) with Kepler architecture are, respectively, 63.9Gbps and 0.43Gbps/W; an approximately 3.2 times throughput difference occurs between AES-128 on the two GPUs. Next, we investigate the reasons for the throughput difference using our micro-benchmark suites. According to the results, we speculate that to ameliorate Kepler GPUs as co-processor of block ciphers, the arithmetic and logical instructions must be improved in terms of software and hardware.

  • Key De-Synchronization Attack against Yüksel-Nielson's Key Distribution Protocol for ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks

    Chang-Seop PARK  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:3

    Security plays an important role in several ZigBee applications such as Smart Energy and medical sensor applications. For a secure communication among ZigBee devices, a secret key should be shared among any two ZigBee devices using the Key Distribution protocol. Recently, Yüksel and Nielson proposed a new Key Distribution protocol for ZigBee addressing the security weaknesses of the original ZigBee Key Distribution protocol. In this letter, it is shown that their protocol is not secure against a key de-synchronization attack, and a security-enhanced Key Distribution protocol is newly proposed and analyzed in terms of security.

  • Efficient Randomized Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replication Based on Special Valued Coin Tossing

    Junya NAKAMURA  Tadashi ARARAGI  Shigeru MASUYAMA  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:2

    We propose a fast and resource-efficient agreement protocol on a request set, which is used to realize Byzantine fault tolerant server replication. Although most existing randomized protocols for Byzantine agreement exploit a modular approach, that is, a combination of agreement on a bit value and a reduction of request set values to the bit values, our protocol directly solves the multi-valued agreement problem for request sets. We introduce a novel coin tossing scheme to select a candidate of an agreed request set randomly. This coin toss allows our protocol to reduce resource consumption and to attain faster response time than the existing representative protocols.

  • Cryptanalysis of Remote Data Integrity Checking Protocol Proposed by L. Chen for Cloud Storage

    Shaojing FU  Dongsheng WANG  Ming XU  Jiangchun REN  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:1

    Remote data possession checking for cloud storage is very important, since data owners can check the integrity of outsourced data without downloading a copy to their local computers. In a previous work, Chen proposed a remote data possession checking protocol using algebraic signature and showed that it can resist against various known attacks. In this paper, we find serious security flaws in Chen's protocol, and shows that it is vulnerable to replay attack by a malicious cloud server. Finally, we propose an improved version of the protocol to guarantee secure data storage for data owners.

  • A Method of Parallelizing Consensuses for Accelerating Byzantine Fault Tolerance

    Junya NAKAMURA  Tadashi ARARAGI  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  Shigeru MASUYAMA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:1

    We propose a new method that accelerates asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) protocols designed on the principle of state machine replication. State machine replication protocols ensure consistency among replicas by applying operations in the same order to all of them. A naive way to determine the application order of the operations is to repeatedly execute the BFT consensus to determine the next executed operation, but this may introduce inefficiency caused by waiting for the completion of the previous execution of the consensus protocol. To reduce this inefficiency, our method allows parallel execution of the consensuses while keeping consistency of the consensus results at the replicas. In this paper, we also prove the correctness of our method and experimentally compare it with the existing method in terms of latency and throughput. The evaluation results show that our method makes a BFT protocol three or four times faster than the existing one when some machines or message transmissions are delayed.

  • Hardware Implementation of a Real-Time MEMS IMU/GNSS Deeply-Coupled System

    Tisheng ZHANG  Hongping ZHANG  Yalong BAN  Kunlun YAN  Xiaoji NIU  Jingnan LIU  

    PAPER-Navigation, Guidance and Control Systems

    E96-B No:11

    A deeply-coupled system can feed the INS information into a GNSS receiver, and the signal tracking precision can be improved under dynamic conditions by reducing tracking loop bandwidth without losing tracking reliability. In contrast to the vector-based deep integration, the scalar-based GNSS/INS deep integration is a relatively simple and practical architecture, in which all individual DLL and PLL are still exist. Since the implementation of a deeply-couple system needs to modify the firmware of a commercial hardware GNSS receiver, very few studies are reported on deep integration based on hardware platform, especially from academic institutions. This implementation-complexity issue has impeded the development of the deeply-coupled GNSS receivers. This paper introduces a scalar-based MEMS IMU/GNSS deeply-coupled system based on an integrated embedded hardware platform for real-time implementation. The design of the deeply-coupled technologies is described including the system architecture, the model of the inertial-aided tracking loop, and the relevant tracking errors analysis. The implementation issues, which include platform structure, real-time optimization, and generation of aiding information, are discussed as well. The performance of the inertial aided tracking loop and the final navigation solution of the developed deeply-coupled system are tested through the dynamic road test scenarios created by a hardware GNSS/INS simulator with GPS L1 C/A signals and low-level MEMS IMU analog signals outputs. The dynamic tests show that the inertial-aided PLL enables a much narrow tracking loop bandwidth (e.g. 3Hz) under dynamic scenarios; while the non-aided loop would lose lock with such narrow loop bandwidth once maneuvering commences. The dynamic zero-baseline tests show that the Doppler observation errors can be reduced by more than 50% with inertial aided tracking loop. The corresponding navigation results also show that the deep integration improved the velocity precision significantly.

  • A Control Method of Dynamic Selfish Routing Based on a State-Dependent Tax

    Takafumi KANAZAWA  Takurou MISAKA  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E96-A No:8

    A selfish routing game is a simple model of selfish behaviors in networks. It is called that Braess's paradox occurs in the selfish routing game if an equilibrium flow achieved by players' selfish behaviors is not the optimal minimum latency flow. In order to make the minimum latency flow a Nash equilibrium, a marginal cost tax has been proposed. Braess graphs have also been proposed to discuss Braess's paradox. In a large population of selfish players, conflicts between purposes of each player and the population causes social dilemmas. In game theory, to resolve the social dilemmas, a capitation tax and/or a subsidy has been introduced, and players' dynamical behaviors have been formulated by replicator dynamics. In this paper, we formulate replicator dynamics in the Braess graphs and investigate stability of the minimum latency flow with and without the marginal cost tax. An additional latency caused by the marginal cost tax is also shown. To resolve the problem of the additional latency, we extend the capitation tax and the subsidy to a state-dependent tax and apply it to the stabilization problem of the minimum latency flow.

  • Bypass Extended Stack Processing for Anti-Thrashing Replacement in Shared Last Level Cache of Chip Multiprocessors

    Young-Sik EOM  Jong Wook KWAK  Seong-Tae JHANG  Chu-Shik JHON  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E96-D No:2

    Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) allow different applications to share LLC (Last Level Cache). Since each application has different cache capacity demand, LLC capacity should be partitioned in accordance with the demands. Existing partitioning algorithms estimate the capacity demand of each core by stack processing considering the LRU (Least Recently Used) replacement policy only. However, anti-thrashing replacement algorithms like BIP (Binary Insertion Policy) and BIP-Bypass emerged to overcome the thrashing problem of LRU replacement policy in a working set greater than the available cache size. Since existing stack processing cannot estimate the capacity demand with anti-thrashing replacement policy, partitioning algorithms also cannot partition cache space with anti-thrashing replacement policy. In this letter, we prove that BIP replacement policy is not feasible to stack processing but BIP-bypass is. We modify stack processing to accommodate BIP-Bypass. In addition, we propose the pipelined hardware of modified stack processing. With this hardware, we can get the success function of the various capacities with anti-thrashing replacement policy and assess the cache capacity of shared cache adequate to each core in real time.

  • Competitions and Dynamics of MVNOs in Spectrum Sharing: An Evolutionary Game Approach

    Shasha ZHAO  Qi ZHU  Guangwei ZHU  Hongbo ZHU  


    E96-B No:1

    The dynamic competition between two bounded rational mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) in a duopoly spectrum market is investigated. A two stage game is employed to model the interaction of the MVNOs and the quality of service of the secondary users is taken into account. The evolutionary game theory is introduced to model the dynamic strategy selections of MVNOs. Using replicated dynamics, the proposed evolutionary game algorithm can converge to a unique evolutionary stable strategy. Simulation results verify that the proposed algorithm can make the MVNOs adaptively adjust the strategies to approximate optimal solution.

  • Adaptive Insertion and Promotion Policies Based on Least Recently Used Replacement

    Wenbing JIN  Xuanya LI  Yanyong YU  Yongzhi WANG  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E96-D No:1

    To improve Last-Level Cache (LLC) management, numerous approaches have been proposed requiring additional hardware budget and increased overhead. A number of these approaches even change the organization of the existing cache design. In this letter, we propose Adaptive Insertion and Promotion (AIP) policies based on Least Recently Used (LRU) replacement. AIP dynamically inserts a missed line in the middle of the cache list and promotes a reused line several steps left, realizing the combination of LRU and LFU policies deliberately under a single unified scheme. As a result, it benefits workloads with high locality as well as with many frequently reused lines. Most importantly, AIP requires no additional hardware other than a typical LRU list, thus it can be easily integrated into the existing hardware with minimal changes. Other issues around LLC such as scans, thrashing and dead lines are all explored in our study. Experimental results on the gem5 simulator with SPEC CUP2006 benchmarks indicate that AIP outperforms LRU replacement policy by an average of 5.8% on the misses per thousand instructions metric.

  • On Improving the Tradeoff between Symbol Rate and Diversity Gain Using Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes with Linear Receivers

    Kazuyuki MORIOKA  David ASANO  


    E95-B No:12

    In this letter, the tradeoff between symbol rate and diversity gain of Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) with linear receivers is considered. It is known that Group Orthogonal-Toeplitz Codes (GOTCs) can achieve a good tradeoff with linear receivers. However, the symbol rate of GOTCs is limited to that of the base Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (OSTBCs). We propose to simply change the GOTC base codes from OSTBCs to Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (Q-OSTBCs). Q-OSTBCs can improve the symbol rate of GOTCs at the expense of diversity gain. Simulation results show that Q-OSTBC based GOTCs can improve the tradeoff between symbol rate and diversity gain over that of the original GOTCs.

  • Event Information Based Optimal Sensor Deployment for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

    Yunbum CHOI  Ikram SYED  Hoon KIM  


    E95-B No:9

    Sensor deployment to achieve better system performance is one of the critical issues in wireless sensor networks (WSN). This letter proposes an effective sensor deployment scheme for large area sensor networks, where the event occurrence rate varies over the sensor-deployed region. Based on local event occurrence rate, the proposed scheme determines the number of sensors that should be deployed in each local region to maximize the overall detection probability. Simulation results show that the sensor deployment by the proposed scheme improves detection capability by 21% in comparison to the Incidence algorithm.

  • Sparsely Encoded Hopfield Model with Unit Replacement

    Ryota MIYATA  Koji KURATA  Toru AONISHI  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E95-D No:8

    We investigate a sparsely encoded Hopfield model with unit replacement by using a statistical mechanical method called self-consistent signal-to-noise analysis. We theoretically obtain a relation between the storage capacity and the number of replacement units for each sparseness a. Moreover, we compare the unit replacement model with the forgetting model in terms of the network storage capacity. The results show that the unit replacement model has a finite value of the optimal sparseness on an open interval 0 (1/2 coding) < a < 1 (the limit of sparseness) to maximize the storage capacity for a large number of replacement units, although the forgetting model does not.

  • Design and Deployment of Post-Disaster Recovery Internet in 2011 Tohoku Earthquake

    Kotaro KATAOKA  Keisuke UEHARA  Masafumi OE  Jun MURAI  


    E95-B No:7

    In disaster sites of 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, digital communication was virtually unavailable due to the serious damage to the existing Internet and ICT resources. Thus there were urgent demands for recovering the Internet connectivity and first aid communication tools. This paper describes the design and deployment of networking systems that provide Internet connectivity using 3G mobile links or VSAT satellite links. In this paper we examine two approaches for post-disaster networking: quickly deployable package and on-demand networking. Based on a comparison of their characteristics and deployment experiences, this paper tries to extract lessons that contribute to improving the preparedness to another disaster. This paper also shares our significant operational experience acquired through supporting a maximum of 54 sites in Tohoku area including evacuation shelters, temporary hospitals and local government offices.

  • Potential Game Based Distributed Control for Voronoi Coverage Problems with Obstacle Avoidance

    Saori TERAOKA  Toshimitsu USHIO  Takafumi KANAZAWA  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E95-A No:7

    It is known that the optimal sensor coverage of a mission space is performed by a Voronoi partition, which is called a Voronoi coverage problem. We consider the case that the mission space has several obstacles where mobile sensors cannot be deployed and search an optimal deployment to maximize the sensing performance. Inspired by the potential field method, we introduce a repulsive potential for obstacle avoidance and define the objective function by a combination of two functions: one for evaluation of the sensing performance and the other for obstacle avoidance. We introduce a space where a sensor can move, called its moving space. In general, a moving space may not coincide with the mission space. We assume that the respective moving spaces of each sensor may differ from each other. By introducing a barycentric coordinate over the moving space, we show that the Voronoi coverage problem to maximize the objective function is transformed into a potential game. In potential games, local maximizers of a potential function are stable equilibrium points of the corresponding replicator dynamics. We propose a distributed sensor coverage control method based on the replicator dynamics to search a local maximizer of the objective function and a path to it. Using simulations, we also compare the proposed method with the Lloyd and TangentBug algorithm proposed by Breitenmoser et al.

  • Stress-Induced Capacitance of Partially Depleted MOSFETs from Ring Oscillator Delay

    Wen-Teng CHANG  


    E95-C No:5

    In the current study, stress-induced capacitance determined by direct measurement on MOSFETs was compared with that determined by indirect simulation through the delay of CMOS ring oscillators (ROs) fabricated side by side with MOSFETs. External compressive stresses were applied on <110> silicon-on-insulator (SOI) n-/p-MOSFETs with the ROs in a longitudinal configuration. The measured gate capacitance decreased as the compressive stress on SOI increased, which agrees with the result of the capacitance difference between measured and simulated delay of the ROs. The oscillation frequency shift of the ROs should mainly be attributed to oxide capacitance, aside from the change in mobility of the n-/p-MOSFETs. The result suggests that the stress-induced gate capacitance of partially depleted MOSFETs is an important factor for the capacitance shift in a circuit and that ROs can be used in a vehicle to determine mechanical stress-induced gate capacitance in MOSFETs.

  • Enhancing Endurance of Huge-Capacity Flash Storage Systems by Selectively Replacing Data Blocks

    Wei-Neng WANG  Kai NI  Jian-She MA  Zong-Chao WANG  Yi ZHAO  Long-Fa PAN  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E95-D No:2

    The wear leveling is a critical factor which significantly impacts the lifetime and the performance of flash storage systems. To extend lifespan and reduce memory requirements, this paper proposed an efficient wear leveling without substantially increasing overhead and without modifying Flash Translation Layer (FTL) for huge-capacity flash storage systems, which is based on selective replacement. Experimental results show that our design levels the wear of different physical blocks with limited system overhead compared with previous algorithms.

  • Sensor Node Localization by Three Mobile Anchors in the Wireless Sensor Networks

    Seunghak LEE  Namgi KIM  Heeyoul KIM  Younho LEE  Hyunsoo YOON  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E94-D No:10

    For the deployment of sensor networks, the sensor localization, which finds the position of sensor nodes, is very important. Most previous localization schemes generally use the GPS signal for the sensor localization. However, the GPS signal is unavailable when there is an obstacle between the sensor nodes and satellites. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new localization scheme which does not use the GPS signal. The proposed scheme localizes the sensors by using three mobile anchors. Because the three mobile anchors collaboratively move by themselves, it is self-localizable and can be adopted even when the sensors are randomly and sparsely deployed in the target field.

  • Query-Trail-Mediated Cooperative Behaviors of Peers in Unstructured P2P File Sharing Networks

    Kei OHNISHI  Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  Masato UCHIDA  Yuji OIE  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E94-D No:10

    We propose two types of autonomic and distributed cooperative behaviors of peers for peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing networks. Cooperative behaviors of peers are mediated by query trails, and allows the exploration of better trade-off points between file search and storage load balancing performance. Query trails represent previous successful search paths and indicate which peers contributed to previous file searches and were at the same time exposed to the storage load. The first type of cooperative behavior is to determine the locations of replicas of files through the medium of query trails. Placement of replicas of files on strong query trails contributes to improvement of search performance, but a heavy load is generated due to writing files in storage to peers on the strong query trails. Therefore, we attempt to achieve storage load balancing between peers, while avoiding significant degradation of the search performance by creating replicas of files in peers adjacent to peers on strong query trails. The second type of cooperative behavior is to determine whether peers provide requested files through the medium of query trails. Provision of files by peers holding requested files on strong query trails contributes to better search performance, but such provision of files generates a heavy load for reading files from storage to peers on the strong query trails. Therefore, we attempt to achieve storage load balancing while making only small sacrifices in search performance by having peers on strong query trails refuse to provide files. Simulation results show that the first type of cooperative behavior provides equal or improved ability to explore trade-off points between storage load balancing and search performance in a static and nearly homogeneous P2P environment, without the need for fine tuning parameter values, compared to replication methods that require fine tuning of their parameters values. In addition, the combination of the second type and the first type of cooperative behavior yields better storage load balancing performance with little degradation of search performance. Moreover, even in a dynamic and heterogeneous P2P environment, the two types of cooperative behaviors yield good ability to explore trade-off points between storage load balancing and search performance.
