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  • Multi-Population Replicator Dynamics with Changes of Interpretations of Strategies

    Takafumi KANAZAWA  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation

    E89-A No:10

    If some differences of perceptions arise between populations, then strategies which are regarded as the same strategy in a population may be perceived distinguishably in the other populations. To discuss such a situation, replicator dynamics for multi-population hypergames has been proposed. However, it is assumed that players' perceptions are given and fixed. In this paper, we consider that each population has various interpretation functions and choose one of them depending on payoffs, and we propose a hybrid system representation of replicator dynamics with changes of interpretation functions. Moreover, we apply our proposed model to a well-known example of a hypergame "Soccer Hooliganism" and show that behaviors converging to heteroclinic orbits can appear by the changes of the interpretation functions.

  • Optimal Server Replication Schemes to Reduce Location Management Cost in Cellular Network

    Sung-Hwa LIM  Jai-Hoon KIM  


    E89-B No:10

    The default server strategy is commonly used to manage the location and state of mobile hosts in cellular networks. With this strategy, connections can be established after the client obtains the location information of the mobile host by querying the default server. Unfortunately, the communication cost increases if the query requests are frequent and the distance between the default server and the client is long. Still more, no connection to a mobile host can be established when the default server of the destination mobile host fails. These problems can be solved by replicating the default servers and by letting the nearest replicated default server process the query request which is sent from a client [9]. It is important to allocate replicated default servers efficiently in networks and determine the number of replicated default servers. In this paper, we suggest and evaluate a default server replication strategy to reduce communication costs and to improve service availabilities. We consider optimal replication degree as well as location for replicating the default servers in n-grid and tree networks.

  • A Mobile Agent-Based Framework for Rapidly Building and Managing Application-Specific Overlay Networks

    Ichiro SATOH  


    E89-B No:9

    A framework for deploying application-specific overlay networking is presented. It enables network protocols for transmitting data and agents to be naturally facilitated as mobile agents. It can also implement the deployment of mobile agent-based protocols within mobile agents. It can customize the deployment of network protocols as well as data transmission by migrating and replacing corresponding mobile agent-based protocols. It provides a self-deployment mechanism for the overlay network. This paper describes the system and its prototype implementation, which uses Java as both the implementation language and the protocol development language.

  • Surrogate Integrated PQRM and Its Replication Scheme in Wireless Grid

    Jeong-Je CHO  Yong-Hyuk MOON  Chan-Hyun YOUN  

    LETTER-Computer Systems

    E89-D No:5

    Recently, the necessity of interconnection between wired Grid and wireless networks has grown up. In wireless Grid, an efficient resource management is essential in order to solve the problem of unreliability caused by intermittency of wireless since mission-critical service like e-Health is expected to be a main application in wireless Grid. In this letter, we consider replica management to provide a reliable resource management and computing, and propose Surrogate integrated PQRM (S-PQRM) architecture with cost adaptive replica management scheme. Through the theoretical analysis and simulation, we show a reliable and cost adaptive replica management scheme in aspects of reliability and cost performance within budget-constrained application.

  • Analysis of Large-Scale Periodic Array Antennas by CG-FFT Combined with Equivalent Sub-Array Preconditioner

    Huiqing ZHAI  Qiang CHEN  Qiaowei YUAN  Kunio SAWAYA  Changhong LIANG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E89-B No:3

    This paper presents method that offers the fast and accurate analysis of large-scale periodic array antennas by conjugate-gradient fast Fourier transform (CG-FFT) combined with an equivalent sub-array preconditioner. Method of moments (MoM) is used to discretize the electric field integral equation (EFIE) and form the impedance matrix equation. By properly dividing a large array into equivalent sub-blocks level by level, the impedance matrix becomes a structure of Three-level Block Toeplitz Matrices. The Three-level Block Toeplitz Matrices are further transformed to Circulant Matrix, whose multiplication with a vector can be rapidly implemented by one-dimension (1-D) fast Fourier transform (FFT). Thus, the conjugate-gradient fast Fourier transform (CG-FFT) is successfully applied to the analysis of a large-scale periodic dipole array by speeding up the matrix-vector multiplication in the iterative solver. Furthermore, an equivalent sub-array preconditioner is proposed to combine with the CG-FFT analysis to reduce iterative steps and the whole CPU-time of the iteration. Some numerical results are given to illustrate the high efficiency and accuracy of the present method.

  • Formulation of Tunneling Impact on Multicast Efficiency

    Takeru INOUE  Ryosuke KUREBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Network Protocols, Topology and Fault Tolerance

    E89-D No:2

    In this paper, we examine the efficiency of tunneling techniques since they will accelerate multicast deployment. Our motivation is that, despite the many proposals focused on tunneling techniques, their impact on multicast efficiency has yet to be assessed sufficiently. First, the structure of multicast delivery trees is examined based on the seminal work of Phillips et al. [26]. We then quantitatively assess the impact of tunneling, such as loads imposed on the tunnel endpoints and redundant traffic. We also formulate a critical size of multicast island, above which the loads are suddenly diminished. Finally, a unique delivery tree model is introduced, which is so simple yet practical, to better understand the performance of the multicast-related protocols. This paper is the first to formulate the impact of tunneling.

  • Replication Methods for Load Balancing on Distributed Storages in P2P Networks

    Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  Daisuke MARUTA  Yuji OIE  

    PAPER-Peer-to-Peer Network

    E89-D No:1

    In a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network, in order to improve the search performance and to achieve load balancing, replicas of original data are created and distributed over the Internet. However, the replication methods which have been proposed so far focus only on the improvement of search performance. In this paper, we examine the load on the storage systems, which is due to writing and reading, and propose two replication methods for balancing the load on the storages distributed over P2P networks while limiting the degradation of the search performance within an acceptable level. Furthermore, we investigate the performance of our proposed replication methods through computer simulations, and show their effectiveness in balancing the load.

  • An Analysis of Tunneling Impact on Multicast Efficiency

    Takeru INOUE  Ryosuke KUREBAYASHI  


    E89-B No:1

    In this paper, we discuss the efficiency of tunneling techniques which are expected to accelerate multicast deployment. Our motivation is that, despite the proposal of many tunneling techniques, no paper has studied their impact on multicast efficiency. Through detailed computer experiments, we find that there is a critical size of multicast island, above which the loads imposed on tunneling endpoints are suddenly diminished. In addition, multicast islands equaling or exceeding the critical size reduce the overhead of forwarding states on routers. We also find a scaling law between the critical size and group size. Based on these findings, we present simple guidelines on using tunneling when deploying multicast systems. A possible explanation for our findings is uncovered by a simple analysis. Our work is the first to evaluate the impact of tunneling and clarify conditions in which multicast deployment is well supported by tunneling.

  • FTOG-Based Management and Recovery Services

    Myungseok KANG  Jaeyun JUNG  Younghoon WHANG  Youngyong KIM  Hagbae KIM  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E88-D No:11

    This paper presents a Fault-Tolerant Object Group (FTOG) model that provides the group management service and the fault-tolerance service for consistency maintenance and state transparency. Through Intelligent Home Network Simulator, we verify that FTOG model supports both of reliability and the stability of the distributed system.

  • An Efficient Method for Optimal Probe Deployment of Distributed IDS

    Jing WANG  Naoya NITTA  Hiroyuki SEKI  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E88-D No:8

    A distributed network-oriented Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a mechanism which detects misuse accesses to an intra-network by distributed IDSs on the network with decomposed attack scenarios. However, there are only ad hoc algorithms for determining a deployment of distributed IDSs and a partition of the attack scenarios. In this paper, we formally define this problem as the IDS partition deployment problem and design an efficient algorithm for a simplified version of the problem by graph theoretical techniques.

  • Fast Algorithms for Solving Toeplitz and Bordered Toeplitz Matrix Equations Arising in Electromagnetic Theory

    Min-Hua HO  Mingchih CHEN  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E88-C No:6

    In many electromagnetic field problems, matrix equations were always deduced from using the method of moment. Among these matrix equations, some of them might require a large amount of computer memory storage which made them unrealistic to be solved on a personal computer. Virtually, these matrices might be too large to be solved efficiently. A fast algorithm based on a Toeplitz matrix solution was developed for solving a bordered Toeplitz matrix equation arising in electromagnetic problems applications. The developed matrix solution method can be applied to solve some electromagnetic problems having very large-scale matrices, which are deduced from the moment method procedure. In this paper, a study of a computationally efficient order-recursive algorithm for solving the linear electromagnetic problems [Z]I = V, where [Z] is a Toeplitz matrix, was presented. Upon the described Toeplitz matrix algorithm, this paper derives an efficient recursive algorithm for solving a bordered Toeplitz matrix with the matrix's major portion in the form of a Toeplitz matrix. This algorithm has remarkable advantages in reducing both the number of arithmetic operations and memory storage.

  • Dynamic Replica Control Based on Fairly Assigned Variation of Data for Loosely Coupled Distributed Database Systems

    Takao YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E88-D No:4

    This paper proposes a decentralized and asynchronous replica control method based on a fair assignment of the variation in numerical data that has weak consistency for loosely coupled database systems managed or used by different organizations of human activity. Our method eliminates the asynchronous abort of already committed transactions even if replicas in all network partitions continue to process transactions when network partitioning occurs. A decentralized and asynchronous approach is needed because it is difficult to keep a number of loosely coupled systems in working order, and replica operations performed in a centralized and synchronous way can degrade the performance of transaction processing. We eliminate the transaction abort by fairly distributing the variation in numerical data to replicas according to their demands and updating the distributed variation using only asynchronously propagated update transactions without calculating the precise global state among reachable replicas. In addition, fairly assigning the variation of data to replicas equalizes the disadvantages of processing update transactions among replicas. Fairness control for assigning the data variation is performed by averaging the variation requested by the replicas. A simulation showed that our system can achieve extremely high performance for processing update transactions and fairness among replicas.

  • Controlling View Divergence of Data Freshness in a Replicated Database System Using Statistical Update Delay Estimation

    Takao YAMASHITA  Satoshi ONO  


    E88-D No:4

    We propose a method of controlling the view divergence of data freshness when copies of sites in a replicated database are updated asynchronously. The view divergence of the replicated data freshness is the difference in the recentness of the updates reflected in the data acquired by clients. Our method accesses multiple sites and provides a client with data that reflects all the updates received by the sites. First, we define the probabilistic recentness of updates reflected in acquired data as read data freshness (RDF). The degree of RDF of data acquired by clients is the range of view divergence. Second, we propose a way to select sites in a replicated database by using the probability distribution of the update delays so that the data acquired by a client satisfies its required RDF. This way calculates the minimum number of sites in order to reduce the overhead of read transactions. Our method continues to adaptively and reliably provide data that meets the client's requirements in an environment where the delay of update propagation varies and applications' requirements change depending on the situation. Finally, we evaluate by simulation the view divergence we can control using our method. The simulation showed that our method can control the view divergence to about 1/4 that of a normal read transaction for 100 replicas. In addition, the increase in the overhead of a read transaction imposed by our method is not as much as the increase in the total number of replicas.

  • A 300-MHz-Band, Sub-1 V and Sub-1 mW CMOS SAW Oscillator Suitable for Use in RF Transmitters

    Minoru KOZAKI  Norio HAMA  


    E88-C No:4

    An ultra low power CMOS SAW oscillator in the 300-MHz-band that operates on a sub-1 V supply voltage and at sub-1 mW power consumption has been developed. The SAW oscillator is fabricated in a 0.35-µm fully depleted SOI (FD-SOI) process with low voltage operation capability. The SAW oscillator is configured as a type of Colpitts oscillator but consists of 3 cascaded amplifiers instead of a single amplifier. Although the circuit configuration is quite similar to the conventional Colpitts oscillator, this proposed configuration generates an excessively high negative resistance that even exceeds the theoretical limit of the conventional one.

  • Characterization of Atom Diffusion in Polycrystalline Si/SiGe/Si Stacked Gate

    Hideki MURAKAMI  Yoshikazu MORIWAKI  Masafumi FUJITAKE  Daisuke AZUMA  Seiichiro HIGASHI  Seiichi MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Si Devices and Processes

    E88-C No:4

    We have fabricated poly-Si/Si0.7Ge0.3/Si stacked gate on 4 nm-thick SiO2/Si(100), and examined the diffusion of Ge and impurities as a function of annealing temperature in the range of 800-1000 by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). It is reviealed that germanium atoms diffuse into 100 nm-thick silicon cap layer uniformly after 1000 annealing for 30 min and the crystallinity of As+ doped poly-SiGe is better than that of doped poly-SiGe. Also, in comparison with poly-Si gate MOS capacitors, we have confirmed that MOS capcitors with p+ and n+ SiGe gates show a 0.2 V reduction in the flat-band voltage for p+ gate and no change for n+ gate, with no increase in gate leakage current with respect to the oxide voltage. This result is attributable to the difference in the energy band structure between Si and Si0.7Ge0.3.

  • A Sub-0.5 V Differential ED-CMOS/SOI Circuit with Over-1-GHz Operation

    Takakuni DOUSEKI  Toshishige SHIMAMURA  Nobutaro SHIBATA  


    E88-C No:4

    This paper describes a speed-oriented ultralow-voltage and low-power SOI circuit technique based on a differential enhancement- and depletion-mode (ED)-MOS circuit. Combining an ED-MOS circuit block for critical paths and a multi-Vth CMOS circuit block for noncritical paths, that is, the so-called differential ED-CMOS/SOI circuit, makes it possible to achieve low-power and ultrahigh-speed operation of over 1 GHz at a supply voltage of less than 0.5 V. As two applications of the differential ED-CMOS/SOI circuit, a multi-stage frequency divider that uses the ED-MOS circuit in a first-stage frequency divider and a pipelined adder with a CMOS pipeline register are described in detail. To verify the effectiveness of the ED-CMOS/SOI circuit scheme, we fabricated a 1/8 frequency divider and a 32-bit binary look-ahead carry (BLC) adder using the 0.25-µm MTCMOS/SOI process. The frequency divider operates down to 0.3 V with a maximum operating frequency of 3.6 GHz while suppressing power dissipation to 0.3 mW. The 32-bit adder operates at a frequency of 1 GHz at 0.5 V.

  • Improvement in Retention/Program Time Ratio of Direct Tunneling Memory (DTM) for Low Power SoC Applications

    Kouji TSUNODA  Akira SATO  Hiroko TASHIRO  Toshiro NAKANISHI  Hitoshi TANAKA  


    E88-C No:4

    A direct tunneling memory (DTM) with ultra-thin tunnel oxide and depleted floating gate has been proposed for low power embedded RAM. To achieve excellent charge retention characteristics with ultra-thin tunnel oxide, floating gate depletion is adopted to utilize the band bending at the interface between floating gate and tunnel oxide in charge retention period. The depleted floating gate is also effective to suppress the degradation of program/erase speed caused by the gate re-oxidation process. These effects were evaluated by the device and process simulations and confirmed by the experimental data. As a consequence, both fast programming time and superior retention time have been achieved, which is a promising performance as a low power embedded RAM for system-on-a-chip (SoC) applications.

  • Mobile Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments

    Ichiro SATOH  


    E88-B No:3

    In a ubiquitous computing environment, people are surrounded by hundreds of mobile or embedded computers each of which may be used to support one or more user applications due to limitations in their individual computational capabilities. We need an approach to coordinating heterogeneous computers that acts as a virtual computer around a mobile and ubiquitous computing environment and supports various applications beyond the capabilities of single computers. This paper presents a framework for building and aggregating distributed applications from one or more mobile components that can be dynamically deployed at mobile or stationary computers during the execution of the application. Since the approach involves mobile-transparent communications between components and component relocation semantics, it enables a federation of components to adapt its structure and deployment on multiple computers whose computational resources, such as input and output devices, can satisfy the requirement of the components in a self-organized manner. This paper also describes a prototype implementation of the approach and its application.

  • Design, Implementation and Application of the CAOSS Adaptive Online Storage System

    Tomohiro INOUE  Takayuki NAKAMURA  Motonori NAKAMURA  Masayasu YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Software Platform Technologies

    E88-B No:3

    Communications in locally structured wireless networks, such as ad hoc networks, will play an important role for network services and applications in the ubiquitous networking environments of the future. Most of the time, however, mobile networks are used in much the same way as fixed networks: most of the time, mobile terminals merely access information which is stored in the backbone network. Applications based on the local exchange of information gathered or generated by mobile terminals will open up many novel possibilities. A new online storage system named CAOSS facilitates such exchange and constitutes a building block for various new applications. CAOSS is a server-less system that provides high availability of data in mobile and wireless network environments. We describe CAOSS and its application in a mobile video-information-sharing system named GT. Thanks to the good performance of CAOSS, the GT system gives users a convenient and easy way to share and accumulate video data in a wireless environment. We confirm that CAOSS has strong enough performance to deal with large volumes of video data.

  • Optimal Replication Algorithm for Scalable Streaming Media in Content Delivery Networks

    Zhou SU  Jiro KATTO  Yasuhiko YASUDA  

    PAPER-Internet Systems

    E87-D No:12

    CDN (Content Delivery Networks) improves end-user performance by replicating web contents on a group of geographically distributed servers. However, repeatedly keeping the entire replica of the original objects into many content servers consumes too much server resource. This problem becomes more serious for the large-sized objects such as streaming media, e.g. high quality video. In this paper, we therefore propose an efficient replication method for layered video streams in CDN, which can reduce user response delays and storage costs simultaneously. Based on an analytical formulation of the cooperative replication of layers and segments of each video stream, we derive a replication algorithm which solves next three problems quantitatively. (1) How many servers should be selected to replicate a given video stream? (2) For a single video stream, how many layers and segments should be stored in a given server? (3) After selecting a group of servers for each video stream, how do we allocate the replication priority (i.e. order) to each server? Simulation results verify that the proposed algorithm efficiently resolves the above problems and provides much better performance than conventional methods.
