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  • Feasibility Demonstrations of Hyper-Media Photonic Information Networks Using Prototype WDM Broadcast-and-Select Local Network Systems

    Masanori OGAWARA  Atsushi HIRAMATSU  Jun NISHIKIDO  Masayuki YANAGIYA  Masato TSUKADA  Ken-ichi YUKIMATSU  

    PAPER-Circuit Switching and Cross-Connecting

    E82-B No:2

    This paper describes the implementation and demonstration of local networks for the hyper-media photonic information network (HM-PIN), a candidate for the information service platform offering broadcast and telecommunication services. In addition, the feasibility of the HM-PIN is also demonstrated using prototype local network systems. This local network adopts architecture based on wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) and broadcast-and-select (B&S) switching, and supports all HM-PIN services except inter-local-network communication. The major issues of this proposed network are the technologies that support many broadcast channels and reduce channel selection cost. This paper also considers the combination of WDM technology and three alternatives: electrical TDM, subcarrier multiplexing (SCM or electrical FDM), and optical TDM (O-TDM). Three 128 ch (8 wavelengths 16 channels) WDM B&S prototype systems are built to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed HM-PIN. In WDM/SCM, 30 and 20 Mb/s channels are realized as 16-QAM and 64-QAM, and 155 Mb/s channels are realized by WDM/TDM. Moreover, these three prototypes were connected to form a small HM-PIN and applications such as video distribution and IP datagram cut-through are demonstrated. Furthermore, the delay and throughput of the HM-PIN are evaluated by connecting a local network to a 200-km WDM-ring backbone network. Our discussions and demonstrations confirm the impact and feasibility of the proposed hyper-media photonic information network.

  • Switching Node Consideration from the Aspect of Transmission Characteristics in Wavelength Assignment Photonic Network (WAPN)

    Tadahiko YASUI  Yoshiaki NAKANO  

    PAPER-Circuit Switching and Cross-Connecting

    E82-B No:2

    By adopting a network architecture in which not only a calling but also a called terminal can select a wavelength, a novel WDM network becomes possible. This we call Wavelength Assignment Photonic Network (WAPN). In this network wavelengths are a kind of network resources and according to requests from terminals, wavelengths are allocated or assigned to calls. In the system a wavelength used for a call is to be used for another call after the call is terminated. By supplying wavelengths to the home, a bitrate-free, protocol free or even transmission method free network can be realized. In this paper, from a viewpoint of S/N or Q factor, WAPN is evaluated with special focus on the node architecture--i. e. , from the viewpoint of node size, number of switching stages, crosstalk level,and losses, because the allowable node size is the crucial issue to decide the whole network capacity. After brief explanations of this proposed system, the model for system evaluations will be established and a node system is to be evaluated for some practical parameter values considering especially traffic characteristics of a node. As a result of this study a node system with capacity more than 100 thousands erl (about 20 Tbps throughput) can be constructed using present available technologies, which will enable us to construct large WAPN network with radius of 2,000 km and subscribers of about 50 millions.

  • Scalability Issues in Optical Networks

    Peter OHLEN  Eilert BERGLIND  Lars THYLEN  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Networking

    E82-B No:2

    Since the inception of optical networking, a goal has been to create an all-optical network. The rapid breakthrough for WDM in point to point links has brought this prospect considerably closer, however, at the same time, questions regarding the scalability of the all-optical network remain. In this paper, we review our recent research in this area, partly performed within the European Union project METON (METropolitan Optical Network), and discuss the all-optical approach and different optoelectronic alternatives, mainly of the 2R (reamplify and reshape) type.

  • A Routing Algorithm for Multihop WDM Ring

    Xiaoshe DONG  Tomohiro KUDOH  Hideharu AMANO  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E82-D No:2

    Divisor-Skip Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DS-WDM) ring is an optical interconnection network for workstation clusters or parallel machines which can connect various number of nodes easily using wavelength division multiplexing techniques. However, the wavelength-ordered routing algorithm proposed for the DS-WDM ring requires complicated processes in each router. Here, a new routing algorithm called the comparing dimensional number routing algorithm for the DS-WDM ring is proposed and evaluated. Although the diameter and average distance are almost same as traditional wavelength-ordered routing, the cost and latency are much reduced.

  • Switching Node Consideration from the Aspect of Transmission Characteristics in Wavelength Assignment Photonic Network (WAPN)

    Tadahiko YASUI  Yoshiaki NAKANO  

    PAPER-Circuit Switching and Cross-Connecting

    E82-C No:2

    By adopting a network architecture in which not only a calling but also a called terminal can select a wavelength, a novel WDM network becomes possible. This we call Wavelength Assignment Photonic Network (WAPN). In this network wavelengths are a kind of network resources and according to requests from terminals, wavelengths are allocated or assigned to calls. In the system a wavelength used for a call is to be used for another call after the call is terminated. By supplying wavelengths to the home, a bitrate-free, protocol free or even transmission method free network can be realized. In this paper, from a viewpoint of S/N or Q factor, WAPN is evaluated with special focus on the node architecture--i. e. , from the viewpoint of node size, number of switching stages, crosstalk level,and losses, because the allowable node size is the crucial issue to decide the whole network capacity. After brief explanations of this proposed system, the model for system evaluations will be established and a node system is to be evaluated for some practical parameter values considering especially traffic characteristics of a node. As a result of this study a node system with capacity more than 100 thousands erl (about 20 Tbps throughput) can be constructed using present available technologies, which will enable us to construct large WAPN network with radius of 2,000 km and subscribers of about 50 millions.

  • Photonic Packet Switching: An Overview

    Rodney S. TUCKER  Wen De ZHONG  

    INVITED PAPER-Packet and ATM Switching

    E82-B No:2

    The application of photonic technologies to packet switching offers the potential of very large switch capacity in the terabit per second range. The merging of packet switching with photonic technologies opens up the possibility of packet switching in transparent photonic media, in which packets remain in optical form without undergoing optoelectronic conversion. This paper reviews recent work on photonic packet switching. Different approaches to photonic packet switching and key design issues are discussed.

  • All-Optical NRZ-to-Inverted-RZ Converter with Extinction Ratio Enhancement Using a Modified Terahertz Optical Asymmetric Demultiplexer

    Hyuek Jae LEE  Kwangjoon KIM  Jee Yon CHOI  Hae-Geun KIM  Chu Hwan YIM  

    LETTER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-B No:2

    To enhance the extinction ratio (ER) of NRZ-to-inverted-RZ converter based on cross-gain compression of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), a modified terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD) is cascaded. ER is improved from 1.6-6.7 dB to 5.4-14.5 dB, depending on the intensity of input optical NRZ signal. The proposed NRZ-to-inverted-RZ converter enhances and regulates ER to a high value (14.5 dB) for very wide optical NRZ signal intensity range.

  • A High-Performance Switch Architecture for Free-Space Photonic Switching Systems

    Shigeo URUSHIDANI  Masayasu YAMAGUCHI  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Circuit Switching and Cross-Connecting

    E82-B No:2

    Design and evaluation of a high-performance switch architecture for free-space photonic switching systems is described. The switch is constructed of 22 switching elements and employs special multistage interconnection patterns. The connection setup algorithm and the control procedure at the switching elements are based on a "rerouting algorithm." Performance analysis shows that the blocking probability of the switch is easily controlled by increasing the number of switching stages. Example implementations of this switch are shown in which birefringent plates, polarization controllers, etc. are used.

  • Development on Guided-Wave Switch Arrays

    Hirochika NAKAJIMA  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-B No:2

    State of the arts on guided-wave optical switch arrays are reviewed. In this paper, electro-optic Ti:LiNbO3 devices are mainly described in comparison with crosspoint switch element structures and switch array architectures. Packaging technologies and stability problems are discussed for practical system applications. Recent development on other materials such as semiconductor waveguides, thermo-optic glass/polymer waveguides are also reviewed briefly.

  • Hyper-Media Photonic Information Networks as Future Network Service Platforms

    Masayasu YAMAGUCHI  Ken-ichi YUKIMATSU  Atsushi HIRAMATSU  Tohru MATSUNAGA  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Networking

    E82-C No:2

    This paper reviews the hyper-media photonic information network (HM-PIN) concept as a candidate of innovative future networks based on photonic technologies. The HM-PIN having a universal network interface integrates a variety of information services: telecommunications, newspapers, magazines, TV broadcasts and the growing collection of information servers. This network fundamentally offers three items: (1) bi-directional real-time channels with 10-Mbit/s-class or higher bit rate, (2) multipoint connections including multicasting/broadcasting, (3) high accessibility to information. These items are derived from the constraints of the conventional telephone networks and the Internet. By applying photonic technologies, the HM-PIN can be implemented as follows: The local network (the service platform) of the HM-PIN can be achieved by using a wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) broadcast-and-select (B&S) architecture that offers broadband multipoint connections (one-to-many, many-to-many) based on an inherent full-mesh topology. The WDM B&S local network will be able to support 10,000 to 100,000 channels (each with 10-Mbit/s or more bandwidth) by using optical and electrical multiplexing techniques. The backbone network can be constructed by combining photonic asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switching systems and WDM transmission systems (including cross-connects). Two deployment scenarios of the HM-PIN (cost-oriented and service-oriented deployment scenarios) are also described for smoothly introducing the HM-PIN even before the cost issue is solved. The HM-PIN based on photonic technologies will be a future network service platform that greatly enhances communication services.

  • Photonic Packet Switching: An Overview

    Rodney S. TUCKER  Wen De ZHONG  

    INVITED PAPER-Packet and ATM Switching

    E82-C No:2

    The application of photonic technologies to packet switching offers the potential of very large switch capacity in the terabit per second range. The merging of packet switching with photonic technologies opens up the possibility of packet switching in transparent photonic media, in which packets remain in optical form without undergoing optoelectronic conversion. This paper reviews recent work on photonic packet switching. Different approaches to photonic packet switching and key design issues are discussed.

  • Broadcast-and-Select Switching System Based on Optical Time-Division Multiplexing (OTDM) Technology

    Masato TSUKADA  Adrian J. KEATING  

    PAPER-Circuit Switching and Cross-Connecting

    E82-C No:2

    This paper presents large capacity switching systems for a local network using the broadcast-and-select (B&S) architecture. The B&S switching system, based on optical time-division multiplexing (OTDM), can provide several hundreds of Gbit/s by using a nonlinear optical switch as the time-channel selector. Moreover, the combination of OTDM and wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) can realize throughputs over Tbit/s. In experiments, first, all-optical selection from a 51.2-Gbit/s data-stream to yield a 160-Mbit/s data-channel is demonstrated for a B&S OTDM switching system. Second, all-optical selection from a 25.6-Gbit/s 2 (51.2-Gbit/s) WDM data-stream to yield a 160-Mbit/s data-channel is demonstrated for a B&S OTDM and WDM switching system. Finally, the number of optical amplifiers that one user has to share in the B&S OTDM switching system is discussed.

  • Feasibility Demonstrations of Hyper-Media Photonic Information Networks Using Prototype WDM Broadcast-and-Select Local Network Systems

    Masanori OGAWARA  Atsushi HIRAMATSU  Jun NISHIKIDO  Masayuki YANAGIYA  Masato TSUKADA  Ken-ichi YUKIMATSU  

    PAPER-Circuit Switching and Cross-Connecting

    E82-C No:2

    This paper describes the implementation and demonstration of local networks for the hyper-media photonic information network (HM-PIN), a candidate for the information service platform offering broadcast and telecommunication services. In addition, the feasibility of the HM-PIN is also demonstrated using prototype local network systems. This local network adopts architecture based on wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) and broadcast-and-select (B&S) switching, and supports all HM-PIN services except inter-local-network communication. The major issues of this proposed network are the technologies that support many broadcast channels and reduce channel selection cost. This paper also considers the combination of WDM technology and three alternatives: electrical TDM, subcarrier multiplexing (SCM or electrical FDM), and optical TDM (O-TDM). Three 128 ch (8 wavelengths 16 channels) WDM B&S prototype systems are built to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed HM-PIN. In WDM/SCM, 30 and 20 Mb/s channels are realized as 16-QAM and 64-QAM, and 155 Mb/s channels are realized by WDM/TDM. Moreover, these three prototypes were connected to form a small HM-PIN and applications such as video distribution and IP datagram cut-through are demonstrated. Furthermore, the delay and throughput of the HM-PIN are evaluated by connecting a local network to a 200-km WDM-ring backbone network. Our discussions and demonstrations confirm the impact and feasibility of the proposed hyper-media photonic information network.

  • Scalability Issues in Optical Networks

    Peter OHLEN  Eilert BERGLIND  Lars THYLEN  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Networking

    E82-C No:2

    Since the inception of optical networking, a goal has been to create an all-optical network. The rapid breakthrough for WDM in point to point links has brought this prospect considerably closer, however, at the same time, questions regarding the scalability of the all-optical network remain. In this paper, we review our recent research in this area, partly performed within the European Union project METON (METropolitan Optical Network), and discuss the all-optical approach and different optoelectronic alternatives, mainly of the 2R (reamplify and reshape) type.

  • Development on Guided-Wave Switch Arrays

    Hirochika NAKAJIMA  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-C No:2

    State of the arts on guided-wave optical switch arrays are reviewed. In this paper, electro-optic Ti:LiNbO3 devices are mainly described in comparison with crosspoint switch element structures and switch array architectures. Packaging technologies and stability problems are discussed for practical system applications. Recent development on other materials such as semiconductor waveguides, thermo-optic glass/polymer waveguides are also reviewed briefly.

  • All-Optical NRZ-to-Inverted-RZ Converter with Extinction Ratio Enhancement Using a Modified Terahertz Optical Asymmetric Demultiplexer

    Hyuek Jae LEE  Kwangjoon KIM  Jee Yon CHOI  Hae-Geun KIM  Chu Hwan YIM  

    LETTER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-C No:2

    To enhance the extinction ratio (ER) of NRZ-to-inverted-RZ converter based on cross-gain compression of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), a modified terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD) is cascaded. ER is improved from 1.6-6.7 dB to 5.4-14.5 dB, depending on the intensity of input optical NRZ signal. The proposed NRZ-to-inverted-RZ converter enhances and regulates ER to a high value (14.5 dB) for very wide optical NRZ signal intensity range.

  • A High-Performance Switch Architecture for Free-Space Photonic Switching Systems

    Shigeo URUSHIDANI  Masayasu YAMAGUCHI  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Circuit Switching and Cross-Connecting

    E82-C No:2

    Design and evaluation of a high-performance switch architecture for free-space photonic switching systems is described. The switch is constructed of 22 switching elements and employs special multistage interconnection patterns. The connection setup algorithm and the control procedure at the switching elements are based on a "rerouting algorithm."" Performance analysis shows that the blocking probability of the switch is easily controlled by increasing the number of switching stages. Example implementations of this switch are shown in which birefringent plates, polarization controllers, etc. are used.

  • Hybrid Integrated 44 Optical Matrix Switch Module on Silica Based Planar Waveguide Platform

    Tomoaki KATO  Jun-ichi SASAKI  Tsuyoshi SHIMODA  Hiroshi HATAKEYAMA  Takemasa TAMANUKI  Shotaro KITAMURA  Masayuki YAMAGUCHI  Tatsuya SASAKI  Keiro KOMATSU  Mitsuhiro KITAMURA  Masataka ITOH  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-B No:2

    The hybrid electrical/optical multi-chip integration technique for optical modules for optical network system has been developed. Employing the technique, a 44 broadcast-and-select type optical matrix switch module has been realized. The module consists of four sets of silica waveguide 1 : 4 splitters/4 : 1 combiners, four 4-channel arrays of polarization insensitive semiconductor optical amplifiers with spot-size converters as optical gates, printed wiring chips for electrical wiring and single mode fibers for optical signal interface on planar waveguide platform fabricated by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition. All the gates and the wiring chips were mounted precisely onto the platform at once in flip-chip manner by self-align technique using AuSn solder bumps. Coupling loss between the waveguide and the SOA gate was estimated to be 4.5 dB. Averaged fiber-to-fiber signal gain, on-off ratio and polarization dependent loss for each of the signal paths was 7 dB 2 dB, more than 40 dB and 0.5 dB, respectively. High speed 10 Gb/s photonic cell switching as short as 2 nsec has been successfully achieved.

  • Hybrid Integrated 44 Optical Matrix Switch Module on Silica Based Planar Waveguide Platform

    Tomoaki KATO  Jun-ichi SASAKI  Tsuyoshi SHIMODA  Hiroshi HATAKEYAMA  Takemasa TAMANUKI  Shotaro KITAMURA  Masayuki YAMAGUCHI  Tatsuya SASAKI  Keiro KOMATSU  Mitsuhiro KITAMURA  Masataka ITOH  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-C No:2

    The hybrid electrical/optical multi-chip integration technique for optical modules for optical network system has been developed. Employing the technique, a 44 broadcast-and-select type optical matrix switch module has been realized. The module consists of four sets of silica waveguide 1 : 4 splitters/4 : 1 combiners, four 4-channel arrays of polarization insensitive semiconductor optical amplifiers with spot-size converters as optical gates, printed wiring chips for electrical wiring and single mode fibers for optical signal interface on planar waveguide platform fabricated by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition. All the gates and the wiring chips were mounted precisely onto the platform at once in flip-chip manner by self-align technique using AuSn solder bumps. Coupling loss between the waveguide and the SOA gate was estimated to be 4.5 dB. Averaged fiber-to-fiber signal gain, on-off ratio and polarization dependent loss for each of the signal paths was 7 dB 2 dB, more than 40 dB and 0.5 dB, respectively. High speed 10 Gb/s photonic cell switching as short as 2 nsec has been successfully achieved.

  • Increase in Contact Resistance of Hard Gold Plating during Thermal Aging -- Nickel-Hardened Gold and Cobalt-Hardened Gold --

    Hisao KUMAKURA  Makoto SEKIGUCHI  


    E82-C No:1

    Contact resistance of nickel hardened gold electroplate (NiHG) deposited on nickel-underplated phosphor bronze disk coupons (substrate) after thermal aging was measured with a hard gold-plated beryllium copper alloy pin probe by means of a four-point probe technique, compared to that of cobalt-hardened gold electroplate (CoHG). Surface of NiHG plated coupons after aging was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to investigate the influence of the oxide film formation during thermal aging on contact resistance of NiHG electroplate, compared to that of CoHG. Initial contact resistance of the NiHG coupons was less than 10 mΩ at a contact forces more than 0.05 N, increased to 10 mΩ at a contact force of 0.05 N after 100 hours aging at 200. In contrast, contact resistance of the CoHG coupons progressively increased with increase in aging time, reached 1000 mΩ even at a contact force of 0.05 N after 52 hours aging. XPS analysis for the NiHG coupons demonstrated that nickel oxide film was formed on the NiHG surface in conformity with parabolic growth kinetics, as cobalt oxide film formed on CoHG surface. However, a thickness of the latter film was approximately 4-fold larger than that of former after 100 hours aging at 200. The small increase in contact resistance of NiHG coupons after aging suggested to be due to inhibitory of nickel oxide film growth on the surface. The cause of relatively low and steady contact resistance of NiHG during thermal aging was discussed.
