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[Keyword] NIC(2720hit)


  • Asymmetric Single Electron Turnstile and Its Electronic Circuit Applications

    Masaharu KIRIHARA  Kenji TANIGUCHI  


    E81-C No:1

    The basic operation characteristics of an asymmetric turnstile which transfers each electron one by one in one direction is described. A novel single electron counter circuit consisting of the asymmetric turnstiles, a load capacitor and an inverter which counts the number of high inputs is proposed. Monte Carlo circuit simulations reveal that the gate clock time of the counter circuit should be long enough to achieve allowable minimum error rate. The counter circuit implementing asymmetric single electron turnstiles is demonstrated to be applicable to a noise reduction system, a Winner-Take-All circuit and an artificial neuron circuit.

  • Window and Extended Window Methods for Addition Chain and Addition-Subtraction Chain

    Noboru KUNIHIRO  Hirosuke YAMAMOTO  


    E81-A No:1

    The addition chain (A-chain) and addition-subtraction chain (AS-chain) are efficient tools to calculate power Me (or multiplication eM), where integere is fixed andM is variable. Since the optimization problem to find the shortest A (or AS)-chain is NP-hard, many algorithms to get a sub-optimal A (or AS)-chain in polynomial time are proposed. In this paper, a window method for the AS-chain and an extended window method for the A-chain and AS-chain are proposed and their performances are theoretically evaluated by applying the theory of the optimal variable-to-fixed length code, i. e. , Tunstall code, in data compression. It is shown by theory and simulation that the proposed algorithms are more efficient than other algorithms in practical cases in addition to the asymptotic case.

  • DC Drift Compensation of LiNbO3 Intensity Modulator Using Low Frequency Perturbation

    Shigeki AISAWA  Hiroshi MIYAO  Noboru TAKACHIO  Shigeru KUWANO  

    LETTER-Communication Device and Circuit

    E81-B No:1

    A simple method of compensating the DC drift of LiNbO3 Mach-Zehnder intensity modulators for very high speed optical transmission systems is proposed. This method adds low frequency perturbation to the modulator driving signal, and controls the bias voltage using the detected envelope of the modulator output signal. The control circuit is successfully demonstrated to work with less than a 0. 1-dB power penalty.

  • Practical Escrow Cash Schemes

    Eiichiro FUJISAKI  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  


    E81-A No:1

    This paper proposes practical escrow cash schemes with particular emphasis on countermeasures against social crimes such as money laundering and extortion. The proposed cash schemes restrict "unconditional" privacy in order to prevent these social crimes while preserving off-line-ness, divisibility and transferability, properties listed in [25] as criteria for ideal cash schemes.

  • Optimal Packet Length in a Point-to-Point Communication System with a Layered Protocol Structure

    Hongbing CHEN  Shigetomo KIMURA  Yoshihiko EBIHARA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:1

    The Optimal Packet Length (OPL) in packet-switched communication systems has been studied in the literature from various aspects. In this paper, we consider the trade-off between packet length and data transmission delay in a high-speed communication system. To simplify the analysis of the mean data transmission delay, the model is limited to a point-to-point communication system, in which each node complies with the OSI reference model. In order to study the relationship between the OPL and the number of modules performing each protocol, two model communication systems are discussed. In one each node contains two layered protocol modules, and in the other three. Moreover, for both models, the mean data transmission delay is analyzed for two cases depending on whether or not the DLC layer or the network layer performs retransmissions. After studying the OPL which minimizes the mean data transmission delay in each case, we discuss the relationships between the OPLs and the various protocol parameters.

  • Photoirradiation Effects in a Single-Electron Tunnel Junction Array

    Michiharu TABE  Yoichi TERAO  Noboru ASAHI  Yoshihito AMEMIYA  


    E81-C No:1

    Area-restricted illumination of light onto a voltage-biased single-electron tunnel junction array is modeled by reduced resistance of junctions, and its effects on current-voltage characteristics, charge distributions and potential profiles are calculated by a Monte Carlo method. The results show that photocurrent nearly proportional to the applied voltage is generated above a threshold voltage determined by Coulomb blockade effect. The photocurrent increases with increasing irradiated area, which is ascribed to reduction in total resistance of the circuit. Under irradiation, a characteristic charge distribution is formed, i. e. , negative and positive charge bumps are formed in the nodes at the dark and bright boundaries. The charge bumps serve to screen the electric field formed by the bias voltage and create almost a flat potential in the irradiated area. Furthermore, time-response of the charge distribution to a pulse irradiation is also studied. For high dark resistance, the charge bumps are sustained for a long period working as a memory of light. These results suggest feasibility of single-electron photonic devices such as photodetectors and photomemories.

  • One-Time Zero-Knowledge Authentications and Their Applications to Untraceable Electronic Cash

    Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  Kazuo OHTA  


    E81-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new type of authentication system, one-time zero-knowledge authentication system. Informally speaking, in this authentication system, double usage of the same authentication is prevented. Based on these one-time zero-knowledge authentication systems, we propose a new untraceable electronic cash scheme satisfying both untraceability and unreusablity. This scheme overcomes the problems of the previous scheme proposed by Chaum, Fiat and Naor through its greater efficiency and provable security under reasonable cryptographic assumptions. We also propose a scheme, transferable untraceable electronic cash scheme, satisfying transferability as well as the above two criteria. Moreover, we also propose a new type of electronic cash, untraceable electronic coupon ticket, in which the value of one piece of the electronic cash can be subdivided into many pieces.

  • Performance of Pilot Symbol-Assisted Coherent Orthogonal Filter Based Rake Receiver Using Fast Transmit Power Control for DS-CDMA Mobile Radio

    Hidehiro ANDOH  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E80-A No:12

    The bit error rate (BER) performance against average Eb/No (signal energy per bit-to-noise power spectral density ratio) and the capacity of the pilot symbol-assisted coherent orthogonal filter (PSA-COF) based Rake receiver with fast transmit power control (TPC) are evaluated in DS-CDMA reverse link under multipath Rayleigh fading. Fast TPC, which controls all signals transmitted from users in the same cell or sector such that they are received with equal power at the cell site under fast Rayleigh fading, is essential for the PSA-COF based Rake receiver in the reverse link in order to improve the performance degradation experienced when the received signal level drops due to fading as the transmit power is limited in practical systems. Signal-to interference plus noise power ratio (SINR) based fast transmit power control (TPC) is assumed here. By using the fast TPC in reverse link and applying the PSA-COF based Rake receiver to base station (BS), the transmit power of each mobile station (MS) can be significantly reduced, thus increasing link capacity. It is demonstrated that the capacity of the PSA-COF based Rake receiver is about 1.5 times higher than that of the conventional matched filter (MF) receiver in interference-limited channels.

  • Cochannel Interference Rejection in Multipath Channels

    Yu T. SU  Li-Der JENG  Fang-Biau UENG  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E80-B No:12

    In addition to additive thermal noise, a received direct-sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) signal may suffer from intersymbol interference (ISI) and interference caused by cochannel narrowband users or other narrowband radio frequency interference (RFI). This paper presents a workable solution for removing narrowband interference (NBI) and reducing ISI or inter-chip interference (ICI) when the communication channel can be modeled as an FIR filter and the NBI comes from multiple CW tones, an AR-modeled Gaussian process, or a BPSK signal. Unlike earlier solutions, the proposed scheme is capable of performing the functions of NBI-rejection, ISI/ICI suppression and data detection (code despreading) simultaneously. It is easy to implement and, more importantly, it yields lower bit error rate (BER) and smaller mean squared error (MSE).

  • The Synchronization Acquisition of M-Ary/SS Communication System with Differential Detector

    Nozomu HISHINAGA  Yoshihiro IWADARE  


    E80-A No:12

    It is well known that M-ary/spread spectrum (M-ary/SS) system is superior to direct-sequence spread spectrum system under AWGN, and can achieve high spectral efficiency. On the other hand, however, the main drawback of this system is that the synchronization acquisition is difficult. In this paper, we propose a new synchronization acquisition method of M-ary/SS system. This method acquires the code synchronization by introducing a symmetrical property in spreading sequences, and detecting this property with the differential decoding technique. As spreading sequences, a set of orthogonal sequences and a set of non-orthogonal sequences are considered. The strong features of proposed systems are that the systems can acquire the code synchronization in carrier band and can reduce the complexity of calculation greatly. Among the comparison results of the systems with newly proposed orthogonal and some specific non-orthogonal spreading sequences, it is especially noted that the latter can reduce the mean acquisition time and calculation complexity much greater than the former.

  • Ultrasonic Motor Operating in Longitudinal-Torsional Degenerate-Mode

    Takeshi INOUE  Osamu MYOHGA  Noriko WATARI  Takeya HASHIGUCHI  Sadayuki UEHA  


    E80-A No:12

    The efficiency and reliability of an ultrasonic motor, operating in longitudinal-torsional degenerate-mode, are investigated. It is essential to miniaturize both longitudinal and torsional mode piezoelectric ceramic elements, in order to produce low-cost ultrasonic motors, and to realize a motor with low battery power consumption. The ultrasonic motor is designed with an accurate mechanical equivalent circuit, which can produce high design precision notwithstanding low computation cost. It is important in this design that the resonant frequencies of longitudinal mode and torsional mode coincide with each other under the pertinent rotor pressing force and longitudinal and torsional mode piezoelectric ceramic elements are located in the vibration nodes for the longitudinal mode and the torsional mode, respectively. As a result, the fabricated motor, whose rotor diameter was 12 mm, produced 480 r.p.m. no-load revolution speed, 0.55 kgfcm maximum torque, 50% maximum efficiency, 2.5 W consumed power and a lifetime over 1000 hours with continuous rotation.

  • An Analysis of Frame Synchronization Systems with Racing Counters and Majority Rule for M-ary/SS Communication Systems

    Kouji OHUCHI  Hiromasa HABUCHI  


    E80-A No:12

    In this paper, a simple frame synchronization system for M-ary Spread Spectrum (M-ary/SS) communication system is analyzed. In particular, synchronization performance, bit error rate performance, and Spread Spectrum Multiple Access (SSMA) performance are analyzed. The frame synchronization system uses the racing counters. The transmitted signal contains framing chips that are added to spreading sequences. In the receiver, the framing chips are detected from several frames. The authors have proposed the simple frame synchronization system that detects framing chips from consecutive 2 frames. In this system, as the number of framing chips increases, synchronization performance improves and bit error rate performance degrades. In this paper a frame synchronization system that improves bit error rate performance is treated and analyzed. As the rusult, when the number of reference frames is 3, the bit error rate is much improved than the conventional system.

  • Performance Analysis of Slotted ALOHA/CDMA System with Adaptive MMSE Receivers

    Predrag B. RAPAJIC  


    E80-A No:12

    A slotted ALOHA direct sequence spread spectrum system with random signatures is considered. The system is applicable in cases where a large number of terminals transmit to a single hub station like in cellular digital radio, personal mobile systems and wireless LANs. It is shown that significant improvements in packet throughput capacity are obtained if the adaptive receiver structures are used. Systems for the comparison are the spread spectrum slotted ALOHA system and the conventional slotted ALOHA system.

  • A Spread-Spectrum System with Dual Processing Gains Designed for Cyclic Noise in Power Line Communications

    Hisashi NIWA  Osamu OONO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Akira OGAWA  Noriyuki ISAKA  


    E80-A No:12

    We propose a spread-spectrum power line communication system considering the cyclic features of the noise in the lines. For this purpose, we model the noise as the sum of a time-invariant stationary process and two cyclostationary proceses, i.e., cyclic continuous noise and cyclic impulsive noise. The proposed system employs two different countermeasures to each of these two classes of cyclic noise. For the cyclic continuous noise, it uses multiple-processing-gain spread spectrum technique: the smaller processing gains are assigned for the periods with lower instantaneous noise power and the larger ones for the periods of higher noise power. Considering the cyclic impulsive noise, convolutional coding with interleaving is applied. In order to analyze the performance improvement due to the employment of multiple processing gains, we introduce a simple model of the continuous noise. The overall performance is evaluated by computer simulation with the actual noise wave-form measured in power lines.

  • Low-Voltage Operation GaAs Receiver Front-End IC

    Junji ITOH  Tadayoshi NAKATSUKA  Mitsuru NISHITSUJI  Tomoya UDA  Osamu ISHIKAWA  


    E80-C No:12

    Low-voltage technology in front-end GaAs IC for mobile communication equipment will be presented. New techniques in combination with different threshold voltage (Vth) FETs for an amplifier and a mixer were investigated for low-voltage operation of the IC. The amplifier and mixer consist of a cascode connected to FETs with shallow and deep Vth. The best suitable distribution of the supply voltages was accomplished for each FETs by using a combination of different Vth, and excellent RF characteristics of the IC were obtained, even at low voltage operation. In addition, this front-end IC has a high image rejection ratio (IRR) without using an external image rejection filter, but by using high Q-value input and intermediate matching circuits. The fabrication process used an asymmetric self-aligned BP-LDD process and high dielectric constant (high-εr) on-chip bypass capacitors using SrTiO3 contributed to a reduction in dissipation current, chip size and parasitic reactance in the source wires. The fabricated IC showed a conversion gain (CG) of 23 dB, noise figure (NF) of 2.8 dB, 3rd order output intercept point (IP3out) of 3 dBm, image rejection ratio (IRR) over 20 dBc and LO to RF isolation over 25 dB, operating by 1.0 V single supply with dissipation current of 6.8 mA at 880 MHz. At 1.9 GHz, the IC also showed excellent RF characteristics with dissipation current of 6.5 mA at 1.0 V. The IC die is very small the size is 0.75 mm0.75 mm, and is molded in a mini-6pin plastic package.

  • Diffraction and Scattering of a Plane Wave from Randomly Deformed Periodic Surface

    Lan GAO  Junichi NAKAYAMA  


    E80-C No:11

    This paper deals with a probabilistic formulation of the diffraction and scattering of a plane wave from a periodic surface randomly deformed by a binary sequence. The scattered wave is shown to have a stochastic Floquet's form, that is a product of a periodic stationary random function and an exponential phase factor. Such a periodic stationary random function is then represented in terms of a harmonic series representation similar to Fourier series, where `Fourier coefficients' are mutually correlated stationary processes rather than constants. The mutually correlated stationary processes are written by binary orthogonal functionals with unknown binary kernels. When the surface deformations are small compared with wavelength, an approximate solution is obtained for low-order binary kernels, from which the scattering cross section, coherently diffracted power and the optical theorem are numerically calculated and are illustrated in figures.

  • A Sparse-Matrix/Canonical Grid Method for Analyzing Microstrip Structures

    Chi H.CHAN  Chien Min LIN  Leung TSANG  Yiu Fung LEUNG  


    E80-C No:11

    In this paper, we illustrate the analysis of microstrip structures with a large number of unknowns using the sparse-matrix/canonical grid method. This fast Fourier thansform (FFT) based iterative method reduces both CPU time and computer storage memory requirements. We employ the Mixed-Potential Integral Equation (MPIE) formulation in conjunction with the RWG triangular discretization. The required spatial-domain Green's functions are obtained efficiently and accurately using the Complex Image Method (CIM). The impedance matrix is decomposed into a sparse matrix which corresponds to near interactions and its complementary matrix which corresponds to far interactions among the subsectional current elements on the microstrip structures. During the iterative process, the near-interaction portion of the matrix -vector multiplication is computed directly as the conventional MPIE formulation. The far-interaction portion of the matrix-vector multiplication is computed indirectly using fast Fourier transforms (FFTs). This is achieved by a Taylor series expansion of the Green's function about the grid points of a uniformly-spaced canonical grid overlaying the triangular discretization.

  • A Simple Synchronization Acquisition Method for DS/SS System under Carrier Frequency Offset

    Nozomu NISHINAGA  Masato NAKAGAMI  Yoshihiro IWADARE  

    PAPER-Communications/Coded Modulation/Spread Spectrum

    E80-A No:11

    Recently, the low earth orbit satellite communications has been attracting much attention. These communications have many strong features, however, the communication performances are influenced by carrier frequency offset (CFO) and, particularly, it is hard to acquire the synchronization. A large number of publications have so far been made on the synchronization acquisition of DS/SS systems under CFO and most of them make use of the maximum likelihood decision in finding the maximum values of Fourier transform outputs. However, the implementations of Fourier transforms usually require high cost and large space. In this paper, we propose a new simple acquisition scheme using half-symbol differential decoding technique for DS/SS systems under CFO. This scheme makes use of the addition and subtraction of baseband signals and their delayed versions, (omitting Fourier transforms), together with integrations by recursive integrators, and thus resulting in much simpler implementation. In general, it is shown that the proposed scheme can acquire the code synchronization under carrier frequency offset with much smaller computational complexities and the sacrifice of longer acquisition time.

  • An Initial Acquisition Method for M-Ary Spread-Spectrum Signals Using Hadamard Code Sequences

    Tadahiro WADA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  

    PAPER-Communications/Coded Modulation/Spread Spectrum

    E80-A No:11

    In this paper, we examine a new initial symbol acquisition method for M-ary spread-spectrum (M-ary/SS) signals that are affected by large carrier frequency offset. By the effect of the carrier frequency offset, preamble signal energy is dispersed to the undersired outputs. The proposed method is based on the collection of such dispersed signal energies by using reference patterns. The reference patterns are constructed by using the characteristic of Hadamard code sequences. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated in terms of mean acquisition time.

  • Irreducible Components of Canonical Graphs for Second Order Spectral Nulls

    Hiroshi KAMABE  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E80-A No:11

    Irreducible components of canonical graphs for second order spectral null constraints at a rational submultiple of the symbol frequency fsk/n are studied where fs is the symbol frequency. We show that if n is prime then a canonical graph consists of disjoint irreducible components. We also show that the number of irreducible components of a canonical graphs is finite if n is prime. For the case n = 2 and p O mod n, all aperiodic irreducible components are identified explicitly where p is a parameter of a canonical graph.
