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[Keyword] RIN(2923hit)


  • Accelerating Web Content Filtering by the Early Decision Algorithm

    Po-Ching LIN  Ming-Dao LIU  Ying-Dar LIN  Yuan-Cheng LAI  

    PAPER-Contents Technology and Web Information Systems

    E91-D No:2

    Real-time content analysis is typically a bottleneck in Web filtering. To accelerate the filtering process, this work presents a simple, but effective early decision algorithm that analyzes only part of the Web content. This algorithm can make the filtering decision, either to block or to pass the Web content, as soon as it is confident with a high probability that the content really belongs to a banned or an allowed category. Experiments show the algorithm needs to examine only around one-fourth of the Web content on average, while the accuracy remains fairly good: 89% for the banned content and 93% for the allowed content. This algorithm can complement other Web filtering approaches, such as URL blocking, to filter the Web content with high accuracy and efficiency. Text classification algorithms in other applications can also follow the principle of early decision to accelerate their applications.

  • Isosceles-Trapezoidal-Distribution Edge Tapered Array Antenna with Unequal Element Spacing for Solar Power Satellite


    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E91-B No:2

    The Earth will require sustainable electricity sources equivalent to 3 to 5 times the commercial power presently produced by 2050. Solar Power Satellite (SPS) is one option for meeting the huge future energy demand. SPS can send enormous amounts of power to the Earth as the form of microwave (MW). A highly efficient microwave power transmission (MPT) system is needed for SPS. A critical goal of SPS is to maintain highest Beam Efficiency (BE) because the microwaves from SPS will be converted to utility power unlike the MW from communication satellites. Another critical goal of SPS is to maintain Side Lobe Levels (SLL) as small as possible to reduce interference to other communication systems. One way to decrease SLL and increase BE is the edge tapering of a phased array antenna. However, tapering the excitation requires a technically complicated system. Another way of achieving minimum SLL is with randomly spaced element position but it does not guarantee higher BE and the determination of random element position is also a difficult task. Isosceles Trapezoidal Distribution (ITD) edge tapered antenna was studied for SPS as an optimization between full edge tapering and uniform amplitude distribution. The highest Beam Collection Efficiency (BCE) and lowest SLL (except maximum SLL) are possible to achieve in ITD edge tapering and ITD edge tapered antenna is technically better. The performance of ITD is further improved from the perspective of both Maximum Side Lobe Level (MSLL) and BE by using unequal spacing of the antenna elements. A remarkable reduction in MSLL is achieved with ITD edge tapering with Unequal element spacing (ITDU). BE was also highest in ITDU. Determination of unequal element position for ITDU is very easy. ITDU is a newer concept that is experimented for the first time. The merits of ITDU over ITD and Gaussian edge tapering are discussed.

  • New Inter-Cluster Proximity Index for Fuzzy c-Means Clustering

    Fan LI  Shijin DAI  Qihe LIU  Guowei YANG  

    LETTER-Data Mining

    E91-D No:2

    This letter presents a new inter-cluster proximity index for fuzzy partitions obtained from the fuzzy c-means algorithm. It is defined as the average proximity of all possible pairs of clusters. The proximity of each pair of clusters is determined by the overlap and the separation of the two clusters. The former is quantified by using concepts of Fuzzy Rough sets theory and the latter by computing the distance between cluster centroids. Experimental results indicate the efficiency of the proposed index.

  • RK-Means Clustering: K-Means with Reliability

    Chunsheng HUA  Qian CHEN  Haiyuan WU  Toshikazu WADA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E91-D No:1

    This paper presents an RK-means clustering algorithm which is developed for reliable data grouping by introducing a new reliability evaluation to the K-means clustering algorithm. The conventional K-means clustering algorithm has two shortfalls: 1) the clustering result will become unreliable if the assumed number of the clusters is incorrect; 2) during the update of a cluster center, all the data points belong to that cluster are used equally without considering how distant they are to the cluster center. In this paper, we introduce a new reliability evaluation to K-means clustering algorithm by considering the triangular relationship among each data point and its two nearest cluster centers. We applied the proposed algorithm to track objects in video sequence and confirmed its effectiveness and advantages.

  • Low Insertion-Loss, and Wideband Dual-Mode Bandpass Filters with Dual Perturbation Elements

    Shih-Bin JHONG  Min-Hang WENG  Sean WU  Cheng-Yuan HUNG  Maw-Shung LEE  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E91-C No:1

    A novel low insertion-loss and wideband microstrip bandpass filter has been designed and tested. The basic configuration of this novel dual-mode filter is a square ring resonator with direct-connected orthogonal feed lines, and dual-perturbation elements are introduced within the resonator at symmetrical location. The effects of the size of the perturbation element are studied. A new filter having wider bandwidth and transmission zeros are presented. The proposed filter responses are in good agreement with the simulations and experiments.

  • Scattering of TM Plane Wave from Periodic Grating with Single Defect

    Kazuhiro HATTORI  Junichi NAKAYAMA  Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    PAPER-Scattering and Diffraction

    E91-C No:1

    This paper deals with the scattering of a TM plane wave from a periodic grating with single defect, of which position is known. The surface is perfectly conductive and made up with a periodic array of rectangular grooves and a defect where a groove is not formed. The scattered wave above grooves is written as a variation from the diffracted wave for the perfectly periodic case. Then, an integral equation for the scattering amplitude is obtained, which is solved numerically by use of truncation and the iteration method. The differential scattering cross section and the optical theorem are calculated in terms of the scattering amplitude and are illustrated in figures. It is found that incoherent Wood's anomaly appears at critical angles of scattering. The physical mechanisms of Wood's anomaly and incoherent Wood's anomaly are discussed in relation to the guided surface wave excited by the incident plane wave. It is concluded that incoherent Wood's anomaly is caused by the diffraction of the guided surface wave.

  • Powered Tate Pairing Computation

    Bo Gyeong KANG  Je Hong PARK  


    E91-A No:1

    In this letter, we provide a simple proof of bilinearity for the eta pairing. Based on it, we show an efficient method to compute the powered Tate pairing as well. Although efficiency of our method is equivalent to that of the Tate pairing on the eta pairing approach, but ours is more general in principle.

  • Asynchronous, Decentralized DS-CDMA Using Feedback-Controlled Spreading Sequences for Time-Dispersive Channels

    Teruhiko MIYATAKE  Kazuki CHIBA  Masanori HAMAMURA  Shin'ichi TACHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Spectrum Sharing

    E91-B No:1

    We propose a novel asynchronous direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) using feedback-controlled spreading sequences (FCSSs) (FCSS/DS-CDMA). At the receiver of FCSS/DS-CDMA, the code-orthogonalizing filter (COF) produces a spreading sequence, and the receiver returns the spreading sequence to the transmitter. Then the transmitter uses the spreading sequence as its updated version. The performance of FCSS/DS-CDMA is evaluated over time-dispersive channels. The results indicate that FCSS/DS-CDMA greatly suppresses both the intersymbol interference (ISI) and multiple access interference (MAI) over time-invariant channels. FCSS/DS-CDMA is applicable to the decentralized multiple access.

  • GDME: Grey Relational Clustering Applied to a Clock Tree Construction with Zero Skew and Minimal Delay

    Chia-Chun TSAI  Jan-Ou WU  Trong-Yen LEE  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E91-A No:1

    This study has demonstrated that the clock tree construction in an SoC should be expanded to consider the intrinsic delay and skew of each IP's clock sink. A novel algorithm, called GDME, is proposed to combine grey relational clustering and DME approach for solving the problem of clock tree construction. Grey relational analysis can cluster the best pair of clock sinks and that guide a tapping point search for a DME algorithm for constructing a clock tree with zero skew and minimal delay. Experimentally, the proposed algorithm always obtains an RC- or RLC-based clock tree with zero skew and minimal delay for all the test cases and benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate that the GDME improves up to 3.74% for total average in terms of total wire length compared with other DME algorithms. Furthermore, our results for the zero-skew RLC-based clock trees compared with Hspice are 0.017% and 0.2% lower for absolute average in terms of skew and delay, respectively.

  • Enhanced Vertical Perception through Head-Related Impulse Response Customization Based on Pinna Response Tuning in the Median Plane

    Ki Hoon SHIN  Youngjin PARK  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E91-A No:1

    Human's ability to perceive elevation of a sound and distinguish whether a sound is coming from the front or rear strongly depends on the monaural spectral features of the pinnae. In order to realize an effective virtual auditory display by HRTF (head-related transfer function) customization, the pinna responses were isolated from the median HRIRs (head-related impulse responses) of 45 individual HRIRs in the CIPIC HRTF database and modeled as linear combinations of 4 or 5 basic temporal shapes (basis functions) per each elevation on the median plane by PCA (principal components analysis) in the time domain. By tuning the weight of each basis function computed for a specific height to replace the pinna response in the KEMAR HRIR at the same height with the resulting customized pinna response and listening to the filtered stimuli over headphones, 4 individuals with normal hearing sensitivity were able to create a set of HRIRs that outperformed the KEMAR HRIRs in producing vertical effects with reduced front/back ambiguity in the median plane. Since the monaural spectral features of the pinnae are almost independent of azimuthal variation of the source direction, similar vertical effects could also be generated at different azimuthal directions simply by varying the ITD (interaural time difference) according to the direction as well as the size of each individual's own head.

  • Optimizing the Number of Clusters in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks

    Namhoon KIM  Soohee HAN  Wook Hyun KWON  


    E91-B No:1

    In this paper, an analytical model is proposed to compute the optimal number of clusters that minimizes the energy consumption of multi-hop wireless sensor networks. In the proposed analytical model, the average hop count between a general node (GN) and its nearest clusterhead (CH) is obtained assuming a uniform distribution. How the position of the sink impacts the optimal number of clusters is also discussed. A numerical simulation is carried out to validate the proposed model in various network environments.

  • A Fast (3,n)-Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme Using Exclusive-OR Operations

    Jun KURIHARA  Shinsaku KIYOMOTO  Kazuhide FUKUSHIMA  Toshiaki TANAKA  


    E91-A No:1

    In Shamir's (k,n)-threshold secret sharing scheme [1], a heavy computational cost is required to make n shares and recover the secret from k shares. As a solution to this problem, several fast threshold schemes have been proposed. However, there is no fast ideal (k,n)-threshold scheme, where k ≥ 3 and n is arbitrary. This paper proposes a new fast (3,n)-threshold scheme by using just EXCLUSIVE-OR(XOR) operations to make shares and recover the secret, which is an ideal secret sharing scheme similar to Shamir's scheme. Furthermore, we evaluate the efficiency of the scheme, and show that it is more efficient than Shamir's in terms of computational cost. Moreover, we suggest a fast (k,n)-threshold scheme can be constructed in a similar way by increasing the sets of random numbers constructing pieces of shares.

  • Traceable Ring Signature

    Eiichiro FUJISAKI  Koutarou SUZUKI  


    E91-A No:1

    The ring signature allows a signer to leak secrets anonymously, without the risk of identity escrow. At the same time, the ring signature provides great flexibility: No group manager, no special setup, and the dynamics of group choice. The ring signature is, however, vulnerable to malicious or irresponsible signers in some applications, because of its anonymity. In this paper, we propose a traceable ring signature scheme. A traceable ring scheme is a ring signature except that it can restrict "excessive" anonymity. The traceable ring signature has a tag that consists of a list of ring members and an issue that refers to, for instance, a social affair or an election. A ring member can make any signed but anonymous opinion regarding the issue, but only once (per tag). If the member submits another signed opinion, possibly pretending to be another person who supports the first opinion, the identity of the member is immediately revealed. If the member submits the same opinion, for instance, voting "yes" regarding the same issue twice, everyone can see that these two are linked. The traceable ring signature can suit to many applications, such as an anonymous voting on a BBS. We formalize the security definitions for this primitive and show an efficient and simple construction in the random oracle model.

  • Real-Time Point-Based Rendering Using Visibility Map

    Byeong-Seok SHIN  Dong-Ryeol OH  Daniel KANG  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E91-D No:1

    Because of its simplicity and intuitive approach, point-based rendering has been a very popular research area. Recent approaches have focused on hardware-accelerated techniques. By applying a deferred shading scheme, both high-quality images and high-performance rendering have been achieved. However, previous methods showed problems related to depth-based visibility computation. We propose an extended point-based rendering method using a visibility map. In our method we employ a distance-based visibility technique (replacing depth-based visibility), an averaged position map and an adaptive fragment processing scheme, resulting in more accurate and improved image quality, as well as improved rendering performance.

  • Structural Object Recognition Using Entropy Correspondence Measure of Line Features

    San KO  Kyoung Mu LEE  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E91-D No:1

    In this paper we propose an efficient line feature-based 2D object recognition algorithm using a novel entropy correspondence measure (ECM) that encodes the probabilistic similarity between two line feature sets. Since the proposed ECM-based method uses the whole structural information of objects simultaneously for matching, it overcomes the common drawbacks of the conventional techniques that are based on feature to feature correspondence. Moreover, since ECM is endowed with probabilistic attribute, it shows quite robust performance in the noisy environment. In order to enhance the recognition performance and speed, line features are pre-clustered into several groups according to their inclination by an eigen analysis, and then ECM is applied to each corresponding group individually. Experimental results on real images demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has superior performance to those of the conventional algorithms in both the accuracy and the computational efficiency, in the noisy environment.

  • New Stochastic Algorithm for Optimization of Both Side Lobes and Grating Lobes in Large Antenna Arrays for MPT


    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E91-B No:1

    The concept of placing enormous Solar Power Satellite (SPS) systems in space represents one of a handful of new technological options that might provide large scale, environmentally clean base load power to terrestrial markets. Recent advances in space exploration have shown a great need for antennas with high resolution, high gain and low side lobe level (SLL). The last characteristic is of paramount importance especially for the Microwave Power Transmission (MPT) in order to achieve higher transmitting efficiency (TE) and higher beam collection efficiency (BCE). In order to achieve low side lobe levels, statistical methods play an important role. Various interesting properties of a large antenna arrays with randomly, uniformly and combined spacing of elements have been studied, especially the relationship between the required number of elements and their appropriate spacing from one viewpoint and the desired SLL, the aperture dimension, the beamwidth and TE from the other. We propose a new unified approach in searching for reducing SLL by exploiting the interaction of deterministic and stochastic workspaces of proposed algorithms. Our models indicate the side lobe levels in a large area around the main beam and strongly reduce SLL in the entire visible range. A new concept of designing a large antenna array system is proposed. Our theoretic study and simulation results clarify how to deal with the problems of side lobes in designing a large antenna array, which seems to be an important step toward the realization of future SPS/MPT systems.

  • MIMO Spatial Spectrum Sharing for High Efficiency Mesh Network

    Fumie ONO  Kei SAKAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Spectrum Sharing

    E91-B No:1

    In this paper, an architecture of MIMO mesh network which avoids co-channel interference and supplies link multiplexing simultaneously, namely MIMO spatial spectrum sharing, is proposed. As a MIMO transmission scheme, linear (such as zero-forcing) and nonlinear (such as dirty paper coding and successive interference cancellation) MIMO algorithm are developed for the proposed mesh network. It is found from numerical analysis that the proposed MIMO mesh network achieves significantly higher channel capacity than that of conventional mesh networks.

  • Novel Uniform Asymptotic Solutions for the Back Scattering of a Whispering Gallery Mode by a Cylindrically Curved Conducting Sheet

    Toshihide AJIKI  Toyohiko ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-High-Frequency Asymptotic Methods

    E91-C No:1

    We have derived the novel extended UTD (Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction) solution and the novel modified UTD solution for the back scattering of an incident whispering gallery (WG) mode on the edge of a cylindrically curved conducting sheet. By comparing with the reference solution obtained from the integral representation of the scattered field by integrating numerically along the integration path, we have confirmed the validity and the utility of the novel asymptotic solutions proposed in the present study. It is shown that the extended UTD solution can be connected smoothly to the modified UTD solution on the geometrical boundary separating the edge-diffracted ray and the surface-diffracted ray.

  • Classification of Terrain by Implementing the Correlation Coefficient in the Circular Polarization Basis Using X-Band POLSAR Data

    Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Yukari YAMAMOTO  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Jian YANG  Wolfgang-Martin BOERNER  


    E91-B No:1

    Classification of terrain is one of the most important applications of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (POLSAR) image analysis. This paper presents a simple method to classify terrain by the use of the correlation coefficients in the circular polarization basis together with the total power of the scattering matrix in the X-band. The reflection symmetry condition that the co-polarized and the cross-polarized correlations are close to zero for natural distributed scatterers is utilized to extract characteristic parameters of small forests or cluster of trees, and oriented urban building blocks with respect to the direction of the radar illumination. Both of these kinds of scatterers are difficult to identify in high resolution POLSAR images of complex urban areas. The indices employed here are the correlation coefficient, a modified coefficient normalized by the reflection symmetric conditional case, and the total power. It is shown that forest areas and oriented building blocks are easily detected and identified. The terrain classification yielded by these combinations is very accurate as confirmed by photographic ground truth images.

  • New Methods for Maintaining Fairness between Well-Behaved TCP Flows and Tampered-TCP Flows at Edge Routers

    Junichi MARUYAMA  Go HASEGAWA  Masayuki MURATA  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E91-B No:1

    In this paper, we propose new methods which detect tampered-TCP connections at edge routers and protect well-behaved TCP connections from tampered-TCP connections, which results in fairness among TCP connections. The proposed methods monitor the TCP packets at an edge router and estimate the window size or the throughput for each TCP connection. By using estimation results, the proposed methods assess whether each TCP connection is tampered or not and drop packets intentionally if necessary to improve the fairness amongst TCP connections. From the results of simulation experiments, we confirm that the proposed methods can accurately identify tampered-TCP connections and regulate throughput ratio between tampered-TCP connections and competing TCP Reno connections to about 1.
