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  • Web Metering Scheme Based on the Bilinear Pairings

    Narn-Yih LEE  Ming-Feng LEE  

    LETTER-Application Information Security

    E90-D No:3

    Web metering is an effective means of measuring the number of visits from clients to Web servers during a specific time frame. Naor and Pinkas, in 1998, first introduced metering schemes to evaluate the popularity of Web servers. Ogata and Kurosawa proposed two schemes that improve on the Naor-Pinkas metering schemes. This study presents a Web metering scheme which is based on the bilinear pairings and built on the GDH group. The proposed scheme can resist fraud attempts by malicious Web servers and disruptive attacks by malicious clients.

  • BBN Construction for Software Process Tailoring

    Wan-Hui TSENG  Chin-Feng FAN  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E90-D No:3

    Tailoring industrial standards is done to reduce costs and improve quality for a particular project. This paper proposes using Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) analysis to support tailoring decision-making under uncertainties. However, there are two major problems associated with the objectivity of BBNs; that is, the construction of the causal inference diagrams and the assignment of probabilities of their dependency relations. We have developed a method to solve the first problem. In general, the relations among different activities, resources, and products addressed in software standards can be expressed more directly in Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams than in BBN's. Such relations include association, aggregation, or inheritance relations. We have developed a schema to construct BBNs for process tailoring from given UML diagrams that model a particular standard. The proposed approach systematically constructing BBNs can also be used to assist decision-making in other software project management activities, such as planning and risk management.

  • Reconstruction of Printed Image Using Electromagnetic Disturbance from Laser Printer

    Toshihide TOSAKA  Kazumasa TAIRA  Yukio YAMANAKA  Kaori FUKUNAGA  Atsuhiro NISHIKATA  Mitsuo HATTORI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E90-B No:3

    The electromagnetic disturbance that leaks from ICT (information and communications technology) equipment might contain important information. Our measurements show that the information hidden inside of the electromagnetic disturbance can be monitored. First, we measured the level of the electromagnetic disturbance that leaks from laser printers and collected the waveform in the time domain. Then, we reconstructed the printed image from the data. As a result of our measurements, we found that at points 200 cm away or beyond it is difficult to reconstruct the printed image, and therefore the threat to electromagnetic security is not significant.

  • Evaluation of Isolation Structures against High-Frequency Substrate Coupling in Analog/Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits

    Daisuke KOSAKA  Makoto NAGATA  Yoshitaka MURASAKA  Atsushi IWATA  


    E90-A No:2

    Substrate-coupling equivalent circuits can be derived for arbitrary isolation structures by F-matrix computation. The derived netlist represents a unified impedance network among multiple sites on a chip surface as well as internal nodes of isolation structures and can be applied with SPICE simulation to evaluate isolation strengths. Geometry dependency of isolation attributes to layout parameters such as area, width, and location distance. On the other hand, structural dependency arises from vertical impurity concentration specific to p+/n+ diffusion and deep n-well. Simulation-based prototyping of isolation structures can include all these dependences and strongly helps establish an isolation strategy against high-frequency substrate coupling in a given technology. The analysis of isolation strength provided by p+/n+ guard ring, deep n-well guard ring as well as deep n-well pocket well explains S21 measurements performed on high-frequency test structures targeting 5 GHz bandwidth, that was formed in a 0.25-µm CMOS high frequency.

  • Scattering of TE Plane Wave from Periodic Grating with Single Defect

    Kazuhiro HATTORI  Junichi NAKAYAMA  

    PAPER-Periodic Structures

    E90-C No:2

    This paper deals with the scattering of TE plane wave from a periodic grating with single defect, of which position is known. The surface is perfectly conductive and made up with a periodic array of rectangular grooves and a defect where a groove is not formed. By use of the modal expansion method, the field inside grooves is expressed as a sum of guided modes with unknown amplitudes. The mode amplitudes are regarded as a sum of the base component and the perturbed component due to the defect, where the base component is the solution in case of the perfectly periodic grating. An equation for the base component is obtained in the first step. By use of the base component, a new equation for the perturbed component is derived in the second step. A new representation of the optical theorem, relating the total scattering cross section with the reduction of the scattering amplitude is obtained. Also, a single scattering approximation is proposed to express the scattered field. By use of truncation, we numerically obtain the base component and the perturbed component, in terms of which the total scattering cross section and the differential scattering cross section are calculated and illustrated in figures.

  • On an Optimal Maintenance Policy for a Markovian Deteriorating System with Uncertain Repair

    Nobuyuki TAMURA  

    PAPER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E90-A No:2

    This paper examines a system which is inspected at equally spaced points in time. We express the observed states of the system as a discrete time Markov chain with an absorbing state. It is assumed that the true state is certainly identified through inspection. After each inspection, one of three actions can be taken: Operation, repair, or replacement. We assume that the result of repair is uncertain. If repair is taken, we decide whether to inspect the system or not. When inspection is performed after completion of repair, we select an optimal action. After replacement, the system becomes new. We study the optimal maintenance policy which minimizes the expected total discounted cost for unbounded horizon. It is shown that, under reasonable conditions on the system's deterioration and repair laws and the cost structures, a control limit policy is optimal. We derive several valid properties for finding the optimal maintenance policy numerically. Furthermore, numerical analysis is conducted to show our theoretical results could hold under weaker conditions.

  • Spectral Domain Approach to the Scattering Analysis of Coaxial Discontinuities

    Takamichi NAKATA  Hiroaki YOSHITAKE  Kikuo WAKINO  Yu-De LIN  Tohru TANI  Toshihide KITAZAWA  

    PAPER-Numerical Techniques, Computational Electromagnetic

    E90-C No:2

    The extended version of spectral domain approach (ESDA) is applied to evaluate the scattering characteristics of discontinuities in coaxial line. Discontinuities may be in inner and/or outer conductor of coaxial line. This method secures the high accuracy by considering the singularities of fields near the conductor edge properly. The computational labor of the new method is far lighter than that of FEM, so that novel method is suitable for the time consuming iterative computation such as fitting procedure in material evaluation or optimization of antenna design.

  • Scattering of a TM Wave from a Periodic Surface with Finite Extent: Undersampling Approximation

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    PAPER-Periodic Structures

    E90-C No:2

    This paper deals with the scattering of a TM plane wave from a perfectly conductive sinusoidal surface with finite extent. For comparison, however, we briefly discuss the diffraction by the sinusoidal surface with infinite extent, where we use the concept of the total diffraction cross section per unit surface introduced previously. To solve a case where the sinusoidal corrugation width is much wider than wave length, we propose an undersampling approximation as a new numerical technique. For a small rough case, the total scattering cross section is calculated against the angle of incidence for several different corrugation widths. Then we find remarkable results, which are roughly summarized as follows. When the angle of incidence is apparently different from critical angles and diffraction beams are all scattered into non-grazing directions, the total scattering cross section increases proportional to the corrugation width and hence the total scattering cross section per unit surface (the ratio of the total scattering cross section to the corrugation width) becomes almost constant, which is nearly equal to the total diffraction cross section per unit surface in case of the sinusoidal surface with infinite extent. When the angle of incidence is critical and one of the diffraction beams is scattered into a grazing direction, the total scattering cross section per unit surface strongly depends on the corrugation width and approximately approaches to the total diffraction cross section per unit surface as the corrugation width gets wide.

  • Non-resonant Electromagnetic Scattering Properties of Menger's Sponge Composed of Isotropic Paraelectric Material

    Ushio SANGAWA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E90-C No:2

    Menger's sponge (MS) is a kind of three-dimensional fractal structure. To analyze non-resonant electromagnetic properties of MS composed of isotropic paraelectric material, a novel, high-speed computation method employing simple recursion equations in terms of scattering amplitudes for two MS's with adjacent stage numbers, which are the parameters describing structural differences of MS's, is formulated. Within the scope of non-resonant electromagnetic phenomena, scattering patterns, forward and backward scattering amplitudes, and total cross sections of MS are investigated as a function of stage number and incident plane waves, and behaviors typical to fractal structures are extracted from the numerical results of the above equations. In addition, scattering properties at infinite stage number are discussed.

  • On the Cross-Layer Impact of TCP ACK Thinning on IEEE 802.11 Wireless MAC Dynamics

    Hyogon KIM  Heejo LEE  Sangmin SHIN  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:2

    ACK thinning refers to the technique to discard or reduce TCP acknowledgements (ACKs) for the purpose of diverting scarce bandwidth to TCP data traffic. It has been shown that under some circumstances the technique is effective to boost the TCP throughput on wireless links, in particular the IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (WLAN). In this letter, however, we show that ACK thinning backfires under congestion due to its cross-layer impact on the 802.11 MAC dynamics. With the ACK filtering example, we demonstrate the phenomenon and analyze the cause. Based on the analysis, we show how the IEEE 802.11 contention window size control solves the problem.

  • On Characteristics of Multi-Hop Communication in Large-Scale Clustered Sensor Networks

    Yuichi KIRI  Masashi SUGANO  Masayuki MURATA  


    E90-B No:2

    After the popularization of sensor networks, the size of the monitoring region and the number of sensor nodes will grow to an enormous scale. In such large-scale sensor networks, multi-hop communications between sensor nodes will be necessary to cover the whole monitoring region. Moreover, sensor nodes should be grouped into clusters to enhance scalability and robustness. Therefore, we believe that multi-hop communication between clusters is preferable for large-scale sensor networks. To clarify the fundamental characteristics of this form of communication, we analytically derive the network's power consumption and compare it with other routing methods using TDMA communication and an interference-free transmission schedule. The results show multi-hop communication between clusters is preferable in large-scale sensor networks because it can alleviate heavy relaying loads near the sink node and it has a shorter data collection time compared with simple multi-hop communications without clusters. Knowing how much performance degradation arises when interference is unavoidable is essential for multi-hop communications in clustered sensor networks. Therefore, we compare interference-free TDMA communication with CSMA/CA communication which can cause interference in clustered sensor networks. Consequently, we show that although the data collection time is about 3.7 times longer when using CSMA/CA, the power consumption can be suppressed to 12%.

  • Scattering of a Gaussian Beam by Dielectric Cylinders with Arbitrary Shape Using Multigrid-Moment Method

    Mitsuhiro YOKOTA  Kunihiro AOYAMA  

    PAPER-Numerical Techniques, Computational Electromagnetic

    E90-C No:2

    Scattering of a Gaussian beam by dielectric cylinders with arbitrary shape is analyzed by using the moment method combined with multigrid method. The effectiveness of the multigrid-moment method is firstly shown from the CPU time and residual norm viewpoints. The effect of the initial value for the multigrid cycle is also considered. After that, the scattered fields by two dielectric convex lens are calculated and the effect of the radius of curvature, width and the distance between each lens on the scattered field is examined.

  • Cache Efficient Radix Sort for String Sorting

    Waihong NG  Katsuhiko KAKEHI  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E90-A No:2

    In this paper, we propose CRadix sort, a new string sorting algorithm based on MSD radix sort. CRadix sort causes fewer cache misses than MSD radix sort by uniquely associating a small block of main memory called the key buffer to each key and temporarily storing a portion of each key into its corresponding key buffer. Experimental results in running time comparisons with other string sorting algorithms are provided for showing the effectiveness of CRadix sort.

  • Multigrid Optimization Method Applied to Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problem

    Mitsuru TANAKA  Kazuki YANO  Hiroyuki YOSHIDA  Atsushi KUSUNOKI  

    PAPER-Inverse Problems

    E90-C No:2

    An iterative reconstruction algorithm of accelerating the estimation of the complex relative permittivity of a cylindrical dielectric object based on the multigrid optimization method (MGOM) is presented. A cost functional is defined by the norm of a difference between the scattered electric fields measured and calculated for an estimated contrast function, which is expressed as a function of the complex relative permittivity of the object. Then the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem can be treated as an optimization problem where the contrast function is determined by minimizing the cost functional. We apply the conjugate gradient method (CGM) and the frequency-hopping technique (FHT) to the minimization of the cost functional, and also employ the multigrid method (MGM) with a V-cycle to accelerate the rate of convergence for getting the reconstructed profile. The reconstruction scheme is called the multigrid optimization method. Computer simulations are performed for lossy and inhomogeneous dielectric circular cylinders by using single-frequency or multifrequency scattering data. The numerical results demonstrate that the rate of convergence of the proposed metod is much faster than that of the conventional CGM for both noise-free and noisy cases.

  • An Efficient Method to Calculate the Convolution Based Reaction Integral Using the Analytical Fourier Transform

    Gianluigi TIBERI  Agostino MONORCHIO  Marco DEGIORGI  Giuliano MANARA  Raj MITTRA  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theory of Electromagnetic Fields

    E90-C No:2

    A major step in the numerical solution of electromagnetic scattering problems involves the computation of the convolution based reaction integrals. In this paper a procedure based on the analytical Fourier transform is introduced which allows us to calculate the convolution-based reaction integrals in the spectral domain without evaluating any convolution products directly. A numerical evaluation of the computational cost is presented to show the efficiency of the method when handling electrically large problems.

  • A Uniform Asymptotic Solution for Whispering Gallery Mode Radiation from a Cylindrically Curved Concave Conducting Surface

    Keiji GOTO  Toshihide AJIKI  Toru KAWANO  Toyohiko ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-High-Frequency Asymptotic Methods

    E90-C No:2

    When a cylindrically curved concave conducting surface is terminated abruptly at the edge, the whispering gallery (WG) mode propagating toward the edge direction is radiated into the free space from the aperture plane at the edge. In this paper, by applying the new analysis method, we shall derive a uniform geometrical theory of diffraction solution (UTD) for the electric-type WG mode radiation field applicable in the transition region near the geometrical boundaries produced by the incident modal ray on the edge of the curved surface. The UTD is represented by the summation of the solution for the geometrical ray converted from the modal ray of the WG mode and the solution for the uniform edge diffracted ray scattered at the cylindrically curved edge. By comparing with the reference solution obtained numerically from the integral representation of the radiation field, we will confirm the validity and the utility of the UTD proposed in this paper.

  • A Numerical Solution for Electromagnetic Scattering from Large Faceted Conducting Bodies by Using Physical Optics-SVD Derived Bases

    Gianluigi TIBERI  Agostino MONORCHIO  Giuliano MANARA  Raj MITTRA  

    PAPER-Scattering and Diffraction

    E90-C No:2

    A novel procedure for an efficient and rigorous solution of electromagnetic scattering problems is presented. It is based on the use of universal bases that are obtained by applying the SVD procedure to PO-derived basis functions. These bases, constructed by totally bypassing any matrix-type approach, can be used for all angles of incidence and their use leads to a matrix with relatively small dimensions. The method enables us to solve 2D scattering problems in a computationally efficient and numerically rigorous manner.

  • Current Sensorless Regulation for Converters via Integral Fuzzy Control

    Kuang-Yow LIAN  Hui-Wen TU  Chi-Wang HONG  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E90-C No:2

    In this paper, we propose an integral-type T-S fuzzy control scheme to deal with the regulation problem of buck converters without current sensors. This current sensorless control of converters provides the output voltage to achieve zero steady-state error and is with high robust performance. The stability of the overall closed-loop system is rigorously analyzed by using Lyapunov's method. Based on an appropriate assumption, the separation principle can still succeed in the control problems. Hence, the controller and observer gains can be separately obtained by solving LMIs via Matlab's toolbox. The observer-based controller is realized with Simulink and digital signal processors (DSPs). The simulation and experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed schemes and show the satisfactory performance for the power converters.

  • Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Multilayered Inhomogeneous Columnar Dielectric Gratings Loaded Rectangular Dielectric Constant

    Ryosuke OZAKI  Tsuneki YAMASAKI  Takashi HINATA  

    PAPER-Periodic Structures

    E90-C No:2

    In this paper, we propose a new technique for the scattering problems of multilayered inhomogeneous columnar dielectric gratings loaded rectangular dielectric constant both TM and TE waves using the combination of improved Fourier series expansion method, the multilayer method, and the eigenvalue matrix method. Numerical results are given for the power transmission coefficients in the parameters ε 3 /ε 0 , c/p, and b/d of rectangular cylinders to obtain the basic characteristic of the power transmission coefficients and reflection coefficients switching or frequency selective devices for both TM and TE waves. The influence of the incident angle and frequency of the transmitted power are also discussed in the connection with the propagation constant β in the free mode.

  • A 1.2-V, 12-bit, 200 MSample/s Current-Steering D/A Converter in 90-nm CMOS

    Takeshi UENO  Takafumi YAMAJI  Tetsuro ITAKURA  


    E90-A No:2

    This paper describes a 1.2-V, 12-bit, 200-MSample/s current-steering CMOS digital-to-analog (D/A) converter for wireless-communication terminals. To our knowledge, the supply voltage of this converter is the lowest for high-speed applications. To overcome increasing device mismatch in low-voltage operation, we propose an H-shaped, 3-dimensional structure for reducing influence of voltage drops (IR drops) along power supplies. This technique relaxes mismatch requirements and allows use of small devices with small parasitics. By using this technique, a low-voltage, high-speed D/A converter was realized. The converter was implemented in a 90-nm CMOS technology. The modulator achieves the intrinsic accuracy of 12 bits and a spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) above 55 dB over a 100-MHz bandwidth.
