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  • A New Routing Algorithm for Differentiated Reliable Services with Dynamic Link Availability in WDM Mesh Networks

    Yonggang LI  Lemin LI  Yaohui JIN  Wei GUO  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E90-B No:6

    We address the problem of routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) considering differentiated reliability (DiR) in WDM mesh networks. The backup resource can be shared by the primary lightpaths. However, both the primary-backup sharing and the different levels of fault tolerance requirement have never been considered together in the literature. In the paper, we consider the dynamic character of the link availability, which is caused by primary-backup sharing. Moreover, the priority of traffic is considered in the paper. The paper focuses on routing under dynamic availability of wavelength resource while the requested reliability of traffic has to be met, using the modified shortest path algorithm. A layered availability model is established based on wavelength layered graph model. Using this model, we propose a new algorithm called dynamic layered availability (DLA) algorithm. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm on the NSFNET.

  • Optical Connection with Optical Pins and Self-Written Waveguides for Board-Level Optical Wirings

    Osamu MIKAMI  Yusuke MIMURA  Hiroshi HANAJIMA  Masahiro KANDA  


    E90-C No:5

    The potential of optical circuit packaging technology is discussed. Special attention is paid to introduction of "optical wiring" at the printed wiring board level (i.e., in the "last 1 meter area") to overcome the bandwidth limitations of electrical copper-based wiring. The suitability of optical surface mount technology (O-SMT) as a possible solution is reviewed. It is shown that the key to the utility of O-SMT is high efficiency and alignment-free coupling between optical wiring and optical devices. O-SMT requires a method to change the beam direction from the horizontal to the vertical and vice versa in order to couple optical wiring in an OE-board and OE-devices mounted on the board. A novel method using an "optical pin" is proposed and investigated. Furthermore, an optical coupling method using a self-written waveguide called "optical solder" is reviewed. Several applications of self-written waveguides using a green laser and a photo-mask are demonstrated.

  • An Integrated Routing Mechanism for Cross-Layer Traffic Engineering in IP over WDM Networks

    Yuki KOIZUMI  Shin'ichi ARAKAWA  Masayuki MURATA  


    E90-B No:5

    One approach to accommodating IP traffic on a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network is to construct a logical topology, establishing a set of lightpaths between nodes. The lightpaths carry IP traffic but do not require any electronic packet processing at intermediate nodes, thereby reducing the load on those nodes. When the IP and WDM networks have independent routing functions, however, the lightpaths in the WDM network may not be fully utilized by the IP router. It is therefore necessary to integrate the two routing mechanisms in order to utilize resources efficiently and adapt to changes in traffic. In this paper, we propose an integrated routing mechanism for IP over WDM networks. The key idea is to first prepare a set of virtual-links representing the lightpaths that can be established by the WDM network, then calculate the minimum cost route on an IP network including those links. Our simulation results show that when traffic patterns do not change, the throughput of our method is almost the same as that of a logical topology optimally designed for a given traffic demand. When traffic patterns change, the throughput of our method is about 50% higher than that of the logical topology.

  • Word Error Rate Minimization Using an Integrated Confidence Measure

    Akio KOBAYASHI  Kazuo ONOE  Shinichi HOMMA  Shoei SATO  Toru IMAI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E90-D No:5

    This paper describes a new criterion for speech recognition using an integrated confidence measure to minimize the word error rate (WER). The conventional criteria for WER minimization obtain the expected WER of a sentence hypothesis merely by comparing it with other hypotheses in an n-best list. The proposed criterion estimates the expected WER by using an integrated confidence measure with word posterior probabilities for a given acoustic input. The integrated confidence measure, which is implemented as a classifier based on maximum entropy (ME) modeling or support vector machines (SVMs), is used to acquire probabilities reflecting whether the word hypotheses are correct. The classifier is comprised of a variety of confidence measures and can deal with a temporal sequence of them to attain a more reliable confidence. Our proposed criterion for minimizing WER achieved a WER of 9.8% and a 3.9% reduction, relative to conventional n-best rescoring methods in transcribing Japanese broadcast news in various environments such as under noisy field and spontaneous speech conditions.

  • Low-Complexity Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Array Code Acquisition

    Hua-Lung YANG  Wen-Rong WU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:5

    An adaptive array code acquisition for direct-sequence/code-division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems was recently proposed to enhance the performance of the conventional correlator-based method. The scheme consists of an adaptive spatial and an adaptive temporal filter, and can simultaneously perform beamforming and code-delay estimation. Unfortunately, the scheme uses a least-mean-square (LMS) adaptive algorithm, and its convergence is slow. Although the recursive-least-squares (RLS) algorithm can be applied, the computational complexity will greatly increase. In this paper, we solve the dilemma with a low-complexity conjugate gradient (LCG) algorithm, which can be considered as a special case of a modified conjugate gradient (MCG) algorithm. Unlike the original conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm developed for adaptive applications, the proposed method, exploiting the special structure inherent in the input correlation matrix, requires a low computational-complexity. It can be shown that the computational complexity of the proposed method is on the same order of the LMS algorithm. However, the convergence rate is improved significantly. Simulation results show that the performance of adaptive array code acquisition with the proposed CG algorithm is comparable to that with the original CG algorithm.

  • High Index Contrast Optical Waveguides and Their Applications to Microring Filter Circuit and Wavelength Selective Switch

    Yasuo KOKUBUN  


    E90-C No:5

    Utilizing the small bending radius of high index contrast optical waveguides, ultra-compact optical devices such as waveguide branch, Mach-Zehnder interferometer, arrayed waveguide grating filter, microring resonator filter, and so on can be realized. We have proposed and demonstrated a vertically coupled microring resonator as an Add/Drop filter, and recently realized a hitless wavelength channel selective switch (hitless tunable Add/Drop filter) using Thermo-Optic (TO) effect of double series coupled dielectric microring resonator. Using a high-index dielectric material as the core, the response time was reduced to 105 µs (rise time) and 15 µs (fall time), which are fifteen-fold and hundred-fold faster than that of polymer material, and the reproducibility by the heat cycle test was also improved to less than 0.01 nm. The tuning range of wavelength selective switch was expanded to 13.3 nm using the Vernier effect, and a large extinction ratio of more than 20 dB was realized. In this review, the principle and recent progress of microring resonator based wavelength selective switch will be introduced and some basic switching circuits required to optical cross connect will be discussed.

  • Sufficient Condition and Algorithm for List Total Colorings of Series-Parallel Graphs

    Yuki MATSUO  Xiao ZHOU  Takao NISHIZEKI  


    E90-A No:5

    A total coloring of a graph G is a coloring of all elements of G, i.e. vertices and edges, such that no two adjacent or incident elements receive the same color. Let L(x) be a set of colors assigned to each element x of G. Then a list total coloring of G is a total coloring such that each element x receives a color contained in L(x). The list total coloring problem asks whether G has a list total coloring for given L. In this paper, we give a sufficient condition for a series-parallel graph to have a list total coloring, and we present a linear-time algorithm to find a list total coloring of a given series-parallel graph G if G and L satisfy the sufficient condition.

  • Constant-Round Multiparty Computation for Interval Test, Equality Test, and Comparison

    Takashi NISHIDE  Kazuo OHTA  


    E90-A No:5

    We propose constant-round protocols for interval tests, equality tests, and comparisons where shared secret inputs are not given bitwise. In [9]. Damgård et al. presented a novel protocol called the bit-decomposition, which can convert a polynomial sharing of an element in prime field Zp into sharings of bits. Though, by using the bit-decomposition protocol, those protocols can be constructed with constant round complexities theoretically, it involves expensive computation, leading to relatively high round and communication complexities. In this paper, we construct more efficient protocols for those protocols without relying on the bit-decomposition protocol. In the interval test protocol, checking whether a shared secret exists in the known interval is reduced to checking whether a bitwise-shared random secret exists in the appropriate interval. In the comparison protocol, comparing two shared secrets is reduced to comparing the two secrets viaindirectly where p is an odd prime for an underlying linear secret sharing scheme. In the equality test protocol, checking whether two shared secrets are equal is reduced to checking whether the difference of the two secrets is zero and furthermore checking whether the difference is a zero is reduced to checking quadratice residuosity of a random secret in a probabilistic way.

  • A More Robust Subsampling-Based Image Watermarking

    Chih-Cheng LO  Pao-Tung WANG  Jeng-Shyang PAN  Bin-Yih LIAO  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E90-D No:5

    In this letter, we propose a novel subsampling based image watermark sequentially embedding scheme to reduce the risk of common permutation attack. The image is still perceptual after watermarking, and experimental results also show its effectiveness and robustness.

  • Web Page Filtering for Domain Ontology with the Context of Concept

    Bo-Yeong KANG  Hong-Gee KIM  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E90-D No:5

    Despite the importance of domain-specific resource construction for domain ontology development, few studies have sought to develop a method for automatically identifying domain ontology-relevant web pages. To address this situation, here we propose a web page filtering scheme for domain ontology that identifies domain-relevant web pages from the web based on the context of concepts. Testing of the proposed filtering scheme with a business domain ontology on YahooPicks web pages yielded promising filtering results that were superior to those obtained using the baseline system.

  • Object Tracking with Target and Background Samples

    Chunsheng HUA  Haiyuan WU  Qian CHEN  Toshikazu WADA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E90-D No:4

    In this paper, we present a general object tracking method based on a newly proposed pixel-wise clustering algorithm. To track an object in a cluttered environment is a challenging issue because a target object may be in concave shape or have apertures (e.g. a hand or a comb). In those cases, it is difficult to separate the target from the background completely by simply modifying the shape of the search area. Our algorithm solves the problem by 1) describing the target object by a set of pixels; 2) using a K-means based algorithm to detect all target pixels. To realize stable and reliable detection of target pixels, we firstly use a 5D feature vector to describe both the color ("Y, U, V") and the position ("x, y") of each pixel uniformly. This enables the simultaneous adaptation to both the color and geometric features during tracking. Secondly, we use a variable ellipse model to describe the shape of the search area and to model the surrounding background. This guarantees the stable object tracking under various geometric transformations. The robust tracking is realized by classifying the pixels within the search area into "target" and "background" groups with a K-means clustering based algorithm that uses the "positive" and "negative" samples. We also propose a method that can detect the tracking failure and recover from it during tracking by making use of both the "positive" and "negative" samples. This feature makes our method become a more reliable tracking algorithm because it can discover the target once again when the target has become lost. Through the extensive experiments under various environments and conditions, the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm is confirmed.

  • An Integrated Design of Multipath Routing with Failure Survivability in MPLS Networks

    Xiao YU  Gang FENG  Kheng Leng GAY  Chee Kheong SIEW  


    E90-B No:4

    Multipath routing employs multiple parallel paths between the source and destination for a connection request to improve resource utilization of a network. In this paper, we present an integrated design of multipath routing with delay constraints and failure survivability in MPLS networks. By combining the failure survivability schemes into the multipath routing algorithms, path protection or restoration policies will enable the network to accommodate link failures and at the same time achieve significant improvement on network resource utilization. We propose a number of multipath routing algorithms, working-backup path selection and bandwidth allocation schemes. We evaluate the performance of the proposed schemes in terms of call blocking probability, network resource utilization and load balancing factor. Extensive simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes. In particular, we compare these multipath schemes to the existing failure recovery schemes that mostly focus on single path routing. The results demonstrate that the proposed integrated design framework can provide effective network failure survivability, and also achieve better load balancing and/or higher network resource utilization.

  • Low Grazing Scattering from Periodic Neumann Surface with Finite Extent

    Junichi NAKAYAMA  Kazuhiro HATTORI  Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E90-C No:4

    This paper deals with the scattering of transverse magnetic (TM) plane wave by a perfectly conductive surface made up of a periodic array of finite number of rectangular grooves. By the modal expansion method, the total scattering cross section pc is numerically calculated for several different numbers of grooves. It is then found that, when the groove depth is less than wavelenght, the total scattering cross section pc increases linearly proportional to the corrugation width W. But an exception takes place at a low grazing angle of incidence, where pc is proportional to Wα and the exponent α is less than 1. From these facts, it is concluded that the total scattering cross section pc must diverge but pc/W the total scattering cross section per unit surface must vanish at a low grazing limit when the number of grooves goes to infinity.

  • A Current-Steering DAC Architecture with Novel Switching Scheme for GPON Burst-Mode Laser Drivers


    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E90-C No:4

    This paper describes a current-steering Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC) architecture with a novel switching scheme, designed for GPON Burst Mode Laser Drivers (BMLD) and realized in a 0.35 µm SiGe BiCMOS technology with 3.3 V power supply. The (4+6) segmented architecture of the proposed 10-bit IDAC is optimized for minimum DNL (Differential Nonlinearity). It combines a 4-bit MSBs (Most Significant Bits) unit-element sub-DAC and a 6-bit LSBs (Least Significant Bits) binary-weighted sub-DAC. A switching scheme based on this dedicated architecture yields a high monotony and a fast settling time. The linearity errors caused by systematic influences and random variations are reduced by the 2-D double centroid symmetrical architecture. Experimental results show that the DNL is below 0.5 LSB and that the settling time after the output current mirror is below 12 ns. Although the proposed IDAC architecture was designed for a BMLD chip, the design concept is generic and can be applied for developing other monotonic high-speed current-mode DACs.

  • Design of a Neural Network Chip for the Burst ID Model with Ability of Burst Firing

    Shinya SUENAGA  Yoshihiro HAYAKAWA  Koji NAKAJIMA  


    E90-A No:4

    In order to introduce the burst firing, a nerve-cell dynamic feature, we extend the Inverse function Delayed model (ID model), which is the neuron model with ability to oscillate and has powerful ability on the information processing. This dynamics is discussed for the relation with the functional role of the brain and is characterized by repeated patterns of closely spaced action potentials. It is expected that the additional new characteristics add extra functions to neural networks. Using the relation between the ID model and reduced Hodgkin-Huxley model, we propose the neuron model with ability of burst. The proposed model excelled the ID model in solving the N-Queen problem. Additionally, the prototype chip for the burst ID model is implemented and measured.

  • An EM-Based Approach for Mining Word Senses from Corpora


    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E90-D No:4

    Manually collecting contexts of a target word and grouping them based on their meanings yields a set of word senses but the task is quite tedious. Towards automated lexicography, this paper proposes a word-sense discrimination method based on two modern techniques; EM algorithm and principal component analysis (PCA). The spherical Gaussian EM algorithm enhanced with PCA for robust initialization is proposed to cluster word senses of a target word automatically. Three variants of the algorithm, namely PCA, sGEM, and PCA-sGEM, are investigated using a gold standard dataset of two polysemous words. The clustering result is evaluated using the measures of purity and entropy as well as a more recent measure called normalized mutual information (NMI). The experimental result indicates that the proposed algorithms gain promising performance with regard to discriminate word senses and the PCA-sGEM outperforms the other two methods to some extent.

  • Study of Isosceles Trapezoidal Edge Tapered Phased Array Antenna for Solar Power Station/Satellite


    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E90-B No:4

    Minimizing the Side Lobe Level (SLL) and attain highest achievable Beam Collection Efficiency (BCE) is a critical goal for Solar Power Station/Satellite (SPS). If all antennas are uniformly excited then the main beam will carry only a part of the total energy due to the higher SLL. SLL is decreased and BCE is increased by adopting edge tapering for SPS. But edge tapering is a complex technical problem for SPS. So an optimization is needed between uniform amplitude distribution and edge tapering system. We have derived a new method of edge tapering called Isosceles Trapezoidal Distribution (ITD) edge tapering. Only a small number of antennas from each side of the phased array antenna are tapered in this method. ITD edge tapering is almost uniform so it is technically better. We have compared different amplitude distribution systems; uniform, Gaussian, Dolph-Chebyshev and the newly derived ITD method. The SLL reduction in ITD is even lower than those of other kinds of edge tapering. Therefore the amount of losing power in the SLL in ITD is lower. As a result the interference level becomes lower and BCE becomes higher in this method. The higher BCE and better SLL performance than those with uniform distribution can be achieved in ITD with phase error and under unit failed condition.

  • FileTrust: Reputation Management for Reliable Resource Sharing in Structured Peer-to-Peer Networks

    O-Hoon KWON  So Young LEE  Jong KIM  


    E90-B No:4

    In peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, reputation is used to estimate the trustworthiness of servents and to help prevent untrustworthy resources from spreading by malicious servents. However, in dynamic scenarios with arrivals and departures of servents and resources, servent reputation is not enough to reduce the impacts of malicious behaviors such as lying, whitewashing, etc. In this paper, we propose a new reputation management model using both servent and resource reputation and demonstrate detail protocols to implement our model in structured P2P networks. Simulation results show that our model can reduce the rate of downloading untrustworthy resources more rapidly than the previous models even in dynamic scenarios where servents can rejoin with new identities, introduce new untrustworthy resources, and send wrong feedbacks. Also, we show that the proposed model and protocol can effectively share the load between servents.

  • Competing Behavior of Two Kinds of Self-Organizing Maps and Its Application to Clustering

    Haruna MATSUSHITA  Yoshifumi NISHIO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E90-A No:4

    The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is an unsupervised neural network introduced in the 80's by Teuvo Kohonen. In this paper, we propose a method of simultaneously using two kinds of SOM whose features are different (the nSOM method). Namely, one is distributed in the area at which input data are concentrated, and the other self-organizes the whole of the input space. The competing behavior of the two kinds of SOM for nonuniform input data is investigated. Furthermore, we show its application to clustering and confirm its efficiency by comparing with the k-means method.

  • BBN Construction for Software Process Tailoring

    Wan-Hui TSENG  Chin-Feng FAN  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E90-D No:3

    Tailoring industrial standards is done to reduce costs and improve quality for a particular project. This paper proposes using Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) analysis to support tailoring decision-making under uncertainties. However, there are two major problems associated with the objectivity of BBNs; that is, the construction of the causal inference diagrams and the assignment of probabilities of their dependency relations. We have developed a method to solve the first problem. In general, the relations among different activities, resources, and products addressed in software standards can be expressed more directly in Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams than in BBN's. Such relations include association, aggregation, or inheritance relations. We have developed a schema to construct BBNs for process tailoring from given UML diagrams that model a particular standard. The proposed approach systematically constructing BBNs can also be used to assist decision-making in other software project management activities, such as planning and risk management.
