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[Keyword] ROS(1068hit)


  • Radar and Camera Data Association Algorithm for Sensor Fusion

    Yohei OISHI  Isamu MATSUNAMI  


    E100-A No:2

    This paper presents a method to accelerate target recognition processing in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). A histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) is an effective descriptor for object recognition in computer vision and image processing. The HOG is expected to replace conventional descriptors, e.g., template-matching, in ADAS. However, the HOG does not consider the occurrences of gradient orientation on objects when localized portions of an image, i.e., a region of interest (ROI), are not set precisely. The size and position of the ROI should be set precisely for each frame in an automotive environment where the target distance changes dynamically. We use radar to determine the size and position of the ROI in a HOG and propose a radar and camera sensor fusion algorithm. Experimental results are discussed.

  • CLCMiner: Detecting Cross-Language Clones without Intermediates

    Xiao CHENG  Zhiming PENG  Lingxiao JIANG  Hao ZHONG  Haibo YU  Jianjun ZHAO  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E100-D No:2

    The proliferation of diverse kinds of programming languages and platforms makes it a common need to have the same functionality implemented in different languages for different platforms, such as Java for Android applications and C# for Windows phone applications. Although versions of code written in different languages appear syntactically quite different from each other, they are intended to implement the same software and typically contain many code snippets that implement similar functionalities, which we call cross-language clones. When the version of code in one language evolves according to changing functionality requirements and/or bug fixes, its cross-language clones may also need be changed to maintain consistent implementations for the same functionality. Thus, it is needed to have automated ways to locate and track cross-language clones within the evolving software. In the literature, approaches for detecting cross-language clones are only for languages that share a common intermediate language (such as the .NET language family) because they are built on techniques for detecting single-language clones. To extend the capability of cross-language clone detection to more diverse kinds of languages, we propose a novel automated approach, CLCMiner, without the need of an intermediate language. It mines such clones from revision histories, based on our assumption that revisions to different versions of code implemented in different languages may naturally reflect how programmers change cross-language clones in practice, and that similarities among the revisions (referred to as clones in diffs or diff clones) may indicate actual similar code. We have implemented a prototype and applied it to ten open source projects implementations in both Java and C#. The reported clones that occur in revision histories are of high precisions (89% on average) and recalls (95% on average). Compared with token-based code clone detection tools that can treat code as plain texts, our tool can detect significantly more cross-language clones. All the evaluation results demonstrate the feasibility of revision-history based techniques for detecting cross-language clones without intermediates and point to promising future work.

  • Wiener-Hopf Analysis of the Plane Wave Diffraction by a Thin Material Strip

    Takashi NAGASAKA  Kazuya KOBAYASHI  


    E100-C No:1

    The diffraction by a thin material strip is analyzed for the H-polarized plane wave incidence using the Wiener-Hopf technique together with approximate boundary conditions. An asymptotic solution is obtained for the case where the thickness and the width of the strip are small and large compared with the wavelength, respectively. The scattered field is evaluated asymptotically based on the saddle point method and a far field expression is derived. Scattering characteristics are discussed in detail via numerical results of the radar cross section.

  • Improved Primary-Characteristic Basis Function Method Considering Higher-Order Multiple Scattering

    Tai TANAKA  Yoshio INASAWA  Yasuhiro NISHIOKA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  


    E100-C No:1

    We propose a novel improved characteristic basis function method (IP-CBFM) for accurately analysing the radar cross section (RCS). This new IP-CBFM incorporates the effect of higher-order multiple scattering and has major influences in analyzing monostatic RCS (MRCS) of single incidence and bistatic RCS (BRCS) problems. We calculated the RCS of two scatterers and could confirm that the proposed IP-CBFM provided higher accuracy than the conventional method while significantly reducing the number of CBF.

  • Non-Native Text-to-Speech Preserving Speaker Individuality Based on Partial Correction of Prosodic and Phonetic Characteristics

    Yuji OSHIMA  Shinnosuke TAKAMICHI  Tomoki TODA  Graham NEUBIG  Sakriani SAKTI  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-D No:12

    This paper presents a novel non-native speech synthesis technique that preserves the individuality of a non-native speaker. Cross-lingual speech synthesis based on voice conversion or Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based speech synthesis is a technique to synthesize foreign language speech using a target speaker's natural speech uttered in his/her mother tongue. Although the technique holds promise to improve a wide variety of applications, it tends to cause degradation of target speaker's individuality in synthetic speech compared to intra-lingual speech synthesis. This paper proposes a new approach to speech synthesis that preserves speaker individuality by using non-native speech spoken by the target speaker. Although the use of non-native speech makes it possible to preserve the speaker individuality in the synthesized target speech, naturalness is significantly degraded as the synthesized speech waveform is directly affected by unnatural prosody and pronunciation often caused by differences in the linguistic systems of the source and target languages. To improve naturalness while preserving speaker individuality, we propose (1) a prosody correction method based on model adaptation, and (2) a phonetic correction method based on spectrum replacement for unvoiced consonants. The experimental results using English speech uttered by native Japanese speakers demonstrate that (1) the proposed methods are capable of significantly improving naturalness while preserving the speaker individuality in synthetic speech, and (2) the proposed methods also improve intelligibility as confirmed by a dictation test.

  • Slow-Wave Half Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide with Partially Polyline Loading

    Haiyan JIN  Xinlin XUE  Ran CHENG  Hailu JIN  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E99-C No:12

    In this paper, a novel slow-wave half mode substrate integrated waveguide (SW-HMSIW) structure is presented and experimentally demonstrated, and some interesting slow-wave propagation effects are obtained. The SW-HMSIW enables the cutoff frequency reduction and phase velocity to decrease without sacrificing its performance at the same lateral dimension, which equivalently reduces the lateral dimension and longitudinal size at the same frequency. Specifically, with the different loading microstrip width, a cutoff frequency reduction of 16%, 25%, 30% is achieved compared to the conventional HMSIW at the same lateral dimension. Both lateral and longitudinal size reductions significantly extend the operating range of SIW structures to low frequency region.

  • A Multi-Value Sequence Generated by Power Residue Symbol and Trace Function over Odd Characteristic Field

    Yasuyuki NOGAMI  Satoshi UEHARA  Kazuyoshi TSUCHIYA  Nasima BEGUM  Hiroto INO  Robert H. MOLEROS-ZARAGOZA  


    E99-A No:12

    This paper proposes a new multi-value sequence generated by utilizing primitive element, trace, and power residue symbol over odd characteristic finite field. In detail, let p and k be an odd prime number as the characteristic and a prime factor of p-1, respectively. Our proposal generates k-value sequence T={ti | ti=fk(Tr(ωi)+A)}, where ω is a primitive element in the extension field $F{p}{m}$, Tr(⋅) is the trace function that maps $F{p}{m} ightarrow {p}$, A is a non-zero scalar in the prime field $ {p}$, and fk(⋅) is a certain mapping function based on k-th power residue symbol. Thus, the proposed sequence has four parameters as p, m, k, and A. Then, this paper theoretically shows its period, autocorrelation, and cross-correlation. In addition, this paper discusses its linear complexity based on experimental results. Then, these features of the proposed sequence are observed with some examples.

  • Relating Crosstalk to Plane-Wave Field-to-Wire Coupling

    Flavia GRASSI  Giordano SPADACINI  Keliang YUAN  Sergio A. PIGNARI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E99-B No:11

    In this work, a novel formulation of crosstalk (XT) is developed, in which the perturbation/loading effect that the generator circuit exerts on the passive part of the receptor circuit is elucidated. Practical conditions (i.e., weak coupling and matching/mismatching of the generator circuit) under which this effect can be neglected are then discussed and exploited to develop an alternative radiated susceptibility (RS) test procedure, which resorts to crosstalk to induce at the terminations of a cable harness the same disturbance that would be induced by an external uniform plane-wave field. The proposed procedure, here developed with reference to typical RS setups foreseen by Standards of the aerospace sector, assures equivalence with field coupling without a priori knowledge and/or specific assumptions on the units connected to the terminations of the cable harness. Accuracy of the proposed scheme of equivalence is assessed by virtual experiments carried out in a full-wave simulation environment.

  • Adaptive Local Thresholding for Co-Localization Detection in Multi-Channel Fluorescence Microscopic Images

    Eisuke ITO  Yusuke TOMARU  Akira IIZUKA  Hirokazu HIRAI  Tsuyoshi KATO  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E99-D No:11

    Automatic detection of immunoreactive areas in fluorescence microscopic images is becoming a key technique in the field of biology including neuroscience, although it is still challenging because of several reasons such as low signal-to-noise ratio and contrast variation within an image. In this study, we developed a new algorithm that exhaustively detects co-localized areas in multi-channel fluorescence images, where shapes of target objects may differ among channels. Different adaptive binarization thresholds for different local regions in different channels are introduced and the condition of each segment is assessed to recognize the target objects. The proposed method was applied to detect immunoreactive spots that labeled membrane receptors on dendritic spines of mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells. Our method achieved the best detection performance over five pre-existing methods.

  • Non-Crossover and Multi-Mutation Based Genetic Algorithm for Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem

    Zhongshan ZHANG  Yuning CHEN  Yuejin TAN  Jungang YAN  

    PAPER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E99-A No:10

    This paper presents a non-crossover and multi-mutation based genetic algorithm (NMGA) for the Flexible Job-shop Scheduling problem (FJSP) with the criterion to minimize the maximum completion time (makespan). Aiming at the characteristics of FJSP, three mutation operators based on operation sequence coding and machine assignment coding are proposed: flip, slide, and swap. Meanwhile, the NMGA framework, coding scheme, as well as the decoding algorithm are also specially designed for the FJSP. In the framework, recombination operator crossover is not included and a special selection strategy is employed. Computational results based on a set of representative benchmark problems were provided. The evidence indicates that the proposed algorithm is superior to several recently published genetic algorithms in terms of solution quality and convergence ability.

  • A Fully Canonical Bandpass Filter Design Using Microstrip Transversal Resonator Array Configuration

    Masataka OHIRA  Toshiki KATO  Zhewang MA  


    E99-C No:10

    This paper proposes a new and simple microstrip bandpass filter structure for the design of a fully canonical transversal array filter. The filter is constructed by the parallel arrangement of microstrip even- and odd-mode half-wavelength resonators. In this filter, transmission zeros (TZs) are not produced by cross couplings used in conventional filter designs, but by an intrinsic negative coupling of the odd-mode resonators having open ends with respect to the even-mode resonators with shorted ends. Thus, the control of the resonant frequency and the external Q factor of each resonator makes it possible to form both a specified passband and TZs. As an example, a fully canonical bandpass filter with 2-GHz center frequency, 6% bandwidth, and four TZs is synthesized with a coupling-matrix optimization, and its structural parameters are designed. The designed filter achieves a rapid roll-off and low-loss passband response, which can be confirmed numerically and experimentally.

  • A Broadband Circularly Polarized Waveguide Antenna Design for Low Cross-Polarization

    Ryoji YAMAUCHI  Takeshi FUKUSAKO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:10

    An L-shaped probe with a surrounding aperture such as a waveguide can generate circular polarization (CP) waves. Circular waveguide antennas using an L-shaped probe have broadband characteristics both in axial ratio (AR) and in input impedance, however cross-polarization (XPOL) is easily generated due to its asymmetrical structure resulting in a radiation pattern that has narrow CP azimuth range. In this paper, design techniques to reduce the XPOL generated from a circular waveguide antenna using an L-shaped probe are proposed. As a result, XPOL is reduced by around 10 dB, and CP is radiated over a wide angle range of 120-150° covering frequencies from 7.35 to 9.75GHz.

  • Infinite-Horizon Team-Optimal Incentive Stackelberg Games for Linear Stochastic Systems

    Hiroaki MUKAIDANI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E99-A No:9

    In this paper, an infinite-horizon team-optimal incentive Stackelberg strategy is investigated for a class of stochastic linear systems with many non-cooperative leaders and one follower. An incentive structure is adopted which allows for the leader's team-optimal Nash solution. It is shown that the incentive strategy set can be obtained by solving the cross-coupled stochastic algebraic Riccati equations (CCSAREs). In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, a numerical example is solved.

  • Observation of Break Arc Rotated by Radial Magnetic Field in a 48VDC Resistive Circuit Using Two High-Speed Cameras



    E99-C No:9

    Break arcs are rotated with the radial magnetic field formed by a magnet embedded in a fixed cathode contact. The break arcs are generated in a 48VDC resistive circuit. The circuit current when the contacts are closed is 10A. The depth of the magnet varies from 1mm to 4mm to change the strength of the radial magnetic field for rotating break arcs. Images of break arcs are taken by two high-speed cameras from two directions and the rotational motion of the break arcs is observed. The rotational period of rotational motion of the break arcs is investigated. The following results are obtained. The break arcs rotate clockwise on the cathode surface seen from anode side. This rotation direction conforms to the direction of the Lorentz force that affects to the break arcs with the radial magnetic field. The rotational period gradually decreases during break operation. When the depth of magnet is larger, the rotational period becomes longer.

  • The Constructions of Mismatched Filtering of Periodic Quadriphase Sequences with Even Length

    Xiuping PENG  Chengqian XU  Jiadong REN  Kai LIU  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E99-A No:9

    Quadriphase sequences with good correlation properties are required in higher order digital modulation schemes, e.g., for timing measurements, channel estimation or synchronization. In this letter, based on interleaving technique and pairs of mismatched binary sequences with perfect cross-correlation function (PCCF), two new methods for constructing quadriphase sequences with mismatched filtering which exist for even length N ≡ 2(mod4) are presented. The resultant perfect mismatched quadriphase sequences have high energy efficiencies. Compared with the existing methods, the new methods have flexible parameters and can give cyclically distinct perfect mismatched quadriphase sequences.

  • A 9.35-ENOB, 14.8 fJ/conv.-step Fully-Passive Noise-Shaping SAR ADC

    Zhijie CHEN  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E99-C No:8

    This paper proposes an opamp-free solution to implement single-phase-clock controlled noise shaping in a SAR ADC. Unlike a conventional noise shaping SAR ADC, the proposal realizes noise shaping by charge redistribution, which is a passive technique. The passive implementation has high power efficiency. Meanwhile, since the proposal maintains the basic architecture and operation method of a traditional SAR ADC, it retains all the advantages of a SAR ADC. Furthermore, noise shaping helps to improve the performance of SAR ADC and relaxes its non-ideal effects. Designed in a 65-nm CMOS technology, the prototype realizes 58-dB SNDR based on an 8-bit C-DAC at 50-MS/s sampling frequency. It consumes 120.7-µW power from a 0.8-V supply and achieves a FoM of 14.8-fJ per conversion step.

  • Effects of Adding/Dropping Nyquist WDM Superchannels on Linear and Nonlinear Transmission Impairments in an Elastic Optical Network

    Masahiko JINNO  Takuya NAKAGAWA  Yutaka MORI  Koichi MARU  Haruna MATSUSHITA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E99-B No:8

    We investigate through simulation simultaneous linear and nonlinear impairments using a realistic reconfigurable optical add drop multiplexer (ROADM) model while considering optical filtering and in-band coherent crosstalk at each ROADM and the nonlinear interfering effects from neighbor superchannels with the QPSK or 16QAM modulation format.

  • Energy Efficient Power Control and Resource Allocation in Downlink OFDMA HetNets with Cross-Tier Interference Constraint

    Guodong ZHANG  Wei HENG  Jinming HU  Tian LIANG  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E99-B No:7

    Heterogeneous network (HetNet) is now considered to be a promising technique for enhancing the coverage and reducing the transmit power consumption of the next 5G system. Deploying small cells such as femtocells in the current macrocell networks achieves great spatial reuse at the cost of severe cross-tier interference from concurrent transmission. In this situation, two novel energy efficient power control and resource allocation schemes in terms of energy efficiency (EE)-fairness and EE-maximum, respectively, are investigated in this paper. In the EE-fairness scheme, we aim to maximize the minimum EE of the femtocell base stations (FBSs). Generalized Dinkelbach's algorithm (GDA) is utilized to tackle this optimization problem and a distributed algorithm is proposed to solve the subproblem in GDA with limited intercell coordination, in which only a few scalars are shared among FBSs. In the EE-maximum scheme, we aim to maximize the global EE of all femtocells which is defined as the aggregate capacity over the aggregate power consumption in the femtocell networks. Leveraged by means of the lower-bound of logarithmic function, a centralized algorithm with limited computational complexity is proposed to solve the global EE maximization problem. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms outperform previous schemes in terms of the minimum EE, fairness and global EE.

  • Adaptive Rendering Using a Best Matching Patch

    Yu LIU  Changwen ZHENG  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E99-D No:7

    A novel rendering algorithm with a best-matching patch is proposed to address the noise artifacts associated with Monte Carlo renderings. First, in the sampling stage, the representative patch is selected through a modified patch shift procedure, which gathers homogeneous pixels together to stay clear of the edges. Second, each pixel is filtered over a discrete set of filters, where the range kernel is computed using the selected patches. The difference between the selected patch and the filtered value is used as the pixel error, and the single filter that returns the smallest estimated error is chosen. In the reconstruction stage, pixel colors are combined with features of depth, normal and texture to form a cross bilateral filter, which highly preserves scene details while effectively removing noise. Finally, a heuristic metric is calculated to allocate additional samples in difficult regions. Compared with state-of-the art methods, the proposed algorithm performs better both in visual image quality and numerical error.

  • Miniaturization of Double Stub Resonators Using Lumped-Element Capacitors for MMIC Applications

    Shinichi TANAKA  Takao KATAYOSE  Hiroki NISHIZAWA  Ken'ichi HOSOYA  Ryo ISHIKAWA  Kazuhiko HONJO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E99-C No:7

    We present a design method for miniaturizing double stub resonators that are potentially very useful for wide range of applications but have limited usage for MMICs due to their large footprint. The analytical design model, which we introduce in this paper, allows for determining the capacitances needed to achieve the targeted shrinking ratio while maintaining the original loaded-Q before miniaturization. To verify the model, 18-GHz stub resonators that are around 40% of the original sizes were designed and fabricated in GaAs MMIC technology. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is also demonstrated by a 9-GHz low phase-noise oscillator using the miniaturized resonator.
