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  • Feasibility Demonstrations of Hyper-Media Photonic Information Networks Using Prototype WDM Broadcast-and-Select Local Network Systems

    Masanori OGAWARA  Atsushi HIRAMATSU  Jun NISHIKIDO  Masayuki YANAGIYA  Masato TSUKADA  Ken-ichi YUKIMATSU  

    PAPER-Circuit Switching and Cross-Connecting

    E82-B No:2

    This paper describes the implementation and demonstration of local networks for the hyper-media photonic information network (HM-PIN), a candidate for the information service platform offering broadcast and telecommunication services. In addition, the feasibility of the HM-PIN is also demonstrated using prototype local network systems. This local network adopts architecture based on wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) and broadcast-and-select (B&S) switching, and supports all HM-PIN services except inter-local-network communication. The major issues of this proposed network are the technologies that support many broadcast channels and reduce channel selection cost. This paper also considers the combination of WDM technology and three alternatives: electrical TDM, subcarrier multiplexing (SCM or electrical FDM), and optical TDM (O-TDM). Three 128 ch (8 wavelengths 16 channels) WDM B&S prototype systems are built to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed HM-PIN. In WDM/SCM, 30 and 20 Mb/s channels are realized as 16-QAM and 64-QAM, and 155 Mb/s channels are realized by WDM/TDM. Moreover, these three prototypes were connected to form a small HM-PIN and applications such as video distribution and IP datagram cut-through are demonstrated. Furthermore, the delay and throughput of the HM-PIN are evaluated by connecting a local network to a 200-km WDM-ring backbone network. Our discussions and demonstrations confirm the impact and feasibility of the proposed hyper-media photonic information network.

  • Scalable 3-Stage ATM Switch Architecture Using Optical WDM Grouped Links Based on Dynamic Bandwidth Sharing

    Kohei NAKAI  Eiji OKI  Naoaki YAMANAKA  

    PAPER-Packet and ATM Switching

    E82-B No:2

    This paper proposes a 3-stage ATM switch architecture that uses optical WDM (wavelength division multiplexing) grouped links and dynamic bandwidth sharing. The proposed architecture has two features. The first is the use of WDM technology which makes the number of cables used in the system proportional to system size. The second is the use of dynamic bandwidth sharing among WDM grouped links. This prevents the statistical multiplexing gain offered by WDM from falling even if switching system becomes large. A performance evaluation confirms the scaleability and cost-effectiveness of the proposed architecture. It is scaleable in terms of the number of cables and admissible load. We show how the appropriate wavelength signal speed can be determined to implement the switch in a cost-effective manner. Therefore, the proposed architecture will suit future high-speed multimedia ATM networks.

  • Progressive Transmission of Continuous Tone Images Using Multi-Level Error Diffusion Method

    Tohru MORITA  Hiroshi OCHI  

    PAPER-Source Encoding

    E82-B No:1

    We propose a new method of progressive transmission of continuous tone images using multi-level error diffusion method. Assuming that the pixels are ordered and the error is diffused to later pixels, multi-level error-diffused images are resolved into a multiple number of bit planes. In an image with 8 bits per pixel, the number of the bit planes that we construct is 9, and the 2-level, 3-level, 5-level,, error-diffused images are produced by a successive use of the bit planes. The original image is finally achieved precisely.

  • On Priority Scheduling Algorithm at ATM Switches with Multi-Class Output Buffers

    Kwang-Hyun SHIM  Ji-Myong NHO  Jong-Tae LIM  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E82-B No:1

    In this paper, we present a priority scheduling algorithm at ATM switches with multi-class output buffers in which the service rate of each class buffer is dynamically adjusted. The service rate is computed periodically by a control scheme. We derive the design formulas of the control scheme to ensure that each class buffer occupancy converges to its desired operating point related to QoS requirement. Moreover, through dynamic service rate control in the proposed scheduling algorithm, the available channel capacity can be estimated exactly. It may be used for rate control of ABR traffic and call admission control of the other real-time traffic (CBR, VBR, etc. ).

  • A Geographic Differential Script File Method for Distributed Geographic Information Systems

    Kyungwol KIM  Yutaka OHSAWA  

    PAPER-Spatial and Temporal Databases

    E82-D No:1

    This study presents a method that can be used to manage individual pieces of information in large scale distributed geographic information systems (GIS). In a distributed GIS, ordinary users usually cannot alter any of the contents on the server. The method in this study can be used to alter the content or add individual datums onto these types of non-write-permitted data sets. The authors have called it a 'Geographic Differential Script File' (GDSF). A client creates a GDSF, which contains private information that is to be added onto the served data. The client keeps this file on a local disk. When the user employs the data, he applies the differential script sequence onto the downloaded data in order to retrieve the information. GDSF is a collection of graphic operation commands which insert and delete objects as well as modify operations. GDSF also contains modifications of the attribute information of geographic entities. This method can also be used to revise information that is published on ROM media, e. g. CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, as well as in a distributed environment. In this paper, the method and results of applying it are presented.

  • Threshold Key-Recovery Systems for RSA

    Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  


    E82-A No:1

    Although threshold key-recovery systems for the discrete log based cryptosystems such as the ElGamal scheme have been proposed by Feldman and Pedersen , no (practical) threshold key-recovery system for the factoring based cryptosystems such as the RSA scheme has been proposed. This paper proposes the first (practical) threshold key-recovery systems for the factoring based cryptosystems including the RSA and Rabin schemes. Almost all of the proposed systems are unconditionally secure, since the systems utilize unconditionally secure bit-commitment protocols and unconditionally secure VSS.

  • Comparative Evaluation of Resource Allocation Strategies Using Weighted Round Robin Scheduler in ATM Switches


    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E82-B No:1

    We study resource allocation strategies in ATM switches, which provide quality of service (QoS) guarantees to individual connections. In order to minimize the cell loss rate over a wide range of traffic characteristics, an efficient allocation strategy is necessary. In this paper we introduce a resource allocation strategy, named TP+WRR (Threshold Pushout + Weighted Round Robin) which can fully utilize the buffer space and the bandwidth. We compare the performance of TP+WRR with two typical resource allocation strategies. An exact queueing analysis based on a Markov model is carried out under bursty traffic sources to evaluate their performance. Our results reveal that TP+WRR considerably improves the cell loss probability over the other strategies considered in this paper, especially when many connections are sharing a link.

  • Optimal Problem for Contrast Enhancement in Polarimetric Radar Remote Sensing

    Jian YANG  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Masakazu SENGOKU  Shi-Ming LIN  

    PAPER-Electronic and Radio Applications

    E82-B No:1

    This paper proposes two numerical methods to solve the optimal problem of contrast enhancement in the cross-pol and co-pol channels. For the cross-pol channel case, the contrast (power ratio) is expressed in a homogeneous form, which leads the polarimetric contrast optimization to a distinctive eigenvalue problem. For the co-pol channel case, this paper proposes a cross iterative method for optimization, based on the formula used in the matched-pol channel. Both these numerical methods can be proved as convergent algorithms, and they are effective for obtaining the optimum polarization state. Besides, one of the proposed methods is applied to solve the optimal problem of contrast enhancement for the time-independent targets case. To verify the proposed methods, this paper provides two numerical examples. The results of calculation are completely identical with other authors', showing the validity of the proposed methods.

  • Effect of Express Lots on Production Dispatching Rule Scheduling and Cost in VLSI Manufacturing Final Test Process

    Akihisa CHIKAMURA  Koji NAKAMAE  Hiromu FUJIOKA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E82-C No:1

    we evaluate the effect of express lots on production dispatching rule scheduling and cost in VLSI manufacturing final test process. In the assignment of express lots, we make comparisons of two rules, First In First Out (FIFO) rule which is widely used and WEIGHT+RPM rule which considers the time required for jig and temperature exchanges, the remaining processing time of the machine in use and the lot waiting time in queue. When using FIFO rule, the test efficiency begins to deteriorate and the test cost per chip begins to increase, if the content of express lots exceeds 15%. Furthermore, for 30% of express lots' content, the number of total processed lots decreases by 19% and the test cost per chip increases by 22% in comparison to the cases including no express lots. For WEIGHT+RPM rule, however, the test efficiency does not deteriorate and the test cost per chip does not increase even if the content of express lots is increased up to 50%. When we use WEIGHT+RPM rule, Express Lots Tolerances (ELTs), defined as the maximum content of express lots which permits the deterioration of the system characteristics by 5%, are about three times as high as ones when using FIFO rule. It is also found that WEIGHT+RPM rule maintains higher ELTs against the changes in the numbers of planned chips and prepared jigs as compared with FIFO rule.

  • Increase in Contact Resistance of Hard Gold Plating during Thermal Aging -- Nickel-Hardened Gold and Cobalt-Hardened Gold --

    Hisao KUMAKURA  Makoto SEKIGUCHI  


    E82-C No:1

    Contact resistance of nickel hardened gold electroplate (NiHG) deposited on nickel-underplated phosphor bronze disk coupons (substrate) after thermal aging was measured with a hard gold-plated beryllium copper alloy pin probe by means of a four-point probe technique, compared to that of cobalt-hardened gold electroplate (CoHG). Surface of NiHG plated coupons after aging was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to investigate the influence of the oxide film formation during thermal aging on contact resistance of NiHG electroplate, compared to that of CoHG. Initial contact resistance of the NiHG coupons was less than 10 mΩ at a contact forces more than 0.05 N, increased to 10 mΩ at a contact force of 0.05 N after 100 hours aging at 200. In contrast, contact resistance of the CoHG coupons progressively increased with increase in aging time, reached 1000 mΩ even at a contact force of 0.05 N after 52 hours aging. XPS analysis for the NiHG coupons demonstrated that nickel oxide film was formed on the NiHG surface in conformity with parabolic growth kinetics, as cobalt oxide film formed on CoHG surface. However, a thickness of the latter film was approximately 4-fold larger than that of former after 100 hours aging at 200. The small increase in contact resistance of NiHG coupons after aging suggested to be due to inhibitory of nickel oxide film growth on the surface. The cause of relatively low and steady contact resistance of NiHG during thermal aging was discussed.

  • The Integrated Scheduling and Allocation of High-Level Test Synthesis

    Tianruo YANG  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E82-A No:1

    This paper presents a high-level test synthesis algorithm for operation scheduling and data path allocation. Data path allocation is achieved by a controllability and observability balance allocation technique which is based on testability analysis at register-transfer level. Scheduling, on other hand, is carried out by rescheduling transformations which change the default scheduling to improve testability. Contrary to other works in which the scheduling and allocation tasks are performed independently, our approach integrates scheduling and allocation by performing them simultaneously so that the effects of scheduling and allocation on testability are exploited more effectively. Additionally, since sequential loops are widely recognized to make a design hard-to-test, a complete (functional and topological) loop analysis is performed at register-transfer level in order to avoid loop creation during the integrated test synthesis process. With a variety of synthesis benchmarks, experimental results show clearly the advantages of the proposed algorithm.

  • A Novel Adaptive Pixel Decimation for Block Motion Vector Estimation

    Yankang WANG  Yanqun WANG  Hideo KURODA  

    LETTER-Source Encoding

    E82-B No:1

    This paper presents a novel approach to pixel decimation for motion estimation in video coding. Early techniques of pixel decimation use regular pixel patterns to evaluate matching criterion. Recent techniques use adaptive pixel patterns and have achieved better efficiency. However, these adaptive techniques require an initial division of a block into a set of uniform regions and therefore are only locally-adaptive in essence. In this paper, we present a globally-adaptive scheme for pixel decimation, in which no regions are fixed at the beginning and pixels are selected only if they have features important to the determination of a match. The experiment results show that when no more than 40 pixels are selected out of a 1616 block, this approach achieves a better search accuracy by 13-22% than the previous locally-adaptive methods which also use features.

  • Practical and Proven Zero-Knowledge Constant Round Variants of GQ and Schnorr

    Yvo G. DESMEDT  Kaoru KUROSAWA  


    E82-A No:1

    In 1992 Burmester studied how to adapt the Guillou-Quisquater identification scheme to a proven zero-knowledge proof without significantly increasing the communication complexity and computational overhead. He proposed an almost constant round version of Guillou-Quisquater. Di Crescenzo and Persiano presented a 4-move constant round zero-knowledge interactive proof of membership for the corresponding language. A straightforward adaptation of the ideas of Bellare-Micali-Ostrovsky will also give a constant round protocol. However, these protocols significantly increase the communication and computational complexity of the scheme. In this paper we present constant round variants of the protocols of Guillou-Quisquater and Schnorr with the same (order-wise) communication and computational complexity as the original schemes. Note that in our schemes the probability that a dishonest prover will fool a honest verifier may be exponentially small, while it can only be one over a superpolynomial in Burmester's scheme. Our protocols are perfect zero-knowledge under no cryptographic assumptions.

  • Multi-Signature Schemes Secure against Active Insider Attacks

    Kazuo OHTA  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  


    E82-A No:1

    This paper proposes the first provably secure multi-signature schemes under the random oracle model. The security of our schemes can be proven in the sense of concrete security in Ref. [13]. The proposed schemes are efficient if the random oracle is replaced by practical hash functions. The essential techniques in our proof of security are the optimal reduction from breaking the corresponding identification to breaking signatures (ID Reduction Technique), and the hierarchical heavy row lemmas used in the concrete reduction from solving the primitive problem to breaking the identification scheme.

  • A Note on the Complexity of Breaking Okamoto-Tanaka ID-Based Key Exchange Scheme

    Masahiro MAMBO  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E82-A No:1

    The rigorous security of Okamoto-Tanaka identity-based key exchange scheme has been open for a decade. In this paper, we show that (1) breaking the scheme is equivalent to breaking the Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme over Zn, and (2) impersonation is easier than breaking. The second result is obtained by proving that breaking the RSA public-key cryptosystem reduces to breaking the Diffie-Hellman scheme over Zn with respect to the polynomial-time many-one reducibility.

  • Data Analysis by Positive Decision Trees

    Kazuhisa MAKINO  Takashi SUDA  Hirotaka ONO  Toshihide IBARAKI  

    PAPER-Theoretical Aspects

    E82-D No:1

    Decision trees are used as a convenient means to explain given positive examples and negative examples, which is a form of data mining and knowledge discovery. Standard methods such as ID3 may provide non-monotonic decision trees in the sense that data with larger values in all attributes are sometimes classified into a class with a smaller output value. (In the case of binary data, this is equivalent to saying that the discriminant Boolean function that the decision tree represents is not positive. ) A motivation of this study comes from an observation that real world data are often positive, and in such cases it is natural to build decision trees which represent positive (i. e. , monotone) discriminant functions. For this, we propose how to modify the existing procedures such as ID3, so that the resulting decision tree represents a positive discriminant function. In this procedure, we add some new data to recover the positivity of data, which the original data had but was lost in the process of decomposing data sets by such methods as ID3. To compare the performance of our method with existing methods, we test (1) positive data, which are randomly generated from a hidden positive Boolean function after adding dummy attributes, and (2) breast cancer data as an example of the real-world data. The experimental results on (1) tell that, although the sizes of positive decision trees are relatively larger than those without positivity assumption, positive decision trees exhibit higher accuracy and tend to choose correct attributes, on which the hidden positive Boolean function is defined. For the breast cancer data set, we also observe a similar tendency; i. e. , positive decision trees are larger but give higher accuracy.

  • Fast Admission Control for Rate Monotonic Schedulers

    Tsern-Huei LEE  An-Bang CHANG  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E82-B No:1

    Rate monotonic traffic scheduling algorithm had been shown to be the optimal static priority assignment scheme. The system model studied in can be considered (although not realistic) as a preemptive multiplexer which accepts constant bit rate connections that generate packets periodically. The multiplexer adopts a service discipline such that a lower priority packet can be preempted at any stage by a higher priority one without any loss. The constraint is that every packet has to complete its service before the arrival of its succeeding packet generated by the same connection. In this paper, we study the schedulability problem of rate monotonic schedulers for a fixed-length packet switched network such as the ATM network. A necessary and sufficient condition for a set of m constant bit rate connections to be rate monotonic schedulable is first derived and then utilized to design fast admission control algorithms. One of our algorithms computes in advance the minimum period of a connection which can be accepted given a set of existing connections.

  • New Generation Database Technologies for Collaborative Work Support and Spatio-Temporal Data Management

    Yoshifumi MASUNAGA  


    E82-D No:1

    Support of collaborative work and management of spatio-temporal data has become one of the most interesting and important database applications, which is due to the tremendous progress of database and its surrounding technologies in the last decade. In this paper, we investigate the new generation database technologies that are needed to support such advanced applications. Because of the recent progress of virtual reality technology, virtual work spaces are now available. We examine a typical CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) fsystem to identify database problems that arise from it. We introduce typical approaches to database improvement based on the high-level view and the virtual reality technique. Also, in this paper, the following are introduced and discussed: the design and implementation of three- and four-dimensional spatio-temporal database systems, VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) database systems, fast access methods to spatio-temporal data, and the interval-based approach to temporal multimedia databases.

  • Influence of the Shape of Silver Contacts on the Spatial Distribution of Spectral Intensity of a Breaking Arc

    Mitsuru TAKEUCHI  Takayoshi KUBONO  


    E82-C No:1

    In a DC 50 V/3.3 A circuit, the spatial distributions of the spectral intensities of breaking arcs near the cathode for silver contacts were measured on the contact surfaces of three different shapes: flat and spherical (1 mm radius and 2 mm radius) and the arc temperature and the metal-vapor quantity were calculated from the spectral intensities. The influence of the contact shape on the arc temperature and the metal-vapor quantity were also examined, as well as the arc tracks on the contact surfaces and the gain and loss of the contacts. Findings show the distributions of spectral intensities are non-symmetrical from the beginning to the extinction of the breaking arc for the flat contact: However, they are symmetrical in the latter half of the breaking in spite of the number of breaking arcs and the shape of contact surface for the spherical contact. The relationship between the area of the arc tracks on the cathode and the shape of contact surface is the same as the relationship between the existent areas of measured spectra and the shape of the contact surface. For the spherical contacts, the arc temperature and the metal-vapor quantity are affected a little by the radius of the curved of contact surface and the number of breaking arcs. However, the longer the arc duration, the higher the metal-vapor quantity is in the latter period of the breaking arc. For the flat contacts, the metal-vapor quantity is lower than those for the spherical contacts. The gain and loss of the contacts are less and the arc duration is shorter for the flat contact than for the spherical contact.

  • Improving the Sensitivity of H-Type LiTaO3 Piezoelectric Crystal Gyroscopes

    Noboru WAKATSUKI  Hiroshi TANAKA  


    E82-C No:1

    We propose and experimentally confirm two approaches to improve the sensitivity of the H-type piezoelectric crystal gyroscope of LiTaO3. One is to adjust the resonant frequencies of the fz mode through additional mass control; the other is to change the driving mode from fx mode to fz mode, while the driving frequency is the resonant frequency of the fx mode. The sensitivity of the unit driving voltage is almost the same, but the threshold driving voltage level may increase more than 1,000 times, because it is far from the mechanical resonance. The high sensitivity of 0.11 pC (deg/sec) was obtained at a driving voltage of 30 Vpp.
