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[Keyword] SC(4570hit)


  • An Analytical Toggle Frequency Expression for Source-Coupled FET Logic (SCFL) Frequency Dividers

    Koichi MURATA  Taiichi OTSUJI  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E81-C No:7

    In order to develop high-speed ICs, it is important to clarify the relationship between circuit speed and device parameters. An analytical expression for circuit performance is effective for this purpose. This paper describes an analytical toggle frequency expression for Source-Coupled FET Logic (SCFL) frequency dividers. The proposed equation is expressed as the sum of the product of sensitivity coefficients of FET parameters and time constants which are extracted through a small signal transfer function analysis. These sensitivity coefficients are extracted using SPICE simulations. The equation is a simple formula with only five coefficients, which is much smaller than conventional sensitivity analyses. Furthermore, the accuracy of the proposed equation is improved compared to an analytical method based on the small signal transfer function which we previously proposed. The equation can be easily extended to consider interconnection delay time. The calculated maximum toggle frequencies using the equation show good agreement with SPICE simulations and experimental results for a wide gate-length variation range of 0. 12-µm to 0. 24-µm GaAs MESFETs. By re-extraction of another set of sensitivity coefficients, the proposed equation can be widely applied to shorter gate-length GaAs MESFETs and other FET devices such as HEMT devices. The expression clearly shows the relationship between the circuit performance and intrinsic FET parameters. According to the equation, the key parameters for high-speed circuit operation are high transconductance with a low drain conductance, and a low gate-drain capacitance. The equation can be used as a criterion for the optimization of the FET structure to realize high speed circuit performance.

  • Direct Calculation Methods for Parameter Estimation in Statistical Manifolds of Finite Discrete Distributions

    Yukio HAYASHI  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E81-A No:7

    From an information geometric viewpoint, we investigate a characteristic of the submanifold of a mixture or exponential family in the manifold of finite discrete distributions. Using the characteristic, we derive a direct calculation method for an em-geodesic in the submanifold. In this method, the value of the primal parameter on the geodesic can be obtained without iterations for a gradient system which represents the geodesic. We also derive the similar algorithms for both problems of parameter estimation and functional extension of the submanifold for a data in the ambient manifold. These theoretical approaches from geometric analysis will contribute to the development of an efficient algorithm in computational complexity.

  • Temperature and Metal-Vapor Near Contacts in Pd Breaking Arcs by Spectroscopic Measurement

    Mitsuru TAKEUCHI  Takayoshi KUBONO  


    E81-C No:7

    In this study the spectral intensities of a breaking arc were measured near the cathode and the anode between separating Pd contacts in a DC 50 V/5 A circuit, and arc temperature and metal-vapor quantity and density were calculated. Results show the radial distribution of temperature in the cross section of an arc column was constant both near the cathode and the anode from the beginning to the extinction of the breaking arc. Near the cathode the arc temperature in the position of the peak value of spectral intensity rose to about 6000 K at the beginning and remained constant, but near the anode it rose to about 6000 K at the beginning and then decreased towards the extinction of the arc. Both near the cathode and the anode metal-vapor quantity and density rose suddenly at the beginning. Afterwards, they fell near the cathode until extinction. But they became constant approaching extinction near the anode. And the metal-vapor quantity was greater and the density higher near the cathode than near the anode.

  • Electrochemomechanical Deformation in Poly (o-methoxyaniline)

    Masamitsu KANEKO  Keiichi KANETO  


    E81-C No:7

    Electrochemomechanical deformation (ECMD) of poly(o-methoxyaniline) (PoMAn) film has been studied in various acid solutions, such as Cl-, HSO4-, BF4-, and p-toluene sulfate. The magnitude of ECMD of the film depends linearly on the degree of oxidation of the film similarly to the case of polyaniline (PAn). 2. 53% of deformation ratios along the stretched direction are obtained for 30% of reduction. In contrast to that of PAn, however, the ECMDs of PoMAn do not markedly depend on the kind of anions. Transient responses of current and deformation are investigated by the potential application stepwise and the diffusion coefficient of ions in films. The results are discussed in terms of the effect of substituted methoxy group.

  • Evaluation of Arachidic Acid Langmuir-Blodgett Ultrathin Films on Silver Thin Films from Scattered Light Using Surface Plasmon Polariton Excited at the Interfaces

    Yusuke AOKI  Keizo KATO  Kazunari SHINBO  Futao KANEKO  Takashi WAKAMATSU  


    E81-C No:7

    Attenuated total reflection (ATR) properties and scattered light properties were measured for Ag thin films and arachidic acid (C20) Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) ultrathin films on the Ag thin films to obtain the information about their complex dielectric constants and surface roughness utilizing an excited surface plasmon polariton. The complex dielectric constants for the Ag thin films and the C20 LB films were obtained by fitting the calculated ATR curves to the experimental ones. The surface roughnesses of these films were estimated by the angular distribution of the scattered light assuming the Gaussian function as an autocorrelation function and a linear superposition of roughness spectra. The angular spectra strongly depended on the roughness parameters: the transverse correlation length σ and the surface corrugation depth δ. The experimental angular distributions were explained by some pairs of σ and δ. It was suggested that the surface roughness of the C20 LB films changed with the number of monolayers since the angular spectra varied with the number of the C20 LB monolayers on the Ag films. It is thought that the measurement of the scattered light is useful to evaluate surface roughnesses of LB ultrathin films.

  • Steady-State Analysis of Photorefractive Ring Resonator with Self-Pumped Four-Wave Mixing (PRRR-SPFWM)

    Mototsugu TAKAMURA  Atsushi OKAMOTO  Kunihiro SATO  


    E81-C No:7

    A photorefractive ring resonator with self-pumped four-wave mixing (PRRR-SPFWM) in which the Cat mirror region and the four-wave mixing region are formed in a single photorefractive crystal is proposed, and the steady-state analysis of this unknown device is first performed. Since the backward pump beam is generated as a phase conjugate of the forward pump beam in the Cat mirror region, counterpropagation of both pump beams is spontaneously obtained. We analyze its oscillation intensities in steady state, and show that the threshold coupling strength of oscillation depends on the cavity mirror reflectivity and the reflectivity of the Cat mirror region. We also show interesting property of PRRR-SPFWM, the possibility to switch over between unidirectional and bidirectional oscillation by controlling the amplitude of coupling strength.

  • Partial Scan Design Methods Based on n-Fold Line-Up Structures and the State Justification of Pure Load/Hold Flip-Flops

    Toshinori HOSOKAWA  Toshihiro HIRAOKA  Mitsuyasu OHTA  Michiaki MURAOKA  Shigeo KUNINOBU  

    PAPER-Design for Testability

    E81-D No:7

    We will present a partial scan design method based on n-fold line-up structures in order to achieve high fault efficiency and reduce test pattern generation time for practical LSIs. We will also present a partial scan design method based on the state justification of pure load/hold FFs in order to achieve high fault efficiency and reduce the number of scan FFs for practical LSIs with lots of load/hold FFs. Experimental results for practical LSIs show that our presented methods can achieve high fault efficiency (more than 99%) and reduce the number of scan FFs for the LSI with lots of load/hold FFs.

  • A New Radar System Operating in the Forward-Scatter Region

    Kohki NAKATSUKA  

    LETTER-Electronic and Radio Applications

    E81-B No:7

    A new radar system is presented, which consists of one main radar and cooperative plural transponders. The transponders are integrated in the respective retrodirective antennas which are arranged beyond the horizon in such a manner as they surround the main radar. An algorithm for determining the three-dimensional target position is given. Computer simulations have been made for different target positions by assuming measurement errors. A target whose monostatic radar cross section is small or has been specially reduced by absorbing materials could be detected by this system if it is properly constructed.

  • Durable Molecular Organic Electroluminescent Devices and Their Frequency Responses to a New Accurate Driving Method

    Hiroyuki FUJII  Hiroshi KANNO  Takeshi SANO  Yoshitaka NISHIO  Yuji HAMADA  Hisakazu TAKAHASHI  Tatsuro USUKI  Kenichi SHIBATA  


    E81-C No:7

    In order to improve the running durability of organic electroluminescent devices (OELDs), the doping sites of molecular OELDs were optimized, and the frequency responses of the optimized devices were examined for Mg-In/bis (10-hydroxybenzo[h]quinolinate) beryllium (BeBq2)/N, N'-diphenyl-N, N'-(3-methylphenyl)-1, 1'-biphenyl-4, 4'-diamine (TPD)/4, 4', 4"-tris (3-methylphenylphenylamino) triphenylamine (MTDATA)/ITO. The TPD hole transport layer was the optimum doping site for 5, 6, 11, 12-tetraphenylnaphthacene (rubrene) dopant, and a very high efficiency of 13 cd/A at 0. 13 kcd/m2 was obtained for yellow emission. Half-decay times under a constant direct current density of 1. 0 mA/cm2 from an initial luminance of 0. 13 kcd/m2 extended to longer than 26,000 hours. The luminance of the optimized device decreases lineally with respect to the logarithm of the frequency as the frequency increases in the range from 1 kHz to 0. 3 MHz when a square wave with a duty ratio of 50% and a maximum voltage of 5.0 V is applied. A new driving method involving frequency modulation is proposed. This may offer accurate control of pixel luminance, and enable simple driving circuits adapted to highly integrated digital LSI chips, or the concept of system on glass.

  • The Effect of Instruction Window on the Performance of Superscalar Processors

    Yong-Hyeon PYUN  Choung-Shik PARK  Sang-Bang CHOI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E81-A No:6

    This paper suggests a novel analytical model to predict average issue rate of both in-order and out-of-order issue policies. Most of previous works have employed only simulation methods to measure the instruction-level parallelism for performance. However these methods cannot disclose the cause of the performance bottle-neck. In this paper, the proposed model takes into account such factors as issue policy, instruction-level parallelism, branch probability, the accuracy of branch prediction, instruction window size, and the number of pipeline units to estimate the issue rate more accurately. To prove the correctness of the model, extensive simulations were performed with Intel 80386/80387 instruction traces. Simulation results showed that the proposed model can estimate the issue rate accurately within 3-10% differences. The analytical model and simulations show that the out-of-order issue can improve the superscalar performance by 70-206% compared to the in-order issue. The model employs parameters to characterize the behavior of programs and the structure of superscalar that cause performance bottle-neck. Thus, it can disclose the cause of the disproportion in performance and reduce the burden of excess simulations that should be performed whenever a new processor is designed.

  • An Evolutionary Scheduling Scheme Based on gkGA Approach to the Job Shop Scheduling Problem

    Beatrice M. OMBUKI  Morikazu NAKAMURA  Kenji ONAGA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E81-A No:6

    This paper presents an evolutionary scheduling scheme for solving the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) and other combinatorial optimization problems. The approach is based on a genetized-knowledge genetic algorithm (gkGA). The basic idea behind the gkGA is that knowledge of heuristics which are used in the GA is also encoded as genes alongside the genetic strings, referred to as chromosomes. Furthermore, during the GA selection, weaker heuristics die out while stronger ones survive for a given problem instance. We evaluate our evolutionary scheduling scheme based on the gkGA approach using well known benchmark instances for the JSSP. We observe that the gkGA based scheme is shown to consistently outperform the scheme based on ordinary GAs. In addition the gkGA-based scheme removes the problem of instance dependency.

  • Performance Analysis of Generalized Order Statistic Cell Averaging CFAR Detector with Noncoherent Integration

    Kyung-Tae JUNG  Hyung-Myung KIM  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:6

    We propose a Generalized Order Statistic Cell Averaging (GOSCA) CFAR detector. The weighted sums of the order statistics in the leading and lagging reference windows are utilized for the background level estimate. The estimate is obtained by averaging the weighted sums. By changing the weighting values, various CFAR detectors are obtained. The main advantage of the proposed GOSCA CFAR detector over the GOS CFAR detector is to reduce a computational time which is critical factor for the real time operation. We also derive unified formulas of the GOSCA CFAR detector under the noncoherent integration scheme. For Swerling target cases, performances of various CFAR detectors implemented using the GOSCA CFAR detector are derived and compared in homogeneous environment, and in the case of multiple targets and clutter edges situations.

  • FPGA Implementation of a Digital Chaos Circuit Realizing a 3-Dimensional Chaos Model

    Kei EGUCHI  Takahiro INOUE  Akio TSUNEDA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E81-A No:6

    In this letter, a digital circuit realizing a Rossler model is proposed. The proposed circuit features exact reproducibility of chaos signals which is desired in chaos-based communication systems. By employing an FPGA implementation, the proposed circuit can achieve high-speed and low-cost realization. The chaotic behavior of the quasi-chaos of the proposed circuit is analyzed by numerical simulations. To confirm the validity of the FPGA implementation, the proposed circuit is designed by using an FPGA CAD tool, Verilog-HDL. This circuit design showed that the proposed circuit can be implemented onto a single FPGA and can realize real-time chaos generation.

  • A Systolic Pipelined NTSC/PAL Digital Video Encoder

    Seung Ho OH  Han Jun CHOI  Moon Key LEE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:6

    This paper describes the design of a multistandard video encoder. The proposed encoder accepts conventional NTSC/PAL video signals. The encoder consists of four major building functions which are color space converter, digital filters, color modulator, and timing generator. In order to support multistandard video signals, a programmable systolic architecture is adopted in designing various digital filters. Interpolation digital filters are also used to enhance SNR of encoded video signals. The input to the encoder can be either YCbCr signal or RGB signal. The outputs are luminance (Y), chrominance (C), and composite video baseband (Y+C) signals. The architecture of the encoder is defined by using Matlab program and is modelled by using Verilog-HDL language. The overall operation is verified by using various video signals, such as color bar patterns, ramp signals, and so on. The encoder contains 36 k gates and is implemented by using 0. 65 µm CMOS process.

  • Performance Analysis of Mixed Voice/Data Services in a Microcell-Based PCS Network

    Yusun HWANG  Youngnam HAN  Younghui KIM  

    PAPER-Universal Personal Communications

    E81-A No:6

    In this paper, we present several traffic handling schemes for improving the QoSs (quality-of-services) in a micro-cell based PCS (personal communication services) network. Traffic handling schemes are devised for the efficient use of the limited radio resources with the increasing number of users and multimedia traffic. Both mathematical analysis and computer simulations are carried out for the performance evaluation in terms of the blocking probability of new call, the forced termination probability of handoff voice and data and the average delay of data. Analytical models by bivariate Markov processes are provided. It reveals that a finite queueing scheme for handoff delay sensitive data guarantees QoS metrics, such as the blocking probability of new voice and data and forced termination probability of handoff voice and data, as well as the efficient use of radio resources. The optimal number of reserved channels for handoff delay sensitive data and the optimal number of reserved channels for handoff traffic (in reserved channel scheme) are investigated and obtained. Dynamically controlled reserved channel schemes turn out to provide no significant performance improvement.

  • Wide-Band Subharmonically Injection-Locked Oscillators Using Three-Dimensional MMIC Technology

    Kenji KAMOGAWA  Ichihiko TOYODA  Tsuneo TOKUMITSU  Kenjiro NISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Functional Modules and the Design Technology

    E81-C No:6

    Subharmonically Injection-locked oscillators (ILO's) with very wide injection-locking ability are presented. Two types of ILO MMIC's with this ability are proposed. The oscillation frequency tuning function of the ILO MMIC is very useful for expansion of the injection locking range at higher subharmonics. One consists of a shunt varactor diode inserted into the oscillation loop, and the other incorporates a vector-combining configuration with in-phase divider and 90 degree hybrid. Using three-dimensional MMIC's technology which can offer miniature and high-density passive circuits, the vector-combining type ILO is formed in a very compact area of 1. 7 mm2. Fabricated 20 GHz-band ILO achieves a wide tuning ranges of 870 MHz, resulting in a very wide locking range for higher subharmonics. The wide frequency tuning ability also reduces phase noise, shortens a locking time and compensates the center frequency deviation against temperature, as well as increasing locking range. The measured results show that the ILO configuration is extremely suitable for realizing simple, fully monolithic and low phase noise millimeter-wave frequency synthesizers.

  • Supervisory Rate-Based Flow Control of ATM Networks for ABR Services

    Kwang-Hyun CHO  Jong-Tae LIM  

    LETTER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:6

    A new approach for the flow control of available bit rate service in ATM network is proposed using supervisory control theory upon discrete event models. According to the approach, each rate controller adjusts the input source traffic within a specific zone decided by the supervisor. In this way, the proposed control scheme ensures congestion avoidance and the maximal successful transmission rate of the input source traffic in a fair manner upon a simplistic way of explicit rate setting for resource management cells.

  • Stability Margin Estimation for Real Schur Polynomials via Established Stability Tests

    Takehiro MORI  Hideki KOKAME  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E81-A No:6

    For a real Schur polynomial, estimates are derived for a Schur stability margin in terms of matrix entries or tableau entries in some stability test methods. An average size of the zeros of the polynomial is also estimated. These estimates enable us to obtain more information than stability once a polynomial is tested to be stable via the established Schur stability criterion for real polynomials.

  • Stability Conditions of Two Port Networks Considering Load Conditions

    Yoshihiro MIWA  


    E81-C No:6

    The purpose of this letter is to investigate the stability conditions of the active two port networks having some restrictions on load and source terminations, and then they have been obtained. Next, these results and the previous stability coditions are investigated, and then the new combined stability condition are proposed.

  • Kohonen Learning with a Mechanism, the Law of the Jungle, Capable of Dealing with Nonstationary Probability Distribution Functions

    Taira NAKAJIMA  Hiroyuki TAKIZAWA  Hiroaki KOBAYASHI  Tadao NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E81-D No:6

    We present a mechanism, named the law of the jungle (LOJ), to improve the Kohonen learning. The LOJ is used to be an adaptive vector quantizer for approximating nonstationary probability distribution functions. In the LOJ mechanism, the probability that each node wins in a competition is dynamically estimated during the learning. By using the estimated win probability, "strong" nodes are increased through creating new nodes near the nodes, and "weak" nodes are decreased through deleting themselves. A pair of creation and deletion is treated as an atomic operation. Therefore, the nodes which cannot win the competition are transferred directly from the region where inputs almost never occur to the region where inputs often occur. This direct "jump" of weak nodes provides rapid convergence. Moreover, the LOJ requires neither time-decaying parameters nor a special periodic adaptation. From the above reasons, the LOJ is suitable for quick approximation of nonstationary probability distribution functions. In comparison with some other Kohonen learning networks through experiments, only the LOJ can follow nonstationary probability distributions except for under high-noise environments.
