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  • A Remark on “ Efficient Revocable ID-Based Encryption with a Public Channel”

    Jae Hong SEO  Keita EMURA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E96-A No:11

    In 2001, Boneh and Franklin realized the first Identity-Based Encryption (IBE), and at the same time they proposed a simple way to revoke users from the system. Later, Boldyreva et al. pointed out that Boneh-Franklin's revocation method is not scalable well and they proposed the first IBE scheme with efficient revocation. Recently, Tseng and Tsai [Computer Journal, Vol.55 No.4, page 475-486, 2012] claimed that Boldyreva et al.'s scheme requires a secure channel between each user and the key generation center in the key update phase, and proposed a new revocable IBE (RIBE) with a public channel by extending the Boneh-Franklin scheme. In this paper, we revisit Tseng and Tsai's result; we first point out that secure channels (except for the initial key setup) are not mandatory in the definition of RIBE scheme formalized by Boldyreva et al. Next, we show that Boldyreva et al.'s scheme does not require any secure channels (except for the initial key setup), which is different from what Tseng and Tsai claimed and so invalidates their contribution of the first RIBE with a public channel. Moreover, we point out that there are simple techniques to remove secure channels from the Boneh-Franklin RIBE. Interestingly, we show that the secure-channel-free Boneh-Franklin RIBE scheme is secure against decryption key exposure, whereas the Tseng-Tsai RIBE scheme is vulnerable to this attack.

  • Robust Bilateral Filter Using Switching Median Filter

    Tadahiro AZETSU  Noriaki SUETAKE  Eiji UCHINO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E96-A No:11

    This paper proposes a robust bilateral filter which can handle mixed Gaussian and impulsive noise by hybridizing the conventional bilateral filter and the switching median filter. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified in comparison with other conventional methods by some experiments using the natural digital images.

  • Predominant Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals Based on Harmonic Structure

    Jea-Yul YOON  Chai-Jong SONG  Hochong PARK  

    LETTER-Music Information Processing

    E96-D No:11

    A new method for predominant melody extraction from polyphonic music signals based on harmonic structure is proposed. The proposed method first extracts a set of fundamental frequency candidates by analyzing the distance between spectral peaks. Then, the predominant fundamental frequency is selected by pitch tracking according to the harmonic strength of the selected candidates. Finally, the method runs pitch smoothing on a large temporal scale for eliminating pitch doubling error, and conducts voicing frame detection. The proposed method shows the best overall performance for ADC 2004 DB in the MIREX 2011 audio melody extraction task.

  • Towards Logging Optimization for Dynamic Object Process Graph Construction

    Takashi ISHIO  Hiroki WAKISAKA  Yuki MANABE  Katsuro INOUE  

    LETTER-Software System

    E96-D No:11

    Logging the execution process of a program is a popular activity for practical program understanding. However, understanding the behavior of a program from a complete execution trace is difficult because a system may generate a substantial number of runtime events. To focus on a small subset of runtime events, a dynamic object process graph (DOPG) has been proposed. Although a DOPG can potentially facilitate program understanding, the logging process has not been adapted for DOPGs. If a developer is interested in the behavior of a particular object, only the runtime events related to the object are necessary to construct a DOPG. The vast majority of runtime events in a complete execution trace are irrelevant to the interesting object. This paper analyzes actual DOPGs and reports that a logging tool can be optimized to record only the runtime events related to a particular object specified by a developer.

  • Improving Naturalness of HMM-Based TTS Trained with Limited Data by Temporal Decomposition

    Trung-Nghia PHUNG  Thanh-Son PHAN  Thang Tat VU  Mai Chi LUONG  Masato AKAGI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E96-D No:11

    The most important advantage of HMM-based TTS is its highly intelligible. However, speech synthesized by HMM-based TTS is muffled and far from natural, especially under limited data conditions, which is mainly caused by its over-smoothness. Therefore, the motivation for this paper is to improve the naturalness of HMM-based TTS trained under limited data conditions while preserving its intelligibility. To achieve this motivation, a hybrid TTS between HMM-based TTS and the modified restricted Temporal Decomposition (MRTD), named HTD in this paper, was proposed. Here, TD is an interpolation model of decomposing a spectral or prosodic sequence of speech into sparse event targets and dynamic event functions, and MRTD is one simplified version of TD. With a determination of event functions close to the concept of co-articulation in speech, MRTD can synthesize smooth speech and the smoothness in synthesized speech can be adjusted by manipulating event targets of MRTD. Previous studies have also found that event functions of MRTD can represent linguistic information of speech, which is important to perceive speech intelligibility, while sparse event targets can convey the non-linguistics information, which is important to perceive the naturalness of speech. Therefore, prosodic trajectories and MRTD event functions of the spectral trajectory generated by HMM-based TTS were kept unchanged to preserve the high and stable intelligibility of HMM-based TTS. Whereas MRTD event targets of the spectral trajectory generated by HMM-based TTS were rendered with an original speech database to enhance the naturalness of synthesized speech. Experimental results with small Vietnamese datasets revealed that the proposed HTD was equivalent to HMM-based TTS in terms of intelligibility but was superior to it in terms of naturalness. Further discussions show that HTD had a small footprint. Therefore, the proposed HTD showed its strong efficiency under limited data conditions.

  • New Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Period pq

    Xiuwen MA  Qiaoyan WEN  Jie ZHANG  Huijuan ZUO  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E96-A No:11

    In this letter, by using Whiteman's generalized cyclotomy of order 2 over Zpq, where p, q are twin primes, we construct new perfect Gaussian integer sequences of period pq.

  • An Improved Model of Ant Colony Optimization Using a Novel Pheromone Update Strategy


    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E96-D No:11

    The paper introduces a novel pheromone update strategy to improve the functionality of ant colony optimization algorithms. This modification tries to extend the search area by an optimistic reinforcement strategy in which not only the most desirable sub-solution is reinforced in each step, but some of the other partial solutions with acceptable levels of optimality are also favored. therefore, it improves the desire for the other potential solutions to be selected by the following artificial ants towards a more exhaustive algorithm by increasing the overall exploration. The modifications can be adopted in all ant-based optimization algorithms; however, this paper focuses on two static problems of travelling salesman problem and classification rule mining. To work on these challenging problems we considered two ACO algorithms of ACS (Ant Colony System) and AntMiner 3.0 and modified their pheromone update strategy. As shown by simulation experiments, the novel pheromone update method can improve the behavior of both algorithms regarding almost all the performance evaluation metrics.

  • A Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme Based on Consensus in Cognitive Radio Systems

    Mihwa SONG  Sekchin CHANG  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E96-A No:11

    In this letter, we present a novel cooperative spectrum sensing scheme for cognitive radio systems. The proposed approach is based on a consensus algorithm. Using the received signals, we set up a formula for the consensus algorithm, which guarantees a convergence to an agreement value. The simulation results exhibit that the performance of the consensus-based cooperative scheme is much better than that of the conventional cooperative technique in the case that the cooperative nodes for spectrum sensing are sparsely distributed in cognitive radio systems.

  • Enhanced Film Grain Noise Removal and Synthesis for High Fidelity Video Coding

    Inseong HWANG  Jinwoo JEONG  Sungjei KIM  Jangwon CHOI  Yoonsik CHOE  


    E96-A No:11

    In this paper, we propose a novel technique for film grain noise removal and synthesis that can be adopted in high fidelity video coding. Film grain noise enhances the natural appearance of high fidelity video, therefore, it should be preserved. However, film grain noise is a burden to typical video compression systems because it has relatively large energy levels in the high frequency region. In order to improve the coding performance while preserving film grain noise, we propose film grain noise removal in the pre-processing step and film grain noise synthesis in the post processing step. In the pre-processing step, the film grain noise is removed by using temporal and inter-color correlations. Specifically, color image denoisng using inter color prediction provides good denoising performance in the noise-concentrated B plane, because film grain noise has inter-color correlation in the RGB domain. In the post-processing step, we present a noise model to generate noise that is close to the actual noise in terms of a couple of observed statistical properties, such as the inter-color correlation and power of the film grain noise. The results show that the coding gain of the denoised video is higher than for previous works, while the visual quality of the final reconstructed video is well preserved.

  • Single Parameter Logarithmic Image Processing for Edge Detection

    Fuji REN  Bo LI  Qimei CHEN  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E96-D No:11

    Considering the non-linear properties of the human visual system, many non-linear operators and models have been developed, particularly the logarithmic image processing (LIP) model proposed by Jourlin and Pinoli, which has been proved to be physically justified in several laws of the human visual system and has been successfully applied in image processing areas. Recently, several modifications based on this logarithmic mathematical framework have been presented, such as parameterized logarithmic image processing (PLIP), pseudo-logarithmic image processing, homomorphic logarithmic image processing. In this paper, a new single parameter logarithmic model for image processing with an adaptive parameter-based Sobel edge detection algorithm is presented. On the basis of analyzing the distributive law, the subtractive law, and the isomorphic property of the PLIP model, the five parameters in PLIP are replaced by a single parameter to ensure the completeness of the model and physical constancy with the nature of an image, and then an adaptive parameter-based Sobel edge detection algorithm is proposed. By using an image noise estimation method to evaluate the noise level of image, the adaptive parameter in the single parameter LIP model is calculated based on the noise level and grayscale value of a corresponding image area, followed by the single-parameter LIP-based Sobel operation to overcome the noise-sensitive problem of classical LIP-based Sobel edge detection methods, especially in the dark area of an image, while retaining edge sensitivity. Compared with the classical LIP and PLIP model, the given single parameter LIP achieves satisfactory results in noise suppression and edge accuracy.

  • Personalized Emotion Recognition Considering Situational Information and Time Variance of Emotion

    Yong-Soo SEOL  Han-Woo KIM  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E96-D No:11

    To understand human emotion, it is necessary to be aware of the surrounding situation and individual personalities. In most previous studies, however, these important aspects were not considered. Emotion recognition has been considered as a classification problem. In this paper, we attempt new approaches to utilize a person's situational information and personality for use in understanding emotion. We propose a method of extracting situational information and building a personalized emotion model for reflecting the personality of each character in the text. To extract and utilize situational information, we propose a situation model using lexical and syntactic information. In addition, to reflect the personality of an individual, we propose a personalized emotion model using KBANN (Knowledge-based Artificial Neural Network). Our proposed system has the advantage of using a traditional keyword-spotting algorithm. In addition, we also reflect the fact that the strength of emotion decreases over time. Experimental results show that the proposed system can more accurately and intelligently recognize a person's emotion than previous methods.

  • Utilizing Multiple Data Sources for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Support Vector Machines


    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E96-A No:11

    Localization in wireless sensor networks is the problem of estimating the geographical locations of wireless sensor nodes. We propose a framework to utilizing multiple data sources for localization scheme based on support vector machines. The framework can be used with both classification and regression formulation of support vector machines. The proposed method uses only connectivity information. Multiple hop count data sources can be generated by adjusting the transmission power of sensor nodes to change the communication ranges. The optimal choice of communication ranges can be determined by evaluating mutual information. We consider two methods for integrating multiple data sources together; unif method and align method. The improved localization accuracy of the proposed framework is verified by simulation study.

  • Multilayer Wavelength-Selective Reflector Films for LCD Applications Open Access

    Saswatee BANERJEE  


    E96-C No:11

    We designed multilayer wavelength-selective reflector films by stacking thin-films of transparent polymer. The optimum structure of the multilayer is determined using a combination of characteristic matrix method and a version of genetic algorithm. Such multilayer films can be used in LCD devices to enhance the color saturation of the display.

  • A Novel Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Using Particle Swarm Optimization

    Jia-Ching WANG  Yu-Huan SUNG  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E96-A No:11

    Video coding plays an important role in human life especially in communications. H.264/AVC is a prominent video coding standard that has been used in a variety of applications due to its high efficiency comes from several new coding techniques. However, the extremely high encoding complexity hinders itself from real-time applications. This paper presents a new encoding algorithm that makes use of particle swarm optimization (PSO) to train discriminant functions for classification based fast mode decision. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can successfully reduce encoding time at the expense of negligible quality degradation and bitrate increases.

  • Photo-Induced Threshold and Onset Voltage Shifts in Organic Thin-Film Transistors Open Access

    Ichiro FUJIEDA  Tse Nga NG  Tomoya HOSHINO  Tomonori HANASAKI  


    E96-C No:11

    We have studied photo-induced effects in a p-type transistor based on a [1]benzothieno[3,2-b]benzothiophene (BTBT) derivative. Repetition of blue light irradiation and electrical characterization under dark reveals that its threshold voltage gradually shifts in the positive direction as the cumulative exposure time increases. This shift is slowly reversed when the transistor is stored under dark. The onset voltage defined as the gate bias at which the sub-threshold current exceeds a certain level behaves in a similar manner. Mobility remains more or less the same during this exposure period and the storage period. Time evolution of the threshold voltage shift is fit by a model assuming two charged meta-stable states decaying independently. A set of parameters consists of a decay constant for each state and the ratio of the two states. A single parameter set reproduces the positive shift during the exposure period and the negative shift during the storage period. Time evolution of the onset voltage is reproduced by the same parameter set. We have also studied photo-induced effects in two types of n-type transistors where either a pure solution of a perylene derivative or a solution mixed with an insulating polymer is used for printing each semiconductor layer. A similar behavior is observed for these transistors: blue light irradiation under a negative gate bias shifts the threshold and the onset voltages in the negative direction and these shifts are reversed under dark. The two-component model reproduces the behavior of these voltage shifts and the parameter set is slightly different among the two transistors made from different semiconductor solutions. The onset voltage shift is well correlated to the threshold voltage shift for the three types of organic transistors studied here. The onset voltage is more sensitive to illumination than the threshold voltage and its sensitivity differs among transistors.

  • Experiments on Asymmetric Carrier Aggregation Associated with Control Signaling Reception Quality in LTE-Advanced

    Keisuke SAITO  Yuichi KAKISHIMA  Teruo KAWAMURA  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  Hidekazu TAOKA  Hidehiro ANDOH  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E96-A No:11

    LTE-Advanced supports asymmetric carrier aggregation (CA) to achieve flexible bandwidth allocation by applying different numbers of component carriers (CCs) between the downlink and uplink. This paper experimentally clarifies the achievable downlink throughput performance when uplink control information (UCI) feedback mechanism using the physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH), which enables minimization of the UCI overhead while maintaining the required reception quality, is applied in asymmetric CA. The laboratory experimental results show that the stable reception quality control of the channel quality information (CQI) with the target block error rate (BLER) of 10-1 to 10-2 is achieved irrespective of the average received signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) when the control offset parameter of approximately 1.25 is used. We also show that the achievable downlink throughput when the CQI error is considered is almost the same as that in no CQI error case. Furthermore, based on the experimental results in a real field environment, a suburban area of Yokosuka city in Japan, we confirm stable adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) operation including target BLER control of the CQI on the PUSCH in asymmetric CA. The field experimental results also show that when CA with 5 CCs (90-MHz bandwidth) and 2-by-2 rank-2 multiple-output multiple-input (MIMO) multiplexing are employed in the downlink, the peak throughput of approximately 640Mbps is achieved even considering the CQI error.

  • Fourier-Domain Modal Delay Measurements for Multimode Fibers Optimized for the 850-nm Band in a Local Area Network

    Chan-Young KIM  Tae-Jung AHN  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E96-B No:11

    We present transmission- and reflection-type measurement methods for the differential mode delay (DMD) of a multimode optical fiber (MMF) optimized for high-speed local area networks (LANs) for the 850-nm band. Compared with a previously reported transmission-type measurement method for the 1550-nm wavelength band, we demonstrate here high-resolution DMD measurement methods for MMFs in the 850-nm band. As the method is based on a Fourier-domain intermodal interference technique, the measurement sensitivity is ∼60-dB, and it requires a fiber only a few meters in length. The shorter wavelength also allows a threefold improvement in the measurement resolution. The reflection-type measurement technique is a more practical than the transmission-type measurement technique for the field testing of short MMFs already installed in networks. We believe that this method will be a practical tool not only for field testing of short-length MMFs already installed in networks but also for the development of new plastic optical fibers (POFs).

  • Numerical Design of Matching Structures for One-Dimensional Finite Superlattices

    Hirofumi SANADA  Megumi TAKEZAWA  Hiroki MATSUZAKI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E96-C No:11

    This paper describes how to design matching structures to improve the frequency characteristics of one-dimensional finite periodic structures. In particular, it deals with one-dimensional finite superlattices. A downhill simplex method is used to determine some of the structural parameters of the matching structure. Numerical examples show that this method is effective in improving the frequency characteristics of finite superlattices.

  • A Partially Driven Array Antenna Backed by a Reflector with a Reduction in the Number of Driven Elements by Up to 67%

    Tadashi TAKANO  Takehiro IMURA  Midori OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E96-B No:11

    This paper describes a novel technique to replace some of the driven elements in an array antenna with parasitic elements. First, the antenna characteristics are studied by simulation for a basic unit array with one driven and two parasitic elements. The entire antenna is backed with a flat reflector to conform to practical applications. The parasitic elements are excited by the neighboring driven elements through the electromagnetic coupling effect. It is shown that at the optimal coupling condition, the radiation patterns are almost identical with those of an array antenna whose elements are all driven without coupling. The simulation result is confirmed by performing an experiment at 5.8GHz (λ =51.7mm). Finally, a 12-element array is formed by combining four unit arrays. The simulation results show that the maximum antenna gain is 19.4dBi, indicating that there is no penalty with respect to the antenna gain of a fully driven 12-element array. Therefore, the array antenna can be considerably simplified by replacing 67% of its elements with parasitic elements.

  • Anticipatory Runway Incursion Prevention Systems

    Kai SHI  Yuichi GOTO  Zhiliang ZHU  Jingde CHENG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E96-D No:11

    Avoiding runway incursions is a significant challenge and a top priority in aviation. Due to all causes of runway incursions belong to human factors, runway incursion prevention systems should remove human from the system operation loop as much as possible. Although current runway incursion prevention systems have made big progress on how to obtain accurate and sufficient information of aircraft/vehicles, they cannot predict and detect runway incursions as early as experienced air traffic controllers by using the same surveillance information, and cannot give explicit instructions and/or suggestions to prevent runway incursions like real air traffic controllers either. In one word, human still plays an important position in current runway incursion prevention systems. In order to remove human factors from the system operation loop as much as possible, this paper proposes a new type of runway incursion prevention system based on logic-based reasoning. The system predicts and detects runway incursions, then gives explicit instructions and/or suggestions to pilots/drivers to avoid runway incursions/collisions. The features of the system include long-range prediction of incidents, explicit instructions and/or suggestions, and flexible model for different policies and airports. To evaluate our system, we built a simulation system, and evaluated our system using both real historical scenarios and conventional fictional scenarios. The evaluation showed that our system is effective at providing earlier prediction of incidents than current systems, giving explicit instructions and/or suggestions for handling the incidents effectively, and customizing for specific policies and airports using flexible model.
