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  • Mobile Telecommunication Systems and Generalized Erlang Loss Formula

    Fumiaki MACHIHARA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E88-B No:1

    This paper studies a cellular system with mobile customers. The network system consists of cells, the tagged cell and the adjacent cells which surround the tagged one. Each cell has a finite number of channels that give calls to the mobile customers. The service (holding) time distribution of the calls is general. Customers in the adjacent cells inflow into the tagged cell according to a Poisson process. The sojourn time distribution of each customer in the tagged cell is general. Each customer without call in progress generates his call according to a Poisson process. It is proved that the steady state distribution in the tagged cell is the generalized Erlang loss formula which is the joint distribution of the number of customers with calls and the number of customers without calls. The distribution depends on the service time distribution and the sojourn time distribution only through their means.

  • 160-Gbit/s Full Channel Optical Time-Division Demultiplexer Based on SOA-Array Integrated PLC and Its Application to OTDM Transmission Experiment

    Ippei SHAKE  Hidehiko TAKARA  Ikuo OGAWA  Tsutomu KITOH  Minoru OKAMOTO  Katsuaki MAGARI  Takuya OHARA  Satoki KAWANISHI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E88-B No:1

    This paper presents 160-Gbit/s full channel time-division demultiplexing using a semiconductor optical amplifier hybrid integrated demultiplexer on a planer lightwave circuit. Error-free demultiplexing from a 160-Gbit/s signal to 8 channel 20 Gbit/s signals is successfully demonstrated. Results of a 160-Gbit/s optical time-division-multiplexed full channel OTDM signal transmission experiment using the circuit and successful 80-km transmission are presented.

  • Crest Factor Reduction for Complex Multi-Carrier Signal Processing

    Young-Hwan YOU  Min-Goo KANG  Han-Jong KIM  Pan-Yuh JOO  Hyoung-Kyu SONG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E88-A No:1

    One of the main disadvantage of multi-carrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) signals is the high peak power of the transmitted signals which limits their applications. To account for this issue, we provide a simple signal processing for reducing the high crest factor (CF) of MC-CDMA signals. Using this modified MC-CDMA signal, the high CF due to Walsh spreading sequences can be mitigated without explicit side information and degradation in the detection performance.

  • Diversity-Coding-Orthogonality Trade-off for Coded MC-CDMA with High Level Modulation

    Deepshikha GARG  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E88-B No:1

    In MC-CDMA, the data rate can be increased by reducing the spreading factor SF or by allowing multicode transmission. In this paper, we examine by computer simulations which gives a better bit error rate (BER) performance--lower SF or multicode operation--when high level modulation is used in addition to error control coding. For a coded system in a frequency selective channel, there is a trade-off among frequency diversity gain due to spreading, improved coding gain due to better frequency interleaving effect and orthogonality distortion. It is found that for QPSK, the performance of OFDM (MC-CDMA with SF = 1) is almost the same as that of a fully spread MC-CDMA system. However, for 16QAM and 64QAM, the BER performance is better for lower SF unlike the uncoded system, wherein higher SF gives a better BER.

  • Balanced Quatrefoil Decomposition of Complete Multigraphs

    Kazuhiko USHIO  Hideaki FUJIMOTO  


    E88-D No:1

    We show that the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a balanced quatrefoil decomposition of the complete multigraph λKn is n 9 and λ(n - 1) 0 (mod 24). Decomposition algorithms are also given.

  • Annealing Algorithm Applied in Optimum Design of 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz Dual-Wideband Microstrip Line Filters

    Mao-Hsiu HSU  Jhin-Fang HUANG  


    E88-C No:1

    This paper presents a computer-aided design procedure of simulated annealing algorithm to optimize dual-wideband microstrip line filters with symmetrical at least 500 MHz bandwidths respectively. This method demonstrates the superiority of designing microstrip line dual-band filters. The value of characteristic impedances and electrical lengths of transmission lines synthesizing 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz dualband filters with a single input and a single output are adjusted to the annealing process by the optimization algorithm. The fabricated dual-wideband spectral transmittance and reflectance curves of these filters applying this method all effectively achieved desired high performances and resulted in a lower cost dual-band filters and open the way to commercial mass production. The method is applicable not only in 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz, but can be applied to any other multi-frequency bands.

  • On the Importance of Protecting Δ in SFLASH against Side Channel Attacks

    Katsuyuki OKEYA  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  Camille VUILLAUME  


    E88-A No:1

    SFLASH was chosen as one of the final selection of the NESSIE project in 2003. It is one of the most efficient digital signature scheme and is suitable for implementation on memory-constrained devices such as smartcards. Side channel attacks (SCA) are a serious threat to memory-constrained devices. If the implementation on them is careless, the secret key may be revealed. In this paper, we experimentally analyze the effectiveness of a side channel attack on SFLASH. There are two different secret keys for SFLASH, namely the proper secret key (s,t) and the random seed Δ used for the hash function SHA-1. Whereas many papers discussed the security of (s,t), little is known about that of Δ. Steinwandt et al. proposed a theoretical DPA for finding Δ by observing the XOR operations. We propose another DPA on Δ using the addition operation modulo 232, and present an experimental result of the DPA. After obtaining the secret key Δ, the underlying problem of SFLASH can be reduced to the C* problem broken by Patarin. From our simulation, about 1408 pairs of messages and signatures are needed to break SFLASH. Consequently, SHA-1 must be carefully implemented in order to resist SCA on SFLASH.

  • Linear Attack Using Multiple Linear Approximations

    Jun CHOI  Deukjo HONG  Seokhie HONG  Sangjin LEE  

    PAPER-Symmetric Key Cryptography

    E88-A No:1

    One of Kaliski and Robshaw's algorithms, which is used for the linear attack on block ciphers with multiple linear approximations and introduced as Algorithm 2M in this paper, looks efficient but lacks any theoretical and mathematical description. It means there exists no way to estimate the data complexity required for the attack by the algorithm except experiments of the reduced variants. In this paper we propose a new algorithm using multiple linear approximation. We achieve the theoretical and mathematical analysis of its success probability. The new algorithm needs about 240.6 plaintexts to find 12 bits of secret key of 16-round DES with a success probability of about 86%.

  • Random Bit Climbers on Multiobjective MNK-Landscapes: Effects of Memory and Population Climbing

    Hernan AGUIRRE  Kiyoshi TANAKA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E88-A No:1

    In this work we give an extension of Kauffman's NK-Landscapes to multiobjective MNK-Landscapes in order to study the effects of epistasis on the performance of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). This paper focuses on the development of multiobjective random one-bit climbers (moRBCs). We incrementally build several moRBCs and analyze basic working principles of state of the art MOEAs on landscapes of increased epistatic complexity and number of objectives. We specially study the effects of Pareto dominance, non-dominance, and the use of memory and a population to influence the search. We choose an elitist non-dominated sorting multiobjective genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) as a representative of the latest generation of MOEAs and include its results for comparison. We detail the behavior of the climbers and show that population based moRBCs outperform NSGA-II for all values of M and K.

  • On Collusion Security of Random Codes

    Katsunari YOSHIOKA  Junji SHIKATA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E88-A No:1

    Fingerprinting is a technique to add identifying marks to each copy of digital contents in order to enhance traceability to a distribution system. Collusion attacks, in which the attackers collect two or more fingerprinted copies and try to generate an untraceable copy, are considered to be a threat for the fingerprinting system. With the aim of enhancing collusion security to the fingerprinting system, several collusion secure codes, such as c-frameproof code, c-secure frameproof code and c-identifiable parent property code, have been proposed. Here, c indicates the maximum number of colluding users. However, a practical construction of the above codes is still an issue because of the tight restrictions originated from their combinatorial properties. In this paper, we introduce an evaluation of frameproof, secure frameproof, and identifiable parent property by the probability that a code has the required property. Then, we focus on random codes. For frameproof and secure frameproof properties, we estimate the average probability that random codes have the required property where the probability is taken over the random construction of codes and random construction of coalitions. For the estimation, we assume the uniform distribution of symbols of random codes and the symbols that the coalitions hold. Therefore, we clarify the adequacy of the assumptions by comparison with numerical results. The estimates and numerical results resemble, which implies the adequacy of the assumption at least in the range of the experiment.

  • A Construction of Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on Singular Simultaneous Equations

    Masao KASAHARA  Ryuichi SAKAI  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E88-A No:1

    Extensive studies have been made of the public key cryptosystems based on multivariate polynomials over F2. However most of the proposed public key cryptosystems based on multivariate polynomials, are proved not secure. In this paper, we propose several types of new constructions of public key cryptosystems based on randomly generated singular simultaneous equations. One of the features of the proposed cryptosystems is that the sets of random singular simultaneous equations significantly enlarges the size of the transformation.

  • Path-Bounded One-Way Multihead Finite Automata

    Satoshi INOUE  Katsushi INOUE  Akira ITO  Yue WANG  


    E88-D No:1

    For each positive integer r 1, a nondeterministic machine M is r path-bounded if for any input word x, there are r computation paths of M on x. This paper investigates the accepting powers of path-bounded one-way (simple) multihead nondeterministic finite automata. It is shown that for each k 2 and r 1, there is a language accepted by an (r + 1) path-bounded one-way nondeterministic k head finite automaton, but not accepted by any r path-bounded one-way nondeterministic k head finite automaton whether or not simple.

  • Microwave-Circuit-Embedded Resin Printed Circuit Board for Short Range Wireless Interfaces

    Akira SAITOU  Kazuhiko HONJO  Kenichi SATO  Toyoko KOYAMA  Koichi WATANABE  


    E88-C No:1

    Microwave circuits embedded in a multi-layer resin PCB are demonstrated using low loss resin materials. Resin materials for microwave frequencies were compared with conventional FR-4 with respect to dielectric and conductor loss factors, which proved that losses could be reduced drastically with the low loss material and design optimizations. Baluns, switches and BPFs were designed and fabricated to estimate microwave performances. Measured and simulated insertion losses of the circuits for 2.5 GHz band, were 0.3 dB for a switch, 0.4 dB for a balun and 2.0 dB for a 3-stage Chebyshev BPF. An integration of a switch, a BPF and two baluns was successfully implemented in a multi-layer PCB. Insertion losses of the fabricated integrated circuit were less than 3 dB with 0.1 dB additional loss compared with a sum of individual circuit losses. With estimated results of temperature characteristics and reliability as well as low loss performances, microwave circuits in resin PCBs can be considered as a viable candidate for microwave equipments.

  • Fabrication of an X-Band Dual Mode Bandpass Filter Using Low Cost FR4 Substrate

    Min-Hung WENG  Cheng-Yuan HUNG  Hung-Wei WU  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E88-C No:1

    The investigation presents a low cost and low insertion loss X-band dual mode bandpass filter (BPF) based on inexpensive commercial FR4 substrate. The proposed filter at a central frequency f0 of 11.3 GHz has high filter performance filter with a fractional bandwidth of 14%, the insertion loss of -2.7 dB, and two transmission zeros. The designed procedures are presented in this letter and the fabricated filter verifies the proposed designed concept.

  • Differential HELLO Technique for Multihop Wireless Network Routing Protocols in Dense Environments

    Shigeyuki ASAMI  Masashi YOSHIDA  Kenichi KAGOSHIMA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E88-B No:1

    The Multi-Point Relay (MPR) of the Optimized Link State Routing protocol reduces the flooding overhead compared with classic flooding. To select MPR nodes, HELLO messages are used. In dense population environments, the overhead of HELLO messages is critical because the HELLO messages carry all adjacent node IDs in the classical manner. Consequently, wireless bandwidth is consumed for data communications. One solution for this problem is to compress HELLO messages using a differential technique. However, few, if any, studies have applied a differential technique to HELLO messages. We introduce the novel Differential HELLO technique to reduce the overhead of the HELLO messages. The Differential HELLO technique consists of two kinds of compression methods: Chronological Compression and Topological Compression. In addition, the inconsistency problems of the 1-hop node information in adjacent nodes caused by packet loss are discussed. As solutions to the inconsistency problems, No Compression Acknowledgement (NC-ACK) and HELLO Information Forecast (HIF) have been examined. Our simulation has taken the efficiency of the Differential HELLO technique into consideration. The HELLO message overhead was reduced to 29.1 IDs from 75.8 IDs using the Differential HELLO technique at a packet loss rate of 10-4 under random node arrangement. This result reveals that the Differential HELLO technique reduces the classic HELLO overhead by 38%. In environments with lower packet-loss rates, the Differential HELLO technique promises to offer even better performance.

  • High-Level Power Optimization Based on Thread Partitioning

    Jumpei UCHIDA  Nozomu TOGAWA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-System Level Design

    E87-A No:12

    This paper proposes a thread partitioning algorithm in low power high-level synthesis. The algorithm is applied to high-level synthesis systems. In the systems, we can describe parallel behaving circuit blocks (threads) explicitly. First it focuses on a local register file RF in a thread. It partitions a thread into two sub-threads, one of which has RF and the other does not have RF. The partitioned sub-threads need to be synchronized with each other to keep the data dependency of the original thread. Since the partitioned sub-threads have waiting time for synchronization, gated clocks can be applied to each sub-thread. Then we can synthesize a low power circuit with a low area overhead, compared to the original circuit. Experimental results demonstrate effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm.

  • Applications of Tree/Link Partitioning for Moment Computations of General Lumped R(L)C Interconnect Networks with Multiple Resistor Loops

    Herng-Jer LEE  Ming-Hong LAI  Chia-Chi CHU  Wu-Shiung FENG  

    PAPER-Physical Design

    E87-A No:12

    A new moment computation technique for general lumped R(L)C interconnect circuits with multiple resistor loops is proposed. Using the concept of tearing, a lumped R(L)C network can be partitioned into a spanning tree and several resistor links. The contributions of network moments from each tree and the corresponding links can be determined independently. By combining the conventional moment computation algorithms and the reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD), the proposed method can compute system moments efficiently. Experimental results have demonstrate that the proposed method can indeed obtain accurate moments and is more efficient than the conventional approach.

  • Ultrafast All-Optical Switching of OTDM Signal for Wavelength Routing Using FWM in SOA

    Takashi MORI  Hitoshi KAWAGUCHI  

    LETTER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E87-C No:12

    Ultrafast all-optical switching was experimentally demonstrated using four-wave mixing in an SOA. Two pump pulses with different wavelengths and timings were used for 12 switching. The cross-correlation measurements of FWM signals using a short reference pulse show the high-speed switching capability for wavelength routing in OTDM networks.

  • Blind Source Separation Based on Phase and Frequency Redundancy of Cyclostationary Signals

    Yong XIANG  Wensheng YU  Jingxin ZHANG  Senjian AN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E87-A No:12

    This paper presents a new method for blind source separation by exploiting phase and frequency redundancy of cyclostationary signals in a complementary way. It requires a weaker separation condition than those methods which only exploit the phase diversity or the frequency diversity of the source signals. The separation criterion is to diagonalize a polynomial matrix whose coefficient matrices consist of the correlation and cyclic correlation matrices, at time delay τ= 0, of multiple measurements. An algorithm is proposed to perform the blind source separation. Computer simulation results illustrate the performance of the new algorithm in comparison with the existing ones.

  • Progressive Coding of Binary Voxel Models Based on Pattern Code Representation

    Bong Gyun ROH  Chang-Su KIM  Sang-Uk LEE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E87-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a progressive encoding algorithm for binary voxel models, which represent 3D object shapes. For progressive transmission, multi-resolution models are generated by decimating an input voxel model. Then, each resolution model is encoded by employing the pattern code representation(PCR). In PCR, the voxel model is represented with a series of pattern codes. The pattern of a voxel informs of the local shape of the model around that voxel. PCR can achieve a coding gain, since the pattern codes are highly correlated. In the multi-resolution framework, the coding gain can be further improved by exploiting the decimation constraints from the lower resolution models. Furthermore, the shell classification scheme is proposed to reduce the number of pattern codes to represent the whole voxel model. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm provides about 1.1-1.3 times higher coding gain than the conventional PCR algorithm.
