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  • Digit-Recurrence Algorithm for Computing Reciprocal Square-Root

    Naofumi TAKAGI  Daisuke MATSUOKA  Kazuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E86-A No:1

    A digit-recurrence algorithm for computing reciprocal square-root which appears frequently in multimedia and graphics applications is proposed. The reciprocal square-root is computed by iteration of carry-propagation-free additions, shifts, and multiplications by one digit. Different specific versions of the algorithm are possible, depending on the radix, the redundancy factor of the digit set, and etc. Details of a radix-2 version and a radix-4 version and designs of a floating-point reciprocal square-root circuit based on them are shown.

  • A Study on Higher Order Differential Attack of Camellia

    Takeshi KAWABATA  Masaki TAKEDA  Toshinobu KANEKO  

    PAPER-Symmetric Ciphers and Hash Functions

    E86-A No:1

    The encryption algorithm Camellia is a 128 bit block cipher proposed by NTT and Mitsubishi, Japan. Since the algebraic degree of the outputs after 3 rounds is greater than 128, designers estimate that it is impossible to attack Camellia by higher order differential. In this paper, we show a new higher order differential attack which controls the value of differential using proper fixed value of plaintext. As the result, we found that 6-round F-function can be attacked using 8th order differentials. The attack requires 217 chosen plaintexts and 222 F-function operations. Our computer simulation took about 2 seconds for the attack. If we take 2-R elimination algorithm, 7-round F-function will be attacked using 8th order differentials. This attack requires 219 chosen plaintexts and 264 F-function operations, which is less than exhaustive search for 128 bit key.

  • Use of Montgomery Trick in Precomputation of Multi-Scalar Multiplication in Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

    Katsuyuki OKEYA  Kouichi SAKURAI  

    PAPER-Asymmetric Ciphers

    E86-A No:1

    We develop efficient precomputation methods of multi-scalar multiplication on ECC. We should recall that multi-scalar multiplication is required in some elliptic curve cryptosystems including the signature verification of ECDSA signature scheme. One of the known fast computation methods of multi-scalar multiplication is a simultaneous method. A simultaneous method consists of two stages; precomputation stage and evaluation stage. Precomputation stage computes points of precomputation, which are used at evaluation stage. Evaluation stage computes multi-scalar multiplication using precomputed points. In the evaluation stage of simultaneous methods, we can compute the multi-scalar multiplied point quickly because the number of additions is small. However, if we take a large window width, we have to compute an enormous number of points in precomputation stage. Hence, we have to compute an abundance of inversions, which have large computational amount. As a result, precomputation stage requires much time, as well known. Our proposed method reduces from O(22w) inversions to O(w) inversions for a window width w, using Montgomery trick. In addition, our proposed method computes uP and vQ first, then compute uP+vQ, where P,Q are elliptic points. This procedure enables us to remove unused points of precomputation. Compared with the method without Montgomery trick, our proposed method is 3.6 times faster in the case of the precomputation stage for simultaneous sliding window NAF method with window width w=3 and 160-bit scalars under the assumption that I/M=30, S/M=0.8, where I,M,S respectively denote computational amounts of inversion, multiplication and squaring on a finite field.

  • Beamspace-Time Transmit Diversity for Time-Domain Spreading OFDM-CDM Systems

    Masaaki FUJII  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper presents a beamspace-time transmit diversity scheme that uses a space-time block code (STBC) and a fixed multi-beam transmit array with low sidelobes for time-domain spreading orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing code-division multiplexing (OFDM-CDM) downlink transmission. The scheme assigns space-time-coded signals to a pair of neighboring beams via closed-loop beam selection. Time-domain spreading provides non-frequency selectivity in each spreading region, which makes it possible for multiple STBCs to share any beam and to be decoded after despreading. Simulation results demonstrated that multiple transmit beams and multiple receive antennas provide large beam gains and/or a high order of diversity gains. In addition, the proposed scheme spatially separates users by beam and thus alleviates multi-user interference.

  • Symbol-by-Symbol Based Multilevel Transmit Power Control for OFDM Based Adaptive Modulation under High Mobility Terminal Conditions

    Tomoaki YOSHIKI  Seiichi SAMPEI  Norihiko MORINAGA  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper proposes a symbol-by-symbol-based multilevel transmit power control (MTPC) scheme for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based adaptive modulation system (AMS) to achieve high quality broadband wireless transmission for high mobility terminals. In the proposed system, delay profile for each OFDM symbol is estimated by linearly extrapolating previously received delay profile information (DPI) sequence to improve tracking ability of OFDM based AMS with MTPC to the fast fading variation. Moreover, 2-branch reception diversity is applied to reduce dynamic range and variation speed of the multipath fading. Computer simulation confirms that the proposed system is effective in supporting higher mobility terminals with keeping high transmission quality.

  • A Secure Multisignature Scheme with Signing Order Verifiability

    Mitsuru TADA  

    PAPER-Symmetric Ciphers and Hash Functions

    E86-A No:1

    In an order-specified multisignature scheme, one can verify not only a set of signers who have signed the message but also its signing order. Though we have seen several schemes with such properties proposed, none of them is given the security proof against active adversaries. The scheme can be easily modified to be an order-specified multisignature scheme, but still has the restriction that the possible signing orders are only ones of the type of serial signing. In this paper, we propose the first order-specified multisignature scheme, which is shown to be secure against adaptive chosen-message insider attacks in the random oracle model, and which allows the signing orders to form like any series-parallel graphs. The security is shown by using ID-reduction technique, which reduces the security of multisignature schemes to those of multi-round identification schemes. Furthermore, we discuss the efficiency of the proposed scheme and the upper bound of the possible number of participating signers.

  • Call Admission Control Using Differentiated Outage Probabilities in Multimedia DS-CDMA Networks with Imperfect Power Control

    Tao SHU  Zhisheng NIU  


    E86-B No:1

    A key problem under imperfect power control in multimedia DS-CDMA networks is how to guarantee the differentiated outage probabilities of different traffic classes resulted from the uncertainty of received powers. In addition, in order to utilize the scarce wireless resource efficiently, as many users as possible should be admitted into the network while providing guaranteed quality-of-service support for them. In this work, a call admission control scheme, Differentiated Outage Probabilities CAC or DOP-CAC, is proposed to achieve the above goals for imperfectly power-controlled multimedia CDMA networks. Two important features of CDMA systems are considered in our scheme: one is the power multiplexing among bursty traffics and the other is the power allocation scheme employed at the physical layer. The validity and efficiency of DOP-CAC are verified by numerical examples. Two power allocation schemes, Limited Optimal Power Allocation (LOPA) proposed in [3] and Quasi-Optimal Power Allocation (QOPA) we proposed in [6], are considered respectively and compared in the performance evaluation of DOP-CAC. The results show that DOP-CAC achieves much better resource utilization under QOPA than it does under LOPA. By employing QOPA at the physical layer and DOP-CAC at the link layer, our work suggests a high efficiency solution for QoS support of multimedia traffic under imperfect power control environment.

  • Inclusion Relations of Boolean Functions Satisfying PC(l) of Order k

    Tetsu IWATA  Kaoru KUROSAWA  

    PAPER-Symmetric Ciphers and Hash Functions

    E86-A No:1

    In cryptography, we want a Boolean function which satisfies PC(l) of order k for many (l,k). Let PCn(l,k) be a set of Boolean functions with n input bits satisfying PC(l) of order k. From a view point of construction, it is desirable that there exists (l0,k0) such that PCn(l0, k0) PCn(li,ki) for many i 1. In this paper, we show a negative result for this problem. We prove that PCn(l1,k1) PCn(l2,k2) for a large class of l1, k1, l2 and k2.

  • Performance Analysis of CDMA Systems with Adaptive Modulation Scheme

    Insoo KOO  Youngkou LEE  Kiseon KIM  


    E86-B No:1

    In this paper, we evaluate the average bit error rate (BER) and bits per symbol (BPS) performances of CDMA system employing the adaptive modulation according to the position of mobile station since the performance of CDMA system is highly dependent on user location especially in the downlink, and further we evaluate the overall performance by considering the user distribution at the level of cell. To evaluate the performance of the considered system in the forward link, we derive the distribution of the received signal to noise ratio (SNR) by Mobile Station located at arbitrary cell position with which we investigate the average BER and BPS performances of the common shared channel, one of the downlink channels of beyond IMT-2000 systems such as 1xEV-DO, 1xTEME and HSPDA. As a result, we observe that the CDMA system adopting the adaptive modulation can get about 2.47 bits per symbol at the cell level, while satisfying the required BER performance over all cell area.

  • Adaptive Radio Parameter Control Considering QoS for Forward Link OFCDM Wireless Access

    Atsushi HARADA  Sadayuki ABETA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper proposes an adaptive radio parameter control scheme that utilizes an optimum radio parameter set comprising the maximum number of retransmissions in hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) in addition to the data modulation and channel coding scheme (MCS) according to the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements (i.e., the required packet error rate and delay) and propagation conditions such as the delay spread in the forward link of Orthogonal Frequency and Code Division Multiplexing (OFCDM) broadband wireless access. We elucidate by simulation evaluation that most of the optimum MCSs are common regardless of the delay requirement of traffic data, i.e., common between non-real time (NRT) and real-time (RT) class data. Concretely, the three MCSs of QPSK with the coding rate of R=1/2, 16QAM with R=1/2 and 3/4 are optimum ones, although the additional MCS of QPSK with R=1/3 is effective only for the RT class data in the lower received average received signal energy per symbol-to-background noise power density ratio (Es/N0) region. Furthermore, application of a much higher MCS set, 16QAM with R=5/6 and 64QAM with R=3/4, in addition to the three common MCSs improves the throughput under much higher Es/N0 conditions in a small delay spread environment. The simulation results show that the delay requirement, i.e., the maximum number of retransmissions, in HARQ does not affect the key radio parameter such as MCS, because of informative results such as a smaller number of retransmissions associated with a less-efficient MCS achieves a higher throughput than does using a more highly-efficient MCS allowing a larger number of retransmissions. Consequently, it is concluded that the proposed adaptive radio parameter control according to the QoS requirements substantially results in the selection of the optimum MCS irrespective of the delay requirement except for the extreme case where no retransmissions are allowed and for special propagation channel conditions.

  • Three-Step Cell Search Algorithm Exploiting Common Pilot Channel for OFCDM Broadband Wireless Access

    Motohiro TANNO  Hiroyuki ATARASHI  Kenichi HIGUCHI  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper proposes a three-step cell search algorithm that utilizes only the common pilot channel (CPICH) in the forward link and employs spreading by a combination of a cell-specific scrambling code (CSSC) and an orthogonal short code for Orthogonal Frequency and Code Division Multiplexing (OFCDM) broadband packet wireless access. In the proposed cell search algorithm, the OFCDM symbol timing, i.e., Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) window timing, is estimated by detecting the guard interval timing in the first step. Then, in the second step, the frame timing and CSSC group are simultaneously detected by taking the correlation of the CPICH based on the property yielded by shifting the CSSC phase in the frequency domain. Finally, the CSSC within the group is identified in the third step. The most prominent feature of the proposed cell search algorithm is that it does not employ the conventional synchronization channel (SCH), which is exclusively used for the cell search. Computer simulation results elucidate that when the transmission power ratio of the CPICH to one code channel of the traffic channel (TCH) is 12 dB, the proposed cell search method achieves faster cell search time performance compared to the conventional method using the SCH with the transmission power ratio of the SCH to one code channel of the TCH of 6 dB. Furthermore, the results show that it can accomplish the cell search within 1.7 msec at 95% of the locations in a 12-path Rayleigh fading channel with the maximum Doppler frequency of 80 Hz and the r.m.s. delay spread of 0.32 µs.

  • Cell Search Scheme Embedded with Carrier Frequency Synchronization in Broadband OFDM-CDM Systems

    Masaaki FUJII  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper presents a cell search scheme embedded with carrier frequency synchronization for inter-cell asynchronous orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing code-division multiplexing (OFDM-CDM) systems. Several subcarriers are dedicated to a differentially encoded synchronization channel (SCH). In the other subcarriers, data symbols and pilot symbols are two-dimensionally spread in the time-frequency domain. The cell search scheme consists of a three-stage cell search and a two-stage carrier-frequency synchronization, that is, coarse carrier-frequency acquisition, fast Fourier transform window-timing detection, SCH frame-timing detection, fine carrier-frequency synchronization, and cell-specific scrambling code (CSSC) identification. Simulation demonstrated that this scheme can identify the CSSC with high detection probability while precisely synchronizing the carrier frequency in severe frequency-selective fading channels.

  • Comparative Study of Various Frequency Equalization Techniques for Downlink of a Wireless OFDM-CDMA System

    Tomoki SAO  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E86-B No:1

    In a wireless OFDM-CDMA system, the data-modulated symbol of each user is spread over multiple subcarriers in the frequency domain using a given spreading code. For the downlink (base-to-mobile) transmissions, a set of orthogonal spreading codes defined in the frequency domain is used so that different users data can be transmitted using the same set of subcarriers. The frequency selectivity of the radio channel produces the orthogonality destruction. There are several frequency equalization combining techniques to restore orthogonality, i.e., orthogonal restoration combining (ORC), control equalization combining (CEC) that is a variant of ORC, threshold detection combining (TDC), and minimum mean square error combining (MMSEC). The ORC can restore orthogonality among users but produces noise enhancement. However, CEC, TDC, and MMSEC can balance the orthogonality restoration and the noise enhancement. In this paper, we investigate, by means of computer simulation, how the BER performances achievable with ORC, CEC, TDC, and MMSEC are impacted by the propagation parameters (path time delay difference and fading maximum Doppler frequency), number of users, pilot power used for channel estimation, and channel estimation scheme. To acquire a good understanding of ORC, CEC, TDC, and MMSEC, how they differ with respect to the combining weights is discussed. Also, the downlink transmission performances of DS-CDMA and OFDM-CDMA are compared when the same transmission bandwidth is used. How much better performance is achieved with OFDM-CDMA than with DS-CDMA using ideal rake combining is discussed.

  • The Optimum Channel Estimation for Coherent Receivers in Multicarrier CDMA System with Antenna Array

    Masahiro FUJII  Rie SHIMIZU  Makoto ITAMI  Kohji ITOH  


    E86-B No:1

    It is well known that diversity performance of communication systems using signals with high dimensions in time, frequency and/or spatial domains depends on correlation of the channel characteristics along signal dimensions. On the other hand, it has not been payed due attention how the coherent receiver which combines the signals is greatly affected by the erroneous channel estimation which can undermine the diversity gain. In this paper, assuming that the estimator is given the a priori probability of the channel characteristics, we propose an optimum estimation scheme based on MAP criterion, in an uplink-MC/CDMA system on channels with frequency selective fading, with an array of antennas at the receiver. The MAP estimator effectively takes into account the correlation of the channel characteristics that the conventional estimator neglects. We also propose a signal design in pilot symbol periods that enables the receiver to separately obtain the sufficient statistic for estimating the channel characteristics without MAI. Using computer simulation, we obtained MSE error performances of the proposed estimator compared with the conventional estimator and their effect on BER performances of the diversity combining receiver. It was observed that using the conventional estimator for combining greater number of signals than the effective channel dimension deteriorated the BER performance while using the proposed estimator kept the optimum performance just as the error-free estimator did. Also obtained for MC/CDMA systems are BER performances of the single user matched filter and MMSE receivers using the proposed and the conventional estimators. A considerable improvement of the MMSE performance was achieved owing to the optimum estimator. It remains for the a priori probability of the channel characteristics to be properly assumed and dealt with in sequential estimation.

  • An Effective Multicast ATM Switch for Advanced Multimedia Communication --Singlecast Stuffed Multicast Advanced Processing (SSMAP) ATM Switch --

    Takahiro NISHIMURA  Katsutoshi OHMAE  Hiromi OKADA  


    E86-B No:1

    In this paper, we present a new design to support multicasting in an ATM switches, called the Singlecast Stuffed Multicast Advanced Processing (SSMAP) ATM switch, which can transmit multicast traffic effectively. The SSMAP ATM switch consists of two cell operation parts, a multicast operation part and a singlecast operation part. This structure is designed so as to increase the efficiency of packet forwarding by allowing singlecast cells to use the resources that remain unused during multicast traffic handling. Furthermore, we propose new multicast scheduling methods using the SSMAP ATM switch. We evaluate the characteristics of the SSMAP ATM switch and multicast scheduling methods by computer simulations, and demonstrate their validity.

  • Rhythm Pattern Accuracy Diagnosis System Capable of Objective Evaluation and Commentary Feedback

    Takahiro YONEKAWA  Atsuhiro NISHIKATA  

    PAPER-Man-Machine Systems, Multimedia Processing

    E86-D No:1

    This paper describes a rhythm pattern accuracy diagnosis system based on the rhythm pattern matching algorithm and a diagnosis feedback method by employing the SVM technique. A beat rhythm pattern is recorded by a PC and analyzed with an algorithm including cluster-analysis-based pattern matching. Rhythm performance is represented by a performance feature vector, which features note length deviation, note length instability, and tempo instability. The performance feature vector is effective for objectively evaluating the accuracy of rhythm patterns objectively. In addition, this system has the music experts' knowledge base, which is calculated from the performance feature vectors associated with the experts' subjective evaluation by listening to the performance. The system generates both an objective measuring report, and experts' comments for learners. Reproductivity of experts' comments is statistically indicated to be excellent for eight rhythm patterns, two tempo levels, and eight users. Reliability of experts' comments are also described considering the threshold of the decision function of SVM. Subjective evaluation of the system is carried out by fifteen users by a questionnaire using the SD method. As a result of factor analysis for the sixteen questions, four factors named "Audio-visual representation," "User-friendliness," "Reliability," and "Window representation," are extracted. Users' four factor scores indicate that the system is reliable and easy to use.

  • Linear Predictive Maximal Ratio Combining Transmitter Diversity for OFDM-TDMA/TDD Systems

    Fumiaki MAEHARA  Fumihito SASAMORI  Fumio TAKAHATA  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper proposes a 2-dimensional linear propagation prediction (LPP) in maximal ratio combining (MRC) transmitter diversity for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) time division multiple access--time division duplex (TDMA/TDD) systems in order to overcome the degradation of the transmission performance due to the fast fading or the TDD duration. In the proposed scheme, the downlink channel condition of each sub-channel is predicted by interpolating the uplink fading fluctuation with both the amplitude and phase, and the predicted downlink channel condition is used for the weighting factor to employ MRC transmitter diversity. Numerical results obtained by the computer simulation show that the proposed 2-dimensional LPP with the second-order Lagrangeis interpolation predicts the downlink channel condition accurately under the fast fading or the long TDD duration. Moreover, in such a condition, the proposed LPP provides far better performance than the conventional 1-dimensional LPP.

  • Multiple Access over Fading Multipath Channels Employing Chip-Interleaving Code-Division Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum

    Yu-Nan LIN  David W. LIN  


    E86-B No:1

    Multiple access interferecnce (MAI) is a major factor limiting the performance of direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems. Since the amount of MAI is dependent on the correlation among user signals, one way to reduce it is to reduce such correlation. In mobile multiuser communication, each user experiences a different time-varying channel response. This user-dependent characteristic in channel variation can be exploited to assist the separation of different user signals, in addition to the capability provided by the spreading codes. As the correlation among different user channels are expected to decrease with increase in time span, enhanced decorrelation among different users' signals can be effected by spacing out the chips of one modulated symbol in time. Thus we consider chip-interleaving DS-CDMA (CI-DS-CDMA) in this study. We investigate its performance through theoretical analysis and computer simulation. Employing only a slightly modified rake receiver structure, CI-DS-CDMA is shown to attain significant performance gain over conventional DS-CDMA, in multiple access communication over single- and multi-path fading channels, without complicated multiuser detection. CI-DS-CDMA also has a lower demand for short-term power control than conventional DS-CDMA, especially in one-path Rayleigh fading. Results of the theoretical analysis and the computer simulation agree well with each other.

  • Single Flux Quantum Multistage Decimation Filters

    Haruhiro HASEGAWA  Tatsunori HASHIMOTO  Shuichi NAGASAWA  Satoru HIRANO  Kazunori MIYAHARA  Youichi ENOMOTO  

    INVITED PAPER-LTS Digital Applications

    E86-C No:1

    We investigated single flux quantum sinc filters with multistage decimation structure in order to realize high-speed sinc filter operation. Second- and third-order (k=2, 3) sinc filters with a decimation factor N=2 were designed and confirmed their proper operations. These sinc filters with N=2 are utilized as elementary circuit blocks of our multistage decimation sinc filters with N=2M, where M indicates the number of the stage of the decimation. As an example of the multistage decimation filter, we designed a k=2, N=4 sinc filter which was formed from a two-stage decimation structure using k=2, N=2 sinc filters, and confirmed its proper operation. The k=2, N=4 sinc filter consisted of 1372 Josephson junctions with the power consumption of 191 µW.

  • Inter-Chrominance Up-Sampling Algorithm for Color Post-Processing

    Yuji ITOH  

    LETTER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E86-D No:1

    In this paper, a novel chrominance up-sampling algorithm for color post-processing is described. This scheme exploits so-called inter-chrominance coherence, i.e., luminance and chrominance signals share the same structural information. Usually luminance has higher spatial resolution than chrominance in compression coding standards. So the idea is to up-sample chrominance signals using the structural information extracted from the luminance.
