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[Keyword] Ti(30728hit)


  • Interpolation Technique of Fingerprint Features for Personal Verification

    Kazuharu YAMATO  Toshihide ASADA  Yutaka HATA  


    E77-D No:11

    In this letter we propose an interpolation technique for low-quality fingerprint images for highly reliable feature extraction. To improve the feature extraction rate, we extract fingerprint features by referring to both the interpolated image obtained by using a directional Laplacian filter and the high-contrast image obtained by using histogram equalization. Experimental results show the applicability of our method.

  • Radiation from a Line Source in a Stratified Slab Waveguide

    Hideaki HORIUCHI  Shoji YAMAGUCHI  Toshio HOSONO  


    E77-C No:11

    In this paper, we developed the analytical method for the radiation field from a line current source placed in a stratified slab waveguide. This method is applicable to the analysis of excitation problem of inhomogeneous slab waveguide by increasing the number of layers. The numerical results are given for the cases of five layers, such as W and M type waveguides, and the inhomogeneous slab waveguide. The influence of guided and leaky modes on the radiation field are studied.

  • A Superior Estimator to the Maximum Likelihood Estimator on 3-D Motion Estimation from Noisy Optical Flow

    Toshio ENDOH  Takashi TORIU  Norio TAGAWA  


    E77-D No:11

    We prove that the maximum likelihood estimator for estimating 3-D motion from noisy optical flow is not optimal", i.e., there is an unbiased estimator whose covariance matrix is smaller than that of the maximum likelihood estimator when a Gaussian noise distribution is assumed for a sufficiently large number of observed points. Since Gaussian assumption for the noise is given, the maximum likelihood estimator minimizes the mean square error of the observed optical flow. Though the maximum likehood estimator's covariance matrix usually reaches the Cramér-Rao lower bound in many statistical problems when the number of observed points is infinitely large, we show that the maximum likelihood estimator's covariance matrix does not reach the Cramér-Rao lower bound for the estimation of 3-D motion from noisy optical flow under such conditions. We formulate a superior estimator, whose covariance matrix is smaller than that of the maximum likelihood estimator, when the variance of the Gaussian noise is not very small.

  • Optoelectronic Mesoscopic Neural Devices

    Hideaki MATSUEDA  

    PAPER-Neural Network and Its Applications

    E77-A No:11

    A novel optoelectronic mesoscopic neural device is proposed. This device operates in a neural manner, involving the electron interference and the laser threshold characteristics. The optical output is a 2–dimensional image, and can also be colored, if the light emitting elements are fabricated to form the picture elements in 3–colors, i.e. R, G, and B. The electron waveguiding in the proposed device is analyzed, on the basis of the analogy between the Schrödinger's equation and the Maxwell's wave equation. The nonlinear neural connection is achieved, as a result of the superposition an the interferences among electron waves transported through different waveguides. The sizes of the critical elements of this device are estimated to be within the reach of the present day technology. This device exceeds the conventional VLSI neurochips by many orders of magnitude, in the number of neurons per unit area, as well as in the speed of operation.

  • Influence of Cross-Sectional Deformation on Coplanar Waveguide Characteristics for the Use of Optical Modulator

    Xiang ZHANG  Tanroku MIYOSHI  


    E77-C No:11

    In this paper, the influences of the cross-sectional deformation on the coplanar waveguide (CPW) characteristics for the use of Ti: LiNbO3optical modulator are presented based on quasi-static analysis. In particular, the influences of the changes in the thickness of Ti: LiNbO3 substrate and the cross-sectional shape of electrodes are studied in detail by using the finite element method proposed previously. As a result, it is found that the propagation characteristics of the dominant mode change significantly with the thickness of LiNbO3 substrate when it is less than 100 µm. It is also shown that an inverted trapezoidal deformation of the electrode cross section is promising because a wider electrode gap and thinner electrodes are available in the design of optical modulators.

  • Evaluation of Fractal Image Coding

    Hiroshi OHNO  Kiyoharu AIZAWA  Mitsutoshi HATORI  


    E77-A No:11

    Fractal image coding using iterated transformations compresses image data by exploiting the self–similarity of an image. Its compression performance has already been discussed in [2] and several other papers. However the relation between the performance and the self–similarity remains unclear. In this paper, we evaluate fractal coding from the perspective of this relationship.

  • Estimation of Body Structure by Biomechanical Impedance

    Hisao OKA  Masakazu YASUNA  Shun–ya SAKAMOTO  Takashi FUKUDA  


    E77-A No:11

    The mechanical impedance of silicone–gel model or chest surface has been measured and the viscoelasticity and effective vibrating radius have been obtained from the impedance. They depend on the distance between the internal block of the silicone–gel/ribs of right chest and the gel surface/skin surface. The 3–D image of internal structure is reconstructed, based on the relation between the distance from the surface and the effective vibrating radius.

  • Nonlinear Characteristics of the Magnetostatic Surface Waves

    Vishnu PRIYE  Makoto TSUTSUMI  


    E77-C No:11

    In this paper, the dispersion characteristics of magnetostatic surface waves (MSSW) in a nonlinear gyromagnetic medium are analytically investigated. Assuming the nonlinearity as the first order perturbation in permeability tensor of the gyromagnetic medium, the perturbation technique based on the multiple scale method is used to deduce the nonlinear dispersion relations for the MSSW. It is observed that for a given propagation constant of the MSSW the frequency decreases with microwave power. It is also observed that group velocity decreases, and as a consequence, delay time increases with power of the microwave. By evaluating the dependence of frequency on power and variation of group velocity on propagation constant within the accuracy of the perturbation theory, it is confirmed that the conditions for formation of bright soliton are not satisfied for the MSSW.

  • Numerical Analysis of Inductive Discontinuities of Finite Thickness in Rectangular Waveguides Using the Modified Residue-Calculus Method

    Toshihiko SHIBAZAKI  Teruhiro KINOSHITA  Ryoji SHIN'YAGAITO  


    E77-C No:11

    The problem of electromagnetic scattering by inductive discontinuities located in rectangular waveguides, in particular when dealing with discontinuous conductors of finite thickness, is analyzed using the modified residue-calculus method, and form of the equation suitable for a numerical calculation is derived. The incident wave is taken to be the dominant mode, and reflection and transmission properties of an asymmetric inductive iris are discussed. After the modal representation of the filed, the modal matching is apply to satisfy the boundary conditions at the discontinuity. And using the modified residue-calculus method, simultaneous infinite equations, which are concerned with the scattered mode coefficients, are derived. Then they are approximated at the thick diaphragm. The solutions obtained take on the form of an infinite product, and a numerical solution based on the method of successive approximations is presented as a technique for concretely determining the reflection coefficients. As confirmation, experiments are also carried out in the X-band and close agreement is shown between the calculated and experimental values.

  • Experiments with Power Optimization in Gate Sizing

    Guangqiu CHEN  Hidetoshi ONODERA  Keikichi TAMARU  


    E77-A No:11

    In this paper, the power dissipation issue is considered in the gate sizing procedure. In order to observe the tradeoff among area, delar and power dissipation in a circuit, gate sizing algorithms which can minimize power under delay constraints or minimize area under power and delay constraints are formulated. Experiments are performed to investigate the properties of area–power–delay tradeoff in the gate sizing procedure.

  • Response of PLL Demodulator by Two Sinusoidal Inputs

    Takahiro OIE  Tadamitsu IRITANI  Hiroshi KAWAKAMI  

    PAPER-Analysis of Phase Locked Loops

    E77-A No:11

    In this paper, we subjects the case that frequency–shift–keying (FSK) modulation and phase locked loop (PLL) demodulator are used in frequency hopped spread spectrum (FH–SS) communication system. So the carrier frequencies of undesired transmitters may come into collision with the carrier frequency of desired transmitter in this communication system, we evaluate the response of PLL by two sinusoidal inputs so as to estimate how the response of PLL demodulator is affected by the collision of carrier frequencies. First, we compute the synchronization diagrams of PLL with two sinusoids. From this, it is indicated that allowable value of amplitude ratio of interference transmitter's signal to disired transmitter's signal decreases with increasing FSK modulation width of desired transmitter. Next, we calculated the output of PLL demodulator with two sinusoids. To this end, it is shown that the allowable value of amplitude ratio is bounded by a constant value even if FSK modulation width is enough small.

  • Numerical Studies of Pattern Formation and Lyapunov Exponents in Chaotic Reaction–Diffusion Systems

    Hiroyuki NAGASHIMA  

    PAPER-Chaos and Related Topics

    E77-A No:11

    Numerical studies of reaction–diffusion systems which consist of chaotic oscillators are carried out. The Rössler oscillators are used, which are arranged two–dimensionally and coupled by diffusion. Pacemakers where the average periods of the oscillators are artificially changed are set to produce target patterns. It is found that target patterns emerge from pacemakers and grow up as if they were in a regular oscillatory medium. The wavelength of the pattern can be varied and controlled by changing the parameters (size and frequency) of the pacemaker. The behavior of the coupled system depends on the size of the system and the strength of the pacemaker. When the system size is large, the Poincar return maps show that the behavior of the coupled system is not simple and the orbit falls into a high–dimensional attractor, while for a small system the attractor is rather simple and a one–dimensional map is obtained. Moreover, for appropriate strength of pacemakers and for certain sizes of the systems the oscillations become periodic. It is also found that the largest and local Lyapunov exponents of the system are positive and these values are uniformly distributed over the pattern. The values of the exponents are smaller than that of the uncoupled Rössler oscillator; this is due to the fact that the diffusion reduces the exponents and modifies the form of the attractor. We conclude that the large scale patterns can stably exist in the chaotic medium.

  • Explicit Evaluations of Correlation Functions of Chebyshev Binary and Bit Sequences Based on Perron–Frobenius Operator

    Tohru KOHDA  Akio TSUNEDA  

    PAPER-Chaos and Related Topics

    E77-A No:11

    Binary sequences with good correlation properties are required for a variety of engineering applications. We previously proposed simple methods to generate binary sequences based on chaotic nonlinear maps. In this paper, statistical properties of chaotic binary sequences generated by Chebyshev maps are discussed. We explicitly evaluate the correlation functions by means of the ensemble–average technique based on the Perron–Frobenius (P–F) operator. As a consequence, we can confirm an important role of the P–F operator in evaluating statistics of chaos by means of the ensemble-average technique.

  • A Design Method of Distributed Telecommunication System Based on the ODP Viewpoint Approach

    Masahiko FUJINAGA  Toshihiko KATO  Kenji SUZUKI  


    E77-B No:11

    Along with the improvement of micro processors and local area networks, a distributed system becomes useful to realize a telecommunication system. It has potential advantage to achieve both high performance and high reliability. However, the design of a distributed system tends to be more complicated compared to a conventional centralized system. For the purpose of the standardization of distributed processing, ISO and ITU-T study the Open Distributed Processing (ODP) and are currently standardizing the Basic Reference Model of ODP (RM-ODP). To avoid dealing with the complexity of distributed systems, RM-ODP defines five viewpoints. The viewpoint approach of RM-ODP is proposed as a framework for the design of a distributed system. Although some previous works give the design methods of distributed systems based on the ODP viewpoint approach, the detailed design method has not been fully specified or all of the five viewpoints are not taken into account. In this paper, we describe a detailed design method for a distributed telecommunication system based on the ODP viewpoint approach. The method applies the five viewpoints to the three phases of design of a distributed system, that is, requirement analysis, functional design and detailed design phase. It clarifies what specifications for the target system should be made from the individual viewpoints and how the specifications are related each other. It also takes account of the platform which provides the distribution support, and gives the design method for both the platform and the application specific functions on the platform. The design method is examined by applying it to the design of a distributed MHS system supporting X.400 series protocols. In this example, the remote procedure call based on the client-server model is selected as the base of the platform. The result shows that our method is useful to simplify the complexity of the design for a distributed telecommunication system.

  • High Efficient and Small Sized Coupling Optics for Monolithic Array LD Module

    Junichiro YAMASHITA  Akihiro ADACHI  Shinichi KANEKO  Tsutomu HASHIMOTO  


    E77-C No:11

    Coupling optics for a monolithic array LD module has been developed. High efficient and small sized confocal optics with aspheric lenses based on hyperbolic surfaces has been designed to achieve the uniformity of coupling loss. A small sized (7.2 cc) 4 channel array LD module with this optics was fabricated. This module has low (4.2 dB) and uniform (0.5 dB) coupling loss.

  • Analytic Structure of Phase–Locked Loops in Complex Time

    Hisa–Aki TANAKA  Toshiya MATSUDA  Shin'ichi OISHI  Kazuo HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Analysis of Phase Locked Loops

    E77-A No:11

    The analytic structure of the governing equation for a 2nd order Phase–Locked Loops (PLL) is studied in the complex time plane. By a local reduction of the PLL equation to the Ricatti equation, the PLL equation is analytically shown to have singularities which form a fractal structure in the complex time plane. Such a fractal structure of complex time singularities is known to be characteristic for nonintegrable, especially chaotic systems. On the other hand, a direct numerical detection of the complex time singularities is performed to verify the fractal structure. The numerical results show the reality of complex time singularities and the fractal structure of singularities on a curve.

  • Coupled-Mode Analysis of a Symmetric Nonlinear Directional Coupler Using a Singular Perturbation Scheme

    Kiyotoshi YASUMOTO  Naoto MAEKAWA  Hiroshi MAEDA  


    E77-C No:11

    A coupled-mode analysis of a symmetric planar nonlinear directional coupler (NLDC) is presented by using a singular perturbation scheme. The effects of linear coupling and nonlinear modification of refractive index are treated to be small perturbations, and the modal fields of isolated linear waveguides are employed as the basis of propagation model. The self-consistent first-order coupled-mode equations governing the transfer of optical power along the NLDC are obtained in analytically closed form. It is shown that tha critical power for optical switching derived from the coupled-mode equations is in close agreement with that obtained by the numerical analysis using the finite difference beam propagation mathod.

  • Extinction Ratio Adjustment for the Coupler-Type Wavelength Demultiplexer Made by K+-Ion Diffused Waveguides

    Kiyoshi KISHIOKA  Yoshinori YAMAMOTO  


    E77-C No:11

    In this paper, a novel coupler-type wavelength demultiplexer composed of the K+-ion diffused waveguides, which has an adjustment function for optimizing the diffusion depth, is proposed to achieve reliably the high extinction ratio. The optimization in the diffusion depth is made by repeating the K+-ion diffusion and extinction-ratio measurement alternatively, and the high extinction ratios more than 20 dB are measured reliably at both operation wavelengths of 0.6328 and 0.83 µm. Experimental results on the polarization dependence in the extinction-ratio adjustment are also reported.

  • A Cost-Effective Network for Very Large ATM Cross-Connects--The Delta Network with Expanded Middle Stages--

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E77-B No:11

    This paper presents a cost-effective network for very large ATM cross-connects. In order to develop it, we propose the delta network with expanded middle stages. This proposed network is the intermediate network between a nonblocking network and the delta network with respect to the cost of hardware and internal blocking probability. Using this network, we explore the tradeoff between the cost and internal blocking probability, and derive the optimum configuration under temporarily deviating traffic. Internal blocking occurs when input traffic temporarily deviates from its average value. However, we cannot evaluate the internal blocking probability by using conventional traffic models. In this paper, we adopt temporarily deviating traffic such that all traffic is described as the superposition of the paths which are defined by traffic parameters. As can easily be seen, the path corresponds to virtual path (VP) or virtual channel (VC). Therefore, we believe that our model describes actual traffic more exactly than conventional models do. We show that the optimum configuration is the proposed network whose expansion ratio γ=3 when the maximum number of paths that can be accommodated in one link is greater than 22. This network achieves the internal blocking probability of 10-10. As an example of this network, we show that the proposed network of size 7272 is constructed with only 40% of the hardware required by the nonblocking network.

  • A Novel Optical Polarization Splitter Using a Dimensionally Tapered Velocity Coupler

    Masashi HOTTA  Masahiro GESHIRO  


    E77-C No:11

    A new polarization splitter at optical frequencies is proposed. The basic structure of the device is a tapered velocity coupler which is composed of a straight and a dimensionally tapered slab waveguide on a LiNbO3 substrate. The numerical results obtained with the finite difference method indicate that extinction ratios of polarization less than 2% for both TE and TM modes are possible of realization under moderate control voltages and that the splitting characteristics are stable over a wide range of frequencies.
