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  • Analyzing the Effects of Social Network Structure on the Growth and Survival of Online Communities in Reddit

    Sho TSUGAWA  Sumaru NIIDA  


    E104-B No:7

    While online communities are important platforms for various social activities, many online communities fail to survive, which motivates researchers to investigate factors affecting the growth and survival of online communities. We comprehensively examine the effects of a wide variety of social network features on the growth and survival of communities in Reddit. We show that several social network features, including clique ratio, density, clustering coefficient, reciprocity and centralization, have significant effects on the survival of communities. In contrast, we also show that social network features examined in this paper only have weak effects on the growth of communities. Moreover, we conducted experiments predicting future growth and survival of online communities utilizing social network features as well as contents and activity features in the communities. The results show that prediction models utilizing social network features as well as contents and activity features achieve approximately 30% higher F1 measure, which evaluates the prediction accuracy, than the models only using contents and activity features. In contrast, it is also shown that social network features are not effective for predicting the growth of communities.

  • Efficient Data Diffusion and Elimination Control Method for Spatio-Temporal Data Retention System Open Access

    Shumpei YAMASAKI  Daiki NOBAYASHI  Kazuya TSUKAMOTO  Takeshi IKENAGA  Myung J. LEE  


    E104-B No:7

    With the development and spread of Internet of Things technologies, various types of data for IoT applications can be generated anywhere and at any time. Among such data, there are data that depend heavily on generation time and location. We define these data as spatio-temporal data (STD). In previous studies, we proposed a STD retention system using vehicular networks to achieve the “Local production and consumption of STD” paradigm. The system can quickly provide STD for users within a specific location by retaining the STD within the area. However, this system does not take into account that each type of STD has different requirements for STD retention. In particular, the lifetime of STD and the diffusion time to the entire area directly influence the performance of STD retention. Therefore, we propose an efficient diffusion and elimination control method for retention based on the requirements of STD. The results of simulation evaluation demonstrated that the proposed method can satisfy the requirements of STD, while maintaining a high coverage rate in the area.

  • Design Method of Variable-Latency Circuit with Tunable Approximate Completion-Detection Mechanism

    Yuta UKON  Shimpei SATO  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  


    E104-C No:7

    Advanced information-processing services such as computer vision require a high-performance digital circuit to perform high-load processing at high speed. To achieve high-speed processing, several image-processing applications use an approximate computing technique to reduce idle time of the circuit. However, it is difficult to design the high-speed image-processing circuit while controlling the error rate so as not to degrade service quality, and this technique is used for only a few applications. In this paper, we propose a method that achieves high-speed processing effectively in which processing time for each task is changed by roughly detecting its completion. Using this method, a high-speed processing circuit with a low error rate can be designed. The error rate is controllable, and a circuit design method to minimize the error rate is also presented in this paper. To confirm the effectiveness of our proposal, a ripple-carry adder (RCA), 2-dimensional discrete cosine transform (2D-DCT) circuit, and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) feature calculation circuit are evaluated. Effective clock periods of these circuits obtained by our method with around 1% error rate are improved about 64%, 6%, and 12%, respectively, compared with circuits without error. Furthermore, the impact of the miscalculation on a video monitoring service using an object detection application is investigated. As a result, more than 99% of detection points required to be obtained are detected, and it is confirmed the miscalculation hardly degrades the service quality.

  • Single Image Dehazing Based on Weighted Variational Regularized Model

    Hao ZHOU  Hailing XIONG  Chuan LI  Weiwei JIANG  Kezhong LU  Nian CHEN  Yun LIU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:7

    Image dehazing is of great significance in computer vision and other fields. The performance of dehazing mainly relies on the precise computation of transmission map. However, the computation of the existing transmission map still does not work well in the sky area and is easily influenced by noise. Hence, the dark channel prior (DCP) and luminance model are used to estimate the coarse transmission in this work, which can deal with the problem of transmission estimation in the sky area. Then a novel weighted variational regularization model is proposed to refine the transmission. Specifically, the proposed model can simultaneously refine the transmittance and restore clear images, yielding a haze-free image. More importantly, the proposed model can preserve the important image details and suppress image noise in the dehazing process. In addition, a new Gaussian Adaptive Weighted function is defined to smooth the contextual areas while preserving the depth discontinuity edges. Experiments on real-world and synthetic images illustrate that our method has a rival advantage with the state-of-art algorithms in different hazy environments.

  • Cyclic LRCs with Availability from Linearized Polynomials

    Pan TAN  Zhengchun ZHOU   Haode YAN  Yong WANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:7

    Locally repairable codes (LRCs) with availability have received considerable attention in recent years since they are able to solve many problems in distributed storage systems such as repairing multiple node failures and managing hot data. Constructing LRCs with locality r and availability t (also called (r, t)-LRCs) with new parameters becomes an interesting research subject in coding theory. The objective of this paper is to propose two generic constructions of cyclic (r, t)-LRCs via linearized polynomials over finite fields. These two constructions include two earlier ones of cyclic LRCs from trace functions and truncated trace functions as special cases and lead to LRCs with new parameters that can not be produced by earlier ones.

  • Video Magnification under the Presence of Complex Background Motions

    Long ZHANG  Xuezhi YANG  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E104-D No:6

    We propose a video magnification method for magnifying subtle color and motion changes under the presence of non-meaningful background motions. We use frequency variability to design a filter that passes only meaningful subtle changes and removes non-meaningful ones; our method obtains more impressive magnification results without artifacts than compared methods.

  • Video Smoke Removal from a Single Image Sequence Open Access

    Shiori YAMAGUCHI  Keita HIRAI  Takahiko HORIUCHI  


    E104-A No:6

    In this study, we present a novel method for removing smoke from videos based on a single image sequence. Smoke is a significant artifact in images or videos because it can reduce the visibility in disaster scenes. Our proposed method for removing smoke involves two main processes: (1) the development of a smoke imaging model and (2) smoke removal using spatio-temporal pixel compensation. First, we model the optical phenomena in natural scenes including smoke, which is called a smoke imaging model. Our smoke imaging model is developed by extending conventional haze imaging models. We then remove the smoke from a video in a frame-by-frame manner based on the smoke imaging model. Next, we refine the appearance of the smoke-free video by spatio-temporal pixel compensation, where we align the smoke-free frames using the corresponding pixels. To obtain the corresponding pixels, we use SIFT and color features with distance constraints. Finally, in order to obtain a clear video, we refine the pixel values based on the spatio-temporal weightings of the corresponding pixels in the smoke-free frames. We used simulated and actual smoke videos in our validation experiments. The experimental results demonstrated that our method can obtain effective smoke removal results from dynamic scenes. We also quantitatively assessed our method based on a temporal coherence measure.

  • Deep Metric Learning for Multi-Label and Multi-Object Image Retrieval

    Jonathan MOJOO  Takio KURITA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E104-D No:6

    Content-based image retrieval has been a hot topic among computer vision researchers for a long time. There have been many advances over the years, one of the recent ones being deep metric learning, inspired by the success of deep neural networks in many machine learning tasks. The goal of metric learning is to extract good high-level features from image pixel data using neural networks. These features provide useful abstractions, which can enable algorithms to perform visual comparison between images with human-like accuracy. To learn these features, supervised information of image similarity or relative similarity is often used. One important issue in deep metric learning is how to define similarity for multi-label or multi-object scenes in images. Traditionally, pairwise similarity is defined based on the presence of a single common label between two images. However, this definition is very coarse and not suitable for multi-label or multi-object data. Another common mistake is to completely ignore the multiplicity of objects in images, hence ignoring the multi-object facet of certain types of datasets. In our work, we propose an approach for learning deep image representations based on the relative similarity of both multi-label and multi-object image data. We introduce an intuitive and effective similarity metric based on the Jaccard similarity coefficient, which is equivalent to the intersection over union of two label sets. Hence we treat similarity as a continuous, as opposed to discrete quantity. We incorporate this similarity metric into a triplet loss with an adaptive margin, and achieve good mean average precision on image retrieval tasks. We further show, using a recently proposed quantization method, that the resulting deep feature can be quantized whilst preserving similarity. We also show that our proposed similarity metric performs better for multi-object images than a previously proposed cosine similarity-based metric. Our proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods on two benchmark datasets.

  • Domain Adaptive Cross-Modal Image Retrieval via Modality and Domain Translations

    Rintaro YANAGI  Ren TOGO  Takahiro OGAWA  Miki HASEYAMA  


    E104-A No:6

    Various cross-modal retrieval methods that can retrieve images related to a query sentence without text annotations have been proposed. Although a high level of retrieval performance is achieved by these methods, they have been developed for a single domain retrieval setting. When retrieval candidate images come from various domains, the retrieval performance of these methods might be decreased. To deal with this problem, we propose a new domain adaptive cross-modal retrieval method. By translating a modality and domains of a query and candidate images, our method can retrieve desired images accurately in a different domain retrieval setting. Experimental results for clipart and painting datasets showed that the proposed method has better retrieval performance than that of other conventional and state-of-the-art methods.

  • Suppression in Quality Variation for 360-Degree Tile-Based Video Streaming

    Arisa SEKINE  Masaki BANDAI  


    E104-B No:6

    For 360-degree video streaming, a 360-degree video is divided into segments temporally (i.e. some seconds). Each segment consists of multiple video tiles spatially. In this paper, we propose a tile quality selection method for tile-based video streaming. The proposed method suppresses the spatial quality variation within the viewport caused by a change of the viewport region due to user head movement. In the proposed method, the client checks whether the difference in quality level between the viewport and the region around the viewport is large, and if so, reduces it when assigning quality levels. Simulation results indicate that when the segment length is long, quality variation can be suppressed without significantly reducing the perceived video quality (in terms of bitrate). In particular, the quality variation within the viewport can be greatly suppressed. Furthermore, we verify that the proposed method is effective in reducing quality variation within the viewport and across segments without changing the total download size.

  • Two-Sided LPC-Based Speckle Noise Removal for Laser Speech Detection Systems

    Yahui WANG  Wenxi ZHANG  Xinxin KONG  Yongbiao WANG  Hongxin ZHANG  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E104-D No:6

    Laser speech detection uses a non-contact Laser Doppler Vibrometry (LDV)-based acoustic sensor to obtain speech signals by precisely measuring voice-generated surface vibrations. Over long distances, however, the detected signal is very weak and full of speckle noise. To enhance the quality and intelligibility of the detected signal, we designed a two-sided Linear Prediction Coding (LPC)-based locator and interpolator to detect and replace speckle noise. We first studied the characteristics of speckle noise in detected signals and developed a binary-state statistical model for speckle noise generation. A two-sided LPC-based locator was then designed to locate the polluted samples, composed of an inverse decorrelator, nonlinear filter and threshold estimator. This greatly improves the detectability of speckle noise and avoids false/missed detection by improving the noise-to-signal-ratio (NSR). Finally, samples from both sides of the speckle noise were used to estimate the parameters of the interpolator and to code samples for replacing the polluted samples. Real-world speckle noise removal experiments and simulation-based comparative experiments were conducted and the results show that the proposed method is better able to locate speckle noise in laser detected speech and highly effective at replacing it.

  • Differentially Private Neural Networks with Bounded Activation Function

    Kijung JUNG  Hyukki LEE  Yon Dohn CHUNG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:6

    Deep learning has shown outstanding performance in various fields, and it is increasingly deployed in privacy-critical domains. If sensitive data in the deep learning model are exposed, it can cause serious privacy threats. To protect individual privacy, we propose a novel activation function and stochastic gradient descent for applying differential privacy to deep learning. Through experiments, we show that the proposed method can effectively protect the privacy and the performance of proposed method is better than the previous approaches.

  • A Partial Matching Convolution Neural Network for Source Retrieval of Plagiarism Detection

    Leilei KONG  Yong HAN  Haoliang QI  Zhongyuan HAN  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E104-D No:6

    Source retrieval is the primary task of plagiarism detection. It searches the documents that may be the sources of plagiarism to a suspicious document. The state-of-the-art approaches usually rely on the classical information retrieval models, such as the probability model or vector space model, to get the plagiarism sources. However, the goal of source retrieval is to obtain the source documents that contain the plagiarism parts of the suspicious document, rather than to rank the documents relevant to the whole suspicious document. To model the “partial matching” between documents, this paper proposes a Partial Matching Convolution Neural Network (PMCNN) for source retrieval. In detail, PMCNN exploits a sequential convolution neural network to extract the plagiarism patterns of contiguous text segments. The experimental results on PAN 2013 and PAN 2014 plagiarism source retrieval corpus show that PMCNN boosts the performance of source retrieval significantly, outperforming other state-of-the-art document models.

  • Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitors: Principles, Standards and Approval for Medical Use Open Access

    Toshiyo TAMURA  


    E104-B No:6

    Cuffless blood pressure (BP) monitors are noninvasive devices that measure systolic and diastolic BP without an inflatable cuff. They are easy to use, safe, and relatively accurate for resting-state BP measurement. Although commercially available from online retailers, BP monitors must be approved or certificated by medical regulatory bodies for clinical use. Cuffless BP monitoring devices also need to be approved; however, only the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) certify these devices. In this paper, the principles of cuffless BP monitors are described, and the current situation regarding BP monitor standards and approval for medical use is discussed.

  • Single-Letter Characterizations for Information Erasure under Restriction on the Output Distribution

    Naruaki AMADA  Hideki YAGI  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E104-A No:5

    In order to erase data including confidential information stored in storage devices, an unrelated and random sequence is usually overwritten, which prevents the data from being restored. The problem of minimizing the cost for information erasure when the amount of information leakage of the confidential information should be less than or equal to a constant asymptotically has been introduced by T. Matsuta and T. Uyematsu. Whereas the minimum cost for overwriting has been given for general sources, a single-letter characterization for stationary memoryless sources is not easily derived. In this paper, we give single-letter characterizations for stationary memoryless sources under two types of restrictions: one requires the output distribution of the encoder to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) and the other requires it to be memoryless but not necessarily i.i.d. asymptotically. The characterizations indicate the relation among the amount of information leakage, the minimum cost for information erasure and the rate of the size of uniformly distributed sequences. The obtained results show that the minimum costs are different between these restrictions.

  • HAIF: A Hierarchical Attention-Based Model of Filtering Invalid Webpage

    Chaoran ZHOU  Jianping ZHAO  Tai MA  Xin ZHOU  


    E104-D No:5

    In Internet applications, when users search for information, the search engines invariably return some invalid webpages that do not contain valid information. These invalid webpages interfere with the users' access to useful information, affect the efficiency of users' information query and occupy Internet resources. Accurate and fast filtering of invalid webpages can purify the Internet environment and provide convenience for netizens. This paper proposes an invalid webpage filtering model (HAIF) based on deep learning and hierarchical attention mechanism. HAIF improves the semantic and sequence information representation of webpage text by concatenating lexical-level embeddings and paragraph-level embeddings. HAIF introduces hierarchical attention mechanism to optimize the extraction of text sequence features and webpage tag features. Among them, the local-level attention layer optimizes the local information in the plain text. By concatenating the input embeddings and the feature matrix after local-level attention calculation, it enriches the representation of information. The tag-level attention layer introduces webpage structural feature information on the attention calculation of different HTML tags, so that HAIF is better applicable to the Internet resource field. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of HAIF in filtering invalid pages, we conducted various experiments. Experimental results demonstrate that, compared with other baseline models, HAIF has improved to various degrees on various evaluation criteria.

  • A New Structure of 2-State Number-Conserving Cellular Automata

    Gil-Tak KONG  Katsunobu IMAI  Toru NAKANISHI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:5

    Two-state number-conserving cellular automaton (NCCA) is a cellular automaton of which cell states are 0 or 1, and the total sum of all the states of cells is kept for any time step. It is a kind of particle-based modeling of physical systems. We introduce a new structure of its value-1 patterns, which we call a “bundle pair” and a “bundle quad”. By employing this structure, we show a relation between the neighborhood size n and n - 2 NCCAs.

  • Privacy-Preserving System for Enriched-Integrated Service

    Kaisei KAJITA  Go OHTAKE  Kazuto OGAWA  


    E104-D No:5

    In this study, we propose a secure data-providing system by using a verifiable attribute-based keyword search (VABKS), which also has the functions of privacy preservation and feedback to providers with IP anonymous server. We give both theoretic and experimental result, which show that our proposed system is a secure system with real-time property. One potential application of the system is to Integrated Broadcast-Broadband (IBB) services, which acquire information related to broadcast programs via broadband networks. One such service is a recommendation service that delivers recommendations matching user preferences (such as to TV programs) determined from the user's viewing history. We have developed a real-time system outsourcing data to the cloud and performing keyword searches on it by dividing the search process into two stages and performing heavy processing on the cloud side.

  • Evaluation of Temporal Characteristics of Olfactory Displays with Different Structures Open Access

    Masaaki ISEKI  Takamichi NAKAMOTO  

    PAPER-Human Communications

    E104-A No:4

    An olfactory display is a device to present smells. Temporal characteristics of three types of olfactory displays such as one based upon high-speed switching of solenoid valves, desktop-type one based on SAW atomizer and wearable-type one based on SAW atomizer were evaluated using three odorants with different volatilities. The sensory test revealed that the olfactory displays based on SAW atomizer had the presentation speeds faster than that of solenoid valves switching. Especially, the wearable one had an excellent temporal characteristic. These results largely depend on the difference in the odor delivery method. The data obtained in this study provides basic knowledge when we make olfactory contents.

  • Optimization and Hole Interpolation of 2-D Sparse Arrays for Accurate Direction-of-Arrival Estimation

    Shogo NAKAMURA  Sho IWAZAKI  Koichi ICHIGE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E104-B No:4

    This paper presents a method to optimize 2-D sparse array configurations along with a technique to interpolate holes to accurately estimate the direction of arrival (DOA). Conventional 2-D sparse arrays are often defined using a closed-form representation and have the property that they can create hole-free difference co-arrays that can estimate DOAs of incident signals that outnumber the physical elements. However, this property restricts the array configuration to a limited structure and results in a significant mutual coupling effect between consecutive sensors. In this paper, we introduce an optimization-based method for designing 2-D sparse arrays that enhances flexibility of array configuration as well as DOA estimation accuracy. We also propose a method to interpolate holes in 2-D co-arrays by nuclear norm minimization (NNM) that permits holes and to extend array aperture to further enhance DOA estimation accuracy. The performance of the proposed optimum arrays is evaluated through numerical examples.
