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  • Rotation Invariant Detection of Moving and Standing Objects Using Analogic Cellular Neural Network Algorithms Based on Ring-Codes

    Csaba REKECZKY  Akio USHIDA  Tamás ROSKA  


    E78-A No:10

    Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs) are nonlinear dynamic array processors with mainly local interconnections. In most of the applications, the local interconnection pattern, called cloning template, is translation invariant. In this paper, an optimal ring-coding method for rotation invariant description of given set of objects, is introduced. The design methodology of the templates based on the ring-codes and the synthesis of CNN analogic algorithms to detect standing and moving objects in a rotationally invariant way, discussed in detail. It is shown that the algorithms can be implemented using the CNN Universal Machine, the recently invented analogic visual microprocessor. The estimated time performance and the parallel detecting capability is emphasized, the limitations are also thoroughly investigated.

  • Masked Trnsferring Method of Discontinuous Sectors in Disk Cache System

    Tetsuhiko FUJII  Akira YAMAMOTO  Naoya TAKAHASHI  Minoru YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E78-D No:10

    This paper proposes a masked data transferring method for the write-back controlled disk cache system employing a fixed-length recording disk drive, enabling data transfer of discontinuous sectors on the same track between the cache and the disk. This paper also evaluates the method. In write-back controlled disk cache sytems, random write requests cause dirty data (write-pending data on a cache) on discontinuous areas on the cache. It is likely that several sectors on the same track become dirty. These dirty sectors must be written onto the disk according to the cache management scheme. In conventional data transferring methods between a disk cache and a disk drive, plural sectors can be transferred in one single operation when the sectors are adjacent, but discrete sectors must be transferred by individual operations. In the methods, an address of the head sector and number of sectors to be transferred are given to the transfer unit. For example, when two sectors on the same track are located closely but not adjacently, and data transfer is requested for those two sectors, the transfer operation for the second sector must be prepared after the first transfer had completed and before the second sector arrives under the disk head. Although the time for the head to pass by the uninterested sector is often too short for the software overhead for the first transfer to be completed and the second transfer to be prepared, which leads to an unwanted extra rotation of the disk. With the masked transferring method proposed in this paper, the micro program creates a bit-map specifying the target sectors to be transferred and passes it to the data transfer unit, enabling to transfer the discontinuous sectors without latency. The method was evaluated using OLTP warkloads. Results show an improvement in random I/O throughput of between 8% and 27%. The masked transferring method is adopted in Hitachi's A-6521 disk subsytems, shipped since December 1993.

  • Linear Systems Analysis of Blood Clotting System

    Hirohumi HIRAYAMA  Kiyono YOSHII  Hidetomo OJIMA  Norikazu KAWAI  Shintaro GOTOH  Yuzo FUKUYAMA  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E78-A No:10

    The controllability and the stability of the blood clotting system are examined with the linear system analysis. The dynamic behavior of the clotting system consisting of a cascade of ten proteolytic reactions of the clotting factors with multiple positive feed back and feed forward loops is represented by the rate equations in a system of non linear ordinary differential equations with 35 variables. The time courses of concentration change in every factor are revealed by numerical integration of the rate equations. Linearization of the rate equations based on the dynamic behavior of the chemical species relevant to the nonlinear terms leads to the linear systems analysis of the clotting system to clarify the essential features of blood coagulation. It follows from the analysis that the clotting system is uncontrollable regardless of changes in any system parameters and control input and that all the chemical species of the system are uncontrollable so that the sequential reactions in the cascade proceed irreversibly, once they are activated. More over by the analysis of the eigen values, the clotting reaction as a total system was shown to be unstable which was insensitive to changes in the system parameters. These characteristic natures of clotting system must be derived in the sequential cascade reaction pattern and the inherent multiple positive feed back and feed forward regulation.

  • Identification of a Class of Time-Varying Nonlinear System Based on the Wiener Model with Application to Automotive Engineering

    Jonathon C. RALSTON  Abdelhak M. ZOUBIR  Boualem BOASHASH  


    E78-A No:9

    We consider the identification of a class of systems which are both time-varying and nonlinear. Time-varying nonlinear systems are often encountered in practice, but tend to be avoided due to the difficulties that arise in modelling and estimation. We study a particular time-varying polynomial model, which is a member of the class of time-varying Wiener models. The model can characterise both time-variation and nonlinearity in a straightforward manner, without requiring an excessively large number of coefficients. We formulate a procedure to find least-squares estimates of the model coefficients. An advantage of the approach is that systems with rapidly changing dynamics can be characterised. In addition, we do not require that the input is stationary or Gaussian. The approach is validated with an application to an automobile modelling problem, where a time-varying nonlinear model is seen to more accurately characterise the system than a time-invariant nonlinear one.

  • A New Approach to Constructing a Provably Secure Variant of Schnorr's Identification Scheme

    Satoshi HADA  Hatsukazu TANAKA  


    E78-A No:9

    Schnorr's identification scheme is the most efficient and simplest scheme based on the discrete logarithm problem. Unfortunately, Schnorr's scheme is not provably secure, i.e., the security has not been proven to be reducible to well defined intractable problems. Two works have already succeeded to construct provably secure variants of Schnorr's scheme. They have been constructed with a common approach, i.e., by modifying the formula to compute the public key so that each public key has multiple secret keys. These multiple secret keys seem to be essential for their provable security, but also give rise to a penalty in their efficiency. In this paper, we describe a new approach to constructing a provably secure variant, where we never modify the formula, and show that with our approach, we can construct a new efficient provably secure scheme.

  • Homotopy Equivalent Spectral Transformation and Morse Theory

    Yoshinao SHIRAKI  


    E78-A No:9

    The systematic treatment of speech-spectrum transformation can be obtained in terms of algebraic topology and Morse theory. Some properties of homotopy-equivalence in the transformation of 1- and 2-dimensional speech spectrum are discussed.

  • GaInAsP/InP Square Buried-Heterostructure Surface-Emitting Lasers Regrown by MOCVD

    Seiji UCHIYAMA  Susumu KASHIWA  


    E78-C No:9

    Mesa structures have been investigated to optimize a buried-heterostructure (BH) for a GaInAsP/InP surface-emitting (SE) laser regrown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), and it has been found that a square mesa top pattern of which the sides are at an angle of 45 to the 011 orientation is suitable. A 1.3-µm GaInAsP/InP square buried heterostructure (SBH) SE laser with this mesa structure has been demonstrated and low-threshold CW oscillation (threshold current Ith=0.45 mA) at 77 K and low-threshold room-temperature pulsed oscillation (Ith=12 mA) have been obtained.

  • Performance Improvement of Variable Stepsize NLMS

    Jirasak TANPREEYACHAYA  Ichi TAKUMI  Masayasu HATA  


    E78-A No:8

    Improvement of the convergence characteristics of the NLMS algorithm has received attention in the area of adaptive filtering. A new variable stepsize NLMS method, in which the stepsize is updated optimally by using variances of the measured error signal and the estimated noise, is proposed. The optimal control equation of the stepsize has been derived from a convergence characteristic approximation. A new condition to judge convergence is introduced in this paper to ensure the fastest initial convergence speed by providing precise timing to start estimating noise level. And further, some adaptive smoothing devices have been added into the ADF to overcome the saturation problem of the identification error caused by some random deviations. By the simulation, The initial convergence speed and the identification error in precise identification mode is improved significantly by more precise adjustment of stepsize without increasing in computational cost. The results are the best ever reported performanced. This variable stepsize NLMS-ADF also shows good effectiveness even in severe conditions, such as noisy or fast changing circumstances.

  • Fundamental Time Domain Solutions for Plane TEM-Waves in Lossy Media and Applications

    Michael SCHINKE  Karl REISS  


    E78-C No:8

    Closed-form solutions of the characteristic initial value problem for electric and magnetic fields propagating as nonsinusoidal plane TEM-waves in lossy unbounded media are calculated with Riemann's method and discussed in detail. As an application, the reflection and transmission of waves on a planar boundary is examined, when one semi-infinite medium is lossy.

  • A Variable Step Size (VSS-CC) NLMS Algorithm

    Fausto CASCO  Hector PEREZ  Mariko NAKANO  Mauricio LOPEZ  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:8

    A new variable step size Least Mean Square (LMS) FIR adaptive filter algorithm (VSS-CC) is proposed. In the VSS-CC algorithm the step size adjustment (α) is controlled by using the correlation between the output error (e(n)) and the adaptive filter output ((n)). At small times, e(n) and (n) are correlated which will cause a large α providing faster tracking. When the algorithm converges, the correlation will result in a small size α to yield smaller misadjustments. Computer simulations show that the proposed VSS-CC algori thm achieves a better Echo Return Loss Enhancemen (ERLE) than a conventional NLMS Algorithm. The VSS-CC algorithm was also compared with another variable step algorithm, achieving the VSS-CC a better ERLE when the additive noise is incremented.

  • Rotation and Scaling Invariant Parameters of Textured Images and Its Applications

    Yue WU  Yasuo YOSHIDA  


    E78-A No:8

    This paper presents a simple and efficient method for estimation of parameters useful for textured image analysis. On the basia of a 2-D Wold-like decomposition of homogenenous random fields, the texture field can be decomposed into a sum of two mutually orthogonal components: a deterministic component and an indeterministic component. The spectral density function (SDF) of the former is a sum of 1-D or 2-D delta functions. The 2-D autocorrelation function (ACF) of the latter is fitted to the assumed anisotropic ACF that has an elliptical contour. The parameters representing the ellipse and those representing the delta functions can be used to detect rotation angles and scaling factors of test textures. Specially, rotation and scaling invariant parameters, which are applicable to the classification of rotated and scaled textured images, can be estimated by combining these parameters. That is, a test texture can be correctly classified even if it is rotated and scaled. Several computer experiments on natural textures show the effectiveness of this method.

  • Multifrequency Microwave Radiometry for Non-Invasive Thermometry Using a New Temperature Profile Model Function

    Hiroyuki OHBA  Masahiro KINOMURA  Michimasa ITO  Toshifumi SUGIURA  Shizuo MIZUSHINA  


    E78-C No:8

    Multifrequency microwave radiometry has been investigated for non-invasive measurement of temperatures in a human body. In this paper, we propose a new temperature profile model function, which is based on thermo-physiological considerations, for use in model fitting method of retrieving a temperature profile from a set of multifrequency radiometric data. The microwave radiometric technique using the new model function was tested by numerical simulations against animal experiment and clinical data reported elsewhere. The results show that the microwave radiometric technique can be used effectively to measure temperature profiles in tissues over a depth range from 0 to about 4.5 cm.

  • Derivation of New Equivalent Circuit for Interdigital Transducers with Leaky SAWs Using Integral Equation Approach

    Mitsutaka HIKITA  Atsushi ISOBE  Atsushi SUMIOKA  Naoki MATSUURA  Katsunori OKAZAKI  


    E78-C No:8

    Interdigital transducers (IDTs) with leaky-SAWs propagating on 36 YX-LiTaO3, and 41 and 64 YX-LiNbO3 were theoretically analyzed, providing a new equivalent circuit. This equivalent circuit included attenuation constant due to leakage as well as conductance caused by bulkwave radiation. All circuit parameters were derived by solving integral equations. Fundamental experiments showed fairly good agreement between theoretical and experimental results, which gave very accurate design tools for leaky-SAW devices.

  • Two-Tier Paging and Its Performance Analysis for Network-based Distributed Shared Memory Systems

    Chi-Jiunn JOU  Hasan S. ALKHATIB  Qiang LI  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E78-D No:8

    Distributed computing over a network of workstations continues to be an illusive goal. Its main obstacle is the delay penalty due to network protocol and OS overhead. We present in this paper a low level hardware supported scheme for managing distributed shared memory (DSM), as an underlying paradigm for distributed computing. The proposed DSM is novel in that it employs a two-tier paging scheme that reduces the probability of false sharing and facilitates an efficient hardware implementation. The scheme employs a standard OS page and divides it into fixed smaller memory units called paragraphs, similar to cache lines. This scheme manages the shared data regions only, while other regions are handled by the OS in the standard manner without modification. A hardware extension of a traditional MMU, namely Distributed MMU or DMMU, is introduced to support the DSM. Shared memory coherency is maintained through a write-invalidate protocol. An analytical model is built to evaluate the system sensitivity to various parameters and to assess its performance.

  • Quantum-Device-Oriented Multiple-Valued Logic System Based on a Super Pass Gate

    Xiaowei DENG  Takahiro HANYU  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E78-D No:8

    The investigation of device functions required from the systems point of view will be important for the development of the next generation of VLSI devices and systems. In this paper, a super pass transistor (SPT) model is presented as a quantum device candidate for future VLSI systems based on multiple-valued logic. A possible quantum device structure for the SPT model is also described, which employs the concepts of a lateral-resonant-tunneling quantum-dot transistor and a heterostructure field-effect transistor. Since it has the powerful capability of detecting multiple signal levels, the SPT will be useful for the implementation of highly compact multiple-valued VLSI systems. To exploit the functionality of the SPT, a super pass gate (SP-gate) corresponding to a single SPT is proposed as a multiple-valued universal logic module. The mathematical properties of the SP-gate are discussed. A design method for a multiple-valued SP-gate network is presented. An application of SP-gates to a multiple-valued image processing system is also demonstrated. The SP-gate network for the multiple-valued image processing system is evaluated in comparison with the corresponding NMOS implementation in terms of the number of transistors, interconnections and cascaded transistor stages. The size of a generalized series-parallel SP-gate network is also evaluated in comparison with a functionally equivalent multiple-valued series-parallel MOS pass transistor network. The results show that highly compact multiple-valued VLSI systems can be achieved if the SPT-model can be realized by an actual quantum device.

  • Advanced Wireless Communication Technologies for Achieving High-Speed Mobile Radios

    Norihiko MORINAGA  


    E78-B No:8

    This paper discusses advanced wireless communication technologies for achieving future high-speed mobile radios. Mainly, five technical fields are considered, that is, multi-level modulation for transmitting high-capacity information signal, advanced adaptive wireless system flexibly changing modulation level, symbol rate and traffic according to fading conditions, adaptive multicarrier system transmitting multimedia signals by changing the number of carrier according to the capacity of the signals, new CDMA techniques for mapping different bit rate services onto the same allocated bandwidth at the same time, and optical-linked microcellular communication system with millimeter wave air interface.

  • Testing of k-FR Circuits under Highly Observable Condition

    Xiaoqing WEN  Hideo TAMAMOTO  Kozo KINOSHITA  


    E78-D No:7

    This paper presents the concept of k-FR circuits. The controllability of such a circuit is high due to its special structure. It is shown that all stuck-at faults and stuck-open faults in a k-FR circuit can be detected and located by k(k1)1 test vectors under the highly observable condition which assumes the output of every gate to be observable. k is usually two or three. This paper also presents an algorithm for converting an arbitrary combinational circuit into a k-FR circuit. A k-FR circuit is easy to test when using technologies such as the electron-beam probing, the current measurement, or the CrossCheck testability solution.

  • Analysis of an Alternating-Service Tandem Queue with Server Vacations and Conversion Relationships between the Performance Measures

    Tsuyoshi KATAYAMA  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:7

    This paper gives several explicit formulas for the waiting times in each stage in an alternating-service, two-stage tandem queue (M/G/1 type queue) with a gate in the first stage and server vacations (or setup time). These formula are obtained by using simple conversion relationships between the performance measures. This study has been motivated by the performance evaluation of call (packet or message) processing in telecommunication switching systems.

  • Channel Assignment with Capture for Personal Satellite Communications

    Miki SAITO  Shigeru SHIMAMOTO  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  


    E78-A No:7

    We investigate the multipacket message transmissions and variable length message transmissions in slotted ALOHA systems with capture effect. First, we propose an approach that the transmission power level is controlled probabilistically depending on message length for multipacket messages. We consider the multipacket messages model with capture. We derive explicit equations of the effective channel utilization of the model. It is demonstrated that if we increase the numbar of power levels, we can get more effective channel utilization of the system. Secondly, we propose how to assign the slot size and show that the effective utilization of the channel is improved for variable length messages using the approach proposed for multipacket messages. Channel design issue about length of the slot depending on the number of power levels used for transmission is discussed. Thirdly, we propose the multiple messages per slot model with capture. The analytical results show that the multiple messages per slot model can achieve the highest channel utilization among the models discussed in this paper.

  • Retiming for Sequential Circuits with a Specified Initial State and Its Application to Testability Enhancement



    E78-D No:7

    Retiming is a technique to resynthesize a synchronous sequential circuit by rearranging flip-flops. In view of logic optimization, retiming can potentially derive a circuit which is more simplified and testable because retiming can convert several sequential redundancies into combinational redundancies. Retiming methods proposed before have no guarantee to generate the same output sequences when the circuit start from a specified initial state such as the reset state. If the circuit with a specified initial state must have the same output sequences after retiming, rearrangement of flip-flops should be restricted. This paper presents a retiming method for circuits with a specified initial state so that retimed circuits give the same output sequences of the original circuits for any input sequences. In the proposed method, during the procedure of retiming each flip-flop keeps a value corresponding to the initial state and unification of flip-flops with different value is avoided. Our procedures uses 5-valued logic on gate level implementation to describe and calculate the values of flip-flops. Therefore after optimization using our method, the circuit has completely the same behavior as that of the original. Experimental results for ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits show the method can be used to optimize the circuits as well as a method without considering the initial state. And testability of the retimed circuit is more enhanced than that of the original circuit.
