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  • Efficient Similarity Search with a Pivot-Based Complete Binary Tree

    Yuki YAMAGISHI  Kazuo AOYAMA  Kazumi SAITO  Tetsuo IKEDA  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E100-D No:10

    This paper presents an efficient similarity search method utilizing as an index a complete binary tree (CBT) based on optimized pivots for a large-scale and high-dimensional data set. A similarity search method, in general, requires high-speed performance on both index construction off-line and similarity search itself online. To fulfill the requirement, we introduce novel techniques into an index construction and a similarity search algorithm in the proposed method for a range query. The index construction algorithm recursively employs the following two main functions, resulting in a CBT index. One is a pivot generation function that obtains one effective pivot at each node by efficiently maximizing a defined objective function. The other is a node bisection function that partitions a set of objects at a node into two almost equal-sized subsets based on the optimized pivot. The similarity search algorithm employs a three-stage process that narrows down candidate objects within a given range by pruning unnecessary branches and filtering objects in each stage. Experimental results on one million real image data set with high dimensionality demonstrate that the proposed method finds an exact solution for a range query at around one-quarter to half of the computational cost of one of the state-of-the-art methods, by using a CBT index constructed off-line at a reasonable computational cost.

  • Effect of Magnetic Blow-Out and Air Flow on Break Arcs Occurring between Silver Electrical Contacts with Copper Runners

    Haruki MIYAGAWA  Junya SEKIKAWA  


    E100-C No:9

    Arc runners are fixed on silver electrical contacts. Break arcs are generated between the contacts in a 450VDC circuit. Break arcs are magnetically blown-out and air is blown to the break arcs. The air flow was not used to our previous reports with runners. Circuit current when contacts are closed is 10A. Flow rate of air Q is changed from 1 to 10L/min. Supply voltage E is changed from 200V to 450V. The following results are shown. Arc duration D tends to decrease with increasing flow rate Q. The number of reignitions N increases with increasing supply voltage E for each flow rate Q. The number of reignitions is the least when the flow rate Q is 2L/min.

  • Analysis of Rotational Motion of Break Arcs Rotated by Radial Magnetic Field in a 48VDC Resistive Circuit



    E100-C No:9

    Break arcs are rotated with a radial magnetic field formed by a permanent magnet embedded in a fixed contact. The break arcs are generated in a 48VDC resistive circuit. The circuit current is 10A when the contacts are closed. The polarity of the fixed contact in which the magnet is embedded is changed. The rotational radius and the difference of position between the cathode and anode spots are investigated. The following results are obtained. The cathode spot is moved more easily than the anode spot by the radial magnetic field. The rotational radius of the break arcs is affected by the Lorentz force that is caused by the circumferential component of the arc current and the axial component of the magnetic field. The circumferential component of the arc current is caused by the difference of the positions of the rotating cathode and anode spots.

  • Establishment of EMC Research in Japan and its Future Prospects Open Access

    Osamu FUJIWARA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E100-B No:9

    Systematic research on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in Japan started in 1977 by the establishment of a technical committee on “environmental electromagnetic engineering” named EMCJ, which was founded both in the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers or the present IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) and in the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan or the IEEJ. The research activities have been continued as the basic field of interdisciplinary study to harmonize even in the electromagnetic (EM) environment where radio waves provide intolerable EM disturbances to electronic equipment and to that environment itself. The subjects and their outcomes which the EMCJ has dealt with during about 40 years from the EMCJ establishment include the evaluation of EM environment, EMC of electric and electronic equipment, and EMC of biological effects involving bioelectromagnetics and so on. In this paper, the establishment history and structure of the EMCJ are reviewed along with the change in activities, and topics of the technical reports presented at EMCJ meetings from 2006 to 2016 are surveyed. In addition, internationalization and its related campaign are presented in conjunction with the EMCJ research activities, and the status quo of the EMCJ under the IEICE is also discussed along with the prospects.

  • Flexible and Fast Similarity Search for Enriched Trajectories

    Hideaki OHASHI  Toshiyuki SHIMIZU  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E100-D No:9

    In this study, we focus on a method to search for similar trajectories. In the majority of previous works on searching for similar trajectories, only raw trajectory data were used. However, to obtain deeper insights, additional time-dependent trajectory features should be utilized depending on the search intent. For instance, to identify similar combination plays in soccer games, such additional features include the movements of the team players. In this paper, we develop a framework to flexibly search for similar trajectories associated with time-dependent features, which we call enriched trajectories. In this framework, weights, which represent the relative importance of each feature, can be flexibly given by users. Moreover, to facilitate fast searching, we first propose a lower bounding measure of the DTW distance between enriched trajectories, and then we propose algorithms based on this lower bounding measure. We evaluate the effectiveness of the lower bounding measure and compare the performances of the algorithms under various conditions using soccer data and synthetic data. Our experimental results suggest that the proposed lower bounding measure is superior to the existing measure, and one of the proposed algorithms, which is based on the threshold algorithm, is suitable for practical use.

  • Frontier-Based Search for Enumerating All Constrained Subgraphs with Compressed Representation

    Jun KAWAHARA  Takeru INOUE  Hiroaki IWASHITA  Shin-ichi MINATO  


    E100-A No:9

    For subgraph enumeration problems, very efficient algorithms have been proposed whose time complexities are far smaller than the number of subgraphs. Although the number of subgraphs can exponentially increase with the input graph size, these algorithms exploit compressed representations to output and maintain enumerated subgraphs compactly so as to reduce the time and space complexities. However, they are designed for enumerating only some specific types of subgraphs, e.g., paths or trees. In this paper, we propose an algorithm framework, called the frontier-based search, which generalizes these specific algorithms without losing their efficiency. Our frontier-based search will be used to resolve various practical problems that include constrained subgraph enumeration.

  • Commutation Phenomena and Brush Wear of DC Motor at High Speed Rotation

    Masayuki ISATO  Koichiro SAWA  Takahiro UENO  


    E100-C No:9

    Many DC commutator motors are widely used in automobiles. In recent years, as compact and high output DC motors have been developed due to advanced technology, the faster the rotational speed is required and the commutation arc causes a high rate of wear/erosion of brush and commutator. Therefore, it is important how the motor speed influences commutation phenomena such as arc duration, residual current and erosion and wear of commutator and brush in order to achieve high reliability and extensive lifespan. In this paper waveforms of commutation voltage and current are measured at the rotation speed of 1000 to 5000min-1and the relation between rotation speed and arc duration / residual current is obtained. In addition long term tests are carried out at the rotation speed of 1000 to 5000min-1 the change of arc duration and effective commutation period is examined during the test of 20hours. Further, brush wear is evaluated by the difference of brush length between before and after test. Consequently, it can be made clear that as the speed increases, the effective commutation period decreases and the arc duration is almost same at the speed up to 3000min-1 and is around 42µsec.

  • Synthesizing Pareto Efficient Intelligible State Machines from Communication Diagram

    Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  

    PAPER-Formal tools

    E100-D No:6

    For a service-oriented architecture based system, the problem of synthesizing a concrete model, i.e., behavioral model, for each service configuring the system from an abstract specification, which is referred to as choreography, is known as the choreography realization problem. In this paper, we assume that choreography is given by an acyclic relation. We have already shown that the condition for the behavioral model is given by lower and upper bounds of acyclic relations. Thus, the degree of freedom for behavioral models increases; developing algorithms of synthesizing an intelligible model for users becomes possible. In this paper, we introduce several metrics for intelligibility of state machines, and study the algorithm of synthesizing Pareto efficient state machines.

  • A Novel Memory-Based Radix-2 Fast Walsh-Hadamard-Fourier Transform Architecture

    Qianjian XING  Zhenguo MA  Feng YU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:6

    This letter presents a novel memory-based architecture for radix-2 fast Walsh-Hadamard-Fourier transform (FWFT) based on the constant geometry FWFT algorithm. It is composed of a multi-function Processing Engine, a conflict-free memory addressing scheme and an efficient twiddle factor generator. The address for memory access and the control signals for stride permutation are formulated in detail and the methods can be applied to other memory-based FFT-like architectures.

  • Simulation Study of Low Latency Network Architecture Using Mobile Edge Computing

    Krittin INTHARAWIJITR  Katsuyoshi IIDA  Hiroyuki KOGA  


    E100-D No:5

    Attaining extremely low latency service in 5G cellular networks is an important challenge in the communication research field. A higher QoS in the next-generation network could enable several unprecedented services, such as Tactile Internet, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality. However, these services will all need support from powerful computational resources provided through cloud computing. Unfortunately, the geolocation of cloud data centers could be insufficient to satisfy the latency aimed for in 5G networks. The physical distance between servers and users will sometimes be too great to enable quick reaction within the service time boundary. The problem of long latency resulting from long communication distances can be solved by Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), though, which places many servers along the edges of networks. MEC can provide shorter communication latency, but total latency consists of both the transmission and the processing times. Always selecting the closest edge server will lead to a longer computing latency in many cases, especially when there is a mass of users around particular edge servers. Therefore, the research studies the effects of both latencies. The communication latency is represented by hop count, and the computation latency is modeled by processor sharing (PS). An optimization model and selection policies are also proposed. Quantitative evaluations using simulations show that selecting a server according to the lowest total latency leads to the best performance, and permitting an over-latency barrier would further improve results.

  • Multiple Chaos Embedded Gravitational Search Algorithm

    Zhenyu SONG  Shangce GAO  Yang YU  Jian SUN  Yuki TODO  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E100-D No:4

    This paper proposes a novel multiple chaos embedded gravitational search algorithm (MCGSA) that simultaneously utilizes multiple different chaotic maps with a manner of local search. The embedded chaotic local search can exploit a small region to refine solutions obtained by the canonical gravitational search algorithm (GSA) due to its inherent local exploitation ability. Meanwhile it also has a chance to explore a huge search space by taking advantages of the ergodicity of chaos. To fully utilize the dynamic properties of chaos, we propose three kinds of embedding strategies. The multiple chaotic maps are randomly, parallelly, or memory-selectively incorporated into GSA, respectively. To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed MCGSA, we compare it with GSA and twelve variants of chaotic GSA which use only a certain chaotic map on a set of 48 benchmark optimization functions. Experimental results show that MCGSA performs better than its competitors in terms of convergence speed and solution accuracy. In addition, statistical analysis based on Friedman test indicates that the parallelly embedding strategy is the most effective for improving the performance of GSA.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaborator Recommendation Based on Research Content Similarity

    Masataka ARAKI  Marie KATSURAI  Ikki OHMUKAI  Hideaki TAKEDA  


    E100-D No:4

    Most existing methods on research collaborator recommendation focus on promoting collaboration within a specific discipline and exploit a network structure derived from co-authorship or co-citation information. To find collaboration opportunities outside researchers' own fields of expertise and beyond their social network, we present an interdisciplinary collaborator recommendation method based on research content similarity. In the proposed method, we calculate textual features that reflect a researcher's interests using a research grant database. To find the most relevant researchers who work in other fields, we compare constructing a pairwise similarity matrix in a feature space and exploiting existing social networks with content-based similarity. We present a case study at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies in Japan in which actual collaborations across departments are used as ground truth. The results indicate that our content-based approach can accurately predict interdisciplinary collaboration compared with the conventional collaboration network-based approaches.

  • SpEnD: Linked Data SPARQL Endpoints Discovery Using Search Engines

    Semih YUMUSAK  Erdogan DOGDU  Halife KODAZ  Andreas KAMILARIS  Pierre-Yves VANDENBUSSCHE  


    E100-D No:4

    Linked data endpoints are online query gateways to semantically annotated linked data sources. In order to query these data sources, SPARQL query language is used as a standard. Although a linked data endpoint (i.e. SPARQL endpoint) is a basic Web service, it provides a platform for federated online querying and data linking methods. For linked data consumers, SPARQL endpoint availability and discovery are crucial for live querying and semantic information retrieval. Current studies show that availability of linked datasets is very low, while the locations of linked data endpoints change frequently. There are linked data respsitories that collect and list the available linked data endpoints or resources. It is observed that around half of the endpoints listed in existing repositories are not accessible (temporarily or permanently offline). These endpoint URLs are shared through repository websites, such as, however, they are weakly maintained and revised only by their publishers. In this study, a novel metacrawling method is proposed for discovering and monitoring linked data sources on the Web. We implemented the method in a prototype system, named SPARQL Endpoints Discovery (SpEnD). SpEnD starts with a “search keyword” discovery process for finding relevant keywords for the linked data domain and specifically SPARQL endpoints. Then, the collected search keywords are utilized to find linked data sources via popular search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex). By using this method, most of the currently listed SPARQL endpoints in existing endpoint repositories, as well as a significant number of new SPARQL endpoints, have been discovered. We analyze our findings in comparison to Datahub collection in detail.

  • Microblog Retrieval Using Ensemble of Feature Sets through Supervised Feature Selection

    Abu Nowshed CHY  Md Zia ULLAH  Masaki AONO  


    E100-D No:4

    Microblog, especially twitter, has become an integral part of our daily life for searching latest news and events information. Due to the short length characteristics of tweets and frequent use of unconventional abbreviations, content-relevance based search cannot satisfy user's information need. Recent research has shown that considering temporal and contextual aspects in this regard has improved the retrieval performance significantly. In this paper, we focus on microblog retrieval, emphasizing the alleviation of the vocabulary mismatch, and the leverage of the temporal (e.g., recency and burst nature) and contextual characteristics of tweets. To address the temporal and contextual aspect of tweets, we propose new features based on query-tweet time, word embedding, and query-tweet sentiment correlation. We also introduce some popularity features to estimate the importance of a tweet. A three-stage query expansion technique is applied to improve the relevancy of tweets. Moreover, to determine the temporal and sentiment sensitivity of a query, we introduce query type determination techniques. After supervised feature selection, we apply random forest as a feature ranking method to estimate the importance of selected features. Then, we make use of ensemble of learning to rank (L2R) framework to estimate the relevance of query-tweet pair. We conducted experiments on TREC Microblog 2011 and 2012 test collections over the TREC Tweets2011 corpus. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method over the baseline and known related works in terms of precision at 30 (P@30), mean average precision (MAP), normalized discounted cumulative gain at 30 (NDCG@30), and R-precision (R-Prec) metrics.

  • A 7-Die 3D Stacked 3840×2160@120 fps Motion Estimation Processor

    Shuping ZHANG  Jinjia ZHOU  Dajiang ZHOU  Shinji KIMURA  Satoshi GOTO  


    E100-C No:3

    In this paper, a hamburger architecture with a 3D stacked reconfigurable memory is proposed for a 4K motion estimation (ME) processor. By positioning the memory dies on both the top and bottom sides of the processor die, the proposed hamburger architecture can reduce the usage of the signal through-silicon via (TSV), and balance the power delivery network and the clock tree of the entire system. It results in 1/3 reduction of the usage of signal TSVs. Moreover, a stacked reconfigurable memory architecture is proposed to reduce the fabrication complexity and further reduce the number of signal TSVs by more than 1/2. The reduction of signal TSVs in the entire design is 71.24%. Finally, we address unique issues that occur in electronic design automation (EDA) tools during 3D large-scale integration (LSI) designs. As a result, a 4K ME processor with 7-die stacking 3D system-on-chip design is implemented. The proposed design can support real time 3840 × 2160 @ 120 fps encoding at 130 MHz with less than 540 mW.

  • A Loitering Discovery System Using Efficient Similarity Search Based on Similarity Hierarchy

    Jianquan LIU  Shoji NISHIMURA  Takuya ARAKI  Yuichi NAKAMURA  


    E100-A No:2

    Similarity search is an important and fundamental problem, and thus widely used in various fields of computer science including multimedia, computer vision, database, information retrieval, etc. Recently, since loitering behavior often leads to abnormal situations, such as pickpocketing and terrorist attacks, its analysis attracts increasing attention from research communities. In this paper, we present AntiLoiter, a loitering discovery system adopting efficient similarity search on surveillance videos. As we know, most of existing systems for loitering analysis, mainly focus on how to detect or identify loiterers by behavior tracking techniques. However, the difficulties of tracking-based methods are known as that their analysis results are heavily influenced by occlusions, overlaps, and shadows. Moreover, tracking-based methods need to track the human appearance continuously. Therefore, existing methods are not readily applied to real-world surveillance cameras due to the appearance discontinuity of criminal loiterers. To solve this problem, we abandon the tracking method, instead, propose AntiLoiter to efficiently discover loiterers based on their frequent appearance patterns in longtime multiple surveillance videos. In AntiLoiter, we propose a novel data structure Luigi that indexes data using only similarity value returned by a corresponding function (e.g., face matching). Luigi is adopted to perform efficient similarity search to realize loitering discovery. We conducted extensive experiments on both synthetic and real surveillance videos to evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of our approach. The experimental results show that our system can find out loitering candidates correctly and outperforms existing method by 100 times in terms of runtime.

  • Hierarchical Sparse Bayesian Learning with Beta Process Priors for Hyperspectral Imagery Restoration

    Shuai LIU  Licheng JIAO  Shuyuan YANG  Hongying LIU  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E100-D No:2

    Restoration is an important area in improving the visual quality, and lays the foundation for accurate object detection or terrain classification in image analysis. In this paper, we introduce Beta process priors into hierarchical sparse Bayesian learning for recovering underlying degraded hyperspectral images (HSI), including suppressing the various noises and inferring the missing data. The proposed method decomposes the HSI into the weighted summation of the dictionary elements, Gaussian noise term and sparse noise term. With these, the latent information and the noise characteristics of HSI can be well learned and represented. Solved by Gibbs sampler, the underlying dictionary and the noise can be efficiently predicted with no tuning of any parameters. The performance of the proposed method is compared with state-of-the-art ones and validated on two hyperspectral datasets, which are contaminated with the Gaussian noises, impulse noises, stripes and dead pixel lines, or with a large number of data missing uniformly at random. The visual and quantitative results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method.

  • Efficient Algorithm for Sentence Information Content Computing in Semantic Hierarchical Network

    Hao WU  Heyan HUANG  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E100-D No:1

    We previously proposed an unsupervised model using the inclusion-exclusion principle to compute sentence information content. Though it can achieve desirable experimental results in sentence semantic similarity, the computational complexity is more than O(2n). In this paper, we propose an efficient method to calculate sentence information content, which employs the thinking of the difference set in hierarchical network. Impressively, experimental results show that the computational complexity decreases to O(n). We prove the algorithm in the form of theorems. Performance analysis and experiments are also provided.

  • Video Data Modeling Using Sequential Correspondence Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes

    Jianfei XUE  Koji EGUCHI  


    E100-D No:1

    Video data mining based on topic models as an emerging technique recently has become a very popular research topic. In this paper, we present a novel topic model named sequential correspondence hierarchical Dirichlet processes (Seq-cHDP) to learn the hidden structure within video data. The Seq-cHDP model can be deemed as an extended hierarchical Dirichlet processes (HDP) model containing two important features: one is the time-dependency mechanism that connects neighboring video frames on the basis of a time dependent Markovian assumption, and the other is the correspondence mechanism that provides a solution for dealing with the multimodal data such as the mixture of visual words and speech words extracted from video files. A cascaded Gibbs sampling method is applied for implementing the inference task of Seq-cHDP. We present a comprehensive evaluation for Seq-cHDP through experimentation and finally demonstrate that Seq-cHDP outperforms other baseline models.

  • Name Resolution Based on Set of Attribute-Value Pairs of Real-World Information

    Ryoichi KAWAHARA  Hiroshi SAITO  


    E100-B No:1

    It is expected that a large number of different objects, such as sensor devices and consumer electronics, will be connected to future networks. For such networks, we propose a name resolution method for directly specifying a condition on a set of attribute-value pairs of real-world information without needing prior knowledge of the uniquely assigned name of a target object, e.g., a URL. For name resolution, we need an algorithm to find the target object(s) satisfying a query condition on multiple attributes. To address the problem that multi-attribute searching algorithms may not work well when the number of attributes (i.e., dimensions) d increases, which is related to the curse of dimensionality, we also propose a probabilistic searching algorithm to reduce searching time at the expense of a small probability of false positives. With this algorithm, we choose permutation pattern(s) of d attributes to use the first K (K « d) ones to search objects so that they contain relevant attributes with a high probability. We argue that our algorithm can identify the target objects at a false positive rate less than 10-6 and a few percentages of tree-searching cost compared with a naive d-dimensional searching under a certain condition.
