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  • CyCSNet: Learning Cycle-Consistency of Semantics for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Open Access

    Zhikui DUAN  Xinmei YU  Yi DING  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E107-A No:8

    Existing weakly-supervised segmentation approaches based on image-level annotations may focus on the most activated region in the image and tend to identify only part of the target object. Intuitively, high-level semantics among objects of the same category in different images could help to recognize corresponding activated regions of the query. In this study, a scheme called Cycle-Consistency of Semantics Network (CyCSNet) is proposed, which can enhance the activation of the potential inactive regions of the target object by utilizing the cycle-consistent semantics from images of the same category in the training set. Moreover, a Dynamic Correlation Feature Selection (DCFS) algorithm is derived to reduce the noise from pixel-wise samples of low relevance for better training. Experiments on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset show that the proposed CyCSNet achieves competitive results compared with state-of-the-art weakly-supervised segmentation approaches.

  • CMND: Consistent-Aware Multi-Server Network Design Model for Delay-Sensitive Applications


    PAPER-Network System

    E107-B No:3

    This paper proposes a network design model, considering data consistency for a delay-sensitive distributed processing system. The data consistency is determined by collating the own state and the states of slave servers. If the state is mismatched with other servers, the rollback process is initiated to modify the state to guarantee data consistency. In the proposed model, the selected servers and the master-slave server pairs are determined to minimize the end-to-end delay and the delay for data consistency. We formulate the proposed model as an integer linear programming problem. We evaluate the delay performance and computation time. We evaluate the proposed model in two network models with two, three, and four slave servers. The proposed model reduces the delay for data consistency by up to 31 percent compared to that of a typical model that collates the status of all servers at one master server. The computation time is a few seconds, which is an acceptable time for network design before service launch. These results indicate that the proposed model is effective for delay-sensitive applications.

  • Latent Space Virtual Adversarial Training for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning

    Genki OSADA  Budrul AHSAN  Revoti PRASAD BORA  Takashi NISHIDE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:3

    Virtual Adversarial Training (VAT) has shown impressive results among recently developed regularization methods called consistency regularization. VAT utilizes adversarial samples, generated by injecting perturbation in the input space, for training and thereby enhances the generalization ability of a classifier. However, such adversarial samples can be generated only within a very small area around the input data point, which limits the adversarial effectiveness of such samples. To address this problem we propose LVAT (Latent space VAT), which injects perturbation in the latent space instead of the input space. LVAT can generate adversarial samples flexibly, resulting in more adverse effect and thus more effective regularization. The latent space is built by a generative model, and in this paper we examine two different type of models: variational auto-encoder and normalizing flow, specifically Glow. We evaluated the performance of our method in both supervised and semi-supervised learning scenarios for an image classification task using SVHN and CIFAR-10 datasets. In our evaluation, we found that our method outperforms VAT and other state-of-the-art methods.

  • Consistency Regularization on Clean Samples for Learning with Noisy Labels

    Yuichiro NOMURA  Takio KURITA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:2

    In the recent years, deep learning has achieved significant results in various areas of machine learning. Deep learning requires a huge amount of data to train a model, and data collection techniques such as web crawling have been developed. However, there is a risk that these data collection techniques may generate incorrect labels. If a deep learning model for image classification is trained on a dataset with noisy labels, the generalization performance significantly decreases. This problem is called Learning with Noisy Labels (LNL). One of the recent researches on LNL, called DivideMix [1], has successfully divided the dataset into samples with clean labels and ones with noisy labels by modeling loss distribution of all training samples with a two-component Mixture Gaussian model (GMM). Then it treats the divided dataset as labeled and unlabeled samples and trains the classification model in a semi-supervised manner. Since the selected samples have lower loss values and are easy to classify, training models are in a risk of overfitting to the simple pattern during training. To train the classification model without overfitting to the simple patterns, we propose to introduce consistency regularization on the selected samples by GMM. The consistency regularization perturbs input images and encourages model to outputs the same value to the perturbed images and the original images. The classification model simultaneously receives the samples selected as clean and their perturbed ones, and it achieves higher generalization performance with less overfitting to the selected samples. We evaluated our method with synthetically generated noisy labels on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 and obtained results that are comparable or better than the state-of-the-art method.

  • Rapid Recovery by Maximizing Page-Mapping Logs Deactivation

    Jung-Hoon KIM  

    LETTER-Software System

    E104-D No:6

    As NAND flash-based storage has been settled, a flash translation layer (FTL) has been in charge of mapping data addresses on NAND flash memory. Many FTLs implemented various mapping schemes, but the amount of mapping data depends on the mapping level. However, the FTL should contemplate mapping consistency irrespective of how much mapping data dwell in the storage. Furthermore, the recovery cost by the inconsistency needs to be considered for a faster storage reboot time. This letter proposes a novel method that enhances the consistency for a page-mapping level FTL running a legacy logging policy. Moreover, the recovery cost of page mappings also decreases. The novel method is to adopt a virtually-shrunk segment and deactivate page-mapping logs by assembling and storing the segments. This segment scheme already gave embedded NAND flash-based storage enhance its response time in our previous study. In addition to that improved result, this novel plan maximizes the page-mapping consistency, therefore improves the recovery cost compared with the legacy page-mapping FTL.

  • The Absolute Consistency Problem for Relational Schema Mappings with Functional Dependencies

    Yasunori ISHIHARA  Takashi HAYATA  Toru FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E103-D No:11

    This paper discusses a static analysis problem, called absolute consistency problem, for relational schema mappings. A given schema mapping is said to be absolutely consistent if every source instance has a corresponding target instance. Absolute consistency is an important property because it guarantees that data exchange never fails for any source instance. Originally, for XML schema mappings, the absolute consistency problem was defined and its complexity was investigated by Amano et al. However, as far as the authors know, there are no known results for relational schema mappings. In this paper, we focus on relational schema mappings such that both the source and the target schemas have functional dependencies, under the assumption that mapping rules are defined by constant-free tuple-generating dependencies. In this setting, we show that the absolute consistency problem is in coNP. We also show that it is solvable in polynomial time if the tuple-generating dependencies are full and the size of the left-hand side of each functional dependency is bounded by some constant. Finally, we show that the absolute consistency problem is coNP-hard even if the source schema has no functional dependency and the target schema has only one; or each of the source and the target schemas has only one functional dependency such that the size of the left-hand side of the functional dependency is at most two.

  • Copy-on-Write with Adaptive Differential Logging for Persistent Memory

    Taeho HWANG  Youjip WON  

    PAPER-Software System

    E102-D No:12

    File systems based on persistent memory deploy Copy-on-Write (COW) or logging to guarantee data consistency. However, COW has a write amplification problem and logging has a double write problem. Both COW and logging increase write traffic on persistent memory. In this work, we present adaptive differential logging and zero-copy logging for persistent memory. Adaptive differential logging applies COW or logging selectively to each block. If the updated size of a block is smaller than or equal to half of the block size, we apply logging to the block. If the updated size of a block is larger than half of the block size, we apply COW to the block. Zero-copy logging treats an user buffer on persistent memory as a redo log. Zero-copy logging does not incur any additional data copy. We implement adaptive differential logging and zero-copy logging on both NOVA and PMFS file systems. Our measurement on real workloads shows that adaptive differential logging and zero-copy logging get 150.6% and 149.2% performance improvement over COW, respectively.

  • Topological Consistency-Based Virtual Network Embedding in Elastic Optical Networks

    Wenting WEI  Kun WANG  Gu BAN  Keming FENG  Xuan WANG  Huaxi GU  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E102-D No:6

    Network virtualization is viewed as a promising approach to facilitate the sharing of physical infrastructure among different kinds of users and applications. In this letter, we propose a topological consistency-based virtual network embedding (TC-VNE) over elastic optical networks (EONs). Based on the concept of topological consistency, we propose a new node ranking approach, named Sum-N-Rank, which contributes to the reduction of optical path length between preferred substrate nodes. In the simulation results, we found our work contributes to improve spectral efficiency and balance link load simultaneously without deteriorating blocking probability.

  • Graph-Based Video Search Reranking with Local and Global Consistency Analysis

    Soh YOSHIDA  Takahiro OGAWA  Miki HASEYAMA  Mitsuji MUNEYASU  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:5

    Video reranking is an effective way for improving the retrieval performance of text-based video search engines. This paper proposes a graph-based Web video search reranking method with local and global consistency analysis. Generally, the graph-based reranking approach constructs a graph whose nodes and edges respectively correspond to videos and their pairwise similarities. A lot of reranking methods are built based on a scheme which regularizes the smoothness of pairwise relevance scores between adjacent nodes with regard to a user's query. However, since the overall consistency is measured by aggregating only the local consistency over each pair, errors in score estimation increase when noisy samples are included within query-relevant videos' neighbors. To deal with the noisy samples, the proposed method leverages the global consistency of the graph structure, which is different from the conventional methods. Specifically, in order to detect this consistency, the propose method introduces a spectral clustering algorithm which can detect video groups, in which videos have strong semantic correlation, on the graph. Furthermore, a new regularization term, which smooths ranking scores within the same group, is introduced to the reranking framework. Since the score regularization is performed by both local and global aspects simultaneously, the accurate score estimation becomes feasible. Experimental results obtained by applying the proposed method to a real-world video collection show its effectiveness.

  • A Video Salient Region Detection Framework Using Spatiotemporal Consistency Optimization

    Yunfei ZHENG  Xiongwei ZHANG  Lei BAO  Tieyong CAO  Yonggang HU  Meng SUN  


    E100-A No:2

    Labeling a salient region accurately in video with cluttered background and complex motion condition is still a challenging work. Most existing video salient region detection models mainly extract the stimulus-driven saliency features to detect the salient region in video. They are easily influenced by the cluttered background and complex motion conditions. It may lead to incomplete or wrong detection results. In this paper, we propose a video salient region detection framework by fusing the stimulus-driven saliency features and spatiotemporal consistency cue to improve the performance of detection under these complex conditions. On one hand, stimulus-driven spatial saliency features and temporal saliency features are extracted effectively to derive the initial spatial and temporal salient region map. On the other hand, in order to make use of the spatiotemporal consistency cue, an effective spatiotemporal consistency optimization model is presented. We use this model optimize the initial spatial and temporal salient region map. Then the superpixel-level spatiotemporal salient region map is derived by optimizing the initial spatiotemporal salient region map. Finally, the pixel-level spatiotemporal salient region map is derived by solving a self-defined energy model. Experimental results on the challenging video datasets demonstrate that the proposed video salient region detection framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

  • A Replication Protocol Supporting Multiple Consistency Models without Single Point of Failure

    Atsushi OHTA  Ryota KAWASHIMA  Hiroshi MATSUO  

    PAPER-Database system

    E99-D No:12

    Many distributed systems use a replication mechanism for reliability and availability. On the other hand, application developers have to consider minimum consistency requirement for each application. Therefore, a replication protocol that supports multiple consistency models is required. Multi-Consistency Data Replication (McRep) is a proxy-based replication protocol and can support multiple consistency models. However, McRep has a potential problem in that a replicator relaying all request and reply messages between clients and replicas can be a performance bottleneck and a Single-Point-of-Failure (SPoF). In this paper, we introduce the multi-consistency support mechanism of McRep to a combined state-machine and deferred-update replication protocol to eliminate the performance bottleneck and SPoF. The state-machine and deferred-update protocols are well-established approaches for fault-tolerant data management systems. But each method can ensure only a specific consistency model. Thus, we adaptively select a replication method from the two replication bases. In our protocol, the functionality of the McRep's replicator is realized by clients and replicas. Each replica has new roles in serialization of all transactions and managing all views of the database, and each client has a new role in managing status of its transactions. We have implemented and evaluated the proposed protocol and compared to McRep. The evaluation results show that the proposed protocol achieved comparable throughput of transactions to McRep. Especially the proposed protocol improved the throughput up to 16% at a read-heavy workload in One-Copy. Finally, we demonstrated the proposed failover mechanism. As a result, a failure of a leader replica did not affect continuity of the entire replication system unlike McRep.

  • BFWindow: Speculatively Checking Data Property Consistency against Buffer Overflow Attacks

    Jinli RAO  Zhangqing HE  Shu XU  Kui DAI  Xuecheng ZOU  


    E99-D No:8

    Buffer overflow is one of the main approaches to get control of vulnerable programs. This paper presents a protection technique called BFWindow for performance and resource sensitive embedded systems. By coloring data structure in memory with single associate property bit to each byte and extending the target memory block to a BFWindow(2), it validates each memory write by speculatively checking consistency of data properties within the extended buffer window. Property bits are generated by compiler statically and checked by hardware at runtime. They are transparent to users. Experimental results show that the proposed mechanism is effective to prevent sequential memory writes from crossing buffer boundaries which is the common scenario of buffer overflow exploitations. The performance overhead for practical protection mode across embedded system benchmarks is under 1%.

  • Autonomous Decentralized Service Oriented Architecture Concept and Application for Mission Critical Information Systems



    E99-B No:4

    Recently, the Services Oriented Architectures (SOA) have been recognized as the key to the integration and interoperability of different applications and systems that coexist in an organization. However, even though the use of SOA has increased, some applications are unable to use it. That is the case of mission critical information applications, whose requirements such as high reliability, non-stop operation, high flexibility and high performance are not satisfied by conventional SOA infrastructures. In this article we present a novel approach of combining SOA with Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ADS) in order to provide an infrastructure that can satisfy those requirements. We have named this infrastructure Autonomous Decentralized Service Oriented Architecture (ADSOA). We present the concept and architecture of ADSOA, as well as the Loosely Couple Delivery Transaction and Synchronization Technology for assuring the data consistency and high reliability of the application. Moreover, a real implementation and evaluation of the proposal in a mission critical information system, the Uniqueness Verifying Public Key Infrastructure (UV-PKI), is shown in order to prove its effectiveness.

  • High Efficiency CU Depth Prediction Algorithm for High Resolution Applications of HEVC

    Xiantao JIANG  Tian SONG  Wen SHI  Takashi SHIMAMOTO  Lisheng WANG  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E98-A No:12

    The purpose of this work is to reduce the redundant coding process with the tradeoff between the encoding complexity and coding efficiency in HEVC, especially for high resolution applications. Therefore, a CU depth prediction algorithm is proposed for motion estimation process of HEVC. At first, an efficient CTU depth prediction algorithm is proposed to reduce redundant depth. Then, CU size termination and skip algorithm is proposed based on the neighboring block depth and motion consistency. Finally, the overall algorithm, which has excellent complexity reduction performance for high resolution application is proposed. Moreover, the proposed method achieves steady performance, and it can significantly reduce the encoding time in different environment configuration and quantization parameter. The simulation experiment results demonstrate that, in the RA case, the average time saving is about 56% with only 0.79% BD-bitrate loss for the high resolution, and this performance is better than the previous state of the art work.

  • Tree-Based Consistency Maintenance Scheme for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing of Editable Contents

    Taishi NAKASHIMA  Satoshi FUJITA  


    E97-D No:12

    This paper proposes a consistency maintenance scheme for P2P file sharing systems. The basic idea of the proposed scheme is to construct a static tree for each shared file to efficiently propagate the update information to all replica peers. The link to the root of the trees is acquired by referring to a Chord ring which stores the mapping from the set of shared files to the set of tree roots. The performance of the scheme is evaluated by simulation. The simulation result indicates that: 1) it reduces the number of messages in the Li's scheme by 54%, 2) it reduces the propagation delay of the scheme by more than 10%, and 3) the increase of the delay due to peer churns is effectively bounded provided that the percentage of leaving peers is less than 40%.

  • Rectified Registration Consistency for Image Registration Evaluation

    Peng YE  Zhiyong ZHAO  Fang LIU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E97-D No:9

    Registration consistency (RC) stands out as a widely-used automatic measure from existing image registration evaluation measures. However the original RC neglects the influence brought by the image intensity variation, leading to several problems. This letter proposes a rectified registration consistency, which takes both image intensity variation and geometrical transformation into consideration. Therefore the geometrical transformation is evaluated more by decreasing the influence of intensity variation. Experiments on real image pairs demonstrated the superiority of the proposed measure over the original RC.

  • Method for Consistent GUI Arrangements by Analyzing Existing Windows and Its Evaluation

    Junko SHIROGANE  Seitaro SHIRAI  Hajime IWATA  Yoshiaki FUKAZAWA  


    E97-D No:5

    To realize usability in software, GUI (Graphical User Interface) layouts must be consistent because consistency allows end users to operate software based on previous experiences. Often consistency can be achieved by user interface guidelines, which realize consistency in a software package as well as between various software packages within a platform. Because end users have different experiences and perceptions, GUIs based on guidelines are not always usable for end users. Thus, it is necessary to realize consistency without guidelines. Herein we propose a method to realize consistent GUIs where existing software packages are surveyed and common patterns for window layouts, which we call layout rules, are specified. Our method uses these layout rules to arrange the windows of GUIs. Concretely, source programs of developed GUIs are analyzed to identify the layout rules, and then these rules are used to extract parameters to generate source programs of undeveloped GUIs. To evaluate our method, we applied it to existing GUIs in software packages to extract the layout rules from several windows and to generate other windows. The evaluation confirms that our method easily realizes layout consistency.

  • Orientation-Compensative Signal Registration for Owner Authentication Using an Accelerometer

    Trung Thanh NGO  Yasushi MAKIHARA  Hajime NAGAHARA  Yasuhiro MUKAIGAWA  Yasushi YAGI  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E97-D No:3

    Gait-based owner authentication using accelerometers has recently been extensively studied owing to the development of wearable electronic devices. An actual gait signal is always subject to change due to many factors including variation of sensor attachment. In this research, we tackle to the practical sensor-orientation inconsistency, for which signal sequences are captured at different sensor orientations. We present an iterative signal matching algorithm based on phase-registration technique to simultaneously estimate relative sensor-orientation and register the 3D acceleration signals. The iterative framework is initialized by using 1D orientation-invariant resultant signals which are computed from 3D signals. As a result, the matching algorithm is robust to any initial sensor-orientation. This matching algorithm is used to match a probe and a gallery signals in the proposed owner authentication method. Experiments using actual gait signals under various conditions such as different days, sensors, weights being carried, and sensor orientations show that our authentication method achieves positive results.

  • Confidence Measure Based on Context Consistency Using Word Occurrence Probability and Topic Adaptation for Spoken Term Detection

    Haiyang LI  Tieran ZHENG  Guibin ZHENG  Jiqing HAN  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E97-D No:3

    In this paper, we propose a novel confidence measure to improve the performance of spoken term detection (STD). The proposed confidence measure is based on the context consistency between a hypothesized word and its context in a word lattice. The main contribution of this paper is to compute the context consistency by considering the uncertainty in the results of speech recognition and the effect of topic. To measure the uncertainty of the context, we employ the word occurrence probability, which is obtained through combining the overlapping hypotheses in a word posterior lattice. To handle the effect of topic, we propose a method of topic adaptation. The adaptation method firstly classifies the spoken document according to the topics and then computes the context consistency of the hypothesized word with the topic-specific measure of semantic similarity. Additionally, we apply the topic-specific measure of semantic similarity by two means, and they are performed respectively with the information of the top-1 topic and the mixture of all topics according to topic classification. The experiments conducted on the Hub-4NE Mandarin database show that both the occurrence probability of context word and the topic adaptation are effective for the confidence measure of STD. The proposed confidence measure performs better compared with the one ignoring the uncertainty of the context or the one using a non-topic method.

  • An Inconsistency Management Support System for Collaborative Software Development

    Phan Thi Thanh HUYEN  Koichiro OCHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:1

    In collaborative software developments, many change processes implementing change requests are executed concurrently by different workers. The fact that the workers do not have sufficient information about the others' work and complicated dependencies among artifacts can lead to unexpected inconsistencies among the artifacts impacted by the changes. Most previous studies concentrated only on concurrent changes and considered them separately. However, even when the changes are not concurrent, inconsistencies may still happen if a worker does not recognize the impact of the changes made by other workers on his changes or the impact of his changes on other workers' changes. In addition, the changes in a change process are related to each other through their common target of realizing the change request and the dependencies among the changed artifacts. Therefore, to handle inconsistencies more effectively, we concentrate on both concurrent and non-concurrent changes, and the context of a change, i.e. the change process containing the change, rather than the ongoing changes only. In this paper, we present an inconsistency awareness mechanism and a Change Support Workflow Management System (CSWMS) that realizes this mechanism. By monitoring the progress of the change processes and the ongoing changes in the client workspaces, CSWMS can notify the workers of a (potential) inconsistency in advance along with the context of the inconsistency, that is, the changes causing the inconsistency and the change processes containing these changes. Based on the information provided by CSWMS, the workers can detect and resolve inconsistencies more easily and quickly. Therefore, our research can contribute to building a safer and more efficient collaborative software development environment.
