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[Keyword] dynamic channel(47hit)


  • First Step in Dynamic Channel Assignment for Personal Handy Phone System

    Noriyoshi SONETAKA  


    E84-A No:7

    In the current digital mobile communication that is used in the micro cellular system, a Self-Organized Dynamic Channel Assignment (DCA) Method has been proposed to use frequencies effectively. However, its characteristics and operational matters have not been reported yet. This paper takes up the TDMA/TDD system used in the current PHS system and also evaluates the characteristics and operational matters of this method through the actual operational tests. In addition, this paper aims to propose a new DCA method in order to speed up the Channel Segregation and evaluates its effects through the actual operational tests.

  • Clique Packing Approximation for Analysis of Teletraffic Characteristics of Dynamic Channel Assignment Considering Mobility

    Heun-Soo LEE  Naoyuki KARASAWA  Keisuke NAKANO  Masakazu SENGOKU  


    E84-A No:7

    This paper discusses the teletraffic characteristics of cellular systems using Dynamic Channel Assignment. In general, it is difficult to exactly and theoretically analyze the teletraffic characteristics of Dynamic Channel Assignment. Also, it is not easy to theoretically evaluate influence of mobility on the traffic characteristics. This paper proposes approximate techniques to analyze teletraffic characteristics of Dynamic Channel Assignment considering mobility. The proposed techniques are based on Clique Packing approximation.

  • Performance Analysis of Borrowing with Directional Carrier Locking Strategy in Cellular Radio Systems

    Kwan-Lawrence YEUNG  Tak-Shing P. YUM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E83-B No:10

    A new carrier based dynamic channel assignment for FDMA/TDMA cellular systems, called borrowing with directional carrier locking strategy, is proposed in this paper. When a call arrives at a cell and finds all voice channels busy, a carrier which consists of multiple voice channels can be borrowed from its neighboring cells for carrying the new call if such borrowing will not violate the cochannel interference constraint. Two analytical models, cell group decoupling analysis and phantom cell analysis, are constructed for evaluating the performance of the proposed strategy. Using cell group decoupling (CGD) analysis, a cell is decoupled together with its neigbors from the rest of the network for finding its call blocking probability. Unlike conventional approaches, decoupling enables the analysis to be confined to a local/small problem size and thus efficient solution can be found. For a planar cellular system with three-cell channel reuse pattern, using CGD analysis involves solving of seven-dimenional Markov chains. It becomes less efficient as the number of carriers assigned to each cell increases. To tackle this, we adopt the phantom cell analysis which can simplify the seven-dimensional Markov chain to two three-dimentional Markov chains. Using phantom cell analysis for finding the call blocking probability of a cell, two phantom cells are used to represent its six neighbors. Based on extensive numerical results, we show that the proposed strategy is very efficient in sharing resources among base stations. For low to medium traffic loads and small number of voice channels per carrier, we show that both analytical models provide accurate prediction on the system call blocking probability.

  • Dynamic Channel Assignment Schemes Using Vehicular Mobility Information and Violation to the Reuse Pattern for Highway Microcellular Systems

    Genaro HERNANDEZ-VALDEZ  Felipe Alejandro CRUZ-PEREZ  Domingo LARA-RODRIGUEZ  


    E83-B No:8

    In this work, distributed dynamic channel assignment strategies with violation to the reuse pattern using vehicular mobility information for highway microcellular environments are proposed. It is shown that, when vehicular mobility information is included in the acquisition channel policy, the outage probability degradation because of the use of channels with one violation to the reuse pattern is negligible. Also, it is shown that, using different moving direction strategies it is possible to control the tradeoff between capacity and quality of service. The local packing algorithm (LP), was modified to allow the use of two different moving direction strategies with violation to the reuse pattern, resulting the VDLP1 and VDLP2 algorithms. The characteristics of user mobility are considered and a free-flowing vehicular traffic is assumed. Simulation results show that the use of vehicular mobility information in the distributed dynamic channel algorithms with violation to the reuse pattern, produce a considerable increase in the system capacity at the expense of an insignificant degradation of the quality of service. For a grade of service (GOS) of 0.1, the VDLP1 and VDLP2 carry 4% and 1.5% more traffic than the maximum packing algorithm, respectively. For the same GOS, the VDLP1 and VDLP2 carry 68% and 64% more traffic than the fixed channel assignment algorithm, respectively.

  • Development of MBC System Using Software Modem

    Khaled MAHMUD  Kaiji MUKUMOTO  Akira FUKUDA  


    E83-B No:6

    A new type of Meteor Burst Communication (MBC) network is developed. Each unit of the network is based on a DSP board running a modem software. All the fundamental blocks and functions of a modem are implemented in software. Unlike hardware modems, this software modem has flexibility of system configuration and operation. The system implements adaptability in terms of modulation type (number of phases in MPSK) using a unique dynamic channel estimation scheme appropriate for MBC channel. An MBC network protocol is implemented within the modem software. Some preliminary experiments were carried out for differential BPSK and differential QPSK modulations over a practical meteor burst link, and the results are presented.

  • RP-Reconstructing ARP Strategy for Micro-Cellular Systems

    Hiromasa FUJII  Kouhei MIZUNO  Takahiko SABA  Iwao SASASE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E83-B No:5

    In cellular systems, autonomous reuse partitioning (ARP) is one of the channel assignment strategy which attains the high spectral efficiency. In the strategy, the movement of mobile stations (MSs) causes the disturbance of reuse partition. Furthermore the smaller cell size causes the spectral efficiency worse. In this paper, we propose a new ARP strategy with reuse partitioning reconstructing, named RP-reconstructing ARP strategy, for microcellular systems. We evaluate the performance of the proposed strategy with blocking rate and forced call termination rate by the computer simulation. The results show that the system with the proposed strategy accommodates 1.5 times as many users as the system with ARP does.

  • Dynamic Channel Assignment Algorithms with Adaptive Array Antennas in Cellular Systems

    Lan CHEN  Hidekazu MURATA  Susumu YOSHIDA  Shouichi HIROSE  


    E82-A No:7

    In this paper, the performance of dynamic channel assignment for cellular systems with an array antenna is evaluated assuming realistic beamformer. A new dynamic channel assignment algorithm is proposed to improve the performance by forming a directional beam pattern to cancel stronger co-channel interference with higher priority. Performance comparison is carried out by computer simulations. Conventional algorithm shows 2.7 fold capacity increase compared with an omni antenna system, whereas proposed algorithm shows around 3.3 fold capacity increase, at the point of 3 percent blocking probability. The simulation results also denote that a shorter reuse distance can be achieved by the proposed algorithm, which indicates a more efficient utilization of channel resource.

  • The Feasibility Study of the Dynamic Zone Configuration Technique with a Developed Circular Array Antenna

    Ami KANAZAWA  Hiroshi HARADA  Tsukasa IWAMA  Yoshihiro HASE  


    E82-A No:7

    The feasibility of a dynamic zone configuration technique has been investigated. To make it easy to implement this technique in wireless communication systems, a simplified method for determining a suitable weight vector by using the least squares (LS) methods was developed. Simulations showed that the developed system is more effective than the present omni-directional zone system. Moreover, combining dynamic zone configuration technique with dynamic channel assignment strategy reduced blocking rate, forced call termination ratio, and required transmission power.

  • An Intelligent Radio Resource Management Scheme for Multi-Layered Cellular Systems with Different Assigned Bandwidths

    Fumihide KOJIMA  Seiichi SAMPEI  Norihiko MORINAGA  

    PAPER-QoS Control and Traffic Control

    E81-B No:12

    This paper proposes an intelligent and autonomous radio resource management scheme for a multi-layered cellular system with different assigned bandwidths to achieve flexible and high capacity wireless communication systems under any traffic conditions, especially under nonuniform traffic conditions. In the proposed system, terminals with lower mobility are connected to the wideband microcell systems to achieve higher system capacity, and terminals with higher mobility are connected to the narrowband macrocell systems to reduce intercell hand-off frequency. To flexibly cope with variations of traffic conditions, radio spectrum is adaptively and autonomously shared by both systems, and its control is conducted by each microcell base station. Moreover, at the existence of nonuniform traffic conditions , the proposed system introduces downlink power control for the microcells and graceful degradation thereby achieving high system capacity even under such extraordinary traffic situations . Computer simulation confirms that the proposed scheme can achieve lower blocking probability than the centralized scheme especially under nonuniform traffic conditions.

  • Design of Underlaid Microcells in Umbrella Cell System

    Hiroshi FURUKAWA  Yoshihiko AKAIWA  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E81-B No:4

    The umbrella cell system, where the same radio system is used for microcells and overlaying macrocells, is a promising strategy for deploying microcell service to cope with the locally increased radio traffic. The interference at microcells due to macrocells can be compensated by increasing the transmit power of microcell. In this paper, a practical method to implementing a microcell system overlaid with an existing macrocell system is proposed. In order to engineer the radio resource planning for the underlaid microcells, transmit power design and application of Channel Segregation, a self-organized dynamic channel assignment, are proposed. By these techniques, the system channels are reused automatically while minimizing interference between macrocell and microcell systems, thereby communication quality of umbrella cell system can be improved. Furthermore, the prime advantage of the proposed method is that locally increased traffic is handled by the underlaid microcells without any extra effort for channel management.

  • A Dynamic Channel Assignment Algorithm for Voice and Data Integrated TDMA Mobile Radio

    Lan CHEN  Susumu YOSHIDA  Hidekazu MURATA  


    E80-A No:7

    It is highly desirable to develop an efficient and flexible dynamic channel assignment algorithm in order to realize an integrated traffic TDMA mobile radio communication network. In this paper, an integrated traffic TDMA system is studied in which transmission of voice and data are assumed to occupy one and n time slots in each TDMA frame, respectively. In general, there are two types of channel (time slot) assignment algorithms: the partitioning algorithm and the sharing algorithm. However, they are not well-suited to the multimedia traffic consisting of various information sources that occupy different number of slots per frame. In this paper, assuming that voice is much more sensitive to transmission delay than data, an algorithm based on the sharing algorithm with flexible tima slot management scheme is proposed. Our method tries to vary the number of data slots adaptively so as to improve the quality of servive of voice calls and the system capacity. Computer simulations show the good performance of the proposed algorithm when compared to conventional channel assignment algorithms.

  • Analysis of Connection Delay in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems Using Dynamic Channel Assignment

    Keisuke NAKANO  Hiroshi YOSHIOKA  Masakazu SENGOKU  Shoji SHINODA  


    E80-A No:7

    Dynamic Channel Assignment (DCA), which improves the efficiency of channel use in cellular mobile communication systems, requires finding an available channel for a new call after the call origination. This causes the delay which is defined as the time elapsing between call origination and completion of the channel search. For system planning, it is important to evaluate the delay characteristic of DCA because the delay corresponds to the waiting time of a call and influences service quality. It is, however, difficult to theoretically analyze the delay characteristics except its worst case behavior. The time delay of DCA has not been theoretically analyzed. The objective of this paper is analyzing the distribution and the mean value of the delay theoretically. The theoretical techniques in this paper are based on the techniques for analyzing the blocking rate performance of DCA.

  • Performance Comparison of Fixed and Dynamic Channel Assignments in Indoor Cellular System

    Hiroshi FURUKAWA  Mutsuhiko OISHI  Yoshihiko AKAIWA  

    PAPER-Advanced control techniques and channel assignments

    E79-B No:9

    This paper compares the performance of an indoor cellular system in terms of capacity and channel assignment delay for different Dynamic Channel Assignment (DCA) and Fixed Channel Assignment (FCA) schemes. We refer to specific group of DCAs, namely Channel Segregation and Reuse Partitioning (RP). Our main concern is to show that these DCA schemes offer better performance than FCA. Since the structure and floor layout of a building will have a major influence on the propagation and hence on the cell shape, a path loss simulator is developed for predicting the path loss which is used in evolving base station layouts. Computer simulation, based on Monte Carlo method, is carried out using the path loss values and the base station layouts. The results indicate that increased traffic capacity can be achieved with all DCAs in comparison with FCA. The highest capacity and a shorter channel assignment delay are delivered by Self-Organized Reuse Partitioning DCA scheme.

  • Characteristics of Dynamic Channel Assignment in Cellular Systems with Reuse Partitioning

    Keisuke NAKANO  Naoyuki KARASAWA  Masakazu SENGOKU  Shoji SHINODA  Takeo ABE  


    E79-A No:7

    This paper describes communication traffic characteristics in cellular systems employing the concept of reuse partitioning and Dynamic Channel Assignment. Such systems hava a problem of the spatial unbalance of blocking probability. The objective of this paper is overcoming this problem. To accomplish this objective, we use a method for analyzing communication traffic characteristics. We also show results on traffic characteristics in the systems.

  • Performance Study of Channel Reservation for Ahead Cells in Street Micro-Cellular Systems

    Ami KANAZAWA  Chikara OHTA  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  Tsukasa IWAMA  Shigetoshi YOSHIMOTO  


    E79-A No:7

    This paper proposes Channel Reservation for Ahead Cells (CRAC)" scheme for street micro-cellular systems. The scheme enables mobiles to reserve the same channel over several cells at once. This paper analyzes both CRAC and FCA (Fixed Channel Assignment) in a ring-shaped service area where high speed mobiles and low speed mobiles move. In the analysis, the priority control which prioritizes hand-off calls and reservation calls over new calls over new calls is also taken into account. Obtained results include the blocking rate, the forced call termination rate, the average number of channel changings and the system utilization. From numerical results, CRAC is found to perform better than FCA with regard to the average number of channel changings and the forced call termination rate.

  • A Study on Distributed Control Dynamic Channel Assignment Strategies in Sector Cell Layout Systems

    Satoru FUKUMOTO  Kazunori OKADA  Duk-Kyu PARK  Shigetoshi YOSHIMOTO  Iwao SASASE  


    E79-A No:7

    In estimating the performances of Distributed control Dynamic Channel Assignment (DDCA) strategies in sector cell layout systems, we find that sector cell layout systems with DDCA achieved a large system capacity. Moreover, we also indicate the problem, which is the increase of occurrences of cochannel interference, raised by using DDCA in sector cell layout systems. The new channel assignment algorithm, which is called Channel Searching on Direction of Sector (CSDS), is proposed to cope with the problem. CSDS assigns nominal channels to each sector according to their direction so that the same frequency channel tends to be used in sectors having the same direction. We show, by simulations, that CSDS is an adequate algorithm for sector cell layout systems because it significantly improves performance on co-channel interference while only slightly decreasing system capacity.

  • Distributed Dynamic Channel Allocation for the Evolution of TDMA Cellular Systems

    Kojiro HAMABE  Yukitsuna FURUYA  


    E79-B No:3

    This paper reviews Dynamic Channel Allocation (DCA) in TDMA cellular systems. The emphasis is on distributed DCA, which features decentralized control and adaptability to interference. Performance measures are discussed not only from a theoretical viewpoint but also from a practical viewpoint. Major techniques to enhance the capacity of cellular systems are channel segregation, reuse-partitioning, and transmitter power control. In addition to the performance of conventional cellular systems, differing performance in microcellular systems and multi-layer cellular systems is also discussed.

  • A New Dynamic Channel Allocation Algorithm Effectively Integrated with Transmitting Power Control

    Ken'ichi ISHII  Susumu YOSHIDA  Tomoki OHSAWA  

    PAPER-Access, Network

    E79-B No:3

    A new dynamic channel allocation algorithm which is integrated with transmitting power control is proposed. By introducing a new threshold, referred to as TPC threshold (Transmitting Power Control threshold), which is added some margin to the threshold of channel allocation, the subsequent transmitting power control can be performed effectively. This DCA algorithm can achieve a cellular system with both high traffic capacity and high service quality such as interference frequency performance simultaneously. The computer simulation shows that this DCA algorithm improves blocking probability performance 4 times better than that of DECT system at 14 Erlang, while keeping the same interference frequency and forced termination performances.

  • A Dynamic Channel Assignment Strategy Using Information on Speed and Moving Direction for Micro Cellular Systems

    Kazunori OKADA  Duk-kyu PARK  Shigetoshi YOSHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Access, Network

    E79-B No:3

    The dynamic channel assignment (DCA) strategy proposed here uses information on the mobile station speed and direction of motion to reduce the number of forced call terminations and channel changes in micro cellular systems. This SMD (speed and moving direction) strategy is compared with the main DCA strategies by simulating a one-dimensional service area covering a road on which there are high-speed mobile stations (HSMSs) and low-speed mobile stations (LSMSs).The simulation results show that the SMD strategy has the best performance in terms of forced call termination and channel change. The performance difference between the SMD strategy and the other DCA strategies increases as cell size decreases and as HSMS speed increases. While the SMD strategy does not yield the best total call blocking rate, its total carried load is the best when cells are small and HSMS speed is high. Also, the SMD performance improves when the HSMS offered load is small and the LSMS offered load is large. Although the SMD strategy requires information on the speed and direction of each mobile station and it increases call blockings somewhat, it reduces the number of forced call terminations and channel changes considerably, which is important in micro cellular systems.

  • A Dynamic Channel Assignment Approach to Reuse Partitioning Systems Using Rearrangement Method

    Kazuhiko SHIMADA  Takeshi WATANABE  Masakazu SENGOKU  Takeo ABE  


    E78-A No:7

    The applicability of Dynamic Channel Assignment methods to a Reuse Partitioning system in cellular radio systems is investigated in this paper. The investigations indicate that such a system has a tendency to increase the difference between blocking probability for the partitioning two coverage areas in comparison with the conventional Reuse Partitioning system employing Fixed Channel Assignment method. Two schemes using new Channel Rearrangement algorithms are also proposed in order to alleviate the difference as a disadvantage which gives unequal service to the system. The simulation results show that the proposed schemes are able to reduce the difference significantly while increasing the carried traffic by 10% as compared with the conventional system.
