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[Keyword] fault(493hit)


  • A 2-Rail Logic Combinational Circuit for Easy Detection of Stuck-Open and Stuck-On Faults in FETs

    Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:6

    The self-checking design using 2-rail logic is one of the most popular design of self-shecking circuits. Even for a self-checking circuit, a test is necessary after VLSI chip or system fabrication, at each time the system is powered, and, under certain circumstances, in the case of maintenance. Therefore, an easy test scheme is desirable for that circuit. A new design method for a 2-rail logic combinational circuit is proposed, where stuck-open and sutck-on faults FETs can be easily detected. In the proposed circuit design, 4 FETs are added to each gate in a conventional 2-rail logic circuit. Two logical gates, DOR and DAND, are also added to the circuit as fault observing gates. Each test consists of a sequence of 3 input vectors, that is, a type of 3-pattern test, ti1ti2ti3. A test can be easily generated and fault observation is easy. Stuck-at fault and stuck-open fault on lines and almost all multiple faults can also be detected by the test. A gate construction method, test generation method, circuit construction method, and several discussions including gate delay increasing are presented.

  • A 1000 MIPS Superscalar Processor and Its Fault Tolerant Design

    Alberto Palacios PAWLOVSKY  Makoto HANAWA  Osamu NISHII  Tadahiko NISHIMUKAI  

    PAPER-RISC Technologies

    E75-C No:10

    Advances in semiconductor technology have made it possible to develop an experimental 1000 MIPS superscalar RISC processor. The high performance of this processor was obtained using architectural concepts such as multiple CPU configuration, superscalar microarchitecture, and high-speed device technology. This paper focuses on the novel features of this RISC processor, its device technology, architectural characteristics and one technology that has been devised to make its integer CPU cores fault-tolerant.

  • Runlength-Limited Short-Length Codes for Unidirectional-Byte-Error-Control

    Yuichi SAITOH  Hideki IMAI  


    E75-A No:9

    Runlength-limited block codes are investigated. These codes are useful for storing data in storage devices. Since most devices are not noiselss, the codes are often required to have some error-control capability. We consider runlength-limited codes that can correct or detect unidirectional byte errors. Some constructions of such codes are presented.

  • An Optimal Design for Fault-Tolerant Finite Field Fourier Transformer

    Der-Lan LO  Po-Chiang LU  

    LETTER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E75-B No:8

    The competing demands of speed and fault tolerance in finite field Fourier transform implementations have been optimally balanced here by using the chord property in finite field.

  • Refining Theory with Multiple Faults

    Somkiat TANGKITVANICH  Masamichi SHIMURA  


    E75-D No:4

    This paper presents a system that automatically refines the theory expressed in the function-free first-order logic. Our system can efficiently correct multiple faults in both the concept and subconcepts of the theory, given only the classified examples of the concept. It can refine larger classes of theory than existing systems can since it has overcome many of their limitations. Our system is based on a new combination of an inductive and an explanation-based learning algorithms, which we call the biggest-first multiple-example EBL (BM-EBL). From a learning perspective, our system is an improvement over the FOIL learning system in that our system can accept a theory as well as examples. An experiment shows that when our system is given a theory that has the classification error rate as high as 50%, it can still learn faster and with more accuracy than when it is not given any theory.

  • Fault Tolerant Routing for Realization of BPC Permutations in Delta Networks

    Hiroshi MASUYAMA  Yuichirou MORITA  Hiroyuki OKADA  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E75-D No:4

    The numbers of passes required to realize permutations in the class of Bit Permute-Complement (BPC) permutations such as Bit-Reversal, Matrix-Transpose, Perfect-Shuffle, and Bit-Complement permutations in delta and extrastage delta networks are obtained. The influence of the faults in the networks on the number of passes required for them is also investigated. First, how different are the time complexities required when using a route decision algorithm and an improved algorithm having taken some inherent properties into consideration is discussed and solved by obtaining real data. Next, how many passes are required to realize BPC permutations in delta networks when faults are present and when not present, and how many passes can be reduced by using an extra-stage are discussed continuously. As an important criterion for the fault tolerance of multistage interconnecting networks, Dynamic Full Access (DFA) has been suggested. A weakness of DFA as applied to BPC permutations is that the ability to realize such permutations in a finite number of passes can not be always measured by a criterion of DFA, because of the uneven distributions of paths required for the permutations. This reason suggests the ability to realize such permutations must be investigated from the different angle.

  • A Method of Generating Tests for Combinational Circuits with Multiple Faults

    Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Nobukage IUCHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:4

    The single fault model is invalid in many cases. However, it is very difficult to generate tests for all multiple faults since an m-line circuit may have 3m --1 multiple faults. In this paper, we describe a method for generating tests for combinational circuits with multiple stuck-at faults. An input vector is a test for a fault on a target line, if it find the target line to be fault-free in the presence of undetected or undetectable lines. The test is called a robust test for fault on a target line. It is shown that the sensitizing input-pair for a completely single sensitized path can be a robust test-pair. The method described here consists of two procedures. We label these as SINGLE_SEN" procedure and DECISION" procedure. SINGLE_SEN generates a single sensitized path including a target line on it by using a PODEM-like method which uses a new seven-valued calculus. DECISION determines by utilizing the method proposed by H. Cox and J. Rajski whether the single sensitizing input-pair generated by the SINGLE_SEN is a robust test-pair. By using these two procedures the described method generates robust test-pairs for the combinational circuit with multiple stuck-at faults. Finally, we demonstrate by experimental results on the ISCAS85 benchmark circuits that SINGLE_SEN is effective for an algorithmic multiple fault test generation for circuits not including many XOR gates.

  • New Classes of Majority-Logic Decodable Double Error Correcting Codes for Computer Memories

    Toshio HORIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    A new class of (m23m1,m2) 1-step majority-logic decodable double error correcting codes (1-step DEC codes) is described, where m is an odd integer. Combining this code with properly constructed (m1k1,k1) and (m,k2) 1-step DEC codes, a (m23(mk1)1,m23k1) 1-step DEC code and a (m23(mk2)1,m2) 2-step majority-logic decodable DEC code (2-step DEC code) are obtained, respectively. Considering computer memory applications, some practical 1 -and 2-step DEC codes with data-bit lengths of 24, 32, 64 and 72 are obtained by shortening the new codes, and are compared to existing majority-logic decodable DEC codes. It is shown that, for given data-bit lengths, new 2-step DEC codes have much better code rates than self-orthogonal DEC codes but slightly worse code rates than existing 2-step majority-logic decodable cyclic DEC codes (2-step cyclic DEC codes). However, parallel decoders of new 2-step DEC codes are much simpler than those of exisiting 2-step cyclic DEC codes, and are nearly as simple as those of 1-step DEC codes.

  • Analysis of Fault Tolerance of Reconfigurable Arrays Using Spare Processors

    Kazuo SUGIHARA  Tohru KIKUNO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    This paper addresses fault tolerance of a processor array that is reconfigurable by replacing faulty processors with spare processors. The fault tolerance of such a reconfigurable array depends on not only an algorithm for spare processor assignment but also the folloving factor of an organization of spare processors in the reconfigurable array: the number of spare processors; the number of processors that can be replaced by each spare processor; and how spare processors are connected with processors. We discuss a relationship between fault tolerance of reconfigurable arrays and their organizations of spare processors in terms of the smallest size of fatal sets and the reliability function. The smallest size of fatal sets is the smallest number of faulty processors for which the reconfigurable array cannot be failure-free as a processor array system no matter what reconfiguration is used. The reliability function is a function of time t whose value is the probability that the reconfigurable array is failure-free as a processor array system by time t when the best possible reconfiguration is used. First, we show that the larger smallest size of fatal sets a reconfigurable array has, the larger reliability function it has by some time. It suggests that it is important to maximize the smallest size of fatal sets in orer to improve the reliability function as well. Second, we present the best possible smallest size of fatal sets for nn reconfigurable arrays using 2n spare processor each of which is connected with n processors. Third, we show that the nn reconfigurable array previously presented in a literature achieves the best smallest size of fatal sets. That is, it is optimum with respect to the smallest size of fatal sets. Fourth, we present an uppr bound of the reliability function of the optimum nn reconfigurable array using 2n spare processors.

  • A Testable Design of Sequential Circuits under Highly Observable Condition

    WEN Xiaoqing  Kozo KINOSHITA  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    The outputs of all gates in a circuit are assumed to be observable unber the highly observable condition, which is mainly based on the use of E-beam testers. When using the E-beam tester, it is desirable that the test set for a circuit is small and the test vectors in the test set can be applied in a successive and repetitive manner. For a combinational circuit, these requirements can be satisfied by modifying the circuit into a k-UCP circuit, which needs only a small number of tests for diagnosis. For a sequential circuit, however, even if the combinational portion has been modified into a k-UCP circuit, it is impossible that the test vectors for the combinational portion can always be applied in a successive and repetitive manner because of the existence of feedback loops. To solve this problem, the concept of k-UCP scan circuits is proposed in this paper. It is shown that the test vectors for the combinational portion in a k-UCP scan circuit can be applied in a successive and repetitive manner through a specially constructed scan-path. An efficient method of modifying a sequential circuit into a k-UCP scan circuit is also presented.

  • Linear Time Fault Simulation Algorithm Using a Content Addressable Memory

    Nagisa ISHIURA  Shuzo YAJIMA  


    E75-A No:3

    This paper presents a new fast fault simulation algorithm using a content addressable memory, which deals with zero-delay fault simulation of gate-level synchronous sequential circuits. The computation time of fault simulation for a single vector under the single stuck-at fault model is O(n2) for all the existing fault simulation algorithms on a sequential computers. The new algorithm attempts to reduce the computation time by processing many faults at a time by utilizing a property that a content addressable memory can be regarded as an SIMD type parallel computation machine. According to theoretical estimation, the speed performance of a simulator based on the proposed algorithm is equivalent to a fast fault simulator implemented on a vector supercomputer for a circuit of about 2400 gates.

  • Information Disseminating Schemes for Fault Tolerance in Hypercubes

    Svante CARLSSON  Yoshihide IGARASHI  Kumiko KANAI  Andrzej LINGAS  Kinya MIURA  Ola PETERSSON  

    PAPER-Graphs, Networks and Matroids

    E75-A No:2

    We present schemes for disseminating information in the n-dimensional hypercube with some faulty nodes/edges. If each processor can send a message to t neighbors at each round, and if the number of faulty nodes/edges is k(kn), then this scheme will broadcast information from any source to all destinations within any consecutive n+[(k+l)/t] rounds. We also discuss the case where the number of faulty nodes is not less than n.

  • Optimal Schemes for Disseminating Information and Their Fault Tolerance

    Yoshihide IGARASHI  Kumiko KANAI  Kinya MIURA  Shingo OSAWA  


    E75-D No:1

    We describe two information disseminating schemes, t-disseminate and t-Rdisseminate in a computer network with N processors, where each processor can send a message to t-directions at each round. If no processors have failed, these schemes are time optimal. When at most t processors have failed, for t1 and t2 any of these schemes can broadcast information within any consecutive logt+1N2 rounds, and for an arbitrary t they can broadcast information within any consecutive logt+1N3 rounds.
