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[Keyword] fault(493hit)


  • Broadcasting in Hypercubes with Randomly Distributed Byzantine Faults

    Feng BAO  Yoshihide IGARASHI  Keiko KATANO  

    PAPER-Reliability and Fault Analysis

    E78-A No:9

    We study all-to-all broadcasting in hypercubes with randomly distributed Byzantine faults. We construct an efficient broadcasting scheme BC1-n-cube running on the n-dimensional hypercube (n-cube for short) in 2n rounds, where for communication by each node of the n-cube, only one of its links is used in each round. The scheme BC1-n-cube can tolerate (n-1)/2 Byzantine faults of nodes and/or links in the worst case. If there are exactly f Byzantine faulty nodes randomly distributed in the n-cabe, BC1-n-cube succeeds with a probability higher than 1(64nf/2n) n/2. In other words, if 1/(64nk) of all the nodes(i.e., 2n/(64nk) nodes) fail in Byzantine manner randomly in the n-cube, then the scheme succeeds with a probability higher than 1kn/2. We also consider the case where all nodes are faultless but links may fail randomly in the n-cube. Broadcasting by BC1-n-cube is successful with a probability hig her than 1kn/2 provided that not more than 1/(64(n1)k) of all the links in the n-cube fail in Byzantine manner randomly. For the case where only links may fail, we give another broadcasting scheme BC2-n-cube which runs in 2n2 rounds. Broadcasting by BC2-n-cube is successful with a high probability if the number of Byzantine faulty links randomly distributed in the n-cube is not more than a constant fraction of the total number of links. That is, it succeeds with a probability higher than 1nkn/2 if 1/(48k) of all the links in the n-cube fail randomly in Byzantine manner.

  • Stuck-Open Fault Detectabilities of Various TPG Circuits for Use in Two-Pattern Testing

    Kiyoshi FURUYA  Susumu YAMAZAKI  Masayuki SATO  


    E78-D No:7

    Transition coverage has been proposed as a measure of two-pattern test capabilities of TPG circuits for use in BIST. This paper investigates experimentally the relationships between transition coverages and actual stuck-open fault coverages in order to reveal what kind of circuits are appropriate for two-pattern testing. Fault simulation was performed using conventional (n-stage) LFSR, 2n-stage LFSR, and one-dimensional cellular automata (CAs) as TPG circuits and such sample circuits as balanced NAND tree and some ISCAS '85 benchmark circuits as CUTs. It was found that CAs which are designed so as to apply exhaustive transitions to any 3-dimensional subspaces can detect high rate of stuck-open faults. Influence of hazards of decreasing the fault coverage is also mentioned.

  • Acceleration Techniques of Multiple Fault Test Generation Using Vector Pair Analysis



    E78-D No:7

    This paper presents techniques used in combinational test generation for multiple stuck-at faults using the parallel vector pair analysis. The techniques accelerate a test generation procedure previously proposed and reduce the number of test vectors generated, while higher fault coverage is derived. The first technique proposed in this paper, which is applied at the first phase of test generation, is rules of ordering vector pairs to be analyzed, to derive high fault coverage without repeating the analysis for the same vector pairs. The second one is to generate new vector pairs for undetected faults, instead of random vector pairs. Both techniques are based on the idea that faults close to primary inputs should be detected earlier than close to primary outputs. The third technique proposed here is how to construct vector pairs from one input vector in order to accelerate test generation especially for circuits with many primary inputs and scan flip-flops. Experimental results for bench-mark circuits show the effectiveness of the techniques.

  • The Firing Squad Synchronization Problem in Defective Cellular Automata

    Martin KUTRIB  Roland VOLLMAR  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E78-D No:7

    The firing squad synchronization problem is considered for defective cellular automata. A lower bound of time tf for the problem is derived. The state complexity to solve the problem is investigated and it is shown that the state set has to be arbitrary large to obtain solutions of time complexity (n). For memory-augmented defective cellular automata a tf-time solution is given.

  • A New Conformance Testing Technique for Localization of Multiple Faults in Communication Protocols

    Yoshiaki KAKUDA  Hideki YUKITOMO  Shinji KUSUMOTO  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E78-D No:7

    Conformance testing techniques are required for the efficient production of reliable communication protocols. A lot of conformance testing techniques have been developed. However, most of them can only decide whether an implemented protocol conforms to its specification. That is, the exact locations of faults are not determined by them. This paper presents some conditions that enable to find locations of multiple faults, and then proposes a test sequence generation technique under such conditions. The correctness proof and complexity analysis of the proposed technique are also given. The characteristics of this technique are to generate test sequences based on protocol specifications and interim test results, and to find locations of multiple faults in protocol implementations. Although the length of the test sequence generated by the proposed technique is a little longer than the one generated by the previous one, the class to which the proposed technique can be applied is larger than that to which the previous one can be applied.

  • A Single Bridging Fault Location Technique for CMOS Combinational Circuits

    Koji YAMAZAKI  Teruhiko YAMADA  


    E78-D No:7

    A single bridging fault location technique for CMOS combinational circuits is proposed. In this technique, the cause of an error observed at the primary outputs in deduced using a diagnosis table constructed from the circuit under test and the given tests. The size of a diagnosis table is [the number of gates][the number of tests]2 bits, which is much smaller than that of the fault dictionary. The experimental results show that the number of possible bridging faults is reduced to less than 5 in several seconds, when using the tests to detect single stuck-at faults and considering only the bridging faults between physically adjacent nets.

  • The Effect of CMOS VLSI IDDq Measurement on Defect Level

    Junichi HIRASE  Masanori HAMADA  


    E78-D No:7

    In the final stages of VLSI testing, improved quality VLSI testing is an important subject for ensuring reliability in the forwarded VLSI market. On the other hand, developments in high integration technology have resulted in an increased number of functional blocks in VLSI devices and an increased number of gates for each terminal. Consequently, it has become more difficult to improve the quality of VLSI tests. We have developed a new test method in addition to conventional testing methods intended for improving the test coverage in VLSI tests. This new test method analyzes the relationship between IDDq (Quiescent Power Supply Current) of DUT and DUT failure by applying the concept of the toggle rate. Accordingly, in this paper we report that the results of IDDq testing confirm a correlation with defect level.

  • A Study for Testability of Redundant Faults in Combinational Circuits Using Delay Effects

    Xiangqiu YU  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  


    E78-D No:7

    Some undetectable stuck-at faults called the redundant faults are included in practical combinational circuits. The redundant fault does not affect the functional behavior of the circuit even if it exists. The redundant fault, however, causes undesirable effects to the circuit such as increase of delay time and decrease of testability of the circuit. It is considered that some redundant faults may cause the logical defects in the future. In this paper, firstly, we study the testability of the redundant fault in the combinational circuit by using delay effects. Secondly, we propose a method for generating a test-pair of a redundant fault by using an extended seven-valued calculus, called TGRF (Test-pair Generation for Redundant Fault). TGRF generates a dynamically sensitizable path for the target line which propagates the change in the value on the target line to a primary output. Finally, we show experimental results on the benchmark circuits under the assumptions of the unit delay and the fanout weighted delay models. It shows that test-pairs for some redundant faults are generated theoretically.

  • Very Fast Fault Simulation for Voltage Stuck-at Faults in Analog/Digital Mixed Circuit

    Shigeharu TESHIMA  Naoya CHUJO  Ryuta TERASHIMA  


    E78-D No:7

    This paper deals with the problems in testing large mixed-signal ICs. To help generating test patterns of these larger mixed-signal circuits for a functional test, a fast fault simulation algorithm and a fault model voltage stuck-at fault" which the algorithm is based on, are proposed. A voltage stuck-at fault is that a signal line sticks its voltage level at a certain constant. Under an assumption that blocks in a circuit are designed as identically current-independent, i.e. their input impedance can be regarded as infinite and their output impedance as zero, fault simulation can be realized by the event driven method and the concurrent method and can detect voltage stuck-at faults. These methods are essential for digital fault simulation and very effective to high speed simulation, although they were impossible for an analog or mixed-signal circuit by a conventional algorithm. Furthermore, the efficiency of the simulation is improved because I/O relation of blocks is approximated to a stepwise linear function. The above techniques and methods make fault simulation for a mixed-signal circuit possible in practical use. Actually, a fault simulator was implemented, then some test circuits were simulated. The simulator is really faster than conventional simulation based on circuit simulation. Next, fault analysis was applied to several bipolar ICs to verify the validity of the fault model voltage stuck-at faults". Analyses of open and short faults between terminals of transistors and resistors show that this fault model has sufficient coverage (more than 50%) to test mixed-signal circuit.

  • Testing of k-FR Circuits under Highly Observable Condition

    Xiaoqing WEN  Hideo TAMAMOTO  Kozo KINOSHITA  


    E78-D No:7

    This paper presents the concept of k-FR circuits. The controllability of such a circuit is high due to its special structure. It is shown that all stuck-at faults and stuck-open faults in a k-FR circuit can be detected and located by k(k1)1 test vectors under the highly observable condition which assumes the output of every gate to be observable. k is usually two or three. This paper also presents an algorithm for converting an arbitrary combinational circuit into a k-FR circuit. A k-FR circuit is easy to test when using technologies such as the electron-beam probing, the current measurement, or the CrossCheck testability solution.

  • Efficient Guided-Probe Fault Location Method for Sequential Circuits

    Xiaoging WEN  Kozo KINOSHITA  Hideo TAMAMOTO  Hiroshi YOKOYAMA  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E78-D No:2

    The efficiency of a guided-probe fault location process is affected by the number of the probed lines. This number depends on the size of the target area and the method by which a line is selected for probing. This paper presents a method for reducing the size of the target area in a sequential circuit by introducing the concepts of Type- and Type- faults. This paper also presents a method of selecting lines for probing in a more efficient way. The efficiency of the proposed methods is demonstrated by experimental results.

  • Defect-Tolerant WSI File Memory System Using Address Permutation for Spare Allocation

    Eiji FUJIWARA  Masaharu TANAKA  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E78-D No:2

    This paper proposes a large capacity high-speed file memory system implemented with wafer scale RAM which adopts a novel defect-tolerant technique. Based on set-associative mapping, the defective memory blocks on the wafer are repaired by switching with the spare memory blocks. In order to repair the clustered defective blocks, these are permuted logically with other blocks by adding some constant value to the input block addresses. The defective blocks remaining even after applying the above two methods are repaired by using error control codes which correct soft errors induced by alpha particles in an on-line operation as well as hard errors induced by the remaining defective blocks. By using the proposed technique, this paper demonstrates a large capacity high-speed WSI file memory system implemented with high fabrication yield and low redundancy rate.

  • Intelligent Trouble Management System Based on Operation Scenario and Fault Simulation

    Kisaku FUJIMOTO  Masakazu BABA  Nobuaki SHIMIZU  Masahiko MATSUSHITA  


    E78-B No:1

    Trouble management is a key function in solving the problems and maintaining the high communications capability of a network when communication service network users encounter problems in the quality of services [1]. This paper proposes technologies and architecture for an intelligent management system to achieve advanced service/network trouble management. The system generates operation scenarios to find a cause to solve a reported trouble, executes them, and modifies them according to operation circumstance changes. In the scenario execution process, fault propagation simulation is used to isolate a fault in necessary cases. The evaluation of the system applied to the ISDN services shows that the proposed system can achieve high-speed, precise trouble management by the integrated cooperative work of a human (operator) and a machine (operation system).

  • Stuck–Open Fault Detection in CMOS Circuits Using Single Test Patterns

    Enrico MACII  Qing XU  

    LETTER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E77-A No:11

    Transistor stuck–open faults in CMOS devices are such that they force combinational circuits to exhibit sequential behaviors. It has been proved that, in general, stuck–open faults can not be modeled as stuck–at faults and, therefore, a sequence of two consecutive test vectors is necessary to guarantee stuck–open fault detection. In this paper we propose a technique to modify CMOS circuits in such a way that any stuck–open fault in the circuit can be detected using only a single test pattern. The amount of additional logic required to achieve the goal is rather limited: Two pass transistors, one input line, and one inverter (or buffer) at the output of the circuit are sufficient to make stuck–open faults detectable by test patterns generated by usual stuck–at fault test generators.

  • On Desirable Fault-Tolerant Topology for Cluster-Based Network

    Kenji ISHIDA  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E77-A No:10

    Management of control functions in large computer networks is a very difficult problem. One of the effective way to overcome the difficulty is to introduce hierarchical control structure (network cluster) in the management. When a fault occurred in the cluster, routing information at some nodes in the network must be updated in order to react the fault. However, the number of such nodes can be reduced by introducing ingenious topology into the cluster. This paper presents a fundamental discussion on network topology for a network cluster. First, L-FT is defined to represent a degree of fault-tolerance in a cluster with respect to link failures. Secondly, the minimum link problem M is defined to find the minimum number of links to make the cluster L-FT. The following results are obtained. (1) For a network cluster with the fault-tolerant topology 1-FT, at least 2n-2 links have to exist in the cluster where n is the number of border nodes in the cluster. (2) As far as connectivity of the whole network is held, for multiple L link failures in a L-FT cluster, the update of routing information at each node is localized within only the cluster containing the failed links. (3) Several hierarchical networks with fault-tolerant conditions are presented as case studies for a LAN and a MAN.

  • Fault Tolerant Non-regular Digital Signal Processing Based on Computation Tree Block Decomposition

    Mineo KANEKO  Hiroyuki MIYAUCHI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:9

    In this paper, we present Branching Oriented System Equation based on-line error correction scheme for recursive digital signal processing. The target digital signal processing is linear and time-invariant, and the algorithm includes multiplications with constant coefficient, additions and delays. The difficulties of the algorithm-level fault tolerance for such algorithm without structural regularity include error distribution problem and right timing of error correction. To escape the error distribution problem, multiple fan-out nodes in an algorithm are specified as the nodes at which error corrections are performed. The Branching Oriented Graph and Branching Oriented System Equation are so introduced to formulate on-line correction schemes based on this strategy. The Branching Oriented Graph is treated as the collection of computation sub-blocks. Applying checksum code independently to each sub-block is our most trivial on-line error correction scheme, and it results in, with appropriate selection of error identification process, TMR in sub-block level. One of the advantages of our method is in the reduction of redundant operations performed by merging some computation sub-blocks. On the other hand, the schedulability of the system is an important issue for our method since our on-line error correction mechanism induces additional data dependencies. In this paper, the schedulability condition and some modifications on the scheme are also discussed.

  • The Number of Permutations Realizable in Fault-Tolerant Multistage Interconnection Networks

    Hiroshi MASUYAMA  Tetsuo ICHIMORI  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E77-D No:9

    In this paper we estimate the number of permutations realizable in fault-tolerant multistage interconnection networks designed to tolerate faults on any switching element. The Parallel Omega network and the INDRA network are representative types of fault-tolerate multistage interconnection networks designed to tolerate a single fault. In order to evaluate the enhancement in the function of network by preparing the hardware redundancy for fault-tolerance, we estimate the number of permutations realizable in fault-tolerant networks. This result enables us to set up a standard to evaluate the hardware redundancy required to tolerate multifaults from the viewpoint of the enhancement of network function. This paper concludes that in the case where the number of inputs is up to 32 the increase ratio of the number of realizable permutations is no more than 1/0.73 even if the tolerance to multifaults is prepared instead of the tolerance to a single fault.

  • A Fault Model for Multiple-Valued PLA's and Its Equivalences

    Yasunori NAGATA  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E77-A No:9

    In this paper, a fault model for multiple-valued programmable logic arrays (MV-PLAs) is proposed and the equivalences of faults of MV-PLA's are discussed. In a supposed multiple-valued NOR/TSUM PLA model, it is shown that multiple-valued stuck-at faults, multiple-valued bridging faults, multiple-valued threshold shift faults and other some faults in a literal generator circuit are equivalent or subequivalent to a multiple crosspoint fault in the NOR plane or a multiple fault of weights in the TSUM plane. These results lead the fact that multiple-valued test vector set which indicates all multiple crosspoint fault and all multiple fault of weights also detects above equivalent or subequivalent faults in a MV-PLA.

  • Design of Repairable Cellular Arrays on Multiple-Valued Logic

    Naotake KAMIURA  Yutaka HATA  Kazuharu YAMATO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E77-D No:8

    This paper proposes a repairable and diagnosable k-valued cellular array. We assume a single fault, i.e., either stuck-at-O fault or stuck-at-(k1) fault of switches occurs in the array. By building in a duplicate column iteratively, when a stuck-at-(k1) fault occurs in the array, the fault never influences the output of the array. That is, we can construct a fault-tolerant array for the stuck-at-(k1) fault. While, for the stuck-at-O fault, the diagnosing method is simple and easy because we don't have to diagnose the stuck-at-(k1) fault. Moreover, our array can be repaired easily for the fault. The comparison with other rectangular arrays shows that our array has advantages for the number of cells and the cost of the fault diagnosis.

  • Efficient Dynamic Fault Imaging by Fully Utilizing CAD Data in CAD-Linked Electron Beam Test System

    Koji NAKAMAE  Hirohisa TANAKA  Hideharu KUBOTA  Hiromu FUJITA  


    E77-C No:4

    A method to improve the efficiency of dynamic fault imaging (DFI) by fully utilizing the CAD data in the CAD-linked electron beam test system is proposed. In the method, in order to shorten the long acquisition time of the stroboscopic voltage contrast images over the whole area of the chip during the entire test cycle, only the area and phase (time) required for fault tracing are selected by utilizing the CAD data. Furthermore, image processing techniques are combined with the method to improve the efficiency of the DFI. In particular, the signal averaging technique is used in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the stroboscopic images where all voltage information data on the equipotential electrode recognized by the CAD layout data are averaged. This enables us to reduce the acquisition time of images. Moreover, the experimental system is set up so that the image processing can be performed in parallel with the acquisition of the stroboscopic images. The proposed method is applied to part of a 2k-transistor block of a nonpassivated CMOS LSI where a marginal fault is detected. The result shows that the method is an efficient approach to the fully automatic fault diagnosis in the CAD-linked electron beam test system. The proposed method could improve the efficiency of the conventional DFI by a factor of more than 1000.
