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[Keyword] fault(493hit)


  • Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Wormhole Routing in 2D Mesh

    Seong-Pyo KIM  Taisook HAN  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E81-D No:10

    A fault-tolerant wormhole routing algorithm on mesh-connected processors is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on the solid fault model and allows the fault polygons to be overlapped. The algorithm compares the position of fault region relative to current channel with the fault direction field of a misrouted message to route around overlapped fault polygons. A node deactivating algorithm to convert non-solid fault region into solid fault region is also proposed. The proposed routing algorithm uses four virtual channels and is deadlock and livelock free.

  • A Reconfigurable Digital Signal Processor

    Boon Keat TAN  Toru OGAWA  Ryuji YOSHIMURA  Kenji TANIGUCHI  


    E81-C No:9

    This paper describes a new architecture-based DSP processor, which consists of n n mesh multiprocessor for digital signal processing. A prototype chip, RCDSP9701 has been designed and implemented using a CMOS 0. 6 µm process. This architecture has better performance compare to the traditional microprocessor solution to Digital Signal Processing. The proposed method poses remarkable flexibility compare to ASIC (Application Specified Integrated Circuits) approach for Digital Signal Processing applications. In addition, the proposed architecture is fault tolerant and suitable for parallel computing applications. In this paper, an implementation into a silicon chip of the new architecture is presented to give a better understanding of our work.

  • An Efficient Adaptive Routing Algorithm for the Faulty Star Graph

    Leqiang BAI  Hiroyuki EBARA  Hideo NAKANO  Hajime MAEDA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E81-D No:8

    This paper introduces an adaptive distributed routing algorithm for the faulty star graph. The algorithm is based on that the n-star graph has uniform node degree n-1 and is n-1-connected. By giving two routing rules based on the properties of nodes, an optimal routing function for the fault-free star graph is presented. For a given destination in the n-star graph, n-1 node-disjoint and edge-disjoint subgraphs, which are derived from n-1 adjacent edges of the destination, can be constructed by this routing function and the concept of Breadth First Search. When faults are encountered, according to that there are n-1 node-disjoint paths between two arbitrary nodes, the algorithm can route messages to the destination by finding a fault-free subgraphs based on the local failure information (the status of all its incident edges). As long as the number f of faults (node faults and/or edge faults) is less than the degree n-1 of the n-star graph, the algorithm can adaptively find a path of length at most d+4f to route messages successfully from a source to a destination, where d is the distance between source and destination.

  • Highly Sensitive OBIRCH System for Fault Localization and Defect Detection

    Kiyoshi NIKAWA  Shoji INOUE  

    PAPER-Beam Testing/Diagnosis

    E81-D No:7

    We have improved the optical beam induced resistance change (OBIRCH) system so as to detect (1) a current path as small as 10-50 µA from the rear side of a chip, (2) current paths in silicide lines as narrow as 0. 2 µm, (3) high-resistance Ti-depleted polysilicon regions in 0. 2 µm wide silicide lines, and (4) high-resistance amorphous thin layers as thin as a few nanometers at the bottoms of vias. All detections were possible even in observation areas as wide as 5 mm 5 mm. The physical causes of these detections were characterized by focused ion beam and transmission electron microscopy.

  • Test Generation for Sequential Circuits under IDDQ Testing

    Toshiyuki MAEDA  Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Kozo KINOSHITA  

    PAPER-IDDQ Testing

    E81-D No:7

    This paper presents a test generation method for sequential circuits under IDDQ testing environment and the identification of untestable faults based on the information of illegal states. We consider a short between two signal lines, a short within one gate and a short between two nodes in different gates. The proposed test generation method consists of two techniques. First technique is to use weighted random vectors, and second technique is to use test generator for stuck-at faults. By using the two techniques together, high fault coverage and short computational time can be achieved. Finally experimental results for ISCAS89 benchmark circuits are presented.

  • Transistor Leakage Fault Diagnosis for CMOS Circuits

    Xiaoqing WEN  Hideo TAMAMOTO  Kewal K. SALUJA  Kozo KINOSHITA  

    PAPER-Fault Diagnosis

    E81-D No:7

    This paper presents a new methodology for diagnosing transistor leakage faults in a CMOS circuit by using both IDDQ and logic value information. A hierarchical procedure is used to identify and delete impossible fault candidates efficiently and a procedure is employed to generate diagnostic tests for improving diagnostic resolution. A novel approach for handling the intermediate output voltage of a faulty gate is used in new methods for fault simulation and diagnostic test generation based on primary output values. Experimental results on ISCAS85 circuits show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

  • Multiple Gate Delay Fault Diagnosis Using Test-Pairs for Marginal Delays

    Kwame Osei BOATENG  Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Fault Diagnosis

    E81-D No:7

    Testing for delay faults is very important in the verification of the timing behavior of digital circuits. When a circuit which is unable to operate at the desired clock speed is identified, it is necessary to locate the delay fault(s) affecting the circuit in order to remedy the situation. In this paper, we present a path-tracing method of multiple gate delay fault diagnosis in combinational circuits. We first present the basic rules for deducing suspected faults based on the multiple gate delay fault assumption. Next, in order to improve diagnostic resolution, we introduce rules for deducing non-existent faults based on the fault-free responses at the primary outputs. Using these rules, we present the detailed method for diagnosing multiple delay faults based on paths sensitized by test-pairs generated for marginal delays and gate delay faults [7]. Finally, we present results obtained from experiments on the ISCAS '85 benchmark circuits. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our method.

  • An Iterative Improvement Method for Generating Compact Tests for IDDQ Testing of Bridging Faults

    Tsuyoshi SHINOGI  Terumine HAYASHI  

    PAPER-IDDQ Testing

    E81-D No:7

    IDDQ testing, or current testing, is a powerful method which detects a large class of defects which cause abnormal quiescent current, by measuring the power supply current. One of the problems on IDDQ testing which prevent its full practical use in manufacturing is that the testing speed is slow owing to time-consuming IDDQ measurement. One of the solutions to this problem is test pattern compaction. This paper presents an efficient method for generating a compact test set for IDDQ testing of bridging faults in combinational CMOS circuits. Our method is based on the iterative improvement method. Each of random primary input patterns is iteratively improved through changing its values pin by pin selected orderly, so as to increase the number of newly detected faults in the current yet undetected fault set. While our method is simple and easy to implement, it is efficient. Experimental results for large ISCAS benchmark circuits demonstrate its efficiency in comparison with results of previous methods.

  • A Fault-Tolerant Wormhole Routing Algorithm in Two Dimensional Mesh Networks

    Jinsoo KIM  Ji-Yun KIM  Hyunsoo YOON  Seung Ryoul MAENG  Jung Wan CHO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E81-D No:6

    We propose a fault-tolerant routing algorithm for 2D meshes. Our routing algorithm can tolerate any number of concave fault regions. It is based on xy-routing and uses the concept of the fault ring/chain composed of fault-free elements surrounding faults. Three virtual channels per physical link are used for deadlock-free routing on a fault ring. Four virtual channels are needed for a fault chain. For a concave fault ring, fault-free nodes in the concave region have been deactivated to avoid deadlock in the previous algorithms, which results in excessive loss of the computational power. Our algorithm ensures deadlock-freedom by restricting the virtual channel usage in the concave region, and it minimizes the loss of the computational power. We also extend the proposed routing scheme for adaptive fault-tolerant routing. The adaptive version requires the same number of virtual channels as the deterministic one.

  • Fault-Tolerant Hypercubes with Small Degree

    Toshinori YAMADA  Shuichi UENO  


    E81-A No:5

    For a given N-vertex graph H, a graph G obtained from H by adding t vertices and some edges is called a t-FT (t-fault-tolerant) graph for H if even after deleting any t vertices from G, the remaining graph contains H as a subgraph. For the n-dimensional cube Q(n) with N vertices, a t-FT graph with an optimal number O(tN+t2) of added edges and maximum degree of O(N+t), and a t-FT graph with O(tNlog N) added edges and maximum degree of O(tlog N) have been known. In this paper, we introduce some t-FT graphs for Q(n) with an optimal number O(tN+t2) of added edges and small maximum degree. In particular, we show a t-FT graph for Q(n) with 2ctN+ct2((logN)/C)C added edges and maximum degree of O(N/(logC/2N))+4ct.

  • Exact Expected Test Length Generated by LFSRs for Circuits Containing Hard Random-Pattern-Resistant Faults

    Kazuhiko IWASAKI  Hiroyuki GOTO  


    E81-A No:5

    The exact expected test lengths of pseudo-random patterns that are generated by LFSRs are theoretically analyzed for a CUT containing hard random-pattern-resistant faults. The exact expected test lengths are also analyzed when more than one primitive polynomials are selected.

  • Reliable Broadcasting and Secure Distributing in Channel Networks

    Feng BAO  Yutaka FUNYU  Yukihiro HAMADA  Yoshihide IGARASHI  


    E81-A No:5

    Let T1, , Tn be n spanning trees rooted at node r of graph G. If for any node v, n paths from r to v, each path in each spanning tree of T1, , Tn, are internally disjoint, then T1, , Tn are said to be independent spanning trees rooted at r. A graph G is called an n-channel graph if G has n independent spanning trees rooted at each node of G. We generalize the definition of n-channel graphs. If for any node v of G, among the n paths from r to v, each path in each spanning tree of T1, , Tn, there are k internally disjoint paths, then T1, , Tn are said to be (k,n)-independent spanning trees rooted at r of G. A graph G is called a (k,n)-channel graph if G has (k,n)-independent spanning trees rooted at each node of G. We study two fault-tolerant communication tasks in (k,n)-channel graphs. The first task is reliable broadcasting. We analyze the relation between the reliability and the efficiency of broadcasting in (k,n)-channel graphs. The second task is secure message distribution such that one node called the distributor attempts to send different messages safely to different nodes. We should keep each message secret from the nodes called adversaries. We give two message distribution schemes in (k,n)-channel graphs. The first scheme uses secret sharing, and it can tolerate up to t+k-n listening adversaries for any t < n if G is a (k,n)-channel graph. The second scheme uses unverifiable secret sharing, and it can tolerate up to t+k-n disrupting adversaries for any t < n/3 if G is a (k,n)-channel graph.

  • Experimental Evaluation of Two-Phase Project Control for Software Development Process

    Osamu MIZUNO  Shinji KUSUMOTO  Tohru KIKUNO  Yasunari TAKAGI  Keishi SAKAMOTO  


    E81-A No:4

    In this paper, we consider a simple development process consisting of design and debug phases, which is derived from actual concurrent development process for embedded software at a certain company. Then we propose two-phase project control that examines the initial development plan at the end of design phase, updates it to the current status of the development process and executes the debug phase under the new plan. In order to show the usefulness, we define three imaginary projects based on actually executed projects in a certain company: the project that executes debug phase under initial plan, the project that applies the proposed approach, and the project that follows a uniform plan. Moreover, to execute these projects, we use the project simulator, which has already been developed based on GSPN model. Judging from the number of residual faults in all products, we found that project B is the best among them.

  • Complete Diagnosis Patterns for Wiring Interconnects

    Sungju PARK  Gueesang LEE  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E81-A No:4

    It is important to test the various kinds of interconnect faults between chips on a card/module. When boundary scan design techniques are adopted, the chip to chip interconnection test generation and application of test patterns is greatly simplified. Various test generation algorithms have been developed for interconnect faults. A new interconnect test generation algorithm is introduced. It reduces the number of test patterns by half over present techniques. It also guarantees the complete diagnosis of multiple interconnect faults.

  • Transistor Leakage Fault Diagnosis with IDDQ and Logic Information


    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E81-D No:4

    This paper proposes a new methodology for diagnosing transistor leakage faults with information on IDDQ and logic values at primary output lines. A hierarchical approach is proposed to identify the faults that do not exist in the circuit through comparing their IDDQ and logic behaviors predicted by simulation with observed responses. Several techniques for handling intermediate faulty voltages in fault simulation are also proposed. Further, an approach is proposed to generate diagnostic vectors based on IDDQ information. In addition, a method for identifying IDDQ equivalent faults is proposed to reduce the time needed for diagnostic vector generation and to improve diagnostic resolution. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology often confines diagnosed faults to only a few gates.

  • Multicast Packet Switch Based on Dilated Network

    Pierre U. TAGLE  Neeraj K. SHARMA  

    PAPER-Multicasting in ATM switch

    E81-B No:2

    Multicasting is an important feature for any switching network being intended to support broadband integrated services digital networks (B-ISDN). This paper proposes an improved multicast packet switch based on Lee's nonblocking copy network. The improved design retains the desirable features of Lee's network including its nonblocking property while adopting techniques to overcome the various limitations mentioned in various literature. The proposed network architecture utilizes d-dilated banyan networks to increase the amount of cells that can be replicated within the copy network. Cell splitting is used to optimize the utilization of the network's available bandwidth. Furthermore, the proposed architecture allows for the modular expansion in capacity to accomodate changing traffic patterns. The modular design of the proposed switch likewise offers easy handling and replacement of faulty modules.

  • Fault-Tolerant Meshes with Efficient Layouts

    Toshinori YAMADA  Shuichi UENO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E81-D No:1

    This paper presents a practical fault-tolerant architecture for mesh parallel machines that has t spare processors and has 2(t+2) communication links per processor while tolerating at most t+1 processor and link faults. We also show that the architecture presented here can be laid out efficiently in a linear area with wire length at most O(t).

  • Dynamic Constructive Fault Tolerant Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks

    Nait Charif HAMMADI  Toshiaki OHMAMEUDA  Keiichi KANEKO  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E81-D No:1

    In this paper, a dynamic constructive algorithm for fault tolerant feedforward neural network, called DCFTA, is proposed. The algorithm starts with a network with single hidden neuron, and a new hidden unit is added dynamically to the network whenever it fails to converge. Before inserting the new hidden neuron into the network, only the weights connecting the new hidden neuron to the other neurons are trained (i. e. , updated) until there is no significant reduction of the output error. To generate a fault tolerant network, the relevance of each synaptic weight is estimated in each cycle, and only the weights which have their relevance less than a specified threshold are updated in that cycle. The loss of a connections between neurons (which are equivalent to stuck-at-0 faults) are assumed. The simulation results indicate that the network constructed by DCFTA has a significant fault tolerance ability.

  • On the Activation Function and Fault Tolerance in Feedforward Neural Networks

    Nait Charif HAMMADI  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E81-D No:1

    Considering the pattern classification/recognition tasks, the influence of the activation function on fault tolerance property of feedforward neural networks is empirically investigated. The simulation results show that the activation function largely influences the fault tolerance and the generalization property of neural networks. It is found that, neural networks with symmetric sigmoid activation function are largely fault tolerant than the networks with asymmetric sigmoid function. However the close relation between the fault tolerance and the generalization property was not observed and the networks with asymmetric activation function slightly generalize better than the networks with the symmetric activation function. First, the influence of the activation function on fault tolerance property of neural networks is investigated on the XOR problem, then the results are generalized by evaluating the fault tolerance property of different NNs implementing different benchmark problems.

  • A Study on Stability Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

    Kwang-Hyun CHO  Jong-Tae LIM  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E80-D No:12

    In supervisory control, discrete event dynamic systems (DEDSs) are modeled by finite-state automata, and their behaviors described by the associated formal languages; control is exercised by a supervisor, whose control action is to enable or disable the controllable events. In this paper we present a general stability concept for DEDSs, stability in the sense of Lyapunov with resiliency, by incorporating Lyapunov stability concepts with the concept of stability in the sense of error recovery. We also provide algorithms for verifying stability and obtaining a domain of attraction. Relations between the notion of stability and the notion of fault-tolerance are addressed.
