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  • Radix-R WHT-FFT with Identical Stage-to-Stage Interconnection Pattern

    Qianjian XING  Feng YU  Xiaobo YIN  Bei ZHAO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E97-A No:5

    In this letter, we present a radix-R regular interconnection pattern family of factorizations for the WHT-FFT with identical stage-to-stage interconnection pattern in a unified form, where R is any power of 2. This family of algorithms has identical sparse matrix factorization in each stage and can be implemented in a merged butterfly structure, which conduce to regular and efficient memory managing scalable to high radices. And in each stage, the butterflies with same twiddle factor set are aggregated together, which can reduce the twiddle factor evaluations or accesses to the lookup table. The kinds of factorization can also be extended to FFT, WHT and SCHT with identical stage-to-stage interconnection pattern.

  • Cross-Correlation Distribution between a p-Ary m-Sequence and Its Decimated Sequence with Decimation Factor $d= rac{(p^{m}+1)^2}{2(p^e+1)}$

    Yongbo XIA  Shaoping CHEN  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E97-A No:5

    Let p be an odd prime and m be any positive integer. Assume that n=2m and e is a positive divisor of m with m/e being odd. For the decimation factor $d= rac{(p^{m}+1)^2}{2(p^e+1)}$, the cross-correlation between the p-ary m-sequence ${tr_1^n(alpha^i)}$ and its decimated sequence ${tr_1^n(alpha^{di})}$ is investigated. The value distribution of the correlation function is completely determined. The results in this paper generalize the previous results given by Choi, Luo and Sun et al., where they considered some special cases of the decimation factor d with a restriction that m is odd. Note that the integer m in this paper can be even or odd. Thus, the decimation factor d here is more flexible than the previous ones. Moreover, our method for determining the value distribution of the correlation function is different from those adopted by Luo and Sun et al. in that we do not need to calculate the third power sum of the correlation function, which is usually difficult to handle.

  • Developing an HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System for Malay: A Comparison of Iterative and Isolated Unit Training

    Mumtaz Begum MUSTAFA  Zuraidah Mohd DON  Raja Noor AINON  Roziati ZAINUDDIN  Gerry KNOWLES  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E97-D No:5

    The development of an HMM-based speech synthesis system for a new language requires resources like speech database and segment-phonetic labels. As an under-resourced language, Malay lacks the necessary resources for the development of such a system, especially segment-phonetic labels. This research aims at developing an HMM-based speech synthesis system for Malay. We are proposing the use of two types of training HMMs, which are the benchmark iterative training incorporating the DAEM algorithm and isolated unit training applying segment-phonetic labels of Malay. The preferred method for preparing segment-phonetic labels is the automatic segmentation. The automatic segmentation of Malay speech database is performed using two approaches which are uniform segmentation that applies fixed phone duration, and a cross-lingual approach that adopts the acoustic model of English. We have measured the segmentation error of the two segmentation approaches to ascertain their relative effectiveness. A listening test was used to evaluate the intelligibility and naturalness of the synthetic speech produced from the iterative and isolated unit training. We also compare the performance of the HMM-based speech synthesis system with existing Malay speech synthesis systems.

  • Computation of the Total Autocorrelation over Shared Binary Decision Diagrams

    Miloš RADMANOVIC  Radomir S. STANKOVIC  Claudio MORAGA  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E97-A No:5

    This paper describes a method for the efficient computation of the total autocorrelation for large multiple-output Boolean functions over a Shared Binary Decision Diagram (SBDD). The existing methods for computing the total autocorrelation over decision diagrams are restricted to single output functions and in the case of multiple-output functions require repeating the procedure k times where k is the number of outputs. The proposed method permits to perform the computation in a single traversal of SBDD. In that order, compared to standard BDD packages, we modified the way of traversing sub-diagrams in SBDD and introduced an additional memory function kept in the hash table for storing results of the computation of the autocorrelation between two subdiagrams in the SBDD. Due to that, the total amount of computations is reduced which makes the method feasible in practical applications. Experimental results over standard benchmarks confirm the efficiency of the method.

  • A Fair and Efficient Agent Scheduling Method for Content-Based Information Retrieval with Individual Time Constraints and Its Implementation

    Kazuhiko KINOSHITA  Nariyoshi YAMAI  Koso MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-Network System

    E97-B No:5

    The recent explosive growth in information networks has driven a huge increase in content. For efficient and flexible information retrieval over such large networks, agent technology has received much attention. We previously proposed an agent execution control method for time-constrained information retrieval that finds better results by terminating an agent that has already acquired results of high-enough quality or one that is unlikely to improve the quality of results with continued retrieval. However, this method assumed that all agents have identical time constraints. This leads to a disparity in the obtained score between users who give individual time constraints. In this paper, we propose a fair and efficient scheduling method based on the expected improvement of the highest score (EIS). The proposed method allocates all CPU resources to the agent that has the highest EIS to decrease the difference between users' scores and to increase the mean highest score of requested results.

  • Application of the Recursive Transfer Method to Flexural Waves I: Novel Discretization Scheme Using Weak Form Theory Framework and Waveguide Modes on Inhomogeneous Elastic Plates

    Hatsuhiro KATO  Hatsuyoshi KATO  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E97-A No:5

    Flexural waves on a thin elastic plate are governed by the fourth-order differential equation, which is attractive not only from a harmonic analysis viewpoint but also useful for an efficient numerical method in the elastdynamics. In this paper, we proposed two novel ideas: (1) use of the tensor bases to describe flexural waves on inhomogeneous elastic plates, (2) weak form discretization to derive the second-order difference equation from the fourth-order differential equation. The discretization method proposed in this study is of preliminary consideration about the recursive transfer method (RTM) to analyse the scattering problem of flexural waves. More importantly, the proposed discretization method can be applied to any system which can be formulated by the weak form theory. The accuracy of the difference equation derived by the proposed discretization method is confirmed by comparing the analytical and numerical solutions of waveguide modes. As a typical problem to confirm the validity of the resultant governing equation, the influence of the spatially modulated elastic constant in waveguide modes is discussed.

  • Solving the Phoneme Conflict in Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion Using a Two-Stage Neural Network-Based Approach

    Seng KHEANG  Kouichi KATSURADA  Yurie IRIBE  Tsuneo NITTA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E97-D No:4

    To achieve high quality output speech synthesis systems, data-driven grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion is usually used to generate the phonetic transcription of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. To improve the performance of G2P conversion, this paper deals with the problem of conflicting phonemes, where an input grapheme can, in the same context, produce many possible output phonemes at the same time. To this end, we propose a two-stage neural network-based approach that converts the input text to phoneme sequences in the first stage and then predicts each output phoneme in the second stage using the phonemic information obtained. The first-stage neural network is fundamentally implemented as a many-to-many mapping model for automatic conversion of word to phoneme sequences, while the second stage uses a combination of the obtained phoneme sequences to predict the output phoneme corresponding to each input grapheme in a given word. We evaluate the performance of this approach using the American English words-based pronunciation dictionary known as the auto-aligned CMUDict corpus[1]. In terms of phoneme and word accuracy of the OOV words, on comparison with several proposed baseline approaches, the evaluation results show that our proposed approach improves on the previous one-stage neural network-based approach for G2P conversion. The results of comparison with another existing approach indicate that it provides higher phoneme accuracy but lower word accuracy on a general dataset, and slightly higher phoneme and word accuracy on a selection of words consisting of more than one phoneme conflicts.

  • Culture Based Preference for the Information Feeding Mechanism in Online Social Networks Open Access

    Arunee RATIKAN  Mikifumi SHIKIDA  


    E97-D No:4

    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have recently been playing an important role in communication. From the audience aspect, they enable audiences to get unlimited information via the information feeding mechanism (IFM), which is an important part of the OSNs. The audience relies on the quantity and quality of the information served by it. We found that existing IFMs can result in two problems: information overload and cultural ignorance. In this paper, we propose a new type of IFM that solves these problems. The advantage of our proposed IFM is that it can filter irrelevant information with consideration of audiences' culture by using the Naïve Bayes (NB) algorithm together with features and factors. It then dynamically serves interesting and important information based on the current situation and preference of the audience. This mechanism helps the audience to reduce the time spent in finding interesting information. It can be applied to other cultures, societies and businesses. In the near future, the audience will be provided with excellent, and less annoying, communication. Through our studies, we have found that our proposed IFM is most appropriate for Thai and some groups of Japanese audiences under the consideration of audiences' culture.

  • A New Hybrid Approach for Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining

    Chongjing SUN  Hui GAO  Junlin ZHOU  Yan FU  Li SHE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E97-D No:4

    With the distributed data mining technique having been widely used in a variety of fields, the privacy preserving issue of sensitive data has attracted more and more attention in recent years. Our major concern over privacy preserving in distributed data mining is the accuracy of the data mining results while privacy preserving is ensured. Corresponding to the horizontally partitioned data, this paper presents a new hybrid algorithm for privacy preserving distributed data mining. The main idea of the algorithm is to combine the method of random orthogonal matrix transformation with the proposed secure multi-party protocol of matrix product to achieve zero loss of accuracy in most data mining implementations.

  • Cross-Correlation between a p-Ary m-Sequence and Its All Decimated Sequences for $d= rac{(p^{m}+1)(p^{m}+p-1)}{p+1}$

    Yongbo XIA  Shaoping CHEN  Tor HELLESETH  Chunlei LI  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E97-A No:4

    Let m ≥ 3 be an odd positive integer, n=2m and p be an odd prime. For the decimation factor $d= rac{(p^{m}+1)(p^{m}+p-1)}{p+1}$, the cross-correlation between the p-ary m-sequence {tr1n(αt)} and its all decimated sequences {tr1n(αdt+l)} is investigated, where 0 ≤ l < gcd(d,pn-1) and α is a primitive element of Fpn. It is shown that the cross-correlation function takes values in {-1,-1±ipm|i=1,2,…p}. The result presented in this paper settles a conjecture proposed by Kim et al. in the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings paper (pp.1014-1018), and also improves their result.

  • Visualization System for Monitoring Bug Update Information Open Access

    Yasufumi TAKAMA  Takeshi KUROSAWA  


    E97-D No:4

    This paper proposes a visualization system for supporting the task of monitoring bug update information. Recent growth of the Web has brought us various kinds of text stream data, such as bulletin board systems (BBS), blogs, and social networking services (SNS). Bug update information managed by bug tracking systems (BTS) is also a kind of text stream data. As such text stream data continuously generates new data, it is difficult for users to watch it all the time. Therefore, the task of monitoring text stream data inevitably involves breaks of monitoring, which would cause users to lose the context of monitoring. In order to support such a monitoring task involving breaks, the proposed system employs several visualization techniques. The dynamic relationship between bugs is visualized with animation, and a function of highlighting updated bugs as well as that of replaying a part of the last monitoring time is also proposed in order to help a user grasping the context of monitoring. The result of experiment with test participants shows that highlighting and replay functions can reduce frequency of checking data and monitoring time.

  • Spectrum Sharing in MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems with Imperfect Channel State Information


    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:4

    Cognitive radio (CR) systems aim for more efficient spectrum utilization by having so called secondary users (SUs) transmit on a frequency band reserved for licensed primary users (PUs). The secondary transmissions are allowed provided that no harmful interference will be caused to the PUs. SU terminals with multiple antennas can employ transmit power control with transmit precoding in order to control the interference levels. In most of the existing works, perfect channel state information (CSI) is assumed to be available for the SUs. However, in practical systems where perfect CSI is not available, the SUs are not able to guarantee that the interference constraints are sufficiently satisfied. In this paper, we investigate the problem of spectrum sharing for multiantenna CR systems using estimated CSI. Due to the random nature of the estimation error, we set a probabilistic interference constraint and, in order to satisfy it, provide a density function for the interference power. In addition, we present a power control framework for the SU to meet the probabilistic interference constraint.

  • Automatic Rectification of Processor Design Bugs Using a Scalable and General Correction Model

    Amir Masoud GHAREHBAGHI  Masahiro FUJITA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:4

    This paper presents a method for automatic rectification of design bugs in processors. Given a golden sequential instruction-set architecture model of a processor and its erroneous detailed cycle-accurate model at the micro-architecture level, we perform symbolic simulation and property checking combined with concrete simulation iteratively to detect the buggy location and its corresponding fix. We have used the truth-table model of the function that is required for correction, which is a very general model. Moreover, we do not represent the truth-table explicitly in the design. We use, instead, only the required minterms, which are obtained from the output of our backend formal engine. This way, we avoid adding any new variable for representing the truth-table. Therefore, our correction model is scalable to the number of inputs of the truth-table that could grow exponentially. We have shown the effectiveness of our method on a complex out-of-order superscalar processor supporting atomic execution of instructions. Our method reduces the model size for correction by 6.0x and total correction time by 12.6x, on average, compared to our previous work.

  • Analyzing Information Flow and Context for Facebook Fan Pages Open Access

    Kwanho KIM  Josué OBREGON  Jae-Yoon JUNG  


    E97-D No:4

    As the recent growth of online social network services such as Facebook and Twitter, people are able to easily share information with each other by writing posts or commenting for another's posts. In this paper, we firstly suggest a method of discovering information flows of posts on Facebook and their underlying contexts by incorporating process mining and text mining techniques. Based on comments collected from Facebook, the experiment results illustrate how the proposed method can be applied to analyze information flows and contexts of posts on social network services.

  • Face Recognition via Curvelets and Local Ternary Pattern-Based Features

    Lijian ZHOU  Wanquan LIU  Zhe-Ming LU  Tingyuan NIE  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E97-D No:4

    In this Letter, a new face recognition approach based on curvelets and local ternary patterns (LTP) is proposed. First, we observe that the curvelet transform is a new anisotropic multi-resolution transform and can efficiently represent edge discontinuities in face images, and that the LTP operator is one of the best texture descriptors in terms of characterizing face image details. This motivated us to decompose the image using the curvelet transform, and extract the features in different frequency bands. As revealed by curvelet transform properties, the highest frequency band information represents the noisy information, so we directly drop it from feature selection. The lowest frequency band mainly contains coarse image information, and thus we deal with it more precisely to extract features as the face's details using LTP. The remaining frequency bands mainly represent edge information, and we normalize them for achieving explicit structure information. Then, all the extracted features are put together as the elementary feature set. With these features, we can reduce the features' dimension using PCA, and then use the sparse sensing technique for face recognition. Experiments on the Yale database, the extended Yale B database, and the CMU PIE database show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  • Computationally Efficient Estimation of Squared-Loss Mutual Information with Multiplicative Kernel Models

    Tomoya SAKAI  Masashi SUGIYAMA  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E97-D No:4

    Squared-loss mutual information (SMI) is a robust measure of the statistical dependence between random variables. The sample-based SMI approximator called least-squares mutual information (LSMI) was demonstrated to be useful in performing various machine learning tasks such as dimension reduction, clustering, and causal inference. The original LSMI approximates the pointwise mutual information by using the kernel model, which is a linear combination of kernel basis functions located on paired data samples. Although LSMI was proved to achieve the optimal approximation accuracy asymptotically, its approximation capability is limited when the sample size is small due to an insufficient number of kernel basis functions. Increasing the number of kernel basis functions can mitigate this weakness, but a naive implementation of this idea significantly increases the computation costs. In this article, we show that the computational complexity of LSMI with the multiplicative kernel model, which locates kernel basis functions on unpaired data samples and thus the number of kernel basis functions is the sample size squared, is the same as that for the plain kernel model. We experimentally demonstrate that LSMI with the multiplicative kernel model is more accurate than that with plain kernel models in small sample cases, with only mild increase in computation time.

  • Time Graph Pattern Mining for Network Analysis and Information Retrieval Open Access

    Yasuhito ASANO  Taihei OSHINO  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  


    E97-D No:4

    Graph pattern mining has played important roles in network analysis and information retrieval. However, temporal characteristics of networks have not been estimated sufficiently. We propose time graph pattern mining as a new concept of graph mining reflecting the temporal information of a network. We conduct two case studies of time graph pattern mining: extensively discussed topics on blog sites and a book recommendation network. Through examination of case studies, we ascertain that time graph pattern mining has numerous possibilities as a novel means for information retrieval and network analysis reflecting both structural and temporal characteristics.

  • A Secure and Efficient Certificateless Aggregate Signature Scheme

    He LIU  Mangui LIANG  Haoliang SUN  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:4

    In this letter, we propose a new secure and efficient certificateless aggregate signature scheme which has the advantages of both certificateless public key cryptosystem and aggregate signature. Based on the computational Diffie-Hellman problem, our scheme can be proven existentially unforgeable against adaptive chosen-message attacks. Most importantly, our scheme requires short group elements for aggregate signature and constant pairing computations for aggregate verification, which leads to high efficiency due to no relations with the number of signers.

  • Power Noise Measurements of Cryptographic VLSI Circuits Regarding Side-Channel Information Leakage

    Daisuke FUJIMOTO  Noriyuki MIURA  Makoto NAGATA  Yuichi HAYASHI  Naofumi HOMMA  Takafumi AOKI  Yohei HORI  Toshihiro KATASHITA  Kazuo SAKIYAMA  Thanh-Ha LE  Julien BRINGER  Pirouz BAZARGAN-SABET  Shivam BHASIN  Jean-Luc DANGER  


    E97-C No:4

    Power supply noise waveforms within cryptographic VLSI circuits in a 65nm CMOS technology are captured by using an on-chip voltage waveform monitor (OCM). The waveforms exhibit the correlation of dynamic voltage drops to internal logical activities during Advance Encryption Standard (AES) processing, and causes side-channel information leakage regarding to secret key bytes. Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) is the method of an attack extracting such information leakage from the waveforms. The frequency components of power supply noise contributing the leakage are shown to be localized in an extremely low frequency region. The level of information leakage is strongly associated with the size of increment of dynamic voltage drops against the Hamming distance in the AES processing. The time window of significant importance where the leakage most likely happens is clearly designated within a single clock cycle in the final stage of AES processing. The on-chip power supply noise measurements unveil the facts about side-channel information leakage behind the traditional CPA with on-board sensing of power supply current through a resistor of 1 ohm.

  • Performance Improvement of Database Compression for OLTP Workloads

    Ki-Hoon LEE  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E97-D No:4

    As data volumes explode, data storage costs become a large fraction of total IT costs. We can reduce the costs substantially by using compression. However, it is generally known that database compression is not suitable for write-intensive workloads. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive solution to improve the performance of compressed databases for write-intensive OLTP workloads. We find that storing data too densely in compressed pages incurs many future page splits, which require exclusive locks. In order to avoid lock contention, we reduce page splits by sacrificing a couple of percent of space savings. We reserve enough space in each compressed page for future updates of records and prevent page merges that are prone to incur page splits in the near future. The experimental results using TPC-C benchmark and MySQL/InnoDB show that our method gives 1.5 times higher throughput with 33% space savings compared with the uncompressed counterpart and 1.8 times higher throughput with only 1% more space compared with the state-of-the-art compression method developed by Facebook.
