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  • Identification-Based Predistortion Scheme for High Power Amplifiers

    Lianming SUN  Yuanming DING  Akira SANO  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E86-A No:4

    The paper is concerned with an identification-based predistortion scheme for compensating nonlinearity of high power amplifiers (HPA). The identification algorithms for the Wiener-Hammerstein nonlinear model are developed in the frequency domain. By approximately modeling the nonlinear distortion part in HPA by polynomial or spline functions, and introducing linear distortion parts in the input and output of the nonlinear element, the iterative identification schemes are proposed to estimate all the uncertain parameters and to construct an inverse system for the predistortion.

  • Design of Broadcast Delivery Schedules for Multiple Channels

    Yiu-Wing LEUNG  

    PAPER-Broadcast Systems

    E86-B No:4

    Datacycle is an information delivery system designed in Bellcore . It uses broadcast delivery and multiple channels of an optical fiber to provide a large volume of information to many users. In this system, the mean access time depends on the broadcast delivery schedule because different information items (called pages) may have different popularity and there are multiple channels for concurrent broadcast delivery. In this paper, we design broadcast delivery schedules for M channels where M 2 and our objective is to minimize the mean access time. We show that this design problem can be divided into two subproblems: (1) divide the pages into M partitions such that the pages of each partition are broadcast in a distinct channel and (2) determine a broadcast schedule for the pages of each partition. We analyze and solve these subproblems, and we demonstrate that the schedules found can nearly reach a lower bound on the minimal mean access time.

  • Cancellation of Narrowband Interference in GPS Receivers Using NDEKF-Based Recurrent Neural Network Predictors

    Wei-Lung MAO  Hen-Wai TSAO  Fan-Ren CHANG  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E86-A No:4

    GPS receivers are susceptible to jamming by interference. This paper proposes a recurrent neural network (RNN) predictor for new application in GPS anti-jamming systems. Five types of narrowband jammers, i. e. AR process, continuous wave interference (CWI), multi-tone CWI, swept CWI, and pulsed CWI, are considered in order to emulate realistic conditions. As the observation noise of received signals is highly non-Gaussian, an RNN estimator with a nonlinear structure is employed to accurately predict the narrowband signals based on a real-time learning method. The node decoupled extended Kalman filter (NDEKF) algorithm is adopted to achieve better performance in terms of convergence rate and quality of solution while requiring less computation time and memory. We analyze the computational complexity and memory requirements of the NDEKF approach and compare them to the global extended Kalman filter (GEKF) training paradigm. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme achieves a superior performance to conventional linear/nonlinear predictors in terms of SNR improvement and mean squared prediction error (MSPE) while providing inherent protection against a broad class of interference environments.

  • A Multi-Agent Based Manufacturing Resource Planning and Task Allocation System

    Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  Daijiroh ICHIMURA  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  


    E86-A No:4

    The present paper addresses the design of manufacturing systems. A resource planning and task allocation problem is proposed, and a multi-agent system for this problem is discussed. In the multi-agent system, an agent exists for each resource and for each operation. The proposed multi-agent system improves the quality of resulting plans by the learning of these agents.

  • Centralized Radio Resource Management Strategies with Heterogeneous Traffics in HAPS WCDMA Cellular Systems

    Andrea ABRARDO  David SENNATI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:3

    This paper addresses the system throughput maximization problem for HAPS third generation cellular systems. We assume that the Stratospheric Platform is able to perform a perfect link gain estimation for all mobile terminals, such that a centralized resource allocation strategy is made possible. A classical 3G wireless scenario is considered, where traffics characterized by different bit rates coexist with Best Effort Traffic services without stringent bit rate constraints. In this scenario, we firstly envisage three Rate Assignment schemes for best effort terminals which aim at achieving the maximum system throughput subject to different bit rate constraints. For the second envisaged rate assignment scheme, which represents the best compromise between service fairness and throughput, we then propose a simplified approach that allows to noticeably decrease the implementation complexity with a slight performance degradation.

  • Cellular and PHS Base Station Antenna Systems Open Access

    Hiroyuki ARAI  Keizo CHO  


    E86-B No:3

    This paper reviews the antenna system for Japanese celullar systems and PHS (Personal Handphone System). The unique features of the Japanese cellualr system are multi-band operation, compact diversity antennas, electronic beam tilting, and indoor booster systems. The original antennas for the above purpose will be described. The PHS is also a unique mobile communication system in Japan, and is mainly used for high speed, low cost data transmission. Its original antennas are also presented in this paper.

  • Blind Deconvolution of MIMO-FIR Systems with Colored Inputs Using Second-Order Statistics

    Mitsuru KAWAMOTO  Yujiro INOUYE  

    PAPER-Convolutive Systems

    E86-A No:3

    The present paper deals with the blind deconvolution of a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Finite Impulse Response (MIMO-FIR) system. To deal with the blind deconvolution problem using the second-order statistics (SOS) of the outputs, Hua and Tugnait considered it under the conditions that a) the FIR system is irreducible and b) the input signals are spatially uncorrelated and have distinct power spectra. In the present paper, the problem is considered under a weaker condition than the condition a). Namely, we assume that c) the FIR system is equalizable by means of the SOS of the outputs. Under b) and c), we show that the system can be blindly identified up to a permutation, a scaling, and a delay using the SOS of the outputs. Moreover, based on this identifiability, we show a novel necessary and sufficiently condition for solving the blind deconvolution problem, and then, based on the condition, we propose a new algorithm for finding an equalizer using the SOS of the outputs, while Hua and Tugnait have not proposed any algorithm for solving the blind deconvolution under the conditions a) and b).

  • A Direct Hashing Directory for Fast Inode Lookup

    Joo Young HWANG  Kyu Ho PARK  

    LETTER-Software Systems

    E86-D No:3

    In a conventional file system, the directory tree is traversed to find the inode number of a file. The inode lookup performance degrades as the size of the directory tree increases. In this letter, a new directory scheme, called direct hashing directory, is proposed. The inode number of a file is the cyclic redundancy code of the file's absolute path name such that the inode number can be computed directly. The average number of disk accesses for inode lookup is 1.08, which is order of magnitude faster than the conventional directory schemes such as hashing, B tree, and sequential directory.

  • A New Approach to Blind System Identification in MEG Data

    Kuniharu KISHIDA  Hidekazu FUKAI  Takashi HARA  Kazuhiro SHINOSAKI  


    E86-A No:3

    A new blind identification method of transfer functions between variables in feedback systems is introduced for single sweep type of MEG data. The method is based on the viewpoint of stochastic/statistical inverse problems. The required conditions of the model are stationary and linear Gaussian processes. Raw MEG data of the brain activities are heavily contaminated with several noises and artifacts. The elimination of them is a crucial problem especially for the method. Usually, these noises and artifacts are removed by notch and high-pass filters which are preset automatically. In the present paper, we will try two types of more careful preprocessing procedures for the identification method to obtain impulse functions. One is a careful notch filtering and the other is a blind source separation method based on temporal structure. As results, identifiably of transfer functions and their impulse responses are improved in both cases. Transfer functions and impulse responses identified between MEG sensors are obtained by using the method in Appendix A, when eyes are closed with rest state. Some advantages of the blind source separation method are discussed.

  • Scheduling for a Large-Scale Production System Based on a Continuous and Timed Petri-Net Model

    YoungWoo KIM  Akio INABA  Tatsuya SUZUKI  Shigeru OKUMA  

    PAPER-Theory/Models of Computation

    E86-D No:3

    This paper presents a new hierarchical scheduling method for a large-scale manufacturing system based on the hybrid Petri-net model, which consists of CPN (Continuous Petri Net) and TPN (Timed Petri Net). The study focuses on an automobile production system, a typical large-scale manufacturing system. At a high level, CPN is used to represent continuous flow in the production process of an entire system, and LP (Linear Programming) is applied to find the optimal flow. At a low level, TPN is used to represent the manufacturing environment of each sub-production line in a decentralized manner, and the MCT algorithm is applied to find feasible semi-optimal process sequences for each sub-production line. Our proposed scheduling method can schedule macroscopically the flow of an entire system while considering microscopically any physical constraints that arise on an actual shop floor.

  • A Set of Orthogonal Polynomials for Use in Approximation of Nonlinearities in Digital QAM Systems

    Shin'ichi KOIKE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E86-A No:3

    This paper derives a set of orthogonal polynomials for a complex random variable that is uniformly distributed in two dimensions (2D). The polynomials are used in a series expansion to approximate memoryless nonlinearities in digital QAM systems. We also study stochastic identification of nonlinearities using the orthogonal polynomials through analysis and simulations.

  • Modeling of DS-CDMA Transmit Power Control in a Fast Fading Channel with Antenna Diversity

    Akihito KATOH  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:2

    In DS-CDMA mobile radio communications systems, transmit power control (TPC) is indispensable to regulate the variations in the received signal power produced by multipath fading. However, a practical TPC raises and lowers the mobile transmit power only at discrete time instants (the TPC rate is on the order of 1-2 kHz) and by a finite step size of the order of 1 dB. Therefore, TPC cannot completely compensate the received signal power variations and hence, the transmission performance degrades in a fast fading channel. The objective of this paper is to understand how TPC acts in a fast fading channel with antenna diversity reception and, based on this understanding, to model the TPC operation.

  • Performance Evaluation of Smart Antenna for Third-Generation W-CDMA Systems

    Shiann-Shiun JENG  Chia-Yuan HUANG  Chih-Yang LAI  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E86-B No:2

    In wireless communications, a smart antenna system utilizes an antenna array to acquire the spatial signatures of transmitted signals. This system uses the difference in the spatial signatures or the direction of arrival (DOA) of signals to correctly obtain the desired signal. This can reduce co-channel interference, mitigate the fading phenomenon caused by multipath transmissions, improve the communication quality and increase the system capacity. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of smart antennas using four beamforming algorithms applied to a wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA) system. The simulation results show that, based on the same power consumption at the transceiver and using a Rake receiver, a W-CDMA system with a smart antenna can operate at a lower bit error rate at the specific signal to noise ratio (SNR). Moreover, the smart antenna system accommodates more users at the specific signal to interference ratio (SIR), even though a certain angle difference exists between the actual DOAs and the estimated DOAs.

  • A Pipeline Structure for High-Speed Step-by-Step RS Decoding

    Tung-Chou CHEN  Che-Ho WEI  Shyue-Win WEI  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories

    E86-B No:2

    Based on a modified step-by-step decoding procedure, a high-speed pipelined Reed-Solomon decoder is presented. The decoder requires only the delay time of three 2-input XOR gates for decoding each coded symbol. The decoder can be operated in a bit rate of Gbits/sec order and thus suitable for the very high speed data transmission systems.

  • Layered Transducing Term Rewriting System and Its Recognizability Preserving Property

    Toshinori TAKAI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Youhei FUJINAKA  Yuichi KAJI  

    PAPER-Term Rewriting Systems

    E86-D No:2

    A term rewriting system which effectively preserves recognizability (EPR-TRS) has good mathematical properties. In this paper, a new subclass of TRSs, layered transducing TRSs (LT-TRSs) is defined and its recognizability preserving property is discussed. The class of LT-TRSs contains some EPR-TRSs, e.g., {f(x)f(g(x))} which do not belong to any of the known decidable subclasses of EPR-TRSs. Bottom-up linear tree transducer, which is a well-known computation model in the tree language theory, is a special case of LT-TRS. We present a sufficient condition for an LT-TRS to be an EPR-TRS. Also reachability and joinability are shown to be decidable for LT-TRSs.

  • Fundamental Perspective of Future High Power Devices and Amplifiers for Wireless Communication Systems

    Yasushi ITOH  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E86-C No:2

    Fundamental perspective of high power devices and amplifiers for use in wireless communication systems are described in this paper. First, high power devices and device modeling techniques are presented, focusing on the emerging device technologies such as wide bandgap devices (GaN, SiC) and SiGe devices. Then the commercially available device, circuit and system simulators for wireless communication applications are introduced. Recent active load-pull measurements have made a remarkable progress in fundamental, harmonic, and envelope frequencies for high efficiency and low distortion designs. In addition, pulsed DC/RF and on wafer load-pull measurements have also become popular, which are briefly reviewed. Finally the advances in high power amplifier design techniques for achieving high efficiency and low distortion are presented.

  • An Integrity Check for the Conflict Origin AS Prefixes in the Inter-domain Routing

    Kengo NAGAHASHI  Hiroshi ESAKI  Jun MURAI  

    PAPER-MPLS and Routing

    E86-B No:2

    In the Internet, the routing system consists of the Interior-domain and the Inter-domain. Within the Inter-domain routing, Autonomous System (AS) represents the administrative network domain, which is managed by a single institution with its operational policy. ASs exchange the ASs' reachability information to each other. Without the Inter-domain routing scheme, the nodes in the Internet can't communicate across the multiple ASs. The Inter-domain routing is an essential functional element in the global Internet operation. However, due to several reasons such as miss-configuration at the routers, the Inter-domain routing becomes unstable. This occurs that one AS (say AS1) propagates the prefix that has been already assigned to another AS (say AS2) and other peers receive its routing update and inject the misconfigured AS information to their peering routers. Since the routing information associated with AS1 is over written by AS2, AS1 loses the network connectivity. This problem is known as the Conflict Origin AS prefix or the Multiple Origin AS. We recognize that this is a serious problem which degrades the quality of Internet backbone infrastructure. We focus on this problem and propose the mechanism that can detect the Conflict Origin AS prefix automatically using the policy database. Based on the evaluation using the prototype system, we demonstrate that the proposed mechanism can work well with the existing Internet's Inter-domain routing system.

  • Fractionally Spaced Bayesian Decision Feedback Equalizer

    Katsumi YAMASHITA  Hai LIN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E86-A No:1

    The purpose of this paper is to derive a novel fractionally spaced Bayesian decision feedback equalizer (FS-BDFE). The oversampling technique changes single input single output (SISO) linear channel to single input multiple output (SIMO) linear channel. The Bayesian decision variable in the FS-BDFE is defined as the product of Bayesian decision variables in the Bayesian decision feedback equalizers (BDFE) corresponding to each channels of the SIMO. It can be shown that the FS-BDFE has less decision error probability than the conventional BDFE. The effectiveness of the proposed equalizer is also demonstrated by the computer simulation.

  • On the Church-Rosser Property of Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems

    Michio OYAMAGUCHI  Yoshikatsu OHTA  

    LETTER-Theory/Models of Computation

    E86-D No:1

    G. Huet (1980) showed that a left-linear term-rewriting system (TRS) is Church-Rosser (CR) if P Q for every critical pair < P, Q > where P Q is a parallel reduction from P to Q. This paper shows that Huet's result can be generalized under the assumption that a subsystem K of TRS R (i.e., KR) is CR. That is, we show that R is CR if P K Q for every < P, Q > CP(K,R-K) and P R-K *K*K Q for every < P, Q > CP(R-K,R). Here, CP(R1,R2) is the set of critical pairs obtained from some rule of R1 and one of R2.

  • Two Types of Polyphase Sequence Sets for Approximately Synchronized CDMA Systems

    Shinya MATSUFUJI  Noriyoshi KUROYANAGI  Naoki SUEHIRO  Pingzhi FAN  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E86-A No:1

    This paper discusses two types of polyphase sequence sets, which will successfully provide CDMA systems without co-channel interference. One is a type of ZCZ sets, whose periodic auto-correlation functions take zero at continuous shifts on both side of the zero-shift, and periodic cross-ones also take zero at the continuous shifts and the zero-shift. The other is a new type of sets consisting of some subsets of polyphase sequences with zero cross-correlation zone, called ZCCZ sets, whose periodic cross-correlation functions among different subsets have take zero at continuous shifts on both side of the zero-shift including the zero-shift. The former can achieve a mathematical bound, and the latter can have large size.
