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  • Simulation Model of Self Adaptive Behavior in Quasi-Ecosystem

    Tomomi TAKASHINA  Shigeyoshi WATANABE  


    E78-A No:5

    In this paper, the computational model of Quasi-Ecosystem that is constructed in the way of bottom up, i.e., that consists of herbivores, carnivores and plants is proposed and the simulation result is shown. The behavior pattern of the model is represented by finite state automata. Simple adaptive behavior of animals was observed in this simulation. This indicates that mutation is effective method for self adaptive behavior and the possibility that the model can be used as a framework for autonomous agents.

  • Concurrency Control with Permissible Serializability in Multi-Media Data Processings

    Yuichi SAKAUE  Jun'ichi MIYAO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E78-D No:4

    Recent advances of processing speed and window systems in computers, especially workstations, accelerate multi-media data processing (MMDP). Then, a variety of data such as numerics, characters, voice, video, animation and so on, are processed concurrently in a workstation. In data processings, concurrent execution of transactions is a key to improve through-puts. However, concurrent execution without concurrency control may cause inconsistent results. Thus, the concurrency control must be introduced in such systems. However, in MMDP it is ineffective to adopt previous concurrency control methods for ordinal databases since multi-media data are huge and possess a real-time property. This paper discusses concurrency control for MMDP. We propose some new concepts for MMDP, and define a new serializability class called Permissible Serializability which provides high concurrency in MMDP compared with ordinal classes. Then, we propose a concurrency control algorithm TYPE for the Permissible Serializability, and show some simulation results.

  • An Automatic Programming System SPACE with Highly Visualized and Abstract Program Specification

    Minoru HARADA  Takashi YOSHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E78-D No:4

    In this paper, it is stated that visualization and abstraction of program specifications can be highly integrated on the basis of decision tables and condition expressions. In order to demonstrate this idea, we developed an automatic programming system called SPACE: SPecification Acquisition and Compiling Engine. SPACE is designed to ease the production of business data processing program. SPACE has functions both to support the creation of visual program specifications and to generate COBOL programs according to the input program specifications. To visualize program specification, SPACE design windows are comprised of two diagrams and four tables in a format similar to the conventional detailed design sheets. To represent module functions, in particular, a visualized computation model called a decision table is used. All the possible execution states of a module are represented by combining the state function called condition expressions. The condition expressions represent the typical file processing patterns in very familiar form to actual business application designer. They do not simply give function values; each of them carries out implicit attached procedures according to the characteristic I/O control logic for business data processing. Hence users can describe program specifications concisely by designating merely the condition expression instead of the detailed I/O control logic. This paper uses sample descriptions of stock control problems to explain how visualization of computation and abstraction of algorithm can be integrated and formalized on a basis of a decision table and a condition expression. Also the paper describes how to generate programs from visual specifications.

  • A Paint System of Monochromatic Moving Images

    Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  Takeshi AGUI  Tatsushi ISHIGURO  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E78-D No:4

    A method for painting a sequence of monochromatic images is proposed. In this method, a color model, whose base components are hue, saturation and intensity, is used to keep the lightness of images unchanged before and after painting. Two successive frames in the monochromatic image sequence and a colored image of the first frame which is interactively painted, are analyzed in order to paint the next monochromatic frame. The painting process is composed of two phases, that is, an automatic coloring phase and an interactive retouching phase. In the automatic coloring phase, hierarchical image segmentation and region matching procedures are performed, and the two attributes of hue and saturation are mapped from the painted image of the first frame to the next image. In the retouching phase, using an interactive paint system based on the color model, users can modify the chromatic components of pixels whose colors were not mapped correctly. Several experiments show that our method is very effective in reducing tedious painting.

  • Decomposable Termination of Composable Term Rewriting Systems

    Masahito KURIHARA  Azuma OHUCHI  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:4

    We extend the theorem of Gramlich on modular termination of term rewriting systems, by relaxing the disjointness condition and introducing the composability instead. More precisely, we prove that if R1, R-1 are composable, terminating term rewriting systems such that their union is nonterminating then for some a {1, -1}, Ra OR is nonterminating and R-aRa is Fa-lifting. Here, OR is defined to be the special system {or(x, y) x, or(x, y) y}, Fa is the set of function symbols associated with Ra, and an Fa-lifting system contains a rule which has either a variable or a symbol from Fa at the leftmost position of its right-hand side. The extended theorem is stronger than the original one in that it relaxed the disjointness and constructor-sharing conditions and allowed the two systems to share defined symbols in common under the restriction of composability. The corollaries of the theorem show several sufficient conditions for decomposability of termination, which are useful for proving termination of term rewriting systems defined by combination of several composable modules.

  • Parameter Adjustment Using Neural-Network-Based Genetic Algorithms for Guaranteed QOS in ATM Networks

    Li-Der CHOU  Jean-Lien C. WU  


    E78-B No:4

    A number of flexible control mechanisms used in buffer management, congestion control and bandwidth allocation have been proposed to improve the performance of ATM networks by introducing parameters, such as threshold, push-out probability and incremental bandwidth size of a virtual path, which are adjustable by network providers. However, it is difficult to adaptively adjust these parameters, since the traffic in ATM networks is further complicated by accommodating various kinds of services. To overcome the problem, we propose in this paper a control scheme based on the genetic algorithms and the neural estimator. The neural estimator forecasts the future QOS values for each candidate parameter set, and the genetic algorithms select the best one to control the real network. An example of buffer management in an ATM switch is examined in this paper. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme in adaptively adjusting the parameter set even when the traffic environment and the QOS requirements are dynamically changing.

  • Group Communications Algorithm for Dynamically Updating in Distributed Systems

    Hiroaki HIGAKI  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E78-D No:4

    This paper proposes a novel updating technique, dynamically updating, for achieving extension or modification of functions in a distributed system. Usual updating technique requires synchronous suspension for multiple processes for avoiding unspecified reception caused by the conflict of different versions of processes. Thus, this technique needs very high overhead and it must restrict the types of distributed systems, to which it can be applied, to RPC (remote procedure call) type or client-server type. Using the proposed dynamically updating technique, updating management can be invoked asynchronously by each process with assurance of correct execution of the system, i.e., the system can cope with the effect of unspecified reception caused by mixture of different version processes. Therefore, low overhead updating can be achieved in partner type distributed systems, that is more general type including communications systems or computer networks. Dynamically updating technique is implemented by using a novel distributed algorithm that consists of group communication, checkpoint setting, and rollback recovery. By using the algorithm proposed in this paper, rollback recovery can be achieved with the lowest overhead, i.e., a set of checkpoint determines the last global state for consistent rollback recovery and a set of processes that need to rollback simultaneously is the smallest one. This paper also proves the correctness of the proposed algorithm.

  • An Automatic Selection Method of Key Search Algorithms

    Masami SHISHIBORI  Junichi AOE  Ki-Hong PARK  Hisatoshi MOCHIZUKI  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E78-D No:4

    The selection of an appropriate key search algorithm for a specific application field is an important issue in application systems development. This is because data retrieval is the most time-consuming part of many application programs. An automatic selection method for key search algorithms is presented in this paper. The methodology has been implemented in a system called KESE2 (KEy-SEarch ALgorithm SElection). Key search algorithms are selected according to the user's requirements through interaction with KESE2 which bases its inferences on an evaluation table. This evaluation table contains values rating the performance of each key search algorithm for the different searching properties, or characteristics. The selection algorithm presented is based on step by step reduction of unsuitable key search algorithms and searching properties. The paper also proposes assistance facilities that consist of both a support function and a program synthesis function. Experimental results show that the appropriate key search algorithms are effectively selected, and that the necessary number of questions asked, to select the appropriate algorithm, is reduced to less than half of the total number of possible questions. The support function is useful for the user during the selection process and the program synthesis function fully translates a selected key search algorithm into high level language in an average of less than 1 hour.

  • Design and Construction of an Advisory Dialogue Database

    Tadahiko KUMAMOTO  Akira ITO  Tsuyoshi EBINA  


    E78-D No:4

    We are aming to develop a computer-based consultant system which helps novice computer users to achieve their task goals on computers through natural language dialogues. Our target is spoken Japanese. To develop effective methods for processing spoken Japanese, it is essential to analyze real dialogues and to find the characteristics of spoken Japanese. In this paper, we discuss the design problems associated with constructing a spoken dialogue database from the viewpoint of advisory dialogue collection, describe XMH (X-window-based electronic mail handling program) usage experiments made to collect advisory dialogues between novice XMH users and an expert consultant, and show the dialogue database we constructed from these dialogues. The main features of our database are as follows: (1) Our target dialogues were advisory ones. (2) The advisory dialogues were all related to the use of XMH that has a visual interface operated by a keyboard and a mouse. (3) The primary objective of the users was not to engage in dialogues but to achieve specific task goals using XMH. (4) Not only what the users said but also XMH operations performed by the users are included as dialogue elements. This kind of dialogue database is a very effective source for developing new methods for processing spoken language in multimodal consultant systems, and we have therefore made it available to the public. Based on our analysis of the database, we have already developed several effective methods such as a method for recognizing user's communicative intention from a transcript of spoken Japanese, and a method for controlling dialogues between a novice XMH user and the computer-based consultant system which we are developing. Also, we have proposed several response generation rules as the response strategy for the consultant system. We have developed an experimental consultant system by implementing the above methods and strategy.

  • Experimental Observations of 2- and 3-Neuron Chaotic Neural Networks Using Switched-Capacitor Chaotic Neuron IC Chip

    Yoshihiko HORIO  Ken SUYAMA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:4

    Switched-capacitor chaotic neurons fabricated in a full-custom integrated circuit are used to investigate the behavior of 2- and 3-neuron chaotic neural networks. Various sets of parameters are used to visualize the dynamical responses of the networks. Hysteresis of the network is also demonstrated. Lyapunov exponents are approximated from the measured data to characterize the state of each neuron. The effect of the finite length of data and the rounding effect of data acquisition system to the computation of Lyapunov exponents are briefly discussed.

  • Enhanced Two-Level Optical Resonance in Spherical Microcavities

    Kazuya HAYATA  Tsutomu KOSHIDA  Masanori KOSHIBA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E78-C No:4

    A self-induced-transparent (SIT) system that takes advantage of morphology dependent resonances (MDR's) in a Mie-sized microsphere doped with a resonant material is proposed. The present system is doubly resonant: one has microscopic origin (the two-level system), while the other has macroscopic origin (the MDR). In this geometry, owing to the feedback action of MDR's, the pulse area can be much expanded, and thus the electric-field amplitude of the incident pulse can be reduced substantially compared with the conventional one-way SIT propagation. Theoretical results that incorporate dephasing due to structural imperfections are shown.

  • A Stochastic Evaluation Theory of Arbitrary Acoustic System Response and Its Application to Various Type Sound Insulation Systems--Equivalence Transformation Toward the Standard Hermite Expansion Type Probability Expression--

    Mitsuo OHTA  Hitoshi OGAWA  


    E78-A No:4

    In the actual sound environmental systems, it seems to be essentially difficult to exactly evaluate a whole probability distribution form of its response fluctuation, owing to various types of natural, social and human factors. We have reported a unified probability density expression in the standard expansion form of Hermite type orthonormal series taking a well-known Gaussian probability density function (abbr. p.d.f.) as the basis for generally evaluating non-Gaussian, non-linear correlation and/or non-stationary properties of the fluctuation phenomenon. However, in the real sound environment, there still remain many actual problems on the necessity of improving the above standard type probability expression for practical use. First, a central point in this paper is focused on how to find a new probabilistic theory of practically evaluating the variety and complexity of the actual random fluctuations, especially through newly introducing an equvivalence transformation toward the standard type probability expression mentioned above in the expansion form of Hermite type orthonormal series. Then, the effectiveness of the proposed theory has been confirmed experimentally too by applying it to the actual problems on the response probability evaluation of various sound insulation systems in an acoustic room.

  • An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Pipelined Instruction Set Processor and Its Application to ASIP Hardware/Software Codesign

    Nguyen Ngoc BINH  Masaharu IMAI  Akichika SHIOMI  Nobuyuki HIKICHI  Yoshimichi HONMA  Jun SATO  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E78-A No:3

    In this paper we describe the formal conditions to detect and resolve all kinds of pipeline data hazards and propose a scheduling algorithm for pipelined instruction set processor synthesis. The algorithm deals with multi cycle operations and tries to minimize the pipeline execution cycles under a given hardware configuration with/without hardware interlock. The main feature that makes the proposed algorithm different from existing ones is the algorithm is for estimating the performance in HW/SW partitioning, with capability of handling a module library of different FUs and dealing with multi cycle operations to be implemented in software. Experimental results of application to ASIP HW/SW codesign show that the proposed algorithm is effective and considerable pipeline execution cycle reduction rates can be achieved. The time complexity of the scheduing algorithm is of O(n2) in the worst case, where n is the number of instructions in a given basic block.

  • A Forbidden Marking Problem in Controlled Complementary-Places Petri Nets

    Wooi Voon CHANG  Toshimitsu USHIO  Shigemasa TAKAI  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  Shinzo KODAMA  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E78-A No:3

    Many typical control problems such as deadlock avoidance problems and mutual exclusion problems can be formulated as forbidden marking problems. This paper studies a forbidden marking problem in controlled complementary-places Petri nets, which are suitable model for sequential control systems. We show a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a control law for this problem. We also obtain a maximally permissive control law which allows a maximal number of transitions to fire subject to a condition that forbidden markings will never be reached.

  • A New Robust Block Adaptive Filter for Colored Signal Input

    Shigenori KINJO  Hiroshi OCHI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:3

    In this report, we propose a robust block adaptive digital filter (BADF) which can improve the accuracy of the estimated weights by averaging the adaptive weight vectors. We show that the improvement of the estimated weights is independent of the input signal correlation.

  • New Communication Systems via Chaotic Synchronizations and Modulations

    Makoto ITOH  Hiroyuki MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E78-A No:3

    In this paper, we demonstrate how Yamakawa's chaotic chips and Chua's circuits can be used to implement a secure communication system. Furthermore, their performance for the secure communication is discussed.

  • An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for the Solution of Block Tridiagonal Linear Systems

    Takashi NARITOMI  Hirotomo ASO  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:3

    A parallel overlapping preconditioner is applied to ICCG method and the effect of the parallel preconditioning on the convergence of the method is investigated by solving large scale block tridiagonal linear systems arising from the discretization of Poisson's equation. Compared with the original ICCG method, the parallel preconditioned ICCG method can solve the problems in high parallelism with slight increasing the number of iterations. Furthermore, the speedup and the efficiency are evaluated for the parallel preconditioned ICCG method by substituting the experimental results into formulae of complexity. For example, when a domain of simulation is discretized on a 250250 rectangular grid and the preconditioner is divided into 249 smaller ones, its speedup is 146.3 with the efficiency 0.59.

  • Relationships among Nonlinearity Criteria of Boolean Functions

    Shouichi HIROSE  Katsuo IKEDA  

    PAPER-Information Security and Cryptography

    E78-A No:2

    For symmetric cryptosystems, their transformations should have nonlinear elements to be secure against various attacks. Several nonlinearity criteria have been defined and their properties have been made clear. This paper focuses on, among these criteria, the propagation criterion (PC) and the strict avalanche criterion (SAC), and makes a further investigation of them. It discusses the sets of Boolean functions satisflying the PC of higher degrees, the sets of those satisfying the SAC of higher orders and their relationships. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for an n-input Boolean function to satisfy the PC with respect to a set of all but one or two elements in {0,1}n{(0,...,0)}. From this condition, it follows that, for every even n 2, an n-input Boolean function satisfies the PC of degree n 1 if and only if it satisfies the PC of degree n. We also show a method that constructs, for any odd n 3, n-input Boolean functions that satisfy the PC with respect to a set of all but one elements in {0,1}n{(0,...,0)}. This method is a generalized version of a previous one. Concerned with the SAC of higher orders, it is shown that the previously proved upper bound of the nonlinear order of Boolean functions satisfying the criterion is tight. The relationships are discussed between the set of n-input Boolean functions satisfying the PC and the sets of those satisfying the SAC.

  • An Effect on Chip Interleaving and Hard Limiter against Burst Noise in Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Communication Systems

    Shin'ichi TACHIKAWA  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technology

    E78-A No:2

    This paper presents improvement of data error rate against burst noise by using both chip interleaving and hard limiter in direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) communication systems. Chip interleaving, which is a unique method of DS/SS systems, is effective when burst noise power is small. However, when the burst noise power is large, date error rate is degraded. While, though hard limiter suppresses burst noise power, it gives little effectiveness when the burst noise length is long. Using chip interleaving and hard limiter together, as they work complementary, stable and considerable improvement of data error rate is achieved.

  • Parallel Algorithms for Refutation Tree Problem on Formal Graph Systems

    Tomoyuki UCHIDA  Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Satoru MIYANO  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:2

    We define a new framework for rewriting graphs, called a formal graph system (FGS), which is a logic program having hypergraphs instead of terms in first-order logic. We first prove that a class of graphs is generated by a hyperedge replacement grammar if and only if it is defined by an FGS of a special form called a regular FGS. In the same way as logic programs, we can define a refutation tree for an FGS. The classes of TTSP graphs and outerplanar graphs are definable by regular FGSs. Then, we consider the problem of constructing a refutation tree of a graph for these FGSs. For the FGS defining TTSP graphs, we present a refutation tree algorithm of O(log2nlogm) time with O(nm) processors on an EREW PRAM. For the FGS defining outerplanar graphs, we show that the refutation tree problem can be solved in O(log2n) time with O(nm) processors on an EREW PRAM. Here, n and m are the numbers of vertices and edges of an input graph, respectively.
