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  • Chaos and Related Bifurcation Phenomena from a Simple Hysteresis Network

    Kenya JIN'NO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E79-A No:3

    This paper proposes a tool to analyze complicated phenomena from a simple hysteresis network. The simple hysteresis network is described by a piecewise liner ordinal differential equation and has only two parameters: self feedback and DC team. Then this simple system exhibits various kinds of attractors: stable equilibria, periodic orbits, tori and chaos. In order to perform the numerical analysis, we derive return map and propose a fast calculation algorithm for the return map and its Lyapunov exponents based on the exact solutions. Using this algorithm, we have clarified chaos generation and related bifurcation phenomena. Also, we give theoretical formula that give fundamental bifurcation set.

  • Cost Comparison of STM and ATM Path Networks

    Hisaya HADAMA  Tsutomu IZAKI  Ikuo TOKIZAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:3

    In order to pave the way to B-ISDN, one of the most important issues for network providers is to identify the most efficient B-ISDN introduction strategy. This paper focuses on the costs of introducing ATM transmission systems into backbone transport networks which must provide highly reliable broad band transmission capability. In this context, the main rival to ATM is Synchronous Transfer Mode (STM); recent Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) equipment supports the establishment of advanced STM-based high speed transport networks. This paper offers a cost comparison of ATM and STM based backbone transport networks. A digital path network in STM has a hierarchical structure determined by the hierarchical multiplexing scheme employed. The minimum cost STM path network can only be determined by developing a path design method that considers all hierarchical path levels and yields the optimum balance of link cost and node cost. Virtual paths have desirable features such as non-deterministic path bandwidth and non-hierarchical and direct multiplexing capability into high speed optical transmission links. These features make it possible to implement a non-hierarchical VP network with ATM cross connect systems which can handle any bandwidth VP with a universal cell switching function. This paper shows that the non-hierarchical VP routing, which strongly minimizes link cost, can be implemented without significantly increasing node cost. Network design simulations show that the virtual path scheme, possible only in an ATM network, yields the most cost effective path network configuration.

  • Directive Antenna Diversity Reception Scheme for an Adaptive Modulation System in High Mobility Land Mobile Communications

    Takashi SUZUKI  Seiichi SAMPEI  Norihiko MORINAGA  

    PAPER-Modulation, Demodulation

    E79-B No:3

    This paper proposes a directive antenna diversity reception scheme for an adaptive modulation/time division multiple access (TDMA)/time division duplex (TDD) system to achieve high quality, high bit rate and high spectral efficient data transmission in high mobility land mobile communication environments. In mobile stations, a directive antenna is applied to equivalently reduce the observed variation speed of the fading channel. At each branch, the offset frequency (foff) and foff-canceled fading variation are estimated to improve accuracy of the propagation path characteristics estimation even in high maximum Doppler frequency (fd) environments. Computer simulation confirms that the proposed scheme can achieve successful variable rate transmission in fast fading environments.

  • Adaptive Modulation System with Punctured Convolutional Code for High Quality Personal Communication Systems

    Hidehiro MATSUOKA  Seiichi SAMPEI  Norihiko MORINAGA  Yukiyoshi KAMIO  

    PAPER-Modulation, Demodulation

    E79-B No:3

    This paper proposes an adaptive modulation system with a punctured convolutional code for land mobile communications to achieve high quality, high bit rate, and high spectral efficient data transmission in multipath fading environments. The proposed system adaptively controls the coding rate of the punctured convolutional code, symbol rate, and modulation level according to the instantaneous fading channel conditions. During good channel conditions, the modulation parameters are selected to increase the transmission rate as much as possible with satisfying a certain transmission quality. As channel conditions become worse, lower rate modulation parameters are applied or transmission is stopped. The performances in fading environments are evaluated theoretically and by computer simulations. The results show that the proposed system can realize higher quality transmission without the degradation in average bit rate compared to conventional adaptive modulation systems.

  • Proposal of the Radio High-Way Networks Using Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access

    Yozo SHOJI  Katsutoshi TSUKAMOTO  Shozo KOMAKI  

    PAPER-Access, Network

    E79-B No:3

    Air interfaces of the future mobile communication are widely spreading, because of the multimedia service demands, technology trends and radio propagation conditions. Radio-Highway Networks are expected to realize the universal, seamless and multi-air-interface capability for mobile access networks, and play an important role in the future multimedia radio communications. For the radio-highway networks, this paper newly proposes natural bandpass sampling - asynchronous time division multiple access (NBS-ATDMA) method, where radio signals are natural bandpass sampled at the radio base station and are asynchronously multiplexed on the optic fiber bus link and intelligently transmitted to its desired radio control station. We theoretically analyze the loss probability of the radio signal due to collision in the network and the carrier-to-noise power ratio of received radio signals at the radio control station. Moreover, in order to reduce the loss probability, two access control methods, carrier sense and pulse width control, are proposed, and it is clarified that these improve the number of base station connected to radio highway networks.

  • Order-Sorted Universes of Structured Objects


    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E79-D No:2

    Aczel's theory of structured objects is extended under the assumption that a structured object may belong to a sort and that these sorts are partially ordered. Based on the assumption, the forms of required objects can be specified more precisely and concisely. The resulting theory provides a general principle for the construction of order-sorted ontologies and universes of structured objects. It is applicable to systems with structured objects, such as situation theory, feature-based grammars, knowledge representation, constraint logic programming and object-oriented systems.

  • Design of Approximate Inverse Systems Using All-Pass Networks

    Md. Kamrul HASAN  Satoru SHIMIZU  Takashi YAHAGI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E79-A No:2

    This letter presents a new design method for approximate inverse systems using all-pass networks. The efficacy of approximate inverse systems for input and parameter estimation of nonminimum phase systems is well recognized. in the previous methods, only time domain design of FIR (finite impulse response) type approximate inverse systems were considered. Here, we demonstrate that IIR (infinite impulse response) type approximate inverse systems outperform the previous methods. A nonlinear optimization technique is adopted for designing the proposed system in the frequency domain. Numerical examples are also presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Recursive Construction of the Systems Interpolating 1st- and 2nd-Order Information

    Kazumi HORIGUCHI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E79-A No:1

    We present a recursive algorithm for constructing linear discrete-time systems which interpolate the desired 1st-and 2nd-order information. The recursive algorithm constructs a new system and connects it to the previous system in the cascade form every time new information is added. These procedures yield a practical realization of all the interpolants.

  • Hybrid Method of Data Collection for Evaluating Speech Dialogue System

    Shu NAKAZATO  Ikuo KUDO  Katsuhiko SHIRAI  

    PAPER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E79-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new method of dialogue data collection which can be used to evaluate modules of a spoken dialogue system. To evaluate the module, it is necessary to use suitable data. Human-human dialogue data have not been appropriate to module evaluation, because spontaneous data usually include too much specific phenomena such as fillers, restarts, pauses, and hesitations. Human-machine dialogue data have not been appropriate to module evaluation, because the dialogue was unnatural and the available vocabularies were limited. Here, we propose 'Hybrid method' for the collection of spoken dialogue data. The merit is that, the collected data can be used as test data for the evaluation of a spoken dialogue system without any modification. In our method a human takes the role of some modules of the system and the system, also, works as the other part of the system together. For example, humans works as the speech recognition module and the dialogue management and a machine does the other part, response generation module. The collected data are good for the evaluation of the speech recognition and the dialogue management modules. The reasons are as follows. (1) Lexicon: The lexicon was composed of limited words and dependent on the task. (2) Grammar: The intention expressed by the subjects were concise and clear. (3) Topics: There were few utterances outside the task domain. The collected data can be used test data for the evaluation of a spoken dialogue system without any modification.

  • Gb/s-Range Semiconductor and Ti:LiNbO3 Guided-Wave Optical Modulators.

    Keiro KOMATSU  Rangaraj MADABHUSHI  

    INVITED PAPER-Optomicrowave Devices

    E79-C No:1

    External modulators, which have smaller chirping characteristics than laser diode direct modulation, are desired for high-speed and long-distance optical fiber communication systems. This paper reviews semiconductor and Ti:LiNbO3 guided-wave high-speed optical modulators. Since several effects exist for semiconductor materials, various kinds of semiconductor optical modulators have been investigated. Among these, absorption type intensity modulators based on Franz-Keldysh effect in bulk materials and quantum confined stark effect in multiple quantum well materials, are promising because of compactness, low drive voltage nature and integration ease with DFB lasers. Recent progress on semiconductor absorption modulators and DFB-LD integrated semiconductor modulators is discussed with emphasis on a novel fabrication method using selective area growth by MOVPE (Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy). The Ti:LiNbO3 optical modulators are also important, due to the advantage of superior chirping characteristics and wide bandwidth. Since the Ti:LiNbO3 optical modulator has low propagation loss and low conductor loss natures for optical waves and microwaves, respectively, the traveling-wave electrode configuration is suitable for high-speed operation. Here, broadband Ti:LiNbO3 optical modulators are discussed with emphasis on traveling-wave electrode design.

  • An Optical Bi-phase Modulator for Millimeter Wave Subcarrier Systems

    Howard J. THOMAS  Nobuaki IMAI  Eiichi OGAWA  

    PAPER-Optomicrowave Devices

    E79-C No:1

    This paper proposes a novel optical modulator for a millimeter wave (MMW) subcarrier optic link. The modulator enables the bi-phase modulation of MMW subcarriers. It simplifies the optic link by unifying such functions as IF modulation, up-convertion to MMW, and optical modulation, which are separately equipped in a conventional system. A simple model of a Mach-Zehnder external optical modulator (EOM) is used to illustrate how bi-phase modulation of millimeter wave (MMW) subcarriers can be accomplished by switching the EOM bias with a binary data signal. Experimental results are presented to confirm predictions. A wideband communications test system employing the EOM as a bi-phase modulator and utilizing spread spectrum modulation (1.3 µm optical wavelength, 40 GHz subcarrier, 100 MHz chip rate, 10MHz data rate) was developed. Bit error rate (BER) characteristics of an optical link that includes the proposed modulator are presented and compared with ideal performance and simulated predictions. Degradation of the BER characteristics from the simulation was less than 1 dB at a BER of 10-6. A frequency doubling subcarrier bi-phase modulator is also described.

  • The Security of an RDES Cryptosystem against Linear Cryptanalysis

    Yasushi NAKAO  Toshinobu KANEKO  Kenji KOYAMA  Routo TERADA  


    E79-A No:1

    RDES cryptosystem is an n-round DES in which an probabilistic swapping is added onto the right half of the input in each round. It is more effective than a simple increase of DES rounds for a countermeasure against differential attack. In this paper, we show that the RDES is also effective against linear cryptanalysis. We applied Matsui's search algorithm to find the best expression for RDES-1 and RDES-2. The results are as follows: (a) The 16-round RDES-1 is approximately as strong as a 22-round DES, and the 16-round RDES-2 is approximately as strong as a 29-round DES. (b) Linear cryptanalysis for a 16-round RDES-1 and a 16-round RDES-2 requires more than 264 known-plaintexts.

  • Security Mechanism of Privacy Enhanced Shared File System Suitable for Mobile Access

    Atsushi SHIMBO  Toshinari TAKAHASHI  Masao MUROTA  


    E79-A No:1

    This paper describes a novel shared file system, whose main features are enhanced security and its concurrency control mechanism. The system is especially suitable for access from mobile hosts. Users can edit their shared files concurrently. Shared files are encrypted and decrypted only by clients, and the file server cannot know the contents. The server asynchronously receives the edited parts, which are already encrypted, and merges them into the current version, deciphering neither the stored file nor the encrypted editing data. We call the mechanism 'privacy enhanced merging'. The mechanism and the underlying encryption algorithm, shared file data structure and procedures followed by clients and the server are shown.

  • A New RSA-Type Scheme Based on Singular Cubic Curves (y-αx)(y-βx)x3(mod n)

    Hidenori KUWAKADO  Kenji KOYAMA  


    E79-A No:1

    This paper proposes a new RSA-type scheme over non-singular parts of singular cubic curves En(α,β):(y-αx)(y-βx)x3(mod n). In usual one-to-one communication, we prove that breaking the proposed scheme is not easier than breaking the RSA scheme for the whole ciphertexts. If encryption key e is larger than 19 for 512 bits modulus n, then the proposed scheme is secure against the Hastad attack in broadcast applications. A plaintext of two blocks, i.e., x and y coordinates in En(α,β), is encrypted to a ciphertext of three blocks, where the size of one block is log2n bits. The decryption speed ofthe proposed scheme is as fast as that of the RSA scheme for the even block plaintext.

  • An Economical Analysis for a Hybrid Data Backup System

    Masanori ODAGIRI  Tadashi DOHI  Naoto KAIO  Shunji OSAKI  

    PAPER-Reliability and Fault Analysis

    E79-A No:1

    This article considers a hybrid data backup model for a file system, which combines both conventional magnetic disk (MD) and write-once, read-many optical disk (OD). Since OD recently is a lower cost medium as well as a longer life medium than the ordinary MD, this kind of backup configuration is just recognized to be important. We mathematically formulate the hybrid data backup model and obtain the closed-form average cost rate when the system failure time and the recovery time follow exponential distributions. Numerical calculations are carried out to obtain the optimal backup policy, which is composed of two kinds of backup sizes from the main memory to MD and from MD to OD and minimizes the average cost rate. In numerical examples, the dependence of the optimal backup policy on the failure and the recovery mechanism is examined.

  • Throughput Analysis of Spread-Slotted ALOHA in LEO Satellite Communication Systems with Nonuniform Traffic Distribution

    Abbas JAMALIPOUR  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Akira OGAWA  

    PAPER-Satellite Communication

    E78-B No:12

    An analytical framework to study the nonuniformity in geographical distribution of the traffic load in low earth orbit satellite communication systems is presented. The model is then used to evaluate the throughput performance of the system with direct-sequence packet spread-slotted ALOHA multiple-access technique. As the result, it is shown that nonuniformity in traffic makes the characteristics of the system significantly different from the results of uniform traffic case and that the performance of each user varies according to its location. Moreover, the interference reached from users of adjacent satellites is shown to be one of the main factors that limit the performance of system.

  • Optimal Regularization for System Identification from Noisy Input and Output Signals

    Jingmin XIN  Hiromitsu OHMORI  Akira SANO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:12

    In identification of a finite impulse response (FIR) model using noise-corrupted input and output data, the least squares type of estimation schemes such as the ordinary least squares (LS), the corrected least squares (CLS) and the total least squares (TLS) method become often numerically unstable, when the true input signal to the system is strongly correlated. To overcome this ill-conditioned problem, we propose a regularized CLS estimation method by introducing multiple regularization parameters to minimize the mean squares error (MSE) of the regularized CLS estimate of the FIR model. The asymptotic MSE can be evaluated by considering the third and fourth order cross moments of the input and output measurement noises, and an analytical expression of the optimal regularization parameters minimizing the MSE is also clarified. Furthermore, an effective regularization algorithm is given by using the only accessible input-output data without using any true unknown parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed data-based regularization algorithm is demonstrated and compared with the ordinary LS, CLS and TLS estimates through numerical examples.

  • An Instruction Set Optimization Algorithm for Pipelined ASIPs

    Nguyen Ngoc BINH  Masaharu IMAI  Akichika SHIOMI  Nobuyuki HIKICHI  


    E78-A No:12

    This paper proposes a new method to design an optimal pipelined instruction set processor using formal HW/SW codesign methodology. A HW/SW partitioning algorithm for selecting an optimal pipelined architecture is introduced. The codesign task addressed in this paper is to find a set of hardware implemented operations to achieve the highest performance of an ASIP with pipelined architecture under given gate count and power consumption constraints. The problem formalization as well as the proposed algorithm can be considered as an extension of our previous work toward a pipelined architecture. The experimental results show that the proposed method is quite effective and efficient.

  • Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Structural Liveness for General Petri Nets with Globally Structural Live Minimal Deadlocks

    Tadashi MATSUMOTO  Shinichi YAMAZAKI  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E78-A No:12

    If a general Petri net N = (S, T, F, Mo) is transition-live under Mo, it is evident that each maximal structural deadlock SDL(D) in N as well as each minimal structural deadlock MSDL (ND) in each D is also transition-live under Mo. However, since the converse of the latter of the above is not always true, it is important to obtain the conditions for this converse to be true if we want to have a useful necessary and sufficient "initial-marking-based" or "structural" liveness condition for N. Up to now, usefull and well-known structural or initial-marking-based necessary and sufficient liveness conditions of Petri nets have only been those of an asymmetric choice (AC) net and its subclasses such as an EFC net, an FC net, an FCF net, MG, and SM. However, all the above subclasses are activated only by real or virtual deadlock-trap properties which are local liveness for each minimal deadlocks; in other words, the above topics of this paper are unconditionally satisfied in those subclasses because of their special structure of nets. In this paper, a necessary and sufficient structural liveness condition for a general Petri net N with globally structural live minimal structural deadlocks is presented as follows: The next () or () is satisfied. () N has no SDL D. () If N has at least one SDL D, () or () is satisfied under the condition that each MSDL ND in N is transition-live under Mo. () N has no singular MSDL (α) (i.e., (α-) and (α-)). () If N has at least one singular MSDL (α-)((α-), resp.), every semi-MDSL ()((), resp.) NDS = (SDS, TDS, FDS, MoDS with respect to each singular MSDL (α-)((α-), resp.), is transition-live under the MoDS under the condition of "the condition (**)", where the locally structural liveness for this NDS means (1) or (2)((3), resp.) of Lemma 4-4 and "the condition (**)" is defined in Lemma 4-7 of this paper. The relationship between the above results and the liveness problem for N is also shown.

  • Thermal Noise in Silicon Bipolar Transistors and Circuits for Low-Current Operation--Part : Compact Device Model--

    Yevgeny V. MAMONTOV  Magnus WILLANDER  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E78-C No:12

    This work deals with thermal-noise modeling for silicon vertical bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and relevant integrated circuits (ICs) operating at low currents. The two-junction BJT compact model is consistently derived from the thermal-noise generalization of the Shockley semiconductor equations developed in work which treats thermal noise as the noise associated with carrier velocity fluctuations. This model describes BJT with the Itô non-linear stochastic-differential-equation (SDE) system and is suitable for large-signal large-fluctuation analysis. It is shown that thermal noise in silicon p-n-junction diode contributes to "microplasma" noise. The above model opens way for a consistent-modeling-based design/optimization of bipolar device noise performance with the help of theory of Itô's SDEs.
