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  • User-Centric Seamless Handover Scheme for Real-Time Applications in Heterogeneous Networks

    Haruki IZUMIKAWA  Tadayuki FUKUHARA  Yoji KISHI  Takashi MATSUNAKA  Keizo SUGIYAMA  


    E92-B No:3

    The authors propose a user-centric seamless handover (HO) scheme, which is a kind of a vertical HO from a new perspective, toward a next generation network where heterogeneous access networks converge. The users' experience-oriented scheme allows users to enjoy the optimal service quality for real-time applications in respective access networks. In addition, the scheme sustains on-going sessions during the vertical HO. The proposed scheme consists of two methods -- the bicasting of Different Quality-level Streams (DiffQS) and the Delay Difference Absorption (DDA) method. Initially, the authors propose two plausible methods for the SIP-based bicasting of DiffQS. This document introduces a SIP-capable network element named the HO Assistive Server (HOAS). HOAS controls bicasting of DiffQS and provides users with the optimal service quality for real-time applications via respective access networks as well as avoiding packet loss during HO. The DDA method is also proposed to prevent a service interruption and smoothly continue a real-time service during HO. Evaluation results show that the scheme achieves the seamless service continuity from the users' perspective for HO between cellular and high-speed wireless access via the implementation of a prototype system.

  • Real-Time Support on IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks: Reality vs. Theory

    Mikyung KANG  Dong-In KANG  Jinwoo SUH  


    E92-B No:3

    The usable throughput of an IEEE 802.11 system for an application is much less than the raw bandwidth. Although 802.11b has a theoretical maximum of 11 Mbps, more than half of the bandwidth is consumed by overhead leaving at most 5 Mbps of usable bandwidth. Considering this characteristic, this paper proposes and analyzes a real-time distributed scheduling scheme based on the existing IEEE 802.11 wireless ad-hoc networks, using USC/ISI's Power Aware Sensing Tracking and Analysis (PASTA) hardware platform. We compared the distributed real-time scheduling scheme with the real-time polling scheme to meet deadline, and compared a measured real bandwidth with a theoretical result. The theoretical and experimental results show that the distributed scheduling scheme can guarantee real-time traffic and enhances the performance up to 74% compared with polling scheme.

  • Symbol Error Probability for M-Ary Signals in Stacy Fading Channels

    Youngpil SONG  Hyundong SHIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    In this paper, we derive the exact average symbol error probability (SEP) of M-ary phase-shift keying and quadrature amplitude modulation signals over Stacy fading channels. The Stacy fading is modelled by a three-parameter generalized gamma or physically α-µ fading distribution, spanning a wide range of small-scale fading such as Rayleigh, Nakagami-m, and Weibull fading. The average SEP is generally expressed in terms of (generalized) Fox's H-functions, which particularizes to the previously known results for some special cases. We further analyze the diversity order achieved by orthogonal space-time block codes in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Stacy fading channels.

  • Direction-Aware Time Slot Assignment for Largest Bandwidth in Slotted Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

    Jianping LI  Yasushi WAKAHARA  


    E92-B No:3

    Slotted wireless ad hoc networks are drawing more and more attention because of their advantage of QoS (Quality of Service) support for multimedia applications owing to their collision-free packet transmission. Time slot assignment is an unavoidable and important problem in such networks. The existing time slot assignment methods have in general a drawback of limited available bandwidth due to their local assignment optimization without the consideration of directions of the radio wave transmission of wireless links along the routes in such networks. A new time slot assignment is proposed in this paper in order to overcome this drawback. The proposed assignment is different from the existing methods in the following aspects: a) consideration of link directions during time slot assignment; b) largest bandwidth to be achieved; c) feasibility in resource limited ad hoc networks because of its fast assignment. Moreover, the effectiveness of the proposal is confirmed by some simulation results.

  • A Study on Channel Estimation Methods for Time-Domain Spreading MC-CDMA Systems

    Atsushi NAGATE  Teruya FUJII  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E92-B No:3

    As a candidate for the transmission technology of next generation mobile communication systems, time-domain spreading MC-CDMA systems have begun to attract much attention. In these systems, data and pilot symbols are spread in the time domain and code-multiplexed. To combat fading issues, we need to conduct channel estimation by using the code-multiplexed pilot symbols. Especially in next generation systems, frequency bands higher than those of current systems, which raise the maximum Doppler frequency, are expected to be used, so that a more powerful channel estimation method is expected. Considering this, we propose a channel estimation method for highly accurate channel estimation; it is a combination of a two-dimensional channel estimation method and an impulse response-based channel estimation method. We evaluate the proposed method by computer simulations.

  • Low-Complexity Equalizer for OFDM Systems in Doubly-Selective Fading Channels

    Namjeong LEE  Hoojin LEE  Joonhyuk KANG  Gye-Tae GIL  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:3

    In this letter, we propose a computationally effient equalization technique that employs block minimum mean squared error (MMSE) depending on LDLH factorization. Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) is executed with pre- obtained output to provide more reliable symbol detection. In particular, the band structure of the frequency domain channel matrix is exploited to reduce the implementation complexity. It is shown through computer simulation that the proposed technique requires lower complexity than the conventional algorithm to obtain the same performance, and that it exhibits better performance than the conventional counterpart when the same complexity is assumed.

  • A High Precision Ranging Scheme for IEEE802.15.4a Chirp Spread Spectrum System

    Na Young KIM  Sujin KIM  Youngok KIM  Joonhyuk KANG  


    E92-B No:3

    This letter proposes a high precision ranging scheme based on the time of arrival estimation technique for the IEEE 802.15.4a chirp spread spectrum system. The proposed scheme consists of a linear channel impulse response estimation process with the zero forcing or minimum mean square error technique and the multipath delay estimation process with matrix pencil algorithm. The performance of the proposed scheme is compared with that of a well known MUSIC algorithm in terms of computational complexity and ranging precision. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms the MUSIC algorithm even though it has comparatively lower computational complexity.

  • Hybrid Lower-Dimensional Transformation for Similar Sequence Matching

    Yang-Sae MOON  Jinho KIM  

    LETTER-Data Mining

    E92-D No:3

    Lower-dimensional transformations in similar sequence matching show different performance characteristics depending on the type of time-series data. In this paper we propose a hybrid approach that exploits multiple transformations at a time in a single hybrid index. This hybrid approach has advantages of exploiting the similar effect of using multiple transformations and reducing the index maintenance overhead. For this, we first propose a new notion of hybrid lower-dimensional transformation that extracts various features using different transformations. We next define the hybrid distance to compute the distance between the hybrid transformed points. We then formally prove that the hybrid approach performs similar sequence matching correctly. We also present the index building and similar sequence matching algorithms based on the hybrid transformation and distance. Experimental results show that our hybrid approach outperforms the single transformation-based approach.

  • Network Lifetime Maximization Clustering Scheme in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks

    Jaejoon CHO  Sunshin AN  


    E92-B No:2

    An energy-efficient clustering scheme to maximize the network lifetime is presented in IEEE 802.15.4 networks. In the proposed clustering scheme, even though the cluster is divided into several sub-clusters in order to decrease data redundancies, the sub-CH does not transmit the beacon frame due to the problem of beacon collision. Our clustering scheme also allows the CH to control the size of the sub-cluster according to the residual energy of the sub-CH. The performance of the proposed scheme is verified by simulations that demonstrate how our scheme provides a better network lifetime than the conventional scheme.

  • A New Quaternion Design for Space-Time-Polarization Block Code with Full Diversity

    Huanfei MA  Haibin KAN  Hideki IMAI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    Construction of quaternion design for Space-Time-Polarization Block Codes (STPBCs) is a hot but difficult topic. This letter introduces a novel way to construct high dimensional quaternion designs based on any existing low dimensional quaternion orthogonal designs(QODs) for STPBC, while preserving the merits of the original QODs such as full diversity and simple decoding. Furthermore, it also provides a specific schema to reach full diversity and maximized code gain by signal constellation rotation on the polarization plane.

  • Schedulability Analysis on Generalized Quantum-Based Fixed Priority Scheduling

    Moonju PARK  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E92-D No:2

    This letter analyzes quantum-based scheduling of real-time tasks when each task is allowed to have a different quantum size. It is shown that generalized quantum-based scheduling dominates preemption threshold scheduling in the sense that if tasks are schedulable by preemption threshold scheduling then the tasks must be schedulable by generalized quantum-based scheduling, but the converse does not hold. To determine the schedulability of tasks in quantum-based scheduling, a method to calculate the worst case response time is also presented.

  • Jitter-Conscious Bus Arbitration Scheme for Real-Time Systems

    Jong-Ho ROH  Minje JUN  Kwanhu BANG  Eui-Young CHUNG  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E92-A No:2

    Jitter is the variation of latencies, when real-time Intellectual Properties (IPs) are accessing data from the data storages. It is a critical factor for such IPs from the Quality-of-Service (QoS) perspective. Jitter of a real-time IP can be measured by how frequently it experiences the underflows and overflows from its data queue in read mode and write mode, respectively. Such failures critically depend on the bus arbitration scheme which determines the bus acquisition order of IPs. The proposed idea allows IPs to inform the bus arbiter of the status of their data buffers when they assert bus requests. Such information helps the bus arbiter to determine the bus acquisition order while greatly reducing the jitter. The experimental results show that our method effectively eliminates the overflows and underflows of real-time IPs by dynamically preempting the jitter-critical bus requests.

  • Hybrid TOA/AOA Geometrical Positioning Schemes for Mobile Location

    Chien-Sheng CHEN  Szu-Lin SU  Yih-Fang HUANG  


    E92-B No:2

    In this paper we present hybrid positioning schemes that combine time of arrival (TOA) and angle of arrival (AOA) measurements from only two base stations (BSs) to locate the mobile station (MS) in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments. The proposed methods utilize two TOA circles and two AOA lines to find all the possible intersections to locate the MS without requiring a priori information about the NLOS error. The commonly known Taylor series algorithm (TSA) and the hybrid lines of position algorithm (HLOP) have convergence problems, and the relative positioning between the MS and the BSs greatly affects the location accuracy. The resulting geometry creates a situation where small measurement errors can lead to significant errors in the estimated MS location. Simulation results show that the proposed methods always perform better than TSA and HLOP for different levels of NLOS errors, particularly when the MS/BSs have an undesirable geometric layout.

  • Background Independent Moving Object Segmentation for Video Surveillance

    M. Ali Akber DEWAN  M. Julius HOSSAIN  Oksam CHAE  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E92-B No:2

    Background modeling is one of the most challenging and time consuming tasks in motion detection from video sequence. This paper presents a background independent moving object segmentation algorithm utilizing the spatio-temporal information of the last three frames. Existing three-frame based methods face challenges due to the insignificant gradient information in the overlapping region of difference images and edge localization errors. These methods extract scattered moving edges and experience poor detection rate especially when objects with slow movement exist in the scene. Moreover, they are not much suitable for moving object segmentation and tracking. The proposed method solves these problems by representing edges as segments and applying a novel segment based flexible edge matching algorithm which makes use of gradient accumulation through distance transformation. Due to working with three most recent frames, the proposed method can adapt to changes in the environment. Segment based representation facilitates local geometric transformation and thus it can make proper use of flexible matching to provide an effective solution for tracking. To segment the moving object region from the detected moving edges, we introduce a watershed based algorithm followed by an iterative background removal procedure. Watershed based segmentation algorithm helps to extract moving object with more accurate boundary which eventually achieves higher coding efficiency in content based applications and ensures a good visual quality even in the limited bit rate multimedia communication.

  • Computational Complexities of University Interview Timetabling

    Naoyuki KAMIYAMA  Yuuki KIYONARI  Eiji MIYANO  Shuichi MIYAZAKI  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  


    E92-D No:2

    This paper introduces a new timetabling problem on universities, called interview timetabling. In this problem, some constant number, say three, of referees are assigned to each of 2n graduate students. Our task is to construct a presentation timetable of these 2n students using n timeslots and two rooms, so that two students evaluated by the same referee must be assigned to different timeslots. The optimization goal is to minimize the total number of movements of all referees between two rooms. This problem comes from the real world in the interview timetabling in Kyoto University. We propose two restricted models of this problem, and investigate their time complexities.

  • Linear-Time Recognizable Classes of Tree Languages by Deterministic Linear Pushdown Tree Automata

    Akio FUJIYOSHI  


    E92-D No:2

    In this paper, we study deterministic linear pushdown tree automata (deterministic L-PDTAs) and some variations. Since recognition of an input tree by a deterministic L-PDTA can be done in linear time, deterministic L-PDTAs are applicable to many kinds of applications. A strict hierarchy will be shown among the classes of tree languages defined by a variety of deterministic L-PDTAs. It will be also shown that deterministic L-PDTAs are weakly equivalent to nondeterministic L-PDTAs.

  • Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Analogue Networks Design Process

    Alexander M. ZEMLIAK  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E92-A No:2

    The process of designing analogue circuits is formulated as a controlled dynamic system. For analysis of such system's properties it is suggested to use the concept of Lyapunov's function for a dynamic system. Various forms of Lyapunov's function are suggested. Analyzing the behavior of Lyapunov's function and its first derivative allowed us to determine significant correlation between this function's properties and processor time used to design the circuit. Numerical results prove the possibility of forecasting the behavior of various designing strategies and processor time based on the properties of Lyapunov's function for the process of designing the circuit.

  • Chrominance Compensation for Multi-View Video Coding

    Min-Woo PARK  Jong-Tae PARK  Gwang-Hoon PARK  Doug-Young SUH  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E92-D No:2

    This letter introduces a cost-effective chrominance compensation scheme. The proposed method is applied to both 'INTER 1616' and 'SKIP' modes in only anchor P-pictures. By testing using JVT common test condition, simulation results show that proposed method can obtain average BD-PSNR gains for U and V as 0.14 dB and 0.13 dB, respectively while maintaining almost the same BD-PSNR's for Y. For the range of low bit-rate, it is observed that average BD-PSNR gains for Y, U and V are 0.14 dB, 0.49 dB and 0.53 dB, respectively. Necessary computational complexity is very marginal because the number of anchor P-pictures is very small in comparison with whole coded video sequences. However it can be found that the proposed method can significantly improve the coding efficiencies of color components.

  • An Energy-Efficient Distributed Clustering Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Myung Ho YEO  Yu Mi KIM  Jae Soo YOO  


    E92-B No:2

    Clustering the sensor nodes is one of the most popular and effective approaches for applications that must support hundreds or thousands of nodes. The conventional algorithms consider various parameters to evenly distribute the energy load. However, energy consumption problem of the cluster head still remains. In this paper, we propose a novel clustering approach that periodically elects cluster heads with assistant nodes. The assistant nodes substitute for each cluster head to transmit sensor readings to the base station. Performance evaluations show that our proposed clustering algorithm achieves about 10-40% better performance than the existing clustering algorithms in terms of lifetime.

  • Technique to Improve the Performance of Time-Interleaved A-D Converters with Mismatches of Non-linearity

    Koji ASAMI  Takahide SUZUKI  Hiroyuki MIYAJIMA  Tetsuya TAURA  Haruo KOBAYASHI  


    E92-A No:2

    One method for achieving high-speed waveform digitizing uses time-interleaved A-D Converters (ADCs). It is known that, in this method, using multiple ADCs enables sampling at a rate higher than the sampling rate of the ADC being used. Degradation of the dynamic range, however, results from such factors as phase error in the sampling clock applied to the ADC, and mismatched frequency characteristics among the individual ADCs. This paper describes a method for correcting these mismatches using a digital signal processing (DSP) technique for automatic test equipment applications. This method can be applied to any number of interleaved ADCs, and it does not require any additional hardware; good correction and improved accuracy can be obtained simply by adding a little to the computing overhead.
