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  • Wavelet Pyramid Based Multi-Resolution Bilateral Motion Estimation for Frame Rate Up-Conversion

    Ran LI  Hongbing LIU  Jie CHEN  Zongliang GAN  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:1

    The conventional bilateral motion estimation (BME) for motion-compensated frame rate up-conversion (MC-FRUC) can avoid the problem of overlapped areas and holes but usually results in lots of inaccurate motion vectors (MVs) since 1) the MV of an object between the previous and following frames is more likely to have no temporal symmetry with respect to the target block of the interpolated frame and 2) the repetitive patterns existing in video frame lead to the problem of mismatch due to the lack of the interpolated block. In this paper, a new BME algorithm with a low computational complexity is proposed to resolve the above problems. The proposed algorithm incorporates multi-resolution search into BME, since it can easily utilize the MV consistency between two adjacent pyramid levels and spatial neighboring MVs to correct the inaccurate MVs resulting from no temporal symmetry while guaranteeing low computational cost. Besides, the multi-resolution search uses the fast wavelet transform to construct the wavelet pyramid, which not only can guarantee low computational complexity but also can reserve the high-frequency components of image at each level while sub-sampling. The high-frequency components are used to regularize the traditional block matching criterion for reducing the probability of mismatch in BME. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve both the objective and subjective quality of the interpolated frame with low computational complexity, and provide the better performance than the existing BME algorithms.

  • A Real-Time Cascaded Video Denoising Algorithm Using Intensity and Structure Tensor

    Xin TAN  Yu LIU  Huaxin XIAO  Maojun ZHANG  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:7

    A cascaded video denoising method based on frame averaging is proposed in this paper. A novel segmentation approach using intensity and structure tensor is used for change compensation, which can effectively suppress noise while preserving the structure of an image. The cascaded framework solves the problem of noise residual caused by single-frame averaging. The classical Wiener filter is used for spatial denoising in changing areas. Our algorithm works in real-time on an FPGA, since it does not involve future frames. Experiments on standard grayscale videos for various noise levels demonstrate that the proposed method is competitive with current state-of-the-art video denoising algorithms on both peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity evaluations, particularly when dealing with large-scale noise.

  • Integrity Verification Scheme of Video Contents in Surveillance Cameras for Digital Forensic Investigations

    Sangwook LEE  Ji Eun SONG  Wan Yeon LEE  Young Woong KO  Heejo LEE  


    E98-D No:1

    For digital forensic investigations, the proposed scheme verifies the integrity of video contents in legacy surveillance camera systems with no built-in integrity protection. The scheme exploits video frames remaining in slack space of storage media, instead of timestamp information vulnerable to tampering. The scheme is applied to integrity verification of video contents formatted with AVI or MP4 files in automobile blackboxes.

  • 2-SAT Based Linear Time Optimum Two-Domain Clock Skew Scheduling in General-Synchronous Framework

    Yukihide KOHIRA  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verification

    E97-A No:12

    Multi-domain clock skew scheduling in general-synchronous framework is an effective technique to improve the performance of sequential circuits by using practical clock distribution network. Although the upper bound of performance of a circuit increases as the number of clock domains increases in multi-domain clock skew scheduling, the improvement of the performance becomes smaller while the cost of clock distribution network increases much. In this paper, a linear time algorithm that finds an optimum two-domain clock skew schedule in general-synchronous framework is proposed. Experimental results on ISCAS89 benchmark circuits and artificial data show that optimum circuits are efficiently obtained by our method in short time.

  • A Hybrid Trust Management Framework for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks in Cyber-Physical Systems Open Access

    Ruidong LI  Jie LI  Hitoshi ASAEDA  


    E97-D No:10

    To secure a wireless sensor and actuator network (WSAN) in cyber-physical systems, trust management framework copes with misbehavior problem of nodes and stimulate nodes to cooperate with each other. The existing trust management frameworks can be classified into reputation-based framework and trust establishment framework. There, however, are still many problems with these existing trust management frameworks, which remain unsolved, such as frangibility under possible attacks. To design a robust trust management framework, we identify the attacks to the existing frameworks, present the countermeasures to them, and propose a hybrid trust management framework (HTMF) to construct trust environment for WSANs in the paper. HTMF includes second-hand information and confidence value into trustworthiness evaluation and integrates the countermeasures into the trust formation. We preform extensive performance evaluations, which show that the proposed HTMF is more robust and reliable than the existing frameworks.

  • Improved Reference Frame by Adopting a Video Stabilization Technique

    Yun-Gu LEE  Ki-Hoon LEE  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E97-D No:9

    This letter introduces a new reference frame to improve the performance of motion estimation and compensation in video coding, based on a video stabilization technique. The proposed method synthesizes the new reference frame from the previous frame in a way that the new reference and current frames have the same camera orientations. The overhead data for each frame to transmit from an encoder to a decoder is only three rotational angles along the x, y, and z axes. Since the new reference and current frames have the same camera orientations, the proposed method significantly improves the performance of motion estimation and compensation for video sequences having dynamic camera motion by up to 0.98 dB with negligible overhead data.

  • A Framework to Integrate Public Information into Runtime Safety Analysis for Critical Systems

    Guoqi LI  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:4

    The large and complicated safety-critical systems today need to keep changing to accommodate ever-changing objectives and environments. Accordingly, runtime analysis for safe reconfiguration or evaluation is currently a hot topic in the field, whereas information acquisition of external environment is crucial for runtime safety analysis. With the rapid development of web services, mobile networks and ubiquitous computing, abundant realtime information of environment is available on the Internet. To integrate these public information into runtime safety analysis of critical systems, this paper brings forward a framework, which could be implemented with open source and cross platform modules and encouragingly, applicable to various safety-critical systems.

  • A Framework of Centroid-Based Methods for Text Categorization

    Dandan WANG  Qingcai CHEN  Xiaolong WANG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E97-D No:2

    Text Categorization (TC) is a task of classifying a set of documents into one or more predefined categories. Centroid-based method, a very popular TC method, aims to make classifiers simple and efficient by constructing one prototype vector for each class. It classifies a document into the class that owns the prototype vector nearest to the document. Many studies have been done on constructing prototype vectors. However, the basic philosophies of these methods are quite different from each other. It makes the comparison and selection of centroid-based TC methods very difficult. It also makes the further development of centroid-based TC methods more challenging. In this paper, based on the observation of its general procedure, the centroid-based text classification is treated as a kind of ranking task, and a unified framework for centroid-based TC methods is proposed. The goal of this unified framework is to classify a text via ranking all possible classes by document-class similarities. Prototype vectors are constructed based on various loss functions for ranking classes. Under this framework, three popular centroid-based methods: Rocchio, Hypothesis Margin Centroid and DragPushing are unified and their details are discussed. A novel centroid-based TC method called SLRCM that uses a smoothing ranking loss function is further proposed. Experiments conducted on several standard databases show that the proposed SLRCM method outperforms the compared centroid-based methods and reaches the same performance as the state-of-the-art TC methods.

  • Randomness Leakage in the KEM/DEM Framework

    Hitoshi NAMIKI  Keisuke TANAKA  Kenji YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Public Key Based Cryptography

    E97-A No:1

    Recently, there have been many studies on constructing cryptographic primitives that are secure even if some secret information leaks. In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing public-key encryption schemes that are resilient to leaking the randomness used in the encryption algorithm. In particular, we consider the case in which public-key encryption schemes are constructed from the KEM/DEM framework, and the leakage of randomness in the encryption algorithms of KEM and DEM occurs independently. For this purpose, we define a new security notion for KEM. Then we provide a generic construction of a public-key encryption scheme that is resilient to randomness leakage from any KEM scheme satisfying this security. Also we construct a KEM scheme that satisfies the security from hash proof systems.

  • Scene Character Detection and Recognition with Cooperative Multiple-Hypothesis Framework

    Rong HUANG  Palaiahnakote SHIVAKUMARA  Yaokai FENG  Seiichi UCHIDA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:10

    To handle the variety of scene characters, we propose a cooperative multiple-hypothesis framework which consists of an image operator set module, an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) module and an integration module. Multiple image operators activated by multiple parameters probe suspected character regions. The OCR module is then applied to each suspected region and returns multiple candidates with weight values for future integration. Without the aid of the heuristic rules which impose constraints on segmentation area, aspect ratio, color consistency, text line orientations, etc., the integration module automatically prunes the redundant detection/recognition and pads the missing detection/recognition. The proposed framework bridges the gap between scene character detection and recognition, in the sense that a practical OCR engine is effectively leveraged for result refinement. In addition, the proposed method achieves the detection and recognition at the character level, which enables dealing with special scenarios such as single character, text along arbitrary orientations or text along curves. We perform experiments on the benchmark ICDAR 2011 Robust Reading Competition dataset which includes a text localization task and a word recognition task. The quantitative results demonstrate that multiple hypotheses outperform a single hypothesis, and be comparable with state-of-the-art methods in terms of recall, precision, F-measure, character recognition rate, total edit distance and word recognition rate. Moreover, two additional experiments are conducted to confirm the simplicity of parameter setting in this proposal.

  • Selection of Characteristic Frames in Video for Efficient Action Recognition

    Guoliang LU  Mineichi KUDO  Jun TOYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E95-D No:10

    Vision based human action recognition has been an active research field in recent years. Exemplar matching is an important and popular methodology in this field, however, most previous works perform exemplar matching on the whole input video clip for recognition. Such a strategy is computationally expensive and limits its practical usage. In this paper, we present a martingale framework for selection of characteristic frames from an input video clip without requiring any prior knowledge. Action recognition is operated on these selected characteristic frames. Experiments on 10 studied actions from WEIZMANN dataset demonstrate a significant improvement in computational efficiency (54% reduction) while achieving the same recognition precision.

  • A No Reference Metric of Video Coding Quality Based on Parametric Analysis of Video Bitstream

    Osamu SUGIMOTO  Sei NAITO  Yoshinori HATORI  

    PAPER-Quality Metrics

    E95-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a novel method of measuring the perceived picture quality of H.264 coded video based on parametric analysis of the coded bitstream. The parametric analysis means that the proposed method utilizes only bitstream parameters to evaluate video quality, while it does not have any access to the baseband signal (pixel level information) of the decoded video. The proposed method extracts quantiser-scale, macro block type and transform coefficients from each macroblock. These parameters are used to calculate spatiotemporal image features to reflect the perception of coding artifacts which have a strong relation to the subjective quality. A computer simulation shows that the proposed method can estimate the subjective quality at a correlation coefficient of 0.923 whereas the PSNR metric, which is referred to as a benchmark, correlates the subjective quality at a correlation coefficient of 0.793.

  • A Reliable Tag Anti-Collision Algorithm for Mobile Tags

    Xiaodong DENG  Mengtian RONG  Tao LIU  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E95-D No:5

    As RFID technology is being more widely adopted, it is fairly common to read mobile tags using RFID systems, such as packages on conveyer belt and unit loads on pallet jack or forklift truck. In RFID systems, multiple tags use a shared medium for communicating with a reader. It is quite possible that tags will exit the reading area without being read, which results in tag leaking. In this letter, a reliable tag anti-collision algorithm for mobile tags is proposed. It reliably estimates the expectation of the number of tags arriving during a time slot when new tags continually enter the reader's reading area and no tag leaves without being read. In addition, it gives priority to tags that arrived early among read cycles and applies the expectation of the number of tags arriving during a time slot to the determination of the number of slots in the initial inventory round of the next read cycle. Simulation results show that the reliability of the proposed algorithm is close to that of DFSA algorithm when the expectation of the number of tags entering the reading area during a time slot is a given, and is better than that of DFSA algorithm when the number of time slots in the initial inventory round of next read cycle is set to 1 assuming that the number of tags arriving during a time slot follows Poisson distribution.

  • Finding Incorrect and Missing Quality Requirements Definitions Using Requirements Frame

    Haruhiko KAIYA  Atsushi OHNISHI  


    E95-D No:4

    Defining quality requirements completely and correctly is more difficult than defining functional requirements because stakeholders do not state most of quality requirements explicitly. We thus propose a method to measure a requirements specification for identifying the amount of quality requirements in the specification. We also propose another method to recommend quality requirements to be defined in such a specification. We expect stakeholders can identify missing and unnecessary quality requirements when measured quality requirements are different from recommended ones. We use a semi-formal language called X-JRDL to represent requirements specifications because it is suitable for analyzing quality requirements. We applied our methods to a requirements specification, and found our methods contribute to defining quality requirements more completely and correctly.

  • Multi-Channel MAC Protocols Aiming at Aggressive Use of Vacant Resources with Two Transceivers

    Yosuke TANIGAWA  Hideki TODE  Koso MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:2

    Multi-Channel MAC protocols increase network throughput because multiple data transmissions can take place simultaneously. However, existing Multi-Channel MAC protocols do not take full advantage of the multi-channel environment, because they lack a mechanism allowing wireless stations to acquire vacant channel and time resources. In this paper, we first establish the basic model of existing Multi-Channel MAC protocols to know the capability of the most important existing protocols. Next, under the condition that each station can use only two transceivers, we propose Multi-Channel MAC protocols that effectively utilize idle channels and potentially available time resources of stations by employing bursts and interrupted frame transfers. We assume a transceiver can behave as either a transmitter or a receiver but not both at the same time. Moreover, we show the effectiveness of our proposal by computer simulation. Furthermore, through the evaluation in the case that each station can use more than two transceivers, we confirm two transceivers' case is best solution in terms of both attained throughput and hardware complexity.

  • Option-Based Monte Carlo Algorithm with Conditioned Updating to Learn Conflict-Free Task Allocation in Transport Applications

    Alex VALDIVIELSO  Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  


    E94-A No:12

    In automated transport applications, the design of a task allocation policy becomes a complex problem when there are several agents in the system and conflicts between them may arise, affecting the system's performance. In this situation, to achieve a globally optimal result would require the complete knowledge of the system's model, which is infeasible for real systems with huge state spaces and unknown state-transition probabilities. Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have done well approximating optimal results in the processing of tasks, without requiring previous knowledge of the system's model. However, to our knowledge, there are not many RL methods focused on the task allocation problem in transportation systems, and even fewer directly used to allocate tasks, considering the risk of conflicts between agents. In this paper, we propose an option-based RL algorithm with conditioned updating to make agents learn a task allocation policy to complete tasks while preventing conflicts between them. We use a multicar elevator (MCE) system as test application. Simulation results show that with our algorithm, elevator cars in the same shaft effectively learn to respond to service calls without interfering with each other, under different passenger arrival rates, and system configurations.

  • A Slot-Based Opportunistic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio Networks

    Linbo ZHAI  Gang XIE  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E94-B No:11

    This letter proposes a slot-based opportunistic spectrum access for cognitive radio networks. To reduce the slot-boundary impact, control frames are used to achieve channel reservation. The saturation throughput of our scheme is estimated by an analytical model. The accuracy of the model is validated by extensive simulation.

  • Reduced Complexity Algorithm for QC-LDPC Coded Blind Frame Synchronization

    Yinghao QI  Tao LIU  Mengtian RONG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E94-B No:4

    In this paper, we propose a reduced complexity algorithm for blind frame synchronization based on code-constraints in a quasi-cyclic low density parity check (QC-LDPC) coded system. It can be used for both hard and soft synchronizers. For soft synchronizers, we present a modified algorithm that achieves better performance at high signal to noise ratio (SNR). Analysis indicates that the proposed algorithm has low complexity for hardware implementation.

  • State Transition Probability Based Sensing Duration Optimization Algorithm in Cognitive Radio

    Jin-long WANG  Xiao ZHANG  Qihui WU  


    E93-B No:12

    In a periodic spectrum sensing framework where each frame consists of a sensing block and a data transmitting block, increasing sensing duration decreases the probabilities of both missed opportunity and interference with primary users, but increasing sensing duration also decreases the energy efficiency and the transmitting efficiency of the cognitive network. Therefore, the sensing duration to use is a trade-off between sensing performance and system efficiencies. The relationships between sensing duration and state transition probability are analyzed firstly, when the licensed channel stays in the idle and busy states respectively. Then a state transition probability based sensing duration optimization algorithm is proposed, which can dynamically optimize the sensing duration of each frame in the current idle/busy state by predicting each frame's state transition probability at the beginning of the current state. Analysis and simulation results reveal that the time-varying optimal sensing duration increases as the state transition probability increases and compared to the existing method, the proposed algorithm can use as little sensing duration in each frame as possible to satisfy the sensing performance constraints so as to maximize the energy and transmitting efficiencies of the cognitive networks.

  • Edge-Based Motion Vector Processing for Frame Interpolation Based on Weighted Vector Median Filter

    Ju Hyun PARK  Young-Chul KIM  Hong-Sung HOON  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E93-D No:11

    In this paper, we propose a new motion vector smoothing algorithm using weighted vector median filtering based on edge direction for frame interpolation. The proposed WVM (Weighted Vector Median) system adjusts the weighting values based on edge direction, which is derived from spatial coherence between the edge direction continuity of a moving object and motion vector (MV) reliability. The edge based weighting scheme removes the effect of outliers and irregular MVs from the MV smoothing process. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can correct wrong motion vectors and thus improve both the subjective and objective visual quality compared with conventional methods.
