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  • Simulation and Measurement of Properties of Metallic Photonic Crystal Point-Defect-Cavities with a Centrally-Loaded Rod

    Chun-Ping CHEN  Chenglong XIE  Tetsuo ANADA  Zejun ZHANG  

    BRIEF PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E101-C No:1

    Properties of a class of M-PhC (metallic-photonic-crystal) point-defect-cavities (PDCs) with a centrally-loaded rod are theoretically and experimentally investigated. After the computation of the resonant frequencies and Q-factors of the resonant modes, the PDCs are fabricated and experimentally measured to validate the simulation results.

  • Efficient Homomorphic Encryption with Key Rotation and Security Update

    Yoshinori AONO  Takuya HAYASHI  Le Trieu PHONG  Lihua WANG  


    E101-A No:1

    We present the concept of key-rotatable and security-updatable homomorphic encryption (KR-SU-HE) scheme, which is defined as a class of public-key homomorphic encryption in which the keys and the security of any ciphertext can be rotated and updated while still keeping the underlying plaintext intact and unrevealed. After formalising the syntax and security notions for KR-SU-HE schemes, we build a concrete scheme based on the Learning With Errors assumption. We then perform several careful implementations and optimizations to show that our proposed scheme is efficiently practical.

  • Calibration Method for Multi Static Linear Array Radar with One Dimensional Array Antenna Arranged in Staggered Manner

    Yasunari MORI  Takayoshi YUMII  Yumi ASANO  Kyouji DOI  Christian N. KOYAMA  Yasushi IITSUKA  Kazunori TAKAHASHI  Motoyuki SATO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E101-C No:1

    This paper presents a calibration method for RF switch channels of a near-range multistatic linear array radar. The method allows calibration of the channel transfer functions of the RF switches and antenna transfer functions in frequency domain data, without disconnecting the antennas from the radar system. In addition, the calibration of the channels is independent of the directivities of the transmitting and receiving antennas. We applied the calibration method to a 3D imaging step-frequency radar system at 10-20GHz suitable for the nondestructive inspection of the walls of wooden houses. The measurement range of the radar is limited to 0-240mm, shorter than the antenna array length 480mm. This radar system allows acquiring 3D imaging data with a single scan. Using synthetic aperture radar processing, the structural health of braces inside the walls of wooden houses can be evaluated from the obtained 3D volume images. Based on experiment results, we confirmed that the proposed calibration method significantly improves the subsurface 3D imaging quality. Low intensity ghost images behind the brace target were suppressed, deformations of the target in the volume image were rectified and errors the range distance were corrected.

  • An Approach to Effective Recommendation Considering User Preference and Diversity Simultaneously

    Sang-Chul LEE  Sang-Wook KIM  Sunju PARK  Dong-Kyu CHAE  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E101-D No:1

    This paper addresses recommendation diversification. Existing diversification methods have difficulty in dealing with the tradeoff between accuracy and diversity. We point out the root of the problem in diversification methods and propose a novel method that can avoid the problem. Our method aims to find an optimal solution of the objective function that is carefully designed to consider user preference and the diversity among recommended items simultaneously. In addition, we propose an item clustering and a greedy approximation to achieve efficiency in recommendation.

  • Hash-Chain Improvement of Key Predistribution Schemes Based on Transversal Designs

    Qiang GAO  Wenping MA  Wei LUO  Feifei ZHAO  


    E101-A No:1

    Key predistribution schemes (KPSs) have played an important role in security of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Due to comprehensive and simple structures, various types of combinatorial designs are used to construct KPSs. In general, compared to random KPSs, combinatorial KPSs have higher local connectivity but lower resilience against a node capture attack. In this paper, we apply two methods based on hash chains on KPSs based on transversal designs (TDs) to improve the resilience and the expressions for the metrics of the resulting schemes are derived.

  • Saliency Detection Based Region Extraction for Pedestrian Detection System with Thermal Imageries

    Ming XU  Xiaosheng YU  Chengdong WU  Dongyue CHEN  


    E101-A No:1

    A robust pedestrian detection approach in thermal infrared imageries for an all-day surveillance is proposed. Firstly, the candidate regions which are likely to contain pedestrians are extracted based on a saliency detection method. Then a deep convolutional network with a multi-task loss is constructed to recognize the pedestrians. The experimental results show the superiority of the proposed approach in pedestrian detection.

  • Oscillation Model for Describing Network Dynamics Caused by Asymmetric Node Interaction Open Access

    Masaki AIDA  Chisa TAKANO  Masayuki MURATA  

    POSITION PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E101-B No:1

    This paper proposes an oscillation model for analyzing the dynamics of activity propagation across social media networks. In order to analyze such dynamics, we generally need to model asymmetric interactions between nodes. In matrix-based network models, asymmetric interaction is frequently modeled by a directed graph expressed as an asymmetric matrix. Unfortunately, the dynamics of an asymmetric matrix-based model is difficult to analyze. This paper, first of all, discusses a symmetric matrix-based model that can describe some types of link asymmetry, and then proposes an oscillation model on networks. Next, the proposed oscillation model is generalized to arbitrary link asymmetry. We describe the outlines of four important research topics derived from the proposed oscillation model. First, we show that the oscillation energy of each node gives a generalized notion of node centrality. Second, we introduce a framework that uses resonance to estimate the natural frequency of networks. Natural frequency is important information for recognizing network structure. Third, by generalizing the oscillation model on directed networks, we create a dynamical model that can describe flaming on social media networks. Finally, we show the fundamental equation of oscillation on networks, which provides an important breakthrough for generalizing the spectral graph theory applicable to directed graphs.

  • Fisheye Map Using Stroke-Based Generalization for Web Map Services

    Daisuke YAMAMOTO  Masaki MURASE  Naohisa TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E101-D No:1

    A fisheye map lets users view both detailed and wide areas. The Focus+Glue+Context map is a fisheye map suited for Web map systems; it consists of a detailed map (i.e., Focus), wide-area map (i.e., Context), and an area to absorb the difference in scales between Focus and Context (i.e., Glue). Because Glue is compressed, the road density is too high to draw all of the roads in this area. Although existing methods can filter roads to draw, they have problems with rendering the road density and connectivity in Glue. This paper proposes an improved method to filter roads in Glue by applying a generalization method based on weighted strokes. In addition, a technique to speed up the proposed method by using a weighted stroke database is described. A prototype Web map system with a high level of response was developed and evaluated in terms of its connectivity, road density, and response.

  • Construction of Zero Correlation Zone Sequence Sets over the 16-QAM Constellation

    Kai LIU  Panpan CHEN  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:1

    Based on the known binary and quaternary zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence sets, a class of 16-QAM sequence sets with ZCZ is presented, where the term “QAM sequence” means the sequence over the quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellation. The sequence sets obtained by this method achieve an expansion in the number of 16-QAM sequence sets with ZCZ. The proposed sequence sets can be applied to quasi-synchronous code division multiple access (QS-CDMA) systems to eliminate the multiple access interference (MAI) and multipath interference (MPI) and improve the transmission data rate (TDR).

  • Tighter Reductions for Deterministic Identity-Based Signatures

    Naoto YANAI  Toru FUJIWARA  


    E101-A No:1

    Deterministic ID-based signatures are digital signatures where secret keys are probabilistically generated by a key generation center while the signatures are generated deterministically. Although the deterministic ID-based signatures are useful for both systematic and cryptographic applications, to the best of our knowledge, there is no scheme with a tight reduction proof. Loosely speaking, since the security is downgraded through dependence on the number of queries by an adversary, a tighter reduction for the security of a scheme is desirable, and this reduction must be as close to the difficulty of its underlying hard problem as possible. In this work, we discuss mathematical features for a tight reduction of deterministic ID-based signatures, and show that the scheme by Selvi et al. (IWSEC 2011) is tightly secure by our new proof framework under a selective security model where a target identity is designated in advance. Our proof technique is versatile, and hence a reduction cost becomes tighter than the original proof even under an adaptive security model. We furthermore improve the scheme by Herranz (The Comp. Jour., 2006) to prove tight security in the same manner as described above. We furthermore construct an aggregate signature scheme with partial aggregation, which is a key application of deterministic ID-based signatures, from the improved scheme.

  • Availability of Reference Sound Sources for Qualification of Hemi-Anechoic Rooms Based on Deviation of Sound Pressure Level from Inverse Square Law

    Keisuke YAMADA  Hironobu TAKAHASHI  Ryuzo HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E101-A No:1

    The sound power level is a physical quantity indispensable for evaluating the amount of sound energy radiated from electrical and mechanical apparatuses. The precise determination of the sound power level requires the qualification of the measurement environment, such as a hemi-anechoic room, by estimating the deviation of the sound pressure level from the inverse-square law. In this respect, Annex A of ISO 3745 specifies the procedure for room qualification and defines a tolerance limit for the directivity of the sound source, which is used for the qualification. However, it is impractical to prepare a special loudspeaker only for room qualification. Thus, we developed a simulation method to investigate the influence of the sound source directivity on the measured deviation of the sound pressure level from the inverse-square law by introducing a quantitative index for the influence of the directivity. In this study, type 4202 reference sound source by Brüel & Kjær was used as a directional sound source because it has been widely used as a reference standard for the measurement of sound power levels. We experimentally obtained the directivity of the sound source by measuring the sound pressure level over the measurement surface. Moreover, the proposed method was applied to the qualification of several hemi-anechoic rooms, and we discussed the availability of a directional sound source for the process. Analytical results showed that available reference sound sources may be used for the evaluation of hemi-anechoic rooms depending on the sound energy absorption coefficient of the inner wall, the directionality of the microphone traverse, and the size of the space to be qualified. In other words, the results revealed that a reference sound source that is once quantified by the proposed method can be used for qualifying hemi-anechoic rooms.

  • A Variable-to-Fixed Length Lossless Source Code Attaining Better Performance than Tunstall Code in Several Criterions

    Mitsuharu ARIMURA  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E101-A No:1

    Tunstall code is known as an optimal variable-to-fixed length (VF) lossless source code under the criterion of average coding rate, which is defined as the codeword length divided by the average phrase length. In this paper we define the average coding rate of a VF code as the expectation of the pointwise coding rate defined by the codeword length divided by the phrase length. We call this type of average coding rate the average pointwise coding rate. In this paper, a new VF code is proposed. An incremental parsing tree construction algorithm like the one that builds Tunstall parsing tree is presented. It is proved that this code is optimal under the criterion of the average pointwise coding rate, and that the average pointwise coding rate of this code converges asymptotically to the entropy of the stationary memoryless source emitting the data to be encoded. Moreover, it is proved that the proposed code attains better worst-case coding rate than Tunstall code.

  • Sub-Pixel Shift Estimation of Image Based on the Least Squares Approximation in Phase Region

    Ryo FUJIMOTO  Takanori FUJISAWA  Masaaki IKEHARA  


    E101-A No:1

    This paper proposes a novel method to estimate non-integer shift of images based on least squares approximation in the phase region. Conventional methods based on Phase Only Correlation (POC) take correlation between an image and its shifted image, and then estimate the non-integer shift by fitting the model equation. The problem when estimating using POC is that the estimated peak of the fitted model equation may not match the true peak of the POC function. This causes error in non-integer shift estimation. By calculating the phase difference directly in the phase region, the proposed method allows the estimation of sub-pixel shift through least squares approximation. Also by utilizing the characteristics of natural images, the proposed method limits adoption range for least squares approximation. By these improvements, the proposed method achieves high accuracy, and we validate through some examples.

  • Nonlinear Shannon Limit in Optical Fiber Transmission System Open Access

    Akihiro MARUTA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E101-B No:1

    The remaining issues in optical transmission technology are the degradation of optical signal to noise power ratio due to amplifier noise and the distortions due to optical nonlinear effects in a fiber. Therefore in addition to the Shannon limit, practical channel capacity is believed to be restricted by the nonlinear Shannon limit. The nonlinear Shannon limit has been derived under the assumption that the received signal points on the constellation map deviated by optical amplifier noise and nonlinear interference noise are symmetrically distributed around the ideal signal point and the sum of the noises are regarded as white Gaussian noise. The nonlinear Shannon limit is considered as a kind of theoretical limitation. However it is doubtful that its derivation process and applicable range have been understood well. In this paper, some fundamental papers on the nonlinear Shannon limit are reviewed to better understanding its meaning and applicable range.

  • Scalable Distributed Video Coding for Wireless Video Sensor Networks

    Hong YANG  Linbo QING  Xiaohai HE  Shuhua XIONG  


    E101-D No:1

    Wireless video sensor networks address problems, such as low power consumption of sensor nodes, low computing capacity of nodes, and unstable channel bandwidth. To transmit video of distributed video coding in wireless video sensor networks, we propose an efficient scalable distributed video coding scheme. In this scheme, the scalable Wyner-Ziv frame is based on transmission of different wavelet information, while the Key frame is based on transmission of different residual information. A successive refinement of side information for the Wyner-Ziv and Key frames are proposed in this scheme. Test results show that both the Wyner-Ziv and Key frames have four layers in quality and bit-rate scalable, but no increase in complexity of the encoder.

  • Privacy-Preserving Fingerprint Authentication Resistant to Hill-Climbing Attacks

    Haruna HIGO  Toshiyuki ISSHIKI  Kengo MORI  Satoshi OBANA  


    E101-A No:1

    This paper proposes a novel secure biometric authentication scheme. The scheme deals with fingerprint minutiae as the biometric feature and the matching is checked by a widely used technique. To discuss security, we formalize the model of secure biometric authentication scheme by abstracting the related and proposed schemes. The schemes which satisfy all the proposed security requirements are guaranteed to prevent leakage of biometric information and impersonation. In particular, the definition captures well-known and practical attacks including replay attacks and hill-climbing attacks. We prove that the proposed scheme achieves all the requirements if the additive homomorphic encryption scheme used in the scheme satisfies some additional properties. As far as we know, the proposed scheme is the first one that satisfies all the requirements. Also, we show that modified Elgamal cryptosystem satisfies all the properties under the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption.

  • Password-Based Authentication Protocol for Secret-Sharing-Based Multiparty Computation



    E101-A No:1

    The performance of secret-sharing (SS)-based multiparty computation (MPC) has recently increased greatly, and several efforts to implement and use it have been put into practice. Authentication of clients is one critical mechanism for implementing SS-based MPC successfully in practice. We propose a password-based authentication protocol for SS-based MPC. Our protocol is secure in the presence of secure channels, and it is optimized for practical use with SS-based MPC in the following ways. Threshold security: Our protocol is secure in the honest majority, which is necessary and sufficient since most practical results on SS-based MPC are secure in the same environment. Establishing distinct channels: After our protocol, a client has distinct secure and two-way authenticated channels to each server. Ease of implementation: Our protocol consists of SS, operations involving SS, and secure channels, which can be reused from an implementation of SS-based MPC. Furthermore, we implemented our protocol with an optimization for the realistic network. A client received the result within 2 sec even when the network delay was 200 ms, which is almost the delay that occurs between Japan and Europe.

  • Robust Image Identification without Visible Information for JPEG Images

    Kenta IIDA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E101-D No:1

    A robust identification scheme for JPEG images is proposed in this paper. The aim is to robustly identify JPEG images that are generated from the same original image, under various compression conditions such as differences in compression ratios and initial quantization matrices. The proposed scheme does not provide any false negative matches in principle. In addition, secure features, which do not have any visual information, are used to achieve not only a robust identification scheme but also secure one. Conventional schemes can not avoid providing false negative matches under some compression conditions, and are required to manage a secret key for secure identification. The proposed scheme is applicable to the uploading process of images on social networks like Twitter for image retrieval and forensics. A number of experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method outperforms conventional ones in terms of query performances, while keeping a reasonable security level.

  • Shoulder-Surfing Resistant Authentication Using Pass Pattern of Pattern Lock

    So HIGASHIKAWA  Tomoaki KOSUGI  Shogo KITAJIMA  Masahiro MAMBO  


    E101-D No:1

    We study an authentication method using secret figures of Pattern Lock, called pass patterns. In recent years, it is important to prevent the leakage of personal and company information on mobile devices. Android devices adopt a login authentication called Pattern Lock, which achieves both high resistance to Brute Force Attack and usability by virtue of pass pattern. However, Pattern Lock has a problem that pass patterns directly input to the terminal can be easily remembered by shoulder-surfing attack. In this paper, we propose a shoulder-surfing resistant authentication using pass pattern of Pattern Lock, which adopts a challenge & response authentication and also uses users' short-term memory. We implement the proposed method as an Android application and measure success rate, authentication time and the resistance against shoulder surfing. We also evaluate security and usability in comparison with related work.

  • BER Performance of SS System Using a Huffman Sequence against CW Jamming

    Takahiro MATSUMOTO  Hideyuki TORII  Yuta IDA  Shinya MATSUFUJI  


    E101-A No:1

    In this paper, we theoretically analyse the influence of intersymbol interference (ISI) and continuous wave interference (CWI) on the bit error rate (BER) performance of the spread spectrum (SS) system using a real-valued Huffman sequence under the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) environment. The aperiodic correlation function of the Huffman sequence has zero sidelobes except the shift-end values at the left and right ends of shift. The system can give the unified communication and ranging system because the output of a matched filter (MF) is the ideal impulse by generating transmitted signal of the bit duration T=NTc, N=2n, n=1,2,… from the sequence of length M=2kN+1, k=0,1,…, where Tc is the chip duration and N is the spreading factor. As a result, the BER performance of the system is improved with decrease in the absolute value of the shift-end value, and is not influenced by ISI if the shift-end value is almost zero-value. In addition, the BER performance of the system of the bit duration T=NTc with CWI is improved with increase in the sequence length M=2kN+1, and the system can decrease the influence of CWI.
