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  • Reduction of Constraints from Multipartition to Bipartition in Augmenting Edge-Connectivity of a Graph by One

    Satoshi TAOKA  Tadachika OKI  Toshiya MASHIMA  Toshimasa WATANABE  


    E101-A No:2

    The k-edge-connectivity augmentation problem with multipartition constraints (kECAMP, for short) is defined by “Given a multigraph G=(V,E) and a multipartition π={V1,...,Vr} (r≥2) of V, that is, $V = igcup_{h = 1}^r V_h$ and Vi∩Vj=∅ (1≤i


    Tadashi MAEDA  


    E101-A No:2
  • Multipermutation Codes Correcting a Burst of Deletions

    Peng ZHAO  Jianjun MU  Yucheng HE  Xiaopeng JIAO  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E101-A No:2

    Codes over permutations and multipermutations have received considerable attention since the rank modulation scheme is presented for flash memories. Deletions in multipermutations often occur due to data synchronization errors. Based on the interleaving of several single-deletion-correcting multipermutation codes, we present a construction of multipermutation codes for correcting a burst of at most t deletions with shift magnitude one for t ≥2. The proposed construction is proved with including an efficient decoding method. A calculation example is provided to validate the construction and its decoding method.

  • Outage-Optimal Energy Harvesting Schemes in Relay-Assisted Cognitive Radio Networks

    Thanh-Dat LE  Oh-Soon SHIN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:2

    This letter presents two outage-optimal relaying schemes to improve the performance of a wireless energy harvesting system in cognitive radio networks. The performance of both schemes is then evaluated and compared by carrying out numerical simulations, and we also derive the analytic expression for the outage probability of the secondary system.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Jiro HIROKAWA  


    E101-B No:2
  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Minoru WATANABE  


    E101-D No:2
  • A 2nd-Order ΔΣAD Modulator Using Dynamic Analog Components with Simplified Operation Phase

    Chunhui PAN  Hao SAN  


    E101-A No:2

    A 2nd-order ΔΣAD modulator architecture is proposed to simplify the operation phase using ring amplifier and SAR quantizer. The proposed modulator architecture can guarantee the reset time for ring amplifier and relax the speed requirement on asynchronous SAR quantizer. The SPICE simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed 2nd-order ΔΣAD modulator in 90nm CMOS technology. Simulated SNDR of 95.70dB is achieved while a sinusoid -1dBFS input is sampled at 60MS/s for the bandwidth is BW=470kHz. The power consumption of the analog part in the modulator is 1.67mW while the supply voltage is 1.2V.

  • Circuit Modeling Technique for Electrically-Very-Small Devices Based on Laurent Series Expansion of Self-/Mutual Impedances

    Nozomi HAGA  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:2

    This paper proposes a circuit modeling technique for electrically-very-small devices, e.g. electrodes for intrabody communications, coils for wireless power transfer systems, high-frequency transformers, etc. The proposed technique is based on the method of moments and can be regarded as an improved version of the partial element equivalent circuit method.

  • Realizability of Choreography Given by Two Scenarios

    Toshiki KINOSHITA  Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  


    E101-A No:2

    For a service-oriented architecture-based system, the problem of synthesizing a concrete model (i.e., behavioral model) for each peer configuring the system from an abstract specification-which is referred to as choreography-is known as the choreography realization problem. A flow of interaction of peers is called a scenario. In our previous study, we showed conditions and an algorithm to synthesize concrete models when choreography is given by one scenario. In this paper, we extend the study for choreography given by two scenarios. We show necessary and sufficient conditions on the realizability of choreography under both cases where there exist conflicts between scenarios and no conflicts exist.

  • Real-Time Road-Direction Point Detection in Complex Environment

    Huimin CAI  Eryun LIU  Hongxia LIU  Shulong WANG  

    PAPER-Software System

    E101-D No:2

    A real-time road-direction point detection model is developed based on convolutional neural network architecture which can adapt to complex environment. Firstly, the concept of road-direction point is defined for either single road or crossroad. For single road, the predicted road-direction point can serve as a guiding point for a self-driving vehicle to go ahead. In the situation of crossroad, multiple road-direction points can also be detected which will help this vehicle to make a choice from possible directions. Meanwhile, different types of road surface can be classified by this model for both paved roads and unpaved roads. This information will be beneficial for a self-driving vehicle to speed up or slow down according to various road conditions. Finally, the performance of this model is evaluated on different platforms including Jetson TX1. The processing speed can reach 12 FPS on this portable embedded system so that it provides an effective and economic solution of road-direction estimation in the applications of autonomous navigation.

  • Two-Step Column-Parallel SAR/Single-Slope ADC for CMOS Image Sensors

    Hejiu ZHANG  Ningmei YU  Nan LYU  Keren LI  


    E101-A No:2

    This letter presents a 12-bit column-parallel hybrid two-step successive approximation register/single-slope analog-to-digital converter (SAR/SS ADC) for CMOS image sensor (CIS). For achieving a high conversion speed, a simple SAR ADC is used in upper 6-bit conversion and a conventional SS ADC is used in lower 6-bit conversion. To reduce the power consumption, a comparator is shared in each column, and a 6-bit ramp generator is shared by all columns. This ADC is designed in SMIC 0.18µm CMOS process. At a clock frequency of 22.7MHz, the conversion time is 3.2µs. The ADC has a DNL of -0.31/+0.38LSB and an INL of -0.86/+0.8LSB. The power consumption of each column ADC is 89µW and the ramp generator is 763µW.

  • Consensus-Based Distributed Particle Swarm Optimization with Event-Triggered Communication

    Kazuyuki ISHIKAWA  Naoki HAYASHI  Shigemasa TAKAI  


    E101-A No:2

    This paper proposes a consensus-based distributed Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm with event-triggered communications for a non-convex and non-differentiable optimization problem. We consider a multi-agent system whose local communications among agents are represented by a fixed and connected graph. Each agent has multiple particles as estimated solutions of global optima and updates positions of particles by an average consensus dynamics on an auxiliary variable that accumulates the past information of the own objective function. In contrast to the existing time-triggered approach, the local communications are carried out only when the difference between the current auxiliary variable and the variable at the last communication exceeds a threshold. We show that the global best can be estimated in a distributed way by the proposed event-triggered PSO algorithm under a diminishing condition of the threshold for the trigger condition.

  • Drift-Free Tracking Surveillance Based on Online Latent Structured SVM and Kalman Filter Modules

    Yung-Yao CHEN  Yi-Cheng ZHANG  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E101-D No:2

    Tracking-by-detection methods consider tracking task as a continuous detection problem applied over video frames. Modern tracking-by-detection trackers have online learning ability; the update stage is essential because it determines how to modify the classifier inherent in a tracker. However, most trackers search for the target within a fixed region centered at the previous object position; thus, they lack spatiotemporal consistency. This becomes a problem when the tracker detects an incorrect object during short-term occlusion. In addition, the scale of the bounding box that contains the target object is usually assumed not to change. This assumption is unrealistic for long-term tracking, where the scale of the target varies as the distance between the target and the camera changes. The accumulation of errors resulting from these shortcomings results in the drift problem, i.e. drifting away from the target object. To resolve this problem, we present a drift-free, online learning-based tracking-by-detection method using a single static camera. We improve the latent structured support vector machine (SVM) tracker by designing a more robust tracker update step by incorporating two Kalman filter modules: the first is used to predict an adaptive search region in consideration of the object motion; the second is used to adjust the scale of the bounding box by accounting for the background model. We propose a hierarchical search strategy that combines Bhattacharyya coefficient similarity analysis and Kalman predictors. This strategy facilitates overcoming occlusion and increases tracking efficiency. We evaluate this work using publicly available videos thoroughly. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art trackers.

  • A Tree-Based Checkpointing Architecture for the Dependability of FPGA Computing

    Hoang-Gia VU  Shinya TAKAMAEDA-YAMAZAKI  Takashi NAKADA  Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-Device and Architecture

    E101-D No:2

    Modern FPGAs have been integrated in computing systems as accelerators for long running applications. This integration puts more pressure on the fault tolerance of computing systems, and the requirement for dependability becomes essential. As in the case of CPU-based system, checkpoint/restart techniques are also expected to improve the dependability of FPGA-based computing. Three issues arise in this situation: how to checkpoint and restart FPGAs, how well this checkpoint/restart model works with the checkpoint/restart model of the whole computing system, and how to build the model by a software tool. In this paper, we first present a new checkpoint/restart architecture along with a checkpointing mechanism on FPGAs. We then propose a method to capture consistent snapshots of FPGA and the rest of the computing system. Third, we provide “fine-grained” management for checkpointing to reduce performance degradation. For the host CPU, we also provide a stack which includes API functions to manage checkpoint/restart procedures on FPGAs. Fourth, we present a Python-based tool to insert checkpointing infrastructure. Experimental results show that the checkpointing architecture causes less than 10% maximum clock frequency degradation, low checkpointing latencies, small memory footprints, and small increases in power consumption, while the LUT overhead varies from 17.98% (Dijkstra) to 160.67% (Matrix Multiplication).

  • Multi-Dimensional Radio Channel Measurement, Analysis and Modeling for High Frequency Bands Open Access

    Minseok KIM  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kentaro SAITO  


    E101-B No:2

    In order to utilize higher frequency bands above 6GHz, which is an important technical challenge in fifth generation mobile systems, radio propagation channel properties in a large variety of deployment scenarios should be thoroughly investigated. The authors' group has been involved in a fundamental research project aimed at investigating multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) transmission performance and propagation channel properties at microwave frequency above 10GHz from 2009 to 2013, and since then they have been conducting measurement and modeling for high frequency bands. This paper aims at providing comprehensive tutorial of a whole procedure of channel modeling; multi-dimensional channel sounding, propagation channel measurement, analysis, and modeling, by introducing the developed MIMO channel sounders at high frequency bands of 11 and 60GHz and presenting some measurement results in a microcell environment at 11GHz. Furthermore, this paper identifies challenges in radio propagation measurements, and discusses current/future channel modeling issues as future works.


    Shingo YAMAGUCHI  


    E101-A No:2
  • An Efficient Handover Measurement Technique for Millimeter-Wave Cellular Communications

    Jasper Meynard P. ARANA  Rothna PEC  Yong Soo CHO  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E101-B No:2

    An efficient handover measurement technique is proposed for millimeter-wave (mm-wave) cellular systems with directional antenna beams. As the beam synchronization signal (BSS) carries the cell ID and the beam ID in a hierarchal manner, handover events (interbeam handover and intercell handover) are distinguished at the physical layer. The proposed signal metrics are shown to be effective in detecting the beam boundaries and cell boundaries in mm-wave cellular systems, which allows to distinguish interbeam handover from intercell handover. The proposed handover measurement technique is shown to reduce the processing time significantly using the proposed signal metrics produced by the BSS.

  • Noise Temperature Approximations for Offset Gregorian Reflector Systems



    E101-B No:2

    Predicting the receiving sensitivity of an offset Gregorian reflector system antenna requires an accurate prediction of the antenna noise temperature. Calculating the antenna noise temperature is computationally intensive especially for the electrically larger reflector systems. Using the main reflector masking technique, which removes the main reflector from the calculation domain, considerably reduces the computation cost. For an electrically smaller reflector system, diffraction effects affect the accuracy of this technique. Recently an improvement to the technique was proposed that introduces diffraction compensation correction factors. In this paper we introduce new compensation factor and interpolation techniques that improve the accuracy of the approximated antenna noise temperature calculation. The techniques are applied to several offset Gregorian reflector systems similar to those considered for the Square Kilometre Array, with various feeds and the accuracy in terms of receiving sensitivity is evaluated. The techniques can reduce the prediction error of the receiving sensitivity for frequency-invariant feeds to fractions of a percent, while maintaining a significant speed-up over direct calculations.

  • Half-Height-Pin Gap Waveguide Technology and Its Applications in High Gain Planar Array Antennas at Millimeter Wave Frequency Open Access

    Jian YANG  Fangfang FAN  Parastoo TAGHIKHANI  Abbas VOSOOGH  


    E101-B No:2

    This paper presents a new form of gap waveguide technology - the half-height-pin gap waveguide. The gap waveguide technology is a new transmission line technology introduced recently, which makes use of the stopband of wave propagation created by a pair of parallel plates, one PEC (perfect electric conductor) and one PMC (perfect magnetic conductor), with an air gap in between less than a quarter of the wavelength at operation frequency. Applying this PEC/PMC gap plate structure to ridged waveguides, rectangular hollow waveguides and microstrip lines, we can have the ridged gap waveguides, groove gap waveguides and inverted gap waveguide microstrip lines, respectively, without requiring a conductive or galvanic contact between the upper PEC and the lower PMC plates. This contactless property of the gap waveguide technology relaxes significantly the manufacturing requirements for devices and antennas at millimeter wave frequencies. PMC material does not exist in nature, and an artificial PMC boundary can be made by such as periodic pin array with the pin length about a quarter wavelength. However, the quarter-wavelength pins, referred to as the full-height pins, are often too long for manufacturing. In order to overcome this difficulty, a new half-height-pin gap waveguide is introduced. The working principles and Q factors for the half-height-pin gap waveguides are described, analyzed and verified with measurements in this paper. It is concluded that half-height-pin gap waveguides have similar Q factors and operation bandwidth to the full-height-pin gap waveguides. As an example of the applications, a high gain planar array antenna at V band by using the half-height-pin gap waveguide has been designed and is presented in the paper with a good reflection coefficient and high aperture efficiency.

  • Early Detection of Performance Degradation from Basic Aggregated Link Utilization Statistics



    E101-B No:2

    The growth of Internet traffic and the variety of traffic classes make network performance extremely difficult to evaluate. Even though most current methods rely on complex or costly hardware, recent research on bandwidth sharing has suggested the possibility of defining evaluation methods that simply require basic statistics on aggregated link utilization, such as mean and variance. This would greatly simplify monitoring systems as these statistics are easily calculable from Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) calls. However, existing methods require knowledge of certain fixed information about the network being monitored (e.g. link capacities). This is usually unavailable when the operator's view is limited to its share of leased links or when shared links carry traffic with different priorities. In this paper, departing from the analysis of aggregated link utilization statistics obtainable from SNMP requests, we propose a method that detects traffic degradation based on link utilization samples. It does not require knowledge of the capacity of the aggregated link or any other network parameters, giving network operators the possibility to control network performance in a more reliable and cost-effective way.
