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  • Reduction of Lifting Steps of Non Separable 2D Quadruple Lifting DWT Compatible with Separable 2D DWT

    Suvit POOMRITTIGUL  Masahiro IWAHASHI  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E97-A No:7

    This paper reduces the total number of lifting steps of a two dimensional (2D) discrete wavelet transform (DWT) under the constraint that the DWT has full compatibility with a given separable 2D DWT. In a DWT composed of several lifting steps in cascade, a lifting step must wait for a calculation result of its previous lifting step. Therefore more lifting steps bring about longer latency from the input to the output. In this paper, we reduce the total number of lifting steps of a quadruple lifting DWT which is widely utilized as the 9/7 DWT in the JPEG 2000 international standard for image data compression. Firstly, we introduce basic properties for modification of signal flow structure inside a DWT without changing its output. Secondly, we convert the separable 2D quadruple lifting DWT into the non-separable 2D DWT utilizing the basic properties so that the total number of the lifting steps is reduced. As a result, the lifting steps were reduced to 75[%]. Finally, we evaluate the proposed non-separable 2D DWT in respect of compatibility with the conventional separable 2D DWT.

  • TRLMS: Two-Stage Resource Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Based Live Media Streaming System

    Wei WEI  Yang LIU  Yuhong ZHANG  


    E97-D No:7

    This letter proposes an efficient Two-stage Resource scheduling algorithm for cloud based Live Media Streaming system (TRLMS). It transforms the cloud-based resource scheduling problem to a min-cost flow problem in a graph, and solves it by an improved Successive Short Path (SSP) algorithm. Simulation results show that TRLMS can enhance user demand satisfaction by 17.1% than mean-based method, and its time complexity is much lower than original SSP algorithm.

  • Improved Attacks on Multi-Prime RSA with Small Prime Difference

    Hui ZHANG  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:7

    We consider some attacks on multi-prime RSA (MPRSA) with a modulus N = p1p2 . . . pr (r ≥ 3). It is believed that the small private exponent attack on the MPRSA is less effective than that on RSA (see Hinek et al.'s work at SAC 2003), which means smaller private exponents can be used in the MPRSA to speed up the decryption process. Our work shows that even if a private exponent is significantly beyond Hinek et al.'s bound, it still may be insecure if the prime difference Δ (Δ = pr - p1 = Nγ, supposing p1 < p2 < … < pr) is small, i.e. 0 < γ < 1/r. Specifically, by taking full advantage of prime properties, our small private exponent attack reveals that the MPRSA is insecure when $delta<1-sqrt{1+2gamma-3/r}$ (if $gammage rac{3}{2r}- rac{1+delta}{4}$) or $deltale rac{3}{r}- rac{1}{4}-2gamma$ (if $gamma < rac{3}{2r}- rac{1+delta}{4}$), where δ is the exponential of the private exponent d with base N, i.e., d = Nδ. In addition, we present a Fermat-like factoring attack which factors N efficiently when Δ < N1/r2. These proposed attacks surpass previous works (e.g. Bahig et al.'s at ICICS 2012), and are proved effective in practice.

  • Split pump region in 1.55 μm InGaAsP/InGaAsP asymmetric active multi-mode interferometer laser diode for improved modulation bandwidth

    Mohammad NASIR UDDIN  Takaaki KIZU  Yasuhiro HINOKUMA  Kazuhiro TANABE  Akio TAJIMA  Kazutoshi KATO  Kiichi HAMAMOTO  


    E97-C No:7

    Laser diode capable of high speed direct modulation is one of the key solution for short distance applications due to their low power consumption, low cost and small size features. Realization of high modulation bandwidth for direct modulated laser maintaining the above mentioned feature is needed to enhance the short distance, low cost data transmission. One promising approach to enhance the modulation speed is to increase the photon density to achieve high modulation bandwidth. So to achieve this target, 1.55 $mu$m InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiple quantum well (MQW) asymmetric active multimode interferometer laser diode (active MMI-LD) has been demonstrated [1]. The split pumping concept has been applied for the active MMI-LD and significant enhancement of electrical to optical 3 dB down frequency bandwidth (f$_{mathrm{3dB}})$ up to 8 GHz has been successfully confirmed. The reported high bandwidth for split pump active MMI-LD is around 3.5 times higher than the previously reported maximum 3 dB bandwidth (2.3 GHz) of active MMI-LD without split pumping section. That shows, the splitted multimode pumping section behind the electrically isolated modulation section can potentially improve the modulation bandwidth of active MMI-LD. Clear and open eye diagram had also been confirmed for 2.5 Gbps, (2$^{mathrm{7}}$-1) pseudo random bit sequence (PRBS) modulation.

  • Performance Evaluation of CDMA Using Chaotic Spreading Sequence with Constant Power in Indoor Power Line Fading Channels


    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E97-A No:7

    In this study, a performance of a synchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) using the chaotic spreading sequences with constant power is estimated in indoor power line fading channels. It is found that, in the fading channels, as the number of simultaneous users increases, the chaotic spreading sequences realize better performance than the Walsh-Hadamard sequences in the synchronous CDMA.

  • Fine-Grained Access Control Aware Multi-User Data Sharing with Secure Keyword Search

    Fangming ZHAO  Takashi NISHIDE  Kouichi SAKURAI  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E97-D No:7

    We consider the problems of access control and encrypted keyword search for cryptographic cloud storage in such a way that they can be implemented for a multiple users setting. Our fine-grained access control aware multi-user secure keyword search approach interdependently harmonizes these two security notions, access control and encrypted keyword search. Owing to the shrinkage of the cloud server's search space to the user's decryptable subset, the proposed scheme both decreases information leakage and is shown to be efficient by the results of our contrastive performance simulation.

  • Bit Error Rate Reduction Characteristic of Negative Feedback Optical Amplifier Using an Optical Triode



    E97-C No:7

    Bit error rate characteristic of negative feedback optical amplifier was investigated by manipulating the negative feedback signal intensity fed into the semiconductor optical amplifier together with the input signal. Consequently, bit error rate was reduced as negative feedback signal intensity increases. Suppression towards the unevenness at the power level `1' and overshoot during rising phase on the output signal eye-diagram was recorded. With negative feedback, through gain decrease of 2.4 dB, power penalty improved remarkably by 15 dB.

  • Optical absorption characteristics and polarization dependence of single-layer graphene on silicon waveguide Open Access

    Kaori WARABI  Rai KOU  Shinichi TANABE  Tai TSUCHIZAWA  Satoru SUZUKI  Hiroki HIBINO  Hirochika NAKAJIMA  Koji YAMADA  


    E97-C No:7

    Graphene is attracting attention in electrical and optical research fields recently. We measured the optical absorption characteristics and polarization dependence of single-layer graphene (SLG) on sub-micrometer Si waveguide. The results for graphene lengths ranging from 2.5 to 200 $mu$ m reveal that the optical absorption by graphene is 0.09 dB/$mu$ m with the TE mode and 0.05 dB/$mu$ m with the TM mode. The absorption in the TE mode is 1.8 times higher than that in the TM mode. An optical spectrum, theoretical analysis and Raman spectrum indicate that surface-plasmon polaritons in graphene support TM mode light propagation.

  • A Variable Step-Size Feedback Cancellation Algorithm Based on GSAP for Digital Hearing Aids

    Hongsub AN  Hyeonmin SHIM  Jangwoo KWON  Sangmin LEE  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E97-A No:7

    Acoustic feedback is a major complaint of hearing aid users. Adaptive filters are a common method for suppressing acoustic feedback in digital hearing aids. In this letter, we propose a new variable step-size algorithm for normalized least mean square and an affine projection algorithm to combine with a variable step-size affine projection algorithm and global speech absence probability in an adaptive filter. The computer simulation used to test the proposed algorithm results in a lower misalignment error than the comparison algorithm at a similar convergence rate. Therefore, the proposed algorithm suggests an effective solution for the feedback suppression system of digital hearing aids.

  • Novel 16-QAM Golay Complementary Sequences

    Fanxin ZENG  Xiaoping ZENG  Zhenyu ZHANG  Guixin XUAN  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E97-A No:7

    Based on the non-standard generalized Boolean functions (GBFs) over Z4, we propose a new method to convert those functions into the 16-QAM Golay complementary sequences (CSs). The resultant 16-QAM Golay CSs have the upper bound of peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) as low as 2. In addition, we obtain multiple 16-QAM Golay CSs for a given quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) Golay CS.

  • A Novel Fast Intra Prediction Scheme for Depth-Map in 3D High Efficiency Video Coding

    Mengmeng ZHANG  Shenghui QIU  Huihui BAI  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E97-A No:7

    The development of 3D High Efficiency Video Coding (3D-HEVC) has resulted in a growing interest in the compression of depth-maps. To achieve better intra prediction performance, the Depth Modeling Mode (DMM) technique is employed as an intra prediction technique for depth-maps. However, the complexity and computation load have dramatically increased with the application of DMM. Therefore, in view of the limited colors in depth-maps, this paper presents a novel fast intra coding scheme based on Base Colors and Index Map (BCIM) to reduce the complexity of DMM effectively. Furthermore, the index map is remapped, and the Base Colors are coded by predictive coding in BCIM to improve compression efficiency. Compared with the intra prediction coding in DMM, the experimental results illustrate that the proposed scheme provides a decrease of approximately 51.2% in the intra prediction time. Meanwhile, the BD-rate increase is only 0.83% for the virtual intermediate views generated by Depth-Image-Based Rendering.

  • Performance Analysis of Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks

    Cheng-yu WU  Chen HE  Ling-ge JIANG  Yun-fei CHEN  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E97-A No:7

    In this letter, the k-out-of-n rule for cooperative sensing is considered. For a given n, we derive the optimal value of k that minimizes the total sensing error probability subject to the sensing accuracy, considering both the effective of sensing errors and the primary activities. According to the optimal k, we analyze the performance and compare with other schemes, which illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

  • Improving the Incast Performance of Datacenter TCP by Using Rate-Based Congestion Control

    Jingyuan WANG  Yunjing JIANG  Chao LI  Yuanxin OUYANG  Zhang XIONG  

    LETTER-Communications Environment and Ethics

    E97-A No:7

    We analyze the defects of window-based TCP algorithm in datacenter networks and propose Rate-based Datacenter TCP (RDT) algorithm in this paper. The RDT algorithm combines rate-based congestion control technology with ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) mechanism of DCTCP. The experiments in NS2 show that RDT has a potential to completely avoid TCP incast collapse in datacenters and inherit the low latency advantages of DCTCP.

  • Image Recognition Based on Separable Lattice Trajectory 2-D HMMs

    Akira TAMAMORI  Yoshihiko NANKAKU  Keiichi TOKUDA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E97-D No:7

    In this paper, a novel statistical model based on 2-D HMMs for image recognition is proposed. Recently, separable lattice 2-D HMMs (SL2D-HMMs) were proposed to model invariance to size and location deformation. However, their modeling accuracy is still insufficient because of the following two assumptions, which are inherited from 1-D HMMs: i) the stationary statistics within each state and ii) the conditional independent assumption of state output probabilities. To overcome these shortcomings in 1-D HMMs, trajectory HMMs were proposed and successfully applied to speech recognition and speech synthesis. This paper derives 2-D trajectory HMMs by reformulating the likelihood of SL2D-HMMs through the imposition of explicit relationships between static and dynamic features. The proposed model can efficiently capture dependencies between adjacent observations without increasing the number of model parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed model was evaluated in face recognition experiments on the XM2VTS database.

  • Connection Choice Codes

    Chih-Ming CHEN  Ying-ping CHEN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E97-B No:7

    Luby Transform (LT) codes are the first practical implementation of digital fountain codes. In LT codes, encoding symbols are independently generated so as to realize the universal property which means that performance is independent of channel parameters. The universal property makes LT codes able to provide reliable delivery simultaneously via channels of different quality while it may also limit the flexibility of LT codes. In certain application scenarios, such as real-time multimedia transmission, most receivers have tolerable channels whose erasure rates are not fixed, and channels of high erasure rate are outside the design box. In this paper, Connection Choice (CC) codes are proposed to trade the universal property for better performance. The key to CC codes is replacement of random selection with tournament selection. Tournament selection can equalize the frequency of input symbols to join encoding and change the degree distribution of input symbols. Our study indicates that CC codes with appropriate degree distributions provide better performance than the best known LT code when channels of high erasure rate can be ignored. CC codes enable system designers to customize digital fountain codes by taking into account the distribution of the erasure rate and create a new possibility for setting trade-offs between performance and erasure rate.

  • The Wire-Speed Multicast Switch Fabric Based on Distributive Lattice

    Fuxing CHEN  Weiyang LIU  Hui LI  Dongcheng WU  


    E97-B No:7

    The traditional multicast switch fabrics, which were mainly developed from the unicast switch fabrics, currently are not able to achieve high efficiency and flexible large-scale scalability. In the light of lattice theory and multicast concentrator, a novel multistage interconnection multicast switch fabric is proposed in this paper. Comparing to traditional multicast switch fabrics, this multicast switch fabric has the advantages of superior scalability, wire-speed, jitter-free multicast with low delay, and no queuing buffer. This paper thoroughly analyzes the performance of the proposed multicast switch fabric with supporting priority-based multicast. Simulations on packet loss rate and delay are discussed and presented at normalized load. Moreover, a detailed FPGA implementation is given. Practical network traffic tests provide evidence supporting the feasibility and stability of the proposed fabric.

  • An Interference-Robust Channel Estimation Method for Transparent MU-MIMO Transmission in LTE-Advanced System

    Won-Jun HWANG  Jun-Hee JANG  Seong-Woo AHN  Hyung-Jin CHOI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:7

    In LTE (Long Term Evolution)-Advanced system, a transparent MU-MIMO (Multi-User Multiple-Input Multiple Output) scheduling is basically considered, so the performance degradation in channel estimation may occur due to the unpredictable interference from co-scheduled layers. In order to detect and mitigate the interference, traditional binary hypothesis testing based interference detection method and iterative channel estimation method can be applied. However, there are two major problems. First, the binary hypothesis testing based interference detection is not suitable solution for LTE-Advanced system which has four dynamically changing interference hypotheses. Second, the conventional iterative operation does not guarantee sufficient performance gain with limited iteration time due to the estimation error in initial estimation stage. To overcome these problems, we introduce an enhanced iterative channel estimation method which considers simple matrix operation-based partial interference estimation. Based on the outcomes of the partial interference estimation, we can not only detect interference layers individually, but also partially eliminate the interference in initial channel estimation stage. Consequently, the proposed method can effectively mitigate the interference adaptively to the dynamically changing interference condition.

  • Feature Fusion for Blurring Detection in Image Forensics

    BenJuan YANG  BenYong LIU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E97-D No:6

    Artificial blurring is a typical operation in image forging. Most existing image forgery detection methods consider only one single feature of artificial blurring operation. In this manuscript, we propose to adopt feature fusion, with multifeatures for artificial blurring operation in image tampering, to improve the accuracy of forgery detection. First, three feature vectors that address the singular values of the gray image matrix, correlation coefficients for double blurring operation, and image quality metrics (IQM) are extracted and fused using principal component analysis (PCA), and then a support vector machine (SVM) classifier is trained using the fused feature extracted from training images or image patches containing artificial blurring operations. Finally, the same procedures of feature extraction and feature fusion are carried out on the suspected image or suspected image patch which is then classified, using the trained SVM, into forged or non-forged classes. Experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed method for image tampering feature fusion and forgery detection.

  • On the Greatest Number of Paths and Maximal Paths for a Class of Directed Acyclic Graphs

    Shinsuke ODAGIRI  Hiroyuki GOTO  


    E97-A No:6

    For a fixed number of nodes, we focus on directed acyclic graphs in which there is not a shortcut. We find the case where the number of paths is maximized and its corresponding count of maximal paths. Considering this case is essential in solving large-scale scheduling problems using a PERT chart.

  • Longest Fault-Free Cycles in Folded Hypercubes with Conditional Faulty Elements

    Wen-Yin HUANG  Jia-Jie LIU  Jou-Ming CHANG  Ro-Yu WU  


    E97-A No:6

    An n-dimensional folded hypercube, denoted by FQn, is an enhanced n-dimensional hypercube with one extra link between nodes that have the furthest Hamming distance. Let FFv (respectively, FFe) denote the set of faulty nodes (respectively, faulty links) in FQn. Under the assumption that every fault-free node in FQn is incident to at least two fault-free links, Hsieh et al. (Inform. Process. Lett. 110 (2009) pp.41-53) showed that if |FFv|+|FFe| ≤ 2n-4 for n ≥ 3, then FQn-FFv-FFe contains a fault-free cycle of length at least 2n-2|FFv|. In this paper, we show that, under the same conditional fault model, FQn with n ≥ 5 can tolerate more faulty elements and provides the same lower bound of the length of a longest fault-free cycle, i.e., FQn-FFv-FFe contains a fault-free cycle of length at least 2n-2|FFv| if |FFv|+|FFe| ≤ 2n-3 for n ≥ 5.
