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[Keyword] ACH(1072hit)


  • Development on Guided-Wave Switch Arrays

    Hirochika NAKAJIMA  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-B No:2

    State of the arts on guided-wave optical switch arrays are reviewed. In this paper, electro-optic Ti:LiNbO3 devices are mainly described in comparison with crosspoint switch element structures and switch array architectures. Packaging technologies and stability problems are discussed for practical system applications. Recent development on other materials such as semiconductor waveguides, thermo-optic glass/polymer waveguides are also reviewed briefly.

  • A Routing Algorithm for Multihop WDM Ring

    Xiaoshe DONG  Tomohiro KUDOH  Hideharu AMANO  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E82-D No:2

    Divisor-Skip Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DS-WDM) ring is an optical interconnection network for workstation clusters or parallel machines which can connect various number of nodes easily using wavelength division multiplexing techniques. However, the wavelength-ordered routing algorithm proposed for the DS-WDM ring requires complicated processes in each router. Here, a new routing algorithm called the comparing dimensional number routing algorithm for the DS-WDM ring is proposed and evaluated. Although the diameter and average distance are almost same as traditional wavelength-ordered routing, the cost and latency are much reduced.

  • Unreachability Proofs for β Rewriting Systems by Homomorphisms

    Kiyoshi AKAMA  Yoshinori SHIGETA  Eiichi MIYAMOTO  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E82-D No:2

    Given two terms and their rewriting rules, an unreachability problem proves the non-existence of a reduction sequence from one term to another. This paper formalizes a method for solving unreachability problems by abstraction; i. e. , reducing an original concrete unreachability problem to a simpler abstract unreachability problem to prove the unreachability of the original concrete problem if the abstract unreachability is proved. The class of rewriting systems discussed in this paper is called β rewriting systems. The class of β rewriting systems includes very important systems such as semi-Thue systems and Petri Nets. Abstract rewriting systems are also a subclass of β rewriting systems. A β rewriting system is defined on axiomatically formulated base structures, called β structures, which are used to formalize the concepts of "contexts" and "replacement," which are common to many rewritten objects. Each domain underlying semi-Thue systems, Petri Nets, and other rewriting systems are formalized by a β structure. A concept of homomorphisms from a β structure (a concrete domain) to a β structure (an abstract domain) is introduced. A homomorphism theorem (Theorem1)is established for β rewriting systems, which states that concrete reachability implies abstract reachability. An unreachability theorem (Corollary1) is also proved for β rewriting systems. It is the contraposition of the homomorphism theorem, i. e. , it says that abstract unreachability implies concrete unreachability. The unreachability theorem is used to solve two unreachability problems: a coffee bean puzzle and a checker board puzzle.

  • Development on Guided-Wave Switch Arrays

    Hirochika NAKAJIMA  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-C No:2

    State of the arts on guided-wave optical switch arrays are reviewed. In this paper, electro-optic Ti:LiNbO3 devices are mainly described in comparison with crosspoint switch element structures and switch array architectures. Packaging technologies and stability problems are discussed for practical system applications. Recent development on other materials such as semiconductor waveguides, thermo-optic glass/polymer waveguides are also reviewed briefly.

  • Group Two-Phase Locking: A Scalable Data Sharing Protocol


    PAPER-Concurrency Control

    E82-D No:1

    The advent of high-speed networks with quality of service guarantees, will enable the deployment of data-server distributed systems over wide-area networks. Most implementations of data-server systems have been over local area networks. Thus it is important, in this context, to study the performance of existing distributed data management protocols in the new networking environment, identify the performance bottlenecks and develop protocols that are capable of taking advantage of the high speed networking technology. In this paper, we examine and compare the scalability of the server-based two-phase locking protocol (s-2PL), and the group two-phase locking protocol (g-2PL). The s-2PL protocol is the most widely used concurrency control protocol, while the g-2PL protocol is an optimized version of the s-2PL protocol, tailored for high-speed wide-area network environments. The g-2PL protocol reduces the effect of the network latency by message grouping, client-end caching and data migration. Detailed simulation results indicate that g-2PL indeed scales better than s-2PL. For example, upto 28% improvement in response time is reported.

  • An Approach for Testing Asynchronous Communicating Systems

    Myungchul KIM  Jaehwi SHIN  Samuel T. CHANSON  Sungwon KANG  

    PAPER-Signaling System and Communication Protocol

    E82-B No:1

    This paper studies the problem of testing concurrent systems considered as blackboxes and specified using asynchronous Communicating Finite State Machines. We present an approach to derive test cases for concurrent systems in a succinct and formal way. The approach addresses the state space explosion problem by introducing a causality relation model and the concept of logical time to express true concurrency and describe timing constraints on events. The conformance relation between test cases and trace observed from the real system is defined, and a new test architecture as well as a test case application is presented according to the conformance relation defined. To improve verdict capability of test cases, the approach is enhanced by relaxing the unit-time assumption to any natural number. And a computationally efficient algorithm for the enhanced approach is presented and the algorithm is evaluated in terms of computational efficiency and verdict capability. Finally the approach is generalized to describe timing constraints by any real numbers.

  • Instruction Scheduling to Reduce Switching Activity of Off-Chip Buses for Low-Power Systems with Caches

    Hiroyuki TOMIYAMA  Tohru ISHIHARA  Akihiko INOUE  Hiroto YASUURA  


    E81-A No:12

    In many embedded systems, a significant amount of power is consumed for off-chip driving because off-chip capacitances are much larger than on-chip capacitances. This paper proposes instruction scheduling techniques to reduce power consumed for off-chip driving. The techniques minimize the switching activity of a data bus between an on-chip cache and a main memory when instruction cache misses occur. The scheduling problem is formulated and two scheduling algorithms are presented. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.

  • Reachability Problems of Random Digraphs

    Yushi UNO  Toshihide IBARAKI  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E81-A No:12

    Consider a random digraph G=(V,A), where |V|=n and an arc (u,v) is present in A with probability p(n) independent of the existence of the other arcs. We discuss the expected number of vertices reachable from a vertex, the expected size of the transitive closure of G and their related topics based on the properties of reachability, where the reachability from a vertex s to t is defined as the probability that s is reachable to t. Let γn,p(n) denote the reachability s to t (s) in the above random digraph G. (In case of s=t, it requires another definition. ) We first present a method of computing the exact value of γn,p(n) for given n and p(n). Since the computation of γn,p(n) by this method requires O(n3) time, we then derive simple upper and lower bounds γn,p(n)U and γn,p(n)L on γn,p(n), respectively, and in addition, we give an upper bound n,p(n) on γn,p(n)U, which is easier to analyze but is still rather accurate. Then, we discuss the asymptotic behavior of n,p(n) and show that, if p(n)=α/(n-1), limnn,p(n) converges to one of the solutions of the equation 1-x-e-α x=0. Furthermore, as for (n) and (n), which are upper bounds on the expected number of reachable vertices and the expected size of the transitive closure of G, resp. , it turns out that limn(n) =α/(1-α) if p(n)=α/(n-1) for 0<α<1; otherwise either 0 or , and limn(n)=α if p(n)=α/(n-1)2 for α0; otherwise either 0 or .

  • Automatic Defect Classification in Visual Inspection of Semiconductors Using Neural Networks

    Keisuke KAMEYAMA  Yukio KOSUGI  Tatsuo OKAHASHI  Morishi IZUMITA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:11

    An automatic defect classification system (ADC) for use in visual inspection of semiconductor wafers is introduced. The methods of extracting the defect features based on the human experts' knowledge, with their correlations with the defect classes are elucidated. As for the classifier, Hyperellipsoid Clustering Network (HCN) which is a layered network model employing second order discrimination borders in the feature space, is introduced. In the experiments using a collection of defect images, the HCNs are compared with the conventional multilayer perceptron networks. There, it is shown that the HCN's adaptive hyperellipsoidal discrimination borders are more suited for the problem. Also, the cluster encapsulation by the hyperellipsoidal border enables to determine rejection classes, which is also desirable when the system will be in actual use. The HCN with rejection achieves, an overall classification rate of 75% with an error rate of 18%, which can be considered equivalent to those of the human experts.

  • Selective Write-Update: A Method to Relax Execution Constraints in a Critical Section

    Jae Bum LEE  Chu Shik JHON  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E81-D No:11

    In a shared-memory multiprocessor, shared data are usually accessed in a critical section that is protected by a lock variable. Therefore, the order of accesses by multiple processors to the shared data corresponds to the order of acquiring the ownership of the lock variable. This paper presents a selective write-update protocol, where data modified in a critical section are stored in a write cache and, at a synchronization point, they are transferred only to the processor that will execute the critical section following the current processor. By using QOLB synchronization primitives, the next processor can be determined at the execution time. We prove that the selective write-update protocol ensures data coherency of parallel programs that comply with release consistency, and evaluate the performance of the protocol by analytical modeling and program-driven simulation. The simulation results show that our protocol can reduce the number of coherence misses in a critical section while avoiding the multicast of write-update requests on an interconnection network. In addition, we observe that synchronization latency can be decreased by reducing both the execution time of a critical section and the number of write-update requests. From the simulation results, it is shown that our protocol provides better performance than a write-invalidate protocol and a write-update protocol as the number of processors increases.

  • Planning and Design of Contents-Delivery Systems Using Satellite and Terrestrial Networks

    Kenichi MASE  Takuya ASAKA  Yoshiaki TANAKA  Hideyoshi TOMINAGA  

    PAPER-Satellite and Wireless Networks

    E81-B No:11

    An architecture is presented for efficient and reliable delivery of multimedia contents from a primary center (PC) to secondary centers (SCs). Requested contents are delivered from the PC to the SCs through a satellite broadcast channel, or from one SC to another SC through a terrestrial channel. Cycling methods are presented that enable sharing of the contents directory of each SC. Several fundamental models and algorithms are introduced for possible consideration during the planning and design of a contents-delivery system. Simulation has shown that using both satellite broadcast and terrestrial channels for contents delivery is superior in terms of cost to the conventional use of only a satellite network.

  • Query Caching Method for Distributed Web Caching

    Takuya ASAKA  Hiroyoshi MIWA  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:10

    Distributed web caching reduces retrieval latency of World Wide Web (WWW) objects such as text and graphics. Conventional distributed web caching methods, however, require many query messages among cache servers, which limits their scalability and reliability. To overcome these problems, we propose a query caching method in which each cache server caches not only WWW objects but also a query history. This method of finding cached objects can reduce the number of query messages among cache servers, making it possible to construct a large-scale distributed web cache server. We also propose an algorithm for constructing efficient query relationships among cache servers.

  • High Bandwidth, Variable Line-Size Cache Architecture for Merged DRAM/Logic LSIs

    Koji INOUE  Koji KAI  Kazuaki MURAKAMI  


    E81-C No:9

    Merged DRAM/logic LSIs could provide high on-chip memory bandwidth by interconnecting logic portions and DRAM with wider on-chip buses. For merged DRAM/logic LSIs with the memory hierarchy including cache memory, we can exploit such high on-chip memory bandwidth by means of replacing a whole cache line (or cache block) at a time on cache misses. This approach tends to increase the cache-line size if we attempt to improve the attainable memory bandwidth. Larger cache lines, however, might worsen the system performance if programs running on the LSIs do not have enough spatial locality of references and cache misses frequently take place. This paper describes a novel cache architecture suitable for merged DRAM/logic LSIs, called variable line-size cache or VLS cache, for resolving the above-mentioned dilemma. The VLS cache can make good use of the high on-chip memory bandwidth by means of larger cache lines and, at the same time, alleviate the negative effects of larger cache-line size by partitioning each large cache line into multiple sub-lines and allowing every sub-line to work as an independent cache line. The number of sub-lines involved when a cache replacement occurs can be determined depending on the characteristics of programs. This paper also evaluates the cost/performance improvements attainable by the VLS cache and compares it with those of conventional cache architectures. As a result, it is observed that a VLS cache reduces the average memory-access time by 16. 4% while it increases the hardware cost by only 13%, compared to a conventional direct-mapped cache with fixed 32-byte lines.

  • Optical Add/Drop Filter with Flat Top Spectral Response Based on Gratings Photoinduced on Planar Waveguides

    Hisato UETSUKA  Hideaki ARAI  Korenori TAMURA  Hiroaki OKANO  Ryouji SUZUKI  Seiichi KASHIMURA  


    E81-C No:8

    High- and low-reflection Bragg gratings with a flat-top spectral response free from ripples are proposed. Add/drop filters are created based on gratings photoinduced on planar waveguides by using the new design schemes. The measured spectral responses for the high and low reflection gratings are in good agreement with the calculated ones, and show the flat-top spectral responses.

  • A Proposal of Dual Zipfian Model for Describing HTTP Access Trends and Its Application to Address Cache Design

    Masaki AIDA  Noriyuki TAKAHASHI  Tetsuya ABE  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E81-B No:7

    This paper proposes the Dual Zipfian Model addressing how to describe HTTP access trends in large-scale data communication networks, and discusses how to design the capacity of address cache tables in an edge router of the networks. We show that destination addresses of packets can be characterized by two types of Zipf's law. Fundamental concept of the Dual Zipfian Model is in complementary use of these laws, and we can derive the relationship between the number of accesses and the number of destination addresses. Experimental results show that the relation gives a good approximation. Applying this relation, we derive cache hit probabilities of the address cache table that incorporates high-speed address resolution. Using the probabilities, design issues including the capacity of the cache tables and aging algorithms of cache entries are also discussed.

  • Evaluation of Arachidic Acid Langmuir-Blodgett Ultrathin Films on Silver Thin Films from Scattered Light Using Surface Plasmon Polariton Excited at the Interfaces

    Yusuke AOKI  Keizo KATO  Kazunari SHINBO  Futao KANEKO  Takashi WAKAMATSU  


    E81-C No:7

    Attenuated total reflection (ATR) properties and scattered light properties were measured for Ag thin films and arachidic acid (C20) Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) ultrathin films on the Ag thin films to obtain the information about their complex dielectric constants and surface roughness utilizing an excited surface plasmon polariton. The complex dielectric constants for the Ag thin films and the C20 LB films were obtained by fitting the calculated ATR curves to the experimental ones. The surface roughnesses of these films were estimated by the angular distribution of the scattered light assuming the Gaussian function as an autocorrelation function and a linear superposition of roughness spectra. The angular spectra strongly depended on the roughness parameters: the transverse correlation length σ and the surface corrugation depth δ. The experimental angular distributions were explained by some pairs of σ and δ. It was suggested that the surface roughness of the C20 LB films changed with the number of monolayers since the angular spectra varied with the number of the C20 LB monolayers on the Ag films. It is thought that the measurement of the scattered light is useful to evaluate surface roughnesses of LB ultrathin films.

  • Heuristic State Reduction Methods of Incompletely Specified Machines Preceding to Satisfy Covering Condition


    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E81-A No:6

    This paper presents two kinds of simplification methods for incompletely specified sequential machines. The strategy of the methods is that as many states in original machines are covered in the simplification processes as possible. The purpose of the methods is to derive a simplified machine having either the largest maximal compatible set or its subset. With the methods, one of the minimal machines can not be always derived, but a near-minimal machine can be obtained more quickly with less memory, since they need not derive all the compatible sets. In this paper, the effectiveness of the methods is checked by applying them to simplification problems of incompletely specified machines generated by using random numbers, and of the MCNC benchmark machines. The experimental results show that our methods can derive a simplified machine quickly, especially for machines having a great number of states or don't care rate.

  • Analytic Modeling of Updating Based Cache Coherent Parallel Computers

    Kazuki JOE  Akira FUKUDA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E81-D No:6

    In this paper, we apply the Semi-markov Memory and Cache coherence Interference (SMCI) model, which we had proposed for invalidating based cache coherent parallel computers, to an updating based protocol. The model proposed here, the SMCI/Dragon model, can predict performance of cache coherent parallel computers with the Dragon protocol as well as the original SMCI model for the Synapse protocol. Conventional analytic models by stochastic processes to describe parallel computers have the problem of numerical explosion in the number of states necessary as the system size increases. We have already shown that the SMCI model achieved both the small number of states to describe parallel computers with the Synapse protocol and the inexpensive computation cost to predict their performance. In this paper, we demonstrate generality of the SMCI model by applying it to the another cache coherence protocol, Dragon, which has opposite characteristics than Synapse. We show the number of states required by constructing the SMCI/Dragon model is only 21 which is as small as SMCI/Synapse, and the computation cost is also the order of microseconds. Using the SMCI/Dragon model, we investigate several comparative experiments with widely known simulation results. We found that there is only a 5. 4% differences between the simulation and the SMCI/Dragon model.

  • Unified Tag Memory Architecture with Snoop Support

    Yonghwan LEE  Wookyeong JEONG  Yongsurk LEE  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E81-A No:6

    A unified tag by which both TLBs and caches can be accessed is presented. This architecture reduces the chip area of conventional cache tags and also improves the speed of cache systems. In addition, it has expanded to support snoop accesses for multiprocessor environments. To validate the proposed architecture, we measured the area and speed based on VLSI circuits.

  • Reachability Criterion for Petri Nets with Known Firing Count Vectors

    Tadashi MATSUMOTO  Yasushi MIYANO  


    E81-A No:4

    A formal necessary and sufficient condition on the general Petri net reachability problem is presented by eliminating all spurious solutions among known nonnegative integer solutions of state equation and unifying all the causes of those spurious solutions into a maximal-strongly-connected and siphon-and-trap subnet Nw. This result is based on the decomposition of a given net (N, Mo) with Md and the concepts of "no immature siphon at the reduced initial marking Mwo" and "no immature trap at the reduced end marking Mwd" on Nw which are both extended from "no token-free siphon at the initial marking Mo" and "no token-free trap at the end marking Md" on N, respectively, which have been both effectively, explicitly or implicitly, used in the well-known fundamental and simple subclasses.
