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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • A Construction of Channel Code, Joint Source-Channel Code, and Universal Code for Arbitrary Stationary Memoryless Channels Using Sparse Matrices

    Shigeki MIYAKE  Jun MURAMATSU  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E92-A No:9

    A channel code is constructed using sparse matrices for stationary memoryless channels that do not necessarily have a symmetric property like a binary symmetric channel. It is also shown that the constructed code has the following remarkable properties. 1. Joint source-channel coding: Combining channel code with lossy source code, which is also constructed by sparse matrices, a simpler joint source-channel code can be constructed than that constructed by the ordinary block code. 2. Universal coding: The constructed channel code has a universal property under a specified condition.

  • Cryptanalysis of the Kiyomoto-Fukushima-Tanaka Anonymous Attribute Authentication Scheme

    Haeryong PARK  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E92-B No:9

    Kiyomoto-Fukushima-Tanaka proposed a perfectly anonymous attribute authentication scheme that realizes unidentifiable and untraceable authentication with offline revocation checking. The Kiyomoto-Fukushima-Tanaka scheme uses a self-blindable certificate that a user can change randomly. Thus, the certificate is modified for each authentication and the authentication scheme has the unidentifiable property and the untraceable property. However, in this letter, we show that the Kiyomoto-Fukushima-Tanaka scheme is insecure against the impersonation attack.

  • A Note on Factoring α-LSBS Moduli

    Hung-Min SUN  Mu-En WU  Cheng-Ta YANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:8

    In this letter the complexity of factoring an α-LSBS modulus is analyzed. This gives an improvement on the lower bound of the previous results.

  • Automatic Singing Performance Evaluation for Untrained Singers

    Chuan CAO  Ming LI  Xiao WU  Hongbin SUO  Jian LIU  Yonghong YAN  

    LETTER-Music Information Processing

    E92-D No:8

    In this letter, we present an automatic approach of objective singing performance evaluation for untrained singers by relating acoustic measurements to perceptual ratings of singing voice quality. Several acoustic parameters and their combination features are investigated to find objective correspondences of the perceptual evaluation criteria. Experimental results show relative strong correlation between perceptual ratings and the combined features and the reliability of the proposed evaluation system is tested to be comparable to human judges.

  • Area Concentric Beacons Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks

    Qing ZHOU  Depeng JIN  Li SU  Lieguang ZENG  

    LETTER-Measurement Technology

    E92-A No:8

    Localization is one of the fundamental problems in many wireless sensor networks applications, but most of them require the node to equip special range-determining or angle-determining hardware in order to obtain the position related information. In this paper, we propose a concentric beacons localization algorithm which is a range-free approach. Four anchors are set in the four corners of the square target region, and emit localizing beacons at different power levels, with the information of their position and the estimated range of the beacon. The nodes in this region receive these beacons and compute their positions correspondingly. In region of different scale, we propose two alternative schemes. The one for small scale has lower calculation complexity, and the other has better stability on large scale applications. Simulation results show the estimation error is less than 0.4 times the beacon interval.

  • A 0.18 µm Stability-Enhanced CMOS LDO with Robust Compensation Scheme

    Hsuan-I PAN  Chern-Lin CHEN  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E92-C No:8

    A 0.18 µm 1.5 V/50 mA stability-enhanced low dropout regulator (LDO) is presented. A multi-path error amplifier and a split pass device structure are utilized for pole-zero pair compensation. The proposed LDO can be stable without a load capacitor and also stable with different combinations of load capacitors and equivalent series resistance.

  • Forecasting the View of Mt. Fuji Using Earth Observation Data

    Mitsuru KAKIMOTO  Hisaaki HATANO  Yosoko NISHIZAWA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E92-D No:8

    In this paper, we present a forecasting method for the view of Mt. Fuji as an application of Earth observation data (EOD) obtained by satellites. We defined the Mt. Fuji viewing index (FVI) that characterises how well the mountain looks on a given day, based on photo data produced by a fixed-point observation. A long-term predictor of FVI, ranging from 0 to 30 days, was constructed through support vector machine regression on climate and earth observation data. It was found that the aerosol mass concentration (AMC) improves prediction performance, and such performance is particularly significant in the long-term range.

  • Quaternary Sequences with Good Autocorrelation Constructed by Gray Mapping

    Ji-Woong JANG  Sang-Hyo KIM  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E92-A No:8

    A quaternary sequence is constructed by Gray mapping of a binary sequence with even period and its shift. The autocorrelation of the new quaternary sequence is the same as that of the binary sequence employed. Quaternary sequences with the maximum autocorrelation 2 can be obtained by the construction for period N≡ 2 ( mod 4).

  • Recursive Frequency Offset Estimation for MIMO System in Flat-Fading Channels

    Xiaoxu CHEN  Tao LIU  Yaohuan GONG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E92-A No:8

    This letter presents recursive frequency offset estimation for MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) system in flat-fading channels. With the recursive estimation, the frequency offset range in MIMO system can be extended compared with normal estimation. Simulation results show that the recursive frequency offset estimation is valid for large frequency offset.

  • On the Time Complexity of Dijkstra's Three-State Mutual Exclusion Algorithm

    Masahiro KIMOTO  Tatsuhiro TSUCHIYA  Tohru KIKUNO  

    LETTER-Computation and Computational Models

    E92-D No:8

    In this letter we give a lower bound on the worst-case time complexity of Dijkstra's three-state mutual exclusion algorithm by specifying a concrete behavior of the algorithm. We also show that our result is more accurate than the known best bound.

  • On Finding a Fixed Point in a Boolean Network with Maximum Indegree 2

    Tatsuya AKUTSU  Takeyuki TAMURA  


    E92-A No:8

    Finding fixed points in discrete dynamical systems is important because fixed points correspond to steady-states. The Boolean network is considered as one of the simplest discrete dynamical systems and is often used as a model of genetic networks. It is known that detection of a fixed point in a Boolean network with n nodes and maximum indegree K can be polynomially transformed into (K+1)-SAT with n variables. In this paper, we focus on the case of K=2 and present an O(1.3171n) expected time algorithm, which is faster than the naive algorithm based on a reduction to 3-SAT, where we assume that nodes with indegree 2 do not contain self-loops. We also show an algorithm for the general case of K=2 that is slightly faster than the naive algorithm.

  • Two Bit Quantization for Turbo Decoder Extrinsic Information with Parameter Reset

    Do-Sik YOO  Jongtae LIM  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E92-B No:8

    In this letter, we propose a two-bit representation method for turbo decoder extrinsic information based on bit error count minimization and parameter reset. We show that the performance of the proposed system approaches that of the full precision decoder within 0.17 dB and 0.48 dB at 1 % packet error rate for packet lengths of 500 and 10,000 information bits. The idea of parameter reset we introduce can be used not only in turbo decoder but also in many other iterative algorithms.

  • Using Mobile TLA as a Logic for Dynamic I/O Automata

    Tatjana KAPUS  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Software and Theory of Programs

    E92-D No:8

    Input/Output (I/O) automata and the Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) are two well-known techniques for the specification and verification of concurrent systems. Over the past few years, they have been extended to the so-called dynamic I/O automata and, respectively, Mobile TLA (MTLA) in order to be more appropriate for mobile agent systems. Dynamic I/O automata is just a mathematical model, whereas MTLA is a logic with a formally defined language. In this paper, therefore, we investigate how MTLA could be used as a formal language for the specification of dynamic I/O automata. We do this by writing an MTLA specification of a travel agent system which has been specified semi-formally in the literature on that model. In this specification, we deal with always existing agents as well as with an initially unknown number of dynamically created agents, with mobile and non-mobile agents, with I/O-automata-style communication, and with the changing communication capabilities of mobile agents. We have previously written a TLA specification of this system. This paper shows that an MTLA specification of such a system can be more elegant and faithful to the dynamic I/O automata definition because the agent existence and location can be expressed directly by using agent and location names instead of special variables as in TLA. It also shows how the reuse of names for dynamically created and destroyed agents within the dynamic I/O automata framework can be specified in MTLA.

  • Unconditionally Secure Group Signatures

    Takenobu SEITO  Yuki HARA  Junji SHIKATA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:8

    A group signature scheme introduced by Chaum and Van Heyst allows a group member to sign messages anonymously on behalf of the group. However, in the case of a dispute, the identity of a signer of a group signature can be revealed only by a privileged entity, called a group manager. The group signature scheme has mainly been studied from the viewpoint of computational security setting so far. The main contribution of this paper is to study group signature schemes in unconditional security. More specifically, we newly introduce strong security notions of unconditionally secure group signatures (USGS for short) based on the idea of those of computationally secure group signatures proposed by Bellare, Micciancio and Warinschi. We also provide a generic method to construct USGS that is provably secure in our security definition. More precisely, we construct USGS by combining an encryption scheme with a signature, and show that the constructed scheme is unconditionally secure if the encryption and the signature used in the construction are unconditionally secure. Finally, we provide an instantiation of the one-time secure group signature scheme based on the generic construction.

  • Performance Evaluation of MIMO-UWB Systems Using Measured Propagation Data and Proposal of Timing Control Scheme in LOS Environments

    Masaki TAKANASHI  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Yasutaka OGAWA  Takeo OHGANE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E92-B No:8

    Ultrawide-band impulse radio (UWB-IR) technology and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have attracted interest regarding their use in next-generation high-speed radio communication. We have studied the use of MIMO ultrawide-band (MIMO-UWB) systems to enable higher-speed radio communication. We used frequency-domain equalization based on the minimum mean square error criterion (MMSE-FDE) to reduce intersymbol interference (ISI) and co-channel interference (CCI) in MIMO-UWB systems. Because UWB systems are expected to be used for short-range wireless communication, MIMO-UWB systems will usually operate in line-of-sight (LOS) environments and direct waves will be received at the receiver side. Direct waves have high power and cause high correlations between antennas in such environments. Thus, it is thought that direct waves will adversely affect the performance of spatial filtering and equalization techniques used to enhance signal detection. To examine the feasibility of MIMO-UWB systems, we conducted MIMO-UWB system propagation measurements in LOS environments. From the measurements, we found that the arrival time of direct waves from different transmitting antennas depends on the MIMO configuration. Because we can obtain high power from the direct waves, direct wave reception is critical for maximizing transmission performance. In this paper, we present our measurement results, and propose a way to improve performance using a method of transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) timing control. We evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance for this form of timing control using measured channel data.

  • Low Power 10-b 250 Msample/s CMOS Cascaded Folding and Interpolating A/D Converter

    Zhi-Yuan CUI  Yong-Gao JIN  Nam-Soo KIM  Ho-Yong CHOI  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E92-C No:8

    This paper introduces a new folding amplifier in a folding and interpolating 10-b ADC. The amplifier consists of current mirrors and differential stages. Only one current source is exploited in cascaded differential pairs, which reduces the power consumption significantly. In the folding circuit, the interpolation is implemented with a current division technique. An experiment of the amplifier in 10-b folding signal has been integrated in a single-poly four-metal 0.35 µm CMOS process. The simulation in 10-b folding ADC shows that power consumption is 225 mW at the sampling speed of 250 Msample/s and the power supply of 3.3 V. The preliminary experiment indicates the current steering folder and digital bits operate as expected.

  • A Scheduling Algorithm for Minimizing Exclusive Window Durations in Time-Triggered Controller Area Network

    Minsoo RYU  


    E92-B No:8

    Time-Triggered Controller Area Network is widely accepted as a viable solution for real-time communication systems such as in-vehicle communications. However, although TTCAN has been designed to support both periodic and sporadic real-time messages, previous studies mostly focused on providing deterministic real-time guarantees for periodic messages while barely addressing the performance issue of sporadic messages. In this paper, we present an O(n2) scheduling algorithm that can minimize the maximum duration of exclusive windows occupied by periodic messages, thereby minimizing the worst-case scheduling delays experienced by sporadic messages.

  • Distributed Noise Generation for Density Estimation Based Clustering without Trusted Third Party

    Chunhua SU  Feng BAO  Jianying ZHOU  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E92-A No:8

    The rapid growth of the Internet provides people with tremendous opportunities for data collection, knowledge discovery and cooperative computation. However, it also brings the problem of sensitive information leakage. Both individuals and enterprises may suffer from the massive data collection and the information retrieval by distrusted parties. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving protocol for the distributed kernel density estimation-based clustering. Our scheme applies random data perturbation (RDP) technique and the verifiable secret sharing to solve the security problem of distributed kernel density estimation in [4] which assumed a mediate party to help in the computation.

  • Speech Reinforcement Based on Soft Decision under Far-End Noise Environments

    Jae-Hun CHOI  Woo-Sang PARK  Joon-Hyuk CHANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E92-A No:8

    In this letter, we propose a speech reinforcement technique based on soft decision under both the far-end and near-end noise environments. We amplify the estimated clean speech signal at the far-end based on the estimated ambient noise spectrum at the near-end, as opposed to reinforcing the noisy far-end speech signal, so that it can be heard more intelligibly in far-end noisy environments. To obtain an effective reinforcement technique, we adopt the soft decision scheme incorporating a speech absence probability (SAP) in the frequency dependent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) recovery method where the clean speech spectrum is estimated and the reinforcement gain is inherently derived and modified within the unified framework. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated by a subjective testing under various noisy environments. This is an improvement over previous approaches.

  • A GMM-Based Feature Selection Algorithm for Multi-Class Classification

    Tacksung CHOI  Sunkuk MOON  Young-cheol PARK  Dae-hee YOUN  Seokpil LEE  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E92-D No:8

    In this paper, we propose a new feature selection algorithm for multi-class classification. The proposed algorithm is based on Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) of the features, and it uses the distance between the two least separable classes as a metric for feature selection. The proposed system was tested with a support vector machine (SVM) for multi-class classification of music. Results show that the proposed feature selection scheme is superior to conventional schemes.
