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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • A Biologically Inspired Self-Adaptation of Replica Density Control

    Tomoko IZUMI  Taisuke IZUMI  Fukuhito OOSHITA  Hirotsugu KAKUGAWA  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  

    PAPER-Distributed Cooperation and Agents

    E92-D No:5

    Biologically-inspired approaches are one of the most promising approaches to realize highly-adaptive distributed systems. Biological systems inherently have self-* properties, such as self-stabilization, self-adaptation, self-configuration, self-optimization and self-healing. Thus, the application of biological systems into distributed systems has attracted a lot of attention recently. In this paper, we present one successful result of bio-inspired approach: we propose distributed algorithms for resource replication inspired by the single species population model. Resource replication is a crucial technique for improving system performance of distributed applications with shared resources. In systems using resource replication, generally, a larger number of replicas lead to shorter time to reach a replica of a requested resource but consume more storage of the hosts. Therefore, it is indispensable to adjust the number of replicas appropriately for the resource sharing application. This paper considers the problem for controlling the densities of replicas adaptively in dynamic networks and proposes two bio-inspired distributed algorithms for the problem. In the first algorithm, we try to control the replica density for a single resource. However, in a system where multiple resources coexist, the algorithm needs high network cost and the exact knowledge at each node about all resources in the network. In the second algorithm, the densities of all resources are controlled by the single algorithm without high network cost and the exact knowledge about all resources. This paper shows by simulations that these two algorithms realize self-adaptation of the replica density in dynamic networks.

  • Generating Test Cases for Invariant Properties from Proof Scores in the OTS/CafeOBJ Method

    Masaki NAKAMURA  Takahiro SEINO  

    PAPER-Software Testing

    E92-D No:5

    In the OTS/CafeOBJ method, software specifications are described in CafeOBJ executable formal specification language, and verification is done by giving scripts to the CafeOBJ system. The script is called a proof score. In this study, we propose a test case generator from an OTS/CafeOBJ specification together with a proof score. Our test case generator gives test cases by analyzing the proof score. The test cases are used to test whether an implementation satisfies the specification and the property verified by the proof score. Since a proof score involves important information for verifying a property, the generated test cases are also expected to be suitable to test the property.

  • Improved Successive Detector for OFDM in Time-Variant Multipath Channels

    Feng LI  Shihua ZHU  Mei RONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:5

    Time variations of wireless multipath channels can lead to severe intercarrier interference (ICI) in orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) systems, whereas large Doppler frequency spread can provide us with time diversity gain. In order to take advantage of the time diversity and to suppress the interference and noise enhancement at the same time, the receiver normally detects the data successively. In this letter, we propose an improved detection ordering based on the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) rather than the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the successive detector. Using both theoretical analysis and computer simulation, it is shown that this scheme outperforms the traditional successive detection methods.

  • Performance of Pre-FFT Type MMSE Adaptive Array Antenna with Iterative Weight Update in Presence of Sporadic Intra-System Interference

    Kazuto YANO  Makoto TAROMARU  Masazumi UEBA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:5

    This paper introduces our proposed pre-FFT type MMSE-AAA for an OFDM packet transmission system to suppress sporadic interference. The AAA scheme controls an antenna weight to minimize the mean square error between its output signals of two periods with identical transmitted waveform and iterates the weight updating process in an OFDM symbol to rapidly converge the weight. The average PER performance of the proposed AAA with the presence of a sporadic inter-system/intra-system interference signal is evaluated through computer simulations that assume an exponentially decaying 12-path LOS fading channel and IEEE 802.11a data frame transmission. Simulation results show that the proposed AAA can effectively suppress sporadic inter-system interference that is irrelevant to its arrival timing. Sporadic intra-system interference can also be suppressed by the proposed AAA more efficiently than inter-system interference as long as the interference arrives between 13% and 90% of the OFDM symbol duration after the beginning of an OFDM symbol of the desired signal.

  • 180 Rotationally Invariant Repeat-Accumulate Codes

    Wangrok OH  Kyungwhoon CHEUN  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E92-B No:5

    In digital communication systems employing binary phase-shift keying and non-data-aided carrier phase recovery, a 180 carrier phase ambiguity is inevitable. Here, we propose a simple modification to the standard regular repeat-accumulate (RA) code structure by exploiting the differential encoding inherent to the inner encoder of RA codes resulting in codes that are 180 rotationally invariant. The proposed code structure exhibit performance virtually identical to that of standard regular RA codes with zero carrier phase offset under both zero and 180 carrier phase offsets with negligible additional hardware complexity.

  • Privacy Protection by Matrix Transformation

    Weijia YANG  

    LETTER-Data Mining

    E92-D No:4

    Privacy preserving is indispensable in data mining. In this paper, we present a novel clustering method for distributed multi-party data sets using orthogonal transformation and data randomization techniques. Our method can not only protect privacy in face of collusion, but also achieve a higher level of accuracy compared to the existing methods.

  • Design of Anonymous Attribute Authentication Mechanism

    Shinsaku KIYOMOTO  Kazuhide FUKUSHIMA  Toshiaki TANAKA  


    E92-B No:4

    Privacy remains an issue for IT services. Users are concerned that their history of service use may be traceable since each user is assigned a single identifier as a means of authentication. In this paper, we propose a perfectly anonymous attribute authentication scheme that is both unidentifiable and untraceable. Then, we present the evaluation results of a prototype system using a PC and mobile phone with the scheme. The proposed scheme employs a self-blindable certificate that a user can change randomly; thus the certificate is modified for each authentication, and the authentication scheme is unidentifiable and untraceable. Furthermore, our scheme can revoke self-blindable certificates without leaks of confidential private information and check the revocation status without online access.

  • Diagram-Based Support for Collaborative Learning in Mathematical Exercise

    Tomoko KOJIRI  Yosuke MURASE  Toyohide WATANABE  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E92-D No:4

    This paper focuses on the collaborative learning of mathematics in which learners effectively acquire knowledge of common exercises through discussion with other learners. During collaborative learning, learners sometimes cannot solve exercises successfully, because they cannot derive answers by themselves or they hesitate to propose answers through discussion. To cope with such situations, this paper proposes two support functions using diagrams to encourage active discussion, since diagrams are often used to graphically illustrate mathematical concepts. One function indicates the differences between learner diagrams and the group diagram in order to encourage participation in discussions. To compare the characteristics of diagrams drawn by different learners, internal representation of the diagram, which consists of types of figures and remarkable relations to other figures, is introduced. The other function provides hints in the group diagram so that all learners can consider their answers collaboratively through discussions. Since preparing hints for all exercises is difficult, rules for drawing supplementary figures, which are general methods for drawing supplementary figures that correspond to individual answering methods/formulas, are also developed. By applying available rules to current group diagram, appropriate supplementary figures that can solve current learning situations may be generated. The experimental results showed that the generated hints successfully increased the number of utterances in the groups. Moreover, learners were also able to derive answers by themselves and tended to propose more opinions in discussions when the uniqueness of their diagrams was indicated.

  • Chaotic Spike-Train with Line-Like Spectrum

    Yusuke MATSUOKA  Tomonari HASEGAWA  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E92-A No:4

    This paper studies a simple spiking oscillator having piecewise constant vector field. Repeating vibrate-and-fire dynamics, the system exhibits various spike-trains and we pay special attention to chaotic spike-trains having line-like spectrum in distribution of inter-spike intervals. In the parameter space, existence regions of such phenomena can construct infinite window-like structures. The system has piecewise linear trajectory and we can give theoretical evidence for the phenomena. Presenting a simple test circuit, typical phenomena are confirmed experimentally.

  • An Efficient Decoupling Capacitance Budgeting Methodology by Using Power-Capacitance Ratio

    Susumu KOBAYASHI  Naoshi DOI  


    E92-C No:4

    The high-speed and low-power system LSIs in recent years have crucial need for managing power supply noise so that it might not substantially affect the circuit functionality and performance. The decoupling capacitance is known as an effective measure for suppressing the power supply noise. In this paper, we propose a design methodology for decoupling capacitance budgeting, in which the decoupling capacitance is distributed appropriately over the LSI chip area in order to suppress the power supply noise of each local region. For efficient budgeting, we introduced a new concept of power-capacitance ratio, which is the ratio of power dissipation to capacitance. The proposed method first performs a simplified power supply noise analysis by using a lumped circuit model to determine the total required on-chip capacitance, and calculate the power-capacitance ratio. Then, in the layout design phase, the decoupling capacitance budgeting is performed by using the above power-capacitance ratio as a guideline. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified by using SPICE simulations on example chip models of 90 nm technology node. The verification results show that, even for a chip with very wide on-chip variation in power density, the proposed method can suppress the power supply noise of each local region effectively.

  • Adaptive Selection of Surviving Symbol Replica Candidates for Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Detection Using M-Algorithm with QR-Decomposition for OFDM MIMO Multiplexing

    Kenichi HIGUCHI  Hiroyuki KAWAI  Hidekazu TAOKA  Noriyuki MAEDA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:4

    This paper proposes an adaptive selection algorithm for the surviving symbol replica candidates (ASESS) based on the maximum reliability in maximum likelihood detection with QR decomposition and the M-algorithm (QRM-MLD) for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiplexing. In the proposed algorithm, symbol replica candidates newly-added at each stage are ranked for each surviving symbol replica from the previous stage using multiple quadrant detection. Then, branch metrics are calculated only for the minimum number of symbol replica candidates with a high level of reliability using an iterative loop based on symbol ranking results. Computer simulation results show that the computational complexity of the QRM-MLD employing the proposed ASESS algorithm is reduced to approximately 1/4 and 1/1200 compared to that of the original QRM-MLD and that of the conventional MLD with squared Euclidian distance calculations for all symbol replica candidates, respectively, assuming the identical achievable average packet error rate (PER) performance in 4-by-4 MIMO multiplexing with 16QAM data modulation. The results also show that 1-Gbps throughput is achieved at the average received signal energy per bit-to-noise power spectrum density ratio (Eb/N0) per receiver antenna of approximately 9 dB using the ASESS algorithm in QRM-MLD associated with 16QAM modulation and Turbo coding with the coding rate of 8/9 assuming a 100-MHz bandwidth for a 12-path Rayleigh fading channel (root mean square (r.m.s.) delay spread of 0.26 µs and maximum Doppler frequency of 20 Hz).

  • Impact of Randomized Cross-Polarization Discrimination on Channel Correlation Property of the 3GPP Spatial Channel Model

    Yu ZHANG  Jianhua ZHANG  Guangyi LIU  Ping ZHANG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E92-B No:4

    The use of cross-polarized antennas for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems is receiving attention as they are able to double the number of antenna for half antenna spacing needs. This paper presents the channel correlation property of the 3rd Generation Partner Project (3GPP)/3GPP2 spatial channel model (SCM) with the polarization propagation. The statistical average of the per path polarization correlation given random cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) with co-located ideal tilted dipole antennas is derived. The impact on the random behavior of the polarization correlation due to the slant offset angle, the per path angular spread (AS), and the random XPD is analyzed. The simulation results show that the variation of polarization correlation caused by the random XPD is maximized with a 58 slant offset angle under the assumptions of all predefined scenarios in SCM. The per path AS has minor impact on the statistics of the polarization correlations. The randomness of polarization correlation is negligible for an XPD with small standard deviation.

  • Compactness of Family of Fuzzy Sets in L2 Space with Application to Optimal Control

    Takashi MITSUISHI  Yasunari SHIDAMA  


    E92-A No:4

    The optimization of nonlinear feedback fuzzy system using the product-sum-gravity method is described in this paper. The fuzzy control discussed here is the nonlinear feedback control in which the feedback laws are determined by IF-THEN type fuzzy production rules through product-sum-gravity method. To prove existence of optimal control, we applied compactness of a set of membership functions in L2 space and continuity of the approximate reasoning, and prepared some propositions concerning product-sum-gravity method. By considering fuzzy optimal control problems as problems of finding the minimum (maximum) value of the integral cost (benefit) function on an appropriate set of membership functions, the existence of fuzzy optimal control is shown.

  • A Goal Programming Approach for Resource Allocation Considering Client Demands in a Multiuser OFDMA Downlink System

    Younggoo HAN  Woochul SHIM  Sehun KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:4

    This study investigates subcarrier and power allocation schemes in an OFDMA downlink system. To consider client demands, a goal programming approach is proposed. The proposed algorithm minimizes the weighted sum of each client's dissatisfaction index. Simulations show that the sum of dissatisfaction indices can be reduced significantly.

  • EMI Reduction by Spread-Spectrum Clocking in Digitally-Controlled DC-DC Converters

    Ibuki MORI  Yoshihisa YAMADA  Santhos A. WIBOWO  Masashi KONO  Haruo KOBAYASHI  Yukihiro FUJIMURA  Nobukazu TAKAI  Toshio SUGIYAMA  Isao FUKAI  Norihisa ONISHI  Ichiro TAKEDA  Jun-ichi MATSUDA  


    E92-A No:4

    This paper proposes spread-spectrum clock modulation algorithms for EMI reduction in digitally-controlled DC-DC converters. In switching regulators using PWM, switching noise and harmonic noise concentrated in a narrow spectrum around the switching frequency can cause severe EMI. Spread-spectrum clock modulation can be used to minimize EMI. In conventional switching regulators using analog control it is very difficult to realize complex spread-spectrum clocking, however this paper shows that it is relatively easy to implement spread-spectrum EMI-reduction using digital control. The proposed algorithm was verified using a power converter simulator (SCAT).

  • Low Cost Time Synchronization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network

    Ki-Hyeon KIM  Won-Kee HONG  Hie-Cheol KIM  


    E92-B No:4

    A time synchronization protocol for WSN is required to compensate time discrepancy. Time discrepancy among sensor nodes inevitably happens in WSN due to several internal and external factors. In order to make WSN's own job done effectively, a time synchronization protocol should be designed to achieve low execution time and low network traffic as well as accurate synchronization. Several synchronization protocols have been proposed to provide accurate time synchronization but do not consider execution time and network traffic for time synchronization. This paper proposes MNTP; it provides rapid and accurate time synchronization in multi-hop communication range. It presents a new broadcast scheme and time stamping mechanism to achieve low execution time and low network traffic along with accurate synchronization. Evaluation results show that MNTP improves synchronization accuracy up to 22% in single-hop and 51% in multi-hop respectively. MNTP also has 67 times and 58 times lower execution time and network traffic when 300 nodes are deployed in 2020 m2 sensor field.

  • A Robust 3D Face Recognition Algorithm Using Passive Stereo Vision

    Akihiro HAYASAKA  Koichi ITO  Takafumi AOKI  Hiroshi NAKAJIMA  Koji KOBAYASHI  


    E92-A No:4

    The recognition performance of the conventional 3D face recognition algorithm using ICP (Iterative Closest Point) is degraded for the 3D face data with expression changes. Addressing this problem, we consider the use of the expression-invariant local regions of a face. We find the expression-invariant regions through the distance analysis between 3D face data with the neutral expression and smile, and propose a robust 3D face recognition algorithm using passive stereo vision. We demonstrate efficient recognition performance of the proposed algorithm compared with the conventional ICP-based algorithm through the experiment using a stereo face image database which includes the face images with expression changes.

  • Counting Rectangular Drawings or Floorplans in Polynomial Time

    Youhei INOUE  Toshihiko TAKAHASHI  Ryo FUJIMAKI  


    E92-A No:4

    A subdivision of a rectangle into rectangular faces with horizontal and vertical line segments is called a rectangular drawing or floorplan. It has been an open problem to determine whether there exist a polynomial time algorithm for computing R(n). We affirmatively solve the problem, that is, we introduce an O(n4)-time and O(n3)-space algorithm for R(n). The algorithm is based on a recurrence for R(n), which is the main result of the paper. We also implement our algorithm and computed R(n) for n 3000.

  • Power Allocation for Parallel Relaying System with Partial Channel State Information

    Wei GUAN  Hanwen LUO  Chengyu LIN  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:4

    We introduce a novel power allocation scheme for decode-and-forward relaying system with partial channel state (CSI) information, i.e., the source knows full CSI of source-relay link but only statistical CSI of source-destination and relay-destination links. Our objective is to minimize the outage probability by jointly allocating the transmit power between the source and relays. To avoid exhaustive search, the MAOP scheme and the MMS scheme are proposed to approach the optimal allocation in the high and low signal-to-noise ratio regimes, respectively.

  • Improved Multi-Cell Joint Channel Estimation for the TD-SCDMA Downlink

    Peng XUE  Ning CAO  Dong Kwan KANG  Duk Kyung KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:4

    In this paper, a multi-cell joint channel estimation (JCE) method is proposed for the TD-SCDMA downlink. In the proposed multi-cell JCE approach, the received midambles from adjacent cells are jointly processed, rather than being treated as interference as in single cell channel estimation. By jointly processing all the received midambles, the user can simultaneously estimate the channel impulse responses (CIRs) for both its home cell and adjacent cells. If the received signal from adjacent cells has a delay, multi-cell JCE is still operable with slight adjustment in the midamble matrix, and the performance loss is also minor. The performance of multi-cell JCE is analyzed and evaluated by simulations. The results demonstrate that the proposed multi-cell JCE method can significantly improve the channel estimation accuracy. When the signal from each cell has similar power level, the mean square error (MSE) of the estimated CIRs for all cells is lower than 0.01. With more accurate CIRs from multi-cell JCE, multi-cell JD also yields better performance compared with the single cell channel estimation methods.
