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  • Boosting Spectrum-Based Fault Localization via Multi-Correct Programs in Online Programming Open Access

    Wei ZHENG  Hao HU  Tengfei CHEN  Fengyu YANG  Xin FAN  Peng XIAO  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E107-D No:4

    Providing students with useful feedback on faulty programs can effectively help students fix programs. Spectrum-Based Fault Location (SBFL), which is a widely studied and lightweight technique, can automatically generate a suspicious value of statement ranking to help users find potential faults in a program. However, the performance of SBFL on student programs is not satisfactory, to improve the accuracy of SBFL in student programs, we propose a novel Multi-Correct Programs based Fault Localization (MCPFL) approach. Specifically, We first collected the correct programs submitted by students on the OJ system according to the programming problem numbers and removed the highly similar correct programs based on code similarity, and then stored them together with the faulty program to be located to construct a set of programs. Afterward, we analyzed the suspiciousness of the term in the faulty program through the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). Finally, we designed a formula to calculate the weight of suspiciousness for program statements based on the number of input variables in the statement and weighted it to the spectrum-based fault localization formula. To evaluate the effectiveness of MCPFL, we conducted empirical studies on six student program datasets collected in our OJ system, and the results showed that MCPFL can effectively improve the traditional SBFL methods. In particular, on the EXAM metric, our approach improves by an average of 27.51% on the Dstar formula.

  • Multi-Style Shape Matching GAN for Text Images Open Access

    Honghui YUAN  Keiji YANAI  


    E107-D No:4

    Deep learning techniques are used to transform the style of images and produce diverse images. In the text style transformation field, many previous studies attempted to generate stylized text using deep learning networks. However, to achieve multiple style transformations for text images, the methods proposed in previous studies require learning multiple networks or cannot be guided by style images. Thus, in this study we focused on multistyle transformation of text images using style images to guide the generation of results. We propose a multiple-style transformation network for text style transfer, which we refer to as the Multi-Style Shape Matching GAN (Multi-Style SMGAN). The proposed method generates multiple styles of text images using a single model by training the model only once, and allows users to control the text style according to style images. The proposed method implements conditions to the network such that all styles can be distinguished effectively in the network, and the generation of each styled text can be controlled according to these conditions. The proposed network is optimized such that the conditional information can be transmitted effectively throughout the network. The proposed method was evaluated experimentally on a large number of text images, and the results show that the trained model can generate multiple-style text in realtime according to the style image. In addition, the results of a user survey study indicate that the proposed method produces higher quality results compared to existing methods.

  • PSDSpell: Pre-Training with Self-Distillation Learning for Chinese Spelling Correction Open Access

    Li HE  Xiaowu ZHANG  Jianyong DUAN  Hao WANG  Xin LI  Liang ZHAO  


    E107-D No:4

    Chinese spelling correction (CSC) models detect and correct a text typo based on the misspelled character and its context. Recently, Bert-based models have dominated the research of Chinese spelling correction. However, these methods only focus on the semantic information of the text during the pretraining stage, neglecting the learning of correcting spelling errors. Moreover, when multiple incorrect characters are in the text, the context introduces noisy information, making it difficult for the model to accurately detect the positions of the incorrect characters, leading to false corrections. To address these limitations, we apply the multimodal pre-trained language model ChineseBert to the task of spelling correction. We propose a self-distillation learning-based pretraining strategy, where a confusion set is used to construct text containing erroneous characters, allowing the model to jointly learns how to understand language and correct spelling errors. Additionally, we introduce a single-channel masking mechanism to mitigate the noise caused by the incorrect characters. This mechanism masks the semantic encoding channel while preserving the phonetic and glyph encoding channels, reducing the noise introduced by incorrect characters during the prediction process. Finally, experiments are conducted on widely used benchmarks. Our model achieves superior performance against state-of-the-art methods by a remarkable gain.

  • An Academic Presentation Support System Utilizing Structural Elements Open Access

    Kazuma TAKAHASHI  Wen GU  Koichi OTA  Shinobu HASEGAWA  


    E107-D No:4

    In academic presentation, the structure design of presentation is critical for making the presentation logical and understandable. However, it is difficult for novice researchers to construct required academic presentation structure due to the flexibility in structure creation. To help novice researchers revise and improve their presentation structure, we propose an academic presentation structure modification support system based on structural elements of the presentation slides. In the proposed system, we build a presentation structural elements model (PSEM) that represents the essential structural elements and their relations to clarify the ideal structure of academic presentation. Based on the PSEM, we also designed two evaluation indices to evaluate the academic presentation structure. To evaluate the proposed system with real-world data, we construct a web application that generates evaluation and feedback to academic presentation slides. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system.

  • Mining User Activity Patterns from Time-Series Data Obtained from UWB Sensors in Indoor Environments Open Access

    Muhammad FAWAD RAHIM  Tessai HAYAMA  


    E107-D No:4

    In recent years, location-based technologies for ubiquitous environments have aimed to realize services tailored to each purpose based on information about an individual's current location. To establish such advanced location-based services, an estimation technology that can accurately recognize and predict the movements of people and objects is necessary. Although global positioning system (GPS) has already been used as a standard for outdoor positioning technology and many services have been realized, several techniques using conventional wireless sensors such as Wi-Fi, RFID, and Bluetooth have been considered for indoor positioning technology. However, conventional wireless indoor positioning is prone to the effects of noise, and the large range of estimated indoor locations makes it difficult to identify human activities precisely. We propose a method to mine user activity patterns from time-series data of user's locationss in an indoor environment using ultra-wideband (UWB) sensors. An UWB sensor is useful for indoor positioning due to its high noise immunity and measurement accuracy, however, to our knowledge, estimation and prediction of human indoor activities using UWB sensors have not yet been addressed. The proposed method consists of three steps: 1) obtaining time-series data of the user's location using a UWB sensor attached to the user, and then estimating the areas where the user has stayed; 2) associating each area of the user's stay with a nearby landmark of activity and assigning indoor activities; and 3) mining the user's activity patterns based on the user's indoor activities and their transitions. We conducted experiments to evaluate the proposed method by investigating the accuracy of estimating the user's area of stay using a UWB sensor and observing the results of activity pattern mining applied to actual laboratory members over 30-days. The results showed that the proposed method is superior to a comparison method, Time-based clustering algorithm, in estimating the stay areas precisely, and that it is possible to reveal the user's activity patterns appropriately in the actual environment.

  • Pattern-Based Meta Graph Neural Networks for Argument Classifications Open Access

    Shiyao DING  Takayuki ITO  


    E107-D No:4

    Despite recent advancements in utilizing meta-learning for addressing the generalization challenges of graph neural networks (GNN), their performance in argumentation mining tasks, such as argument classifications, remains relatively limited. This is primarily due to the under-utilization of potential pattern knowledge intrinsic to argumentation structures. To address this issue, our study proposes a two-stage, pattern-based meta-GNN method in contrast to conventional pattern-free meta-GNN approaches. Initially, our method focuses on learning a high-level pattern representation to effectively capture the pattern knowledge within an argumentation structure and then predicts edge types. It then utilizes a meta-learning framework in the second stage, designed to train a meta-learner based on the predicted edge types. This feature allows for rapid generalization to novel argumentation graphs. Through experiments on real English discussion datasets spanning diverse topics, our results demonstrate that our proposed method substantially outperforms conventional pattern-free GNN approaches, signifying a significant stride forward in this domain.

  • Conversational AI as a Facilitator Improves Participant Engagement and Problem-Solving in Online Discussion: Sharing Evidence from Five Cities in Afghanistan Open Access

    Sofia SAHAB  Jawad HAQBEEN  Takayuki ITO  


    E107-D No:4

    Despite the increasing use of conversational artificial intelligence (AI) in online discussion environments, few studies explore the application of AI as a facilitator in forming problem-solving debates and influencing opinions in cross-venue scenarios, particularly in diverse and war-ravaged countries. This study aims to investigate the impact of AI on enhancing participant engagement and collaborative problem-solving in online-mediated discussion environments, especially in diverse and heterogeneous discussion settings, such as the five cities in Afghanistan. We seek to assess the extent to which AI participation in online conversations succeeds by examining the depth of discussions and participants' contributions, comparing discussions facilitated by AI with those not facilitated by AI across different venues. The results are discussed with respect to forming and changing opinions with and without AI-mediated communication. The findings indicate that the number of opinions generated in AI-facilitated discussions significantly differs from discussions without AI support. Additionally, statistical analyses reveal quantitative disparities in online discourse sentiments when conversational AI is present compared to when it is absent. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the role of AI-mediated discussions and offer several practical and social implications, paving the way for future developments and improvements.

  • An Automated Multi-Phase Facilitation Agent Based on LLM Open Access

    Yihan DONG  Shiyao DING  Takayuki ITO  


    E107-D No:4

    This paper presents the design and implementation of an automated multi-phase facilitation agent based on LLM to realize inclusive facilitation and efficient use of a large language model (LLM) to facilitate realistic discussions. Large-scale discussion support systems have been studied and implemented very widely since they enable a lot of people to discuss remotely and within 24 hours and 7 days. Furthermore, automated facilitation artificial intelligence (AI) agents have been realized since they can efficiently facilitate large-scale discussions. For example, D-Agree is a large-scale discussion support system where an automated facilitation AI agent facilitates discussion among people. Since the current automated facilitation agent was designed following the structure of the issue-based information system (IBIS) and the IBIS-based agent has been proven that it has superior performance. However, there are several problems that need to be addressed with the IBIS-based agent. In this paper, we focus on the following three problems: 1) The IBIS-based agent was designed to only promote other participants' posts by replying to existing posts accordingly, lacking the consideration of different behaviours taken by participants with diverse characteristics, leading to a result that sometimes the discussion is not sufficient. 2) The facilitation messages generated by the IBIS-based agent were not natural enough, leading to consequences that the participants were not sufficiently promoted and the participants did not follow the flow to discuss a topic. 3) Since the IBIS-based agent is not combined with LLM, designing the control of LLM is necessary. Thus, to solve the problems mentioned above, the design of a phase-based facilitation framework is proposed in this paper. Specifically, we propose two significant designs: One is the design for a multi-phase facilitation agent created based on the framework to address problem 1); The other one is the design for the combination with LLM to address problem 2) and 3). Particularly, the language model called “GPT-3.5” is used for the combination by using corresponding APIs from OPENAI. Furthermore, we demonstrate the improvement of our facilitation agent framework by presenting the evaluations and a case study. Besides, we present the difference between our framework and LangChain which has generic features to utilize LLMs.

  • 300-GHz-Band Dual-Band Bandstop Filter Based on Two Different Sized Split Ring Resonators Open Access

    Akihiko HIRATA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E107-C No:4

    For 6G mobile communications, it is important to realize a 300 GHz band bandpass filter that fits the occupied bandwidth of wireless communication system to prevent inter-system interference. This paper presents the design of a 300-GHz-band dual-band bandstop filter composed of two types of different sized split ring resonator (SRR) unit cells. The SRR unit cells are formed by a 5-μm-thick gold pattern on a 200-μm-thick quartz substrate. When two different-sized SRR unit cells are placed alternately on the same quartz substrate and the SRR unit cell size is over 260 μm, the stopbands of the dual-band bandstop filter are almost the same as those of the bandstop filter, which is composed of a single SRR unit cell. The insertion loss of the dual-band bandstop filter at 297.4 GHz is 1.8 dB and the 3-dB passband becomes 16.0 GHz (290.4-306.4 GHz). The attenuation in the two stopbands is greater than 20 dB. Six types of dual-band bandstop filters with different arrangement and different distance between SRR unit cells are prototyped, and the effect of the distance and arrangement between different sized SRR unit cells on the transmission characteristics of dual-band bandstop filters were clarified.

  • Coupling Analysis of Fiber-Type Polarization Splitter Open Access

    Taiki ARAKAWA  Kazuhiro YAMAGUCHI  Kazunori KAMEDA  Shinichi FURUKAWA  


    E107-C No:4

    We study the device length and/or band characteristics examined by two coupling analysis methods for our proposed fiber-type polarization splitter (FPS) composed of single mode fiber and polarization maintaining fiber. The first method is based on the power transition characteristics of the coupled-mode theory (CMT), and the second, a more accurate analysis method, is based on improved fundamental mode excitation (IFME). The CMT and IFME were evaluated and investigated with respect to the device length and bandwidth characteristics of the FPS. In addition, the influence of the excitation point shift of the fundamental mode, which has not been almost researched so far, is also analysed by using IFME.

  • Why the Controversy over Displacement Currents never Ends? Open Access

    Masao KITANO  


    E107-C No:4

    Displacement current is the last piece of the puzzle of electromagnetic theory. Its existence implies that electromagnetic disturbance can propagate at the speed of light and finally it led to the discovery of Hertzian waves. On the other hand, since magnetic fields can be calculated only with conduction currents using Biot-Savart's law, a popular belief that displacement current does not produce magnetic fields has started to circulate. But some people think if this is correct, what is the displacement current introduced for. The controversy over the meaning of displacement currents has been going on for more than hundred years. Such confusion is caused by forgetting the fact that in the case of non-stationary currents, neither magnetic fields created by conduction currents nor those created by displacement currents can be defined. It is also forgotten that the effect of displacement current is automatically incorporated in the magnetic field calculated by Biot-Savart's law. In this paper, mainly with the help of Helmholtz decomposition, we would like to clarify the confusion surrounding displacement currents and provide an opportunity to end the long standing controversy.

  • SimpleViTFi: A Lightweight Vision Transformer Model for Wi-Fi-Based Person Identification Open Access

    Jichen BIAN  Min ZHENG  Hong LIU  Jiahui MAO  Hui LI  Chong TAN  


    E107-B No:4

    Wi-Fi-based person identification (PI) tasks are performed by analyzing the fluctuating characteristics of the Channel State Information (CSI) data to determine whether the person's identity is legitimate. This technology can be used for intrusion detection and keyless access to restricted areas. However, the related research rarely considers the restricted computing resources and the complexity of real-world environments, resulting in lacking practicality in some scenarios, such as intrusion detection tasks in remote substations without public network coverage. In this paper, we propose a novel neural network model named SimpleViTFi, a lightweight classification model based on Vision Transformer (ViT), which adds a downsampling mechanism, a distinctive patch embedding method and learnable positional embedding to the cropped ViT architecture. We employ the latest IEEE 802.11ac 80MHz CSI dataset provided by [1]. The CSI matrix is abstracted into a special “image” after pre-processing and fed into the trained SimpleViTFi for classification. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SimpleViTFi has lower computational resource overhead and better accuracy than traditional classification models, reflecting the robustness on LOS or NLOS CSI data generated by different Tx-Rx devices and acquired by different monitors.

  • Capacity and Reliability of Ionosphere Communication Channel Based on Multi-Carrier Modulation Technique and LUF-MUF Variation Open Access

    Varuliantor DEAR  Annis SIRADJ MARDIANI  Nandang DEDI  Prayitno ABADI  Baud HARYO PRANANTO   ISKANDAR  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E107-B No:4

    Low capacity and reliability are the challenges in the development of ionosphere communication channel systems. To overcome this problem, one promising and state-of-the-art method is applying a multi-carrier modulation technique. Currently, the use of multi-carrier modulation technique is using a single transmission frequency with a bandwidth is no more than 24 kHz in real-world implementation. However, based on the range of the minimum and maximum ionospheric plasma frequency values, which could be in the MHz range, the use of these values as the main bandwidth in multi-carrier modulation techniques can optimize the use of available channel capacity. In this paper, we propose a multi-carrier modulation technique in combination with a model variation of Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF) and Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) values as the main bandwidth to optimize the use of available channel capacity while also maintaining its reliability by following the variation of the ionosphere plasma frequency. To analyze its capacity and reliability, we performed a numeric simulation using a LUF-MUF model based on Long Short Term-Memory (LSTM) and Advanced Stand Alone Prediction System (ASAPS) in Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) propagation mode with the assumption of perfect synchronization between transmitter and receiver with no Doppler and no time offsets. The results show the achievement of the ergodic channel capacity varies for every hour of the day, with values in the range of 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps with 0 to 20 dB SNR. Meanwhile, the reliability of the system is in the range of 8% to 100% for every hour of one day based on two different Mode Reliability calculation scenarios. The results also show that channel capacity and system reliability optimization are determined by the accuracy of the LUF-MUF model.

  • Overfitting Problem of ANN- and VSTF-Based Nonlinear Equalizers Trained on Repeated Random Bit Sequences Open Access

    Kai IKUTA  Jinya NAKAMURA  Moriya NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E107-B No:4

    In this paper, we investigated the overfitting characteristics of nonlinear equalizers based on an artificial neural network (ANN) and the Volterra series transfer function (VSTF), which were designed to compensate for optical nonlinear waveform distortion in optical fiber communication systems. Linear waveform distortion caused by, e.g., chromatic dispersion (CD) is commonly compensated by linear equalizers using digital signal processing (DSP) in digital coherent receivers. However, mitigation of nonlinear waveform distortion is considered to be one of the next important issues. An ANN-based nonlinear equalizer is one possible candidate for solving this problem. However, the risk of overfitting of ANNs is one obstacle in using the technology in practical applications. We evaluated and compared the overfitting of ANN- and conventional VSTF-based nonlinear equalizers used to compensate for optical nonlinear distortion. The equalizers were trained on repeated random bit sequences (RRBSs), while varying the length of the bit sequences. When the number of hidden-layer units of the ANN was as large as 100 or 1000, the overfitting characteristics were comparable to those of the VSTF. However, when the number of hidden-layer units was 10, which is usually enough to compensate for optical nonlinear distortion, the overfitting was weaker than that of the VSTF. Furthermore, we confirmed that even commonly used finite impulse response (FIR) filters showed overfitting to the RRBS when the length of the RRBS was equal to or shorter than the length of the tapped delay line of the filters. Conversely, when the RRBS used for the training was sufficiently longer than the tapped delay line, the overfitting could be suppressed, even when using an ANN-based nonlinear equalizer with 10 hidden-layer units.

  • Joint DOA and DOD Estimation Using KR-MUSIC for Overloaded Target in Bistatic MIMO Radars Open Access

    Chih-Chang SHEN  Jia-Sheng LI  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E107-A No:4

    This letter deals with the joint direction of arrival and direction of departure estimation problem for overloaded target in bistatic multiple-input multiple-output radar system. In order to achieve the purpose of effective estimation, the presented Khatri-Rao (KR) MUSIC estimator with the ability to handle overloaded targets mainly combines the subspace characteristics of the target reflected wave signal and the KR product based on the array response. This letter also presents a computationally efficient KR noise subspace projection matrix estimation technique to reduce the computational load due to perform high-dimensional singular value decomposition. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by computer simulation.

  • On the First Separating Redundancy of Array LDPC Codes Open Access

    Haiyang LIU  Lianrong MA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E107-A No:4

    Given an odd prime q and an integer m ≤ q, a binary mq × q2 quasi-cyclic parity-check matrix H(m, q) can be constructed for an array low-density parity-check (LDPC) code C (m, q). In this letter, we investigate the first separating redundancy of C (m, q). We prove that H (m, q) is 1-separating for any pair of (m, q), from which we conclude that the first separating redundancy of C (m, q) is upper bounded by mq. Then we show that our upper bound on the first separating redundancy of C (m, q) is tighter than the general deterministic and constructive upper bounds in the literature. For m=2, we further prove that the first separating redundancy of C (2, q) is 2q for any odd prime q. For m ≥ 3, we conjecture that the first separating redundancy of C (m, q) is mq for any fixed m and sufficiently large q.

  • Long Short-Team Memory for Forecasting Degradation Recovery Process with Binary Maintenance Intervention Records Open Access

    Katsuya KOSUKEGAWA  Kazuhiko KAWAMOTO  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E107-A No:4

    We considered the problem of forecasting the degradation recovery process of civil structures for prognosis and health management. In this process, structural health degrades over time but recovers when a maintenance intervention is performed. Maintenance interventions are typically recorded in terms of date and type. Such records can be represented as binary time series. Using binary maintenance intervention records, we forecast the process by using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). In this study, we experimentally examined how to feed binary time series data into LSTM. To this end, we compared the concatenation and reinitialization methods. The former is used to concatenate maintenance intervention records and health data and feed them into LSTM. The latter is used to reinitialize the LSTM internal memory when maintenance intervention is performed. The experimental results with the synthetic data revealed that the concatenation method outperformed the reinitialization method.

  • Effect of Perceptually Uniform Color Space and Diversity of Chromaticity Components on Digital Signage and Image Sensor-Based Visible Light Communication Open Access

    Kazuya SHIMEI  Kentaro KOBAYASHI  Wataru CHUJO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E107-A No:4

    We study a visible light communication (VLC) system that modulates data signals by changing the color components of image contents on a digital signage display, captures them with an image sensor, and demodulates them using image processing. This system requires that the modulated data signals should not be perceived by the human eye. Previous studies have proposed modulation methods with a chromaticity component that is difficult for the human eye to perceive, and we have also proposed a modulation method with perceptually uniform color space based on human perception characteristics. However, which chromaticity component performs better depends on the image contents, and the evaluation only for some specific image contents was not sufficient. In this paper, we evaluate the communication and visual quality of the modulation methods with chromaticity components for various standard images to clarify the superiority of the method with perceptually uniform color space. In addition, we propose a novel modulation and demodulation method using diversity combining to eliminate the dependency of performance on the image contents. Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the communication and visual quality for almost all the standard images.

  • A User Allocation Method for DASH Multi-Servers Considering Coalition Structure Generation in Cooperative Game Open Access

    Sumiko MIYATA  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  


    E107-A No:4

    Streaming systems that can maintain Quality of Experience (QoE) for users have attracted much attention because they can be applied in various fields, such as emergency response training and medical surgery. Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a typical protocol for streaming system. In order to improve QoE in DASH, a multi-server system has been presented by pseudo-increasing bandwidth through multiple servers. This multi-server system is designed to share streaming content efficiently in addition to having redundant server resources for each streaming content, which is excellent for fault tolerance. Assigning DASH server to users in these multi-servers environment is important to maintain QoE, thus a method of server assignment of users (user allocation method) for multi-servers is presented by using cooperative game theory. However, this conventional user allocation method does not take into account the size of the server bandwidth, thus users are concentrated on a particular server at the start of playback. Although the average required bit rate of video usually fluctuates, bit rate fluctuations are not taken into account. These phenomena may decrease QoE. In this paper, we propose a novel user allocation method using coalition structure generation in cooperative game theory to improve the QoE of all users in an immediate and stable manner in DASH environment. Our proposed method can avoid user concentration, since the bandwidth used by the overall system is taken into account. Moreover, our proposed method can be performed every time the average required bit rate changes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through simulations using Network Simulator 3 (NS3).

  • ILP Based Approaches for Optimizing Early Decompute in Two Level Adiabatic Logic Circuits

    Yuya USHIODA  Mineo KANEKO  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E107-A No:3

    Adiabatic logic circuits are regarded as one of the most attractive solutions for low-power circuit design. This study is dedicated to optimizing the design of the Two-Level Adiabatic Logic (2LAL) circuit, which boasts a relatively simple structure and superior low-power performance among many asymptotically adiabatic or quasi-adiabatic logic families, but suffers from a large number of timing buffers for “decompute”. Our focus is on the “early decompute” technique for fully pipelined 2LAL, and we propose two ILP approaches for minimizing hardware cost through optimization of early decompute. In the first approach, the problem is formulated as a kind of scheduling problem, while it is reformulated as node selection problem (stable set problem). The performance of the proposed methods are evaluated using several benchmark circuits from ISCAS-85, and the maximum 70% hardware reduction is observed compared with an existing method.
