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[Keyword] Al(20498hit)


  • 5-Move Statistical Zero Knowledge

    Kaoru KUROSAWA  Masahiro MAMBO  Shigeo TSUJII  


    E76-A No:1

    We show that, if NP language L has an invulnerable generator and if L has an honest verifier standard statistical ZKIP, then L has a 5 move statistical ZKIP. Our class of languages involves random self reducible languages because they have standard perfect ZKIPs. We show another class of languages (class K) which have standard perfect ZKIPs. Blum numbers and a set of graphs with odd automorphism belong to this class. Therefore, languages in class K have 5 move statistical ZKIPs if they have invulnerable generators.

  • Synchrotron Radiation Induced Direct Projection Patterning of Aluminum on Si and SiO2 Surfaces

    Fumihiko UESUGI  Iwao NISHIYAMA  

    PAPER-Opto-Electronics Technology for LSIs

    E76-C No:1

    A new direct projection patterning technique of aluminum using synchrotron radiation (SR) is proposed. It is based on the thermal reaction control effect of SR excitation. In the case of the Si surface, pure thermal growth is possible at 200, however, this growth is suppressed perfectly by SR irradiation. On the other hand, Al growth on the SiO2 surface is impossible at the same temperature thermally, however, SR has an effect to initiate thermal reaction. Both new effects of SR, suppression and initiation, are clarified to be caused by atomic order level thin layers formed from CVD gases by SR excitation on the surfaces. By using these effects, the direct inverse and normal projection patterning of Al are successfully demonstrated.

  • Extended Key Management System Using Complementary Exponential Calculation

    Naoya TORII  Takayuki HASEBE  Ryota AKIYAMA  


    E76-A No:1

    We propose two types of key management systems that use complementary exponential calculation, in which users in the system divide into groups, and the different modulus numbers are assigned to each group and edges between groups. Key generation information over the modulus numbers is issued to a user by a trusted center. The user who receives the information can generate shared encryption keys between users in the system without using key exchange protocol. In our proposed system, the number of primes is one of the parameters for generating key generation information. The number decreases in inverse proportion to the square of the number of groups compared to the original method. Our proposed technique enabled us to extend the number of users in the system to more than one million, which is not possible with the original method.

  • MASCOTS II: A Dialog Manager in General Interface for Speech Input and Output

    Yoichi YAMASHITA  Hideaki YOSHIDA  Takashi HIRAMATSU  Yasuo NOMURA  Riichiro MIZOGUCHI  


    E76-D No:1

    This paper describes a general interface system for speech input and output and a dialog management system, MASCOTS, which is a component of the interface system. The authors designed this interface system, paying attention to its generality; that is, it is not dependent on the problem-solving system it is connected to. The previous version of MASCOTS dealt with the dialog processing only for the speech input based on the SR-plans. We extend MASCOTS to cover the speech output to the user. The revised version of MASCOTS, named MASCOTS II, makes use of topic information given by the topic packet network (TPN) which models the topic transitions in dialogs. Input and output messages are described with the concept representation based on the case structure. For the speech input, prediction of user's utterance is focused and enhanced by using the TPN. The TPN compensates for the shortages of the SR-plan and improves the accuracy of prediction as to stimulus utterances of the user. As the dialog processing in the speech output, MASCOTS II extracts emphatic words and restores missing words to the output message if necessary, e.g., in order to notify the results of speech recognition. The basic mechanisms of the SR-plan and the TPN are shared between the speech input and output processes in MASCOTS II.

  • Design and Creation of Speech and Text Corpora of Dialogue

    Satoru HAYAMIZU  Shuichi ITAHASHI  Tetsunori KOBAYASHI  Toshiyuki TAKEZAWA  


    E76-D No:1

    This paper describes issues on dialogue corpora for speech and natural language research. Speech and text corpora of dialogue have recently become more important for the development and the evaluation of speech and text-based dialogue systems. However, the design and the construction of dialogue corpora themselves still remain research issues and many problems have not yet been clarified. Many kinds of corpus are necessary to study various aspects of dialogues. On the other hand, each corpus should contain a certain quantity for each purpose in order to make it statistically meaningful. This paper presents the issues related with design and creation of dialogue corpora; the selection of a task domain, transcription conventions, situations for the collection, syntactic and semantic ill-formedness, and politeness. Future directions for dialogue corpora creation are also discussed.

  • A Spoken Dialog System with Verification and Clarification Queries

    Mikio YAMAMOTO  Satoshi KOBAYASHI  Yuji MORIYA  Seiichi NAKAGAWA  


    E76-D No:1

    We studied the manner of clarification and verification in real dialogs and developed a spoken dialog system that can cope with the disambiguation of meanings of user input utterances. We analyzed content, query types and responses of human clarification queries. In human-human communications, ten percent of all sentences are concerned with meaning clarification. Therefore, in human-machine communications, we believe it is important that the machine verifies ambiguities occurring in dialog processing. We propose an architecture for a dialog system with this capability. Also, we have investigated the source of ambiguities in dialog processing and methods of dialog clarification for each part of the dialog system.

  • The Effect of Varying Routing Probability in Two Parallel Queues with Dynamic Routing under a Threshold-Type Scheduling

    Ivo J. B. F. ADAN  Jaap WESSELS  W. Henk M. ZIJM  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E76-B No:1

    In the paper entitled "The effect of varying routing probability in two parallel queues with dynamic routing under a threshold-type scheduling", Kojima et al. derive an expression in the form of a product of powers for the state probabilities of a threshold-type shortest queue problem. In this note it is demonstrated that this expression is essentially more complicated and has the form of an infinite sum of products of powers. In fact, Kojima et al. find the first term in this infinite sum only.

  • System Design, Data Collection and Evaluation of a Speech Dialogue System

    Katunobu ITOU  Satoru HAYAMIZU  Kazuyo TANAKA  Hozumi TANAKA  


    E76-D No:1

    This paper describes design issues of a speech dialogue system, the evaluation of the system, and the data collection of spontaneous speech in a transportation guidance domain. As it is difficult to collect spontaneous speech and to use a real system for the collection and evaluation, the phenomena related with dialogues have not been quantitatively clarified yet. The authors constructed a speech dialogue system which operates in almost real time, with acceptable recognition accuracy and flexible dialogue control. The system was used for spontaneous speech collection in a transportation guidance domain. The system performance evaluated in the domain is the understanding rate of 84.2% for the utterances within the predefined grammar and the lexicon. Also some statistics of the spontaneous speech collected are given.

  • Application of Photoexcited Reaction to VLSI Process

    Yasuhiro HORIIKE  

    INVITED PAPER-Opto-Electronics Technology for LSIs

    E76-C No:1

    Recent progress on photoexcited process applications to fabricating of VLSI and flat panel devices in Japan has been reviewed. The excimer laser melt technique makes it possible to form large-grain poly-Si film on a glass substrate, improving TFT electrical characteristics, and to fill metals into high-aspect-ratio contact holes in VLSI metallization. Scanning of CW laser in poly-Si film led to growth of a single-crystal Si layer on SiO2 to fabricate 3-D (dimensional) devices successfully. Direct writing with pyrolytic reaction was put into practice for interconnection restructuring. In the photochemical process, lower temperature epitaxial growth of Si and dry cleaning of a Si wafer employing Hg lamp irradiation were noted. Directional etching was performed by sidewall film formation, while resolution of better than 0.5 µm was difficult to obtain due to diffraction limit. It was proposed that higher resolution would be obtained by introduction of a nonlinear process which enhanced pattern contrast.

  • Prospects for Advanced Spoken Dialogue Processing

    Hitoshi IIDA  


    E76-D No:1

    This paper discusses the problems facing spoken dialogue processing and the prospects for future improvements. Research on elemental topics like speech recognition, speech synthesis and language understanding has led to improvements in the accuracy and sophistication of each area of study. First, in order to handle a spoken dialogue, we show the necessity for information exchanges between each area of processing as seen through the analysis of spoken dialogue characteristics. Second, we discuss how to integrate those processes and show that the memory-basad approach to spontaneous speech interpretation offers a solution to the problem of process integration. The key to this is setting up a mental state affected by both speech and linguistic information. Finally, we discuss how those mental states are structured and a method for constructing them.

  • On a Recursive Form of Welch-Berlekamp Algorithm

    Kiyomichi ARAKI  Masayuki TAKADA  Masakatu  MORII  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E76-A No:1

    In this paper a recursive form of Welch-Berlekamp (W-B) algorithm is provided which is a novel and fast decoding algorithm.

  • LR Parsing with a Category Reachability Test Applied to Speech Recognition

    Kenji KITA  Tsuyoshi MORIMOTO  Shigeki SAGAYAMA  


    E76-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose an extended LR parsing algorithm, called LR parsing with a category reachability test (the LR-CRT algorithm). The LR-CRT algorithm enables a parser to efficiently recognize those sentences that belong to a specified grammatical category. The key point of the algorithm is to use an augmented LR parsing table in which each action entry contains a set of reachable categories. When executing a shift or reduce action, the parser checks whether the action can reach a given category using the augmented table. We apply the LR-CRT algorithm to improve a speech recognition system based on two-level LR parsing. This system uses two kinds of grammars, inter- and intra-phrase grammars, to recognize Japanese sentential speech. Two-level LR parsing guides the search of speech recognition through two-level symbol prediction, phrase category prediction and phone prediction, based on these grammars. The LR-CRT algorithm makes possible the efficient phone prediction based on the phrase category prediction. The system was evaluated using sentential speech data uttered phrase by phrase, and attained a word accuracy of 97.5% and a sentence accuracy of 91.2%

  • Performance Analysis for a Two-Class Priority Queueing Model with General Decrementing Service

    Tsuyoshi KATAYAMA  


    E75-B No:12

    This paper investigates a two-class priority queue with decrementing service of a parameter (k1=, k2=k,1k) which operates as follows: Starting once a class-1 message service, a single server serves all messages in queue 1 until it becomes empty. After service completion in queue 1, the server switches over to queue 2 and continues serving messages in queue 2 until either queue 2 becomes empty, or the number of messages decreases to k less than that found upon the server's arrival at queue 2, whichever occurs first. It is assumed that arrival streams are Poissonian, message service times are generally distributed, and switch-over times are zero. We derive queue-length generating functions and LSTs of message waiting time distributions.

  • TDMA Radio Link Control Techniques and Development of a Digital Cellular System



    E75-A No:12

    Digital mobile communication systems have been developed to cope with remarkable growth of the existing analog cellular telephone market. The digital cellular system needs to meet the following requirements: higher frequency efficiency, increased system capacity, new services including ISDN services, and network reliability improvements. New techniques supporting digital mobile radio sevices are presented in this paper, with special focus on TDMA radio link control. Radio channel and signalling structures are designed to achieve spectrum efficiency and flexibility. A random access scheme giving excellent access capability is shown. This paper also presents the system design and configurations of a TDMA digital cellular system based on the Japan standard, which is being developed by NTT Mobile Communications Network Inc. The system is based on the OSI model to enhance system flexibility for future services. Various techniques and devices to achieve economical and compact base stations and portable telephones are developed: multiple-carrier amplifier with extremely low distortion, facsimile/data adaptors with error free and high throughput, coherent detection with adaptive carrier tracking, and so on.

  • Two-Dimensional Electromagnetic Wave Analysis of Single Laser Beam Trapping of Particles

    Yoshinari ISHIDO  Toshiyuki SAITO  Akio NISHIMOTO  Yoshimi KAKUI  


    E75-A No:12

    With the use of a two-dimensional model, single laser beam trapping of particles is analyzed as the electromagnetic boundary-value problem. From the numerical results, it is found that the trapping mechanism for this system depends upon the surface field distribution of the object.

  • Spectral Structure of M/G/1 Systems: Asymptotic Behavior and Relaxation Time

    Julian KEILSON  Fumiaki MACHIHARA  Ushio SUMITA  


    E75-B No:12

    Let TBP be the server busy period of an M/G/1 queueing system characterized by arrival intensity λ and service time c.d.f. A(τ). In this paper, we investigate the regularity structure of the Laplace transform σBP(s)=E[] on the complex s-plane. It is shown, under certain broad conditions, that finite singular points of σBP(s) are all branch points. Furthermore the branch point s0 having the greatest real part is always purely negative and is of multiplicity two. The basic branch point s0 and the associated complex structure provide a basis for an asymptotic representation of various descriptive distributions of interest. For a natural relaxation time |s0|-1 of the M/G/1 system, some useful bounds are obtained and the asymptotic behavior as traffic intensity approaches one is also discussed. Detailed results of engineering value are provided for two important classes of service time distributions, the completely monotone class and the Erlang class.

  • Characterization of the Laser-Recrystallized Single-Crystalline Si-SiO2 Interface

    Nobuo SASAKI  

    PAPER-SOI Wafers

    E75-C No:12

    The interface between laser-recrystallized Si and SiO2 is investigated by means of capacitance-voltage curve measurements. The recrystallization is performed by scanning cw Ar+ laser. The change in the C-V curves shows that the laser-recrystallization generates positive charge and the fast interface states at the Si-SiO2 interface, and creates n-type defects in recrystallized bulk silicon. Nominal interface charge increases linearly with a laser power. The increase in the charge is enhanced by fast laser-beam scanning velocity. The change in the C-V curve is suppressed, if a substrate is heated up to 450 during recrystallization. Complete recovery of the induced change in the C-V curves requires a subsequent furnace annealing at a temperature as high as 1100. These phenomena are explained by the generation of oxygen vacancy at the Si-SiO2 interface and quenched-in point defects in the recrystallized Si. The oxygen vacancy is produced by a reaction between the melted Si and SiO2. The quenched-in defects are produced during fast cooling of the melted Si.

  • Analysis of Localized Temperature Distribution in SOI Devices

    Hizuru YAMAGUCHI  Shigeki HIRASAWA  Nobuo OWADA  Nobuyoshi NATSUAKI  

    PAPER-SOI Devices

    E75-C No:12

    Localized temperature distribution in silicon on insulator (SOI) structures with trench isolations is calculated using three-dimensional computer simulation. Temperature rise in SOI transistors is about three times higher than in conventional structure transistors because the thermal conductivity of SiO2 is very low. If there are voids in the SiO2 layers and trench isolations, temperature in the SOI transistors increases significantly. A simple model is proposed to calculate steady-state temperature rise in SOI transistors.

  • Land Mobile Communication in Japan

    Tatsuo KITO  


    E75-A No:12

    Land mobile communications in Japan have shown remarkable progress in recent years. The total number of all types of radio stations has exceeded 750 million as of March, 1992 and more than 80% of them are used for land mobile communications. The more radio telecommunications becomes popular, the more demand for communicating at any time, at any place and with anyone, intensifies. Various new land mobile systems such as digital cellular telephones have been developed and to be introduced. These new systems are designed to promote effective frequency use in order to meet the exploding demand for it. The digitalization of land mobile communication systems will be the key technology which enable to bring the new possibility in the land mobile communications.

  • Voice Communication Connection Control in Digital Public Land Mobile Networks



    E75-A No:12

    This paper describes voice communication connection controls in digital public land mobile networks (D-PLMNs). Voice communications in the D-PLMNs are carried at about 10 kbit/s over narrow-band TDMA channels with highly efficient cellular voice encoding schemes. Extensive research is being carried on half-rate voice encoding schemes that will effectively double radio resources. We first outline the configuration of voice communication connection between a cellular phone in the D-PLMN and a telephone in a fixed network, and we describe the optimum position for the CODECs that transform cellular voice codes to the conventional voice codes used in the fixed network, and vice versa. Then we propose a CODEC-bypassed communication control scheme that improves the quality of voice communication between cellular phones. And we propose a cellular voice code negotiation scheme in the D-PLMN which supports different cellular voice encoding schemes. We also propose an efficient channel reassignment scheme for effectively assigning TDMA channels to voice calls with two different bitrates (full-rate and half-rate), and we analyze this scheme's traffic capability. Finally, we describe a dual-tone multiple-frequency (DTMF) signal transmission scheme and estimate the number of DTMF signal senders required in the D-PLMN.
