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  • Superimposing Thermal-Infrared Data on 3D Structure Reconstructed by RGB Visual Odometry

    Masahiro YAMAGUCHI  Trong Phuc TRUONG  Shohei MORI  Vincent NOZICK  Hideo SAITO  Shoji YACHIDA  Hideaki SATO  

    PAPER-Machine Vision and its Applications

    E101-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose a method to generate a three-dimensional (3D) thermal map and RGB + thermal (RGB-T) images of a scene from thermal-infrared and RGB images. The scene images are acquired by moving both a RGB camera and an thermal-infrared camera mounted on a stereo rig. Before capturing the scene with those cameras, we estimate their respective intrinsic parameters and their relative pose. Then, we reconstruct the 3D structures of the scene by using Direct Sparse Odometry (DSO) using the RGB images. In order to superimpose thermal information onto each point generated from DSO, we propose a method for estimating the scale of the point cloud corresponding to the extrinsic parameters between both cameras by matching depth images recovered from the RGB camera and the thermal-infrared camera based on mutual information. We also generate RGB-T images using the 3D structure of the scene and Delaunay triangulation. We do not rely on depth cameras and, therefore, our technique is not limited to scenes within the measurement range of the depth cameras. To demonstrate this technique, we generate 3D thermal maps and RGB-T images for both indoor and outdoor scenes.

  • Novel Defogging Algorithm Based on the Joint Use of Saturation and Color Attenuation Prior

    Chen QU  Duyan BI  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:5

    Focusing on the defects of famous defogging algorithms for fog images based on the atmosphere scattering model, we find that it is necessary to obtain accurate transmission map that can reflect the real depths both in large depth and close range. And it is hard to tackle this with just one prior because of the differences between the large depth and close range in foggy images. Hence, we propose a novel prior that simplifies the solution of transmission map by transferring coefficient, called saturation prior. Then, under the Random Walk model, we constrain the transferring coefficient with the color attenuation prior that can obtain good transmission map in large depth regions. More importantly, we design a regularization weight to balance the influences of saturation prior and color attenuation prior to the transferring coefficient. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed defogging method outperforms the state-of-art image defogging methods based on single prior in terms of details restoring and color preserving.

  • Retweeting Prediction Based on Social Hotspots and Dynamic Tensor Decomposition

    Qian LI  Xiaojuan LI  Bin WU  Yunpeng XIAO  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:5

    In social networks, predicting user behavior under social hotspots can aid in understanding the development trend of a topic. In this paper, we propose a retweeting prediction method for social hotspots based on tensor decomposition, using user information, relationship and behavioral data. The method can be used to predict the behavior of users and analyze the evolvement of topics. Firstly, we propose a tensor-based mechanism for mining user interaction, and then we propose that the tensor be used to solve the problem of inaccuracy that arises when interactively calculating intensity for sparse user interaction data. At the same time, we can analyze the influence of the following relationship on the interaction between users based on characteristics of the tensor in data space conversion and projection. Secondly, time decay function is introduced for the tensor to quantify further the evolution of user behavior in current social hotspots. That function can be fit to the behavior of a user dynamically, and can also solve the problem of interaction between users with time decay. Finally, we invoke time slices and discretization of the topic life cycle and construct a user retweeting prediction model based on logistic regression. In this way, we can both explore the temporal characteristics of user behavior in social hotspots and also solve the problem of uneven interaction behavior between users. Experiments show that the proposed method can improve the accuracy of user behavior prediction effectively and aid in understanding the development trend of a topic.

  • Related-Key Differential Attack on Round-Reduced Bel-T-256

    Ahmed ABDELKHALEK  Mohamed TOLBA  Amr M. YOUSSEF  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:5

    Bel-T is the national block cipher encryption standard of the Republic of Belarus. It operates on 128-bit blocks and uses either 128, 192 or 256-bit keys. Bel-T combines a Feistel network with a Lai-Massey scheme and it has a complex round function with 7 S-box layers. In this work, we use a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) approach to find a a related-key differential characteristic that extends for 4 rounds and 5 S-box layers ($4 rac{5}{7}$ rounds) with probability higher than 2-128. To build an MILP model of Bel-T that a solver can practically handle, we use a partial Difference Distribution Table (DDT) based on the Hamming weight of the input and output differences. The identified differential characteristic is used to mount a key recovery attack on 5 rounds and 6 S-box layers ($5 rac{6}{7}$ out of 8 rounds) of Bel-T-256 with 2123.28 chosen plaintexts and 2228.4 encryptions. According to the best of our knowledge, this is the first public cryptanalysis of Bel-T in the black-box attack model.

  • Reviving Identification Scheme Based on Isomorphism of Polynomials with Two Secrets: a Refined Theoretical and Practical Analysis

    Bagus SANTOSO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:5

    The isomorphism of polynomials with two secret (IP2S) problem is one candidate of computational assumptions for post-quantum cryptography. The idea of identification scheme based on IP2S is firstly introduced in 1996 by Patarin. However, the scheme was not described concretely enough and no more details are provided on how to transcribe the idea into a real-world implementation. Moreover, the security of the scheme has not been formally proven and the originally proposed security parameters are no longer secure based on the most recent research. In this paper, we propose a concrete identification scheme based on IP2S with the idea of Patarin as the starting point. We provide formal security proof of the proposed scheme against impersonation under passive attack, sequential active attack, and concurrent active attack. We also propose techniques to reduce the implementation cost such that we are able to cut the storage cost and average communication cost to an extent that under parameters for the standard 80-bit security, the scheme is implementable even on the lightweight devices in the current market.

  • Bilateral Convolutional Activations Encoded with Fisher Vectors for Scene Character Recognition

    Zhong ZHANG  Hong WANG  Shuang LIU  Tariq S. DURRANI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E101-D No:5

    A rich and robust representation for scene characters plays a significant role in automatically understanding the text in images. In this letter, we focus on the issue of feature representation, and propose a novel encoding method named bilateral convolutional activations encoded with Fisher vectors (BCA-FV) for scene character recognition. Concretely, we first extract convolutional activation descriptors from convolutional maps and then build a bilateral convolutional activation map (BCAM) to capture the relationship between the convolutional activation response and the spatial structure information. Finally, in order to obtain the global feature representation, the BCAM is injected into FV to encode convolutional activation descriptors. Hence, the BCA-FV can effectively integrate the prominent features and spatial structure information for character representation. We verify our method on two widely used databases (ICDAR2003 and Chars74K), and the experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves better results than the state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we further validate the proposed BCA-FV on the “Pan+ChiPhoto” database for Chinese scene character recognition, and the experimental results show the good generalization ability of the proposed BCA-FV.

  • Self-Supervised Learning of Video Representation for Anticipating Actions in Early Stage

    Yinan LIU  Qingbo WU  Liangzhi TANG  Linfeng XU  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E101-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised learning of video representation which is capable to anticipate the video category by only reading its short clip. The key idea is that we employ the Siamese convolutional network to model the self-supervised feature learning as two different image matching problems. By using frame encoding, the proposed video representation could be extracted from different temporal scales. We refine the training process via a motion-based temporal segmentation strategy. The learned representations for videos can be not only applied to action anticipation, but also to action recognition. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach on both action anticipation and action recognition using two datasets namely UCF101 and HMDB51. The experiments show that we can achieve comparable results with the state-of-the-art self-supervised learning methods on both tasks.

  • Advanced DBS (Direct-Binary Search) Method for Compensating Spatial Chromatic Errors on RGB Digital Holograms in a Wide-Depth Range with Binary Holograms

    Thibault LEPORTIER  Min-Chul PARK  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:5

    Direct-binary search method has been used for converting complex holograms into binary format. However, this algorithm is optimized to reconstruct monochromatic digital holograms and is accurate only in a narrow-depth range. In this paper, we proposed an advanced direct-binary search method to increase the depth of field of 3D scenes reconstructed in RGB by binary holograms.

  • Dual-Polarized Phased Array Based Polarization State Modulation for Physical-Layer Secure Communication

    Zhangkai LUO  Huali WANG  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:5

    In this paper, a dual-polarized phased array based polarization state modulation method is proposed to enhance the physical-layer security in millimeter-wave (mm-wave) communication systems. Indeed, we utilize two polarized beams to transmit the two components of the polarized signal, respectively. By randomly selecting the transmitting antennas, both the amplitude and the phase of two beams vary randomly in undesired directions, which lead to the PM constellation structure distortion in side lobes, thus the transmission security is enhanced since the symbol error rate increases at the eavesdropper side. To enhance the security performance when the eavesdropper is close to the legitimate receiver and located in main beam, the artificial noise based on the orthogonal vector approach is inserted randomly between two polarized beams, which can further distort the constellation structure in undesired directions and improve the secrecy capacity in main beam as well. Finally, theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate the proposed method can improve the transmission security in mm-wave communication systems.

  • Proposed Hyperbolic NILT Method — Acceleration Techniques and Two-Dimensional Expansion for Electrical Engineering Applications

    Nawfal AL-ZUBAIDI R-SMITH  Lubomír BRANČÍK  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E101-A No:5

    Numerical inverse Laplace transform (NILT) methods are potential methods for time domain simulations, for instance the analysis of the transient phenomena in systems with lumped and/or distributed parameters. This paper proposes a numerical inverse Laplace transform method based originally on hyperbolic relations. The method is further enhanced by properly adapting several convergence acceleration techniques, namely, the epsilon algorithm of Wynn, the quotient-difference algorithm of Rutishauser and the Euler transform. The resulting accelerated models are compared as for their accuracy and computational efficiency. Moreover, an expansion to two dimensions is presented for the first time in the context of the accelerated hyperbolic NILT method, followed by the error analysis. The expansion is done by repeated application of one-dimensional partial numerical inverse Laplace transforms. A detailed static error analysis of the resulting 2D NILT is performed to prove the effectivness of the method. The work is followed by a practical application of the 2D NILT method to simulate voltage/current distributions along a transmission line. The method and application are programmed using the Matlab language.

  • Simultaneous Object Segmentation and Recognition by Merging CNN Outputs from Uniformly Distributed Multiple Viewpoints

    Yoshikatsu NAKAJIMA  Hideo SAITO  

    PAPER-Machine Vision and its Applications

    E101-D No:5

    We propose a novel object recognition system that is able to (i) work in real-time while reconstructing segmented 3D maps and simultaneously recognize objects in a scene, (ii) manage various kinds of objects, including those with smooth surfaces and those with a large number of categories, utilizing a CNN for feature extraction, and (iii) maintain high accuracy no matter how the camera moves by distributing the viewpoints for each object uniformly and aggregating recognition results from each distributed viewpoint as the same weight. Through experiments, the advantages of our system with respect to current state-of-the-art object recognition approaches are demonstrated on the UW RGB-D Dataset and Scenes and on our own scenes prepared to verify the effectiveness of the Viewpoint-Class-based approach.

  • Object Specific Deep Feature for Face Detection

    Xianxu HOU  Jiasong ZHU  Ke SUN  Linlin SHEN  Guoping QIU  

    PAPER-Machine Vision and its Applications

    E101-D No:5

    Motivated by the observation that certain convolutional channels of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) exhibit object specific responses, we seek to discover and exploit the convolutional channels of a CNN in which neurons are activated by the presence of specific objects in the input image. A method for explicitly fine-tuning a pre-trained CNN to induce object specific channel (OSC) and systematically identifying it for the human faces has been developed. In this paper, we introduce a multi-scale approach to constructing robust face heatmaps based on OSC features for rapidly filtering out non-face regions thus significantly improving search efficiency for face detection. We show that multi-scale OSC can be used to develop simple and compact face detectors in unconstrained settings with state of the art performance.

  • Seebeck Coefficient of Flexible Carbon Fabric for Wearable Thermoelectric Device



    E101-C No:5

    We have measured the Seebeck coefficient of a carbon fabric (CAF) using a homemade measurement system for flexible thermoelectric materials to evaluate Seebeck coefficient along the thickness direction. Our equipment consists of a thermocouple (TC) electrode contacted with a resistive heater and another TC electrode attached to a heat sink. A flexible sample is sandwiched with these TC electrodes and pressed by weights. The equipment is set on a weighing machine in order to confirm and hold the pressing force at the contact between the electrodes and the soft sample. Cu and Pb plates were measured as a reference material to calibrate and clarify the accuracy of our measurement system, and its validity was confirmed. The Seebeck coefficient of a single CAF layer ranged 4.3-5.1 µV/K, independent of extra weight. This fact indicates that the weight of heat sink is enough for stable contact at the TC-electrode/CAF interface. It was found that the Seebeck coefficient of layered CAF increases with an increase in the number of layers, which suggests the influence of the air between the CAF layers even though the heavy weight is used.

  • Robust MIMO Radar Waveform Design to Improve the Worst-Case Detection Performance of STAP

    Hongyan WANG  Quan CHENG  Bingnan PEI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E101-B No:5

    The issue of robust multi-input multi-output (MIMO) radar waveform design is investigated in the presence of imperfect clutter prior knowledge to improve the worst-case detection performance of space-time adaptive processing (STAP). Robust design is needed because waveform design is often sensitive to uncertainties in the initial parameter estimates. Following the min-max approach, a robust waveform covariance matrix (WCM) design is formulated in this work with the criterion of maximization of the worst-case output signal-interference-noise-ratio (SINR) under the constraint of the initial parameter estimation errors to ease this sensitivity systematically and thus improve the robustness of the detection performance to the uncertainties in the initial parameter estimates. To tackle the resultant complicated and nonlinear robust waveform optimization issue, a new diagonal loading (DL) based iterative approach is developed, in which the inner and outer optimization problems can be relaxed to convex problems by using DL method, and hence both of them can be solved very effectively. As compared to the non-robust method and uncorrelated waveforms, numerical simulations show that the proposed method can improve the robustness of the detection performance of STAP.

  • A Dynamic Latched Comparator Using Area-Efficient Stochastic Offset Voltage Detection Technique

    Takayuki OKAZAWA  Ippei AKITA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E101-C No:5

    This paper presents a self-calibrating dynamic latched comparator with a stochastic offset voltage detector that can be realized by using simple digital circuitry. An offset voltage of the comparator is compensated by using a statistical calibration scheme, and the offset voltage detector uses the uncertainty in the comparator output. Thanks to the simple offset detection technique, all the calibration circuitry can be synthesized using only standard logic cells. This paper also gives a design methodology that can provide the optimal design parameters for the detector on the basis of fundamental statistics, and the correctness of the design methodology was statistically validated through measurement. The proposed self-calibrating comparator system was fabricated in a 180 nm 1P6M CMOS process. The prototype achieved a 38 times improvement in the three-sigma of the offset voltage from 6.01 mV to 158 µV.

  • Analysis of the Cost and Energy Efficiency of Future Hybrid and Heterogeneous Optical Networks

    Filippos BALASIS  Sugang XU  Yoshiaki TANAKA  


    E101-B No:5

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) promises to provide the necessary boost in the core networks' capacity along with the required flexibility in order to cope with the Internet's growing heterogeneous traffic. At the same time, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology remains a cost-effective and reliable solution especially for long-haul transmission. Due to the higher implementation cost of optical OFDM transmission technology, it is expected that OFDM-based bandwidth variable transponders (BVT) will co-exist with conventional WDM ones. In this paper, we provide an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation that minimizes the cost and power consumption of such hybrid architecture and then a comparison is made with a pure OFDM-based elastic optical network (EON) and a mixed line rate (MLR) WDM optical network in order to evaluate their cost and energy efficiency.

  • Data Association and Localization of Multiple Radio Sources Using DOA and Received Signal Power by a Single Moving Passive Sensor

    Takeshi AMISHIMA  Toshio WAKAYAMA  


    E101-B No:5

    Our goal is to use a single passive moving sensor to determine the locations of multiple radio stations. The conventional method uses only direction-of-arrival (DOA) measurements, and its performance is poor when emitters are located closely in the lateral direction, even if they are not close in the range direction, or in the far field from the moving sensor, resulting in similar DOAs for several emitters. This paper proposes a new method that uses the power of the received signals as well as DOA. The received signal power is a function of the inverse of the squared distance between an emitter and the moving sensor. This has the advantage of providing additional information in the range direction; therefore, it can be used for data association as additional information when emitter ranges are different from each other. Simulations showed that the success rate of the conventional method is 73%, whereas that of the proposed method is 97%, an overall 24-percentage-point improvement. The localization error of the proposed method is also reduced to half that of the conventional method. We further investigated its performance with different emitter and sensor configurations. In all cases, the proposed method proved superior to the conventional method.

  • A Near-Optimal Receiver for MSK Modulation Under Symmetric Alpha-Stable Noise

    Kaijie ZHOU  Huali WANG  Huan HAO  Zhangkai LUO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:5

    This paper proposes a matched myriad filter based detector for MSK signal under symmetric alpha-stable (SαS) noise. As shown in the previous literatures, SαS distribution is more accurate to characterize the atmospheric noise, which is the main interference in VLF communication. MSK modulation is widely used in VLF communication for its high spectral efficiency and constant envelope properties. However, the optimal detector for MSK under SαS noise is rarely reported due to its memory modulation characteristic. As MSK signal can be viewed as a sinusoidal pulse weighted offset QPSK (OQPSK), a matched myriad filter is proposed to derive a near-optimal detection performance for the in-phase and quadrature components, respectively. Simulations for MSK demodulation under SαS noise with different α validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Naive Bayes Classifier Based Partitioner for MapReduce

    Lei CHEN  Wei LU  Ergude BAO  Liqiang WANG  Weiwei XING  Yuanyuan CAI  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E101-A No:5

    MapReduce is an effective framework for processing large datasets in parallel over a cluster. Data locality and data skew on the reduce side are two essential issues in MapReduce. Improving data locality can decrease network traffic by moving reduce tasks to the nodes where the reducer input data is located. Data skew will lead to load imbalance among reducer nodes. Partitioning is an important feature of MapReduce because it determines the reducer nodes to which map output results will be sent. Therefore, an effective partitioner can improve MapReduce performance by increasing data locality and decreasing data skew on the reduce side. Previous studies considering both essential issues can be divided into two categories: those that preferentially improve data locality, such as LEEN, and those that preferentially improve load balance, such as CLP. However, all these studies ignore the fact that for different types of jobs, the priority of data locality and data skew on the reduce side may produce different effects on the execution time. In this paper, we propose a naive Bayes classifier based partitioner, namely, BAPM, which achieves better performance because it can automatically choose the proper algorithm (LEEN or CLP) by leveraging the naive Bayes classifier, i.e., considering job type and bandwidth as classification attributes. Our experiments are performed in a Hadoop cluster, and the results show that BAPM boosts the computing performance of MapReduce. The selection accuracy reaches 95.15%. Further, compared with other popular algorithms, under specific bandwidths, the improvement BAPM achieved is up to 31.31%.

  • Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Fantomas and Robin

    Xuan SHEN  Guoqiang LIU  Chao LI  Longjiang QU  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:5

    At FSE 2014, Grosso et al. proposed LS-designs which are a family of bitslice ciphers aiming at efficient masked implementations against side-channel analysis. They also presented two specific LS-designs, namely the non-involutive cipher Fantomas and the involutive cipher Robin. The designers claimed that the longest impossible differentials of these two ciphers only span 3 rounds. In this paper, for the two ciphers, we construct 4-round impossible differentials which are one round more than the longest impossible differentials found by the designers. Furthermore, with the 4-round impossible differentials, we propose impossible differential attacks on Fantomas and Robin reduced to 6 rounds (out of the full 12/16 rounds). Both of the attacks need 2119 chosen plaintexts and 2101.81 6-round encryptions.
