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  • ECG Data Compression by Matching Pursuits with Multiscale Atoms

    Makoto NAKASHIZUKA  Kazuki NIWA  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  

    PAPER-Biomedical Signal Processing

    E84-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose an ECG waveform compression technique based on the matching pursuit. The matching pursuit is an iterative non-orthogonal signal expansion technique. A signal is decomposed to atoms in a function dictionary. The constraint to the dictionary is only the over-completeness to signals. The function dictionary can be defined to be best match to the structure of the ECG waveform. In this paper, we introduce the multiscale analysis to the implementation of inner product computations between signals and atoms in the matching pursuit iteration. The computational cost can be reduced by utilization of the filter bank of the multiscale analysis. We show the waveform approximation capability of the matching pursuit with multiscale analysis. We show that a simple 4-tap integer filter bank is enough to the approximation and compression of ECG waveforms. In ECG waveform compression, we apply the error feed-back procedure to the matching pursuit iteration to reduce the norm of the approximation error. Finally, actual ECG waveform compression by the proposed method are demonstrated. The proposed method achieve the compression by the factor 10 to 30. The compression ratio given by the proposed method is higher than the orthogonal wavelet transform coding in the range of the reconstruction precision lower than 9% in PRD.

  • Design of FIR Digital Filters with CSD Coefficients Having Power-of-Two DC Gain and Their FPGA Implementation for Minimum Critical Path

    Mitsuru YAMADA  Akinori NISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E84-A No:8

    For low-complexity linear-phase FIR digital filters which have coefficients expressed as canonic signed digit (CSD) code, a design method to impose power-of-two DC gain is proposed. Output signal level can easily be compensated to that of input so that cascading many stages do not cause any gain errors, which are harmful in, for example, high precision measurement systems. The design is formulated as an optimization problem with magnitude response constraints. The integer linear programming modified for CSD codes is solved by the branch and bound method. The design example shows the effectiveness of the obtained filter in comparison with existing CSD filters. Also, an evaluation method for the area to implement the filter into field programmable gate array (FPGA) is proposed. The implementation example shows that the minimum critical path is obtained with only a little increase in the die area.

  • Embedded Lossless Wavelet-Based Image Coder Based on Successive Partition and Hybrid Bit Scanning

    Sheung-Yeung WANG  Lai-Man PO  

    PAPER-Image/Visual Signal Processing

    E84-A No:8

    A simple embedded lossless wavelet-based image coding algorithm called Successive Partition Zero Coder (SPZC), which uses hybrid bit scanning and non-causal adaptive context modelling, is proposed. By successive partition the wavelet coefficients in the spatial-frequency domain, the coefficients are ordered based on their absolute range. The prioritized coefficients are quantized in a successive approximation manner to generate a binary sequence, which is divided into subsources and encoded by arithmetic coder with non-causal adaptive context modelling. This method is suited for progressive image transmission (PIT). Experimental results show that SPZC outperforms other state-of-the-art coders such as SPIHT, CREW and LJPEG, but slightly inferior to ECECOW and CALIC in lossless mode. SPZC is simple in both context modelling and implementation.

  • Improving the Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol by Using Signcryption

    Goichiro HANAOKA  Yuliang ZHENG  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E84-A No:8

    In the past few years, we have seen the emergence of a large number of proposals for electronic payments over open networks. Among these proposals is the Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) protocol promoted by MasterCard and VISA which is currently being deployed world-widely. While SET has a number of advantages over other proposals in terms of simplicity and openness, there seems to be a consensus regarding the relative inefficiency of the protocol. This paper proposes a light-weight version of the SET protocol, called "LITESET. " For the same level of security as recommended in the latest version of SET specifications, LITESET yields a 56.2/51.4% reduction in the computational time in message generation/verification and a 79.9% reduction in communication overhead. This has been achieved by the use of a new cryptographic primitive called signcryption. We hope that our proposal can contribute to the practical and engineering side of real-world electronic payments.

  • Designing Multi-Agent Systems Based on Pairwise Agent Interactions

    Takahiro KAWAMURA  Sam JOSEPH  Akihiko OHSUGA  Shinichi HONIDEN  


    E84-D No:8

    Systems comprised of multiple interacting mobile agents provide an alternate network computing paradigm that integrates remote data access, message exchange and migration; which up until now have largely been considered independently. On the surface distributed systems design could be helped by a complete specification of the different interaction patterns, however the number of possible designs in any large scale system undergoes a combinatorial explosion. As a consequence this paper focuses on basic one-to-one agent interactions, or paradigms, which can be used as building blocks; allowing larger system characteristics and performance to be understood in terms of their combination. This paper defines three basic agent paradigms and presents associated performance models. The paradigms are evaluated quantitatively in terms of network traffic, overall processing time and size of memory used, in the context of a distributed DB system developed using the Bee-gent Agent Framework. Comparison of the results and models illustrates the performance trade-off for each paradigm, which are not represented in the models, and some implementation issues of agent frameworks. The paper ends with a case study of how to select an appropriate paradigm.

  • Analog System Design Problem Formulation by Optimum Control Theory

    Alexander M. ZEMLIAK  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E84-A No:8

    The formulation of the process of analog system design has been done on the basis of the control theory application. This approach generalizes the design process and produces different design trajectories inside the same optimization procedure. The problem of the optimal design algorithm construction is defined as the minimal-time problem of the control theory. The main equations for the proposed design methodology were elaborated. These equations include the special control functions that are introduced artificially to generalize the design problem. Optimal dependencies of the control functions give the possibility to reduce the total computer design time. This idea was tested with different optimization algorithms of the design process. Numerical results of some simple electronic circuit design demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach. These examples show that the traditional design strategy is not time-optimal and the potential computer time gain of the optimal design strategy increases when the size and complexity of the system increase.

  • Operation of a Root DNS Server

    Akira KATO  Jun MURAI  

    INVITED PAPER-Internet Operation

    E84-B No:8

    The authors have been in charge of the operation of one of the root DNS servers for more than three years. In this paper, the overview of our system to provide high availability is introduced. In the following sections, a traffic analysis system to analyze the characteristics of the DNS queries and the brief summary which may help future DNS system deployment is described.

  • A DFT Controller for Instruction-Based Functional Test

    Hong-Sik KIM  Yong-Chun KIM  Sungho KANG  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E84-A No:8

    This paper presents a DFT controller called as a TCU (Test Control Unit), which considerably improves the efficiency of the instruction-based functional test. Internal program/data buses are completely controllable and observable by the TCU during the test cycle. Diverse test modes of the TCU can increase the test efficiency and also provide complete access to program/data memories for functional test.

  • Recovering the 3D B-Spline Control Points of the Free Curves for Shape Reforming

    Myint Myint SEIN  Hiromitsu HAMA  


    E84-D No:8

    This paper presents an accurate method for finding the 3D control points of the B-Spline curves. This method can automatically fit a set of data points with piecewise geometrically continuous cubic B-Spline curves. Iterating algorithm has been used for finding the 2D control points. And a new approach for shape reconstruction based on the control points of the curves on the object's surface is proposed. B-Spline patch, the extension of the B-Spline curves to surface, provides recovering the shape of the object in 2D approach. The 3D control points of the cubic B-Spline curves are computed from the factor decomposition of the measurement matrix of 2D control points. The multiple object approach is also proposed to reconstruct the 3D shape of each curves of an object. Some experiments are demonstrated to confirm the effectiveness of our proposed method.

  • A Method for Compensation of Image Distortion with Image Registration Technique

    Toru TAMAKI  Tsuyoshi YAMAMURA  Noboru OHNISHI  


    E84-D No:8

    We propose a method for compensating distortion of image by calibrating intrinsic camera parameters by image registration which does not need point-to-point correspondence. The proposed method divides the registration between a calibration pattern and a distorted image observed by a camera into two steps. The first step is the straightforward registration from the pattern in order to correct the displacement due to projection. The second step is the backward registration from the observed image for compensating the distortion of the image. Both of the steps use Gauss-Newton method, a nonlinear optimization technique, to minimize residuals of intensities so that the pattern and the observed image become the same. Experimental results show the usefulness of the proposed method. Finally we discuss the convergence of the proposed method which consists of the two registration steps.

  • Validation of Rain/No-Rain Discrimination in the Standard TRMM Data Products 1B21 and 1C21

    Yuji OHSAKI  


    E84-B No:8

    The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is a United States-Japan joint project to measure rainfall from space. The first spaceborne rain radar is aboard the TRMM satellite. Rain/no-rain discrimination for the TRMM provides useful information for on-line data processing, storage, and post-processing analysis. In this paper, rain/no-rain discrimination for the TRMM has been validated through simulation and theory for the no-rain condition and by comparison with the ground-based radar data for rain conditions.

  • A Method of Model Reference Adaptive Control for MIMO Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks

    Jianming LU  Jiunshian PHUAH  Takashi YAHAGI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Signal Processing

    E84-A No:8

    This paper presents a method of MRAC (model reference adaptive control) for MIMO (multi-input multi-output) nonlinear systems using NNs (neural networks). The control input is given by the sum of the output of a model reference adaptive controller and the output of the NN (neural network). The NN is used to compensate the nonlinearity of plant dynamics that is not taken into consideration in the usual MRAC. The role of the NN is to construct a linearized model by minimizing the output error caused by nonlinearities in the control systems.

  • Achieving Max-Min Fairness by Decentralization for the ABR Traffic Control in ATM Networks

    Seung Hyong RHEE  Takis KONSTANTOPOULOS  


    E84-B No:8

    The available bit rate (ABR) is an ATM service category that provides an economical support of connections having vague requirements. An ABR session may specify its peak cell rate (PCR) and minimum cell rate (MCR), and available bandwidth is allocated to competing sessions based on the max-min policy. In this paper, we investigate the ABR traffic control from a different point of view: Based on the decentralized bandwidth allocation model studied in [9], we prove that the max-min rate vector is the equilibrium of a certain system of noncooperative optimizations. This interpretation suggests a new framework for ABR traffic control that allows the max-min optimality to be achieved and maintained by end-systems, and not by network switches. Moreover, in the discussion, we consider the constrained version of max-min fairness and develop an efficient algorithm with theoretical justification to determine the optimal rate vector.

  • Resolution Enhancement Techniques for High-Speed Multi-Stage Pipelined ADC's Based on a Multi-Bit Multiplying DAC

    Joon-Seok LEE  Se-Hoon JOO  Seung-Hoon LEE  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E84-C No:8

    This paper proposes resolution enhancement techniques for high-speed multi-stage pipelined analog-to-digital converters (ADC's) based on a multi-bit/stage multiplying digital-to-analog converter. The proposed techniques increase ADC resolution and simultaneously minimize chip area, power dissipation, and circuit complexity by removing the gain-proration procedure, which is required in conventional digitally calibrated multi-stage ADC's to reduce unavoidable gain errors between stages with more than two stages calibrated. The resolution of the proposed ADC can be extended furthermore by combining a conventional commutated feedback-capacitor switching scheme with the digital-domain self calibration.

  • Call Admission and Efficient Allocation for Delay Guarantees

    Yen-Ping CHU  Chin-Hsing CHEN  Kuan-Cheng LIN  


    E84-D No:8

    ATM networks are connection-oriented. Making a call requires first sending a message to do an admission control to guarantee the connections' QoS (quality of service) in the network. In this paper, we focus on the problem of translating a global QoS requirement into a set of local QoS requirements in ATM networks. Usually, an end-user is only concerned with the QoS requirements on end-to-end basis and does not care about the local switching node QoS. Most of recent research efforts only focus on worst-case end-to-end delay bound but pay no attention to the problem of distributing the end-to-end delay bound to local switching node. After admission control, when the new connection is admitted to enter the network, they equally allocate the excess delay and reserve the same bandwidth at each switch along the path. But, this can not improve network utilization efficiently. It motivates us to design a novel local QoS requirement allocation scheme to get better performance. Using the number of maximum supportable connections as the performance index, we derive an optimal delay allocation (OPT) policy. In addition, we also proposed an analysis model to evaluate the proposed allocation scheme and equal allocation (EQ) scheme in a series of switching nodes with the Rate-controlled scheduling architecture, including a traffic shaper and a non-preemptive earliest-deadline-first scheduler. From the numerical results, we have shown the importance of allocation policy and explored the factors that affect the performance index.

  • A 2.4 GHz Low Voltage CMOS Down-Conversion Double-Balanced Mixer

    Chih-Chun TANG  Chia-Hsin WU  Wu-Sheng FENG  Shen-Iuan LIU  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E84-C No:8

    In this paper, a CMOS down-conversion double-balanced mixer is presented with the modified low voltage design technique. The frequencies of the radio frequency (RF) signal, local oscillator (LO) and intermediate frequency (IF) are 2.4 GHz, 2.3 GHz and 100 MHz, respectively. Measurement results of the proposed mixer exhibit 6.7 dB of conversion gain, -18 dBm of input 1 dB compression point (P-1 dB), -8 dBm of input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3), and 14.7 dB single-side band (SSB) noise figure (NF) while applying -8 dBm LO power and consumes 3.3 mA from 1.8 V supply voltage. It can provide 0.7 dB conversion gain when the supply voltage reduces to 1.3 V. This mixer was fabricated in a 0.35 µm 1P4M standard digital CMOS process and the die size is 1.5 1.1 mm2.

  • Application of Chaotic Dynamics in EEG to Assessment of Mental Workload

    Atsuo MURATA  Hirokazu IWASE  

    PAPER-Medical Engineering

    E84-D No:8

    In this paper, an attempt was made to evaluate mental workload using chaotic analysis of EEG. EEG signals registered from Fz and Cz during a mental task (mental addition) were recorded and analyzed using attractor plots, fractal dimensions, and Lyapunov exponents in order to clarify chaotic dynamics and to investigate whether mental workload can be assessed using these chaotic measures. The largest Lyapunov exponent for all experimental conditions took positive values, which indicated chaotic dynamics in the EEG signals. However, we could not evaluate mental workload using the largest Lyapunov exponent or attractor plot. The fractal dimension, on the other hand, tended to increase with the work level. We concluded that the fractal dimension might be used to evaluate a mental state, especially a mental workload induced by mental task loading.

  • Classification of Age Group Based on Facial Images of Young Males by Using Neural Networks

    Tsuneo KANNO  Masakazu AKIBA  Yasuaki TERAMACHI  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  Takeshi AGUI  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E84-D No:8

    This paper describes a method of age-group classification of young males based on their facial images. The facial shapes of males and females are mostly formed by age 20 and 15, respectively. Our study only considered young males as they have a longer period during which facial shape is a determining factor in age estimation. Age classification was carried out using artificial neural networks. We employed 440 facial images in our experiment, composed of 4 different photographic images taken at ages 12, 15, 18 and 22 of 110 young males. Two methods of age classification were used, each employing different features extracted from the facial images, namely, "mosaic features" and "KL features. " As a result, we obtained about an 80% successful classification rate using mosaic features, and a slightly lower rate using KL features. We also analyzed the connection weights between the hidden and input layers of the trained networks, and examined facial features characteristic to each age group.

  • The GLI System: A Global System Managing Geographical Location Information of Mobile Entities

    Sohgo TAKEUCHI  Yasuhito WATANABE  Fumio TERAOKA  

    PAPER-Mobile Internet

    E84-B No:8

    We propose the Geographical Location Information (GLI) system that maps a mobile entity on the Internet to a geographical position. Users can look up the latest geographical location information of registered mobile entities (forward-lookup) and can also search for mobile entities within a specified area (reverse-lookup). The GLI system consists of home and area servers. The home server maintains latest geographical location information of the mobile entities and processes forward-lookup requests. The area server maintains the latest geographical location information of the mobile entities in the area that it manages and processes reverse-lookup requests. To provide a highly scalable system, home and area servers are managed in a distributed manner based on a hierarchical server structure and delegation of authority to servers that manage lower layers. To reduce the amount of traffic due to distributed management, the delegation information of authority is cached by the servers. In our performance evaluation of the GLI system, the prototype implementation can handle 4,500-8,000 requests/sec for location lookup and location registration. We found that 52 home servers and 33 area servers are enough to handle all cars in Japan under some assumed parameters through the performance evaluation.

  • Capacity Estimation of Forward Link in CDMA Systems Supporting High Data-Rate Service

    Seung-Sik CHOI  Dong-Ho CHO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E84-B No:8

    The capacity analysis of CDMA forward link is required to allocate high data-rate users. To solve this problem, we analyze the capacity of the CDMA forward link based on optimum power control. In a multi-cell environment, the intracell interference and intercell interference are derived. To show the capacity impact of high data-rate users, we introduce a location dependent factor, which is the ratio of intercell interference to intracell interference. Considering the location dependent factor, we propose a coordinated allocation scheme that can be used to allocate high data-rate users in sectorized cells. As a result, we show the capacity impact of high data-rate users according to location variations. The outage probability can be decreased when the coordinated allocation scheme is applied.
