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  • Frequency Analysis of Wavelength Demultiplexers and Optical Filters with Finite 2-D Photonic Crystals

    Katsumi TAKANO  Kiyoshi NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Optical Passive Devices and Modules

    E84-B No:5

    A wavelength demultiplexer made of 2-D photonic crystal capable of simultaneously separating many channels from WDM light is analyzed in order to study the properties and clarify the design parameters. Numerical analyses are carried out for the optical filter structure and the demultiplexer structure which consists of several filters and waveguides carved in the crystal. The results of this paper show the considerations regarding the frequency tuning, the device size, the bandwidth and integration of filters. Further more, for a photonic crystal filter, a method for realizing a flat-top pass-band generally required from the dense-WDM systems is presented and its property is shown. The calculation method is the scattering matrix method which is proper to the analysis of the frequency domain in a 2-D photonic crystal with finite size and with some defects.

  • A Note on "New Estimation Method for the Membership Values in Fuzzy Sets"

    Elsaid Mohamed ABDELRAHIM  Takashi YAHAGI  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E84-D No:5

    Chen et al., have proposed a new estimation method for the membership values in fuzzy sets. The proposed scheme takes input from empirical/experimental data, which reflect the expert's knowledge on the relative degree of belonging of the members, and then searches for the best fit membership values of the element. Through the estimation of the practical case (Sect. 3 in [1]) the algorithm suggests to normalize the estimated membership values if there is any among them more than one and change some condition to guarantee its positiveness. In this paper, we show how to use the same imposed condition to guarantee that the estimated membership values will be within the unit interval without normalization.

  • A Remark on the MOV Algorithm for Non-supersingular Elliptic Curves

    Taiichi SAITO  Shigenori UCHIYAMA  


    E84-A No:5

    In recent years, the study of the security of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECCs) have been received much attention. The MOV algorithm, which reduces the elliptic curve discrete log problem (ECDLP) to the discrete log problem in finite fields with the Weil pairing, is a representative attack on ECCs. Recently Kanayama et al. observed a realization of the MOV algorithm for non-supersingular elliptic curves under the weakest condition. Shikata et al. independently considered a realization of the MOV algorithm for non-supersingular elliptic curves and proposed a generalization of the MOV algorithm. This short note explicitly shows that, under a usual cryptographical condition, we can apply the MOV algorithm to non-supersingular elliptic curves by using the multiplication by constant maps as in the case of supersingular. Namely, it is explicitly showed that we don't need such a generalization in order to realize the MOV algorithm for non-supersingular elliptic curves under a usual cryptographical condition.

  • Solving the Single-Vehicle Scheduling Problems for All Home Locations under Depth-First Routing on a Tree

    Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  Koji MOCHIZUKI  Toshihide IBARAKI  


    E84-A No:5

    We consider a single-vehicle scheduling problem on a tree, where each vertex has a job with a release time and a processing time and each edge has a travel time. There is a single vehicle which starts from a start vertex s and reaches a goal vertex g after finishing all jobs. In particular, s is called a home location if s = g. The objective of the problem is to find a depth-first routing on T so as to minimize the completion time. In this paper, we first show that the minimum completion times of the problem for all home locations s V can be simultaneously computed in O(n) time, once the problem with a specified home location s V has been solved, where n is the number of vertices. We also show that given a specified start vertex s, the minimum completion times for all goal vertices g can be computed in O(n) time.

  • Superior Noise Performance and Wide Dynamic Range Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers Employing Variable Attenuation Slope Compensator

    Haruo NAKAJI  Motoki KAKUI  Hitoshi HATAYAMA  Chisai HIROSE  Hiroyuki KURATA  Masayuki NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Optical Fibers and Cables

    E84-C No:5

    In order to realize automatic-level-controlled (ALC) erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) with both wide dynamic range and good noise performance, we propose EDFAs employing the automatic power control (APC) scheme and a variable attenuation slope compensator (VASC). The VASC consists of two asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) concatenated in series and thermo optic (TO) heaters are attached to the arms of each MZIs. By adjusting the electric power supplied to the TO heaters, an almost linear attenuation slope can be varied by plus minus 5 dB or more over the operational wavelength band of 30 nm. The EDFA employing the APC scheme and the VASC has exhibited a dynamic range as large as 20 dB with the output power variation as small as 0.7 dB, which is as good as that of the EDFA employing the APC scheme and a variable optical attenuator (VOA). The noise figure (NF) of the EDFA employing the VASC was degraded about 4.1 dB with increasing the input power by 20 dB, while it was degraded about 7.3 dB with increasing the input power by only 15 dB in the EDFA employing the VOA. The EDFA employing the VASC can realize the ALC operation over a wider dynamic range with reduced noise figure degradation. In the EDFA employing the VASC, the power excursion was suppressed to less than 1.1 dB, when the input signal level was changed between -23 dBm/ch and -18 dBm/ch with the rise/fall time of 8 ms.

  • Composing Collaborative Component Systems Using Colored Petri Nets

    Yoshiyuki SHINKAWA  Masao J. MATSUMOTO  


    E84-A No:5

    Adaptation of software components to the requirements is one of the key concerns in Component Based Software Development (CBSD). In this paper, we propose a formal approach to compose component based systems which are adaptable to the requirements. We focus on the functional aspects of software components and requirements, which are expressed in S-sorted functions. Those S-sorted functions are transformed into Colored Petri Nets (CPN) models in order to evaluate connectivity between the components, and to evaluate adaptability of composed systems to the requirements. The connectivity is measured based on colors or data types in CPN, while the adaptability is measured based on functional equivalency. We introduce simple glue codes to connect the components each other. The paper focuses on business applications, however the proposed approach can be applied to any other domains as far as the functional adaptability is concerned.

  • Computing Short Lucas Chains for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

    Yukio TSURUOKA  


    E84-A No:5

    Elliptic curves Em: By2 = x3+Ax2+x are suitable for cryptographic use because fast addition operations can be defined over Em. In elliptic curve cryptosystems, encryption/decryption involves multiplying a point P on Em by a large integer n. In this paper, we propose a fast algorithm for computing such scalar multiplication over Em. The new algorithm requires fewer operations than previously proposed algorithms. As a result, elliptic curve cryptosystems based on Em can be speeded up by using the new algorithm.

  • Performance Evaluation for Multiple DSSS Systems with Channel Bands Overlapped

    Ming-Huei CHEN  Bih-Hwang LEE  Chwan-Chia WU  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E84-A No:5

    This paper conducts performance evaluation and performs simulation for a code division multiple access (CDMA) system when channel bands of multiple neighboring CDMA/DSSS are overlapped in time domain. It is assumed that all systems adopt direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) technique and are BPSK modulated by the different carrier frequencies. Automatic power control (APC) is also applied in the interfered system such that the receiver gets the same power from all users. Without loss generality, an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is also assumed during analysis. In this paper, the analytic solution of the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is first derived in which both CDMA systems are modulated by different carrier frequencies. We have the results by simulation with Δ f = 0 and Δ f = 1 MHz, respectively. This analysis is good for general cases; and the results show an excellent computational performance. In particular, the result is very close to Pursley's result, when the systems have the same code length with no carrier difference.

  • A 32-bit RISC Microprocessor with DSP Functionality: Rapid Prototyping

    Byung In MOON  Dong Ryul RYU  Jong Wook HONG  Tae Young LEE  Sangook MOON  Yong Surk LEE  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E84-A No:5

    We have designed a 32-bit RISC microprocessor with 16-/32-bit fixed-point DSP functionality. This processor, called YD-RISC, combines both general-purpose microprocessor and digital signal processor (DSP) functionality using the reduced instruction set computer (RISC) design principles. It has functional units for arithmetic operation, digital signal processing (DSP) and memory access. They operate in parallel in order to remove stall cycles after DSP or load/store instructions, which usually need one or more issue latency cycles in addition to the first issue cycle. High performance was achieved with these parallel functional units while adopting a sophisticated five-stage pipeline structure. The pipelined DSP unit can execute one 32-bit multiply-accumulate (MAC) or 16-bit complex multiply instruction every one or two cycles through two 17-b 17-b multipliers and an operand examination logic circuit. Power-saving techniques such as power-down mode and disabling execution blocks allow low power consumption. In the design of this processor, we use logic synthesis and automatic place-and-route. This top-down approach shortens design time, while a high clock frequency is achieved by refining the processor architecture.

  • A Novel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer Utilizing Free Spectral Range Periodicity of Arrayed Waveguide Grating Multiplexer

    Masahide MIYACHI  Shigeru OHSHIMA  

    PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E84-C No:5

    We propose a novel optical add/drop multiplexer (OADM) utilizing free spectral range (FSR) periodicity of an arrayed-waveguide multiplexer (AWG). In this OADM, wavelength-division multiplex (WDM) signal is multiplexed and/or de-multiplexed in two steps. Power penalty due to coherent crosstalk is drastically reduced compared with that of conventional OADM where AWG multiplexers are opposite to each other. The calculated power penalty due to the coherent crosstalk is about 0.7 dB after the 16 OADMs in the case of 128 wavelengths. It was confirmed through a computer simulation that more than one hundred channels at 10 Gbps data rate could be accommodated in an OADM network with 16 nodes. These results show that the OADM network with over 1 Tbps capacity and 16 nodes could be constructed.

  • Voice over IP Enabling Telephony and IP Network Convergence

    Tohru HOSHI  Koji TSUKADA  Kazuma YUMOTO  Keiko TANIGAWA  Yoshiyuki NAKAYAMA  


    E84-D No:5

    Voice over IP (VoIP) is a generic name for services, systems and technology for telephony over an IP network. It is also referred to as Internet telephony and IP (Internet Protocol) telephony. Internet telephone client software attracted attention when it first appeared in 1995. Since that, VoIP has rapidly matured into a practical technology, propelled by the popularization and rapid development of the Internet. IP network traffic already exceeds telephone network traffic and is expected to further increase several-fold in the next few years. In future, the telephone network will be integrated into the IP network and telephony will become entirely VoIP. There are three expectations for VoIP. The first is inexpensive telephone service. The second expectation is for integrated telephony and IP network services such as a CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) system in which there is interworking with various Internet applications, such as e-mail and Web call-back for communication services of greater convenience rather than simple replacement of the telephone. The third expectation is for a platform for providing high-quality voice communication, multicast communication, and other such enhanced voice services that have a high degree of freedom. However, many problems remain to be overcome before the VoIP System is realized. The main problems are real-time transmission of voice that allows a smooth conversation, session control for providing a variety of services, and the proposal of new services. In this paper, we give an overview of VoIP and the problems that must be solved in order to realize it and propose some solutions regarding stream control and applications. We also describe session control and other topics that are being discussed in standardization forums.

  • 3D Control of Light in Waveguide-Based Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals

    Claude WEISBUCH  Henri BENISTY  Segolene OLIVIER  Maxime RATTIER  Christopher J. M. SMITH  Thomas F. KRAUSS  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Passive Devices and Modules

    E84-B No:5

    Photonic crystals have seen major advances in the past few years in the optical range. The association of in-plane waveguiding and two-dimensional photonic crystals (PCs) in thin-slab or waveguide structures leads to good 3D confinement with easy fabrication. Such structures, much easier to fabricate than 3D PCs open many exciting opportunities in optoelectronic devices and integrated optics. We present experiments on a variety of structures and devices, as well as modelling tools, which show that 2D PCs etched through waveguides supported by substrates are a viable route to high-performance PC-based photonic integrated circuits (PICs). In particular, they exhibit low out-of-plane diffraction losses. Low-loss waveguides, high finesse microcavities, and their mutual coupling are demonstrated. PACS: 42.70 QS, 42.55 Sa, 42.82 m, 42.50-p.

  • Optical Label Switching Using Optical Label Based on Wavelength and Pilot Tone Frequency

    Kiyoshi TANAKA  Katsuhiro SHIMANO  Kyo INOUE  Shigeru KUWANO  Takeshi KITAGAWA  Kimio OGUCHI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks

    E84-C No:5

    This paper describes a new optical label switching technique; wavelength and pilot tone frequency are combined to form labels that are used to control transport network routing. This technique is very attractive for achieving simple nodes that offer extremely rapid forwarding. Experimental results on the discrimination of optical labels and all-optical label conversion are also presented.

  • On the Traffic-Distribution Characteristics of Parallel Switching Architectures

    Hyoung-Il LEE  Han-You JEONG  Seung-Woo SEO  


    E84-B No:5

    In this paper, we investigate the performance characteristics of parallel switching architectures constructed by a stack of multistage switching networks. We first find that the performances of the previously proposed parallel switching architectures are much worse than the expected ones from analytic models which are based on the assumption that traffic is uniformly distributed at each stage of a switching network. We show that this phenomenon is closely related to a traffic-distribution capability of a parallel switching system and has a large influence on the performance. From these results, we then propose an architectural solution based on the Generalized Shuffle Network (GSN) and analyze its performance by proposing a new iterative analysis method. The proposed architecture uses self-routing and deflection routing, and inherently has a traffic-distribution capability to improve switch performances such as cell loss and delay in a cost-effective manner. From the comparison of simulation and analysis results, it is shown that the developed models are quite accurate in predicting the performance of a new parallel switching system.

  • A Novel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer Utilizing Free Spectral Range Periodicity of Arrayed Waveguide Grating Multiplexer

    Masahide MIYACHI  Shigeru OHSHIMA  

    PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E84-B No:5

    We propose a novel optical add/drop multiplexer (OADM) utilizing free spectral range (FSR) periodicity of an arrayed-waveguide multiplexer (AWG). In this OADM, wavelength-division multiplex (WDM) signal is multiplexed and/or de-multiplexed in two steps. Power penalty due to coherent crosstalk is drastically reduced compared with that of conventional OADM where AWG multiplexers are opposite to each other. The calculated power penalty due to the coherent crosstalk is about 0.7 dB after the 16 OADMs in the case of 128 wavelengths. It was confirmed through a computer simulation that more than one hundred channels at 10 Gbps data rate could be accommodated in an OADM network with 16 nodes. These results show that the OADM network with over 1 Tbps capacity and 16 nodes could be constructed.

  • All-Optical Signal Processing Using Highly-Nonlinear Optical Fibers

    Shigeki WATANABE  Fumio FUTAMI  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E84-C No:5

    The effectiveness and possible applications of all-optical signal processing using highly-nonlinear dispersion-shifted fibers (HNL-DSFs) are described. Transparent and simultaneous processings of multi-channels WDM signal are key features of optical fiber processors. Simultaneous wavelength conversion of 3210 Gb/s WDM signal by four-wave mixing, all-optical 3R regeneration of 220 Gb/s WDM signal using nonlinear loop mirrors, and simultaneous recovery of 2020 GHz WDM optical clocks by supercontinuum were successfully demonstrated using HNL-DSFs, and possible applications of ultra-fast and multi-channel processing in future photonic networks are discussed.

  • A Commutating Decision Feedback Equalizer (CDFE) for Digital Mobile Radios

    Sukvasant TANTIKOVIT  Asrar U. H. SHEIKH  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E84-B No:5

    We propose a new structure of decision feedback adaptive equalizer (DFE) suitable for use in mobile radio systems. The proposed structure named Commutating Decision Feedback Equalizer (CDFE) has two DFEs that operate in a commutating fashion; the two DFEs commutate between training and equalization. Such a commutating operation effectively lengthens the equalizer tracking period over time variant channels. Thus, the CDFE has a superior performance over the conventional DFE in fading channels. Simulation results are presented in the paper.

  • Photonic Crystal Fibres: An Endless Variety

    Timothy A. BIRKS  Jonathan C. KNIGHT  Brian J. MANGAN  Philip St. J. RUSSELL  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Fibers and Cables

    E84-B No:5

    A photonic crystal fibre has an array of microscopic air holes running along its length. The periodicity of the array is broken by a deliberate "defect" that acts as a waveguide core. Light is confined to this core by the holes. Although some designs of photonic crystal fibre guide light by total internal reflection and so can be considered analogues of conventional optical fibres, their properties can be strikingly different. Other designs guide light by photonic bandgap confinement and represent a totally new type of fibre.

  • New Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) Platform Eliminating Si Terraces and Its Application to Opto-electronic Hybrid Integrated Modules

    Takashi YAMADA  Toshikazu HASHIMOTO  Takaharu OHYAMA  Yuji AKAHORI  Akimasa KANEKO  Kazutoshi KATO  Ryouichi KASAHARA  Mikitaka ITO  

    PAPER-Optical Passive Devices and Modules

    E84-C No:5

    We have developed a new planar lightwave circuit (PLC) platform eliminating Si terraces for hybrid integrated optical modules. This PLC platform has the advantage of a lower fabrication cost than the conventional PLC platform with an Si terrace, because it does not require fabrication processes such as Si terrace forming and mechanical polishing. Using our new PLC platform structure, we fabricated a transceiver for optical access networks and an 8-channel multi-channel photoreceiver for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) interconnection systems.

  • Temperature Insensitive Micromachined GaAlAs/GaAs Vertical Cavity Wavelength Filter

    Takeru AMANO  Fumio KOYAMA  Nobuhiko NISHIYAMA  Akihiro MATSUTANI  Kenichi IGA  

    PAPER-Optical Passive Devices and Modules

    E84-C No:5

    A novel temperature insensitive wavelength filter consisting of GaAlAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) has been demonstrated. This micromachined DBR is mechanically tuned by differential thermal expansion. The strain-induced displacement of one mirror can generate wavelength tuning and trimming functions with an adjustable temperature dependence. We succeeded in the control of temperature dependence in this micromachined semiconductor filter by properly designing a vertical cavity structure. The achieved temperature dependence was as small as +0.01 nm/K, which is one-tenth of that of conventional semiconductor based optical filters. Also, a wavelength trimming of over 20 nm was demonstrated after completing the device fabrication. In addition, we demonstrated a 4 4 multiple wavelength micromachined vertical cavity filter array. The multi-wavelength filter array with a wavelength span of 45 nm was fabricated by partially etching off a GaAs wavelength control layer loaded on the top surface of device.
