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  • Effect Analysis of Coding Convention Violations on Readability of Post-Delivered Code

    Taek LEE  Jung-Been LEE  Hoh Peter IN  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E98-D No:7

    Adherence to coding conventions during the code production stage of software development is essential. Benefits include enabling programmers to quickly understand the context of shared code, communicate with one another in a consistent manner, and easily maintain the source code at low costs. In reality, however, programmers tend to doubt or ignore the degree to which the quality of their code is affected by adherence to these guidelines. This paper addresses research questions such as “Do violations of coding conventions affect the readability of the produced code?”, “What kinds of coding violations reduce code readability?”, and “How much do variable factors such as developer experience, project size, team size, and project maturity influence coding violations?” To respond to these research questions, we explored 210 open-source Java projects with 117 coding conventions from the Sun standard checklist. We believe our findings and the analysis approach used in the paper will encourage programmers and QA managers to develop their own customized and effective coding style guidelines.

  • Experimental Study on Ray Based Spatio-Temporal Channel Characteristics in Indoor Environment

    Koshiro KITAO  Tetsuro IMAI  Kentaro SAITO  Yukihiko OKUMURA  


    E98-B No:5

    This paper describes characteristics of direct and scattered waves that are extracted from measurement channel data obtained using a 3.35GHz vector channel sounder in an indoor environment. For the scattered waves, a ray number, n, is assigned to each ray in order of the received levels and the relationship between n and the characteristics of each ray such as the received level, delay and azimuth angle of arrival (AOA) are investigated. The distribution of the received level for each n, which is normalized to the received level that is calculated based on free space at each measurement point and includes the received level of all measurement points, is a log normal distribution. Moreover, the median received level of each n of the scattered waves is approximated with two different gradient linear lines as a function of n. Furthermore, the azimuth AOA for the ray of scattered waves whose received level is relatively high is biased in the base station antenna direction and the distribution of the azimuth AOA becomes uniform with a decrease in the received ray level. Finally, a spatio-temporal channel model is proposed based on the above mentioned analysis.

  • Contextual Max Pooling for Human Action Recognition

    Zhong ZHANG  Shuang LIU  Xing MEI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:4

    The bag-of-words model (BOW) has been extensively adopted by recent human action recognition methods. The pooling operation, which aggregates local descriptor encodings into a single representation, is a key determiner of the performance of the BOW-based methods. However, the spatio-temporal relationship among interest points has rarely been considered in the pooling step, which results in the imprecise representation of human actions. In this paper, we propose a novel pooling strategy named contextual max pooling (CMP) to overcome this limitation. We add a constraint term into the objective function under the framework of max pooling, which forces the weights of interest points to be consistent with their probabilities. In this way, CMP explicitly considers the spatio-temporal contextual relationships among interest points and inherits the positive properties of max pooling. Our method is verified on three challenging datasets (KTH, UCF Sports and UCF Films datasets), and the results demonstrate that our method achieves better results than the state-of-the-art methods in human action recognition.

  • Identifying Nonlocal Dependencies in Incremental Parsing

    Yoshihide KATO  Shigeki MATSUBARA  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E98-D No:4

    This paper describes a method of identifying nonlocal dependencies in incremental parsing. Our incremental parser inserts empty elements at arbitrary positions to generate partial parse trees including empty elements. To identify the correspondence between empty elements and their fillers, our method adapts a hybrid approach: slash feature annotation and heuristic rules. This decreases local ambiguity in incremental parsing and improves the accuracy of our parser.

  • Exemplar-Based Inpainting Driven by Feature Vectors and Region Segmentation

    Jinki PARK  Jaehwa PARK  Young-Bin KWON  Chan-Gun LEE  Ho-Hyun PARK  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:4

    A new exemplar-based inpainting method which effectively preserves global structures and textures in the restored region driven by feature vectors is presented. Exemplars that belong to the source region are segmented based on their features. To express characteristics of exemplars such as shapes of structures and smoothness of textures, the Harris corner response and the variance of pixel values are employed as a feature vector. Enhancements on restoration plausibility and processing speedup are achieved as shown in the experiments.

  • Optimal Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems with Temporal Logic Constraints

    Koichi KOBAYASHI  Takuro NAGAMI  Kunihiko HIRAISHI  


    E98-A No:2

    In this paper, optimal control of multi-vehicle systems is studied. In the case where collision avoidance between vehicles and obstacle avoidance are imposed, state discretization is effective as one of the simplified approaches. Furthermore, using state discretization, cooperative actions such as rendezvous can be easily specified by linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas. However, it is not necessary to discretize all states, and partial states (e.g., the position of vehicles) should be discretized. From this viewpoint, a new control method for multi-vehicle systems is proposed in this paper. First, the system in which partial states are discretized is formulated. Next, the optimal control problem with constraints described by LTL formulas is formulated, and its solution method is proposed. Finally, numerical simulations are presented. The proposed method provides us a useful method in control of multi-vehicle systems.

  • A Tenant Network Provisioning Platform with Provisioning Template for Multi-Tenancy Data Centers

    Yoji OZAWA  Yoshiko YASUDA  Yosuke HIMURA  


    E97-B No:12

    Tenant network provisioning in multi-tenancy data centers is time-consuming and error-prone due to the need to configure network devices with hundreds of parameter values (e.g., VLAN ID, IP address) determined according to complicated operational rules. Past works have aimed to automate such operational rule-based provisioning processes by implementing data center-specific provisioning programs, but a crucial problem is the high cost of adapting the programs to suit multiple data centers. In this paper, we aim to solve this problem by enabling to describe the provisioning processing, which has been hard-coded programs in conventional approaches, in easy-to-edit “provisioning template” files. The key component of the provisioning template is the parameter decision rule, which is a declarative abstract representation of parameter dependency and parameter assignment. We design the provisioning template so that it can handle various configuration items while preserving its editability for tenant provisioning. We design and implement the provisioning platform, and the evaluation based on a production data center shows that the provisioning platform can adopt multiple data centers with a single program, leading to less development cost compared to past approaches (i.e., program development for each data center).

  • Temperature Sensor employing Ring Oscillator composed of Poly-Si Thin-Film Transistors: Comparison between Lightly-Doped and Offset Drain Structures Open Access

    Jun TAYA  Kazuki KOJIMA  Tomonori MUKUDA  Akihiro NAKASHIMA  Yuki SAGAWA  Tokiyoshi MATSUDA  Mutsumi KIMURA  


    E97-C No:11

    We propose a temperature sensor employing a ring oscillator composed of poly-Si thin-film transistors (TFTs). Particularly in this research, we compare temperature sensors using TFTs with lightly-doped drain structure (LDD TFTs) and TFTs with offset drain structure (offset TFTs). First, temperature dependences of transistor characteristics are compared between the LDD and offset TFTs. It is confirmed that the offset TFTs have larger temperature dependence of the on current. Next, temperature dependences of oscillation frequencies are compared between ring oscillators using the LDD and offset TFTs. It is clarified that the ring oscillator using the offset TFTs is suitable to detect the temperature. We think that this kind of temperature sensor is available as a digital device.

  • Specific Absorption Rates and Temperature Elevations due to Wireless Radio Terminals in Proximity to a Fetus at Gestational Ages of 13, 18, and 26 Weeks

    Akihiro TATENO  Shimpei AKIMOTO  Tomoaki NAGAOKA  Kazuyuki SAITO  Soichi WATANABE  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E97-B No:10

    As the electromagnetic (EM) environment is becoming increasingly diverse, it is essential to estimate specific absorption rates (SARs) and temperature elevations of pregnant females and their fetuses under various exposure situations. This study presents calculated SARs and temperature elevations in a fetus exposed to EM waves. The calculations involved numerical models for the anatomical structures of a pregnant Japanese woman at gestational stages of 13, 18, and 26 weeks; the EM source was a wireless portable terminal placed close to the abdomen of the pregnant female model. The results indicate that fetal SARs and temperature elevations are closely related to the position of the fetus relative to the EM source. We also found that, although the fetal SAR caused by a half-wavelength dipole antenna is sometimes comparable to or slightly more than the International Commission Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines, it is lower than the guideline level in more realistic situations, such as when a planar inverted-F antenna is used. Furthermore, temperature elevations were significantly below the threshold set to prevent the child from being born with developmental disabilities.

  • Workload-Aware Caching Policy for Information-Centric Networking

    Qian HU  Muqing WU  Song GUO  Hailong HAN  Chaoyi ZHANG  


    E97-B No:10

    Information-centric networking (ICN) is a promising architecture and has attracted much attention in the area of future Internet architectures. As one of the key technologies in ICN, in-network caching can enhance content retrieval at a global scale without requiring any special infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a workload-aware caching policy, LRU-GT, which allows cache nodes to protect newly cached contents for a period of time (guard time) during which contents are protected from being replaced. LRU-GT can utilize the temporal locality and distinguish contents of different popularity, which are both the characteristics of the workload. Cache replacement is modeled as a semi-Markov process under the Independent Reference Model (IRM) assumption and a theoretical analysis proves that popular contents have longer sojourn time in the cache compared with unpopular ones in LRU-GT and the value of guard time can affect the cache hit ratio. We also propose a dynamic guard time adjustment algorithm to optimize the performance. Simulation results show that LRU-GT can reduce the average hops to get contents and improve cache hit ratio.

  • Mutual Information Evaluation and Optimization of Intermittent Transmission Methods in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks

    Xiaohui FAN  Hiraku OKADA  Kentaro KOBAYASHI  Masaaki KATAYAMA  


    E97-B No:9

    Energy harvesting technology was introduced into wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to solve the problem of the short lifetimes of sensor nodes. The technology gives sensor nodes the ability to convert environmental energy into electricity. Sufficient electrical energy can lengthen the lifetime and improve the quality of service of a WSN. This paper proposes a novel use of mutual information to evaluate data transmission behavior in the energy harvesting WSNs. Data at a sink for a node deteriorates over time until the next periodic transmission from the node is received. In this paper, we suggest an optimized intermittent transmission method for WSNs that harvest energy. Our method overcomes the problem of information deterioration without increasing energy cost. We show that by using spatial correlation between different sensor nodes, our proposed method can mitigate information deterioration significantly at the sink.

  • Optical Flow Estimation Combining Spatial-Temporal Derivatives Based Nonlinear Filtering

    Kaihong SHI  Zongqing LU  Qingyun SHE  Fei ZHOU  Qingmin LIAO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E97-D No:9

    This paper presents a novel filter to keep from over-smoothing the edges and corners and rectify the outliers in the flow field after each incremental computation step, which plays a key role during the process of estimating flow field. This filter works according to the spatial-temporal derivatives distance of the input image and velocity field distance, whose principle is more reasonable in filtering mechanism for optical flow than other existing nonlinear filters. Moreover, we regard the spatial-temporal derivatives as new powerful descriptions of different motion layers or regions and give a detailed explanation. Experimental results show that our proposed method achieves better performance.

  • Real-Time Sound Field Transmission System by Using Wave Field Reconstruction Filter and Its Evaluation

    Shoichi KOYAMA  Ken'ichi FURUYA  Hisashi UEMATSU  Yusuke HIWASAKI  Yoichi HANEDA  


    E97-A No:9

    A new real-time sound field transmission system is presented. To construct this system, a large listening area needs to be reproduced at not less than a constant height. Additionally, the driving signals of the loudspeakers should be obtained only from received signals of microphones. Wave field reconstruction (WFR) filtering for linear arrays of microphones and loudspeakers is considered to be suitable for this kind of system. An experimental system was developed to show the feasibility of real-time sound field transmission using the WFR filter. Experiments to measure the reproduced sound field and a subjective listening test of sound localization were conducted to evaluate the proposed system. Although the reproduced sound field included several artifacts such as spatial aliasing and faster amplitude decay, the experimental results indicated that the proposed system was able to provide sound localization accuracy for virtual sound sources comparable to that for real sound sources in a large listening area.

  • Analyzing Perceived Empathy Based on Reaction Time in Behavioral Mimicry

    Shiro KUMANO  Kazuhiro OTSUKA  Masafumi MATSUDA  Junji YAMATO  

    PAPER-Affective Computing

    E97-D No:8

    This study analyzes emotions established between people while interacting in face-to-face conversation. By focusing on empathy and antipathy, especially the process by which they are perceived by external observers, this paper aims to elucidate the tendency of their perception and from it develop a computational model that realizes the automatic inference of perceived empathy/antipathy. This paper makes two main contributions. First, an experiment demonstrates that an observer's perception of an interacting pair is affected by the time lags found in their actions and reactions in facial expressions and by whether their expressions are congruent or not. For example, a congruent but delayed reaction is unlikely to be perceived as empathy. Based on our findings, we propose a probabilistic model that relates the perceived empathy/antipathy of external observers to the actions and reactions of conversation participants. An experiment is conducted on ten conversations performed by 16 women in which the perceptions of nine external observers are gathered. The results demonstrate that timing cues are useful in improving the inference performance, especially for perceived antipathy.

  • Temperature-Aware Layer Assignment for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits

    Shih-Hsu HUANG  Hua-Hsin YEH  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E97-A No:8

    Because dielectrics between active layers have low thermal conductivities, there is a demand to reduce the temperature increase in three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs). This paper demonstrates that, in the design of 3D ICs, different layer assignments often lead to different temperature increases. Based on this observation, we are motivated to perform temperature-aware layer assignment. Our work includes two parts. Firstly, an integer linear programming (ILP) approach that guarantees a minimum temperature increase is proposed. Secondly, a polynomial-time heuristic algorithm that reduces the temperature increase is proposed. Compared with the previous work, which does not take the temperature increase into account, the experimental results show that both our ILP approach and our heuristic algorithm produce a significant reduction in the temperature increase with a very small area overhead.

  • Practice and Evaluation of Pagelet-Based Client-Side Rendering Mechanism

    Hao HAN  Yinxing XUE  Keizo OYAMA  Yang LIU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:8

    The rendering mechanism plays an indispensable role in browser-based Web application. It generates active webpages dynamically and provides human-readable layout through template engines, which are used as a standard programming model to separate the business logic and data computations from the webpage presentation. The client-side rendering mechanism, owing to the advances of rich application technologies, has been widely adopted. The adoption of client side rendering brings not only various merits but also new problems. In this paper, we propose and construct “pagelet”, a segment-based template engine for developing flexible and extensible Web applications. By presenting principles, practice and usage experience of pagelet, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of possible advantages and disadvantages brought by client-side rendering mechanism from the viewpoints of both developers and end-users.

  • An Empirical Study of Bugs in Software Build System

    Xin XIA  Xiaozhen ZHOU  David LO  Xiaoqiong ZHAO  Ye WANG  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:7

    A build system converts source code, libraries and other data into executable programs by orchestrating the execution of compilers and other tools. The whole building process is managed by a software build system, such as Make, Ant, CMake, Maven, Scons, and QMake. Many studies have investigated bugs and fixes in several systems, but to our best knowledge, none focused on bugs in build systems. One significant feature of software build systems is that they should work on various platforms, i.e., various operating systems (e.g., Windows, Linux), various development environments (e.g., Eclipse, Visual Studio), and various programming languages (e.g., C, C++, Java, C#), so the study of software build systems deserves special consideration. In this paper, we perform an empirical study on bugs in software build systems. We analyze four software build systems, Ant, Maven, CMake and QMake, which are four typical and widely-used software build systems, and can be used to build Java, C, C++ systems. We investigate their bug database and code repositories, randomly sample a set of bug reports and their fixes (800 bugs reports totally, and 199, 250, 200, and 151 bug reports for Ant, Maven, CMake and QMake, respectively), and manually assign them into various categories. We find that 21.35% of the bugs belong to the external interface category, 18.23% of the bugs belong to the logic category, and 12.86% of the bugs belong to the configuration category. We also investigate the relationship between bug categories and bug severities, bug fixing time, and number of bug comments.

  • Fundamental Locally One-Dimensional Method for 3-D Thermal Simulation



    E97-C No:7

    This paper presents a fundamental locally one-dimensional (FLOD) method for 3-D thermal simulation. We first propose a locally one-dimensional (LOD) method for heat transfer equation within general inhomogeneous media. The proposed LOD method is then cast into compact form and formulated into the FLOD method with operator-free right-hand-side (RHS), which leads to computationally efficient update equations. Memory storage requirements and boundary conditions for both FLOD and LOD methods are detailed and compared. Stability analysis by means of analyzing the eigenvalues of amplification matrix substantiates the stability of the FLOD method. Additionally, the potential instability of the Douglas Gunn (DG) alternating-direction-implicit (ADI) method for inhomogeneous media is demonstrated. Numerical experiments justify the gain achieved in the overall efficiency for FLOD over LOD, DG-ADI and explicit methods. Furthermore, the relative maximum error of the FLOD method illustrates good trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.

  • Effects of Voluntary Movements on Audio-Tactile Temporal Order Judgment

    Atsuhiro NISHI  Masanori YOKOYAMA  Ken-ichiro OGAWA  Taiki OGATA  Takayuki NOZAWA  Yoshihiro MIYAKE  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E97-D No:6

    The present study aims to investigate the effect of voluntary movements on human temporal perception in multisensory integration. We therefore performed temporal order judgment (TOJ) tasks in audio-tactile integration under three conditions: no movement, involuntary movement, and voluntary movement. It is known that the point of subjective simultaneity (PSS) under the no movement condition, that is, normal TOJ tasks, appears when a tactile stimulus is presented before an auditory stimulus. Our experiment showed that involuntary and voluntary movements shift the PSS to a value that reduces the interval between the presentations of auditory and tactile stimuli. Here, the shift of the PSS under the voluntary movement condition was greater than that under the involuntary movement condition. Remarkably, the PSS under the voluntary movement condition appears when an auditory stimulus slightly precedes a tactile stimulus. In addition, a just noticeable difference (JND) under the voluntary movement condition was smaller than those under the other two conditions. These results reveal that voluntary movements alternate the temporal integration of audio-tactile stimuli. In particular, our results suggest that voluntary movements reverse the temporal perception order of auditory and tactile stimuli and improve the temporal resolution of temporal perception. We discuss the functional mechanism of shifting the PSS under the no movement condition with voluntary movements in audio-tactile integration.

  • Unsupervised Prosodic Labeling of Speech Synthesis Databases Using Context-Dependent HMMs

    Chen-Yu YANG  Zhen-Hua LING  Li-Rong DAI  

    PAPER-Speech Synthesis and Related Topics

    E97-D No:6

    In this paper, an automatic and unsupervised method using context-dependent hidden Markov models (CD-HMMs) is proposed for the prosodic labeling of speech synthesis databases. This method consists of three main steps, i.e., initialization, model training and prosodic labeling. The initial prosodic labels are obtained by unsupervised clustering using the acoustic features designed according to the characteristics of the prosodic descriptor to be labeled. Then, CD-HMMs of the spectral parameters, F0s and phone durations are estimated by a means similar to the HMM-based parametric speech synthesis using the initial prosodic labels. These labels are further updated by Viterbi decoding under the maximum likelihood criterion given the acoustic feature sequences and the trained CD-HMMs. The model training and prosodic labeling procedures are conducted iteratively until convergence. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated on Mandarin speech synthesis databases and two prosodic descriptors are investigated, i.e., the prosodic phrase boundary and the emphasis expression. In our implementation, the prosodic phrase boundary labels are initialized by clustering the durations of the pauses between every two consecutive prosodic words, and the emphasis expression labels are initialized by examining the differences between the original and the synthetic F0 trajectories. Experimental results show that the proposed method is able to label the prosodic phrase boundary positions much more accurately than the text-analysis-based method without requiring any manually labeled training data. The unit selection speech synthesis system constructed using the prosodic phrase boundary labels generated by our proposed method achieves similar performance to that using the manual labels. Furthermore, the unit selection speech synthesis system constructed using the emphasis expression labels generated by our proposed method can convey the emphasis information effectively while maintaining the naturalness of synthetic speech.
