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  • Robust Voice Activity Detection Algorithm Based on Feature of Frequency Modulation of Harmonics and Its DSP Implementation

    Chung-Chien HSU  Kah-Meng CHEONG  Tai-Shih CHI  Yu TSAO  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-D No:10

    This paper proposes a voice activity detection (VAD) algorithm based on an energy related feature of the frequency modulation of harmonics. A multi-resolution spectro-temporal analysis framework, which was developed to extract texture features of the audio signal from its Fourier spectrogram, is used to extract frequency modulation features of the speech signal. The proposed algorithm labels the voice active segments of the speech signal by comparing the energy related feature of the frequency modulation of harmonics with a threshold. Then, the proposed VAD is implemented on one of Texas Instruments (TI) digital signal processor (DSP) platforms for real-time operation. Simulations conducted on the DSP platform demonstrate the proposed VAD performs significantly better than three standard VADs, ITU-T G.729B, ETSI AMR1 and AMR2, in non-stationary noise in terms of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and the recognition rates from a practical distributed speech recognition (DSR) system.

  • The Wear of Hot Switching Au/Cr-Au/MWCNT Contact Pairs for MEMS Contacts

    John W. McBRIDE  Hong LIU  Chamaporn CHIANRABUTRA  Adam P. LEWIS  


    E98-C No:9

    A gold coated carbon nanotubes composite was used as a contact material in Micro-Electrical-Mechanical-System (MEMS) switches. The switching contact was tested under typical conditions of MEMS relay applications: load voltage of 4 V, contact force of 1 mN, and load current varied between 20-200 mA. This paper focuses on the wear process over switching lifetime, and the dependence of the wear area on the current is discussed. It was shown that the contact was going to fail when the wear area approached the whole contact area, at which point the contact resistance increased sharply to three times the nominal resistance.

  • Statistics on Temporal Changes of Sparse Coding Coefficients in Spatial Pyramids for Human Action Recognition

    Yang LI  Junyong YE  Tongqing WANG  Shijian HUANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E98-D No:9

    Traditional sparse representation-based methods for human action recognition usually pool over the entire video to form the final feature representation, neglecting any spatio-temporal information of features. To employ spatio-temporal information, we present a novel histogram representation obtained by statistics on temporal changes of sparse coding coefficients frame by frame in the spatial pyramids constructed from videos. The histograms are further fed into a support vector machine with a spatial pyramid matching kernel for final action classification. We validate our method on two benchmarks, KTH and UCF Sports, and experiment results show the effectiveness of our method in human action recognition.

  • Discovery of Regular and Irregular Spatio-Temporal Patterns from Location-Based SNS by Diffusion-Type Estimation

    Yoshitatsu MATSUDA  Kazunori YAMAGUCHI  Ken-ichiro NISHIOKA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E98-D No:9

    In this paper, a new approach is proposed for extracting the spatio-temporal patterns from a location-based social networking system (SNS) such as Foursquare. The proposed approach consists of the following procedures. First, the spatio-temporal behaviors of users in SNS are approximated as a probabilistic distribution by using a diffusion-type formula. Since the SNS datasets generally consist of sparse check-in's of users at some time points and locations, it is difficult to investigate the spatio-temporal patterns on a wide range of time and space scales. The proposed method can estimate such wide range patterns by smoothing the sparse datasets by a diffusion-type formula. It is crucial in this method to estimate robustly the scale parameter by giving a prior generative model on check-in's of users. The robust estimation enables the method to extract appropriate patterns even in small local areas. Next, the covariance matrix among the time points is calculated from the estimated distribution. Then, the principal eigenfunctions are approximately extracted as the spatio-temporal patterns by principal component analysis (PCA). The distribution is a mixture of various patterns, some of which are regular ones with a periodic cycle and some of which are irregular ones corresponding to transient events. Though it is generally difficult to separate such complicated mixtures, the experiments on an actual Foursquare dataset showed that the proposed method can extract many plausible and interesting spatio-temporal patterns.

  • Separation of Mass Spectra Based on Probabilistic Latent Component Analysis for Explosives Detection

    Yohei KAWAGUCHI  Masahito TOGAMI  Hisashi NAGANO  Yuichiro HASHIMOTO  Masuyuki SUGIYAMA  Yasuaki TAKADA  


    E98-A No:9

    A new algorithm for separating mass spectra into individual substances for explosives detection is proposed. In the field of mass spectrometry, separation methods, such as principal-component analysis (PCA) and independent-component analysis (ICA), are widely used. All components, however, have no negative values, and the orthogonality condition imposed on components also does not necessarily hold in the case of mass spectra. Because these methods allow negative values and PCA imposes an orthogonality condition, they are not suitable for separation of mass spectra. The proposed algorithm is based on probabilistic latent-component analysis (PLCA). PLCA is a statistical formulation of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) using KL divergence. Because PLCA imposes the constraint of non-negativity but not orthogonality, the algorithm is effective for separating components of mass spectra. In addition, to estimate the components more accurately, a sparsity constraint is applied to PLCA for explosives detection. The main contribution is industrial application of the algorithm into an explosives-detection system. Results of an experimental evaluation of the algorithm with data obtained in a real railway station demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms PCA and ICA. Also, results of calculation time demonstrate that the algorithm can work in real time.

  • Target Scattering Coefficients Estimation in Cognitive Radar under Temporally Correlated Target and Multiple Receive Antennas Scenario

    Peng CHEN  Lenan WU  


    E98-B No:9

    In cognitive radar systems (CRSs), target scattering coefficients (TSC) can be utilized to improve the performance of target identification and classification. This work considers the problem of TSC estimation for temporally correlated target. Multiple receive antennas are adopted to receive the echo waveforms, which are interfered by the signal-dependent clutter. Unlike existing estimation methods in time domain, a novel estimation method based on Kalman filtering (KF) is proposed in frequency domain to exploit the temporal TSC correlation, and reduce the complexity of subsequent waveform optimization. Additionally, to minimize the mean square error of estimated TSC at each KF iteration, in contrary to existing works, we directly model the design process as an optimization problem, which is non-convex and cannot be solved efficiently. Therefore, we propose a novel method, similar in some way to semi-definite programming (SDP), to convert the non-convex problem into a convex one. Simulation results demonstrate that the estimation performance can be significantly improved by the KF estimation with optimized waveform.

  • A Realization of Signal-Model-Based SAR Imaging via Atomic Decomposition

    Yesheng GAO  Hui SHENG  Kaizhi WANG  Xingzhao LIU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E98-A No:9

    A signal-model-based SAR image formation algorithm is proposed in this paper. A model is used to describe the received signal, and each scatterer can be characterized by a set of its parameters. Two parameter estimation methods via atomic decomposition are presented: (1) applying 1-D matching pursuit to azimuthal projection data; (2) applying 2-D matching pursuit to raw data. The estimated parameters are mapped to form a SAR image, and the mapping procedure can be implemented under application guidelines. This algorithm requires no prior information about the relative motion between the platform and the target. The Cramer-Rao bounds of parameter estimation are derived, and the root mean square errors of the estimates are close to the bounds. Experimental results are given to validate the algorithm and indicate its potential applications.

  • Mass Spectra Separation for Explosives Detection by Using an Attenuation Model

    Yohei KAWAGUCHI  Masahito TOGAMI  Hisashi NAGANO  Yuichiro HASHIMOTO  Masuyuki SUGIYAMA  Yasuaki TAKADA  


    E98-A No:9

    A new algorithm for separating mass spectra into individual substances is proposed for explosives detection. The conventional algorithm based on probabilistic latent component analysis (PLCA) is effective in many cases because it makes use of the fact that non-negativity and sparsity hold for mass spectra in explosives detection. The algorithm, however, fails to separate mass spectra in some cases because uncertainty can not be resolved only by non-negativity and sparsity constraints. To resolve the uncertainty, an algorithm based on shift-invariant PLCA (SIPLCA) utilizing temporal correlation of mass spectra is proposed in this paper. In addition, to prevent overfitting, the temporal correlation is modeled with a function representing attenuation by focusing on the fact that the amount of a substance is attenuated continuously and slowly with time. Results of an experimental evaluation of the algorithm with data obtained in a real railway station demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the PLCA-based conventional algorithm and the simple SIPLCA-based one. The main novelty of this paper is that an evaluation of the detection performance of explosives detection is demonstrated. Results of the evaluation indicate that the proposed separation algorithm can improve the detection performance.

  • Constrained Weighted Least Square Filter for Chrominance Recovery of High Resolution Compressed Image

    Takamichi MIYATA  Tomonobu YOSHINO  Sei NAITO  


    E98-A No:8

    Ultra high definition (UHD) imaging systems have attracted much attention as a next generation television (TV) broadcasting service and video streaming service. However, the state of the art video coding standards including H.265/HEVC has not enough compression rate for streaming, broadcasting and storing UHD. Existing coding standard such as H.265/HEVC normaly use RGB-YCbCr color transform before compressing RGB color image since that procedure can decorrelate color components well. However, there is room for improvement on the coding efficiency for color image based on an observation that the luminance and chrominance components changes in same locations. This observation inspired us to propose a new post-processing method for compressed images by using weighted least square (WLS) filter with coded luminance component as a guide image, for refining the edges of chrominance components. Since the computational cost of WLS tends to superlinearly increase with increasing image size, it is difficult to apply it to UHD images. To overcome this problem, we propose slightly overlapped block partitioning and a new variant of WLS (constrained WLS, CWLS). Experimental results of objective quality comparison and subjective assessment test using 4K images show that our proposed method can outperform the conventional method and reduce the bit amount for chrominance component drastically with preserving the subjective quality.

  • White Balancing by Using Multiple Images via Intrinsic Image Decomposition

    Ryo MATSUOKA  Tatsuya BABA  Mia RIZKINIA  Masahiro OKUDA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:8

    Using a flash/no-flash image pair, we propose a novel white-balancing technique that can effectively correct the color balance of a complex scene under multiple light sources. In the proposed method, by using multiple images of the same scene taken under different lighting conditions, we estimate the reflectance component of the scene and the multiple shading components of each image. The reflectance component is a specific object color which does not depend on scene illumination and the shading component is a shading effect caused by the illumination lights. Then, we achieve white balancing by appropriately correcting the estimated shading components. The proposed method achieves better performance than conventional methods, especially under colored illumination and mixed lighting conditions.

  • Error Evaluation of an F0-Adaptive Spectral Envelope Estimator in Robustness against the Additive Noise and F0 Error

    Masanori MORISE  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-D No:7

    This paper describes an evaluation of a temporally stable spectral envelope estimator proposed in our past research. The past research demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can synthesize speech that is as natural as the input speech. This paper focuses on an objective comparison, in which the proposed algorithm is compared with two modern estimation algorithms in terms of estimation performance and temporal stability. The results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the others in both aspects.

  • Accurate Coherent Change Detection Method Based on Pauli Decomposition for Fully Polarimetric SAR Imagery

    Ryo OYAMA  Shouhei KIDERA  Tetsuo KIRIMOTO  


    E98-B No:7

    Microwave imaging techniques, particularly for synthetic aperture radar (SAR), produce high-resolution terrain surface images regardless of the weather conditions. Focusing on a feature of complex SAR images, coherent change detection (CCD) approaches have been developed in recent decades that can detect invisible changes in the same regions by applying phase interferometry to pairs of complex SAR images. On the other hand, various techniques of polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) image analysis have been developed, since fully polarimetric data often include valuable information that cannot be obtained from single polarimetric observations. According to this background, various coherent change detection methods based on fully polarimetric data have been proposed. However, the detection accuracies of these methods often degrade in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) situations due to the lower signal levels of cross-polarized components compared with those of co-polarized ones. To overcome the problem mentioned above, this paper proposes a novel CCD method by introducing the Pauli decomposition and the weighting of component with their respective SNR. The experimental data obtained in anechoic chamber show that the proposed method significantly enhances the performance of the receiver operation characteristic (ROC) compared with that obtained by a conventional approach.

  • Improved Detection Scheme Based on Lattice-Reduction and Threshold Algorithm in MIMO-OFDM Systems

    Jae-Jeong KIM  Hyoung-Kyu SONG  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E98-A No:6

    In this letter, an enhanced detection scheme using threshold and lattice-reduction algorithm is proposed. The first step of the proposed detection scheme finds another basis channel matrix H' which has good properties from the channel matrix H by using lattice-reduction algorithm. And QRD-M detection scheme using threshold algorithm is executed in the next step. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better performance than the conventional QRD-M detection scheme at high SNR. Also, it reduces candidate symbols because of the threshold algorithm.

  • Experimental Study on Ray Based Spatio-Temporal Channel Characteristics in Indoor Environment

    Koshiro KITAO  Tetsuro IMAI  Kentaro SAITO  Yukihiko OKUMURA  


    E98-B No:5

    This paper describes characteristics of direct and scattered waves that are extracted from measurement channel data obtained using a 3.35GHz vector channel sounder in an indoor environment. For the scattered waves, a ray number, n, is assigned to each ray in order of the received levels and the relationship between n and the characteristics of each ray such as the received level, delay and azimuth angle of arrival (AOA) are investigated. The distribution of the received level for each n, which is normalized to the received level that is calculated based on free space at each measurement point and includes the received level of all measurement points, is a log normal distribution. Moreover, the median received level of each n of the scattered waves is approximated with two different gradient linear lines as a function of n. Furthermore, the azimuth AOA for the ray of scattered waves whose received level is relatively high is biased in the base station antenna direction and the distribution of the azimuth AOA becomes uniform with a decrease in the received ray level. Finally, a spatio-temporal channel model is proposed based on the above mentioned analysis.

  • Contextual Max Pooling for Human Action Recognition

    Zhong ZHANG  Shuang LIU  Xing MEI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:4

    The bag-of-words model (BOW) has been extensively adopted by recent human action recognition methods. The pooling operation, which aggregates local descriptor encodings into a single representation, is a key determiner of the performance of the BOW-based methods. However, the spatio-temporal relationship among interest points has rarely been considered in the pooling step, which results in the imprecise representation of human actions. In this paper, we propose a novel pooling strategy named contextual max pooling (CMP) to overcome this limitation. We add a constraint term into the objective function under the framework of max pooling, which forces the weights of interest points to be consistent with their probabilities. In this way, CMP explicitly considers the spatio-temporal contextual relationships among interest points and inherits the positive properties of max pooling. Our method is verified on three challenging datasets (KTH, UCF Sports and UCF Films datasets), and the results demonstrate that our method achieves better results than the state-of-the-art methods in human action recognition.

  • Split-Jaccard Distance of Hierarchical Decompositions for Software Architecture

    Ki-Seong LEE  Byung-Woo HONG  Youngmin KIM  Jaeyeop AHN  Chan-Gun LEE  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E98-D No:3

    Most previous approaches on comparing the results for software architecture recovery are designed to handle only flat decompositions. In this paper, we propose a novel distance called Split-Jaccard Distance of Hierarchical Decompositions. It extends the Jaccard coefficient and incorporates the concept of the splits of leaves in a hierarchical decomposition. We analyze the proposed distance and derive its properties, including the lower-bound and the metric space.

  • Multiple Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis on Reduced FOX

    Xinran LI  Fang-Wei FU  Xuan GUANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:3

    FOX is a family of block ciphers published in 2004 and is famous for its provable security to cryptanalysis. In this paper, we present multiple 4-round impossible differentials and several new results of impossible differential attacks on 5,6,7-round FOX64 and 5-round FOX128 with the multiple differentials and the new early abort technique which shall reduce the data complexity and the time complexity respectively. In terms of the data complexity and the time complexity, our results are better than any of the previously known attacks.

  • New Impossible Differential Attack on SAFER Block Cipher Family

    Jingyuan ZHAO  Meiqin WANG  Jiazhe CHEN  Yuliang ZHENG  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:3

    SAFER block cipher family consists of SAFER K, SAFER SK, SAFER+ and SAFER++. As the first proposed block cipher of them, SAFER K is strengthened by SAFER SK with improved key schedule. SAFER+ is designed as an AES candidate and Bluetooth uses a customized version of it for security. SAFER++, a variant of SAFER+, is among the cryptographic primitives selected for the second phase of the NESSIE project. In this paper, we take advantage of properties of the linear transformation and S-boxes to identify new impossible differentials for SAFER SK, SAFER+, and SAFER++. Moreover, we give the impossible differential attacks on 4-round SAFER SK/128 and 4-round SAFER+/128(256), 5-round SAFER++/128 and 5.5-round SAFER++/256. Our attacks significantly improve previously known impossible differential attacks on them. Specifically, our attacks on SAFER+ are the best attack in terms of number of rounds.

  • A Scenario-Based Reliability Analysis Approach for Component-Based Software

    Chunyan HOU  Chen CHEN  Jinsong WANG  Kai SHI  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E98-D No:3

    With the rise of component-based software development, its reliability has attracted much attention from both academic and industry communities. Component-based software development focuses on architecture design, and thus it is important for reliability analysis to emphasize software architecture. Existing approaches to architecture-based software reliability analysis don't model the usage profile explicitly, and they ignore the difference between the testing profile and the practical profile of components, which limits their applicability and accuracy. In response to these issues, a new reliability modeling and prediction approach is introduced. The approach considers reliability-related architecture factors by explicitly modeling the system usage profile, and transforms the testing profile into the practical usage profile of components by representing the profile with input sub-domains. Finally, the evaluation experiment shows the potential of the approach.

  • On the Impossibility of d-Multiplicative Non-perfect Secret Sharing


    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:2

    A secret sharing scheme is said to be d-multiplicative if the scheme allows the players to multiply shared d secrets by locally converting their shares into an additive sharing of the product. In the previous work, the following negative result for perfect secret sharing has been shown: The d-multiplicative secret sharing for d players is impossible. This paper extends the impossibility result to non-perfect secret sharing. Our main result is a proof that d-multiplicative secret sharing for d players is impossible even if every player has partial information on the secret (e.g., all but one bit). This result means that there is no need to relax the privacy requirement with leakage of partial information only for the purpose of d-multiplication.
