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  • Delay Time Component of InGaAs MOSFET Caused by Dynamic Source Resistance

    Masayuki YAMADA  Ken UCHIDA  Yasuyuki MIYAMOTO  


    E97-C No:5

    The delay time component (τs) of an InGaAs MOSFET caused by dynamic source resistance is discussed. On the basis of the relationship between the current density (J) and the dynamic source resistance (rs), the value of rs is proportional to 1/J with some offset at low current densities, whereas the offset becomes smaller in a region of high current density. The value of τs depends on the current in a way similar to rs. Because the offset in the high-current-density region is proportional to the square root of the effective mass, an InGaAs MOSFET with a small mass has a shorter rs than a Si MOSFET.

  • Adaptive Subscale Entropy Based Quantification of EEG

    Young-Seok CHOI  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E97-D No:5

    This letter presents a new entropy measure for electroencephalograms (EEGs), which reflects the underlying dynamics of EEG over multiple time scales. The motivation behind this study is that neurological signals such as EEG possess distinct dynamics over different spectral modes. To deal with the nonlinear and nonstationary nature of EEG, the recently developed empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is incorporated, allowing an EEG to be decomposed into its inherent spectral components, referred to as intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). By calculating Shannon entropy of IMFs in a time-dependent manner and summing them over adaptive multiple scales, the result is an adaptive subscale entropy measure of EEG. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed entropy properly reveals the dynamical changes over multiple scales.

  • Hypersphere Sampling for Accelerating High-Dimension and Low-Failure Probability Circuit-Yield Analysis

    Shiho HAGIWARA  Takanori DATE  Kazuya MASU  Takashi SATO  


    E97-C No:4

    This paper proposes a novel and an efficient method termed hypersphere sampling to estimate the circuit yield of low-failure probability with a large number of variable sources. Importance sampling using a mean-shift Gaussian mixture distribution as an alternative distribution is used for yield estimation. Further, the proposed method is used to determine the shift locations of the Gaussian distributions. This method involves the bisection of cones whose bases are part of the hyperspheres, in order to locate probabilistically important regions of failure; the determination of these regions accelerates the convergence speed of importance sampling. Clustering of the failure samples determines the required number of Gaussian distributions. Successful static random access memory (SRAM) yield estimations of 6- to 24-dimensional problems are presented. The number of Monte Carlo trials has been reduced by 2-5 orders of magnitude as compared to conventional Monte Carlo simulation methods.

  • Multimedia Topic Models Considering Burstiness of Local Features Open Access

    Yang XIE  Koji EGUCHI  


    E97-D No:4

    A number of studies have been conducted on topic modeling for various types of data, including text and image data. We focus particularly on the burstiness of the local features in modeling topics within video data in this paper. Burstiness is a phenomenon that is often discussed for text data. The idea is that if a word is used once in a document, it is more likely to be used again within the document. It is also observed in video data; for example, an object or visual word in video data is more likely to appear repeatedly within the same video data. Based on the idea mentioned above, we propose a new topic model, the Correspondence Dirichlet Compound Multinomial LDA (Corr-DCMLDA), which takes into account the burstiness of the local features in video data. The unknown parameters and latent variables in the model are estimated by conducting a collapsed Gibbs sampling and the hyperparameters are estimated by focusing on the fixed-point iterations. We demonstrate through experimentation on the genre classification of social video data that our model works more effectively than several baselines.

  • An Efficient Beamforming Algorithm for Large-Scale Phased Arrays with Lossy Digital Phase Shifters

    Shunji TANAKA  Tomohiko MITANI  Yoshio EBIHARA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E97-B No:4

    An efficient beamforming algorithm for large-scale phased arrays with lossy digital phase shifters is presented. This problem, which arises in microwave power transmission from solar power satellites, is to maximize the array gain in a desired direction with the gain loss of the phase shifters taken into account. In this paper the problem is first formulated as a discrete optimization problem, which is then decomposed into element-wise subproblems by the real rotation theorem. Based on this approach, a polynomial-time algorithm to solve the problem numerically is constructed and its effectiveness is verified by numerical simulations.

  • QoS Analysis for Service Composition by Human and Web Services Open Access

    Donghui LIN  Toru ISHIDA  Yohei MURAKAMI  Masahiro TANAKA  


    E97-D No:4

    The availability of more and more Web services provides great varieties for users to design service processes. However, there are situations that services or service processes cannot meet users' requirements in functional QoS dimensions (e.g., translation quality in a machine translation service). In those cases, composing Web services and human tasks is expected to be a possible alternative solution. However, analysis of such practical efforts were rarely reported in previous researches, most of which focus on the technology of embedding human tasks in software environments. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing the effects of composing Web services and human activities using a case study in the domain of language service with large scale experiments. From the experiments and analysis, we find out that (1) service implementation variety can be greatly increased by composing Web services and human activities for satisfying users' QoS requirements; (2) functional QoS of a Web service can be significantly improved by inducing human activities with limited cost and execution time provided certain quality of human activities; and (3) multiple QoS attributes of a composite service are affected in different ways with different quality of human activities.

  • Effective Frame Selection for Blind Source Separation Based on Frequency Domain Independent Component Analysis

    Yusuke MIZUNO  Kazunobu KONDO  Takanori NISHINO  Norihide KITAOKA  Kazuya TAKEDA  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E97-A No:3

    Blind source separation is a technique that can separate sound sources without such information as source location, the number of sources, and the utterance content. Multi-channel source separation using many microphones separates signals with high accuracy, even if there are many sources. However, these methods have extremely high computational complexity, which must be reduced. In this paper, we propose a computational complexity reduction method for blind source separation based on frequency domain independent component analysis (FDICA) and examine temporal data that are effective for source separation. A frame with many sound sources is effective for FDICA source separation. We assume that a frame with a low kurtosis has many sound sources and preferentially select such frames. In our proposed method, we used the log power spectrum and the kurtosis of the magnitude distribution of the observed data as selection criteria and conducted source separation experiments using speech signals from twelve speakers. We evaluated the separation performances by the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) improvement score. From our results, the SIR improvement score was 24.3dB when all the frames were used, and 23.3dB when the 300 frames selected by our criteria were used. These results clarified that our proposed selection criteria based on kurtosis and magnitude is effective. Furthermore, we significantly reduced the computational complexity because it is proportional to the number of selected frames.

  • Multiplexing and Error Control Scheme for Body Area Network Employing IEEE 802.15.6

    Kento TAKABAYASHI  Hirokazu TANAKA  Chika SUGIMOTO  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E97-B No:3

    This paper proposes and investigates a multiplexing and error control scheme for Body Area Network (BAN). In February 2012, an international standard of WBAN, IEEE802.15.6, was published and it supports error control schemes. This standard also defines seven different QoS modes however, how to utilize them is not clearly specified. In this paper, an optimization method of the QoS is proposed. In order to utilize the QoS parameters, a multiplexing scheme is introduced. Then, the Hybrid ARQ in IEEE 802.15.6 is modified to employ decomposable codes and Weldon's ARQ protocol for more associations with channel conditions and required QoS. The proposed scheme has higher flexibility for optimizing the QoS parameters according to the required QoS.

  • Integrating Facial Expression and Body Gesture in Videos for Emotion Recognition

    Jingjie YAN  Wenming ZHENG  Minhai XIN  Jingwei YAN  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E97-D No:3

    In this letter, we research the method of using face and gesture image sequences to deal with the video-based bimodal emotion recognition problem, in which both Harris plus cuboids spatio-temporal feature (HST) and sparse canonical correlation analysis (SCCA) fusion method are applied to this end. To efficaciously pick up the spatio-temporal features, we adopt the Harris 3D feature detector proposed by Laptev and Lindeberg to find the points from both face and gesture videos, and then apply the cuboids feature descriptor to extract the facial expression and gesture emotion features [1],[2]. To further extract the common emotion features from both facial expression feature set and gesture feature set, the SCCA method is applied and the extracted emotion features are used for the biomodal emotion classification, where the K-nearest neighbor classifier and the SVM classifier are respectively used for this purpose. We test this method on the biomodal face and body gesture (FABO) database and the experimental results demonstrate the better recognition accuracy compared with other methods.

  • A Partially-Corporate Feed Double-Layer Waveguide Slot Array with the Sub-Arrays also Fed in Alternating-Phases

    Miao ZHANG  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E97-B No:2

    As a promising lamination-loss-free fabrication technique, diffusion bonding of etched thin metal plates is used to realize double-layer waveguide slot antennas. Alternating-phase feed is adopted in this paper to reduce the number of laminated plates to simplify fabrication as well as to reduce cost. A 20 × 20-element double-layer waveguide slot antenna with a bottom partially-corporate feed circuit is designed for 39GHz band operation as an example. The adjacent radiating waveguides as well as the 2 × 2 sub-arrays fed in an alternating-phase manner eliminate the need for complete electrical contact in the top layer. However, the feed circuit in the bottom layer has to be completely diffusion-bonded. These two layers are simply assembled by screws. An antenna laminated by only diffusion bonding is also fabricated and evaluated for comparison. The comparison proved that the simply fabricated antenna is comparable in performance to the fully diffusion-bonded one.

  • Advanced QRD-M Detection with Iterative Scheme in the MIMO-OFDM System

    Hwan-Jun CHOI  Hyoung-Kyu SONG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E97-D No:2

    In this letter, advanced QRD-M detection using iterative scheme is proposed. This scheme has a higher diversity degree than conventional QRD-M detection. According to the simulation results, the performance of proposed QRD-M detection is 0.5dB to 5.5dB better than the performance of conventional QRD-M detection and average iteration time is approximately 1 in the value of M = 1, 2, 3. Therefore, the proposed QRD-M detection has better performance than conventional QRD-M detection, particularly in a high SNR environment and low modulation order.

  • Time Shift Parameter Setting of Temporal Decorrelation Source Separation for Periodic Gaussian Signals

    Takeshi AMISHIMA  Kazufumi HIRATA  


    E96-B No:12

    Temporal Decorrelation source SEParation (TDSEP) is a blind separation scheme that utilizes the time structure of the source signals, typically, their periodicities. The advantage of TDSEP over non-Gaussianity based methods is that it can separate Gaussian signals as long as they are periodic. However, its shortcoming is that separation performance (SEP) heavily depends upon the values of the time shift parameters (TSPs). This paper proposes a method to automatically and blindly estimate a set of TSPs that achieves optimal SEP against periodic Gaussian signals. It is also shown that, selecting the same number of TSPs as that of the source signals, is sufficient to obtain optimal SEP, and adding more TSPs does not improve SEP, but only increases the computational complexity. The simulation example showed that the SEP is higher by approximately 20dB, compared with the ordinary method. It is also shown that the proposed method successfully selects just the same number of TSPs as that of incoming signals.

  • Micromagnetic Study of Influence of Gd Content on Current-Induced Domain Wall Motion in a Ferrimagnetic Nanowire

    Jo KAJITANI  Takashi KOMINE  Ryuji SUGITA  


    E96-C No:12

    In this study, the influence of Gd composition on current-induced domain wall motion in a Gd-Co ferrimagnetic nanowire was theoretically investigated with taking into account of composition dependence of magnetic properties. As a result, the intrinsic critical density to move domain wall significantly reduces near the compensation composition, which is achieved to be less than 105A/cm2. Moreover, the intrinsic critical current density also significantly reduces near a certain Gd composition where the domain wall energies of Bloch and Néel walls are almost the same.

  • Fourier Analysis of Sequences over a Composition Algebra of the Real Number Field

    Takao MAEDA  Takafumi HAYASHI  


    E96-A No:12

    To analyze the structure of a set of perfect sequences over a composition algebra of the real number field, transforms of a set of sequences similar to the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) are introduced. The discrete cosine transform, discrete sine transform, and generalized discrete Fourier transform (GDFT) of the sequences are defined and the fundamental properties of these transforms are proved. We show that GDFT is bijective and that there exists a relationship between these transforms and a convolution of sequences. Applying these properties to the set of perfect sequences, a parameterization theorem of such sequences is obtained.

  • Modeling Interactions between Low-Level and High-Level Features for Human Action Recognition

    Wen ZHOU  Chunheng WANG  Baihua XIAO  Zhong ZHANG  Yunxue SHAO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:12

    Recognizing human action in complex scenes is a challenging problem in computer vision. Some action-unrelated concepts, such as camera position features, could significantly affect the appearance of local spatio-temporal features, and therefore the performance of low-level features based methods degrades. In this letter, we define the action-unrelated concept: the position of camera as high-level features. We observe that they can serve as a prior to local spatio-temporal features for human action recognition. We encode this prior by modeling interactions between spatio-temporal features and camera position features. We infer camera position features from local spatio-temporal features via these interactions. The parameters of this model are estimated by a new max-margin algorithm. We evaluate the proposed method on KTH, IXMAS and Youtube actions datasets. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Structured Analog Circuit and Layout Design with Transistor Array

    Bo YANG  Qing DONG  Jing LI  Shigetoshi NAKATAKE  

    PAPER-Physical Level Design

    E96-A No:12

    This paper proposes a novel design method involving the stages from analog circuit design to layout synthesis in hope of suppressing the process-induced variations with a design style called transistor array. We manage to decompose the transistors into unified sub-transistors, and arrange the sub-transistors on a uniform placement grid so that a better post-CMP profile is expected to be achieved, and that the STI-stress is evened up to alleviate the process variations. However, since lack of direct theoretical support to the transistor decomposition, we analyze and evaluate the errors arising from the decomposition in both large and small signal analysis. A test chip with decomposed transistors on it confirmed our analysis and suggested that the errors are negligibly small and the design with transistor array is applicable. Based on this conclusion, a design flow with transistor array covering from circuit design to layout synthesis is proposed, and several design cases, including three common-source amplifiers, three two-stage OPAMPS and a nano-watt current reference, are implemented on a test chip with the proposed method, to demonstrate the feasibility of our idea. The measurement results from the chip confirmed that the designs with transistor array are successful, and the proposed method is applicable.

  • A VLSI Design of a Tomlinson-Harashima Precoder for MU-MIMO Systems Using Arrayed Pipelined Processing

    Kosuke SHIMAZAKI  Shingo YOSHIZAWA  Yasuyuki HATAKAWA  Tomoko MATSUMOTO  Satoshi KONISHI  Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E96-A No:11

    This paper presents a VLSI design of a Tomlinson-Harashima (TH) precoder for multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) systems. The TH precoder consists of LQ decomposition (LQD), interference cancellation (IC), and weight coefficient multiplication (WCM) units. The LQ decomposition unit is based on an application specific instruction-set processor (ASIP) architecture with floating-point arithmetic for high accuracy operations. In the IC and WCM units with fixed-point arithmetic, the proposed architecture uses an arrayed pipeline structure to shorten a circuit critical path delay. The implementation result shows that the proposed architecture reduces circuit area and power consumption by 11% and 15%, respectively.

  • Improving Naturalness of HMM-Based TTS Trained with Limited Data by Temporal Decomposition

    Trung-Nghia PHUNG  Thanh-Son PHAN  Thang Tat VU  Mai Chi LUONG  Masato AKAGI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E96-D No:11

    The most important advantage of HMM-based TTS is its highly intelligible. However, speech synthesized by HMM-based TTS is muffled and far from natural, especially under limited data conditions, which is mainly caused by its over-smoothness. Therefore, the motivation for this paper is to improve the naturalness of HMM-based TTS trained under limited data conditions while preserving its intelligibility. To achieve this motivation, a hybrid TTS between HMM-based TTS and the modified restricted Temporal Decomposition (MRTD), named HTD in this paper, was proposed. Here, TD is an interpolation model of decomposing a spectral or prosodic sequence of speech into sparse event targets and dynamic event functions, and MRTD is one simplified version of TD. With a determination of event functions close to the concept of co-articulation in speech, MRTD can synthesize smooth speech and the smoothness in synthesized speech can be adjusted by manipulating event targets of MRTD. Previous studies have also found that event functions of MRTD can represent linguistic information of speech, which is important to perceive speech intelligibility, while sparse event targets can convey the non-linguistics information, which is important to perceive the naturalness of speech. Therefore, prosodic trajectories and MRTD event functions of the spectral trajectory generated by HMM-based TTS were kept unchanged to preserve the high and stable intelligibility of HMM-based TTS. Whereas MRTD event targets of the spectral trajectory generated by HMM-based TTS were rendered with an original speech database to enhance the naturalness of synthesized speech. Experimental results with small Vietnamese datasets revealed that the proposed HTD was equivalent to HMM-based TTS in terms of intelligibility but was superior to it in terms of naturalness. Further discussions show that HTD had a small footprint. Therefore, the proposed HTD showed its strong efficiency under limited data conditions.

  • Joint Sequence Design for Robust Channel Estimation and PAPR Reduction for MIMO-OFDM Systems

    Chin-Te CHIANG  Carrson C. FUNG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:10

    A joint superimposed sequence design, known as SuperImposed sequence for PAPR Reduction, or SIPR, using per-tone affine precoding technique is proposed to jointly estimate MIMO-OFDM channels and reduce the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) for MIMO-OFDM systems. The proposed technique optimizes the trade-off between BER, MSE of the channel estimate, and PAPR reduction performance. Moreover, it does not require side information to be transmitted for the removal of the sequence at the receiver, and the transmit redundancy can be as small as 1 symbol/subcarrier. The superimposed sequence is designed by solving a convex quadratically constrained quadratic programming problem and has a computational complexity comparable to previous technique using linear programming. It is shown that SIPR can be regarded as a generalization of the popular tone reservation (TR) technique, and thus, is able to outperform TR in terms PAPR reduction performance, with less transmit overhead. Simulation results and transmit redundancy analysis of SIPR and TR are shown to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed scheme.

  • Sandbank and Oyster Farm Monitoring with Multi-Temporal Polarimetric SAR Data Using Four-Component Scattering Power Decomposition

    Tzu-Yu CHENG  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Kun-Shan CHEN  Jong-Sen LEE  Yi CUI  


    E96-B No:10

    In this paper, a multi-temporal analysis of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (Pol-SAR) data over the sandbank and oyster farm area is presented. Specifically, a four-component scattering model, being able to identify single bounce, double bounce, volume, and helix scattering power contributions, has been employed to retrieve information. Decomposition results of a time series RADARSAT Pol-SAR images acquired over the western Taiwan coast indicate that the coastal tide level plays a key role in the sandbank and oyster farm monitoring. At high tide levels, the underlying sandbank creates a shallow area with an increased roughness of the above sea surface, leading to an enhanced surface scattering power as compared to the ambient water. Contrarily, at low tide levels, the exposed sandbank appears to be a smooth scatterer, generating decreased backscattering power than the surrounding area. On the other hand, the double-bounce scattering power is shown to be highly correlated with the tide level in the oyster farms due to their vertical structures. This also demonstrates a promising potential of the four-component scattering power decomposition for coastal tide level monitoring applications.
