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[Keyword] OEF(171hit)


  • An IIR SC Filter Utilizing Square Roots of Transfer Function Coefficient Values

    Toshihiro MORI  Nobuaki TAKAHASHI  Tsuyoshi TAKEBE  


    E82-A No:3

    Recently, we proposed a low power consumption FIR switched-capacitor filter constructed with capacitors having capacitances in proportion to square roots of transfer function coefficient values. It is referred to as an FIR semi-parallel cyclic type (SPCT) filter. In this paper, we present IIR SPCT filter. It needs only a single operational amplifier, hence being low power consumption. The IIR SPCT filter has smaller total capacitance than one of the IIR parallel cyclic type (PCT) filter and better high frequency response than one of the IIR transfer function coefficient ratio (TCR) filter. As a whole, the IIR SPCT filter has middle performance of the IIR PCT and TCR filters for the total capacitance, the number of types of clock pulses, and high frequency response.

  • Composite Materials Containing Solid Lubricants as the New Sliding Contact Materials

    Yoshitada WATANABE  


    E82-C No:1

    The applicability of composite materials containing laminar solid lubricants to sliding contacts was studied. Performances of several composite materials prepared by incorporating solid lubricants with the basic alloys of the Cu-Nb system and Cu-Sn system were investigated to test the suitability of the composite materials as sliding contacts. As a result, it was clarified that the composite materials based on Cu-Sn alloy were superior to those based on Cu-Nb alloy and those containing only WS2 and not MoS2 were more effective in reducing both the contact resistance and the coefficient of friction. Based on the relationship between the contact resistance and the coefficient of friction obtained in this experimental study, the author proposed a new model for electric contact of composite materials.

  • MCD Analysis of Reflection Characteristics on Nonuniform Transmission Lines

    Kazuhito MURAKAMI  Junya ISHII  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E81-C No:5

    In this paper, a new simulation approach to the analysis of the reflection characteristics on nonuniform transmission lines (NTLs) is presented. The input and output responses in the time domain and the reflection coefficients in the frequency domain are effectively obtained by using the modified central difference (MCD) simulation and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique for Gaussian pulse responses. The simulated results for the reflection characteristics of the NTL transformers are in excellent agreements with the theoretical values. By representing both the reflected voltage and the reflection coefficient, it is shown that this approach is useful to analyze for various types of tapered and stepped NTLs.

  • Parametric Piecewise Modeling of Bezier and Polynomial Surfaces

    Mohamed IMINE  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:1

    The act of finding or constructing a model for a portion of a given polynomial or Bezier parametric surface from the whole original one is an encountered problem in surface modeling. A new method is described for constructing polynomial or Bezier piecewise model from an original one. It is based on the "Parametric Piecewise Model," abbreviated to PPM, of curve representation. The PPM representation is given by explicit expressions in terms of only control points or polynomial coefficients. The generated piecewise model behaves completely as a normal, polynomial or Bezier model in the same way as the original one for the piece of region considered. Also it has all characteristics, i. e, order and number of control points as the original one, and satisfies at the boundaries all order continuities. The PPM representation permits normalization, piecewise modeling, PPM reduction and systematic processes.

  • Studies on the Characterization and Optimal Design of E-Plane Waveguide Bends

    Zhewang MA  Taku YAMANE  Eikichi YAMASHITA  


    E80-C No:11

    Characterization of a mitered, a squarely cut, and a circular E-plane bend in rectangular waveguide is implemented by combining the port reflection coefficient method and the mode-matching method. Based on the port reflection coefficient method, the two-port waveguide bend is converted to a one-port structure comprised of cascaded waveguide step-junctions. After solving the reflection coefficient caused by these waveguide step-junctions using the mode-matching method, the desired scattering parameters of the bend are obtained readily. Convergence properties of the calculated numerical results are validated. Influences of the mitered, the squarely cut, and the circular part of the bend on the scattering parameters are investigated, and the optimal design dimensions for realizing wide-band and low return loss bends are found. Based on the optimal compensation dimension, an E-plane waveguide circular bend is fabricated and tested. The measured result agrees well with the theoretical prediction, and a full-band matched bend is practically realized.

  • Uniform Physical Optics Diffraction Coefficients for Impedance Surfaces and Apertures

    Masayuki OODO  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E80-C No:7

    The key concept of Physical Optics (PO), originally developed for a perfectly electric conductor (PEC), consists in that the high frequency fields on the scatterer surface are approximated by those which would exist on the infinite flat surface tangent to the scatterer. The scattered fields at arbitrary observation points are then calculated by integrating these fields on the scatterer. This general concept can be extended to arbitrary impedance surfaces. The asymptotic evaluation of this surface integration in terms of diffraction coefficients gives us the fields in analytical forms. In this paper, uniform PO diffraction coefficients for the impedance surfaces are presented and their high accuracy is verified numerically. These coefficients are providing us with the tool for the mechanism extraction of various high frequency methods such as aperture field integration method and Kirchhoff's method.

  • Reduction of Coupling between Two Wire Antennas Using a Slot

    Takehiro MORIOKA  Kazuhiro HIRASAWA  


    E80-B No:5

    The reduction of coupling between two wire antennas operating at different frequencies on an infinite ground plane is considered. An impedance loaded slot is introduced between the two antennas. A coupling coefficient and a transmission coefficient are used to evaluate the coupling behavior. It is found that by an appropriate choice of the slot length, location and load impedance the coupling coefficient can be reduced significantly. The problem is analyzed by the method of moments. Port parameters are used to relate a feed port, load ports on the two wire antennas and a load port on the slot. In so doing, a large amount of computation time is saved in calculating the antenna characteristics for various loads on the slot.

  • Coupling Coefficients and Random Geometrical Imperfections of an Image Fiber

    Akira KOMIYAMA  


    E80-C No:5

    Random fluctuations of the propagation constants of modes along the fiber axis are taken into consideration and the power coupling coefficient between cores of an image fiber is theoretically derived. For the fiber used for the measurement in the previous paper (A. Komiyama, IEICE, vol.E79-C, no.2, pp.243-248, 1996) it is verified that the coupling coefficient can be described in terms of statistical properties of the propagation constants in the cross-section of the fiber.

  • Optimization Method for Selecting Problems Using the Learner's Model in Intelligent Adaptive Instruction System

    Tatsunori MATSUI  

    PAPER-Advanced CAI system using media technologies

    E80-D No:2

    The purpose of our study is to develop an intelligent adaptive instruction system that manages intelligently the learner's estimated knowledge structure and optimizes the selection of problems according to his/her knowledge structures. The system adopts the dynamic problems of high school physics as a material of study, and is intended to operate on a UNIX Work Station. For these purposes, the system is composed of three parts, 1) interface part, 2) problem solving expert part, and 3) optimization expert system part for problem selection. The main feature of our system is that both knowledge structures of learner and teacher are represented by structural graph, and the problem selection process is controlled by the relationship between the learner's knowledge structure and the teacher's knowledge structure. In our system the relationship between these two knowledge structures is handled in the optimization expert system part for problem selection. In this paper the theory of the optimization expert system part for problem selection is described, and the effectiveness of this part is clarified through a simulation experiment of the originally defined matching coefficient.

  • A High Performance Multiplier and Its Application to an FlR Filter Dedicated to Digital Video Transmission

    Keisuke OKADA  Shun MORIKAWA  Sumitaka TAKEUCHI  Isao SHIRAKAWA  


    E79-A No:12

    A digital filter is one of the fundamental elements in the digital video transmission, and a multiplier acts as the key factor that determines the operation speed and silicon area of the filter. In terms of the digital video transmission, the required performance of a multiplier is to operate at the speed of 20-100 MHz but with the precision of 8-10 bits. In the case of implementing such an FIR filter with more than a certain number of taps, the same number of multipliers are necessary to realize the speed. Moreover, even though the coefficients to the filter are desired to be programmable, it is possible to change coefficients in the vertical fly-back interval of television receivers. This allows the preloadability of coefficients to the filter such that each coefficient can be treated as a constant during the filtering operation. Motivated by these requirements and functionalities, a novel multiplier and FIR filter architecture is described, which is to be synthesized with the use of a high level synthesis tool of COMPASS Design Navigator, partly with the aid of the manual design by means of a 0.8µm CMOS library.

  • A Direct Relation between Bezier and Polynomial Representation

    Mohamed IMINE  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  Takeshi AGUI  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:9

    In this paper, a new explicit transformation method between Bezier and polynomial representation is proposed. An expression is given to approximate (n + 1) Bezier control points by another of (m + 1), and to perform simple and sufficiently good approximation without any additional transformation, such as Chebyshev polynomial. A criterion of reduction is then deduced in order to know if the given number of control points of a Bezier curve is reducible without error on the curve or not. Also an error estimation is given only in terms of control points. This method, unlike previous works, is more transparent because it is given in form of explicit expressions. Finally, we discuss some applications of this method to curve-fitting, order decreasing and increasing number of control points.

  • Equivalence of Physical Optics and Aperture Field Integration Method in the Full Pattern Analysis of Reflector Antennas

    Masayuki OODO  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E79-C No:8

    Physical optics(PO) and the aperture field integration method (AFIM) give accurate and similar field patterns near the first few sidelobes of reflector antennas. It is widely accepted that the use of AFIM is restricted to norrower angles than PO. In this paper, uniform equivalent edge currents of PO and AFIM are compared analytically and their equivalence in high frequency in discussed. It is asymptotically verified that the patterns by AFIM are almost identical to PO fields in the full 360angular region, provided that AFIM uses the equivalent surface currents consisting of two components, that is, the geometrical optics(GO) reflected fields from the reflector and the incident fields from the feed source, the latter of which are often neglected. Slightly weaker equivalence is predicted for cross polarization patterns. Numerical comparison of PO and AFIM confirms all these results, the equivalence holds not only for large but also for a very small refiector of the order of one wavelength diameter.

  • Efficient Characterization of Complex H-Plane Waveguide π-Junction and Cross-Junctions*

    Zhewang MA  Eikichi YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E79-C No:3

    An efficient full-wave approach for the accurate characterization of a H-plane waveguide π-junction with an inductive post and a waveguide cross-junction is proposed. By employing the port reflection coefficient method (PRCM), the analysis and solution procedures of these complex waveguide junctions are greatly simplified and only the calculation of field reflections caused by the simplest waveguide step-junction discontinuities are required. The reflections are easily determined by the mode-matching technique. Scattering parameters of these junctions are provided and discussed in terms of the working frequency and the geometrical dimensions of the junctions. Calculated results are compared with those of other papers and measurements, all show good agreement.

  • Coupling Coefficients and Coupled Power Equations Describing the Crosstalk in an Image Fiber

    Akira KOMIYAMA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E79-C No:2

    One of coupling coefficients appearing in the coupled power equations describing the crosstalk in an image fiber is derived based on the coupled mode theory. Cores arranged in the cross-section of the fiber differ randomly to the degree of several percent in size and consequently modes propagating along the cores differ randomly. Random fluctuations of the propagation constants of modes cause the random transfer process of power between the cores, whereas contributions of the random fluctuations of the mode coupling coefficients to the statistical process can be neglected. The coupling coefficient is described as the ratio of the power transfer ratio to the coupling length for two cores with slightly different radii characterizing the random cores. The theoretical results are in good agreement with measurement results except near cutoff.

  • Edge Detection Using Neural Network for Non-uniformly Illuminated Images

    Md. Shoaib BHUIYAN  Hiroshi MATSUO  Akira IWATA  Hideo FUJIMOTO  Makoto SATOH  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E79-D No:2

    Existing edge detection methods provide unsatisfactory results when contrast changes largely within an image due to non-uniform illumination. Koch et al. developed an energy function based upon the Hopfield neural network, whose coefficients were fixed by trial and error, and remain constant for the entire image, irrespective of the differences in intensity level. This paper presents an improved edge detection method for non-uniformly illuminated images. We propose that the energy function coefficients for an image with inconsistent illumination should not remain fixed, rather should vary as a second-order function of the intensity differences between pixels, and actually use a schedule of changing coefficients. The results, compared with those of existing methods, suggest a better strategy for edge detection depending upon both the dynamic range of the original image pixel values as well as their contrast.

  • High Density Optical Disk System Using Two-Dimensional Recording

    Koichiro WAKABAYASHI  Hisataka SUGIYAMA  Atsushi SAITO  Takeshi MAEDA  


    E78-C No:11

    A two-dimensional recording method that achieves double recording density by reducing the track pitch is described. This method uses a flat disk and the data are recorded with circular marks on lattice points. Two-dimensional interference consisting of crosstalk and inter-symbol interference is reduced by two-dimensional equalization. To minimize the two-dimensional interference, the optimum equalization coefficients are calculated dynamically with the reproduced signal of the training marks. Reproduction was simulated and this showed that the signal-to-noise ratio of the processed signal was 24.3 dB under ideal conditions and 19.8 dB under worst-case conditions with the usual magneto-optical media using double recording density. These simulation results were checked by a recording/reproduction experiment. The experimental result for the signal-to-noise ratio of the processed signal was 23.6 dB with an areal density of 2.3 Gbit/in2.

  • PO Diffraction Coefficients for the Surface of Strips on a Grounded Dielectric Slab

    Shuguang CHEN  Masayuki OODO  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  


    E78-C No:10

    In practical applications of the artificial boundary surfaces, such as corrugation and strips on a grounded dielectric slab, the surfaces have finite sizes. The diffraction fields from anisotropic surface of this kind can not be calculated using conventional diffraction coefficients. In this paper, uniform diffraction coefficients for the strips on a grounded dielectric slab are given in the sense of physical optics, as functions of incident angle, polarization and structural parameters of the surface. Firstly, the incident plane wave is decomposed into the two special polarization directions. Then uniform diffraction coefficients originally derived for isotropic surfaces with arbitrary impedance can be applied for each polarization component. Finally, expressions for the diffraction coefficients from the anisotropic surface are given as the sum of those for two polarization components. The validity of the diffraction coefficients is verified theoretically and experimentally.

  • Optical Constants of Magnetic Fluids and Their Application to Optical Switches

    Mitsunori SAITO  Makoto TAKAKUWA  Mitsunobu MIYAGI  


    E78-C No:10

    The complex refractive indices n-jχ of typical magnetic fluids were evaluated for the sake of utilizing them as optical materials. Transmission and reflection spectra were measured in the wavelength range of 0.6-1.6 µm by using monochromators. Magnetic fluids were put into glass cells of 2.5-14-µm thickness for transmission measurement. Due to the absorption by magnetic fluids, the transmittance decreased notably with the increase of the sample thickness. The extinction coefficient χ was evaluated from the dependence of the transmittance on the sample thickness. χ was found to vary between 0.003 and 0.03 depending upon wavelength. The refractive index n was evaluated by fitting theoretical curves to the reflectances that were measured for various incident angles. n was found to vary between 1.6 and 1.7 depending slightly on wavelength. Since a magnetic fluid is a composite of ferrite particles and a solvent, the refractive index can be calculated by using the effective medium theory. The calculated value agreed well with the experimental value. Preliminary experiment of optical switching was also demonstrated by utilizing the mobility of a magnetic fluid.

  • Statistical Analysis of a Simple Constrained High-Order Yule-Walker Tone Frequency Estimator

    Yegui XIAO  Yoshiaki TADOKORO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:10

    In this work, a statistical analysis is performed for a simple constrained high-order Yule-Walker (YW) tone frequency estimator obtained from the first equation of the constrained high-order YW equations. Explicit expressions for its estimation bias and variance are efficiently derived by virtue of a Taylor series expansion technique. Especially, being explicit in terms of frequency, data length and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) value, the resulting bias expression can not be obtained by using the asymptotic analyses used for the parameter estimation methods. The obtained expressions are compared with their counterparts of the Pisarenko tone frequency estimator. Simulations are performed to support the theoretical results.

  • Radiation Properties of Ring-Shaped Microstrip Antenna Array

    Motohiko KOBAYASHI  Eko Tjipto RAHARDJO  Shin-ichiro TSUDA  Misao HANEISHI  


    E78-C No:8

    In this paper, mutual coupling S21 between RMSA (ring-shaped microstrip antenna) elements was estimated by the EMF method based on the cavity model. Then, the validity of the proposed method was tested by experiments. The experiments confirmed satisfactory agreement between the computed and experimental data for S21 in both E- and H-plane arrangements. In addition, a circularly polarized planar array composed of R-MSA elements was designed on the basis of the data of S21. The experimental results of such a planar array demonstrated high performance in radiation pattern as well as axial ratio property. Furthermore, the active reflection coefficient Γ in the R-MSA array was also investigated in both equilateral and square arrangements. The computed results of active reflection coefficient in the array demonstrated high performance in both arrangements.
